2019 PROGRAM Fostering Contemplative Ways of Being - Santa Sabina Center

Page created by Mitchell Walton
2019 PROGRAM Fostering Contemplative Ways of Being - Santa Sabina Center

Ways of Being
2019 PROGRAM Fostering Contemplative Ways of Being - Santa Sabina Center
In 2019 we have three regular monthly offerings:
• Tuesday evening, the Music of Hildegard
• Wednesday, the Day of Prayer
• Wednesday evening, the Teilhard de Chardin study circle
See special opportunities below. Each option requires pre-registration
and pre-payment at least one week in advance.

Tuesday 3 p.m. to Wednesday 3 p.m. — $100
Includes overnight stay on Tuesday, participation in the Hildegard
evening and the Day of Prayer; light breakfast and deli sandwich on

Wednesday 9 a.m. to Thursday 10 a.m. — $100
Includes Wednesday Day of Prayer, deli sandwich on Wednesday,
Wednesday evening Teilhard study circle, overnight stay on
Wednesday and light breakfast on Thursday morning.

Tuesday 3 p.m. to Thursday 10 a.m. — $175
Includes Hildegard evening, Wednesday Day of Prayer, Wednesday
evening Teilhard study circle, two overnights, light breakfast
Wednesday and Thursday mornings and deli sandwich on Wednesday.

Private Stays by Arrangement — contact for current rate
Private stays at other times may be arranged when our calendar
permits. An overnight stay includes a light breakfast. Single or double
occupancy may be arranged. Requires pre-registration and non-
refundable deposit of $25 at least two weeks in advance.

We are pleased to offer a rich and diverse set of programs for 2019.
Should you like the idea of participating in more than one of these
programs, perhaps the subscription options below will be especially

Three Weekend Retreats: $1200
Requires pre-registration for the three retreats and payment in full at
least one month prior to the first program.

One Week-long Retreat and One Weekend Retreat: $1025
Requires pre-registration for the two retreats and payment in full at
least one month prior to the first program.
2019 PROGRAM Fostering Contemplative Ways of Being - Santa Sabina Center
Dear Friends of Santa Sabina,

As you open our 2019 brochure, know we are sending you abundant
autumn blessings! Our efforts to provide you, our participants and
supporters, with rich opportunities to “come away and rest awhile,” as
scripture says, seem more urgently needed than ever. Our earth community
seems engaged in a deep struggle for transformation, to bring renewed
focus and order even as we encounter the dismantling of systems that no
longer serve us. As we navigate these tumultuous times, finding the deep
center is more necessary than ever.
We hope you will take time for your own pause to stay grounded in a
peaceful inner calm. Toward that end, we also hope you may find support
here at Santa Sabina to do just that. Tending the beauty of creation and
the sacred silence, we offer you regular days of prayer and contemplative
concerts as touchstones for reclaiming that inner peacefulness.
We are thrilled also to offer you longer programs with a blend of familiar
presenters and new ones. Brian Pierce, OP, and his preaching partner, Ann
Willits, OP, bring Dominican joy and humor to their sharing of the Word,
sacred scripture and its abundance. Kim Stafford calls forth the creative
attempts that allow us to express the inexpressible – so needed in our
efforts for renewal and the search for inner truth. Michael Fish, OSB Cam,
leads us in continued life exploration as we examine our personal Camino.
We welcome Mark Nepo and Ron Rolheiser, OMI, both much sought-after
inspirational speakers—Mark, helping us find wisdom within our own
hearts, and Ron inviting us into deeper discipleship as we listen for the
heartbeat of God. We round out the year with an Advent day, waiting in
hope with Fr. Padraig Greene.
Even as I review these offerings, I sense the cohesion and opportunities that
can strengthen us all. We hope you find your way to Santa Sabina in 2019;
our warm welcome awaits! Meanwhile, we wish you every blessing as this
year culminates in harvest and moves to winter renewal. Thanksgiving
blessings to you and your loved ones. We will pray light and peace for you
all through the Christmas season and into the New Year.

Sister Margaret Diener, OP
and the Staff of Santa Sabina Center
2019 PROGRAM Fostering Contemplative Ways of Being - Santa Sabina Center
February 7–10, 2019
Retreat weekend with Brian Pierce, OP and Ann Willits, OP
Stumbling into the Word of God: Seatbelts Are Optional!
Brian Pierce, OP, and Ann Willits, OP, bring their love of Scripture, capacity for story-
telling and good humor to this opportunity to encounter the Word of God. They see
this contemplative, scripturally-based weekend as “a chance to let ourselves stumble
haphazardly into the life-giving and exhilarating Word of God.” Their presentations
are interwoven with periods of restful silence allowing time for prayer, reading and
restorative leisure. It is a rare treat to have them with us on the west coast for such an
offering. We encourage you to sign up early.
Dominican friar Brian J. Pierce, OP, a member of
the Southern Province, grew up in Texas. He spent
most of twenty-one years of his Dominican life
in Latin America. Upon his recent return from 6
years in a Rome-based ministry accompanying the
contemplative Dominican nuns worldwide, Brian is
again engaged in itinerant preaching in the U.S. and
in Latin America. He has authored several books,
including We Walk the Path Together: Learning from
Thich Nhat Hanh and Meister Eckhart (Orbis Books,
2005); and Jesus the Prodigal Son (Orbis Books, 2016).
                                      Ann Willits, OP, is a Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa,
                                      Wisconsin. Formerly a high school teacher and
                                      administrator, Ann served on the general council of
                                      her congregation and was co-director of PARABLE.
                                      As an itinerant, mendicant preacher Ann has
                                      recorded three retreats for Now You Know Media
                                      entitled: Writing Home, Dominican Spirituality,
                                      and Finding Mystery in the Ordinary. In addition to
                                      preaching throughout the United States, Ann has
                                      done work in Canada, South and Central America,
                                      Europe, New Zealand and Australia.

Fee for the program with 3 nights lodging and meals: $450
Register by January 3, 2019, for a discounted fee:$400
Commuter fee: $375 Registration deposit: $150
May 16–19, 2019
                                    Retreat weekend with Kim Stafford
                                    Poetry: Expressing the Inexpressible
                                    In song, magic becomes real. In poems, words can
                                    do what they can’t say. Through the spell of language
                                    where love is knit into syllables by an honest voice, we
                                    can begin to convey the otherwise impossible secrets
                                    of our devotions. In this retreat, we will savor poems
                                    that perform the soft magic of blessing, and write in
                                    the spirit of song.
                                    Kim Stafford, currently the poet laureate of Oregon,
is a beloved teacher and poet. He grew up primarily in Oregon following his parents as
they taught and traveled through the West. He is the author of a dozen books of poetry
and prose, and the director of the Northwest Writing Institute, and co-director of the
Documentary Studies Certificate Program at Lewis & Clark College, where he has
taught since 1979. He holds a Ph.D. in medieval literature from the University of Oregon
and has worked as a printer, photographer, oral historian, editor, and visiting writer
at a host of colleges and schools, and offered writing workshops in Italy, Scotland, and
Fee for the program with 3 nights lodging and meals: $450
Register by April 1, 2019, for a discounted fee: $400
Commuter fee: $375 Registration deposit: $150

                                                                          July 8–14, 2019
                                    Retreat week with Michael Fish, OSB Cam
                                    The Camino ~ Life’s Journey
                                    There is a saying “how you walk the Camino is how
                                    you live your life and vice versa.”
                                   Drawing on his experience of walking the Camino
                                   de Santiago a number of times, Michael Fish invites
                                   participants to make what Wendell Berry calls “a
                                   Spiritual Journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous,
                                   humbling and joyful.” Ultimately, this is the journey
                                   by which we come to discover a new way of being
in ourselves, in the world and in prayer. This week-long Camino retreat encompasses
Michael’s series—Camino I, II, and III—and comes on the heels of his fifth Camino.
Michael Fish is a Camaldolese monk and a member of the New Camaldoli Hermitage
in Big Sur, California. He currently lives as a hermit in solitude and prayer. Michael
balances periods of solitude with his gift of offering retreats, talks and spiritual
direction to his brothers and sisters in religious and lay communities.
Fee for the program with 6 nights lodging and meals and retreat materials: $750
Register by May 1, 2019, for a discounted fee: $700
Commuter: $650 Registration deposit: $250
August 7–11, 2019
                                    Retreat with Mark Nepo
                                    The One Life We’re Given:
                                    Finding the Wisdom that Waits in Your Heart
                                   Poet, philosopher, and beloved teacher, Mark Nepo
                                   has been breaking a path of spiritual inquiry for more
                                   than forty years. Based on his recent book, this retreat
                                   will explore how we might truly inhabit the one life
                                   we’re given: by getting closer to life, loving what you
                                   do, finding what can last, and by being kind and useful.
                                   Drawn from his years of teaching, Mark explores
how our hard work and authenticity ready us for meaning and grace. Using ancient and
contemporary stories, poetry, journaling, and dialogue, he unfolds how our sincerity and
labor help us to survive and thrive.
By fully living, we’re led to the wisdom that waits in our heart. This is our invitation and
initiation into grace. No one quite knows how to do this, but learn it we must. Our path
to love and truth depend on this journey. Please bring a journal for your journey over
these days. You might also want to visit his website: www.marknepo.com
Fee for the program with 4 nights lodging and meals: $550
Register by June 15, 2019, for a discounted fee: $500
Commuter fee: $450 Registration deposit: $200

                                                               November 14-17, 2019
                                    Retreat weekend with Ron Rolheiser, OMI
                                    Listening for the Heartbeat of God:
                                    Discipleship in John’s Gospel
                                   A popular retreat leader, Ron Rolheiser will bring
                                   John’s Gospel and Christian discipleship into focus
                                   in this contemplative retreat. The Gospel of John was
                                   written much later than the other Gospels and is much
                                   more mystical than many other parts of scripture. For
                                   John, discipleship consists in listening to the heartbeat
                                   of God. How do we do that? What are the signs that
we are listening? How do we become “the beloved disciple” who hears Christ’s heartbeat?
This retreat will try to unpack John’s mystical description of discipleship. As Evagrius of
Pontus, in the 4th Century, put it: Breast of the Lord, Kingdom of God: who rests against
it, a theologian shall be.
Ron Rolheiser, OMI, a Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary
Immaculate, is currently president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio,
Texas. Known as a community-builder, speaker and writer, Ron’s books on Christian
spirituality are popular throughout the English-speaking world and his weekly column
is carried by more than seventy newspapers worldwide. Ron’s newest book is Wrestling
with God: Finding Hope and Meaning in Our Daily Struggles to Be Human, released in
May 2018.
Fee for the program with 3 nights lodging and meals: $450.
Register by October 1, 2019, for a discounted fee: $400
Commuter fee: $375 Registration deposit: $150
December 7, 2019
                                         Advent retreat day with
                                         Fr. Padraig Greene
                                         Waiting in Joyful Hope—
                                         What Are You Waiting For?
                                         Join Fr. Padraig to enter more deeply into the
                                         Advent season through a contemplative day.
                                         This is an opportunity to spend time reflecting
                                         on the gift of hope that lies within us all.
                                         Reconnecting with both the longing for it and
                                         the joy of this holy gift can transform the days
                                         leading us toward the promise of light and life
                                         that is renewed in the season of Christmas and
                                         the gift of a New Year. Eucharist will close the
                                         day for those who wish to linger.
Fr. Padraig Greene, a priest of the Oakland diocese, currently serves as a hospital
chaplain. He served for many years as a priest in the Catholic community of
Pleasanton, California. Padraig directed the retreat center at the Family Life Centre
in Boyle, Ireland, which was founded in 1987 as a diocesan response to family needs,
providing a variety of services and programs.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Eucharist will follow at 5 p.m.
Fee: $75, includes lunch
Registration deposit: $25

                                         Art-Meditation Retreats
                                              Saturdays 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                                         By appointment only
                                         The Way of Hand Papermaking
                                         A contemplative day of hand papermaking
                                         from natural fibers with papermaker
                                         Harriet Hope. Space for each session is
                                         Harriet Hope
                                         Telephone: 415.259.9440
                                         Email: hhope24@gmail.com
                                         Fee: $60, includes materials and Japanese
                                         bento box lunch.
Music of Hildegard of Bingen
                                                           Tuesdays, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Through the Ear to the Heart with Devi Mathieu
Devi Mathieu leads a gentle, contemplative practice of listening and singing the music
of Hildegard. This restorative evening experience requires no previous familiarity with
the music of Hildegard or with medieval music.
January 8           February 5           March 12                April 9      May 21
September 10        October 15 (No Meeting)                      November 5   December 3

Suggested offering: $10 – $20. Register upon arrival.

Days of Prayer 2019
                                                  Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
Throughout the year various guest presenters guide these quiet, contemplative Days of
Prayer. Generally the day concludes with Eucharist at 1:15 p.m.

January 9           Christina Atienza, OP
February 6          Joe Nassal, CPPS
March 13            Susannah Malarkey, OP
April 10            Patricia Bruno, OP and Jude Siciliano, OP
May 22              Joe Nassal, CPPS
September 11        Colleen McDermott, OP
October 16          Marietta Fahey, SHF
November 6          Barbara Green, OP
December 4          Andrew Colnaghi, OSB Cam

Suggested offering: $20. Register upon arrival.

Study/Reflection Evenings
                                                      Wednesdays, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Are you drawn to a deeper contemplative study of the Christian faith in light of Teilhard
de Chardin’s evolutionary and scientifically considered cosmic view? We explore
Teilhard’s life and thought while reflecting on the implications for ourselves today.
We welcome you to join Dominican Sisters Raya Hanlon, Ruth Droege, and Margaret
Diener in this exploration. We meet once a month on the evening of the Day of Prayer.
See the dates above.

A free will offering for the evening is welcome. Register upon arrival.
Contemplative Concert Series 2018 – 2019
Suggested offering: $20. Garden Reception follows each concert. Register upon arrival.

                                                            October 14, 2018 – 3 p.m.
Awaken Peace
Resident Ensemble MusicAEterna opens our 2018-2019
season with an invitation to Awaken Peace through
the ensemble’s musical dialogue and exploration of the
creative process. Aenea Keyes’ original contemplative
premier has been created for Santa Sabina and is inspired
by visual art and world events. Other works include
Schubert’s lovely Notturno and Mozart’s joyful Piano
Trio in E Major, K. 542.
Santa Sabina’s Ensemble in Residence MusicAEterna artists are director and founder
Aenea M. Keyes, violinist-composer; Michael Graham, cello; and Miles Graber,
piano. Each member performs throughout the Bay Area and teaches privately or in
Bay Area music conservatories.

                                                          December 2, 2018 – 3 p.m.
Bertina Boyadjiev, Harpist · Chris Boyadjiev, Flutist
Celebrating the Spirit of the Season
Bertina Boyadjiev takes inspiration from Jordi Savall’s
observation: “Music expresses and prolongs what words
cannot say, and time acts as a filter, distilling these orally
transmitted melodies and pairing them down to the
truly essential…spirit of the civilization.”
Celebrate this season of beauty, joy, anticipation and
introspection in this performance. Bertina performs
solos and also teams with her son Chris in several duets.
They invite listeners to transcend boundaries through
classical pieces from Bach, Mascagnni, Handel, Mozart
and Nielsen.
Marin resident, Bertina moved to the Bay Area in 1993.
She studied first in her native Bulgaria and performed
there; then, she completed her Masters in music from
Indiana University. At present she performs with the
Napa Valley Symphony, the Marin Symphony and the Mendocino Music Festival.
Formerly a faculty member of the Music Conservatory at San Domenico School,
she now teaches privately. Her son, Chris, a freshman at Marin School of the Arts,
has been a member of the Marin Symphony Youth Orchestra for the past four years
playing flute, piccolo, alto and tenor saxophone. Chris has won numerous awards,
including the Marin Music Chest Scholarship and the 2018 Concerto Competition,
performing as soloist with the Marin Symphony Orchestra in May.
March 10, 2019 – 3 p.m.
Anthony Brown, baritone,
accompanied by Miles Graber
Songs and Stories of Peace, Hope and Justice
Anthony Brown uses song and story to illustrate
the power of music to restore hope and to transform
lives. This moving program performed with pianist,
Miles Graber, invites the audience into the worlds of
those in conflict areas. The concert inspires hope and
involvement for change both at home and abroad. The
audience is invited to sing along on several songs.
Distinguished American baritone, Anthony Brown is a
classically trained singer, whose work has brought him
international acclaim not only for his performances, but
also for his contributions as an ambassador of peace. His
work as peacemaker has taken him to political hot spots
in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and across North
America. Through his music, he inspires audiences
around the world to join the movement for peace, justice
and reconciliation.

                                                            May 19, 2019 – 3 p.m.
MusicAEterna and Friends in Concert
For this closing concert of the 2018-19 season, MusicAEterna director Aenea M. Keyes
has invited two additional Bay Area artists to join in the music-making. In a musical
journey from the classical era to the present. The ensemble performs Mozart’s exuberant
Piano Quartet No. 2 with violist Stephanie Ng and Shostakovich’s early, romantic Five
Pieces with oboist Jesse Rex Barrett.
The quintet closes with Keyes’ own contemplative Pilgrimage for piano, oboe and strings
which invites the audience into mindful listening and expresses a musical dialogue
between sacred sanctuaries and the pilgrim’s healing journey to peace.
• Discounts available for early registration by the dates indicated.
• Required deposit amounts indicated with the fee information.
• Scholarship assistance is available for individual programs.
• Cancellation policy: Individuals cancelling a retreat 14 or more days prior to the retreat
  will forfeit $75 of the deposit. If less than 14 days, the entire deposit is forfeited.

If you would like to receive program updates, please send your email address to
info@santasabinacenter.org. We will be delighted to add you to our email list.

Santa Sabina Center
25 Magnolia Avenue                 Tel: 415.457.7727          info@santasabinacenter.org
San Rafael, CA 94901-2200          Fax: 415.457.2310          www.santasabinacenter.org
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