St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley

Page created by Brandon Navarro
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
St. Anthony Catholic Church
971 O’Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785
    (925) 625-2048   Fax: (925) 625-4433
     Welcome / Bienvenidos
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
St. Anthony Parish Mission                       Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial
                    Our community follows Jesus                      (925) 625-2048     Fax: (925) 625-4433
                 by praying, loving and serving God.                       Monday, Wednesday, Friday
                    Nuestra comunidad conoce y                             (Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes)
                  sique a Jesús rezando, amando, y                       9AM to 12PM and 1PM to 6PM
                          sirviendo a Dios.
                      St. Anthony, pray for us.                PASTORAL and OFFICE STAFF
                  San Antonio, ruega por nosotros.               Fr. Rafael Hinojosa, Parochial Administrator
                                                                 Fr. Mac Lingo, Parochial Vicar
CONFESSION / CONFESION                                           Deacon Alberto Cruz
   Saturday: 3:30PM to 4:30PM or by appointment                  Deacon Emeritus Joe Tovar
   Monday: After the 6:30PM Mass                                 Deacon Emeritus Alan Layden
                                                                 Br. Juan Carlos Ponce, Pastoral Year Intern
MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS                                 Parish Secretary, Carolina Jauregui, 625-9214
         Daily: 8:30AM Bilingual in the Church
Daily Mon & Wed: 6:30PM Español en la Iglesia
                                                                 Parish Bookkeeper, Celeste Plate
Daily Tue & Thu: 6:30PM English in the Church                  FAITH FORMATION COORDINATOR
       Daily Fri: 6:30PM Bilingual in the Church               Call the Parish Office, (925) 625-2048 for more
      Saturday: 5:00PM English in the Church                   program information or to register.
    Sunday:      8:00AM English in the Church                   Baptism, Carolina Jauregui
  Sunday: 10:00AM English in the Plaza & Live Stream
  Sunday: 12:00PM Español en la Plaza & Live Stream             CCD, Belen Capilla
      Sunday:    2:00PM Español en la Iglesia                   EDGE, Natalie Earley
      Sunday:    5:00PM Español en la Iglesia                   Youth Confirmation, Liz Avalos
                                                                Adult Confirmation, Jaime Jauregui
Live Stream Mass                                                Rite of Christian Initiation
                                                                     For Adults (English), Michael Maeda
                                                                     For Adults (Español), Esperanza Vega
                                                                     For Children, Monica Cardoza
                                                               Special Religious Development (SPRED), John Dixon
        SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE                         Email and Text Scam Involving Priests

          Monday: 7PM to 9PM in the Church
         Friday: 7PM to 11PM in the Church
 Scheduling Coordinator: Linda Hipólito (925) 493-0976
                                                               Giving Made Simple

    Lunes a Viernes: 9:30 am a 6:30pm en la Iglesia
            Lunes: 7pm a 9pm en la Iglesia
           Viernes: 7pm a 11pm en la Iglesia
 Coordinadora del Horario para Adoración al Santísimo
             Linda Hipólito 925-493-0976
  H     C      C               F         C
  2200 East 18th Street, Antioch, (925) 757-0658
We recommend using Catholic Funeral and Cemetery                              Sunday Collection
Services (CFCS) at Holy Cross Cemetery and Funeral                      Totals for September 5 and 12, 2021
Center. Their staff will contact the parish office to assist                         Plate         GIVE+
you with your arrangements.                                       1st Collection: $13,560.00       $2,705.00
Clergy Sexual Abuse                                               2nd Collection: $2,080.00        $645.00
Any reports of abuse should be directed to the Office                  Thank you for your generous support.
of the Chancellor, at (510) 267-8334.                                     Gracias por su generoso apoyo.

            Second Collection Schedule                — An Online Faith Website
      September 19 Grounds Maintenance                            St. Anthony is a subscriber of
      September 26 Padua Hall Maintenance                              Select “St. Anthony Oakley, CA”
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
September 19, 2021
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                            Mass Intentions For The Week
THE MEANING OF DISCIPLESHIP                                                    Saturday, September 18
The geography of today’s Gospel is significant.                                 5:00PM 
Jesus is completing his ministry in Galilee and                                Sunday, September 19
beginning his journey to Jerusalem, where he will                                   8AM 
meet both death and resurrection. The prediction of                               10AM For the Community of St. Anthony
his death placed here is the second of three in Mark’s                             12PM Neftali Francisco Leon Morales
Gospel, and as usual it is the occasion for an                                           Joselyn Mojica (Thanksgiving/Health)
important teaching on the part of Jesus. Today that                                 2PM Gloria Rodriguez
lesson is tied to the need for his disciples to embrace                                  Amparo Hernandez (Thanksgiving/Health)
a ministry of service. A play on words in Aramaic                                   5PM Brigido Vasquez
would have linked the words “child” and “servant,”                                       Maria Lopez Patiño (Thanksgiving)
thus turning Jesus’ gesture of placing a child in their                        Monday, September 20
midst into an illustration of his understanding of                              8:30AM Fidel y Piedad Zaragoza
himself as the Servant of the Lord. It is that same                             6:30PM Joan y Carmen Martinez
awareness of the meaning of their ministry that Jesus                          Tuesday, September 21
(and Mark) wishes to instill in the disciples.                                  8:30AM Hnas Hernandez Luna
Theirs must be a ministry of service if they are to                                      Luis Humberto y Yoselin Del Ral
follow in the footsteps of Jesus. And that service                              6:30PM 
might even require of them that they be “handed                                          Cynthia Mojica (Thanksgiving)
over” to death. What would have been—in the culture                            Wednesday, September 22
of Jesus’ day—an ordinary discussion of social status                           8:30AM Joel y Juan Carlos Lopez
(“who is the greatest”) becomes in Mark’s context a                                      Por los homeless
key insight into the meaning of discipleship for the                            6:30PM 
disciples and for us.                                                          Thursday, September 23
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                                                8:30AM 
TODAY’S READINGS                                                                         Fr. Mac Lingo (Thanksgiving)
First Reading — The wicked say: With revilement                                 6:30PM 
and torture let us put the just one to the test (Wisdom                                  Fr. Rafael Hinojosa (Thanksgiving)
2:12, 17-20).                                                                  Friday, September 24
Psalm — The Lord upholds my life (Psalm 54).                                    8:30AM Jesus y Maria Dolores Castellanos
Second Reading — The wisdom from above is full                                  6:30PM Martha Lomeli Guerrero
of mercy and good fruits (James 3:16 — 4:3).                                             Familia Don Juan (Salud)
Gospel — Whoever receives one child such as this in                            Saturday, September 25
my name, receives me (Mark 9:30-37).                                            5:00PM Steven Saho
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy         Sunday, September 26
Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                   8AM For the Community of St. Anthony
Special Event Approval                                                            10AM Levtele Atonio Matu’u
                                                                                   12PM Margarito Lopez Arellano
                                                                                         Gonzalo y Jajahira Gallardo
                                                                                                     (20th Wedding Anniversary)
                                                                                    2PM Joel y Juan Carlos Lopez
                                                                                    5PM Ana Maria y Edmundo Amescua
Saturday and Sunday, 25th and 26th September.                                               St. Anthony pray for us.
Olive wood handicrafts from the Holy Land will be
on sale here at St. Anthony. Support your brothers                            Daily Rosary
and sisters in the Holy Land.                                                 Livestreamed Only at 6:30PM. Monday, Wednesday
                                                                              and Friday in English. Tuesday and Saturday in
Submissions to the Sunday Bulletin                                            Spanish. Sunday before 10AM and 12PM Mass.
Deadline by noon on Monday, six (6) days prior
to the desired Sunday of publication. Send files                              Help Beautify the Sanctuary with Flowers
to or call                                  Donate flowers to decorate our Sanctuary. Call the
Michael Maeda, (925) 451-6883.                                                church office at (925) 625-2048 for more information.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                Schedule of Events
                                                                    Horario de Eventos
                                                       All Parish events have been suspended, canceled or
                                                       postponed by Bishop Barber as we are ordered to
                                                       curb the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19.
                                                       This Order will continue to be in effect until it is
                                                       extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in
                                                       writing by the Order of the Contra Costa County
                                                       Public Health Officer.

                                                       POPE FRANCIS SHARES VIDEO
                                                       MESSAGE URGING PEOPLE TO GET
                                                       VACCINATED AGAINST COVID-19
                                                       The Pope has joined with Bishops across North and
                                                       South America to urge people to get vaccinated
                                                       against COVID-19. “Thanks to God’s grace and to
                                                       the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us
                                                       from COVID-19,” Pope Francis says in the PSA.
                                                       “Getting the vaccines that are authorized by the
                                                       respective authorities is an act of love.

                                                       Watch Pope Francis’s message in the video at https://
                                                       Bishop’s Appeal: “Rebuild My Church”
                                                       As of 19 August 2021, St. Anthony is at 62.69% of
                                                       our $21,100 goal. 35 St. Anthony families have
                                                       contributed to the Bishop’s Appeal. This year has
                                                       been challenging for so many. Now, more than ever,
                                                       the good work of the Church is needed in our
                                                       community. From Faith Formation for students and
                                                       adults, to important ministry works, to supporting our
                                                       schools and parishes, our Diocese is making a
                                                       difference in people’s lives every single day —
                                                       thanks to the prayers and contributions of our catholic
                                                       community. Make your pledge or donation at:
                                                       Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
                                                       St. Anthony Council 10414 is looking for men to join
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.                     their fraternal organization in church and community
    Support the Businesses and Merchants               services. For more info contact Grand Knight Danny
   whose advertisements make this bulletin possible.   Avalos. Call (510) 447-9897.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
Juan Carlos Ponce to Intern at St. Anthony            Please Pray For/Oremos Por
                                             Deacon Joe Tovar             Karen Valdez
                                             Andrea Spindler              Lilian Stapelberg
                                             Antonio Velasquez            Lorraine Fallon
                                             Arthur Pena                  Margarita Avalos
                                             Avelina Sablan Salas         Marge Browne
                                             Bartolome Robinos            Maria Guadalupe Galvan
                                             Bebit Belotendos             Marlene Layden
                                             Bernadine Benavente          Mayra Murillo
                                             Bev Rossi                    Michael Makinano, Sr.
                                             Consolacion Borja Muna Michael Makinano, Jr.
                                             Danny Luna, Sr.              Olga Ramos
                                             Danny Luna, Jr.              Patrick Pena
                                             Erica Jaranilla              Ricardo Jimenez
                                             Fatima Matuu                 Rigoberto Hinojosa
                                             Gay Lacsa                    Rocco Vicente Reyes
                                             Gloria Ibarra                Rolando Abad
                                             Grace Bustos                 Ron Cruz
                                             Guadalupe Sanchez            Stella Benitez
                                             Guillermo Villanueva         Tina Herrera
                                             Helen Alleman                Tita Lira
                                             Heriberto Diaz               Teri Hernandez
                                             Hilal Sabbagh                Thomas DiGiallonardo
                                             Joanne Salas                 Tony Rodriguez
                                             John Salas                   Zuhair Murad
                                             Jose Munoz
                                                 Our Men and Women of the military services.
                                             Names are removed periodically. If you wish to add
                                             a loved one, please call the office at 625-2048.
                                             Sacrament of the Sick
                                             Please notify the parish office of any parishioner who
                                             is ill or infirm to request a visit, to receive the
                                             Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Communion at
                                             home, hospital or assisted living facility.

                                             An Invitation to Join the Columbiettes
                                             Columbiettes of St. Anthony Council 10414 is
                                             offering the opportunity for women at least 18 years
                                             of age to join our church community service
                                             organization and support of the Squirrettes.
                                             Please contact Yuklin Abraham. Call (925) 305-8004.

                                             If you need assistance, would like to volunteer or
                                             donate, contact the St. Vincent de Paul St. Anthony
                                             Conference at 925-325-7424. St. Vincent de Paul
                                             provides various forms of assistance which may
                                             include food, clothes, furniture, housing assistance,
                                             and referrals to other professional agencies.

                                             St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
                                             Open on the 2nd and 4th Saturday from 8:30AM to
                                             10AM in the Parish Hall. If you need food outside of
                                             these dates call (925) 325-7424.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
19 de septiembre de 2021

La geografía del Evangelio de hoy es importante.
Jesús completa su ministerio en Galilea y comienza
su viaje a Jerusalén, donde se encontrará con su
muerte y resurrección. La predicción de su muerte
que aparece aquí es la segunda de tres en el
Evangelio según San Marcos, y como de costumbre,
es ocasión para una enseñanza importante de parte de
Jesús. Hoy esta lección está ligada a la necesidad de
un ministerio de servicio. Un juego de palabras                      EL PAPA FRANCISCO COMPARTE UN
arameas vinculaban las palabras “niño” y “servidor”,                 MENSAJE DE VIDEO INSTANDO A LAS
y por eso el gesto de Jesús de tomar “a un niño                      PERSONAS A VACUNARSE CONTRA
[poniéndolo] en medio de ellos” indica cómo se veía
a sí mismo: como el Siervo del Señor. Es esta misma                  EL COVID-19
conciencia del significado del ministerio que Jesús                  El Papa se ha unido a los obispos de América del
(y Marcos) desean inculcar en sus discípulos.                        Norte y del Sur para instar a las personas a vacunarse
El ministerio de ellos deberá ser de servicio para que               contra el COVID-19. “Gracias a la gracia de Dios y al
puedan seguir las huellas de Jesús. Y ese servicio                   trabajo de muchos, ahora tenemos vacunas para
podría incluso requerir de ellos que se “entregaran”                 protegernos del COVID-19”, dice el Papa Francisco
a la muerte. ¿Cuál habría sido, en la cultura del                    en el PSA. “Conseguir las vacunas que autorizan las
tiempo de Jesús, una conversación normal sobre el                    respectivas autoridades es un acto de amor. Le pido a
estatus social (“quién es el más importante”)                        Dios que cada uno de nosotros pueda hacer su
se convierte para Marcos en una idea clave sobre el                  pequeño gesto de amor, por pequeño que sea, el amor
significado de qué es ser discípulos para sus
seguidores de entonces y para nosotros.                              en el video a
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                         v=kHBjoUotfBQ
Primera lectura — Dios ayudará y liberará a los
                                                                     Gratis Vacuna Del Covid
                                                                     La Clínica De La Raza MOBILE TEAM está
justos (Sabiduría 2:12, 17-20).
                                                                     ofreciendo la VACUNA del COVID (Janssen/J&J)
Salmo —
Segunda lectura —La sabiduría trae consigo muchas
bendiciones (Santiago 3:16 — 4:3).
Evangelio — Jesús enseña a sus discípulos a tener
humildad y sencillez como la de un niño
(Marcos 9:30-37).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970,
Comisión Episcopal Española.

                   San Antonio ruega por nosotros

                       Segunda Colecta
     19 de Septiembre Mantenimiento de terrenos                             Apoye a nuestros patrocinadores
  26 de Septiembre Mantenimiento de salón Padua                           Cuyos anuncios hacen posible este boletín.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
La Oración del Papa Francisco a
Nuestra Señora, Salud de los Enfermos
Oh María, brillas continuamente en nuestro viaje
como un signo de salvación y esperanza.
Nos confiamos a ti, Salud de los Enfermos.
Al pie de la cruz participaste en el dolor de Jesús con
fe firme.
Tu, La Salvación del pueblo Romano, que sabes lo
que necesitamos.
Estamos seguros de que proporcionarás, de igual
forma como en las bodas de Caná de Galilea, la
alegría y el banquete podrán regresar después de este
momento de juicio
Ayúdanos, Madre del Divino Amor, a aceptar la
voluntad del Padre y hacer lo que Jesús nos dice:
El que tomó nuestros sufrimientos sobre sí mismo,
y dio a luz nuestras penas para llevarnos a través de la
cruz a la alegria de la resurrección. Amén.
Nosotros pedimos refugio bajo tu protección,
Oh Santa Madre de Dios, no olvides las suplicas que
te hacemos, nosotros a quienes estamos en tiempo de
prueba, líbranos de todo peligro, oh gloriosa y bendita
Rosario Diario
Solamente transmitido en Vivo a las 6:30 pm Lunes,
Miércoles, y Viernes—En Ingles. Martes y Sábado—
En Español. Jueves—Bilingüe. Domingo—Antes de
cada Misa.

Gracias a todos los que han contribuido. San Antonio
ya va al 62.69% de su meta. Por favor ayúdenos a
llegar, y contribuya el día de hoy. Visitar

A que no deje de pasar al vestibulo a revisar los flyers
que temenos con informacion importante para toda
nuestra comunidad. St. Anthony es un suscriptor de, un sitio web de fe en línea. Acceda
con nuestro Código Parroquial: St. Anthony Oakley

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
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