Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time Errigal Parish News - 22nd August 2021

Page created by Ray Schneider
Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time Errigal Parish News - 22nd August 2021
Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time
                        Errigal Parish News - 22nd August 2021

Weekday Masses: St. Mary’s Church: Monday through Wednesday at 10am.
St. Mary’s Church: Month’s Mind Mass for Brendan Devlin on Saturday 28th August at 6pm.
Anniversary Mass for Adrian Robinson on Sunday 29th August at 10am.
St. Joseph’s Church: Anniversary Mass for Henry Mullan on Saturday 28th August at 7.30pm.
Month’s Mind Mass for Lorraine Kelly on Sunday 29th August at 11.30am.

Summer Weekend Masses: During the summer months (July/August), we normally revert
to a summer schedule alternating the Vigil Mass between the two churches of our parish. This
year we shall continue with the two Vigils - however the homilist will give his ‘vocal tones a
rest’ and your ears a siesta rest time also!! The two Sunday morning Masses as usual.

Requiescat in Pace: We extend our sympathy to the parents (Richard and Aíne) and relatives
of Baby Ada Ann-Rose Cassidy, 53 Hawthorne Road, Maghera who died recently.

Back to School! School uniforms can be a costly expense for families. SVP can help towards
the cost. If you are experiencing difficulties this year, please contact 07563595868. A
voicemail facility is available, and your call will be returned. Complete confidentiality is

Church Cleaners: Cleaners are required to join the existing monthly groups who clean each
church. The more that participate the less occasions that individuals will be required to cover.
If interested, please leave your name/contact phone number in each sacristy or alternatively
give details to a sacristan.

St. Mary’s Church - Eucharistic Ministers - 28th/29th August
Vigil 6pm. - Carmel Harkin & Paddy Bradley.
Sunday 10am - Josephine McKeown & Gillian O'Neill.
St. Mary’s Church Readers - 28th/29th August
Vigil 6pm - Fionn Wade.
Sunday 10am - Jacob O’Neill.
St. Joseph’s Church - Eucharistic Ministers - 28th/29th August
Vigil 7.30pm. - Chris Toal & Diane Burns.
Sunday 11.30am. - Fidelma O’Kane & Bronagh McLaughlin.
St. Joseph’s Church - Readers - 28th /29th August
Vigil 7.30pm. - Rosie Heaney.
Sunday 11.30am. - Mairead McNicholl.

Parish Collections - Thank you.
262 boxes of envelopes in circulation. Returns - (Pink 100/White 73)
St. Mary's - Parish: £470.00 Renovation £265.00
St. Joseph's - Parish £320.00 Renovation £290.00
There is a collection box available for parish envelopes in the Costcutter (Eagle Glen) shop in

Mass Cards/Mass Bouquets: Are available for sale at the back of each church please put the
money in the candle box.

Prayer for Summer: Father, creator of all, thank you for summer! Thank you for the warmth
of the sun and the increased daylight. Thank you for the beauty I see all around me and for the
opportunity to be outside and enjoy your creation. Thank you for the increased time I have to
be with my friends and family, and for the more casual pace of the summer season. Draw me
closer to you this summer. Teach me how I can pray no matter where I am or what I am doing.
Warm my soul with the awareness of your presence and light my path with your word and
counsel; as I enjoy your creation, create in me a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for you.

The Season of Creation 2021: Takes place from 1st September to 4th October (Feast of Saint
Francis of Assisi patron of the environment) on the theme 'Restoring Our Common Home'.
During this season we are asked to join together to celebrate creation and protect our common
home through prayer, reflection and action. The global Christian family is called to awaken to
the urgent need to heal our relationships with creation and with each other and to encourage
our parish communities to do the same, “for we know that things can change!” (Laudato Si’,
13). The elderly can be wonderful role models for the young. – Archbishop Michael Neary
Season of Creation 2021: Restoring Our Common Home As our world continues to deal with
the Covid-19 pandemic as well as a devastating climate and biodiversity crisis, we are looking
forward to two UN Conferences in the Autumn, COP15 (on Biodiversity, due to take place in
China) and COP24 (on climate change, Glasgow) in the hope that world leaders take the urgent
action that is needed to restore our common home. Resources for the Season of Creation are
available on

Ballerin GAA – Public Defibrillator Provision: As many of you will be aware on June
14th, 2021. Several million people witnessed live as soccer player Christian Eriksen stumbled
and fell during the European Championship game between Denmark and Finland. Erickson
quickly lost signs of life and a defibrillator was used to resuscitate him in front of the crowd and
international television audience. Erickson survived because up-to-date medical equipment was
In the time since this dramatic moment, we have been thinking about how a similar incident
might play out in our own parish and football club. We do have several defibrillators here in the
parish and all need their accessories, including replacement batteries and paediatric
defibrillation pads updated. However, what is the most alarming is in the event of an emergency
none are as easily accessed as they should be. With this in mind we have decided to work
together to raise awareness through training and to fundraise for alarmed or lockable
defibrillator cabinets as well as extra equipment rescuers may need in our first responder kits.
The outdoor defibrillator cabinet is waterproof and provides a highly visible and secure way
to store Publicly Accessible Defibrillators in any environment. As you may imagine this all
comes at a cost but if one life is saved then it will all be worth it. Ballerin GAC are
committed to assisting with fund raising effort and we are looking for fund raising ideas to
help get this initiative up and running. We are also keen to hear suggestions as to where the
defibrillators should be placed and who ultimately will look after the maintenance, training,
and updates etc.
Please contact any Club member or Fr. Crowley with your ideas or suggestions.


It is important as has been achieved previously with safety guidelines, and social
distancing that as our churches have reopened that as we gather using the sanitiser and
we do so cautiously and safely.

The following directives apply as before for the foreseeable future. 1. Wearing of facial
coverings unless you are except. 2. Respecting Social Distancing. 3. Use of sanitizer upon
entering and leaving the church. 4. Limited Numbers in choir and in the Church. (Empty seat
in front and behind the seat that is occupied). 5. Provision of stewards and ushers in and
outside the church. 6. Directions offered by the stewards/ushers to leave the church safely.
NB – The numbers present at funerals and weddings is determined by a risk assessment
of the church, and the ‘family bubbles’ that can safely gather.

The bulletin is available at the back of the church each weekend. Presently it is not
recommended that we provide missalettes in the church.

Feasts during the Week: Monday - St. Eugene (Eoghan) (Patron of the Derry Diocese):
Eugene lived in the sixth century and was said to have been taken by pirates to Britain. On
obtaining his freedom he went to study at Candida Casa. Returning to Ireland he made a
foundation at Kilnamanagh in the Wicklow hills, and his principal foundation was a Ardstraw
(Ard Statha), Co. Tyrone. Tuesday - St. Bartholomew: Name occurs in the Synoptic
Gospels only in the list of the apostles. He is probably to be identified with Nathanael of
Cana, whom Philip brings to our Lord. Preached the Gospel in India. Wednesday - St. Louis
(1214 - 70): King of France, father of eleven children, Franciscan tertiary, man of integrity,
died in Tunisia on his second Crusade. He is the Parton of the French Monarchy. Friday - St.
Monica (332 - 87): Converted her pagan husband, Patricius, to the faith, and by her prayers
and tears brought her son St. Augustine to Christianity and a moral life. Patron saint of
mothers. Saturday - St. Augustine (354 - 430): Bishop of Hippo, where he lived with a
community until his death. His theological influence has been most significant in the Church,
especially on the understanding of God’s grace. Patron of theologians.

ACCORD - Counselling: If you need to speak, to an experienced couples and relationships
counsellor during this time of unprecedented stress and pressure on family life, please contact
95680151. This is a free helpline service available from 9am - 8pm. Monday to Friday. All
calls charged at local rate.

Face Coverings/Numbers at Services: We request the wearing of face coverings as they are
mandatory upon entering and leaving the church. Some people are exempt from the wearing
of face coverings, even in situations which would otherwise be mandatory. Please continue to
observe social distancing, to use the hand sanitiser on entering and leaving each of our

St. Joseph’s Church Glenullin (Renovation Committee): We hope everyone in the area
recently received a letter regarding contributions to the parish and specifically to the
Renovation Fund, and a form for you to indicate your preferred option for donations. In
response to this, collectors have called to houses around Glenullin recently to collect these
envelopes. We request that you place your name and details in the sealed envelope provided.
We thank you all for your continued support. If the letter has been misplaced further copies
are available in the sacristy. Renovation Committee.

Presently 120 responses have been received of the 340+ letters in circulation regarding
the letter as stated above. As the collection of the envelopes have taken place in recent
weeks, we would appreciate any further returns to be made via the church collection
CLARIFICATION – Apparently there is some difficulty with registering with on-line
banking. (Errigal Glenullin: Sort Code - 950346 Account No. 90062596 is the No 1 a/c)
Errigal Parish: Sort Code 950689 – Account No. 90083712 is the Renovation a/c).
Details as provided in the letter circulated, it would seem the title of the account is
where the problem arises. Account titles are in red as stated above.

Parish Finance: If you wish to contribute to the parish by standing order - forms can be
forwarded upon request by sending an email to - At the end
of each month we shall include in the collection figures the amounts relating to the
increase in standing orders, these figures are stated in brackets.

Year of St. Joseph: In this year dedicated to St. Joseph, Pope Francis recalls the 150th
Anniversary of St Joseph as Patron Saint of the Universal Church. To mark the occasion,
Pope Francis has proclaimed a “Year of St Joseph” and asks us to recite the following
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God
entrusted His only Son; In you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man
Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father, and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us Grace, Mercy and Courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen.

St. Joseph’s Church – Rosary & Divine Mercy: Every Wednesday evening at 7pm.
Everyone welcome.

Certificate in Christian Thought: Drumalis Retreat Centre, in association with St Mary’s
University College, Belfast, invites applications for this two-year, part-time, intensive course
which begins in September 2021. The course will be delivered over seven Saturdays in each of
two successive years, from 10am until 4pm. The Certificate in Christian Thought programme
aims to offer a space where adults can explore, reflect upon, discuss and study faith and how it
relates to life in today's world, both at a personal and community level. During the course,
participants will cover topics on: Spirituality, Pastoral Theology, The Eucharist, Living the
Christian Life, The Sacraments, The Scriptures, where in the World is God? And much more.
Full details are available at:

Radio Maria – Ireland: Is an Irish-run Catholic Talk-Radio Station with commercial-free
broadcasting of Prayer, Catechesis, Music, Talks, Interviews and Testimonies. If you are not
already a follower of the station, Radio Maria Ireland encourage you to join their growing faith
family! You can tune in to the station in a variety of ways:

       Digital TV - Saorview Channel 210/ Freeview TV (Channel number varies per location
          in NI)
       Download FREE App “RADIO MARIA IRELAND”
       Streaming on website, (subscribe and donate here also)
       ‘Listen Live Radio’ link on Facebook Page. (Like, Share and Follow us on Facebook)
       Phone – get live radio feed by calling 003531 437 3277 (no extra charges apply).
Prayer and song requests welcome. “A Catholic voice in your home”.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Following enquires regarding the reception of this Sacrament
(Confession) provision can be accommodated respecting social distancing and wearing a facial
mask, by arrangement either in the space proved in the church or alternatively in the Parochial

Stamp Boxes: There is a box at the back of each church for the collection of used stamps for
the missions.

Irish Volunteer Agency Creates Online Global Network: Viatores Christi, a faith-based
development organisation has specialised in the recruitment, training and deployment of
overseas volunteers since 1960. VC have just launched, along with our partner agencies in
Volunteering for Humanity, a new Online Discussion Forum that is open to all! The Forum is
an online community that is free for everyone to join and to start discussions about
volunteering - how to become a volunteer; to share stories and to find volunteering
opportunities such as the #EUAVI. To learn more about the forum go to our website

Diocesan Paper 'The Net': The July/August edition of ‘The Net’ is now available online,
on the parish and diocesan website. As always, it features a wide variety of news, interesting
and inspiring interviews, articles, and photos from parishes across the diocese. You are
invited to read ‘The Net’, on the diocesan or parish website, at your convenience. To forward
items of our parish or faith activities - email: or
ring/text 07809292852.

Ballerin GAA Lotto: There was no winner of the Lotto the No’s were 6, 10, 16 and 23. Next
week's J/P is £10,000 2nd J/P £9,400 (approx) £50 winner Paula O’Kane (online player).
Preparing for Marriage. - Accord Derry: Virtual Interactive Marriage Preparation
Programme - (limited to 15 couples per course). Booking now online at
Course Dates - Sept 14th/15th - Oct 12th/13th - Nov 9th/10th - Dec 7th/8th.
Preparing for Marriage? Catholic Engaged Encounter: A 'Zoom' online Marriage
Preparation course is planned for 11th – 12th September. This 2-day course is a positive way
of preparing for Marriage where you will discover how you can enrich your future
relationship. Information/Booking: or 028276 38512.

Granaghan & District Woman’s Group: Hi everyone! We would like to share with you our
plans for activities starting up again now in September. We are delighted to say that we will
provide the familiar range of activities: cookery, crochet, craft for our Open Doors Club,
Irish, Jumping clay for kids, meditation, mindfulness, pilates, relaxation, self-care and yoga.
For more details, telephone our secretary Ann: 7940 1396.

The Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre: Working in Partnership with Saint Mary’s
University, Twickenham, offers the Masters in Catholic School Leadership. This is a post
graduate degree dedicated to the professional development and spiritual formation of
Catholic school leaders. It is a great opportunity for those currently in leadership roles and
those who aspire to, or have an interest in, leadership roles within the Catholic School
system. The next intake will be Autumn 2021. If you require any further information, please
contact the Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre on 028 71264087 or email

Anniversary Masses: Anniversary Masses/Month's Mind Masses either to be booked or to
be added to the weekend list, need to be recorded in the Anniversary Book in each sacristy.
As is the custom previously established, the requested Masses can take place during the week
or at the weekend, when the date is available. It is advisable were possible to book well in
advance in the case of anniversaries. Also, please indicate in the Anniversary book that the
Mass is booked for the stated intention – we would appreciate, if possible, acknowledgment
of the booking by email if possible. In the case of a booked Anniversary Mass
please inquire of the sacristan before the Mass begins that the Mass is offered for the
intention you request.

Derry Diocesan Society (DDS): In each of the parishes of the diocese Mass is offered
alternating in each parish (list at the back of each church) for deceased and living members
who are registered in the society. The deceased members registered are remembered in the
anniversary list for three consecutive weekends each quarter (three months). Registration is
£20 and can be given to a sacristan or Fr. Crowley - please ensure name and address of the
person to be enrolled, and whether it is for a living or deceased member.

Parish Readers/Eucharistic Ministers: If you are unable to attend the schedule allocated to
you, it would be much appreciated if you can get a replacement to step in for you. (It may be
possible to exchange a rotation with another group member - there is also the opportunity to
seek cover via the Whatsapp messaging facility if available to your particular group). I also
ask Readers please to conclude the readings with - 'The Word of the Lord' as directed in the
Missalette, and not 'This is the Word of the Lord' as directed in the Lectionary. We have
previously discussed this at our reader meetings.

Maternity Blessing: Expectant mothers are welcome to receive a blessing in any of the
sacristies following Mass - and a prayer card for their pregnancy.

Prayer for our Parish in Challenging Times: God of love, we the people of the Parish of
Errigal, turn to you with prayerful hearts and with confidence in your loving presence among
us now and in every moment of our lives. We stand before you as a people of hope, trusting in
your care and protection. May we be comforted by your love in these anxious times.
Healing God - Bring healing to those who are sick with the Coronavirus and be with their
families and loved ones. We pray especially with those who isolated, that they may know your
love. Stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.
Generous and Merciful God: Fill us with compassion and concern for others, young and old;
that we may look after each other in these challenging times, especially those among us who
are vulnerable. May your example give us the courage we need to go to the margins, wherever
they may be. Heal us of our fear!
God of Strength: Accompany all those who serve us with such love and generosity in the
medical and nursing professions and in all our healthcare facilities. We give thanks for their
continued work in the service of their communities. We ask you to bless them, strengthen them
and guide them with your abundant goodness.

Church Safeguarding: If you have any concerns with regard to Safeguarding children or
adults in need of protection within the Church please contact: Noel O’Donnell, Diocesan
Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street, 71362475, mobile 07596500793 or Celine McKenna,
Diocesan Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street, 71362475, mobile 07707311358 or PSNI
(Police Service of Northern Ireland) 101 or Social Services.
Parish Representatives - May Bradley and Marie Mullan.
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