Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021

Page created by John Tate
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
       February 28, 2021

                         Mass Schedule during Covid-19
                         Vigil Mass 5:00 PM (English)
                          Sunday 10:30 AM (English)
                                  12:30 PM (Spanish)
    We will continue to Livestream these masses for those who cannot join us
           Confessions (During Covid-19 are held in the Parish Hall)
                            Saturday 4pm to 5pm
                         Sunday 9:45am to 10:30am
          4020 Curtiss Parkway, Virginia Gardens, Florida 33166
   Parish Office Phone: 305-871-5780 School Office Phone: 305-871-5766
                 YouTube: Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
                    Instagram: blessed_trinity_parish
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
               Pastoral Staff
             Fr. José N. Alfaro

              Fr. Pawel Duda
              Parochial Vicar

        Dennis Jordan, José Alemán,
        Javier Inda and Ernesto Sosa
               Olga Venegas
            Religious Education
            Maria Teresa Perez                   Baptisms / Bautizos
       Director of Development and               ENGLISH: First Sunday of every month @ 2PM
        Institutional Advancement                ESPAÑOL: Segundo domingo del mes @ 2PM
                                                 Baptismal Preparation classes:
          Parish Office Hours                    ENGLISH: First Thursday of every month @ 7PM
   Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm            ESPAÑOL: Segundo jueves de cada mes @ 7PM
           Saturday: CLOSED                      Communion and Confirmation require 2 years of
            Sunday: 9 am – 2 pm                  preparation in order to receive the Sacrament.
                                                 La Primera Comunión y Confirmación requieren
                                                 2 años de preparación para recibir el sacramento.
           Phone: 305-871-5780                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
               Parish Mission                    Holy Matrimony - A date cannot be set until all
                                                 requirements are met. You should schedule to meet
              Bring Christ to All                with our priest at least 8—10 months prior to
                                                 expected wedding date.
                  School                         No se puede establecer una fecha hasta que se
                                                 cumplan todos los requisitos. Usted debe hacer cita
          Pre-K2 through 8th Grade               con el sacerdote por lo menos 8– 10 meses antes de su
            School Office Hours                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             7:30 am - 3:30 pm                   Annointing of the Sick / Unción de los enfermos
                                                 Anyone who is ill, anticipating surgery, or             undergoing medical testing is encouraged to receive
            Phone: 305-871-5766                  the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
                                                 Cualquier persona que esté enferma, anticipando una
            Mrs. Susy Del Riego                  cirugia, o sometiendose a pruebas médicas, puede
                 Principal                       recibir el Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos.
                 School Mission                  Communion to the Sick / Comunion a los enfermos
 “Blessed Trinity Catholic School’s mission is   If you are homebound for any reason and would
to witness and nurture the transforming power    like to receive communion, please call the parish
       of the teachings of Christ through        office so we can arrange for a minister to come to
academic excellence and servant discipleship”    you.
                                                 Si no puede asistir a Misa y necesita que le traigan
                                                 la Comunion, por favor llame a la oficina para que
                                                 le manden un ministro.
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
INTENTION                              REQUESTED BY
Saturday, February 27   5:00 PM †Sebastian Ortiz                       Ortiz family
Sunday, February 28      8:30 AM †Olga Zuloaga                         Her children
                        10:30 AM People of the Parish                  Parish Priests & Deacons
                        12:30 PM †Margarita Diaz                       Algeisa Vazquez
                                 †Ana Gladys Alfaro de Lopez           Grupo de Intercesión
                                 †Olga Zuloaga                         Sus hijos
                                 †Violeta Llerena                      Su familia
                                 †Sandra Pages                         Ambar y Manolo Vidal
                                 †Maria Guzman                         Josephine Sealy
                                 †Michael Sealey                       Josephine Sealy
                        5:30 PM †Lazaro Diaz                           Lucy Diaz
Monday, March 1         7:30 AM †Ed Winslow                            Baltar-Haas family
                                ††Aldo y Nubia Polifroni               The Rosary Group
                        6:30 PM †Santiago-Carrasquillo                 The grandchildren
                                †Torres-Correa                         The grandchildren
                                †O'Toole                               The grandchildren
Tuesday, March 2        7:30 AM ††Nancy & Eduardo Verdecia             Barbara Baltar
                                ††Rolando & Roger Gordon               Daisy Ebanhack
                        6:30 PM †Kelly-Farmerie                        The grandchildren
                                †Harvel                                The grandchildren
                                †McHale                                The grandchildren
Wednesday, March 3      7:30 AM ††Eduardo & Victoria Baltar            Barbara Baltar
                                †Pizarro                               The grandchildren
                                †Del Valle-Carrasquillo                The grandchildren
                        6:30 PM †Eddie Muñiz                           Olga, Linda, Tere
Thursday, March 4       7:30 AM †††Maria, Elena & Milagros Gonzalez    Barbara Baltar
                                †Jaca                                  The grandchildren
                                †Sanchez-Adams                         The grandchildren
                        6:30 PM †Cain                                  The grandchildren
                                †Guiee                                 The grandchildren
                                †Velasquez-Maisonet                    The grandchildren
Friday, March 5         7:30 AM Elizabeth Clark - Birthday blessings   Her family
                                †Ida H. Preston                        Her family
                        6:30 PM †Mireya Portugal de Alarcon            Oscar Alarcon y Cecilia Cobian
Saturday, March 6       8:30 AM The Holy Souls in Purgatory            Meyer family
                                All those who died from COVID          Ghalloub family
                                The unborn babies                      Ghalloub family
                        5:00 PM †Pat Robertson                         The Knigge family
Sunday, March 7          8:30 AM †Ed & Jeanne Winslow                  Mario & Marisa Gonzalez
                        10:30 AM People of the Parish                  Parish Priests & Deacons
                        12:30 PM †Julio Prospero Jimenez Capia         Su familia
                                 †Francisco Minaya Lopez               Su familia
                                 †Ana Gladys Alfaro de Lopez           Grupo de intercesión
                                 †Gloria Rodriguez                     Familia Hoffmann Balbas
                                 †Valentina Rodriguez                  Her family
                                 †Luis Raul Muñoz-Veloso               Fr. Alfaro
                                 †Tomas Jose Torres                    Ana Maria & Elisa
                        5:30 PM †Dr. Luis Fernandez-Rocha              Lucy Diaz
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
Please keep all of these intentions in your daily
For our Pastor’s Intentions:
* For the sick and suffering of the parish; for those
 mourning the death of a loved one.
* For our country, for the new administration that
they may be guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
* For everyone affected by the Coronavirus and that                     MARCH 2021
we find a cure for it.
For our Parish Intentions:                                                  1 Mon
* For the success of the 2021 ABCD campaign, that                 Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 (230)
together, we may continue to change lives.
* For a renewed sense of evangelization among our                              2 Tue
parishioners so that our mission, to Bring Christ to            Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 (231) 19
all, may be fulfilled.
* For the young adults to recognize the importance                           3 Wed
of receiving the sacrament of matrimony and                           Saint Katharine Drexel
having Christ as the center of their union.                      Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 (232)
For the Pope’s Intentions: Let us pray that we                                4 Thu
may experience the sacrament of reconciliation with                      LeSaint Casimir]
renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God.                Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 (233)
For the sick and elderly of the parish, Zach K.,
Hermes H., Xonia G., David T., Olga Maria B.,                                 5 Fri
Juan B., Angel C., Juan A, Miguel N., America V,          Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Debbie C., Robert (Ski) W., Rose B, Pamela C.,                                (234)
Rafael N., Juanita S, George & Isabel R., Jordan,
Michael S., Patrick, Roger P , Geoffrey P., Larry B.                         6 Sat
and Angeline & Emily M., Jesus, Eugenia &                   Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 (235)
Esteban G. , Jose Alberto V., Osvaldo C.., Yeelow
M., Ozzie C., Tom K. & Peter C.                                               7 SUN
                                                                  THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT
For the eternal repose of the recently deceased          Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/Jn
members of our parish especially Irene Priess &                              2:13-25
Marge Lyles.

                                                        Ministries starting via Zoom:

It is important during this difficult time of “Social   CCD/Religious Ed Sunday         9 am
Distancing”, that we stay in contact, we still need     Griefshare       Sunday         2 pm
each other and need to keep our momentum and            Men’s Emmaus     Tuesday        7 pm
hope on our mission of Bringing Christ to All.
                                                        TMIY            Thursday  6 am
Es importante durante este momento difícil de           Lifeteen        Sunday    6:45 pm
“distanciamiento social”, que nos mantegamos en         BT Young Adults Wednesday 6 :30 pm
contacto, todavía nos necesitamos los unos a los        (BiWeekly)
otros y debemos mantener nuestro impulso y
esperanza en nuestra misión de llevar a Cristo a
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION                                             The Vocation Cup
                                                                        Week of 3/1—3/7
                 Come to church and spend an
                 hour in the company of Jesus!                       Salinas family —English
                                                                   Virginia Rodriguez— Spanish
                        Every Wednesday
                            8AM to 1 PM                  Please sign up to host the Vocation Cup for a
                              and                        week in your home, to pray for vocations to the
                          7PM—8:30PM                     priesthood and religious life.

       Be mindful of the social distancing &             Please contact Lourdes at 305-302-6990 to
 mask requirements! When you leave, please use the       schedule a week of your preference.
sign that indicates sanitizing is needed in that seat.
                                                         Por favor llame a Ana Maria Sora al
   Please note extended hour during the day,             305-298-6703 si quiere rezar de
         reposition will now be at 1PM                   manera especial por las vocaciones
                                                         durante una semana.
  Por favor tengan cuenta, se ha extendido la
           Adoracion hasta la 1PM

                           The Sanctuary Lamp
                 will burn the week of February 28, 2021

                                   In memory of :
                                  Susana Fernandez

                                     Offered by:
                                      Lucy Diaz

          COLLECION DATES 2021
 Collection is at 6pm in front of the Parish Office
                 March 2, 16 & 30
                  April 13 & 27
                  May 11 & 25
                   June 8 & 22                                        4020 Curtiss Parkway
                   July 6 & 20                                        Virginia Gardens, FL 33166
                August 3, 17 & 31
                September 14 & 28
                 October 12 & 26
                November 9 & 23
                 December 7 & 21

                                                         TRINITY to
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
Parish Goal: $122,602.02
                                                             Pledges Received: 90,301.50
                                                         Missing to reach Goal: $32,30052

We thank each of you for your gift that allows us to get one step closer to our goal! But most importantly,
we thank you for continuing to be a part of this amazing family that answers the call of bringing Christ to all.
                       We are grateful and thank you for making all we do possible.

    Many have sent a gift directly to the Archdiocese, please know that they are still processing donations.
If you would like assistance, please do not hesitate to contact, Tere Perez in our parish office at 305-871-5780.

                                             We are starting the 4th week!
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
Sunday, February 28th, 2021 @ 3:00 PM
Come join us as we bring some friendly faces, smiles and prayers to our fellow parishioners!

                                             We will be starting our 3rd week!
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
OFFICE OF WORSHIP                                     Lenten penances that can be life transforming
                                                      for us and those around us:
            2021 Lenten Regulations                   1– Come to daily Mass during Lent or at least add
                                                         One additional Mass during the week.
The following are the regulations provided by         2– Arrive early to church. Make it a point to arrive
the Archdiocesis for the observance of Lent.             Ahead of time and spend a few minutes
Fast and abstinence                                   3- Observe silence in Church and show reverence
The holy season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday,          Before the Blessed Sacrament present in the
Feb. 17. 2021. Both Ash Wednesday and Good               Tabernacle.
Friday, April 2, are days of abstinence from meat     4– Read and meditate the daily Mass readings.
for all who are 14 years and older. They are also     5– Consecrate yourself to St. Joseph
days of fast (one full meal and two small meals,      6– Pray the Rosary and/or the Divine Mercy
with nothing eaten between the meals) for adults         Chaplet either individually or with your family
from 18 to 59 years of age. All Fridays of Lent are      daily or once a week.
days of abstinence from meat for those 14 years
and older.
      Regulaciones de Cuaresma del 2021               Penitencias de cuaresma que pueden
                                                      transformar sus vidas y las de los que los
Estas son las regulaciones para la Cuaresma           rodean:
publicada por la Arquidiocesis.
                                                      1– Venga a misa diaria, o por los menos venga a
Ayuna y abstinencia                                      una misa adicional durante la semana.
La sagrada temporada de Cuaresma empezó el            2– Lleque temprano a la misa. Hagase el proposito
miércoles de ceniza, 17 de febrero del 2021. El          de llegar unos 15 minutos antes que comience la
miércoles de ceniza y el Viernes Santo, 2 de abril,      misa y pase unos minutos en oración.
son días de abstinencia de comer carne para todos     3– Una vez dentro de la iglesia, guarde silencio y
aquellos de 14 años de edad en adelante. También         muestre reverencia al Santisimo Sacramento
son días de ayuno (comer una comida complete y           presente en el tabernaculo.
dos comidas más limitadas, sin comer nada entre       4– Lea y medite las lecturas de la misa diaria.
ellas) para adultos de 18 a 59 años de edad. Todos    5– Consagrece a San José.
los Viernes de                                        6– Rece el Rosario o la Coronilla de la Divina
Cuaresma son días de abstinencia de carne para          Misericordia diariamente o una vez a la semana.
todos aquellos de 14 años de edad en adelante.          solo o con sus familiares.
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
Why we use Latin in the                           Porque utilizamos el latín en la
                          liturgy, especially in Lent.                      liturgia, sobre todo en Cuaresma.
                          Here are the main reasons:                        Estas son las razones principales:

                                                         1- De los 24 ritos que hay en la Iglesia Católica, 1
1- Of the 24 rites in the Catholic Church, 1 Western        Occidental y 23 Orientales, el rito romano o latino
   and 23 Oriental, the Roman or Latin rite is the          es el más extendido, el más universal.
   most widespread, the most universal.                  2-El latín es una lengua muerta. A diferencia de
2-Latin is a dead language. Unlike other languages          otros idiomas que evolucionan y el sentido de las
   that evolve and the meaning of words change              palabras cambia con el transcurso del tiempo, eso
   over time, with Latin, that is not the case, the         no sucede con el latín donde el significado se
   meaning remains intact. Besides being a dead             mantiene intacto. Además al ser una lengua
   language it does not produce jealousy because it         muerta no produce celos porque no es utilizada
   is not used in any country, it is only the official      en ningún país, solo es la lengua oficial de la
   language of the Church.                                   Iglesia.
3-It is a very precise language with rigorous logic.     3-Es un idioma muy preciso con una lógica rigurosa.
4-It has a beautiful and poetic style, very suitable     4-Tiene un estilo bello y poético, muy adecuado para
  for intonation.                                           la entonación.
5-Its sense is universal, Catholic. Easier to follow     5-Su sentido es universal, católico. Más fácil de
   than many other languages in an increasingly             seguirlo que muchos otros idiomas en un mundo
   globalized and common world.                             cada vez más globalizado y común.
6-The use of Latin united us with the Church and         6-El uso del latín nos une con la Iglesia y su liturgia
   her liturgy over the centuries, as a symbol of           a través de los siglos, como un símbolo de
   continuity in faith to God, and our response to          continuidad en la fe a Dios, y nuestra respuesta a
   his love.                                                su amor.

During Lent, the Church asks us to surrender             Durante la Cuaresma, la Iglesia nos pide que nos
ourselves to prayer and to the reading of Scripture,     entreguemos a la oración y a la lectura de las
to fasting and to giving alms. The fasting that all do   Escrituras, al ayuno y a la limosna. El ayuno que
together on Fridays is but a sign of the daily Lenten    todos hacen juntos los viernes no es más que un
discipline of individuals and households: fasting        signo de la disciplina diaria cuaresmal de las per-
for certain periods of time, fasting from certain        sonas y los hogares: ayunar durante ciertos períodos
foods, but also fasting from other things and            de tiempo, ayunar con ciertos alimentos, pero
activities. Likewise, the giving of alms is some         también ayunar de otras cosas y actividades. Del
effort to share this world equally—not only through      mismo modo, la entrega de limosna es un esfuerzo
the distribution of money, but through the sharing       por compartir este mundo por igual, no sólo a través
of our time and talents.                                 de la distribución de dinero, sino a través del
                                                         intercambio de nuestro tiempo y talentos.
Here are a few reasons why we Fast (from                 Estas son algunas de las razones por las que
Ascension Press):                                        ayunamos (Ascension Press):
1- Fasting offers spiritual sacrifice in solidarity      1- El ayuno ofrece sacrificio espiritual en solidaridad
with Jesus himself (Matthew 4:1-11).                     con Jesús mismo (Mateo 4:1-11).
2- It can help us grow in discipline and therefore       2- Puede ayudarnos a crecer en disciplina y, por lo
virtue.                                                  tanto, en virtud.
3- Fasting brings us into solidarity with the poor.      3- El ayuno nos lleva a la solidaridad con los pobres.
4- It helps us to subordinate created goods to the       4- Nos ayuda a subordinar los bienes creados al
creator.                                                 creador.
5- Along with almsgiving and prayer, fasting trains      5- Junto con la limosna y la oración, el ayuno nos
us to be self-gift (love).                               entrena para ser auto-regalo (amor).
6- Fasting, along with prayer, is a powerful mode        6- El ayuno, junto con la oración, es un poderoso
of penance and supplication.                             modo de penitencia y súplica.
7- When we fail at it, fasting reminds us that we are    7- Cuando fallamos en ello, el ayuno nos recuerda
in need of redemption.                                   que necesitamos redención.
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2021
Archdiocese of Miami Development CorporaƟon
                                         Social Media and BulleƟn Announcements

                                         “’Here I am!’ he answered.”- Genesis 22:11
          It is easy to say, “Here I am, Lord,” when we are kneeling in church. But how easy is it to
        say “Here I am, Lord,” when a neighbor needs our help, when we are invited to join a parish
           ministry, or when we are asked to provide financial support? OŌen Ɵmes we are called
           when it’s not convenient for us. Discipleship is not always easy, most of the Ɵme it will
                                     make us uncomfortable and vulnerable.
                               "él respondió Aquí estoy!"- Genesis 22:11
Es fácil decir, “Aquí estoy, Señor” cuando nos arrodillamos en la iglesia, pero ¿qué tan fácil es decir
          “aquí estoy Señor” cuando un vecino necesita nuestra ayuda, cuando somos invitados a
              unirnos a un ministerio en la parroquia, o cuando se nos pide ayuda financiera? A
         menudo somos llamados cuando no es conveniente para nosotros. El discipulado no siem-
           pre es fácil, la mayor parte del Ɵempo nos va a hacer senƟr incómodos y vulnerables.

             The Equality Act discriminates against people of faith and threatens unborn
                                                Tell your U.S. Congressional members to oppose it

   Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The Equality Act, which is being voted on in the U.S. House of
   Representatives soon, in many ways does the opposite and needs to be opposed. Instead of respecting differences in beliefs
   about marriage and sexuality, the Equality Act would discriminate against people of faith.

   The Equality Act would:

   •     punish faith-based organizations, such as charities and schools who serve everyone in their
       communities, simply because of their beliefs;
   •     force girls and women to compete against boys and men for limited opportunities in sports,
       and to share locker rooms and shower spaces with biological males who identify as women;
   •     risk mandating taxpayers to fund abortions;
   •     force people in everyday life, and especially health care workers, to support gender transi-
       tion; and
   •     expand what the government considers a “public” place, forcing even some parish halls to
       host functions that conflict with Catholic beliefs.

                                                  TAKE ACTION
The Florida Catholic is printing limited copies of their newspaper, but you can read all
                                     the stories online by going to
                                     La Voz Catolica esta imprimiendo un limite pequeno de su periodico, pero pueden
                                     leerlo en linea:

The Blessed Trinity St. Vincent de Paul Society
is Your Society.
It is your Dimes, and Dollars (sometimes more),
that pays for the overdue FPL Bill, the Water Bill,
sometimes the rent, and often pays for
 the groceries. So when you see the
SVDP ‘Poor Box’ Collection Box at                                                  Offertory Totals for
the entrance of the Church, please                                                  February 21, 2020
think of all you can do by supporting.                                                 $ 8,323.63
Your Blessed Trinity SVDP.
To Schedule an appointment please                                       Thank you for your generosity!
call the parish office. Thank you.                                       ¡Gracias por su generosidad!
CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS - Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, 4020 Curtiss Parkway, Virginia Gardens FL 33166


PHONE : 305-871-5780






SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please do not print any bulletins—Church is closed until Further notice.
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