DOORS OPEN FREDERICTON - Fredericton Tourism

DOORS OPEN FREDERICTON - Fredericton Tourism
                                                                Sunday, September 23, 2018, 1 - 4 pm
                                              Start your Doors Open experience at any of these locations, in any order, for guided or self-guided tours.
                                                          Please note that the locations will be offering limited guided tours at set times.

                               MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS                                                          standard and is now a shining example          farmers’ market, opera house and
                                                                                                            of how land thought to be unacceptable         even a jail. Today, the building includes
                                                and a pumper tanker. Visitors are asked                     for future use can be converted into a         municipal offices and the council
                                                to follow the public parking signs at the                   municipal landmark.                            chamber where City Council meets.
                                                entrances.                                                  Constructed for the treatment of the           The 3-tiered fountain in front of City
                                                In 2016 the City’s 9-1-1 and Public                         water flowing from the wells in the            Hall, which was constructed in 1885,
                                                Safety Communications Centre                                Queen Square area, this plant is a             is crowned by Freddie “the little nude
                                                moved into the building from the                            complement to the existing William             dude”. The fountain, along with the City
                                                Police Station. This houses one of six                      L. Barrett Water Treatment Plant on            Hall clock, was a gift to the City from
                                                regional 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering                      Smythe Street that treats the water            George Fenety, Mayor of Fredericton
                                         1      Points. Scheduled tours will be offered                     from the neighbourhoods around Wilmot          in 1877 and 1884-1888. The original
                                                                                                                                                           Freddie, which is older than the Statue
                                                throughout the day at 30-minute                             Park. With a proud tradition of providing
North Side Station and Firefighter                                                                                                                         of Liberty, is now on display inside City
                                                intervals.                                                  clean, safe drinking water to the citizens
Training Complex & 911 Public                                                                               of Fredericton for over 150 years,
Safety Communications Centre                                                                                visitors are welcome to tour this new          Tours are given of the Council
                                                                                                            facility and learn about their drinking        Chambers, including the City Hall
500 Two Nations Crossing
                                                                                                            water supply and the rich history              Clockworks (a prototype for London’s
Guided tours at 1, 2, 3 pm
                                                                                                            surrounding its development.                   Big Ben) and the History of Fredericton
At a final cost of $10.2 million, this new                                                                                                                 Tapestries designed by Gertrude Duffie
station and training complex is designed                                                                                                                   and woven by Dr. Ivan Crowell as part of
to put Fredericton at the forefront of fire                                                                                                                Fredericton’s Bicentennial celebrations
protection and ensure that we have the                                                    2                                                                in 1985.
best possible trained and equipped fire
department.                                     Fredericton E. John Bliss Water
The North Side Fire Station includes            Treatment Plant
apparatus bays, locker rooms, living            300 Waterloo Row
quarters, offices and training rooms, all       Limited guided tours at 1, 2, 3 pm                                                                  3
situated on a 4.5-acre site that includes       (first-come, first-served)
a state-of-the-art firefighter training                                                                     Fredericton City Hall
                                                The E. John Bliss Water Treatment Plant
tower and related training pads. There
                                                began providing water to the citizens                       397 Queen Street                                                                           4
are burn rooms with flames fueled by
propane and synthetic non-toxic smoke           of Fredericton in 2009. Although the                        Council Chamber tour, including
with environmental protection in mind.          interior contains modern state-of-the-                      City Hall Clockworks and History of            Fredericton Playhouse
The Station is also the new home for the        art technology, the exterior blends with                    Fredericton Tapestries.                        686 Queen Street
Provincial Hazmat Trailers. During Doors        the historic buildings in the St. Anne’s                    Join us at 2 pm or 3 pm for tours in
                                                Point Heritage Preservation Area.                           FRENCH and 2:30 pm or 3:30 pm for              Gain an insider’s view of behind-the-
Open, the training tower will be open for                                                                                                                  scene workings of a professional
viewing and all the station’s equipment         Located on the site of the former                           tours in ENGLISH.
                                                                                                                                                           performing arts centre. Ever wonder
will be on display. The City’s Special          Waterloo Row Esso gas station, the                          Built in 1876, Fredericton City Hall is        what that big white box is on top of the
Operations vehicle will also be shown,          project is a brownfield remediation                         the oldest city hall still in use in the       Playhouse or how we make people fly
as well as the Quint Truck (aerial and          success story. The contaminated                             Maritime Provinces. Fredericton City Hall      on stage? Want to see where famous
pumper truck in one), the Tower Truck,          land was cleaned up to an acceptable                        once included the magistrate’s office,         artists like Leonard Cohen, Buffy Ste.
DOORS OPEN FREDERICTON - Fredericton Tourism
Marie, and Alan Doyle hang out? Want to              UNIVERSITY OF                                                                   the auditorium, which was renovated
learn more about our building’s history                                                                                              in 1970 and is used for live theatre,
and present-day operations? Drop by              NEW BRUNSWICK CAMPUS                                                                concerts, and a multitude of other
anytime between 1pm and 4pm to tour                                                                                                  purposes. Memorial Hall is currently
the backstage, watch live technical                                                                                                  home to the UNB Art Centre and the
demonstrations by professionally trained                                                                                             Centre for Musical Arts.
theatre staff, and find out how the                                                                                             7
magic really happens.
Photography is allowed. Children under                                                    McCord Hall/Ice House
12 must be accompanied by a parent/                                                       7 Bailey Drive
chaperone. No charge.
                                                                                          McCord Hall (1851) is named after David
                                                                                          McCord, a writer and Harvard University
                                                                                          administrator, whose generosity
                                                                                     6    made possible its restoration (1963)
                                                                                          from university ice house to student
                                                                                          study area, thus saving the building                                                 9
                                             Brydone Jack Observatory                     for posterity. This has been a long-
                                             First Astronomical Observatory in            time meeting space for the writing         Provincial Archives
                                         5                                                community. Many renowned local             23 Dineen Drive
                                             5 Bailey Drive                               writers were part of a writing group
                                                                                                                                     The Provincial Archives, located here
Fredericton Convention Centre                The William Brydone Jack Observatory         called the ‘Tuesday Night Group’, also
                                                                                                                                     since 1967, collects and preserves
                                             is the oldest astronomical observatory       known as ‘The Ice House Gang,’ that
670 Queen Street                                                                                                                     documents relating to all aspects of
                                             in Canada. Constructed of wood, it has       met here regularly. Hundreds of writers
Guided Tours at 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 pm                                                                                                  the history of New Brunswick, including
                                             an octagonal tower especially designed       have read their work here.
                                                                                                                                     its people and its institutions, and to
Enter through the main doors on Queen        to house its equatorial telescope. It was                                               make historical records available for
Street to join a guided tour or explore      built in 1851 at the initiation of William                                              public research. Its records offer a
our 36,000 square feet of meeting space      Brydone Jack (1819-1886), professor                                                     multifaceted view of the province and its
on your own. Tour the permanent              of mathematics, natural philosophy                                                      people from Acadian and pre-Loyalists
interpretive exhibit “Communities of         and astronomy, and president of the                                                     periods to the present.
Fredericton” throughout the main floor,      University of New Brunswick from 1861
where the meeting rooms are named                                                                                                    This year, come and see the exhibit
                                             to 1885. Schooled in the traditions of the
after communities that amalgamated                                                                                                   “County Treasures: 50 Years of
                                             Scottish universities, he equipped the
with the City of Fredericton in 1973.                                                                                                Sifting for Gold”, celebrating the 50th
Enjoy impressive art exhibits from Ingrid    observatory with the best instruments
                                                                                                                                     anniversary of the opening of the
Mueller Art + Concepts, Gallery 78m ang      of the day. In collaboration with
                                                                                                                                     Archives. You can also watch modern
Gallery on Queen both upstairs and on        Harvard Observatory he determined                                                  8    tintypes being taken and view and
the main floor.                              the longitude of Fredericton and other                                                  exhibit of historic tintype photos from
                                             places in New Brunswick, and corrected       Memorial Hall                              the Archives’ collections. Tour feature
The FCC is also home to three unique         errors in the international boundary.
sculptural art pieces. Moon Music 3 is                                                    9 Bailey Drive                             the storage vault, microfilm cold
on the main floor, Wolastokuk is located     Now a museum, it contains many of            Memorial Hall was the fifth university     storage, and conservation lab.
on the 2nd floor, while Memoria Address      the original instruments, including a 7      building constructed on campus. It is      The building was once UNB’s library
is installed outside on the sidewalk         ½-foot mahogany and brass achromatic         dedicated to the alumni who served in      from 1931 to 1967, when the Harriet
between the Convention Centre and The        telescope, transit telescopes, as well as    the Great War. A plaque commemorates       Irving Library opened. The building
Playhouse.                                   memorabilia.                                 the 35 who lost their lives—a number       was renovated with a new addition
                                                                                          equivalent in size to a graduating class   in 1951 which was financed by Lord
                                                                                          in those days. Chemistry and chemical      Beaverbrook. Named the Bonar Law-
                                                                                          engineering departments were once          Bennett Building, the library was named
                                                                                          located in the building as well as a       in honour of Andrew Bonar Law, a New
                                                                                          dining hall. Convocations were held in     Brunswicker who was the only non-
DOORS OPEN FREDERICTON - Fredericton Tourism
British-born person to become Prime           1853. It was built under the direction         The spire ascended 198 feet and was         inseparable, and that the chapel’s
Minister of Great Britain, and Richard        of John Medley (1804-1892), the first          topped by a 7-foot upward pointing hand     pointed-arch design and stonework
B. Bennett, who was the only New              bishop of the diocese. Fredericton is          carved in wood by Edward Charters. It       were synonymous with morality.
Brunswicker to become Prime Minister          a city because of the cathedral when           is believed that Wilmot was the first       The grey sandstone on the Chapel’s
of Canada. The Bonar Law-Bennett              Queen Victoria gave the city its charter       church in North America to have had         exterior, the hard-stone buttresses,
Building and the new repository now           in 1848 despite the population being too       a symbolic hand on its steeple. The         and the internal trim came from New
comprise the Richard Bennett Hatfield         small. It is an excellent example of neo-      spire was removed in 1974 because of        Brunswick, as did the butternut that was
Archives Complex.                             Gothic architecture designed by Frank          structural weakening, and the hand (a       used for most of the interior woodwork.
The library’s Beaux Arts, red brick           Wills and is based on St. Mary’s Church        Fredericton Heritage Icon) is now on        Symbolic of the Trinity, the number
style was considered unusual in its           in Snettisham in Norfolk, England. The         display in the Sanctuary. Other features    three appears frequently throughout
day. Its architecture is still of great       stained glass is original as it the carving,   inside the church include stained glass     the Chapel. From almost 20 metres (64
interest today, with its modified Doric       most of which survived the fire of 1911.       windows, including one created by           feet) in the air, amid the stately elms,
columns, its six-over-six and modified        The church is open daily in July and           the William Morris Studio, pews with        three bells have been calling people
Palladian windows. Just below the             August for free guided tours. The rest         doors, a 1951 Casavant pipe organ, and      to worship for over a century and a
building’s front cornice is the Latin         of the year the building is open for all to    the interior décor designed by noted        half. The Withechapel Bell Foundry in
motto Ne Derelinquas me, Domine               come in an enjoy a tour with the use of        Canadian artist, the late Alex Colville.    London, England, cast three bells, the
which translates as “Forsake me not           a brochure. It is a pleasure to see and                                                    largest weighing 532 pounds.
utterly, O Lord”—perhaps the prayer           welcome all faiths, creeds and citizens                                                    The low stone wall that surrounds the
of students entering the library. The         in and beyond the city.                                                                    chapel is interrupted by a lych-gate.
original Beaverbrook Wing of the Library                                                                                                 The word ‘lych’ comes from an old
(a reading room) was designed with                                                                                                       English word meaning ‘corpse’. These
bird’s-eye maple and fiddlehead-design                                                                                                   roofed structures, which date back
wrought iron railings.                                                                                                                   to sixteenth-century England, were
                                                                                                                                         designed to protect the coffin from
                                                                                                                                         inclement weather during funeral
       HERITAGE CHURCHES                                                                                                                 services. This particular gate is believed
                                                                                                                                         to be one of only two such gates
                                                                                                                                         remaining in North America.
                                                                                                                                    12                           St. Paul’s
                                                                                                                                                                 United Church
                                                                                             St. Anne’s Chapel of Ease                                           National Historic
                                                                                        11   “A place of worship with free seats”                                Site
                                                                                             245 Westmorland Street                                              400 George
                                              Wilmot United Church                           When Bishop John Medley came from                                   Street
                                              Corner of King and Carleton Streets            England in 1845, he brought architect                               (corner of
                                                                                             Frank Wills with him. He set this young                             George and York
                                              Wilmot, originally the Fredericton
                                                                                             man to work to design a church that                                 Streets)
                                              Methodist Church (constructed 1851-
                                              1852), is the last of the large frame          would, in the Bishop’s words, ‘provide                              Built in 1886,
                                              churches that dominated the city skyline       a place of worship with free seats for                              St. Paul’s is a
                                         10   throughout the 19th century. It was            the poor and coloured people of the         fine example of High Victorian Gothic
                                              designed by Matthew Stead, an English-         parish’ who lived on the outskirts of       Revival architecture, fashionable in
                                                                                             Fredericton. Consecrated on March 18,       Canada during the second half of the
Christ Church Cathedral                       trained architect, and is an example of
                                              the style known as “Carpenter Gothic.”         1847, St. Anne’s Chapel of Ease became      19th century. The style is marked by a
Corner of Brunswick and Church                                                               Canada’s first free church. In 1853 St.
Streets                                       The construction crew erecting the                                                         bold and vigorous approach to design,
                                              building was comprised of local ships’         Anne’s Chapel of Ease was renamed           which freely interprets earlier Gothic
Christ Church Cathedral, the mother           carpenters whose work on the wooden            Christ Church Parish Church until 1962.     precedents. Typical stylistic features in
church for the Anglican Diocese of            vaulting echoes that on the bows of            Bishop Medley believed that Gothic          this former Presbyterian Church are the
Fredericton, was built between 1845 and       wooden ships.                                  architecture and Christianity were          soaring corner tower, intersecting roof
DOORS OPEN FREDERICTON - Fredericton Tourism
ridges and richly varied details, including   1840, the congregation had grown                                                                                                    MEDIA                                                                        was re-opened as the Rookwood Centre
the rusticated and polychromed                large enough to need a new church.                                                                                                                                                                               providing office space to a variety of
stonework. The rose window, derived           The wooden structure built on this site,                                                                                                                        Bell Media                                       professional businesses and three top
from French Gothic, indicates a new           and dedicated in 1840, was destroyed                                                                                                                            Radio                                            radio stations.
openness toward non-English designs at        by fire in 1882. That same year, the                                                                                                                            Station
this time.                                    congregation laid the cornerstone of                                                                                                                            Rookwood
                                              the fine Neo-Gothic church that stands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Rogers tv
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Centre                                                                                                                     377 York
                         St. Dunstan’s        today. Built of purple-blue freestone
                                              quarried in New Brunswick, it boasts a                                                                                                                          206 Rookwood                                                                                                               Street
                         Catholic                                                                                                                                                                             Avenue
                         Church               beautiful tracery window over the main                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rogers tv
                                              entrance. The Gothic decoration of the                                               Tour a working radio station and                                                                                                                        has been
                          120 Regent
                                              semicircular sanctuary and balcony                                                   see how voices get to the airwaves                                                                                                                      providing
                                              is bathed in the glow of stained-glass                                               and where CTV reporters prepare                                                                                                                         coverage of
                          The earliest        windows.                                                                             their TV stories. Rookwood Centre,
                          history of St.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   community
                                                                                                                                   formerly known as the Rookwood                                                                                              events, interactive studio shows,
                          Dunstan’s church
starts in 1827 with the arrival of Father
                                                                     St. Peter’s                                                   Medical Building, houses
                                                                                                                                                         Ring three radio                                                                                      and locally produced programming
Michael McSweeney as the first resident
                                                                     Anglican                                                      stations:103.5 KHJ Real Country Variety,                                                                                    for almost 50 years. Topics include
priest. On June 11, 1843, Father William                             Church                                                        106.9 Capital FM, and 105.3 The Fox.                                                                                        everything from sports, politics,
Dollard was consecrated as the new                                      2365 Woodstock                                             Opened in 1962, the building originally                                                                                     music, and more. Volunteers from all
bishop, and was given an oil painting                                   Road                                                       provided office space for 30 doctors                                                                                        walks of life cover all aspects of the

of the Crucifixion. This painting, which                                Nestled among                                              ranging from general practitioners                                                                                          process from producing or hosting their
can still be seen in the present-day                                    the towering                                               to dentists. It was co-founded by                                                                                           own show to operating the technical
church, hung over the main altar. During                                pseudo-Achaia                                              Dr. G Everett Chalmers, Dr. J. Gilbert                                                                                      equipment.
Bishop Dollard’s stay, the congregation                                 trees along                                                Turner and Dr. W. Ross Wright. By                                                                                           See the broadcast television studio,
increased in numbers due to the arrival       the banks of the St. John River on the                                               1982, the building was home Maptole 52
of Irish immigrant families, victims of       outskirts of Fredericton lies a little                                                                                                                                                                           learn how television programming
                                                                                                                                   practicing doctors and had outgrown                                                                                         works, have hands-on access to the
the Irish Potato famine of 1848.              know gem: St. Peter’s Anglican Church.                                               its capacity as a medical clinic. In 1983                                                                                   equipment, andUmeet the behind-the-
The existing church was consecrated on        Built by the descendants of Loyalist                                                                            MainVentures                                                                                                      nio
                                                                                                                                   the building was sold to Ross                                                                                               scenes volunteers.nTours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     105 start every
                                              slaves in 1837, St. Peter’s has served

August 15, 1965. It has a seating capacity                                                                                         Ltd. Following renovations, the building

                                              as a beacon of Faith and hope to the                                                                                                                                                                             half hour with the last tour at 3:30 pm.

for nearly 1000 people and a spire height
of 92 feet, six inches from the ground to     local community for over 180 years.
the foot of the 18-foot high superimposed     It is thought to be the oldest church
cross. An altar of white marble has           building of the greater Fredericton                              Ring                    Two Nations Crossing
been placed in the sanctuary. There are       area which has been in continuous use
                                                                                                                                             NORTH / NORD                                                                                                                                                                                                             s
                                              since erected in the first year of Queen                                                                                                                                                                                      3                                     The                                             tter
two side altars and two shrines. The                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Queen                                                        Gr                                       Wa
baptistery is at the front of the church      Victoria’s reign. St. Peter’s Georgian                                                                                                                                                                               11                                         5 4       ee

                                                                                                                                                 St. M
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         King ada                                                         n

and can be seen on the right-hand side.       architecture stands amidst the graves of                                                                                                                                                                          n

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ck                        C

                                              the famous and not so famous former                                                                                                                                               dsto                                                                                        10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Woo                                            15               George




                         Brunswick            worshippers. Unique for its relationship                                                                                                                                                                    12



                                              with the local black population who

                                                                                                                      Maple                                                            n

                         Street Baptist


                                              were members as well as builders,


                                              St. Peter’s graveyard is the only local                                 Main                                                                Union                                      17                                     18
                        Corner of York        instance of intermixed black and white                                                                                                                                                               Argyle


                        and Brunswick                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dundonald

                                              burials dating from the 19th century.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Beaverbrook                         2
                        Streets               The cemetery is also the final resting                                                                toc
                                                                                                                                                       k Prospect                                                                                                                                                                                For
                        This                  place of Captain Charles Rainsford, the                         tock                             oods hill                                                                                                         ood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SOUTH / SUD                                                                          est

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                        congregation is       War of 1812 hero of the 104th Regiment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8, 9


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ent Byp

                                                                                                                                                     Queen                                                 Gr                                                                     Kings College
                        descended from        of Foot. Rainsford’s actions saved 200 of                                                SOUTH / SUD             11                     5 4                    ee                                                                                                           UNB Campus

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tem int

                                                                                                                                                     King                                                      n

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                        the 13 members        his fellow soldiers from starvation and                                       dsto
                                                                                                                                ck                   Brunswick

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                                                                                                                         Woo                                           15      George


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Voi Bar
who organized the first Baptist Church        exposure during their famous overland                                                              Are12 there13 any    other buildings that you would like to see included in the tour?



in the area on January 1, 1814. By

                                              march to Kingston in the winter of 1813.                                                                                       Email us :



                                                                                                                                  17                                   18
                                                                                                                                                                                      Beaverbrook                             2                           arg

DOORS OPEN FREDERICTON - Fredericton Tourism DOORS OPEN FREDERICTON - Fredericton Tourism
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