Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society

Page created by Steve Maxwell
Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
Swiss Willibrord News

        May 2019
Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
                  Präsidentin: Ven Canon Adèle Kelham
                            Tel: 056 281 10 25
                         Kassier: Hector Davie

Vorstandsliste 2019-2020
Ven Canon Adèle Kelham                     Lindenstrasse 4, 5303 Würenlingen
Hector Davie (Kassier)                     Chutzenstrasse 54, 3007 Bern
Pfrn Ulrike Henkenmeier                    Hauptrasse 97, 4316 Hellikon
Eine Stelle vakant (Laie)



         Editorial .......................................................................3
         Report from our 2019 AGM..........................................4
         Anglicans and Old Catholics Together in Europe
         Essential Reading!.......................................................5
         AOCICC Communiqué 2019.......................................6
         Interreligious Dialogue.................................................7
         Support: Revd Johnson John......................................7
         Support: Revd Dr Kahwa Njojo.................................11
         Dates / Termine..........................................................12
         Hymns in Common – Part 1.......................................12
         Ein Einzahlungsschein liegt bei ................................14
         Aus den Gemeinden / From the Parishes .................14
         Willibrord Gesellschaften in allen Ländern ................16

Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
On 17 March 2018 the Society met for the annual meeting held at the
Epiphaniekirche in Biel/Bienne. As always, the meeting began with the
Eucharist and we were fortunate to have Mrs Eveline Gasser as organist,
and Mr René-David Moser who sang ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘Panis
Angelicus’ by César Franck. We are grateful to the Old Catholic Parish in
Biel for inviting us to their lovely church.
The business meeting was followed by a pleasant lunch in the old town.
And in the afternoon, we visited the Neues Museum Biel which was
running an exhibition called ‘2018: War and Peace’. It presented the very
moving story of the Biel region at a time when the First World War was
coming to an end and the General Strike threatened – more information
The Willibrord Day outing managed to avoid a clash with St Andrew’s
Church Bazaar in Zürich, but being on 24 November 2018, it did coincide
with the Old Catholic John the Baptist Society celebrations. Another date
for us to avoid in future! Despite the poor timing, we were graciously
welcomed to the Old Catholic Franciscan Church in Solothurn. The
Eucharist was celebrated by Pfarrer Dr Klaus Wloemer who also played
the flute for us. After the service we had a delightful lunch in a nearby
restaurant. This was followed by a walk led by Peter Wagner, a member
of the Parish Council and Tour Guide for Solothurn. We were shown
some of the main church buildings in the city including, of course, the
Franciscan churched where we worshipped and the landmark Cathedral
of St Ursus. It was a delightful glimpse of Solothurn and its history. Our
thanks to Peter and all those involved in organising such an enjoyable
This year we held the annual meeting on 23 March in Basel and are
planning the Willibrord day outing on 26 October – more information on
the next page-
Please save the dates!
All best wishes,

NEUES MUSEUM BIEL ‘1918 War and Peace’
On November 11, 1918, the church bells rang in a
new era for Biel after four years of hostilities in
Europe. However, dark clouds were gathering over
Switzerland, the Island of Peace, on that day of
the ceasefire. The worst domestic crisis since
1848 was looming: society was divided, a

Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
nationwide general strike was called, there was growing violence. It was a time of
great uncertainty. Hopes for social changes and fears of a foreign-style revolution
drove people onto the streets.
The exhibition ‘1918: War and Peace’ presented the build up to the 1918 general
strike, a key event in Swiss history, from both a local and an international
perspective. The war and peace of 1918 not only shaped world affairs, but also
affected the lives of the people of Biel, the Lakes and the Bernese Jura. Events on the
battlefields of European affected neutral Switzerland, and vice versa. War
commodities from the watch industry, pacifist and revolutionary ideas, and the
Spanish flu did not stop at the border. Similarly there was no border between foreign
belligerents and the Biel region when it came to the rising tide of social unrest;
strikes, hunger strikes, and action by civil militia and the army, all contributed to the
general strike of November 1918.

                           Our 2019 AGM in Basel
Thanks for the generous co-operation of the Anglican and Old Catholic
congregations in Basel, and the hospitality of Pfr Michael Bangert, we
were able to hold our AGM on 23 March 2019 in the Predigerkirche, the
former Dominican church in the centre of Basel. The Eucharist was
celebrated according to the Anglican rite by Revd Anne Lowen. We were
pleased to welcome Bishop Emeritus Fritz-René Müller to the meeting.
The business meeting discussed future projects – our Willibrord Day
planned for October in Lausanne, and support projects in the field of
training. In particular, we discussed the possibility of our hosting an
Anglican ordinand or similar person to gain experience during a stay in a
Swiss Old Catholic parish. We also discussed our finances, and publicity
and membership numbers, and noted the numerous commitments in our
calendars which made it difficult to fix a meeting for events.
After lunch in a nearby restaurant, we took the ferry across the river and
visited the Kleines Klingental Museum, which holds much of the statuary
rescued from the Münster façade during restoration work. We had hoped
to tour some of the sites frequented by the down-and-out in Kleinbasel
(street kitchen, emergency accommodation, Caritas shops, help centres)
using the auspices of the Surprise magazine group, but our Saturday
afternoon schedule had made this difficult.

Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
Anglicans and Old Catholics Together in Europe
                       Essential Reading!

All churches in both communions should have copies of this attractive
20-page booklet, produced in 2017 by the Anglican-Old Catholic
International Co-ordinating Council (Internationaler Anglikanisch/
Altkatholischer Koordinierungsrat)(AOCICC). If you do not have copies,
you can read or download it at

Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
The Anglican–Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council
  Internationaler Anglikanisch/Altkatholischer Koordinierungsrat
                         Communiqué 2019
Der Internationale Anglikanisch/Altkatholische Koordinierungsrat
(AOCICC) kam vom 16. bis zum 19. Januar 2019 in der
zentraleuropäischen Hauptstadt Prag (Tschechien) zusammen. Der Rat
war bei seiner siebten und letzten Sitzung im laufenden Mandat (2013-
2019) zu Gast bei der Utrechter Union.
Die Arbeit richtete sich bei dieser Sitzung auf:
    • Fertigstellung des Arbeitsberichts des Anglikanisch/Altkatholischen
    Koordinierungsrats über den Zeitraum 2013-2019 für das Anglican
    Consultative Council und die Internationale Bischofskonferenz;
    • die Wichtigkeit und Weiterentwicklung von Massnahmen gegen
    sexuellen Missbrauch in beiden Kirchengemeinschaften;
    • die Formulierung von Empfehlungen für die nächste
    Mandatsperiode des AOCICC.
Der Rat war zu einem Treffen mit dem Kardinal-Erzbischof von Prag,
Dominik Duka OP, und Weihbischof Václav Malý in das erzbischöfliche
Palais eingeladen, bei dem sie die Ratsmitglieder über die
Herausforderungen informierten, vor die sich die tschechischen Kirchen
im 20. Jahrhundert gestellt sahen und bis heute sehen.
Miteinander Gottesdienst zu feiern ist fester Bestandteil der
Ratssitzungen. Neben den Tagzeitgebeten (abwechselnd nach
altkatholischem und anglikanischem Ritus), feierte der Rat Eucharistie
nach altkatholischem Ritus in der altkatholischen Kathedrale des Hl.
Lorenz in Prag auf Einladung von deren Dekan, Pfr. ThDr. Petr Jan Vinš.
Der Rat dankt ihm, dem Bischof der Altkatholischen Kirche von
Tschechien, Bischof PhDr Pavel Benedikt Stránský, und dem
Bischöflichen Ordinariat in Prag für die Organisation und die
Gastfreundschaft während der Sitzung.
Für weitere Informationen nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt auf mit Pfr. Lars
Simpson ( oder the Revd Neil Vigers
Websiten: and

Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
Mitglieder des Rates:
der Altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union
Bischof Dr. Dirk Jan Schoon, Co-Vorsitzender
Prof. Dr. Angela Berlis
ThDr. Petr Jan Vinš
Pfr. Lars Simpson, Co-Sekretär
der Anglikanischen Kirchengemeinschaft
Bischof Michael Burrows, Co-Vorsitzender
Pfrn. Jennifer Adams-Massmann (entschuldigt)
Bischof David Hamid
Frau Jennifer Knudsen
Pfr. em. Tony Litwinski
Kanonikus Dr. John Gibaut (entschuldigt)
Pfr. Neil Vigers, Co-Sekretär, Anglican Communion Office
Frau Lucy Cowpland, Sachbearbeiterin für Communications & Unity,
Faith, and Order, Anglican Communion Office
The commission’s final report is highly informative, and both our
churches can learn much from it, It can be found at:

One field where Anglicans and Old Catholics are cooperating is that of
interreligious dialogue. For some years, the Department of Old Catholic
Theology at the University of Berne has been visited by Adjunct
Professor Dr Douglas Pratt, from New Zealand, and we are now
fortunate that the husband of Revd Helen Marshall, the new Anglican
chaplain in Berne, is Dr David Marshall, who is at the World Council of
Churches and who specializes in relations with the Muslim world. A flyer
for a paper by him on Muslim attitudes to secularism is on page 15.

                  OUR SUPPORT PROJECTS
Part of our work in encouraging ecumenical relations has been in
assisting clergy and students from Asia and Africa with an Anglican
background to follow courses at Old Catholic universities, particularly in
Utrecht and in Bern. Last year, we were able to make a small grant to
support the Revd Johnson John, from Bangalore, in India, to attend a
course in Bern. His report follows.

Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
Report on the Academic Exposure Programme at the Institute of
Old Catholic Theology, University of Bern
I had the privilege to benefit from a scholarship as an international
student at the Institut für Christkatholische Theologie, Universität Bern. It
was my first experience as a student in another university as well as my

maiden trip to Europe. The experience altogether was challenging and
full of new encounters. On 1 December 2018 I reached Zurich and two
days later I reached Bern. The sincere welcome at the University and all
the amenities and facilities provided for me were great and heart-
warming. Ms. Yevgeniya Schmid made all the arrangements to get a
library card and helped in directing me regarding the use of library
materials and attending different classes. The university opened before
me the unbelievable opportunities and possibilities of research and
openness that could change the worldview, research areas and
potentials of a lifetime. The student and faculty friends made my stay and
research ‘feel at home.’ I attended a couple of classes, especially about
Pandita Ramabai’s contribution to women’s emancipation in India, given
by Professor Berlis on 4 December and also a presentation on the
Ordination of Women on 5 December. It was indeed a new experience to
hear about the intense research done in Europe into Indian Christian
women, especially Pandita Ramabai. The lecture on women’s ordination
opened the various discussions about the opening up of female religious
orders and also on how we read the sources today about women’s
ministry in the church. On 19 December I was able to attend a
presentation on Old Catholic-Mar Thoma dialogue by Revd Sam Koshy
Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
T, a research student at the University of Bern On 11 December, I made
a presentation of my ongoing research work at the United Theological
College, Bangalore, “Revisiting the Historical Development of the
Rethinking Christianity Group: Reimagining Christianity in India Today.”
The discussions gave me new directions in my research methodology as
well as in its possible outcome and conclusion. The libraries, especially
of the History and two Theology Departments, were greatly helpful in my
research. I was also able to attend the Advent and Christmas
celebrations organized at the Christkatholisches Studentenheim and the
Institute of Old Catholic Theology for the whole Faculty. It was a great
experience to witness that different streams of thought and different
areas of research complementing each other in the Faculty of Theology
ranging from art to architecture, patristics to contextual studies, and early
century to contemporary social thought.
Being at the heart of Europe, Switzerland gave me the rare opportunity
to travel around and feel the history especially of the once active and
vibrant Medieval Christian Europe. The churches in Bern impressed and
enlightened me with their architecture and ecclesiastical art. The worship
at the Old Catholic church of St Peter and St. Paul, at the Reformed
French Church and the Münster was edifying. As it was the Advent and
Christmas season, I could visit the Weihnachtsmarkt and also get as
sense of how Christmas is celebrated in rural and urban Switzerland.
With my friends in the Christkatholische Institut I attended the Advent
Service on 15 December 2018 at St Martin’s Church, Magden and I was
also able to enjoy the hospitality of Rev. Peter Feenstra and the Dean of
the Faculty, Professor Angela Berlis. The great privilege of travelling
inside Europe gave me the opportunity to visit some historic cities in
Switzerland like Geneva, Zurich, Basel, Interlaken and Lausanne. The
Mar Thoma congregations in Switzerland and Germany helped me to
visit Berlin and Frankfurt in Germany and Taizé in France. Being a
student of the history of Christianity in India it was always a dream to visit
those places in Europe, which have changed the demographic contours
of global Christianity. This exposure programme made that dream come
true. On 31 December I left Bern and the next day, I departed from
It was also a time of great learning especially on the lifestyle and culture
of European cities as well as villages. The beauty of the countryside, the
punctuality of the public services and the humility of the people whom I
met and worked with in Bern and around were life-challenging and
extremely inspiring. I have had so many wonderful, new and exciting
experiences, and I have seen more places during my time at university
than I could have imagined. I’ve also made the most incredible bunch of
friends during my time in Switzerland, and met some truly extraordinary
Swiss Willibrord News - May 2019 - Willibrord Society
people. Opening new avenues of learning, the research programme has
also helped in widening my world view in different aspects. I found this
research exposure an extremely enriching and rewarding experience. It
is more than just an academic venture, because it encompasses so
many lessons about life itself. My lessons learnt were about people and
the world we live in. What I had hoped to achieve on the research
programme, these I got and more – memories and friendships to last a
lifetime. To add to it is the renewed commitment towards my research
and to contribute to the discipline which I belong to, ‘Church History,’ to
the best of my capacities and to the best of the experience, exposure
and academic interests that I have received from the research
programme in Bern.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the Faculty, especially
Professor Dr. Angela Berlis for making a long-standing dream of
attending a European University come true, and also for making the
travel to and from Switzerland and inside Switzerland, and the stay at
Neuengasse, a wonderful reality. I would also like to express my
gratitude to the Willibrord Society and to the Christkatholische
Kirchgemeinde Bern (who make the apartment at the Neuengasse
available for the Institute of the Old Catholic Theology) for supporting a
part of my scholarship in Bern University. I also would like to express my
gratitude for the Institut für Christkatholische Theologie for supporting me
through the scholarship. The significant efforts of Rev. Dr. Joseph Daniel,
Rev. Sam Koshy T., and the Mar Thoma Congregation in Switzerland
stand tall and heart-warming. I look forward to the opportunity of
reciprocating the assistance and support from the Institute and the
Willibrord Society in whatever way I can.
                 Altkatholische 'Summer School' 2019 in Utrecht
    Auch dieses Jahr findet vom 7. - 12. Juli 2019 am altkatholischen Seminar der
 Universität Utrecht ein Sommerkurs ("summer school") in altkatholischer Theologie
           statt. Die Organisation liegt in Händen von Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit.
   Der Sommerkurs bietet Interessierten eine Einführung in wesentliche Inhalte alt-
   katholischer Theologie in ihrem ökumenischen Kontext. Dabei werden auch die
 wichtigsten theologischen Strömungen innerhalb der Utrechter Union berücksichtigt.
                              Die einzelnen Themen sind u.a.:
    Geschichte des Alt-Katholizismus, Spiritualität, Kirchenrecht und Ekklesiologie,
       Liturgie und systematische Theologie. Am Ende dieses Kurses werden die
Teilnehmenden eine breit angelegte Übersicht über die wichtigsten Themen innerhalb
  der altkatholischen Theologie erhalten haben. Dieser versetzt sie in die Lage, sich
                   selbstständig noch weiter in die Materie einzuarbeiten.
                            Anmeldeschluss ist der 31. Mai 2019.
                            Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen:

                                                     In April 2019, we
                                                     were able to offer a
                                                     small contribution to
                                                     the Revd Dr Kahwa
                                                     Njojo. He is Rector
                                                     of the Anglican
                                                     University Apolo
                                                     Kivebulaya of
                                                     Butembo in the
                                                     Province of North
                                                     Kivu of the DR
                                                     Congo. He is also a
                                                     professor at the
                                                     Anglican University
                                                     of Congo (UAC)
                                                     and the Evangelical
                                                     University of Beni
                                                     (UEB). He directs
                                                     the Centre for
                                                     Reconciliation and
                                                     Peace (CNVRP).
Kahwa is currently studying at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute near
Geneva thanks to the generosity of the Old Catholic Church in
Earlier this month he had the opportunity to travel to Paris to attend the
consecration of the new Bishop of Convocation of Episcopal Churches in
Europe, the Rt Revd Mark Eddington. The Swiss Willibrord Society was
pleased to be able to offer a modest grant towards his travel costs.
We wish Kahwa well in his studies and God’s blessing on his work as
teacher and peace-maker when he returns to the Congo.

On 26 October we plan to hold our annual Willibrord Day in Lausanne, where
our two churches work closely together. In Lausanne, Revd Christine
Bloomfield is both chaplain of the Anglican congregation at Christ Church, and
curé of the Old Catholic congregation at Sainte Marie du Servan. After visiting
the two churches and holding our Eucharist, we plan a guided visit to the
Cathedral there.

                          HYMNS IN COMMON
    The Church’s One Foundation - Die Kirche steht gegründet
One way Anglicans and Old Catholics can share each
other’s traditions is by singing the same hymns. A few
of these hymns are firm favourites at ecumenical
services, among them Samuel John Stone’s The
Church’s One Foundation. It comes as a surprise,
then, to find that this hymn’s origins do not lie in a
spirit of liberal ecumenism, but in a conservative and
much narrower approach to theology. One of the
reasons for this surprise is that the three translated
verses do not include a fourth verse, generally found
in Anglican hymn books, describing the church as
“sore oppressed,
                    by schisms rent asunder,
                    by heresies distressed.”
                         In fact, the original hymn had seven verses. Samuel
                         Stone (1839-1900) was a young curate at Windsor in
                         1866 when he wrote it, as one of a set of twelve
                         commentaries on tthe Apostles’ Creed – this one on
                         the ninth article: “I believe in the Holy Catholic
                         Church, the communion of saints”. Stone wrote it in
                         response to the controversy surrounding John
                         Colenso, Bishop of Natal (now in South Africa), who
                         had divided the Church of England with his liberal
                         views – Colenso felt the church should adapt to
                         African society, with its un-European (and
                         polygamous!) lifestyle. He questioned Moses’
authorship of the Pentateuch and the doctrine of eternal damnation.
Archbishop Gray of Cape Town deposed Colenso and excommunicated him,
whereupon Colenso appealed to the highest court, the Privy Council in
London, who let him remain in his see.
In spite of the hymn’s polemic origins (emphasized still more thirty years later,
when Rudyard Kipling wrote a jingoistic poem, The earth is full of anger, taking

up some of its thoughts), it has found wide acceptance for its imagery of the
church, militant and expectant, the bride in communion with her Lord.
Part of the hymn’s success has been due to the tune Aurelia by the organist
Samuel Sebastian Wesley. Originally written for Jerusalem the Golden, part of
J.M. Neale’s translation of Bernard of Cluny’s long poem, it was already a firm
favourite at the end of the 19th century – as it is today!

1. Die Kirche steht gegründet           1 The church's one Foundation
allein auf Jesus Christ,                is Jesus Christ her Lord;
sie, die des grossen Gottes             she is His new creation,
erneute Schöpfung ist.                  by water and the Word;
Vom Himmel kam er nieder                from heav'n He came and sought her
und wählte sie zur Braut,               to be His holy bride;
hat sich mit seinem Blute               with His own blood He bought her,
ihr ewig angetraut.                     and for her life He died.

2. Erkorn aus allen Völkern,            2 Elect from ev’ry nation,
doch als ein Volk gezählt,              yet one o'er all the earth,
ein Herr ist’s und ein Glaube,          her charter of salvation,
ein Geist, der sie beseelt,             one Lord, one faith, one birth;
und einen heilgen Namen                 one holy Name she blesses,
ehrt sie, ein heilges Mahl,             partakes one holy food,
und eine Hoffnung teilt sie             and to one hope she presses,
kraft seiner Gnadenwahl.                with ev’ry grace endued.

3. Schon hier ist sie verbunden         6 Yet she on earth hath union
mit dem, der ist und war,               with God the Three in One,
hat selige Gemeinschaft                 and mystic sweet communion
mit der Erlösten Schar.                 with those whose rest is won.
Mit denen, die vollendet,               O happy ones and holy!
zu dir, Herr, rufen wir:                Lord, give us grace that we,
Verleih, dass wir mit ihnen             like them, the meek and lowly,
dich preisen für und für.               on high may dwell with Thee.
Hector Davie

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                    AUS DEN GEMEINDEN
St Andrew’s Zurich
During the recent period of ill-heath and enforced leave for the Anglican
chaplain in Zurich, St Andrew’s was most grateful to Revd Lars Simpson
the local Old Catholic priest for stepping in to lead worship on several
occasions. A very practical display of the Bonn Agreement at work.
Thank you, Lars!
Petrus- und Pauluskirche Bern
Everyone involved enjoyed the annual Raclette Evening offered by the
Männerverein to the Anglican and Swedish Lutheran congregation – an
excellent chance to chat and enjoy each other’s company.
Was machen Sie? What are you doing? Do send in your report for the
next edition of the Willibrord News.


       Ehrenpräsidenten: Erzbischöfe von Canterbury und Utrecht

Deutsche Sektion: Willibrord-Gesellschaft, Anglikanisch/Alt-Katholischer
Freundeskreis e.V., Reiner Knudsen, Grootestrasse 95, 53121 Bonn,
 0049 228 946 939 99, Geschäftsstelle: Gregor-Mendel-Str. 28, 53115
Bonn,  0049 228 23 22 85,;

Publikationsorgan: Willlbrord News, in deutsch: 1x pro Jahr, weitere
Veröffentlichungen in der «Christen heute»

Bankverbindung: Sparkasse Köln Bonn, BLZ 380 500 00, Kto 1937 157 384

Niederländische Sektion: Pastoor Drs Wietse van der Velde, Molenstraat
48, 2513 BL Den Haag,  0031 70-346 39 12,

Schweiz: Revd Adèle Kelham, Lindenstrasse 4, 5303 Würenlingen
 056 281 10 25, Mobile 076 566 19 17,

Österreich: Hr. Pfr. Robert Freihsl , Velmerstraße 76, A-2325 Velm, Mobile
+43 676 707 86 98

Polen: Pfr Jerzy Bajorek,

Tschechische Republik: Česká společnost sv. Willibrorda, Prof Dr David
Holeton, Korunní 69, CZ-120 00 Praha 2,  00420 222 516 272, Fax
00420 222 510 066,

Englische Sektion: Saint Willibrord Society, The Revd Ariadne van den
Hof, Christ Church Vicarage, 1 Craigholm, Shooters Hill, London,
SE18 3RR,

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