St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -

Page created by Roberto King
St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida

  April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter
                                           819-   819-1
St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
Prayers Before Mass
                                           April 25th, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter

                   All of the information needed for today’s liturgy is found in
                         this bulletin, including Readings, and Responses.

                                       Prayer to                                    Diocesan Prayer for God’s
                                                                               Protection in the face of the Coronavirus Pandemic
                                      St. Michael
                                       Saint Michael the                   Loving and gracious God, as in all times, we turn to You and implore
                               Archangel, defend us in battle, be          Your protection and healing as we face a new threat to our health
our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the                and peaceful well-being in the coronavirus pandemic before us.
                                                                           Help us to be united with each other and with all of our brothers and
devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou, O
                                                                           sisters around the world affected by this illness. We pray for all
Prince of the heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into              those in the medical field who are assisting patients and in the field
hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for           of science who are discerning a cure, as well as for all government
the ruin of souls. Amen.                                                   leaders. Remember those who, through this virus, have passed
     Mary, Queen of the Apostles and Patroness                             from this life as well as their families in their loss.
            of our Diocese, Pray for us.                                              At this time of fragile uncertainty, we also humbly implore
                                                                           You to grant us prudence, hope, courage and patience. Dispel from
                                                                           us fear, panic and distrust which disrupt us in spirit to the detriment
                  Penitential Act: A                                       of our well-being.
                                                                                      We make our prayer in the name of your beloved Son, our
                                                                           Lord Jesus Christ, who always cured those who were sick with vari-
                       The Confiteor                                       ous diseases and drove out many demons.

           I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and
                                                                                   Our Lady, Patroness of our Diocese,
sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in
what I have done and what I have failed to do, through my fault,                Queen of the Apostles and Comforter of the
through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask                     Afflicted, Pray for us. Amen.
blessed Mary ever-virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my
brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we
glorify you, we give you thanks, for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father, Lord Jesus
Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have
mercy on us, you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

                                                               Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the
Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made,
consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, All bow at the
words that follow, up to and including and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was cruci-
fied under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended
into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have
no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored
and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, I confess one Baptism for the for-
giveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
FIRST READING                                                             SECOND READING
       A reading from the Acts of the Apostles                                  A reading from the first Letter of Saint John
                         Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12                                                      1 John 3:1-2

Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said:                                  Beloved:
“Leaders of the people and elders:                                         See what love the Father has bestowed on us
If we are being examined today                                             that we may be called the children of God.
about a good deed done to a cripple,                                       Yet so we are.
namely, by what means he was saved,                                        The reason the world does not know us
then all of you and all the people of Israel should know                   is that it did not know him.
that it was in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean                       Beloved, we are God’s children now;
whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead;                         what we shall be has not yet been revealed.
in his name this man stands before you healed.                             We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him,
He is the stone rejected by you, the builders,                             for we shall see him as he is.
   which has become the cornerstone.
There is no salvation through anyone else,                                 The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
nor is there any other name under heaven
given to the human race by which we are to be saved.”                                              R. Alleluia, alleluia.
                                                                                         I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
                                                                                         I know my sheep, and mine know me.
The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.                                                            R. Alleluia, alleluia.

            RESPONSORIAL PSALM                                             Gospel                             John 10:11-18
                    Psalm 118:1,8-9,21-23,26,28,29                         The Lord be with you. And with your spirit.
                                                                           A reading form the holy Gospel according to Luke
R. (22) The stone rejected by the builders has become the                  Glory to you, O Lord.
          Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,                         Jesus said:
                   for his mercy endures forever.                          “I am the good shepherd.
            It is better to take refuge in the LORD                        A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
                          than to trust in man.                            A hired man, who is not a shepherd
            It is better to take refuge in the LORD                        and whose sheep are not his own,
                        than to trust in princes.
                                                                           sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away,
R. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cor-
                              nerstone.                                    and the wolf catches and scatters them.
    I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me                    This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep.
                      and have been my savior.                             I am the good shepherd,
            The stone which the builders rejected                          and I know mine and mine know me,
                    has become the cornerstone.                            just as the Father knows me and I know the Father;
               By the LORD has this been done;                             and I will lay down my life for the sheep.
                     it is wonderful in our eyes.                          I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.
R. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cor-                  These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice,
                              nerstone.                                    and there will be one flock, one shepherd.
    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD;                       This is why the Father loves me,
           we bless you from the house of the LORD.
                                                                           because I lay down my life in order to take it up again.
    I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me
                      and have been my savior.                             No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own.
          Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;                         I have power to lay it down, and power to take it up again.
                 for his kindness endures forever.                         This command I have received from my Father.”
R. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cor-
                              nerstone.                                    The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

"A law which violates an innocent person's natural right to life is unjust and, as such, is not
valid as a law" – Evangelium Vitae 90.

Reflection: The Church does not say that laws allowing abortion are just "bad laws." The Church declares that they are no laws at all. Rather,
they are acts of violence, and must be resisted rather than obeyed. To be valid and binding, a law must never contradict the law of God.

Prayer: Father, as we live amidst many unjust laws, give us the grace to recognize them as invalid, to say so to others, and to work to change
them. Amen!

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
Gathering Hymn                                                                         Closing Hymn

                                                                                     Laying down our lives

                                                                                     The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. This theme is found also in
                                                                                     the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) On the road from Jerusalem to
                                                                                     Jericho, a man fell in with robbers. A priest and a Levite came by, but did not
                                                                                     stop to help. Despite their knowledge of the Law and Prophets, they walked
                                                                                     right by. Why?

                                                                                    One of the reasons may be that they were afraid. The road from Jerusalem to
                                                                                    Jericho is a dangerous road. Because of its numerous steep curves, it lends
                                                                                    itself to attacks by robbers who can easily hide not too far from their victims.
                                                                                    Perhaps the priests and Levites who passed by that man asked themselves, "If I
                                                                                    stop to help this man, what will happen to me? Maybe the robbers who attacked
him are still here. Maybe they're hiding just around the bend. This is a dangerous road. I better keep going."

Sometimes we ask the same question. If, for example, I speak up too loudly about the victims of abortion, what will happen to me? Will I face persecution, will I
encounter opposition, will I lose popularity if I get involved in a cause like this?

And then the Good Samaritan came along, and he reversed the question. He didn't ask, "If I help this man, what will happen to me?" The Good Samaritan asked,
"If I do not help this man, what will happen to him?" And that's the question for us. If I do not address this evil, what will happen to the unborn? If I do not get in-
volved, what will happen to those who are vulnerable, to those who are marginalized in our society, those who are oppressed, those who have no one to speak for

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
Mother’s Day Novena of Masses                                              The Prayer Shawl Ministry will be
       For the intention of our mothers,                                       meeting first Wednesday of every month at
                                                                               10:30am. We are happy to be back in our regu-
              living or deceased.                                              lar meeting room A in the church with social
                                                                               distancing and masks. We have continued mak-
                                                                               ing shawls to give to parishioners, their family
 The Mass intentions for our Mother’s Day Novena                and friends. Anyone needing a shawl to celebrate and or com-
of 9 consecutive days of Masses for the intention of            fort loved ones, please contact the person listed in this notice.
our mothers, living or deceased, must be returned to            We have recently received requests from St. Andrew Flock-
                                                                notes, which we are happy to respond to. We also thank do-
the church office to be placed on the altar before              nors who have supplied us with yarn. We welcome any new
April 30th.                                                     people who would like to join us in this giving ministry.
          On the outside of the envelope are printed lines
for you to write down the names of the mothers you              contact: Norma 772 919 5963
would like remembered in our Novena Masses. They can
be your biological mother, wife, stepmother, mother-in-
law, God-Mother, etc. There are more lines on the back                                                       April Schedule
of the envelope too. After writing their name, please in-
sert your donation for the Masses in the envelope and             Sun     Apr-25 Last Class
place it in the offertory basket next weekend, or drop it
                                                                  Wed Apr-28                         First Communion Practice
off at the church office no later than April 30th as our                                             6:00Pm in the Church
Novena Masses begin on Saturday, May 1st.
                                                                  Sat     May-1 Practice / Readers only for the communion
                                                                                Reconcili- mass meet 9:30am in the church.
                                                                                ation      Communion practice for all
Celebrate Life's Special Moments!                                                                    children is 10:00am in the church.
                                                                                                     Reconciliation meet at 11:00am in
                                                                                                     the church
Visit our First
Holy communion                                                    Sun     May-2                      First Communion Mass
selection table.                                                                                     Students must be at church
Rosaries, Bibles,                                                                                    before 11:00 am
Jewelry & More.
Because Faith                                                   May you rejoice with the wife of your youth. May you always be enrap-
Matters. Find the                                               tured with her love. May you give honor to your wife as your coheir of
Perfect Gift to                                                 the grace of life, and may your prayers be unhindered. May the heart
Cherish...                                                      of your husband safely trust in you. Proverbs 5:19, 1 Peter 3:7: Proverbs 31:11

 May you proclaim the Lord with the voice of thanksgiving and
 tell of all His wondrous works. Psalm 26:7

Saint Andrew Catholic Church
Parish Debt
     12/1/2005                               3,348,589
Interest          2006-2020                  1,047,467
                         2021                    3,043

Payments           2006-2020                (3,946,963)
                          2021                 (23,280)

                   Giveaway                     (30,000)
                   Bequests/Campaign           (150,000)

3/31/2021                                      248,856

                    87.2% Reduction!

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
Saint Andrew                         April 25th, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter
      Catholic Church

     2100 SE Cove Road                                                                         Adult Education (RCIA)
    Stuart, Florida 34997                                                                             & Lectors
         772-781-4415                                                                             Christine Michaelian
                                                                                                Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm

                                    Apr. 24 Sat.     4:00pm    John Coffey+                      (Resume April 14th, 2021)
                                                                                                 Weds. Evenings 6-8pm
                                    Apr. 25 Sun.     7:30am    Melinda Welsh+                         in Church
                                    Apr. 25 Sun.     9:00am    Anne & Patrick Moore+          Servants of the Eucharist &
   Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm                                                                          Care of the Sick
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30am        Apr. 25 Sun.     10:30am   Rev. Msgr. James Moore(Liv)          Kathleen Sullivan
   Monday-Friday 7:30am
  Holy Days: Vigil 4:00pm           Apr. 26 Mon.     7:30am    Rita Berry+                            Annulments
      7:30am & 6:00pm                                                                                 John Ginnetti
                                    Apr. 27 Tues.    7:30am    Samuel Healander+
                                                                                                 Men of Saint Andrew
                                    Apr. 28 Weds. 7:30am       Bob Banasiewicz+                       Dave Olio
      Saturday: 2:30pm                                                                          Monday evening 6:30-8pm
  Those wishing to receive the
                                    Apr. 29 Thurs 7:30am       Deceased Priests+    
          sacrament                 Apr. 30 Fri.     7:30am    Alexandro Conte+
    should be here at 2:30                                                                      Prayer Shawl Ministry
                                    May 1    Sat.    7:30am    Mothers Day Novena                      Norma Olio
         First Friday                                                                         1st Wednesday of each month
     7:30am Mass followed                                                                          from 8:30am–10am
                                    May 1    Sat.    4:00pm    Helen Martin+
    by individual confessions
                                    May 2    Sun.    7:30am    Mothers Day Novena                  Pro-Life Ministry
                                                                                                    Michele Williams
       First Saturday               May 2    Sun.    9:00am    Michael Magi+
7:30 Mass followed by individual                                                                      Bible Study
          confessions                                                                               Tuesday 10:00am
                                    May 2    Sun.    10:30am   Robert Boobar+                       Tuesday 6:30pm

            Pastor                  May 3    Mon.    7:30am    Mothers Day Novena                Ignatian Spirituality
     Reverend John Barrow
                                    May 4    Tues.   7:30am    Mothers Day Novena                   Prayer Group
                                                                                                 Weds. 8:30am-10:00am
  Retired Assisting Clergy                                                                    (Lenten Retreat Thurs. 8:30am)
    Monsignor Blase Gintoli
                                    May 5    Wed.    7:30am    Mothers Day Novena
    Monsignor James Moore
                                    May 6    Thurs. 7:30am     Mothers Day Novena                 Disciples of Prayer
                                                                                                    Camille Lascari &
           Deacons                  May 7    Fri.    7:30am    Mothers Day Novena                     Bob Greeson
     Deacon Louis Romero
    Deacon Matthew Bartlett         May 8    Sat.    4:00pm    Mothers Day Novena                   Parish Website
    Deacon Andre Boucher                                                               
                                    May 9    Sun.    7:30am    Mothers Day Novena                      Webmaster;
                                                                                                    Michael Brennan

 Office Hours:                      May 9    Sun.    9:00am    John Sullivan (Liv)              Community Outreach
     Monday-Friday                  May 9    Sun.    10:30am   Katherine Miaritis+                APOSTLES OF
                                                                                                  JOHN PAUL II
      9am-12Noon                                                                                    Please call for an
                                    May 10 Mon.      7:30am    Patrick Linsalata+
     Saturday 2-4pm                                                                                   appointment
         Sunday                     May 11 Tues.     7:30am    Cathy Gilio Costa+                    772-291-0002
      9am-12Noon                                                                               Rosary Maker’s Ministry
                                    May 12 Wed.      7:30am    Anita Matteis+
                                                                                                    Kathleen Sullivan
                                    May 13 Thurs. 7:30am       Tadeusz Piatek+                     Wednesday 10:00am
      Youth Activities
  DRE: Mrs. Donna Hernandez         May 14 Fri.      7:30am    Michael Magi+                          Ushers
                                                                                                   Jane Engelbrecht
                                    May 15 Sat.      4:00pm    Tadeusz Piatek+      
                                    May 16 Sun.      7:30am    Scott Banasiewicz(Liv)
                                                                                             Legion of Mary Friday 8:15am
                                    May 16 Sun.      9:00am    Robin Srebot Ziesmer+
     Registration CLOSED
                                    May 16 Sun.      10:30am   Michael O’Brien(Liv)

                                   Chaplet of Divine Mercy
           Please join us in praying the Chaplet after the daily 7:30am Mass.
           We pray for our Country, our Priests and for the Sanctity of Life.

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
The Sanctuary                                    The
                Candles are for                           Sanctuary Candles
                the intention of
                                             Are the two candles at both sides of the altar and can
            Denise E. Sullivan                                be memorialized .
                                                      The cost is $15 per candle and 2 are
                                               needed, therefore the cost is $30 for two weeks.
The Candles at the Shrine of Our             Memorialized names will be announced in the bulletin.
Lady of Perpetual Help are for the
           intention of                                        Our Lady of Perpetual Help
   A Special Young Man.                                                 Candles

                                                                The candles in front of the picture of
               The Candle in the Adoration                          Our Lady of Perpetual Help
               Chapel of the Two Hearts is      at the front of the church beside the pulpit can be
                    for the intention                   purchased as memorials. The cost is
                            of                 $15.00 per candle and two are needed, therefore, the
                     Cletus Hafner           price is $30.00 for two weeks. Memorialized names will
                                                  be in the weekly bulletin and announcements.

   2100 SE Cove Road, Stuart, FL 34997

        0PEN Friday 9-12Noon
                                               St. Theresa and St. Joseph
    Please call for an appointment
 772-291-0002 WE ARE HERE TO HELP
                                                   Memorial Candles
                                                 Annual Memorial Candles are available for your
                                                   personal intentions. The candle will be lit for
                                                            one year at a cost of $100.00.
                                             If you are interested in any of these candles, please stop
                                                 by the church office after the Mass and we would
                                                        be happy to order a plaque for you.

                                               We love having you as part of our Flock!
                                               Keep in touch with us via email and text!

                                                Text 4ANDREW to 84576 or connect with
                                                             us online at

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson

No matter how speedily our computers compute, or how “Wi” your “fi” is, the image we hear to-
day of God’s Son as “The Good Shepherd” persists in popularity and persuasive power. Chalk
that up to our unexpressed longing for a gentler human landscape, free of the hard edges tech-
nology prefers to give our interactions with one another. Often those are more blunt than benefi-
cial. At any rate, this perennial power of the Holy Word of Scripture is evident.

As a result, we can easily summon to mind that familiar painting or statue of a virile Christ shoul-
dering a helpless lamb. Equally easy to think of ourselves as that needy creature, wordlessly
longing for the solace that is our salvation. Admittedly we can be so lost at times that we wonder
whether or not we will find our way back to a place of peace.

Mature Christian living will not let us ignore for long the ugly fact that there are many bad shep-
herds out there, who lurk around our pending decisions. They secretly laugh at our weak faith in
the Lord if things don’t work out as we had hoped.

It is interesting that the Greek word John uses for “good” in this instance means “ideal” or “noble,” and not simply “good at.” That keeps
us from falling into the fallacy which holds that only the person who is productive is worthwhile. That in turn foments a fear of retirement
among many people of a certain age, thinking that their personal value will go down.

This Sunday happens to be “The World Day of Prayer for Vocations” by our Church. Unless you’ve been vacationing on Venus the last
few decades, you have noted the diminished number of priests and religious. Easy to ascribe that fact to the tired canard that such a life
is against nature, or is just plain odd. Odd I’ll grant you. But it is so good for those so called. More serious claim for those lesser numbers
can be attributed the awful scandals we have experienced. That last is why I call today’s seminarians and novices “heroes.”

Truth to tell, the Holy Spirit obviously wants to wake up the “sleeping giant” of lay participation in Church life to do even more. Yet the
fact remains that our Church is built around the Holy Eucharist. Without the priest there is no Eucharist. But in this endeavor, we can
never neglect or underestimate the power of prayer. That’s what today is all about. We do have to beg the “Harvest master” for an in-
crease in “field laborers.”

Here is a story of one who said “yes” to his calling. Father Vincent Capodanno, a chaplain with the Marine Corps, was killed in battle on
September 4, 1967 somewhere in the QueSon Valley in Vietnam. The last section of the official citation of the Congressional Medal of
Honor, awarded posthumously, reads as follows:

Upon encountering a wounded corpsman in the direct line of fire of an enemy machine gunner positioned approximately fifteen yards
away, Chaplain Capodanno rushed a daring attempt to aid and assist the mortally wounded corpsman. At that instant, only inches from
his goal, he was struck down by a burst of machine gun fire.

By his heroic conduct on the battlefield, and his inspiring example, Lt. Capodanno upheld the finest tradition of the U.S. Naval Service.
He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom.”

Reading I: Acts 4: 8-12
Here displayed is St. Peter’s first speech before the Insane, Israel’s chief religious governing body. The head of the Apostles bravely
ascribes the healing of a man to the power of Jesus’ name, He whom they had crucified and who has been raised from the dead by God.

Reading II: I John 3: 1-2
As God’s adopted children, we shall one day have the joy of witnessing the full glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Gospel: John 10: 11-18
The well-known biblical image of Jesus’ self-proclaimed title of Himself as the Good Shepherd persists as one of our favorites. This not
to omit our awareness of the opposite kind of shepherd rampant in the world.

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
What is Eucharistic Adoration? Catholics                         Adoration & Our Lady of
                 believe that during the Mass which we attend
                 each week (for some of us daily), the priest                     Perpetual Help Novena
                 (during the consecration) speaks these words
                 as he holds the communion host, "...He took             The Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is held on
                 bread and gave you thanks. He broke the bread,
gave it to his disciples, and said: Take this all of you, and eat it:                                  Wednesday
this is my body which will be given up for you". When the priest                                  evenings at 6:00pm;
says "this my body", it is at that instant when, through the mira-                                    followed by
cle of transubstantiation, the bread and wine which we offer as                                       Eucharistic
the bloodless sacrifice to our Lord truly become the Body,                                          and Benediction
Blood , Soul and Divinity of Jesus. It is His true Presence in the                                     At 8:00pm.
form of bread and wine. It is Christ.
                                                                          All are welcome. Come spend some time
Perpetual Adoration is when the priest takes a consecrated
                                                                            with our Lord and Blessed Mother.
host, such as the one described above, and places it in a mon-
strance. (monstrance comes from the Latin "monstrare" to
show, to expose to view.) The monstrance is then placed in
front of the tabernacle (an ornate box which holds the mon-
strance and any consecrated hosts) or on the altar of the
church or chapel for adoration.

What do you actually do during adoration? You may
sign up to be an "adorer" which allows you to schedule yourself
for one or more hours per week to pray before the very pres-
ence of Our Lord, exposed in the monstrance. It means that
you can have some time alone with Jesus to recite your favor-                                                    6807 SW Wedelia Terrace
ite prayers, read the bible, contemplate acts of faith, hope,                                                    Palm City, FL 34990
charity, thanksgiving, reparation, pray a rosary or do whatever                                                  772.463.7386
type of prayerful devotion that suits you before Our Lord. You          CFF is a no-kill feline rescue and adoption organization located on 5 acres of
can just sit and say nothing simply keeping Him company, just           wooded property in Palm City, Florida, the cats at CFF live in secured, free-
                                                                        roaming campgrounds complete with cottages that they can enter at any time.
as you would with a dear friend.                                        There are plenty of places to climb and explore, soft spots to nap in the Flori-
                                                                        da sunshine and safe places to protect them from the elements. Caring
                                                                        Fields Sanctuary in Palm City provides a natural, yet protected, cage-free
                                                                        environment for more than 175 cats. Adoptions: Caring Fields Felines
                                                                        found forever homes for over 400 cats this year.
                                                                        T NVR: CFF's Trap-Neuter-Vaccine-Return program successfully helps to
                                                                        control the feral cat population in our community. S pay/Neuter: Each year,
                                                                        CFF spays & neuters hundreds of cats, preventing the birth of thousands of

                                                                        Seven staff members and a team of dedicated volunteers assist in everything
                                                                        from feeding and socializing the cats, to keeping the facilities clean, comforta-
                                                                        ble and safe 365 days a year. The vital services CFF offers to the community
                                                                        are made possible by the generosity of our supporters.

                                                                        Established in 2000, Caring Fields Felines (CFF) is a privately funded, 501(c)
                                                                        (3), non-profit organization. We receive no funding from federal, state or
                                                                        county governments. The vital services we offer to the community are made
                                                                        possible by the generosity of our supporters. CFF is governed by a board of
                                                                        directors, a small dedicated staff, and many volunteers. Two staff members
                                                                        and a team of dedicated volunteers assist in everything from feeding and
                                                                        socializing the cats, to keeping the facilities clean, comfortable and safe 365
                                                                        days a year.

St. Andrew Catholic Church Stuart, Florida - April 25, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Easter -
You can also read