Fr. Carl's Thoughts & Reflections Feast of Pentecost, May 23, 2021 - Parishes Online

Page created by Chester Kennedy
Fr. Carl's Thoughts & Reflections Feast of Pentecost, May 23, 2021 - Parishes Online
P.O. BOX 98 • 3027 PEARL ST. • OLDENBURG, IN 47036
                 Fr. Carl’s Thoughts & Reflections
                    Feast of Pentecost, May 23, 2021
    We experienced the cold of the ice men, Sts. Pancras, Servatz, and Bonifatz on
the days after Mother’s Day, but now we have warm May weather
again. I’ve planted some more tomatoes and peppers, and
hopefully I won’t have to cover the new plants to protect them from
frost anymore! It finally feels like Spring, and all the birds are
singing. The new robin chicks flew the windowsill nest on the feast
of the Ascension, and now the nest is empty. I even saw a bluebird
near the garden a couple times recently. Many varieties of birds
continue to frequent my birdfeeders outside my window.
    This weekend we celebrate Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. The first reading from
the Acts of the Apostles gives a detailed account of the Pentecost event, describing
the loud noise and tongues of fire and the speaking in foreign languages. The
audience was Jews from every nation, including Romans, Cretans, and Arabs, who
had come to Jerusalem for the feast. All heard the apostles miraculously speaking in
their own languages, as the Spirit
enabled them.           The second
reading from St. Paul goes on to
describe the many gifts of the Holy
Spirit, given to individuals for the
benefit of the Body of Christ, the
Church. St. John’s Gospel gives
more details about that first
Pentecost: the disciples were gathered in the upper room out of fear, and Jesus
appeared to them. He showed them His hands and feet, and said, “Peace be with
you.” Then Jesus gave them the Holy Spirit, and commissioned them to preach and
to forgive sins. This is the same Holy Spirit and the same gifts we receive at Baptism
and when we are Confirmed. This Pentecost event is called the
“Birthday of the Church!” because now we are the ones to preach and
teach the faith to all the world!
    Next Sunday is Trinity Sunday, followed by Memorial Day with its
special remembrance of the dead. Then comes June 6, the Feast of
Corpus Christi and our 175th Corpus Christi Procession. We want to
make this a special day of celebration!
    We congratulate Jagger Wayne Hannebaum, son of Joshua and
Crystal (Lecher) Hannebaum, Baptized at Holy Family Church on May
16, 2021. May they grow in God’s love and wisdom.
    Finally, we offer our sympathy and promise of our prayers to the
family of Daniel W. Smith, whose funeral was on Monday, May 17, at
St. Mary’s of the Rock.
         Have a Blessed and Safe Pentecost Week!                  Fr. Carl
Fr. Carl's Thoughts & Reflections Feast of Pentecost, May 23, 2021 - Parishes Online
HOLY FAMILY PARISH OFFICE                                              Join us for our
Phone: 812-934-3013      Fax: 812-933-0728                            Adoration Hours
                 STAFF                                                 from 9am-9pm
                                                                      Monday-Friday in
Carl Langenderfer, OFM - Pastor                                       St. Anne’s Chapel                                              at Holy Family
                                                                           Church.                            Have you ever heard someone say, "I
Cheryl Borgman - Business Manager
                                                All are welcome to join the scheduled                      didn’t join that (an organization) because                                                                             I was never asked"? Well, I am asking you
                                             adorers, & thus grow in your love of Jesus in
Doug Nobbe - Buildings & Grounds              the Blessed Sacrament & His love for you!                     to come see who the Daughters of Isabella                                                                                  are and just what we do. Call Helen at 812-
                                                                                                             212-2418. I can send you a brochure with
      Beth Dieckmann - DRE                                                                                  information. I will call you back if you leave                                                                                me a messages. I will meet and welcome
Toni Cummings - Bulletin publication &       UPCOMING EVENTS FOR 2021: To register,                        you to our NEXT MEETING at the Hall of
                                             please email or visit https://         the Knights of Columbus on June 7,
 Mass intentions -    UPCOMING        EVENTS FOR 2021: To register,
                                             please email or visit https://          at 7 pm. We love for you to come see.
Friars in Residence at Holy Family           May 5 - 3pm-4pm: Contemplative Prayer
    Fr. Mike Chowning, Fr. Joe Nelson,       led by S. Olga Wittekind via Zoom. Guided by
                                             June 2 - 3pm-4:30pm: Contemplative
                                             contemplatives like Keating and Rohr, we practice con-
  Fr. Bob Weakley & Fr. Neri Greskoviak      Prayer prayer.
                                             templative    via Zoom...LIMITED
                                                                    We share God’s movement SPACES!
                                                                                                  in our
                                             Led and
                                             lives, by: reflect
                                                          S. Olga
                                                                on our Wittekind,
                                                                       experiences OSF      Guided
                                                                                   through this       by
               WEBSITE                       contemplatives
                                             All are welcome! like   Keating
                                                                Freewill       and Rohr, we practice
                                                                         Donation          contemplative prayer. We share God’s movement in our
                                             May 14 - 9am-4pm: A Quiet Day of Renewal
                                             lives, and reflect on our experiences through this process.
            FACE BOOK                        LIMITED      SPACES!
                                             Cost: Freewill     Donationwith Spiritual Direction
                                             Experience a day of renewal and relaxation.               Junetime
                                             Take  5 -out9:30am-11:30am:
                                                           of your busy scheduleDiscovering
                                                                                to spend some Our
   HolyFamilyChurch.Oldenburg.IN/            on  the grounds of
                                             Complexes:       ThethePowerful
                                                                     Sisters of St. Francis. within
                                                                                Energies     Explore Us
                                             library, grab a comfy chair and read, journal or just gaze
                                             via ZOOM Led by S. Olga Wittekind & Claire Sherman
                                             out the window. Take a walking tour of the shrines.
   MASS SCHEDULE                             Complexes are unconscious psychic energies with strong
                                             Experience Spiritual Direction with a Sister. Spend time to
                                             emotional power. They behave like a partial personality
                                             center  andoutside
                                             operating   renew yourself.  Cost:
                                                                our conscious    $20/ $70
                                                                               control. Some examples
              Weekend                        are a money complex, father/mother complex, inferiority
        Saturday at 5:30 pm                  complex, etc. Using Carl Jung’s theory, discover your
                                             own complexes and how they can be a stimulus for your
     Sunday at 8:00 & 10:00 am                                                                                                 Artificial Birth Control is a
                                             growth! Cost: $25/$40 CEU’s
                                                                                                                             moral wrong. Come learn the
              Weekday                                                                                                         Christian Way. A Natural
     Monday-Friday at 8:00 am                                     Miss Shannon’s Music
                                                                  ·                                                           Family Planning class
               Holy Day                                           Studio w/Shannon Mullins                                     will be held Sunday,
                                                             · Levensteins Abbey                                              June 6 from 9am-Noon
         8am & 7pm Masses                                                         Carpet                                      at the St. Louis Parish
VIRTUAL MASS SCHEDULE                                        · Caring First Home                                             Office, Batesville, IN. The
                                                                                   Health                     Sympto-Thermal method is 98% effective,
  LIVE on Saturdays at 5:30pm                                · Daprato Rigali Studios                       natural, and safe. There is a $40 fee for books
        on our Facebook                                      · Walnut St. Variety                               & materials. For reservations call or text
                                             ·    Luke Pierson Construction                                  Alys 812-212-4951 or Michael 812-212-2719.
 Available on our Website shortly            ·    H&R Block – Wendy Meyer
       after Saturday Mass                   ·    Peter Paul OfficeEquipment
                                                                       ~ Dave Gutzwiller
 SUNDAY 8:30ish am on Channel                ·    NAPA Auto Parts, Voegele Auto Supply
  905 (Previous Weekend Mass)                                                                                   A little way to help our Religious Ed
                                             ·    Family Optometry, -Drs. Wade, Amrhein &
                                                  Coers                                                       program; remember to SAVE those
                                             ·    Laker Electric & Plumbing, Inc.                            Aluminum Cans! Aluminum Cans
     Saturdays from 4:30pm - 5pm             ·    Oakley Monuments,                                         ONLY Please. Please deposit them in the
  Please maintain 6’ separation or use the                     - David Oakley/Philip Brown                    Wire Bins located on the South side of the
        screen in the confessional           ·    ETC ~ Enhanced Telecommunications                                Church Parking lot. Thank you!
                                             ·    Enneking Painting Co.                                        PLEASE PLACE CANS IN A BAG
       FRIARY SCHEDULE                       ·    BEACON Orthopedics & Sports                                 BEFORE DEPOSITING THEM IN THE
   Phone the Friary for an appointment.           Medicine – Dr. Robert H. Rolf, MD                            BIN! NO LOOSE CANS, PLEASE
Fr. Carl's Thoughts & Reflections Feast of Pentecost, May 23, 2021 - Parishes Online
Zachariah Fisk,         Stephanie West,         Greskoviak, OFM,
                                                                                Carolyn Scheele,        Jen Tucker,             Gilbert Obermeyer,
                                                                                Kenny Barber,           Donna Doll,             Gary Payne,
                                                                                Bill Hoff,              Doty Amberger,          Helen Wagner,
                                                                                Gary Lewis,             Rita Litzinger,         Vernon Raver,
                                                      Rosemary Galle            Fawn (Ryan) Arnett,     Clare Ronnebaum,        Julianne Raver,
Saturday, May 22                                      Steve Davvison,           Bob Obermeyer,          Daryl Stearns,          Alma Simmermeyer,
5:30 pm † Andy Beck                                   Jon Flanary,              Kathleen Jones,         Jerry Lamping,          Dale Kuntz,
Sunday, May 23                                        Wilma Barnhorst,          Andy Murphy,            Rita Amberger,          Rita Struewing,
 8:00 am Members of the Parish                        Terri Jo Thompson,        Dennis Harmeyer,        Helen Enneking,         Ruth Ronnebaum,
10:00 am † Ronald Moorman                             Ron Leinberger,           Beth Lamping,           Anna Mae Raver,         and all our nursing
Monday, May 24                                        Tina Cohill,              Eugene Laker,           Dave Amberger,          home & homebound
8:00 am † Gilbert & Troy Meer                         Kent Meyers,              Dan Wagner,             Kim Chernow,            parishioners.
Tuesday, May 25                                       Laverne Wahman,           Sylva Havens,           Fr. Neri
                                                                                                                                May 23, 2021
8:00 am † Margo & Rich Baldwin
Wednesday, May 26
8:00 am † Victoria Scheele
Thurs, May 27                                                            Sunday: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 [cf. 30]/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13
8:00 am † Martin & Jeanette Bedel                                                 or Gal 5:16-25/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15
Friday, May 28                                                           Monday: Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14/Ps 87:1-2, 3 and 5, 6-7/Jn 19:25-34
                                                                         Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12/Ps 50:5-6, 7-8, 14 and 23 [23b]/Mk 10:28-31
8:00 am † Jerry Obermeyer
                                                                         Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13 [Sir 36:1b]/\
Saturday, May 29                                                                       Mk 10:32-45
5:30 pm † Cletus Tekulve                                                 Thursday: Sir 42:15-25/Ps 33:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [6a]/Mk 10:46-52
Sunday, May 30                                                           Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Mk 11:11-26
 8:00 am Members of the Parish                         Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20/Ps 19:8, 9, 19, 11 [9ab]/Mk 11:27-33
10:00 am † Herb Oesterling                             Next Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22 [12b]/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20

                                                                                                                    Ivan Lynn
    Collections For Sunday, May 16, 2021                                                                            Wahman,
Envelope Collection…………......................$6,133.50
                                                                                                               son of Randy & Amber
Total………..................................................$7,530.50                                             (Knueven) Wahman
Budget………….……………………...……...$6,528.84                                                                                Baptized May 8, 2021
ABOVE Budget...........................................$1,001.66                                                    at Holy Family Church
Catholic Communication Collection……......$1,141.25

                                                                               Jagger Wayne
Please consider Holy Family Church in your will for a lasting way to give to
 your parish. We thank our parishioners for their continued generosity !

    May Special                            May Charity of
  Parish Collection:
                                       the Month Collection:
                                           Safe Passage                         Hannebaum,
                                                                               son of Joshua & Crystal
                   The Collection for the                                       (Lecher) Hannebaum
                    Education of Future                                            Baptized May 9, 2021
               Archdiocesan Priests is NEXT                                       at Holy Family Church
               WEEKEND, May 29-30. This
                 collection helps cover the                                                           Please join us in welcoming our
    costs of education and formation of                                                                   newest parish member:
seminarians who are preparing for priesthood                                                   Salvador & Olivia (Roelker) Blanco
    for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.                                                           & daughter Adelaide Ann
Fr. Carl's Thoughts & Reflections Feast of Pentecost, May 23, 2021 - Parishes Online
May 22 & 23                                        May 29 & 30                                      June 5 & 6 - Corpus Christi
Lector:                                            Lector:                                          Servers:
 5:30pm Toni Cummings                               5:30pm Mary Gehring                              5:30pm Taytum Froehling & Sam Patterson
 8:00am Dennis Moeller                              8:00am Lori Nobbe                                8:00am Jeremy Honnert & Jason Honnert
                                                                                                    10:00am Abe Trossman & Ray Walke
10:00am Jaculin Wilhelm                            10:00am Paul Brockman
Eucharistic Ministers:                             Eucharistic Ministers:
                                                                                                     5:30pm Matthew Geisen
 5:30pm Jay Pfeiffer & Connie Chaffee               5:30pm Maureen Grote & Karen Patterson
                                                                                                     8:00am Teresa Merkel
 8:00am Karen Trenkamp & Dorothy Ziegler            8:00am Cathy Kaiser & Mike Drew
                                                                                                    10:00am Carol Dobson
10:00am Ryan Tekulve & Megan Walke                 10:00am Kris Baumer & Tina Duncan
                                                                                                    Eucharistic Ministers:
 Music:                                             Music:
                                                                                                     5:30pm Julie Bower, Dan Eckstein,
 5:30pm Matt Trossman                               5:30pm Matt Trossman                                     Carla Enzinger & Darrin Moorman
 8:00am Matt Trossman                               8:00am Matt Trossman                             8:00am Eric Heppner, Ron Luers,
10:00am Bryce & Shannon Mullins                    10:00am Bryce & Shannon Mullins                              Connie Luers & Dennis Moeller
                                                                                                    10:00am Wendy Havens, Julia Heidlage,
                                                              USHERS for May                                    Melissa Jacobs & Allen Raab
                                               5:30pm: Brad Nobbe, Doug Nobbe & Jay Pfeiffer         Music:
                                                   8:00am: Rick Hoff, Bill Hoff & Brad Laker         5:30pm Leon Enneking, Kim Brockman,
                                           10:00am Dale Nobbe, Michael Dwenger & Joe Goldsmith               Tim Volz & Carol Roell
                                                                                                     8:00am Matt Trossman
                                           *If you are unable to attend for your ministry, please   10:00am Matt Trossman
                                         find a replacement or let us know as soon as possible.

  SEEKING MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS… please reach out if you
                             have ANY interest or questions about
                          volunteering for one of our many ministries!                              Starting June 1, we are scheduling
                           We NEED Servers, Eucharistic Ministers,                               servers again. Please call/text Toni at 812-212-
                         Lectors & Ushers! Call/text Toni Cummings at
                                                                                                  2354 if you are not being scheduled and would
                          812-212-2354 or call Cheryl Borgman at the
                             parish office at 812-934-3013 Opt. 2                                  like to be or have any questions. ARE YOU
                                                                                                    WANTING TO SERVE? Anyone that has
The Knights of St. John Commandery 220 of Oldenburg are sponsoring                                   had their First Communion may be an Altar
                 a BABY SHOWER, for the benefit of the Crisis                                    Server. Keep an eye out for a refresher course
                Pregnancy Hotline. The SHOWER will be collecting                                            date AND new server training.
               through the month of May. Please donate anything baby
                related from Newborn to 2 years of age. The collection
               playpen is in the center vestibule of Holy Family Church.
                  We ask the help of our parish community to help us
                 make this a great success and care for those in need.                     The Daughters of Isabella thank all who helped
                               Please help us help others!                                 make our sale of egg casseroles and cinnamon
                                                                                            roll delights for Mother's Day a success. We
                          We are looking for very nice suita-
                                                                                                     hope they were enjoyed by all.
                           ble items that would make a well
                             received offering as a Raffle
                              Prize; If you are a Business,
                                 perhaps a Gift Card or
                                                                                                             Procession after 10am Mass
                           merchandise from your store. If
                                                                                                           followed by a Luncheon in Holy
you are talented in crafts (Quilt, Afghan or similar item) or
wood working (small table, lamps, “treasure chest” or similar
                                                                                                             Family Cafeteria. We
 item) and would like to donate it as a Grand Raffle Prize,
                                                                                                           people to “save” flower petals in
      please contact Cheryl at 812-934-3013 Option#2.
                                                                                                            BROWN PAPER (NOT plastic)
                                                                                                             BAGS (they keep best in the
                                                             ?                    OUR HOPE is to have a SUPER
           WE CAN HELP. LOCATIONS/DATES AVAILABLE                             PROCESSION! Anyone who received a
                                                                             Sacrament this year is asked to PLEASE
Holy Family Cafeteria                    St. Mary of the Rock
                                        Hall & Shelter Call Gary           attend the procession this year (may even be
&/or Gym Call Cheryl @                                                     nice to see them in their 1st Communion attire).
  812-934-3013 Opt. 2                     Meyer @ 812-525-1004
Fr. Carl's Thoughts & Reflections Feast of Pentecost, May 23, 2021 - Parishes Online
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL                                             Just a                   TRI
                                                                                                     O    YOUTH
                                                                                                          YOUT GROUP
                         friendly reminder that we will have                              THE HIGH
                                                                                          T    I   SCHOOL
                                                                                                   S  OO
                                                                                                       O YYOUT
                                                                                                           OUTH GROUP
                         Vacation Bible School this summer.                            Sun., May 23rd from 6:30-8:30pm @ the gazebo
                                  July 27-30th from
                           It will be                                                 uptown in Batesville! There will be a scavenger Hunt.
                                                                                       Our next youth event will be Sun, June 6th.
                           6pm– 8pm. Registration will be                                                More info to come!
      out in the next few weeks. There will be a $10
         fee! I will need adult & teen volunteers!
       Registration is posted on Facebook & emailed.                                              CONFIRMATION for 2020-
       A link will be in next week’s bulletin. If you are                                         2021 There will be an email sent out
        interested, please contact Beth Dieckmann.                                                shortly about things to start working on
                                                                                                  for Confirmation! KEEP AN EYE OUT!
        If you have any questions, feel free to contact Beth Dieckmann!
       E-mail: or call: 812-934-3013 (ext. 125)

        REGISTRATION We will be having
   Religious Education Registration out at the
    end of the month! Look in the bulletin, on
     Facebook & in email when it comes out!

                           Interested in the Choice of a Catholic                                      Knights of St. John Cookout
                                 Education for your child ?                                            The Oldenburg Knights of St. John are
                         Registration for the 2021-22 school year is still underway
                          at St. Louis Catholic School and with the expansion to                      having a cookout at the Village Store on
                             the Choice Scholarship program provided it could                         Fri., May 28th from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
                           become a reality for those who always felt a Catholic                      and Saturday, May 29th from 11:00 a.m. -
education was outside their financial reach. For example, qualifying income for a
household of four went from $98,050 to $147,075. Feel free to check out the new                       2:00 p.m. featuring grilled pork tenderloin
 income guidelines amounts based on household size at |                           sandwiches. Partial proceeds will benefit
 Tax Credit Scholarship Qualifications Please contact Principal Patty Mauer with                      the Batesville Pregnancy Center and the
            questions at 812-934-3310 or
          Let’s make that dream become a reality!                                       Holy Family Church stained glass window restoration.

                                                                                      St. Louis School Annual Rummage Sale
                                                                                                            17 St. Louis Place Activity Center
                                                                                                             Friday, June 11 - 8am to 6pm
                                                                                                          Saturday, June 12 - 8am to 4pm (half
                                                                                                                     price after 1pm)
                                                                                                           Sunday, June 13 - 8am to 1pm ($2
                                                                                                                      provided bag)

                                                                                                        LORDY, LORDY….look
                                                                                                         who’s 90!! Happy belated
                                                                                                           birthday to one of our beloved
                                 g Sale Donationn                                                       parishioners, Rita Brockman. If you
                                                                                                            see her out, wish her a happy
                                              g                                                           belated birthday! May the Lord
                                                                                                        continue you to bless you, as we are
                                May 25 - 6pm-7:30pm                                                          blessed with you in our lives.
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                                   Call us for a FREE QUOTE TODAY!                                                                                                                                  513-354-3700                                                                         Shannon Tekulve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Holy Family, Mbr
                   812-932-1284                            Enneking Painting Co.                                                                                                                                                                                                          of Catholic Diocese
                                                          Interior/Exterior Painting                                                                                                                                                                                                       P: 812.934.4447
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      812-932-3224                                                                                       Life Insurance • Long-Term Care Insurance
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       Tyler Oda                                                               NEW PATIENTS WELCOME                                                                                   THE LAW OFFICE OF
       Financial Advisor
                                                                              Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
                                                                                                                                                                                      Brenda Wilhelm-Waggoner &
       14 Commerce Drive
       Batesville, IN 47006                                                           812-934-3651                                      Serving you since 1932
                                                                                                                                                                                                Melinda Bundy
       812-933-1044                                                                                                               Dave Gutzwiller, Owner • Parishioner                           Brookville, IN
                                                         Bradley P. Broughton, DDS    391 Northside Drive                                 Cell: 513-200-3908                                     765-647-0488
                                                            Broughton Pro, Inc.                    Batesville, IN 47006                 Toll Free: 877-721-4366                          Wills, Estates, Guardianships,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the best coverage and service.
                                                           U.S.D.A. Choice Meats • Carry Out Service                                                                                                                                                                         4 Village Rd, Batesville, IN
      Foot Surgery,                                                    Buffet Style Pizza Shop                                 22 Saratoga Drive ~ Batesville, IN                              GENERAL CONTRACTOR
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                                                            M-Sat: 7AM - 9PM Sun: 8AM - 6PM                                            812~934~2544                                                                                                               
      Wound Care                                                                                                                                                                                    PARISHIONER

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hair Care Products...Massage...
  Batesville, IN 47006                                        Shannon M. Mullins                                                                                                                                                                                                ~~~~By Rose & Co~~~~
                                                           Owner, Musician, Musikgarten, Teacher                                                                                                                                  &                                        Family Hair Care                                            121 Shopping Village, Suite A • Batesville, IN 47006              4909 State Rd 46 E Batesville  812.934.3358
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            HEATING & COOLING INC.                                                                                                                                                      Jason & Kirsten Koch • Owners
                                                                                                                                                                                        286 Central Ave., Batesville
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Propane & Liquid Fuels
8339 E. State Rd. 46 • Greensburg, IN • 812-663-7252                                                                                     Greg Zeigler, Owner                                      934-5066                                                                1-877-435-3230

                                                                                                                                                                4 Village Rd.
                                                                                                                                                         Batesville, IN 47006

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                                                                                                                                                                                    or (800) 477-4574 x6460

			                                                                         For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                                                  Holy Family, Oldenburg, IN                                                                           A 4C 01-1036
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