Third Sunday of Easter - April 26, 2020 - Wilshire Baptist Church

Page created by Sylvia Fischer
Third Sunday of Easter - April 26, 2020 - Wilshire Baptist Church
April 26, 2020
Third Sunday of Easter
Third Sunday of Easter - April 26, 2020 - Wilshire Baptist Church
Preparing for worship
   All my life, I’ve never not believed in God, but       church and the people who fill our days come
it’s taken almost 60 of my 80 years to believe in         to us online, as electronic blips on our laptops,
church.                                                   televisions and smartphones. We no longer can
   After discovering Wilshire 15 years ago,               touch or smell or taste church, but we can see
I hungered to know more about Jesus,                      and hear it. And maybe that’s enough when we
Christianity, Baptists, the Bible and church. I’m         prepare for daily worship — that and reading
still learning and grabbing almost any source             and listening to the sources we’ve found that
— books, websites, articles, videos, sermons              enrich our understanding of church.
and testimonies from people I know and don’t                For example, in his first letter, Peter addresses
know. The range of information crosses lines              those in exile (and don’t we feel exiled in our
between liberal/progressive and conservative/             isolation?):
fundamental. I want to hear and savor it all.
   So when I prepare for worship, it’s not for one                 Prepare your minds for action;
Sunday; it’s for every day — because I’ve learned              discipline yourselves; set all your hope
these last 15 years that that’s where church is: in          on the grace that Jesus Christ [the Head of
our daily routines with the people who populate           Church] will bring you ... . Live in reverent fear
our days, those we know and those we don’t.                      during the time of your exile ... .
Before COVID-19 took over our lives, we met                   Love one another deeply from the heart.
these folks face-to-face, in stores, pharmacies,              You have been born anew … through the
restaurants, movie theaters, museums, beauty                     living and enduring word of God.
salons, barber shops, taverns, concerts,                                 1 Peter 1:13, 17, 23
school rooms, courtrooms, lectures, elevators,
sanctuaries and on DART, planes, trains and                 Thus, just as God is in us, so is Church. I
airport shuttles. The list of places we can no            can now believe that, although I need daily
longer frequent is exhausting.                            reminders.
   Now that we are confined to our homes,                                            —Mary Kay Jackman

                           Wilshire Baptist Church
                        4316 Abrams Road | Dallas, Texas 75214
                          (214) 452-3100 |
                    Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

       Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

ON THE COVER: Road to Emmaus, Daniel Bonnell. Used by permission.

Third Sunday of Easter - April 26, 2020 - Wilshire Baptist Church
April 26, 2020
                                            11:00 a.m.
                                      Third Sunday of Easter

Chiming of the Hour

Prelude                                 Jesus Shall Reign                     arr. Arnold B. Sherman
                                        Carillon Ringers
                                     Ralph Manuel, director
                                  Recorded on February 16, 2020

Opening Sentences 		                                                                     Blake Brown

We come together today to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, who cannot be contained by doors or
walls or isolation or fear. This same Jesus is present with us now, wherever we are, however alone
or isolated we feel. We are invited in this moment to join the journey with Jesus, to listen and learn
and to be changed.

Hymn 217                               Alleluia! Sing to Jesus                          hymn to joy

                    Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne.
                       Alleluia! His the triumph, his the victory alone.
                 Hark! The songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood,
                  “Jesus, out of every nation, has redeemed us by his blood.”

                     Alleluia! Not as orphans are we left in sorrow now.
                Alleluia! Christ is near us, faith believes, nor questions how.
           Though the cloud from sight received him when the forty days were o’er,
              Shall our hearts forget his promise, “I am with you evermore?”

                  Alleluia! Bread of Heaven, Christ on earth our food and stay.
                       Alleluia! Here the sinful rest in you from day to day.
                 Intercessor, friend of sinners, earth’s Redeemer, plead for me,
                 Where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea.

Greeting to Worshipers 		                                                            Darren DeMent

Psalm Reading — Psalm 116:1–4		                                                      Anabelle Tinsley

I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my supplications. Because he inclined his ear to
me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of
Sheol laid hold on me; I suffered distress and anguish. Then I called on the name of the Lord: “O
Lord, I pray, save my life!”

Yo amo al Señor porque él escucha mi voz suplicante. Por cuanto él inclina a mí su oído, lo invocaré
Third Sunday of Easter - April 26, 2020 - Wilshire Baptist Church
toda mi vida. Los lazos de la muerte me enredaron; me sorprendió la angustia del sepulcro, y caí en
la ansiedad y la aflicción. Entonces clamé al Señor: “¡Te ruego, Señor, que me salves la vida!”

Children’s Moment		                                                                   Julie Girards

Prayers of the People 		                                                           Joan Hammons

Invitation to Give		                                                                 George Mason

Thank you for your continued generosity in these unusual times. The work of the
church goes on, despite the building being closed. With your gifts, we are using
technology in new ways to connect with one another in fellowship, Bible study and
worship. With your gifts, we are helping local missions partners serve the most
vulnerable among us. With your gifts, we are adapting every aspect of the church’s
life to meet the present need. And with your gifts, we are planning and preparing
for the day ahead when we all are reunited in this place. Update your giving or make a gift at www.

Gospel Reading — Luke 24:13–21, 25–35		                                              George Mason

Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from
Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were
talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from
recognizing him. And he said to them, “What are you discussing with each other while you walk
along?” They stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him,
“Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there
in these days?” He asked them, “What things?” They replied, “The things about Jesus of Nazareth,
who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief
priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucified him. But we had
hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since
these things took place. ... Then he said to them, “Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart
to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer
these things and then enter into his glory?” Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he
interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures. As they came near the village
to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly,
saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in
to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and
gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their
sight. They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on
the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?” That same hour they got up and returned to
Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying,
“The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!” Then they told what had happened on
the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.
                                      This is the word of the Lord.
                                          Thanks be to God.
Third Sunday of Easter - April 26, 2020 - Wilshire Baptist Church
Aquel mismo día dos de ellos se dirigían a un pueblo llamado Emaús, a unos once kilómetros de
Jerusalén. Iban conversando sobre todo lo que había acontecido. Sucedió que, mientras hablaban
y discutían, Jesús mismo se acercó y comenzó a caminar con ellos; pero no lo reconocieron, pues
sus ojos estaban velados. “¿Qué vienen discutiendo por el camino?” les preguntó. Se detuvieron,
cabizbajos; y uno de ellos, llamado Cleofas, le dijo: “¿Eres tú el único peregrino en Jerusalén que no
se ha enterado de todo lo que ha pasado recientemente?” Les preguntó “¿Qué es lo que ha pasado?
Lo de Jesús de Nazaret. Era un profeta, poderoso en obras y en palabras delante de Dios y de todo
el pueblo. Los jefes de los sacerdotes y nuestros gobernantes lo entregaron para ser condenado a
muerte, y lo crucificaron; pero nosotros abrigábamos la esperanza de que era él quien redimiría
a Israel. Es más, ya hace tres días que sucedió todo esto.” ... “¡Qué torpes son ustedes,” les dijo,” y
qué tardos de corazón para creer todo lo que han dicho los profetas! ¿Acaso no tenía que sufrir el
Cristo estas cosas antes de entrar en su gloria?” Entonces, comenzando por Moisés y por todos los
profetas, les explicó lo que se refería a él en todas las Escrituras. Al acercarse al pueblo adonde se
dirigían, Jesús hizo como que iba más lejos. Pero ellos insistieron: “Quédate con nosotros, que está
atardeciendo; ya es casi de noche.” Así que entró para quedarse con ellos. Luego, estando con ellos a la
mesa, tomó el pan, lo bendijo, lo partió y se lo dio. Entonces se les abrieron los ojos y lo reconocieron,
pero él desapareció. Se decían el uno al otro: “¿No ardía nuestro corazón mientras conversaba con
nosotros en el camino y nos explicaba las Escrituras?” Al instante se pusieron en camino y regresaron
a Jerusalén. Allí encontraron a los once y a los que estaban reunidos con ellos. “¡Es cierto!” decían.
“El Señor ha resucitado y se le ha aparecido a Simón.” Los dos, por su parte, contaron lo que les había
sucedido en el camino, y cómo habían reconocido a Jesús cuando partió el pan.
                                        Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                               Gracias a Dios.

Anthem                                      Stay with Us                                   Egil Hovland
                                           Sanctuary Choir
                                      Recorded October 20, 2019

                                Stay with us, Lord Jesus, stay with us.
                        Stay with us, it soon is evening and night is falling.
                                 Jesus Christ, the world’s true light!
                             Shine so the darkness cannot overcome it!
                             Stay with us, Lord Jesus, it soon is evening.
                            Stay with us, Lord Jesus, for night is falling.
                Let your light pierce the darkness and fill your church with its glory.

Message                                  “On the Road Again”                                  Leigh Curl

Hymn 640                           Leaning on the Everlasting Arms                          showalter

           What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms.
          What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, leaning on the everlasting arms.
                     Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms,
                     Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, leaning on the everlasting arms.
      Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day, leaning on the everlasting arms.
                    Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms,
                   Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

           What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms?
           I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms.
                        Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms,
                        Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

Sharing of Decisions		                                                              Leigh Curl

Benediction 		                                                                      Leigh Curl

Affirmation of Faith 		                                                             old 100th

                               Our God is making all things new,
                                A promise that we know is true.
                              Through eyes of faith we long to see
                                A love-transformed community.

                             A place where truth and justice reign
                               And healing triumphs over pain,
                              Where all have dignity and worth
                           And peace is passed throughout the earth.

                                       – LeAnn Hampton

Postlude                        Trio and Toccata on “Hymn to Joy”             arr. Jeff Brummel

Meet today’s worship leaders
Blake Brown grew up at Wilshire and is the son
of Kile and Leigh Ann Brown. He is a student at
Villanova University.

Anabelle Tinsley is the daughter of Price and
Sara Tinsley and granddaughter of Sam and Peggy
Tinsley. She is a fourth grader.

Staff contacts
      George A. Mason                      Jessica Capps                       Leigh Curl
         Senior Pastor                 Minister to Senior Adults             Pastoral Resident
        (214) 452-3132                     (214) 452-3129                     (214) 452-3152
       Mark Wingfield                     Darren DeMent                       Ryan Wilson
        Associate Pastor                 Minister to Students                Pastoral Resident
        (214) 452-3128                    and Young Adults                    (214) 452-3158
         Doug Haney                        (214) 452-3102                     David Nabors
       Minister of Music                   Julie Girards                Director of Business Admin.
        (214) 452-3123                   Minister to Children                 (214) 452-3157
        Jeff Brummel                      (214) 452-3104                       Dale Pride
  Associate Minister of Music/            Joan Hammons                       Facilities Manager
            Organist                   Minister to Preschoolers               (214) 452-3101
        (214) 452-3122                    (214) 452-3141                    J. Preston Bright
      Heather Mustain                   Leanna Coyle-Carr                Associate Pastor Emeritus
Minister of Missions & Advocacy           Pastoral Resident
         (214) 452-3110                    (214) 452-3154
To email any staff member, use the first letter of the first name combined with the full last name
and add
The Wilshire Tapestry
Zoom chat with Jeff Brummel                              be accepted through May 2.

We’re continuing Wednesday night conversations           Just Mercy screening
with some Wilshire ministers. This week, chat
with Jeff Brummel, associate minister of music           We are planning a virtual screening of the film
and organist, at 6 p.m. The format will be an open       Just Mercy in collaboration with Wilshire and
question-and-answer session. The chat will happen        Friendship-West Baptist Church. The shared
online through Zoom. To receive information on           screening via Amazon Prime will be followed by a
how to connect, email            panel of experts discussing the current problems
no later than 3 p.m. this Wednesday, April 29.           with our criminal justice system and the potential
                                                         for reform. Pre-registration will be required. To
Condolences to: Perry Pierce on the death of             receive details once they are finalized, register now
his wife, Kathryn Pierce, April 19; the family of        via the link at
Sug Carr, who died April 18; Vicki Carlisle on the
death of her cousin to COVID-19, April 16; Casey         Missions partner funding
Boland on the death of her mother, Ona Boland,
April 16; Barbara Peterson on the death of her           Wilshire has continued to make extra donations to
sister-in-law, Cindy Peterson Schaffner, April 15.       our local missions partners as we are able to help
                                                         them address the present crisis. Extra funding
“Can You Spare a Can?” update                            so far has gone to CitySquare, Wilkinson Center,
                                                         Cornerstone Baptist Church and Gateway of
With 26 collection sites across Dallas, Wilshire         Grace.
members have put nearly 1,000 lbs. of food on
the pantry shelves at the Wilkinson Center and
directly into our neighbors’ homes. Donations will

                                                                     Join the Friday 5
                                                                     All Wilshire congregants are invited
                                                                     to join in an easy pastoral care
                                                                     project during our time of physical
                                                                     distancing. The idea for “Friday
                                                                     Five” is this: Every Friday during
                                                                     the coronavirus isolation, commit to
                                                                     contact at least five Wilshire friends
                                                                     in your circle of influence to see how
                                                                     they’re doing. Think first of those
                                                                     who are not your family or closest
                                                                     friends but who would love to hear
                                                                     from you. Let’s multiply our care for
                                                                     each other.

                              Keep up with all the Wilshire news at or by using our
                              Wilshire app or via social media. Worship is live streamed every
                              Sunday at 11:00.
In times like these ...
Find inspirational resources

Visit a new page on Wilshire’s website for a collection of inspirational videos and writings related
to the present crisis. This is an ideal page to share with friends and family who are not part of the
Wilshire community. Because of the accessibility of the church’s robust online presence now, it is
easier than ever to share Wilshire with a friend. Find the page here:

Wilshire closures

Due to COVID-19 virus precautions, all public gatherings and meetings at Wilshire are suspended
until further notice. The church offices are now closed as well, in compliance with the Dallas County
directive. Staff members are working from home and are available by phone and email. See the
ministerial staff directory on page 7 or visit for complete staff contact information.

Online Sunday School

Mark Wingfield continues to teach a weekly online Sunday School lesson via Facebook Live. Check
the church’s Facebook page to see last week’s lesson or to find this week’s lesson, which will be
broadcast beginning this Sunday at 10:15 a.m. This will be a 30-minute lesson, allowing you a short
break before worship begins at 11.

Online mid-week Bible study

Our pastoral residents are offering our normal Wednesday Bible study in video format posted
online. This study, along with a prayer time and music, is published on the church website, through
our Facebook page and on our YouTube channel every Wednesday before noon.

Pastoral care notes

Your ministerial staff still wants to keep up with you. The first line of contact is Michele Stinecipher,
assistant to the associate pastor, who may be reached at (214) 452-3130 or mstinecipher@ She maintains the daily Care Notes list and funnels information to the rest of the
pastoral staff. You also may contact Mark Wingfield at or (214) 452-

Stephen Ministers available

If you are struggling with anxiety or fear or other spiritual issues during this time, you might
benefit from a conversation with a Wilshire Stephen Minister. These trained lay leaders walk
alongside others in times of distress. All conversations are confidential. To learn more, contact Gail
Brookshire at

Tele-counseling available

Our ministry partner The Center is now offering tele-counseling with its trained, professional
staff of licensed counselors. If you need professional counseling to get through this time, call The
Center’s client services team at (214) 526-4525.

Rapid-response teams formed
Health Response Team is comprised of medical professionals in the church who are willing to
make themselves available for general counsel and encouragement. These volunteers are not
dispensing medical care but are available for general questions and guidance especially when
it may be harder to get to a doctor. Lead contact is Linda Garner, or
(214) 452-3151.

Food and Supplies Response Team is comprised of volunteers from our Missions and
Advocacy committees who are at the ready to help those who are isolated and need food or
other supplies brought to them. We have identified existing designated and budget funds that
will be used to meet urgent needs of members, such as food and medicine and limited rent
assistance. Lead contact is Heather Mustain, or (214) 452-3110.

Spiritual Support Response Team is comprised of trained lay leaders and staff who are
available to talk with members who are lonely, scared or just need to talk during this time of
isolation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling. Volunteers will call care receivers
on at least a weekly basis to listen to them and offer emotional support. Other referrals for
additional identified needs will be made to the appropriate teams or staff. Lead contact is Gail

  Pray for all Wilshire health care workers
  Tanya Benson                     Deborah Herford                  Mike Plunk
  Gina Biddle                      Jeff Jones                       Ross Prater
  Cayce Brumley                    Tori Korson Wingfield            Lyn Prater
  Joni Cabaniss                    Desiree Krieger                  Nancy Quelland
  Ann Cossum                       Micki Lacker                     Katie Smalling
  Karen Cotter                     Bobby Louder                     Connie Smith
  Kelli Culpepper Hall             Linda Martinez                   Jim Sterling
  Joannah DeMent                   Kim Mason                        Nancy Stretch
  Diana Early                      Marty McElya                     Robin Sullens
  Janda Edwards                    Alyssa McElya                    Claire Tommey
  Linda Eggert                     Sheri McShan                     Jim Walton
  Linda Garner                     Allison Moore                    Amy Wilson
  Linda Gregory                    Sheri Mosser                     Jenny Wolff
  Rita Hamilton                    Monica Mullins                   Alan Wright
  Joey Hamilton                    Chad Mustain                     Rebecca Yarbrough

Wilshire Roots CD
Wilshire’s latest music CD is produced and ready to distribute, but due to the
coronavirus containment efforts, we cannot currently hand them out. Never
fear, though: There is a way to access this music at home.

Venture over to or
media/sounds, and you’ll find audio files of the new “Wilshire Roots” CD.
Eventually, these tracks will be available on other commercial digital music
platforms as well as on the physical CDs. But for now, due to limitations on
other distribution methods, you may access them on our website.

“Roots” music isn’t standard fare on Sunday mornings at Wilshire, but it
slips in between the classical hymns and
anthems more often than you would guess. In
the Baptist tradition, our roots come from at
least two streams — one more formal and one
more informal. So it seems natural that those
traditions would merge in our worship even
today. When that happens, you’ll often find
Darren DeMent on the mandolin at the center
of things. For this album, Darren gathered up
some of his frequent collaborators and captured
a few of our congregation’s favorite pieces they
have sung and played in recent years. We often
say Wilshire is “a different kind of Baptist
church.” Here’s evidence yet again.

The album also now is available for purchase
in the iTunes store.

You can also read