Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine

Page created by Kathryn Taylor
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine

      Pastor: Father Michal Osuch,C.R. (Congregation of the Resurrection)
    Deacon: Mike Juback Secretary: Mary Jo Arndt, Bookkeeper: Kelly Salbato
          Directors of Religious Education: Gigi Horan/ Shauna Smith
             Parish Office (909) 337-2333 | Office Fax (909) 337-5041
          Mailing Address: PO Box 1929, Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
            27627 Rim of the World Drive, Lake Arrowhead, California
                     Office Hours Monday-Friday 9 am-2 pm
           Website: www.olllakearrowhead.org Find us on Facebook

                                                         Mission Statement:
 As parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake, and as members of the Body of Christ, we will seek to love God with all our hearts, souls, and
   minds, through the liturgy and tradition of our Church, through fellow-ship with each other, and through communal and individual
prayer. Out of this love for God we will seek to love others by searching out and responding to the spiritual, emotional, and material needs
  of the members of our Parish and the community at large. We will offer a warm welcome to every parishioner. We will encourage each
                         member to share his or her God-given gifts and talents with the rest of our Parish Family.

                                                                                           MASS SCHEDULE

                                                                                Saturday: 6:00 p.m. (English)
                                                                                    7:30 p.m. (Español)
                                                                                     Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
                                                                         11:30 a.m. Family Mass (LIFE TEEN band)

                                                                                           Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 a.m.

                                                                                   Morning Prayer Rosary
                                                                              Mon.-Fri.: 7:40 a.m. Morning Prayer
                                                                              Rosary following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
                                                                                   Rosary Saturday: 8 a.m.

                                                                                   Mon.–Fri.: after 8:00am Mass.
                                                                                    Saturday: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m

                                                                                           Holy Days
                                                                                  See the bulletin for Mass times
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
May 24, 2020 | The Ascension of the Lord

   Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith                               RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND
  Community and Fatima Shrine. The Gift Shop di-                              SACRAMENT INFORMATION
                                                                RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
 rectly benefits Our Lady of the Lake Parish. Please            Kinder - 5th grade: Scheduled 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays
     stop by before or after any weekend Mass.                  from 10am-11:15am in the hall. Shauna Smith
                                                                Preschool program: Catechesis of the Good
                            75th Anniversary
                       Growing Tree Fundraiser                  Shepherd ages 3 to 5 years. Scheduled 1st, 2nd & 3rd
             Through your faithful contributions to the         Sundays 10am-11:15 in the Youth Center Atrium. Norma
             DDF, the sale of one of our cabins, private        Despart
donations, and the Growing Tree Fundraiser, we have             YOUTH MINISTRY
been able to replace the roof on three of our buildings;        LIFE TEEN (Grades 9-12): meet on 1st, 2nd & 3rd
the rectory, youth center, the church, the hall, class-         Wednesday from 5:30-7:00pm in the YC/Hall
rooms, and a cabin. Don’t miss out on having the chance         EDGE (Grades 6-8): meet on 1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursday
to have your family legacy forever acknowledged on a            from 5:30-7:00 pm Gigi Horan
leaf on Our Lady of the Lakes Growing Tree. Donations of        SACRAMENTS
$1,000 or more, which can be arranged in payments, will         First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation: This is
gratefully be acknowledged with your family name or that        a two-year program. The first year is consistent attendance
of someone living or deceased that you would like to hon-       in our Religious Education (RE) program. The second year
or. If you can participate in this fundraiser, please use the   is continued attendance in RE program and enrollment in
envelopes and pledge sheets that can be found under the         the Sacramental Preparation Program (SP).
Growing Tree or call the office for more information.           Confirmation: The Diocese of San Bernardino requires a
                                                                two-year program and active membership in the RE pro-
In order to meet our financial obligations, we need             Baptisms: Please call the parish office for information and
to collect $7,150.00 each week. As Catholics, we are            scheduling. Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing
raised to be good stewards. We want to be good
                                                                Catholics. Baptisms in English are celebrated on the last
examples to our children so they can be good
stewards as well. Our Lady of the Lake and Fatima               Sunday of the month during the 11:30am Mass.
Shrine depends on your consistent contributions.                Clases Prebautismales: Para más informacion llame a la
During this past winter due to inclement weather                oficina. Los Bautismos en espanol se celebrarán el último
attendance was down, yet our church had to be                   sábado de cada mes durante la Misa en español.
maintained. The money you contribute to our par-                Marriage: Arrangements should be made with Fr. Michal
ish each week makes ministry happen. Your dona-                 at least six months before the marriage date. At least one
tions help pay for utilities, equipment, maintenance,           must be an active member of the Catholic Church. Our
and materials. Programs and services which benefit              church is available for other Catholics from other parishes.
all members of our parish family come from your                 Quinceañera: Las Quinceañeras se celebrarán el 1er
generosity. An alternate means of support for our
                                                                sábado de cada mes a las 11am solamente. Existe la posi-
parish is the WeShare program. This program col-
lects monthly contributions straight from your                  bilidad de quinceañeras en grupo.
checking, savings, or credit card account. WeShare
allows you to plan your giving in the same way you
budget your other financial commitments. You no                          Congratulations
longer have to be concerned about catching up on
missed offertory donations when you might miss
Mass because of illness, inclement weather, on                                 Father Mike
vacation, etc. Please                                            Father Mike was appointed by the
consider secure elec-
tronic giving through                                              Bishop for a new 6 year term as
WeShare for your
donations.                                                       Pastor of Our Lady of the Lake and
Olllakearrowhead.org                                             St. Anne’s starting July 1, 2020 and
                                                                       ending on June 30, 2020.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
May 24, 2020 | The Ascension of the Lord

    We want to inform you that due to the                        Come Let Us Worship!
  coronavirus crisis all parish facilities: the
 church and parish hall are currently closed             Join Father Mike as he celebrates
and all parish activities have been cancelled                      Mass online.
until further notice. Which means there is no
celebration of masses both on weekdays and                 Sunday mornings at 11:00am.
       weekends, confessions, baptism,
 quinceañeras, weddings or funerals. Father
                                                         Tune in to olllakearrowhead.org
Mike will be celebrating his own daily mass
 privately for the scheduled mass intentions,
 our parishioners, our mountain community,
  our country, and all those affected by the
The office will remain operating on a closed
 door basis and can be reached by phone or
 Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
    We apologize for any inconvenience.
                                                      As we approach Pentecost Sunday, we
                                                      encourage you to pray this Novena to the Holy
                                                      Spirit developed by the Congregation of the
                                                      Holy Spirit. The Second Vatican council emphasiz-
                                                      es the honor and duty to pray to the Holy Spirit. O
                                                      Lord Jesus Christ, Who before ascending into
Saturday, May 23:                                     heaven, promised to send the Holy Ghost to finish
6:00pm World after Cov-19                             Your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disci-
7:30pm OPEN
Sunday, May 24:                                       ples, deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me,
11:30am +John Van Der Linden                          that He may perfect in my soul the work of Your
Monday, May 25:                                       grace and Your love. You can find the complete
8:00am OPEN
Tuesday, May 26:                                      Novena at, www.Spiritians.org/Resources/
8:00am +Norman Churchill                              ComeHolySpirit.
Wednesday, May 27:
8:00am OPEN
Thursday, May 28:                                                         St. Anne in the Mountains
                                                                     Family Food Assistance Program
8:00am OPEN                                                    3rd Thursday of the Month from 4:00pm-5:30pm.
Friday, May 29:                                                For more information call Rick Martin 867-7768 or
8:00am Montoya Family                                          Jim Novak 867-4786. Mountain residence please.

   Please note that we are still accepting Mass
Please call the office to schedule an intention for
                                                                  In Loving Memory
                    a loved one.
             Suggested donation $10
                                                                            Reid Kirk

                                                            (Husband of Dodie Kirk)
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
Gospel at the Procession with Palms — Jesus’ en-                                                         HOSANNA!
try into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11).
First Reading — In spite of my sufferings I am not
                                                                                                             “Hosanna to the Son of David;
disgraced. I am not put to shame (Isaiah 50:4-7).                                                        blessed is he who comes in the name of
Psalm — My God, my God, why have you aban-                                                               the Lord; hosanna in the high-
donedme? (Psalm 22).                                                                                     est” (Matthew 21:9). With these words
Second Reading — Christ emptied himself, and                                                             the Church enters the holiest of weeks,
God filled this emptiness with exaltation (Philippians                                                   commemorating the passion, death, and
2:6-11).                                                                                                 resurrection of Christ. When the people
Gospel — The account of Christ’s passion according                                                       of Jerusalem cried out with their
to Matthew (Matthew 26:14 — 27:66 [27:11-54]).                                                           “hosannas,” they were using an ancient
The English translaƟon of the Psalm Responses from LecƟonary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, InternaƟonal
Commission on English in the Liturgy CorporaƟon. All rights reserved.                                    Hebrew shout of acclamation that meant
                                                                                                         “Pray, save us.” The king to whom they
                                                                                                         were shouting eventually would save
                                                                                                         them, but in a way that would be far from
                                                                                                         what they expected. Salvation would
                                                                                                         come from the wood of the cross as Jesus
                                                                                                         hung there to bring freedom from sin
                                                                                                         and life through death, opening the
                                                                                                         gates of heaven for all who put their
                                                                                                         faith and trust in him.
                                                                                                         Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
UN NUEVO REINO                                      LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES
       El Evangelio de Mateo, usando varios         Domingo:              Domingo de Ramos “De la Pasión del Señor”
símbolos de las Escrituras, presenta a Jesús co-
mo el verdadero y victorioso rey que comienza       Lunes:                Lunes de la Semana Santa
un nuevo reino. Después de su entrada real a        Martes:               Martes de la Semana Santa;
Jerusalén, Jesús asciende a un trono paradójico     Miércoles:            Miércoles de la Semana Santa
y escandaloso, la cruz. La cruz revela la natura-                         La Pascua judía comienza al atardecer
leza de su reino, basado en el perdón de Dios y
                                                    Jueves:               Jueves Santo; Triduo Pascual
su amor expiatorio. Las fuerzas del mal prospe-
ran cuando la violencia suscita más violencia. Al   Viernes:              Viernes Santo; Ayudar y Abstinencia;
aceptar su sufrimiento y al ofrecer perdón, Je-     Sábado:   Sábado Santo; La Vigilia Pascual
sús rompe el circulo primario de la violencia.      LECTURAS DE HOY
Los evangelios proclaman que las fuerzas del        Evangelio para la procesión de las palmas — ¡Bendito el que
mal, aun cuando continúan sus efectos hasta         viene en nombre del Señor! (Mateo 21:1-11)
hoy, fueron derrotados en la cruz.                  Primera lectura — A pesar de mi sufrimientos no quedaré con-
La resurrección de Jesús pone en marcha el          fundido. No me siento avergonzado (Isaías 50:4-7).
reino de Dios, el cual será cumplido al regreso
                                                    Salmo — Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has abandonado?
de Jesús. Ahora se nos ofrece, como seres hu-
                                                    (Salmo 22 [21]).
manos, un nuevo camino por medio del cual y
empoderados por el Espíritu Santo, podemos          Segunda lectura — Jesús se despojó totalmente y Dios lo llenó
ser colaboradores junto con Dios para crear ci-     de exaltación (Filipenses 2:6-11).
clos nuevos de vida y esperanza.                    Evangelio — El recuento de la pasión de Cristo según san Ma-
                                                    teo (Mateo 26:14 — 27:66).
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
                                                    Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española.
                                                    Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
24 Mayo de 2020 | La ascensión del señor
Queremos informarle que, debido a la crisis del corona-                                      PREVENCION Y RESCATE
virus, todas las instalaciones parroquiales: la iglesia y el                                    LAKE ARROWHEAD
salón parroquial están actualmente cerrados y todas las                            Te invita a sus Asambleas Familiares cada
                                                                                   Lunes de 7:00pm-9:00 pm. Contamos con
actividades parroquiales han sido canceladas hasta nue-
                                                                                   cuidado de ninos y compartimiento de Jovenes.
vo aviso. Lo que significa que no hay celebración de                               Asi tambien te hace una extensa invitacion a sus
misas entre semana y fines de semana, confesiones,                                 encuenttros de Hombres, Mujeres y Jovenes,
bautizos, quinceañeras, bodas o funerales. El Padre Mike       para mas informacion te mostramos nuestro calendario 2020.
celebrará su propia misa diaria en privado por las inten-      ENCUENTROS 2020
ciones masivas programadas, nuestros feligreses, nuestra                                      MUJERES/JUNIO 11-14
comunidad de montaña, nuestro país y todos los afecta-         MUJERES/MARZO 12-15            HOMBRES/AGOSTO 13-16
dos por el COVID-19.                                           JOVENES/MAYO 1-3               MUJERES/SEPTIEMBRE 10-13
                                                               HOMBRES/MAYO 21-24             JOVENES/OCTUBRE 19-21
La oficina seguirá funcionando a puerta cerrada y se
                                                               SI TIENE ALGUNA PREGUNTA, LLAME A LA OFICINA
puede contactar por teléfono o correo electrónico.
Lunes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.
Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente.

                ¡Ven, déjanos adorar!
Únase al padre Mike mientras celebra misa en
línea. Domingos por la mañana a las 11:00 a.m.                 Al acercarnos al domingo de Pentecostés, lo
          Sintoniza olllakearrowhead.org                       alentamos a rezar esta Novena al Espíritu San-
                                                               to desarrollada por la Congregación del Es-
                                                               píritu Santo. El Concilio Vaticano II enfatiza el
                                                               honor y el deber de rezar al Espíritu Santo. Oh
            Acto de comunión espiritual                        Señor Jesucristo, quien antes de ascender al
Jesús mío, creo que estás presente en el Santísimo             cielo, prometió enviar el Espíritu Santo para
Sacramento. Te amo por encima de todas las cosas               terminar Tu obra en las almas de Tus
y deseo recibirte en mi alma. Como no puedo reci-              Apóstoles y Discípulos, dignate concederme
birte en este momento sacramentalmente, entra al               el mismo Espíritu Santo, para que Él pueda
 menos espiritualmente en mi corazón. Te abrazo                perfeccionar en mi alma la obra de Tu gracia
como si ya estuvieras allí y me uno completamente              y tu amor. Puede encontrar la Novena com-
  a ti. Nunca me permitas separarme de ti. Amén
                                                               pleta en, www.Spiritians.org/Resources/
Para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones financieras, debemos cobrar $7,150.00 Cada semana. El total de la
colleccion de esta semana fue Como católicos, somos educados para ser buenos administradores. Queremos
ser buenos ejemplos para nuestros hijos para que ellos también puedan ser buenos administradores. Nuestra
Señora del Lago y el Santuario de Fátima dependen de sus constantes contribuciones. Durante el invierno pas-
ado, debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, la asisencia se redujo, pero nuestra iglesia tuvo que mantenerse. El
dinero que usted contribuye a nuestra parroquia cada semana hace que el ministerio suceda. Sus donaciones
ayudan a pagar los servicios públicos, el equipo, el mantenimiento y los materiales. Los programas y servicios
que benefician a todos los miembros de nuestra familia parroquial provienen de su
generosidad. Un medio alternativo de apoyo para nuestra parroquia es el programa
WeShare. Este programa cobra contribuciones mensuales directamente de su cuenta
de cheques, ahorros o tarjeta de crédito. We Share le permite planificar sus
donaciones de la misma manera que presupuestó sus otros compromisos financi-
eros. Ya no tiene que preocuparse por ponerse al día con las donaciones del ofertorio
perdido, ya que podría perder la Misa debido a una enfermedad, tiempo inclemente,
en vacaciones, etc. Por favor considere donaciones electrónicas seguras a través de
We Share para sus donaciones. Puede registrarse en olllakearowhead.org
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
PARISH MINISTRIES                                      Pray for the return of good health for the fol-
                                                                        lowing: Parishioners and friends in immedi-
Altar Server Training: Tony Godlewski
                                                                        ate need: Doug Corwin, Joe Montoya, Ross
Annulment Advocate: Kelly Salbato
                                                                        Willour, Liz Gendron, Owen Labou, Remmy
Baptism Preparation in English: Jan Stein
                                                                        Labou, John Vos, Terry Miller, Elga Schulen-
Baptism Preparation in Spanish: Raul Chairez,
                                                                        burg, Terese Perez, Tina Guzik, Sheila
Miguel Andrade
                                                         Leahy, Dennis Hillard, Ron Hittle, Sr. Kathleen Daly, Aaron
Bible Study: Deter Heuser
                                                         Horan, Trevor Garus, Wyatt family, Alex Albao, Melanie
Bingo: Rick Gilbert, Tim Montgomery
                                                         Hopkins, Ricky Pesquera, Francine Coyne, Linda Taylor,
Cenacle: Penny Galuszka
                                                         Gabriel Garcia, Lori Brennan, Bill Nolan, Nanette Moss,
Church Environment: Shelley Smith
                                                         Philip Doan, Thomas Metzger, Koa Pesquera, Jeff Jones,
Dynamic Catholic Ministry: Margaret Mueller
                                                         Kathleen Podhurst, Alan Reilly, Kent Jones, Laura Castillo,
Eucharist Minister Training: Lori Brennan
                                                         Bonnie Kunz, Hailey Sopko, Pat Peterson, Helen Despart,
Fatima Shrine: Frank Hoeschler
                                                         Jeannette Dangleius, Linda Lee Elliott, Walda Picard, Linda
Funeral Hospitality: Lori Brennan
                                                         Ehe, Steve Fox, Artie Pesquera, Maurine Gerrard, Jarid
Gift Shop: Kathy Howe, Arlene Tymczyszyn
                                                         Musgrave, Jim Horan, Vincent Ureno, Bill Witter, Sammy
Hispanic Liturgy: Jose Guadalupe Martinez
                                                         Miszklevitz, Sandy Ends, Fr. Paul Smith, Sean Horan,
Knights of Columbus: Peter Venturini
                                                         Sarai Kiser, Adriane Hallek, Lu Mastriano, Philip Tansey,
Library: Cheryl Gallagher
                                                         Veda Godwin, Sebastiana Sandoval, Fr. Michal Osuch,
Life, Dignity and Justice: Shauna Smith
                                                         Thanasi Miragias, Paul Corona, Carlos Bacio, Kelly John-
Marriage Prep Spanish: Esteban & Joanna Huidor
                                                         son, Minnette Gregg, Ed Morey, Mary Livingston, Stella
Marriage Prep English: Chris & Gian Vital
                                                         Kerkvliet, Ana Christina O’Connor, Reece Holzer, Bill
Ministry to the Sick: Mary Jo Arndt
                                                         Menegatti, Sr. Cathy White S.P., Lynette Carroll, Chunie
Ministry Schedule: Kira Johnson
                                                         Baca, Arturo Sifuentes, Kate Helfrich, Rose Roy, Ashley
Hispanic Choir: Manuel Castillo
                                                         Witter, Cindy and Paige Fichter
Music Minister: Steve Wilson
                                                          In need of sustaining prayer (those with long term needs):
LIFE TEEN Band: Mat Troy , Alex Pothier
                                                         Carolyn Davisson, Reid Kirk, Katie Lawrence, Erin Ash-
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Esteban Huidor
                                                         down, John, Linda Budano, Barbara Yellen, Kurt Kauffman,
Parish Fundraising: Mary Kay Bachman, Margaret Mueller
                                                         Martin Parsons, Bob Buhrle, Michelle Alvarez, Matthew
Prayer List Outreach: Judith Reilly
                                                         Smith, Jon
Preventative Maintenance: Greg Morones
                                                         Parishioners and friends in Mountains Community extend-
Prevencion y Rescate: Joanna Huidor
                                                         ed care: Kristine Welsh, Sergio Bacio, Mark Radovicic,
Quinceañera: Cynthia Moreno-Castro
                                                         Joe Neilligan, Zee Salva and Karla Bevard.
Restorative Justice: Tim Montgomery
RCIA in Spanish: Arturo Sifuentes
RCIA in English: Gigi Horan                                                   Hearts and lives addresses the
Young Family Ministry: Micaela Johnstone                                      needs of the residents in our
PASTORAL COUNCIL                                                              mountain community during this
Chair: Bridgett Johnstone                                                     pandemic that can bring on is-
Vice-Chair: Rick Gilbert                                                      sues of heightened anxiety, iso-
Secretary: Maxine Beck                                   lation, fear, anger, frustration, domestic violence
FINANCE COUNCIL: Gary Hastings                           that is increased by the practice of “social distanc-
                                                         ing.” In addition to regular therapy services, they
                                                         launched 2 food voucher programs. All services
                                                         are available in English and Spanish. You can find
Donation Drop Off: Monday-Thursday 8 am-10 am            out more information through the website
Distribution/Pick up: Friday’s 3 pm– 5 pm                www.heartsandlives.org, and Facebook page, face-
                                                         book.com/rimheartsandlives. Or you can learn
Drive up to the back entry of the Blue Jay Room/Alpine
                                                         more by calling them directly at 909-338-3222.
Escrow 27236 HWY 189, behind Blue Jay Mall.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
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