EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church

Page created by Clifford Walsh
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
                         Sunday, February 27, 2022

                                                                       St. Joseph Parish
                                                                    Old Mission San Jose
                                                                      FOUNDED 1797 -
                                                                     43148 Mission Blvd
                                                                         PO Box 3276
                                                                     Fremont, CA 94539
                                                                   Phone: (510) 656-2364

         “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good,
                but an evil person out of the store of evil produces evil;
                  for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.”
                                       Luke 6: 45

  “Through prayer and service, the Saint Joseph family will strive to bring the community
together to love, heal, and support one another as the people we are called to be in Christ.”
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Parish Prayer
        Oh Lord,
 You are the Potter,
    we are the clay.
  Design us to reflect
your glory as we rebuild
      your Church.
  Fashion our ears to
     hear new ideas.
 Shape our hearts to
   appreciate others’
 creativity and insight.
 Form our eyes to see
  Jesus in each other.
Mold our community to
       be united in
     our pilgrimage.
Help us build a place
        of refuge,
     a holy temple,
  with Jesus as the
 May we work together
  with love and care,
   ever mindful that
        the spirit,
   not the structure,
    is the essence of
        the design.
 May we come together
  as a family of one,
     to be guided by
      the Father,
      Holy Spirit,
        and Son.
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Prayer to

 Saint Michael
  the Archangel,
    defend us in
   battle, be our
    against the
  wickedness and
   snares of the
devil. May God
  rebuke him, we
humbly pray; and
      do thou,
O Prince of the
 Heavenly host,
 by the power of
 God, thrust into
 hell Satan and
    all the evil
spirits who prowl
 about the world
 seeking the ruin
     of Souls.

EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Prayer List                           Mass Intentions for the Week
           Fernanda Barros,               February 26th  5:30 pm †Dorothy Ferreira, †Diana Skokan
         Dale Bea y, Bob Benya,           February 27th  8:00 am †Sofia Enriquez, †Diana Skokan
                                                                 Intentions of Laivu Huynh,
      Ellen Culver, Grady Guinee,
                                                                 Priests of the Diocese of Oakland
              Devin Heinze,                             10:00 am Deceased Members of the Benya Family,
         Dylan Horwitz, Ray Liu,                                 †James, Evelyn, James II Deiso
      Lisa Maya, June Mastrocola,                       12:00 pm †Ronald Lee, †Dorothy Ferreira, †Diana Skokan
       Will Pearce, George Perry,                                Intentions of Dilip Antony Joseph
    Janice Pieracci, Linda Raimundo,                     3:00 pm †Phong Quoc Nguyen, †Paul Tuan Quoc Nguyen
  Geri Rogers, Brent Rose, Eric Rutkin,                  5:00 pm †Diana Skokan
      Liz Rutkin, Robert Simpson,                        7:00 pm †Diana Skokan
   James Skokan, Zennia Villanueva,       February 28th 8:00 am †Ronald Lee
               Dennis Wild                March 1st      8:00 am †Ronald Lee, †Felix Wang, †Diana Skokan
                                                                 Intentions of Evelyn and Cris Raimundo
     And please pray for those            March 2nd      8:00 am †Ronald Lee, †Michael Ruiz, †Diana Skokan,
  who have gone before us in faith.                     12:00 pm †Diana Skokan
                                                         7:00 pm †Diana Skokan
      Cora Bareng, Daniel Lydon,          March 3rd      8:00 am †Ronald Lee, †Diana Skokan
    Sofia Enriquez, Karen Whitson,        March 4th      8:00 am †Ronald Lee, †Deceased Members of the Arakkal Family
            Nancy Newman                  March 5th      8:00 am †Ronald Lee, †Emelda Nilsen, †CJ Joseph
                                                         5:30 pm †Ronald Lee, †Diana Skokan, †Lourdes Bharatti

                                          Holy Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil Holy Mass -         5:30 pm     The Mission
Sunday Holy Mass -                 8:00 am     The Mission
                                   10:00 am    Main Church
                                   12:00 pm    Main Church
                                   3:00 pm     Main Church (Holy Mass in Vietnamese)
                                   5:00 pm     Main Church (Holy Mass in Chinese)
                                   7:00 pm     The Mission (Youth, Confirma on & Young Adults)
Daily Holy Mass -                  Monday through Saturday - The Mission
                                   7:30 am   Holy Rosary, Confession
                                   8:00 am   Holy Mass
                                   8:30 am   Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Eucharistic Adoration -            Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
                                   9:00 am - 9:00 pm    Eucharis c Adora on Chapel in the Main Church
                                   8:30 am - 6:00 pm    Eucharis c Adora on Chapel in the Main Church
                                   6:00 pm - 6:30 pm    Evening Prayer and Benedic on - Main Church
                                   7:00 pm - 7:30 pm    Mass in Vietnamese - Main Church
                                   9:00 am - 5:00 pm    Eucharis c Adora on Chapel in the Main Church
First Wednesday of the month - Devo on to Saint Joseph: 7:00 pm Mass in the Mission
First Friday of the month - Devo on to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 8:00 am Mass in the Mission
First Saturday of the month - Devo on to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: 8:00 am Mass in the Mission
Confessions -                By appointment or 30 minutes before both daily and Sunday Masses.
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Sunday, Feb 27, 2022                                                       Thursday, Mar 03, 2022
Lord, that we may see                                                      Exceed expectaƟons
People of goodwill generally assume they're not complicit in               Katharine Drexel was a wealthy heiress in late 19th-century Phil-
racism or racist prac ces. That's because we describe racism as            adelphia. She rocked that world one day: "Miss Drexel Enters a
a tudes, words, and acts intended to harm or subordinate.                  Catholic Convent—Gives Up Seven Million,” the Philadelphia
People whose origins are different from ours. However, racism               Public Ledger announced when she decided not to simply be-
involves omissions as well as ac ons: in what we fail to do or say         come a nun but to found her own religious order. Head of the
to make equality tangible for everyone. Racism can also be ins -           Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, she used her family fortune to
tu onalized in laws, educa on, hiring prac ces, economic op-               found the na on’s only Catholic university for African Americans
portuni es, zoning regula ons, and vo ng restric ons. Racism               (Xavier University in New Orleans), schools for Na ve Ameri-
operates best under the surface. As Pope Francis reminds us: Let           cans, and more. Are you, too, being called by God to do some-
none of us imagine that conversion of hearts isn't meant for us.           thing unexpected?
TODAY'S READINGS: Sirach 27:4-7; 1 Corinthians 15:54-58; Luke              TODAY'S READINGS: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25 (220). “What profit is
6:39-45 (84). "Why do you no ce the splinter in your brother's eye,        there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?”
but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?"
                                                                           Friday, Mar 04, 2022
Monday, Feb 28, 2022                                                       FRIDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY; DAY OF ABSTINENCE
Build it up                                                                A cleansing fast
Ever wonder what the kingdom of God will be like? Well, look               A couple years ago, two young white women decided that they
around, because you’re already living in it. Not seeing all the            needed to more closely align their spiritual prac ces of Lent
love, peace, and jus ce you were promised? The kingdom of                  with their commitment to being an -racist. They chose, as they
God began with Christ’s death and Resurrec on and will be                  wrote in Sojourners magazine, to try fas ng from media that
brought into perfec on by Christ at the end of me. Un l then,              lacked a diversity of voices and to spend Lent engaged with
it’s our job as Chris ans to build the Kingdom up. Pray, discern           books, films, and podcasts wri en or directed by women of col-
what God is calling you to do, and act to make this world more             or. Their goal was to take a step toward repentance, which is
harmonious and respec ul of the dignity of others. And then of             one of the hallmarks of Lent. To repent is to turn away from sin,
course, wait with hope.                                                    including the sin of racism. What Lenten prac ce of prayer,
TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Peter 1:3-9; Mark 10:17-27 (347). “For men it          fas ng, or almsgiving might you contribute toward being more
is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.”
                                                                           intercultural and helping end racism?
                                                                           TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 58:1-9a; Ma hew 9:14-15 (221). “This, rather, is the
Tuesday, Mar 01, 2022                                                      fas ng that I wish.”
Your Rx for Lent
While many Chris ans focus on feas ng today—ahead of                       Saturday, Mar 05, 2022
tomorrow’s fas ng—it’s also a good me to survey a smorgas-                 SATURDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY

bord of peniten al spiritual prac ces, perfect for the upcoming            Tax forgiveness
Lenten season. Saint John Chrysostom iden fies five in one of              Tax collectors in Jesus’ me were par cularly despised. The Ro-
his homilies: “I have shown you five paths of repentance:                  man occupiers auc oned off the right to collect taxes to the
acknowledgement of your own sins, forgiveness of our neigh-                highest bidders, who then aggressively collected taxes from
bor’s sins against us, prayer, almsgiving, and humility.” Sounding         their neighbors in order to turn a profit on their “investment.”
more like a doctor than one of the doctors of the church, he               When Jesus calls Levi the tax collector to follow him and a ends
concludes: “Now that we have learned how to heal our wounds,               a celebra on with Levi’s tax-collec ng cohorts, the shock among
let us apply the cures.” How will you fill your prescrip on?               the Jewish leaders is evident. But Levi became Ma hew, the
TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Peter 1:10-16; Mark 10:28-31 (348). “Do not            evangelist, and wrote a vivid account of the Good News. Jesus
act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance.”              sees beyond the worst in us and brings out the best. Follow his
Wednesday, Mar 02, 2022                                                    TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 58:9b-14; Luke 5:27-32 (222). “Jesus saw a tax collector
                                                                           named Levi si ng at the customs post. He said to him, ‘Follow me.’”
Add another step to your Lenten journey                                    Invest
Ash Wednesday is full of rituals and tradi ons of fas ng, prayer,
and almsgiving. But it includes an extra step. As Pope Francis
puts it, it is a me “to find concrete ways to overcome our in-
difference.” So in addi on to your regular Lenten prac ces, try
to care more deeply about the suffering and disaffected in your
community. Volunteer at your parish, a local charity, or for a
social cause. Or simply go for a walk and reflect on how Jesus is
present in those you encounter along the way.
TODAY'S READINGS: Joel 2:12-18; 2 Corinthians 5:20—6:2; Ma hew
6:1-6, 16-18 (219). “And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
The New Year and A Rite of Acceptance
                  If you’d like to learn more, contact RCIA Team Leader, Bill Ramos at
                       510.270.8051 or email at rcia@saintjosephmsj.org.

           Second and Special Collections                          Parish Offering Totals
          2/27/22         Aide to Eastern Europe                        Sunday, 2/06/2022
          3/02/22         Ash Wednesday                   Electronic Fund Transfer       $ 5,912.00
          3/27/22         Catholic Relief Services        Plate Collec on:               $11,855.00
          4/15/22         Holy Land Collec on             Grand Total:                   $17,767.00

                                                                        Sunday, 2/13/2022
                      Save the date! The 2022             Electronic Fund Transfer:    $ 4,367.00
                      Bishop’s Ministries Appeal          Plate Collec on:             $ 7,954.00
                      campaign will begin Feb. 26.        Grand Total:                 $12,321.00
                      Join us in prayer as we await       Thank you for your generosity and support!
                      the start of this campaign to
                      support the vital work of the
                      ministries in our diocese.

                        Erosion Repairs Completed at St. Joseph Cemetery

Last month we shared a picture of the
work being done to repair soil erosion
along the Mission Boulevard frontage of
St. Joseph Cemetery located on Mission
Blvd at Felipe Common. A leaking
irriga on system and unstable soil on the
slope above the sidewalk retaining walls
were the source of the problem. The
slope has been stabilized and burlap
ne ng and wa les installed to keep the
soil in place. Drought tolerant plants will
be added later this spring.
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Saint Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Parish/ Old Mission San Jose
                                           Lent Retreat
                                                   March 12, 2022
                                     Be enriched and transformed
                                   Lenten Journey with St. Joseph
                                  Fr. Luke Joseph Leighton CFR, Facilitator

 Master of Divinity—St. Joseph Seminary, Yonkers, NY
 Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Retreat Ministry                                           Freewill
 ·   8:00 Mass in the Mission followed by
 ·   Continental Breakfast in the Hall
 ·   9:30 a.m.—12:30 Retreat in Church
 ·   Register online at parish website or 510-656-2364 x 205

                                         All Men: Come Celebrate Fat Tuesday!
                Throw away that Covid mask and don a proper Mardi Gras mask to celebrate Fat Tuesday. The
                St. Joseph Men’s Club invites all men of the parish to our March 1st Mardi Gras Mee ng in a room
                reserved just for us at Bronco Billy’s Pizza at 41200 Blacow Rd in Fremont (near Irvington High School).
                We have a trivia compe on lined up to find out just how much you know about this very Catholic
 feast with its roots da ng back to Roman Times. Join us at 6:30PM at Bronco Billy’s for tasty pizza and a beverage of
 your choice…free for prospec ve members. Contact Gary Dorighi at gdorighi@comcast.net or call (510) 378-6331
 for addi onal informa on.

                               CYO Track and Field—Register by March 1
                     Our 2022 St. Joseph CYO Track and Field season is coming soon! Incoming grades Kindergar-
                     ten through 8th are invited to par cipate. If you are interested, please complete your registra on
                     ASAP. Registra on is processed through Blue Sombrero. Please follow the link below. You will have
                     to create an account and enter in your child’s informa on. Once you’ve entered in your child’s in-
                     forma on, a program will become available for St. Joseph CYO Track and Field 2022.
                     h ps://clubs.bluesombrero.com/stjosephcyofremont
        All registra on and payment must be completed by March 1st. If there are any ques ons regarding the
registra on process or the program, please contact Hiep Pham at (510) 789-7736 or hiepphamcpa@gmail.com.
During the registra on process, you will have an opportunity to volunteer to be part of the CYO program. We need
your help in making CYO a successful program and also it’s an excellent way to be involved in our children’s lives.
                            Please volunteer to become a coach, volunteer, team parent, etc.

St. Joseph School is looking for a faith-filled long term substitute Instructional
Teacher Assistant for their Kindergarten classroom.
Dates needed: April 4th - June 10th. Essen al du es include suppor ng the classroom teacher,
assis ng students in the classroom and for yard supervision. This is a part- me posi on including
Monday - Friday/ 24 hours per week.
                 A daily rate will be determined based on experience. If interested, please contact
                 St. Joseph School Principal Pa Calton at the contact informa on below. Send a cover le er and
                 resume to pcalton@sjsmsj.org. School office number is 510-656-6525. Want to know more about
                 the school, check out our St. Joseph School Website - Click Here        Thank You & God Bless!

                        MISSION GIFT SHOP MANAGER
                        Old Mission San Jose is looking to hire a Mission Gi Shop Manager. The primary responsibility
                        for this posi on is to Plan, Organize, Staff, Direct, and Control day-to-day opera ons of the
                        Mission Gi Shop. This posi on is part- me, 24 hours per week, non-exempt. To learn about
                        the full job descrip on, please visit sainjosephmsj.org website. To apply please email a cover
                        le er and resume to Gina Mehta at gmehta@saintjosephmsj.org

                                   Mission 225 News
                                         February’s talk, “Mission San Jose: Then and Now,” by
                                         Patricia Schaffarczyk from Washington Township
                                         Museum of Local History captured the a en on of over
                                         70 a endees. Wonderful photos from their museum
                                         archives combined with stories about the many
                                         immigrant families arriving a er the Gold Rush were the
                                         hallmark of this presenta on.
                                         Our Speaker Series pauses in March to allow for our
Lenten Retreat. However, we come back Saturday, April 9 at 9:30 AM for “Mission San Jose's
Musical Memories.” You won’t want to miss Dr. Harmony Rose Murphy explain, show, and
demonstrate the world of music that placed Mission San Jose’ at the musical center of the
California Missions. Go to h ps://mission225.org/speaker-series for details and ckets for this
sure-to-be-popular presenta on.
  AND: Please help us spread the word: “LIKE” our Mission San Jose & Museum Facebook page:
  Check our website for updates and sign up for the “Mensajero” newsle er at mission225.org.

                              The Storage Shed Needs Replenishing
                              We have been able to supply our Refugee families with stored donated items to help them set up
              2               housekeeping. However, our supplies are ge ng low. A quick inventory shows we need: twin
                              and queen sized blankets, laundry baskets, lamps, sets of dishes and utensils, rice cookers, coffee
                              pots, baking pans, measuring cups and spoons, small/medium & large sauce pans, cooking uten-
                              sils and bath/hand & face towels. We also have had to purchase ma resses for beds. If you can
                              supply any of these items, or make a dona on to cover some of the costs, please contact Don
                              Kaefer at 510-427-3007 or donaldkaefer@gmail.com. Please send items to the church office
                              (43148 Mission Blvd.) if you purchase them online. We could not do this without the support of
                              so many. Thank you!
Parish Staff
Fr. Anthony Huong Le

Permanent Deacon                                          Permanent Deacon
Deacon Dick Bayless                                      Deacon Benjamin Lai
510-656-2364                                                   510-656-2364
deaconbayless@saintjosephmsj.org                deaconlai@saintjosephmsj.org

Pastor Emeritus                                                       Pa Calton
Msgr. Manuel C. Simas                               Principal, St. Joseph School
510-656-2364                                                       510-656-6525

                                                                 Nancy Dorighi
Gina Mehta
                                           (Interim) Mission Business Manager
Business Manager
                                                   Sr. Bernade e Nguyen, LHC
Ron McKean                                             Family of Faith Ministry
Director of Music Ministries                                     510-657-0905
510-508-3855                               sisterbnguyen@saintjosephmsj.org

                                                        Sr. Marcia Krause, OP
Helen Campbell
                                                             Adult Spirituality
Pastoral Care Ministry

                                                        Jimmy Jimenez-Garcia
Sandra Hernandez                                      Family of Faith Ministry
Parish Secretary                           Director of Youth and Young Adult
510-656-2364                                                    510-657-0905
shernandez@saintjosephmsj.org                     jgarcia@saintjosephmsj.org

Bill Ramos                                                      Grace Lichauco
RCIA Team Leader
                                                      Family of Faith Secretary
rcia@saintjosephmsj.org                                          510-657-0905

              Parish Office Hours                  Outreach:
           Monday to Thursday—9am to 4pm      Sr. John Marie’s Pantry:
               Friday—9am to 12noon                 510-490-4171
              Saturday—9am to 12 noon           St. Vincent de Paul:
               Closed—12noon to 1pm                 510-661-9572
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