ASH WEDNESDAY 2023 Saint Joseph Parish-Needham, MA

Page created by Marcus Fernandez
ASH WEDNESDAY 2023 Saint Joseph Parish-Needham, MA
Saint Joseph Parish- Needham, MA
                                                            February 19, 2023


February 22, 2023
Mass Schedule
Masses- 6:50 am, 9:00* am, and 7:00* pm
Ash Wednesday Service: 4 pm
                 *Mass with music

          PASTORAL STAFF                             SCHOOL STAFF
      Rev. Bryan K. Parrish, Pastor             Ian Snyder, Head of School
 Rev. Stanley Rousseau, Parochial Vicar         Lauren Solomon, Principal
 Rev. Mr. Bob Horne, Permanent Deacon     Mary Beth Cox, Director of Development
        Joseph Thuy, Seminarian
ASH WEDNESDAY 2023 Saint Joseph Parish-Needham, MA

                                              PASTOR’S CORNER

    Dear Friends:

    In many ways, the seasons of the year shape and guide our lives. Despite what my snow bird friends will
    tell me, one of the beauties of living in New England is experiencing the beauty of all four seasons.

    Spiritually, the liturgical seasons guide our hearts toward a deeper encounter with God’s presence and
    love in our lives. This Wednesday, February 22, begins the holy season of Lent, with the commemoration
    of Ash Wednesday. I hope that as many members of our parish family as possible will come to the church
    this Wednesday to receive ashes as a mark of our repentance, and to begin this holy season with purpose
    and devotion. Please see the various times listed in the bulletin insert.

    Also, please mark your calendars for our annual Parish Lenten Retreat, led this year by our friend
    Bishop Robert Reed, Auxiliary Bishop for the West Region and President and CEO of CatholicTV
    ( The theme of Bishop Reed’s Retreat is Encountering the Hidden God, which he
    will explore with us on March 19 (5 pm), 20 (7 pm) and 21 (7 pm). The enclosed bulletin insert lists the
    themes for each evening, which will include Holy Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and
    Reconciliation. Mark your calendars now.

    I am grateful to our parishioners Ester Munt-Brooks and Susan Horne, who will be leading reflections on
    the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, March 8, 15, 22, 30 and April 5 in the Linse Room at 7 pm.
    We are also offering the Stations of the Cross every Friday evening, beginning February 24 in the Upper
    Church. Also, please go to Confession this Lent! In addition to the regular Mass times, Fr. Stanley and I
    will be available immediately after the 6:50 am Mass on Mondays in the lower church confessional and
    Wednesday evenings, 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the upper church confessional.

    Most importantly, it is my fervent prayer this Lent that more people will walk through our church doors for
    the celebration for Holy Mass and the reception of the Holy Eucharist, which always must be the source
    and summit of our Catholic lives. “Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of
    salvation.” (2 Cor 6:2)

    God bless,
    Father Bryan

               February 19~ Seventh Sunday in                      St. Michael the Archangel
                       Ordinary Time                             The Patron Saint of Kyiv, Ukraine
                                                               We pray for the suffering
Our readings this week continue to stress how we are                            people of Ukraine
to live: turn the other cheek, hand over your cloak as
well as your tunic, asked to walk a mile, walk two. All      St. Michael the Archangel,
of these lead up to what we might find the hardest to        defend us in battle.
live by: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES and PRAY FOR                      Be our defense against the wickedness
THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU. As difficult as this                and snares of the Devil.
may seem, we don’t despair! We have hope in the              May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
words of St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians: “…       and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
you are the temple of God, … the Spirit of God dwells        by the power of God,
in you. . .” We will live according to Jesus’ words once     thrust into hell Satan,
we open ourselves to the power of God, the love of           and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world
Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.                  seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
ASH WEDNESDAY 2023 Saint Joseph Parish-Needham, MA

“Train the young in the           781-449-3744
way they should go;                                                           Join us on
even when old,                                                   Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 6:00pm
they will not swerve from it” Proverbs 22:6                 for our 2023 Black & White Gala and Auction
First Eucharist - Parent Meeting                         Four Points Sheraton, Norwood MA
There will be an important meeting on Tuesday, March     Purchase Tickets Today,
7, at 7:00 PM in the Upper Church for the parents of     Door prize drawing for all attendees registered by
children receiving First Eucharist in May.               February 24, 2023 !
February School Vacation                                 6:00 - 7:30pm | Open Bar &
                                                         Passed Hors d'oeuvres,
There are no Faith Formation classes for Grades K-11
from Sunday February 19 – Sunday February 26 (No         Cash Bar to follow
Sunday classes).                                         Beginning at 6:00pm | Silent Auction and Raffles
Classes will resume on Monday, February 27.              7:30pm | Buffet Dinner to be served
                                                         Followed by Live Auction, Raise the Paddle, and
                                                         Cocktail Attire or Black and White with a POP of color!
Haitian Mission                                          For more information

The Justice and Peace Committee is organizing our
Parish’s Lenten Haitian Mission collection. We will
again be donating to CRUDEM which supports the
Hospital Sacre Couer in Milot Haiti. This 200 bed
hospital provides health care, basic services and                    50/50
community programs to more than 250,000 people in
the immediate area and is a referral hospital for 2.5
                                                             RAFFLE IS BACK
million people in Northern Haiti. The focus of this
year’s Lenten Mission will be to raise funds for a       Last year our 50/50 Cash Raffle awarded $10,000 to
Packathon for Haiti, which will be held the week-        our winner and raised $10,000 for our school. We
end of April 29 at the Knights of Columbus Hall.         are excited to offer the 50/50 Raffle again this year –
We are also collecting protein bars (10 grams or more)   the more tickets we sell – the bigger the winnings!
and Vitamin C lollipops ( available on ).     Proceeds will be split 50/50 with 50% going to
Each meal costs 35 cents and last year we were able      St. Joseph School and 50% to one lucky winner.
to pack and ship 150,000 meals to the people of Milot
and 18 boxes of protein bars and vitamin C lollipops.         Drawing will take place LIVE at our auction on
                                                                          Saturday, March 4, 2023.
Can you help again this year? Donations of protein               Note: You do not need to be present to win.
bars and lollipops may be placed in the barrels at the   Raffle tickets can be purchased online using the QR Code
doors of the Church and will be collected through Palm                             below.
Sunday, April 2. Financial donations and checks made            Questions, please email Mary Beth Cox at
payable to CRUDEM should be placed in an envelope                
marked CRUDEM and placed in the collection basket
or mailed to the rectory. Financial donations will be
accepted up until the date of the Packathon.
ASH WEDNESDAY 2023 Saint Joseph Parish-Needham, MA

                                                                             Dynamic Catholic
 WINGS- (Women in God's Spirit)
         Winter Season                                                        BEST LENT EVER
    January 18- February 22                                  Are you ready to have your BEST LENT EVER?
                                                             The theme for this year’s BEST LENT EVER is “Holy
We invite all women of the parish to join us for our         Moments”.
WINGS winter Bible study on the book of Isaiah.
Continuing with our annual theme, Called by God, we          Sound familiar? It’s an expansion of the book Holy
will be using the book Build a Highway to God (Isaiah        Moments that was distributed this past Christmas.
40-55) from Loyola Press. The books will be provided         Each day you will receive two short videos to view and
free of charge to all who would like to participate.         contemplate. What if instead of giving up chocolate,
WINGS meets in the Linse Room in the lower church            you watched two videos a day for Lent? What would it
on Wednesday mornings, 10 - 11:30 am. For more               be like for your relationship with Jesus to deepen?
information, please contact Sarah McElroy at                 To participate go to and enter                                             your email.

                Special Collection for the
            Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief                         Damascus Men’s Retreat
                 February 18/19, 2023                                    “The Light of Christ”
                                                                March 3 @ 6:30 pm - March 5 @ 3:00 pm
Recognizing the growing need for assistance,
                                                             Recharge you “Spiritual” battery and connect with your
Cardinal Seán has asked for a special collection on the
                                                             brothers in faith!
weekend of February 18/19, 2023, in all parishes in the
Archdiocese of Boston.                                       Please join Fr. Michael Harrington, Fr Edward Riley
                                                             and the Build the Faith Retreat Team for our Damas-
Funds raised will help to provide safe shelter, and          cus Mens Retreat “The Light Of Christ” a weekend of
access to food, clean water, and hygiene supplies. The       prayer, reflection, and spiritual renewal. The retreat
USCCB has requested that we encourage the faithful to        Includes 2 nights: lodging (Friday & Saturday), break-
generously support the efforts of Catholic Relief Services   fast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and
and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association who are       lunch on Sunday. We will have a Spanish translator
working to provide emergency humanitarian relief.            Total cost: $200.
Parishioners should address their checks to St. Joseph       To register please email
Parish, with “Turkey/Syria Earthquake Relief” in the
memo. Please deposit in the Second Collection baskets        Retreat Location: St. Thecla’s Retreat House (77 Dud-
at the church entrances or at the Parish Office.             ley Rd, Billerica, MA)

Once a year, Catholics throughout the                                  Boston Bruins Pajama Drive
Archdiocese are asked to partner with
one another to support their parish and                      The Needham Free Public Library is once again
the many outreach ministries by contrib-                     participating in the Boston Bruins Pajama Drive
uting to the Catholic Appeal. Many of                        in partnership with Cradles to Crayons. New
you have received a letter from Cardinal                     children’s pajamas can be donated in the green
Seán requesting your early support of the 2023 Ap-           Tupperware box near the Rosemary Street entrance
peal. We hope that you will respond to his invitation        of the library located at the corner of Highland Ave
with a generous gift, knowing that each contribution         and Rosemary Street, or online from the Amazon
transforms faith into action. You can make a gift by re-     wish list at
turning your pledge card or by making an online dona-        ls/3MFDBBUM7H9OO/ref=hz_ls_biz_ex
tion at For         Donations will be accepted now through March 5th.
those who have already made a gift, thank you for your       Needed are new pajamas, appropriate for all seasons,
early support! The Appeal is a primary means by which        from sizes 2T through adult medium. Donat-
we care for our brothers and sisters, and it all starts      ed pajamas will go to local children living in low-income
with YOU.                                                    and homeless situations.

                    The Holy Father’s
               Prayer Intention for February
                        For Parishes                            Saturday, February 18
                                                                8:30 am   Conversion of Sinners-Memorial
    We pray that parishes, placing communion at the
 center, may increasingly become communities of faith,          4:00 pm   Suzanne Concannon– Memorial
  fraternity and welcome towards those most in need.            Sunday, February 19
                                                                7:30 am   James Dooley– Memorial

                    Stewardship                                 9:30 am   Carol Lavelle– Memorial
Offertory Baskets are placed at the entrances of the            11:00 am Msg. Francis J. McGann – Memorial
   church. Thank you for your financial support.
                                                                5:00 pm   Josephine Sullivan– Memorial
 Offertory: Week 30
                         Received        Goal      Variance     Monday, February 20
 February 12, 2023

    TOTAL for Week         $13,130      $15,500      ($2,370)   6:50 am   Clamisa Mesa- Memorial
                                                                Tuesday, February 21
 TOTAL Year to Date       $468,539     4496,000     ($27,461)   6:50 am   Bill Flanagan– Anniversary
                                                                Wednesday, February 22—Ash Wednesday
Offertory Baskets are placed at the entrances of the church.
            Thank you for your financial support.               6:50 am   MASS
                                                                9:00 am   MASS
                                                                4:00 pm   Word Service with Ashes
Please Consider                                                 7:00 pm   MASS
Online Giving allows you                                        Thursday, February 23
to make contributions to the parish without writing
checks or worrying about cash donations. It also                6:50 am   Spiritual Needs Of the Dying
allows the parish to manage monthly expenses based              Friday, February 24
on consistent support.
                                                                6:50 am   Teresa Srubarczyk– Memorial
To sign up, visit                                   Saturday, February 25
and click the Online Giving link, or scan                       8:30 am   Virginia Morgan- Memorial
the QR code .
                                                                4:00 pm   Gerald Caiazzo– Memorial
                                                                Sunday, February 26
                                                                7:30 am   Walter Mulka– Memorial
                                                                9:30 am   Thomas D. Welch– Memorial
                                                                11:00 am Edward Kent – Memorial
                                                                5:00 pm   Leo P. Dauwer– First Anniversary
 St. Joseph Parish now provides a prayer request line
 for the intentions of its parishioners. To make a prayer
 request, click the “prayer request” button on the home         Rose for Life
 page of our parish website,                                    Each week, roses are placed at the statue or call                          of the Blessed Mother as reminders to pray
 781-997-1108 and leave a message.                              for the unborn.
 When you submit a prayer request, the retired                  This week: : Patrice Russell, Sisters of Charity of
 Religious Sisters living at the Marillac Residence in          Halifax, Julia Rodman, In Memory of Ann and
 Wellesley will prayerfully lift it to the Lord. All requests   John Naughton and Kathleen and Walter Currier
 are kept confidential and are seen only by the prayer
 team.                                                          The Pro-Life Rosary is prayed before the 9:30 am
                                                                Mass every Sunday.
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          Tish Kennedy Dolan, Esq.
          Parishioner & Parent of St. Joseph School Alumni
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       Louise Condon Realty | 399 Chestnut St., Needham

                Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •                 St. Joseph, Needham, MA                             04-0359
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                         Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •                                   St. Joseph, Needham, MA                  04-0359

                PARISH STAFF                                          PARISH STAFF
                   Parish Office                                      Music    i is y
Rosanne                  Business
Mario A. Clavell, Jr., Administrative Assistant              Carlo Serrano, DMA, Music Director
                                                                   Daryl Bichel,
                Faith Formation
Alison Burton
Faith Formation Acting Coordinator (K-6)

Philip Bonasia- Faith Formation Assistant

   To request the Sacrament of Baptism for your child please fill out the form found on the parish
  website at: or If you do not have online access or
                    have a question, please contact the Parish Office at 781-444-0245.

 Contact one of the parish                       . A                   of           least six months
 must be allowed between initial contact and the date set. Couples are                      attend
                                                             this   e.

 To make a prayer request, click the “prayer request” button on the home page of our parish website, or call 781-997-1108 and leave a message.

           SAINT JOSEPH PARISH                                   HOLY MASS SCHEDULE
                                                        Saturday Vigil    4:00 pm
Parish Office………….. 781-444-0245
                                                        Sunday            7:30 am
Parish Office Hours….. Mon– Fri 8am to 4pm                                9:30 am (Family Mass)
…………………………… Fax: 781-444-7713                                             11:00 am (Choir)
Mailing A ess……… 1382 Highland Ave e                                      5:00 pm (Worship Band)
…………………………... Needham, MA 02492
                                                        Daily Mass 6:50 am (Monday to Friday)
Parish Website-                                                      8:30 am (Saturday)
                                                        Church Prayer Hours
Faith Formation             781-444-0245
                                                        Lower Church
School…………………...….. 781-896-2571                        Mon – Fri 6 am to 6 pm
                                                        Sat – Sun 7 am to 5 pm
                     ………. 781-896-2538
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