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ST. MARY OF THE PINES CATHOLIC CHURCH January 24, 2021 1050 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop Shreveport, LA 71118 Office 687-5121 • Rectory 687-1818 Email: Rev. Mark Watson Pastor Kim Long, Director of Religious Education Carol Garceau, Secretary Tom Ticich, Music Coordinator Jenny Hebert, Organist Dan Cezar, Custodian MASSES: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 8:30 a.m. (Please note: No Mass on Monday & Wednesday) Saturday (Vigil) 4 p.m.; Sunday 8:30 a.m. & Sunday Spanish Mass 11:30 a.m. CONFESSION: Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.; Sunday 10:30 a.m.—11:15 a.m.; or by appointment. BAPTISM: Call the office to schedule a preparation class after which a Baptism date can be scheduled. ADORATION: Following 8:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday until Holy Hour which is 3 p.m. Benediction at 4 p.m. GIFT SHOP: Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 11 a.m.—1 p.m. CHURCH OFFICE: Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. & Friday 8:30 a.m. until 12 noon. We the people of St. Mary of the Pines are unified by our Baptism to fulfill the mission of the Catholic Church: to proclaim the works of God and to live as Jesus taught. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will improve our lives by continuing to understand the teachings of the Catholic Church, sharing with the poor, providing support for our young people, the sick and the lonely, worshipping with reverence and enthusiasm, providing stewardship for the gifts God has committed to our care, and celebrating together as a Christian family.
New Horizons Repent & Believe the Good News Our first reading tells the story of God’s desire that the Assyrian empire turn to God. God calls the prophet Jonah to be the one who preaches this message of conversion to the Assyrian capital of Nineveh. The Assyrian empire attacked the Kingdom of Israel and took its people into exile. In doing so the Assyrian empire also destroyed 46 towns in the Kingdom of Judah and laid siege to Jerusalem. In the eyes of Jonah, if any kingdom deserved to be punished by God it was Assyria. Jonah does not believe that the people of Assyria should be forgiven by God. By sending Jonah to Nineveh, God is sending him into an enemy capital. After his initial call Jonah tries to escape God by fleeing by ship to the country of Tarshis, which is mod- ern day Spain. In the midst of a storm the sailors throw Jonah overboard thinking they are saving their lives and he is swallowed by a whale and later is spewed onto the land. God calls Jonah a second time and this time Jonah listens to God and is faithful. Jonah goes to Nineveh and preaches repentance to the Ninevites. He preaches for less than one day and the entire city turns to God. As a result of their repentance Jonah be- comes angry with God. The Book of Jonah shows the power of God’s Word; the universal call to repentance and the vastness of God’s mercy. The repentance of the people of Nineveh points ahead to the repentance to which Jesus calls the people of his time. The initial message of Jesus is: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gos- pel (Mark 1:15).” The word that Jesus uses for time is Kairos for the appointed time of at which God’s kingdom has broken into the world. God’s salvation is breaking into the world in the person of Jesus. Kairos is God’s saving time. The Jewish people understood that God was their true king. The Kingdom of God was throught to be a future reality. In the future kingdom the just would be rewarded and experience the resurrection of the dead and the evil would be punished. Jesus proclaims the kingdom breaks into the world through his life and mighty works. The kingdom of God demands repentance from us which means a change of mind and a change of our former way of life. Through faith we are to accept the Good News of Jesus. Faith in the Gospel of Mark speaks of trust and personal commitment, often with an orientation toward a threatening future. Above all the kingdom demands hope: “the confidence that God is for us, the trust that God cares for us and guides our lives, and the conviction that God wants us to share eternal life with the risen Christ in the fullness of God’s kingdom (Sacra Pagina Series, the Gospel of Mark, 72).” In the Gospel Jesus walks along the Sea of Galilee. Jesus encounters Simon and Andrew and invites them to follow him. They both drop their nets and immediately follow Jesus. The scene shows the power and attractiveness of Jesus’ message. Disciple- ship is the appropriate response to the coming of the Kingdom. Following Jesus was not easy. The disciples had to give every- thing in order to follow Jesus. They had to give up that which brought stability to their lives. Jesus then seeks out James and John. James and John leave their family and their family business in order to follow Jesus. All four give up everything in or- der to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Following in the footsteps of Jesus will include also denying themselves taking up their cross. Discipleship for us is the same as it was for Simon and Andrew; James and John. Jesus comes to each of us in our ordinary lives and calls us to follow him. Discipleship means following in the footsteps of Jesus, spending our lives with Jesus and sharing in his mission. Following in the footsteps of Jesus means imitating the manner of his life. How would our lives be different if they were lived in imitation of Jesus?
Nuevos Horizontes Arrepiéntanse y crea las Buenas Nuevas Nuestra primera lectura cuenta la historia del deseo de Dios de que el imperio Asirio se vuelva a Dios. Dios llama al profeta Jonás para que sea quien predique este mensaje de conversión a la capital asiria de Ninive. El imperio asirio atacó el Reino de Israel y llevó a su pueble al exilio. Al hacerlo, el imperio asirio también destruyó 46 ciudades en el Reino de Judá y puso sitio a Jerusalén. A los ojos de Jonás, si algún reino mere- cía ser castigado por Dios era Asiria. Jonás no cree que el pueblo de Asiria deba ser perdonado por Dios. Al enviar a Jonás a Ninive, Dios lo en- via a una capital enemiga. Después de su llamado inicial, Jonás intenta escapar de Dios huyendo en barco al país de Tarshis, que es la España actual. En medio de una tormenta, los marineros arrojan a Jonás por la bor- da pensando que están salvando sus vidas y es tragado por una ballena y luego es arrojado a tierra. Dios llama a Jonás por segunda vez y esta vez Jonás escucha a Dios y es fiel. Jonás va a Ninive y predica el arrepentimiento a los ninivitas. Predica menos de un día y toda la ciudad se vuelve a Dios. Como resultado de su arrepentimiento, Jonás se enoja con Dios. El Libro de Jonás muestra el poder de la Palabra de Dios; el llamado universal al arrepentimiento y la inmensidad de la misericordia de Dios. El arrepentimiento de la gente de Ninive apunta hacia el arrepentimiento al que Jesús llama a la gente de su tiempo. El mensaje inicial de Jesús es: “Este es el momento del cumplimiento. El reino de Dios está cerca. Arrepién- tanse y crean en el Evangelio (Marcos 1:15)”. La palabra que Jesús usa para el tiempo señalado en el que el reino de Dios ha irrumpido en el mundo. La salvación de Dios está irrumpiendo en el mundo en la persona de Jesús. Kairos es el tiempo salvador de Dios. El pueblo Judio entendió que Dios era su verdadero Rey. El Reino de Dios estaba destinado a ser una realidad futura. En el reino futuro, los justos serían recompensados y experimentarían la resurrección de los muertos y el mal seria castigado. Jesús proclama que el reino irrum- pe en el mundo a través de su vida y obras poderosas. El reino de Dios exige arrepentimiento de nosotros, lo que significa un cambio de mentalidad y un cambio de nuestra forma de vida anterior. A través de la fe debemos aceptar la Buena Nueva de Jesús. La fe en el Evangelio de Marcos habla de confianza y compromiso personal, a menudo con una orientación hacia un futuro amenazador. Sobre todo, el reino exige esperanza; “la confianza en que Dios es para nosotros, la con- fianza en que Dios nos cuida y guía nuestra vida, y la convicción de que Dios quiere que compartamos la vida eterna con Cristo resucitado en la plenitud del reino de Dios (Sacra Pagina Serie, el Evangelio de Mar- cos 72)”. En el Evangelio, Jesús camina por el mar de Galilea. Jesús se encuentra con Simón y Andrés y los invita a seguirlo. Ambos dejan caer sus redes e inmediatamente siguen a Jesús. La escena muestra el poder y el atractivo del mensaje de Jesús. El discípulo do es la respuesta apropiada a la venida del Reino. Seguir a Je- sús no fue fácil. Los discípulos tuvieron que darlo todo para seguir a Jesús. Tuvieron que renunciar a lo que traía estabilidad a sus vidas. Entonces Jesús busca a Santiago y Juan. Santiago y Juan dejan a su familia y su negocio familiar para seguir a Jesús. Los cuatro renuncian a todo para seguir los pasos de Jesús. Seguir los pasos de Jesús incluirá también negarse a si mismos al tomar su cruz. El discípulo do para nosotros es el mismo que fue para Simón y Andrés; Santiago y Juan. Jesus viene a cada uno de nosotros en nuestra vida ordinaria y nos llama a seguirlo. El discipulado significa seguir los pasos de Jesús, pasar nuestras vidas con Jesús y compartir su misión. Seguir las huellas de Jesús significa imitar su estilo de vida. ¿En que serían diferentes nuestras vidas si las viviéramos imitando a Jesús?
Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday 4:00 P.M. + Willie Martinez 1-23 St. Mary’s Parish Family Sunday 8:30 A.M. Patrick McClellan 1-24 + Ana Nicolas 11:30 A.M. Spanish Mass Monday 8:30 A.M. No Mass Tuesday 8:30 A.M. + Carlos Endara + Henry Stecklein and + Ray Ritter Families Wednesday 8:30 A.M. No Mass Thursday 8:30 A.M + Bill DeBusk Friday 8:30 A.M. Unbound Ministry + Joe Meshell Saturday 4:00 P.M. + Gae Lenox 1-30 + Louise Bentzler Sunday 8:30 A.M. St. Mary’s Parish Family 1-31 Daughters of St. Brigid Third Sunday in Ordinary Time members: living/deceased January 24, 2021 11:30 A.M. Spanish Mass The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. — Mark 1:15 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18 Tuesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, January 16 & 17, 2021 10; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Tithe………………………………………$ 5,347.00 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Capital Improvement…………………. 70.00 Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Parish Charities……………………….. 5.00 Mk 4:26-34 SVDP…………………………………….. 50.00 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35- 41 Sunday: Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32- Second Collection: Jan. 23/24—Church in Latin 35; Mk1:21-28 America. This collection benefits the faithful in Latin America & the Caribbean, including the outreach to the indigenous people of Brazil’s Amazon region, The Sanctuary Candle is burning this week for the re- seminarians in Nicaragua, Venezuelan refugee fami- pose of the soul of Patrick Arno Seymour. May he lies in Colombia, & Haitians affected by COVID-19. rest in peace. On Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 12:00 pm, the St. Mary of the Pines is co-hosting with Lifeshare Knights of Columbus #3779 will be sponsoring a Blood Center a “Blood Drive” on Sunday, February Basketball Free Throw Contest at St. Mary of the 7th, from 9:00 am—12:30 pm. Please consider giving Pines for 9 to14 year old children. Parental permission the gift of life. Please call Steve at (318) 286-9076 with is required and forms will be provided. Competition will any questions. be divided by age and gender. For more information, call the Parish Office @ 687-5121. Happy Birthday Fr. Mark January 25, 2021 Mass Attendance: Jan. 16 & 17, 2021 Your parish family of St. Mary of the Pines wish you a very Happy 4:00 p.m.—97 Birthday. May God bless you, and 8:30 a.m.— 159 may your special day be filled with happiness & joy. 11:30 a.m.—119
PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OF THE LISTED & FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS. If you know someone who needs to be on this list, please let us know. Felix Larue, Necie Malmay, James Garcia, Beardon Merritt, Angela Savat, Sammy Sansing, Judy Turner, Ellis Mon- ette, Britt Albert, Joyce Abbott, Hank Pieske, Ada Kreamer, the Perry Family, Lew Abell, Paul Consenza, Titus Tay- lor, Sue Shelton, Brion Harris, Caleb Beaver, Judy Messina, Jerome Moley, Walter Jones, Jesus Rodriguez, Winnie Scott, Avad Johnson, Ron Lewis, Jimmy Pearson, Choochie Pearson, Phyllis Howard, Mike Howard, Chris Everage, Winnie Hunter, Nan & William Choate, Damien Contini, Gerarlyn Contini, JoAnn Ray, Geraldine Turner, Tess Morri- son, V. J. Rinaudo, Cheryl Hopkins, Leon Lagese, Jr., Jennifer Booras, Patricia Penton, Violet Wright, Charlotte Dimes Carter, Cesar Agusto Marroquin, Joe Wiles, Kathy Green, Linda LaDart, Mike & Teresa Hansen, Helen Gar- cia, Tammy Mallory, Maddie Silas, Alex Quinn, Blake Biddy, Paul & Beth Cosenza, Kim Allums, Emily Sinagra, Baby Aldridge, Opal Green, Pat Brice, Dennis Payne, Bob Rasmussen, Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga, Ron Hockenberry, Zach Law, Doll and Dave Burk, Terri Lively, Allison, Lively, Helen Garcia, Jessie Matthews, Susan Carroll, Mattie Garcie, William Nectoux, Kingston Carter, Albin Wilson, Matthew Siedlecki, Patrick McClellan, Glenda Hall, Marjorie Olah, Robert Sledge, Joleen D’Andria, Leroy & Mary Jane Terry, John Barbo, Nan Crow, Sherry Gorman, Kimberly Hales Moreau, Curtis Leroy McInnis, Travis Poston, Marilyn Procell, Beverly Winslow, Betty Procell, Alicia Garcia, Lee Wil- liams, Sr., Special Intention, James Davidson, Beth Brooks, Patti Pope, Mike Howard, Steven Howard, Polly Burnes, Alisha Corey, Lynn & David O’Neal. For the peaceful repose of the soul of: Doris Moore. Spring 2021 Ministry Conference SPECIAL RECOGNITION FOR MARRIED COUPLES IN 2021 The Office of Pastoral Ministry is excited to announce our Spring Conference series details. Our speaker for For all couples celebrating their the series will be Dr. Rice, Professor of Catechetics & decade and half-decade anniver- Director of the Masters of Evangelization at Franciscan saries in 2021 (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) University of Steubenville. We are offering two Zoom and for those married 50+ years, sessions for each talk. This conference is open to eve- Bishop Malone, along with your parish would like to ryone who wants to participate. The 1st one is: The His- honor couples on World Marriage Day, Feb. 14, 2021. tory and Future of Youth & Young Adult Ministry— Call the Parish Office as soon as possible with: hus- Monday, Feb. 1st, 10am-11:30am & Tuesday, Feb. band and wife’s full names (including maiden), ad- 2nd, 6pm-7:30pm. More details in next week’s bulletin. dress, email, marriage date, church or locations, city/ state and the anniversary being celebrated in the year 2021. Recognizing married couples in our parish is a Sunday Reading Zoom Bible Study wonderful example for the young and engaged couples to witness the importance of the Sacrament of Mar- Late in January Fr. Pat Madden will begin a study of riage. We look forward to celebrating all married cou- the Sunday scripture readings on Thursday mornings, ples in February. Information is due in the Church Of- 9:30-11:30 am. These classes will be available live via fice no later than January 25, 2021. Zoom, and the recordings subsequently available through the Diocesan web site. These classes will be designed for lectors, and for any Catholics who want a better understanding of the Sunday scriptures before Mass begins. If you wish to have the Zoom link for his PLEASE JOIN US AS TOGETHER WE CELEBRATE ST. live class, please send him an email, BRIGID OF KILDARE’S LIFE AND MINISTRY. DATE: JANUARY 31 ROSARY: 8:00 AM The Diocese of Shreveport is looking for couples who MASS: 8:30 AM practice Natural Family Planning (NFP) and who are interested in becoming NFP trainers for the Diocese. NOVENA WILL BE PRAYED BEGINNING JANUARY Trainer couples will offer classes a few times per year 22. MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW. to help other couples interested in learning NFP discov- er the beauty and gift of God’s design for marriage and fertility. We are looking for 2 to 3 couples in each of our PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE WITH ANY 3 deaneries to be trainers for the deaneries in which QUESTIONS. they live. If you would like more information, please contact Mark Loyet at
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