The latest at trinity church | feb 2022

Page created by Ronnie Mcdaniel
The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
Volume MMXXII, Number 2

the latest at trinity church | feb 2022

                                      G       reetings Trinity Church family,

                                                  We will soon wrap up our “Powerful Prayers” series. I
                                                hope it has been meaningful and inspirational to you. It has
                                                been to me. It may shock you to learn that we pastors
                                                struggle with our “prayer life” also. Finding time to dedicate
                                                to prayer is challenging for us clergy types, too. I often find
                                                myself spending all my time doing things for God that I
                                                neglect the time I spend with God. I always feel like I should
                                                pray more. Perhaps you do as well?
                                                                                                  continued . . .

                    PAGE   2                          PAGE   3                      PAGEs   4-8
    in this issue   Pastor’s Enjoying the Journey     Small Groups                  Ministry Updates
                                                      connecting with others        The latest from Trinity
The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
continued from page 1 . . .

     Most of all, I hope that our   members to pray for the folks         there is always more to do.
 “Powerful Prayers” series has      that are not yet a part of our        However, God is faithful and
 challenged you a bit and           church. Will you pray for all         often fills in the areas where I
 encouraged you to spend            the people in our community           lack and seems to make
 more time talking to God and       who need Jesus? We may                beauty from my ashes. Thank
 listening for his voice. As our    know their names and cannot           you for the love and support
 group has gathered each week       picture their faces, but God          you have shown me, the grace
 to study “Before Amen: The         knows them. They need the             you have extended to me, and
 Power of a Simple Prayer” by       hope of Jesus. Pray for God to        the joy you have brought me.
 Max Lucado, we have talked         bring broken people through               It continues to be a
 about barriers or obstacles to     the doors of our church so that       privilege to serve the people of
 prayer. One of those obstacles     we can love them and                  Trinity Church and I remain
 for some is the looming            introduce them to the God             optimistic about our future
 question, “Am I doing this         who will make them whole.             together. The road of life is
 right?” Lucado jokingly says       Pray that God will prepare the        much easier when we travel it
 there is not a panel of angels     “soil of their hearts” to receive     together. The invitation
 evaluating our prayers, holding    the seeds of faith and hope           extended by Jesus to his
 up a number that indicates         that God alone can plant. Pray        earliest disciples continues to
 this prayer is a ten or that       that God will prepare the “soil       be offered to us, “Follow me.”
 prayer is a two. “Just like a      of our hearts” as well… that we       We may not always know
 child cannot mis-hug, we           will be ready to receive them         where we are going, but we
 cannot mis-pray.” Prayer is a      and welcome them to our               know whom we are following.
 simple conversation between        church family – that we will be       God is faithful. Therefore, we
 God and his child – us. That       faithful stewards and servants.       expect great things and we are
 brings me comfort and I hope            Also, if you think of it, your   certain we will enjoy the ride!
 it does you as well.               pastors could use some
     I want to challenge our        prayers, too. The prayers of          Happy New Year!
 congregation to be a praying       God’s people are a source of
 congregation – to pray for         strength. Like everyone else,
 each other deeply and              it’s been a challenging couple
 sincerely, and to pray for our     of years and we have tried to         Pastor Chris
                                    lead well and serve faithfully. I
 church as a whole.
 Specifically, I want our church    feel like I often fall short and

The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
upcoming in worship
feb 6 The final sermon in the four-week sermon series: Powerful Prayers
      Powerful Prayers . . . Prayer of Humility           Rev. Chris Neikirk                                 Luke 18:9-14
feb 13 Sermon on the Plain 1: "Standing on a Level Place"                  Rev. Cheryl Garbe              Luke 6:17-26
    Matthew speaks of a "Sermon on the Mount," but Luke has Jesus speaking "on a level place," addressing the real
    suffering people endure--poverty, hunger, grief and conflicted relationships--and he reminds us that we are called to
    care for the real needs of those in the world today.
feb 20 Sermon on the Plain 2: "Loving the Unlovable"                        Rev. Cheryl Garbe               Luke 6:27-36
    It's advanced discipleship at its most challenging! In his "Sermon on the Plain," Jesus began with the call to care for
    people's needs in the world around us. But now he is going to up the ante and challenge believers to love their
    enemies. Why would we do that? Come and find out!
feb 27 Mission Impossible                                                   Rev. Chris Neikirk        Numbers 13:25-14:4
    It seems like the last two years have been a time of treading water and trying to survive rather than thrive. If we are
    to live into the reality of the mission of our church, we must look back and understand where we have been, while at
    the same time look forward and try to discern where we are going. Where is God leading? Will we follow? Following
    will not be without price. Following will require an investment of our time, our talent, our energy, our resources and
    our witness.

                                        feb 6 | 10:15 am | office conference room
                                        coffee with the pastor
                                        Come and connect with Pastor Chris the first Sunday of the month.
                                        We will gather in the church office conference room for a casual
                                        “get-to-know-you” time for new folks and old folks. Join in on the
                                        conversation! We’ve saved you a seat and a cup of coffee!

sat feb 19 | 8 am
The Trinity Men are meeting on the third Saturday of the month in Murr Hall. Breakfast supplied. All
are welcome and invited. Masks are required for those not vaccinated.
                 Tony Nelson, Trinity Men’s President

                                      thurs feb 17 | 7 pm | room #35
                                      grief group for parents
                                      TCF: The New Albany Chapter of The Compassionate Friends meet the
                                      3rd Thursday of each month, from 7 pm to 9 pm in Room 35/36 at
                                      Trinity Church.
                                      Mission: To provide comfort, hope and support to every family experiencing the
                                      death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild.
            For more info, contact facilitator Claudia Walter at 502-939-6579 or 812-948-9007
The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
The Youth are making some joyful noise in 2022! Our latest project is “Youth Band”
where we will be introducing the teens to various instruments in the spirit of fun and
exploration. If you know a teen who is interested joining our band, then send them our way!
No experience required!

                           What we’re teaching this month!

                        FREE PEOPLE
                        A 4-WEEK SERIES ON AUTHORITY
                        “Rules aren’t famous for freedom. But in a world where Jesus leads us,
                        rules can do more than keep us safe. They can become our allies and an
                        opportunity to love and serve the world around us. It doesn’t always feel
                        like freedom when a rule limits something you want, but what you want
                        changes when you know who Jesus is. Free people don’t dance with
                        danger, free people make decisions that benefit others, and free people
                        give up their freedoms for others.”
                 Sunday school: 10:15-11 AM / Sunday Youth Group: 4-6 PM

                    we welcome new members
                    We welcome Russ & Theresa Goodlin by letter of transfer from Graceland Baptist
                    of New Albany. The Goodlins are the parents of Trinity member Maggie (Klein)
                    Maetschke. They reside at 1580 Eastwood Avenue, New Albany, IN 47150. Be
                    sure to give them a warm Trinity welcome.

The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
Helping Grandchildren learn faith -
        I am so happy that many of you have brought your family members to worship with us these past
few months. It has been great getting to know them. Just as a review, for parents and grandparents, to let
you know about our Trinity Kids Ministry. We would like to keep track of our attendance numbers as well
as keep the church office records up to date. You will find a Jr. Church Check-In sheet next to the bulletins,
just prior to entering the Sanctuary. Parents and/or grandparents are asked to fill in your name as well as
the child’s name. This will help me get to know your family better, especially if your last names are not the
same and I will know whom child came to church with. Many times, those children who visit are not
comfortable sharing their name loudly and clearly. We want to make them feel welcome, and knowing
their name really helps. Going into a class of strangers can be very intimidating to all of us. We all just
want to be accepted for who we are.
       Grandparents are very important to kids. Parents have so much going on, that they are not always
able to take the time and fully explain things to kids. Parents are always telling kids directions. Sometimes,
both the kids and parents can get tired of the same old conversations. It is also important that people
hear and understand situations from another perspective. This is where you come in. We know that
people need to behave in certain ways, but kids find it hard to ignore those personal impulses to touch.
Many times, kids have not stopped to analyze their behavior’s effect on others. I touched you because I
wanted to see how you felt. I never stopped to think how hard I touched you, how it felt to have me touch
you, or even ask if I could touch you. Grandparents can have time to see what is happening with a child
and be able to interact with them differently than parents. This is a gift. Take the time to tell your
grandkids about your faith. Help them to see why church is important to you. Like at school, kids see their
friends, not just to learn. You come to church to worship God, this is important. You will catch up with
friends, learn what they may need this week and spend your time ministering to them. It may be an extra
phone call, bringing them some food, or just time to get together that you will give a friend. You are living
out your faith this way. Talk with your grandkids about what they learned by visiting church with you. Link
the Bible story figures’ life & faith with your own life & faith journey. Help them see God in the story.
Thank you for your continued support of the Children’s Ministry at Trinity.

Christa McCarrick

        Children’s Sunday school in session! For children age 4 years through 5th grade,
                 join us in Room #9 at 10:15 am to participate in Sunday school.

    More Info? Contact Christa McCarrick, Children’s Ministry Coordinator at

The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
tuesday feb 22 | 10:30 am room #7
The Last Tuesday Book Club to discuss Apples Never Fall
The Delaney family love one another dearly--it's just that sometimes they want to murder each other . . .
One night a stranger named Savannah knocks on Stan and Joy's door, bleeding after a fight with her boyfriend.
The Delaneys are more than happy to give her the small kindness she sorely needs.
                                   Later, when Joy goes missing, and Savannah is nowhere to be found, the
                                   police question the one person who remains: Stan. Two of the Delaney
                                   children think their father is innocent, two are not so sure--but as the two
                                   sides square off against each other in perhaps their biggest match ever, all of
                                   the Delaneys will start to reexamine their shared family history in a very new
                                   light. Apples Never Fall, by Liane Moriarty, is a novel that looks at marriage,
                                   siblings, and how the people we love the most can hurt us the deepest.

                      February: Food Collection Month
                      February’s Food Collection is going to the Hope Southern Indiana Food Pantry. All
                      contributions of nutritious foods and basic toiletries are welcome. There will be a cart at the
                      canopy door entrance for donations.
                      If you prefer to make a monetary donation this can be done with Secure Give or a check sent
                      to the church office. Be sure to indicate on the memo line HOPE.
                        Suggested items to donate: Chef-Boy-Ardee like canned pasta, Vienna sausages, individual
fruit cups, cereal (hot or cold), beans (dried or canned), peanut butter, snacks, cookies and/or crackers, and foods
that are open & eat or heat & eat. Thank you for your continued support.
       For more information, contact Jan McCauley at or 502-299-2414

The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
Deepest sympathy to . . .
           . . . Karen Huckabone (Tom) and family, on the death of her beloved brother & father,
                         Steven (Steve) Allan Gustafson, on December 19, 2021 and
                                 Donald A. Gustafson, on January 13, 2022
                      Don’s service was held January 20, at Trinity Church, New Albany, IN.
                  Expressions of sympathy may be sent to 11305 Bonasa Dr., Rockford, MI 49341

                 . . . Brad & Tammy Black and family, on the death of his beloved mother,
                                    Phyllis Black, on January 8, 2022.
                                  Service was held January 14, in Indianapolis, IN.
                  Expressions of sympathy may be sent to 33 Hilltop Rd, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119

                     . . . Karen Kerns and family, on the death of her beloved husband,
                                Michael D. McClellan Sr., on January 13, 2022.
                           Service was held January 22, at Trinity Church, New Albany, IN.
           Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Karen at 3918 Shepherds Run, Jeffersonville, IN 47130

    Welcome Ms. Julia! With additional thanks to the Come Back Stronger Grant of 2021, we were
able to purchase Kindermusik curriculum in October for all our age groups here at preschool!! In
November, preschool parent, Julia Truman, stepped forward to help us on board the curriculum.
    Julia earned a B. S. Ed in Music Education and previously taught music to young children in
Maryland before she moved with her husband, Evan, and daughter, Eleanor, to New Albany. Julia is
looking forward to teaching music classes to Ella, her new friends, and schoolmates once a
month. The staff eagerly anticipates not only the addition of a supplemental music experience for
their students, but how they can then bring that back to the classroom. There will also be a family
component to share at home, helping families share the joy of music together.
    Congratulations Ms. Tasha!! Our longtime Assistant Teacher, Tasha Anderson, has earned her
Associates in Early Childhood Education from Ivy Tech. Ms. Tasha will be leading the mixed Two's and
Three's class on Fridays.
     In December, the preschool held a toiletry drive for HOPE Southern Indiana. Together the classes
collected 245 items to help families be clean and healthy this winter! All items were delivered in time
to be distributed before Christmas. We will be collecting food for HOPE So IN in February.
    Thank you to the PreK Turtles and PreK Owls classes for making over 80 Christmas cards to cheer
the residents of Westminster Village!
      Gwyn Welliver, Director | | 812-944-2251, ext. 120

The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
february calendar of events
Repeated Events:
                                                  February 1 Tuesday
Sundays                                            11 am Trinity Women Mtg (MH)
 9 am & 11:11 am worship (Sanct)                   5:45 pm Missions Team Mtg (TBD)                       February 11 Friday
 10:15 am Sunday school for all ages
                                                  February 2 Wednesday                                    7 pm HWC50 Program (Sanct)
 4 pm Youth Group (#38, gym, kit)
 7 pm Gamblers Anny. (#1)                          10 am Before Amen Class (MH)                          February 14 Monday
                                                   6 pm Before Amen Class (MH)                            9 am PEO (#35)
 8 am Peterson Group (#1)                         February 5 Saturday                                    February 17 Thursday
 7 pm Praise Band Rhrsl (Sanctuary)                11 am Murphy (AB)                                      7 pm Compassionate Friends (#35)
Thursdays                                         February 6 Sunday                                      February 19 Saturday
 6:15 pm Bell Rersl (#2/5)                         10:15 am Pastors Coffee Talk (office)                  8 am Trinity Men’s Breakfast (MH)
 6:30 pm DSL (#1/MH)                               11:00 am UTL Mtg (Murr Hall)                          February 20 Sunday
 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rhrsl (Sanct)              February 7 Monday                                       9 am Bells in worship
                                                   10 am TLC Chapel (Sanctuary)                          February 21 Monday
       AB = Activities Building                   February 8 Tuesday                                      8:30 am TLC (#35)
       GA = Gamblers Anonymous                     10 am TLC Chapel (Sanctuary)
       MH = Murr Hall
                                                                                                         February 22 Tuesday
                                                   5:30 pm Trustee’s Meeting (TBD)                        8:30 am TLC (#35)
       Mtg = Meeting
       Office = Conference Room                   February 9 Wednesday                                    10:30 am Last Tues. Book Club (#7)
       + = also in other rooms                     10:00 am Before Amen Class (MH)                       February 24 Thursday
       Rhrsl = Rehearsal                           6:00 pm Before Amen Class (MH)                         10:00 am TLC Advisory (TBD)
       Sanct = Sanctuary

february servant minister schedule
If you find you are not able to serve at a designated time, please attempt to trade dates with someone else on your list, and be sure to let the church
office know in time to change the bulletin. If a last minute emergency arises, call the church office to help arrange a substitute.

Ushers              9:00 AM                         11:11 AM                         Sanctuary Multi-Media & Video Operator
Head Ushers:        Randy Engleman, Greg Neely                                                        9:00 AM        11:11 AM
                                          Junior Herndon, Steve Driver               2/06    (ST)    Roger Whaley    K & M Maetschke
2/06                R Whaley, Erv Baker                                                      (VT)    Greg Hall       Belinda Bishop
2/13                Gib Kinney, Kevin Roth                                           2/13    (ST)    Jan McCauley    K & M Maetschke
2/20                Bill Shofner, John Scott, Dick McCauley                                  (VT)    Brook Kramer    Matthew Arnold
2/27                R Whaley, Erv Baker                                              2/20    (ST)    Roger Whaley    K & M Maetschke
                                                                                             (VT)    Greg Hall       Belinda Bishop
Greeters            9:00 AM                        11:11 AM                          2/27    (ST)    Jan McCauley    K & M Maetschke
2/06                Gib & Sue Kinney               Keith Levy                                (VT)    Brook Kramer    Ary Arnold
2/13                Linda Mohney & Alex            Tony Nelson
2/20                Nancy Hottell                  Vangie Cannon                     Welcome Center 9:00 AM                  11:15 AM
2/27                Guy & Judy Wall                Tom McGilliard                    2/06           Nancy Hottell            Linda Driver
                                                                                     2/13           Claudia Walter           Doris Smith
Pray with the Pastor (at home)                                                       2/20           Greg Neely               Tina Bostock
2/06             Steve Bare                                                          2/27           Jan McCauley             Linda McGilliard
2/13             Sonja Wise
2/20             Chris Conte
2/27             Judy Sprinkle

                                                                                             Altar Flower Donations needed!
                                                                                                         Call 812-944-2229

The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
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Sunday Worship: Notification of cancellations or delays on Sundays will be published on the broadcasts of Wave TV, WLKY TV &
   WDRB TV by 7:45 am on Sunday morning. If the first service is cancelled, then so are all Sunday school classes. We will make
   every reasonable effort to be open for worship at 11:11 am every Sunday morning. If a “State of Emergency” is announced,
   then all services and classes are cancelled. Members, guests and staff are always encouraged to observe all safety
   precautions by staying off the road during icy conditions.

                   daybreak newsletter publication schedule:
                   Month            Content Requests           Printing                 Mailing
                   March            due February 11           February 21-22            February 24-25

Spiritual Leader/Pastor           Rev. Chris Neikirk        (812) 944-2229   
Associate Pastor                  Rev. Cheryl Garbe         (812) 944-2229   
Director of Music                 Dr. David K. Lamb         (812) 944-2229   
Praise Team Leader                Bill Maetschke            (812) 944-2229   
Youth Minister                    Nathan Bleecker           (812) 944-2229, ext. 113
Children’s Ministry Coordinator   Christa McCarrick         (812) 944-2229, ext. 114
Pre-School Director               Gwyn Welliver             (812) 944-2251, ext. 120
Administrative Assistant          Mary T. Evans             (812) 944-2229, ext. 110
Organist                          Sharon Herndon
Facility Manager                  Keith Shantz
Custodian                         Lori Drake

        E-Mail:                  Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
        Web:                          Phone: ( 812) 944-2229
        Sunday Worship: 9am Traditional & 11:11 am Casual

The latest at trinity church | feb 2022
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