MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual

Page created by Leonard Malone
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
*For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
MY HEALTH                                                MY FAMILY                                           MY SAFETY                                    MY FINANCES

As a valued Old Mutual GREENLIGHT customer, you automatically qualify for GREENLIGHT CARE 4U – a wide range of value-added services for your
financial, emotional and physical wellbeing. Click on any of the following to find out more

                                                MY HEALTH
                                                Emergencies and trauma                                                                                     MY FAMILY
                                                Fitness specials and wellbeing concierge                                                                   Teacher-on-Line
                                                Discounts on CARE 4U partner magazine                                                                      Discounts on educational items
                                                subscriptions                                                                                              Children’s special needs
                                                Annual health screenings                                                                                   Kiddies’ extra-murals
                                                Discounts on doctors, dentists &                                                                           Special needs
                                                optometrists                                                                                               Funeral support
                                                Chronic disease support

                                                 MY SAFETY
                                                 Take Me Home                                                                                              MY FINANCES
                                                 Free Security Guard 12 hours
                                                                                                                                                           Financial wellness
                                                 Driving Lessons Concierge
                                                                                                                                                           Legal assistance
                                                 Discounts on security systems

                                                                                                                                                                  TERMS AND CONDITIONS
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
MY HEALTH                                                    MY FAMILY                                       MY SAFETY                                              MY FINANCES

GREENLIGHT CARE 4U                                                                                              for emergency medical support services. Please check the relevant call centre hours for the other
TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                            NOT A CONTRACT WITH OLD MUTUAL
These are the terms and conditions for the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U support programme.
                                                                                                                These terms and conditions do not represent a contract between you and Old Mutual. Old Mutual may
YOUR MEMBERSHIP OF THE GREENLIGHT CARE 4U                                                                       decide at any time to withdraw access to any of the benefits and services, or to cancel the programme
SUPPORT PROGRAMME                                                                                               entirely.

You are automatically a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U support programme if:
                                                                                                                EACH SERVICE PROVIDER HAS ITS OWN TERMS AND CONDITIONS
• you are the life covered of a South African standalone GREENLIGHT benefit. This kind of benefit
     (standalone) is not linked to any other GREENLIGHT benefit. Please check if your benefit is                Each service provider has its own terms and conditions which apply. Please check these when you use
     covered by calling the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre                                                      one of the services or buy a product.
•    you are the partner*, dependent children* or domestic employees of the life covered described
     above, or                                                                                                  PAYMENTS TO SERVICE PROVIDERS
•    your benefit payments are up-to-date, and
                                                                                                                Most of the services in the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme are at no additional cost
•    you use the product or service while you are in South Africa.
                                                                                                                to you. Certain services and products do require a payment. You are responsible for
A life covered may give consent to a third party to call in for assistance on their behalf (for example,        any payments for any services or to any practitioners, and must pay these directly to the provider. CARE
financial advisers, brokers, other family members, etc)                                                         4U does not facilitate payments.
*Dependent children:
A child or step child of the life covered qualifies as a dependent children, if he or she is unmarried and:     DISCOUNTS, PRICE AND PRODUCT CHANGES
                                                                                                                All prices may change at any time. Please contact the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre for the latest
•    under the age of 21 years
                                                                                                                information on discounts and pricing. All marketing material is a guideline only. All discounts arranged
•    between 21 years and 26 years of age and a full time student
                                                                                                                by CARE 4U only apply to recommended retail prices.
•    over the age of 21 years but suffering from a physical or mental impairment that makes him or her
     totally financially dependent on the life covered.
*Partner:                                                                                                       ONLY ONE REBATE FOR EACH MEMBER,
Spouse or partner means the person is either married to or in a life partnership with the owner of the          BUT MORE THAN ONE DISCOUNT
GREENLIGHT benefit. Civil, customary and religious marriages are included. There is no charge for               A CARE 4U member may only claim for one rebate on the gym benefits per eligible member. However,
membership.                                                                                                     you can claim more than one discount on the discounted services and products
                                                                                                                that are offered.
CONTACT HOURS                                                                                                   BREACH OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
The GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre’s number is 0860 61 62 63. You must call it to access any                    If you breach the terms and conditions of a service or product, we may cancel your membership
service in the CARE 4U programme. You cannot access any of these services or discounts directly. The
GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre offers 24-hour 365-day availability                                              and you will not be able to redeem any unredeemed vouchers or discounts.
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
MY HEALTH   MY FAMILY                              MY SAFETY                                          MY FINANCES

                        MY HEALTH
                        EMERGENCIES AND TRAUMA
                        Emergency medical support services
                        Trauma and assault support

                        Discounts on selected sports clothing and equipment from CARE 4U partners Discounts and
                        rebates on CARE 4U gym and sports club partners

                        stress management organisations and practitioners

                        ANNUAL HEALTH SCREENINGS


                        CHRONIC DISEASE SUPPORT
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
MY HEALTH                                               MY FAMILY                                     MY SAFETY                                          MY FINANCES

EMERGENCIES AND TRAUMA                                                                              How it works:
                                                                                                    •   When you call in, a CARE 4U operator will verify your personal information.
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can receive help with
medical emergencies, traumas or assault.                                                            •   A trained medical professional will assess the facts of your traumatic experience and
                                                                                                        conduct an assessment to determine the best response to your situation.
This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
                                                                                                    If you are exposed to HIV through an accident or rape, CARE 4U will provide:
                                                                                                    • trauma and HIV/AIDS counselling on the phone
                                                                                                    •   a referral to a medical professional
A medical emergency means any injury or illness that threatens human life and needs
                                                                                                    •   three blood tests for each incident: the first one immediately after the event, the second
immediate medical attention to try and save a life.
                                                                                                        six weeks after the event, and the third blood test three months after the event.

How it works:
                                                                                                    If you are HIV-negative, you are provided with:
•   When you call in, a CARE 4U operator will verify your personal information.                     • a 30-day starter pack of anti-retroviral medication
•   A qualified medical operator will provide information or instructions to help the               •   a seven-day course of sexually transmitted infection (STI) medication,
    affected person until a medical team arrives at the scene.                                          in the case of rape
•   Depending on the circumstances, an emergency medical team will be sent to the                   •   a ‘morning-after’ pill to prevent pregnancy, in the case of rape
    scene by road or by air.                                                                        •   24-hour access to the HIV counselling centre for information, advice and support.
•   The emergency medical team will perform the necessary advanced lifesaving
    resuscitation and will stabilise the affected person. If necessary, the affected person         If you are HIV-positive after the first blood test, no further tests will be done and you
    will be transported by road or air, whichever is most appropriate, to the closest               will be provided with:
    hospital or medical facility that can help with that particular emergency.                      • three consultations with a medical professional for each incident
There is no charge for the initial emergency medical response but any additional medical            •   a seven-day course of sexually transmitted infection (STI) medication
assistance is for your own account.
                                                                                                    •   a ‘morning-after’ pill to prevent pregnancy in the case of rape.

A traumatic event means exposure to or experience of natural and unnatural disasters;
death; vehicle accidents; physical, sexual or psychological assaults; or being a witness to
an event that has caused someone harm.
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
MY HEALTH                                                  MY FAMILY   MY SAFETY   MY FINANCES

As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can call the fitness and wellbeing
concierge with requests relating to preserving and promoting your health and wellness. This can
include sourcing products and services to assist you to keep fit, manage stress, eat healthily and relax.
You will also receive assistance with the sourcing of physical wellness health professionals such as
physiotherapists, and information on tools to help you keep a healthy balance between work and
home life. CARE 4U provides up to three quotes of the best possible prices, and wherever possible, in
a convenient location.

CARE 4U members can make use of any of these discounts and rebates with our partners:

This service is available Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00 and on Saturday from 08:00 to
12:00. It is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

 Partner                                CARE 4U member discount

 TomTom Sports                         •    Members SAVE 30% on a TomTom Runner watch

 Runtastic                              10% discount on selected products

                                        10% discount on products listed on
 Everyday Sport
                                        Everyday Sport online

*For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
MY HEALTH                                             MY FAMILY                                   MY SAFETY                                       MY FINANCES

DISCOUNTS AND REBATES ON CARE 4U                                                                   Step 3: At the end of the three-month cycle, you must contact the GREENLIGHT
GYM AND SPORTS CLUB PARTNERS                                                                       CARE 4U call centre to claim your rebate of 50% of monthly membership fees if you
This service is available Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00. It is closed on Saturdays,             have attended gym at least 10 times a month for three consecutive months. You have a 30
Sundays and public holidays.                                                                       day grace period in which you can submit a claim for rebate. Only one gym visit a day
                                                                                                   counts. Fax or email CARE 4U (
                                                                                                   the following documents:
    Partner                           CARE 4U member discount                                      • a copy of your ID
                                                                                                   •   proof of monthly Virgin Active subscription amount
    Virgin Active SA                  A 50% rebate on monthly membership and V Club
                                      fees if you attend the gym at least ten times a month        •   access history pertaining to the three-month cycle (obtained by visiting the “my club”
                                      for three consecutive months. Only one gym visit a               section on
                                      day will count.                                              •   a copy of your banking details.

To claim an attendance rebate from CARE 4U, you need to follow this process, whether               Step 4: You will receive the 50% rebate within seven to 14 working days. Your
you are a new or existing customer of Virgin Active:                                               dependants are also eligible for the attendance rebate, and must follow the same process.

Step 1: Contact the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre to register at the start of the                 If you are unable to train for an extended period of time, you must contact the
three-month cycle. The GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre is open Monday to Friday,                    GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre to suspend part of the three-month cycle. You must be
08:00 to 17:00. It is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.                            able to motivate the suspension with an acceptable explanation.

Step 2: New customers must join their Virgin Active health club of choice and pay the              You must be a current Virgin Active contract holder and be 100% paid-up, i.e.
relevant joining fee. If you would like to receive a rebate on the Virgin Active joining fee       not in arrears.
from CARE 4U, you need to fax or email CARE 4U (
the following documentation:                                                                       Refund of your joining fees or a monthly percentage of membership fees will only be
• A copy of your ID                                                                                provided if you have registered your gym membership through the GREENLIGHT CARE 4
                                                                                                   U programme. Note that no refund is payable if you are already receiving a discounted
•    proof of payment of Virgin Active joining fee (receipt or contract)
                                                                                                   gym membership as a result of being a member of any Loyalty or Rewards programme.
•    a copy of your banking details
MY CARE 4U GUIDE *For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63 - Old Mutual
MY HEALTH                                                  MY FAMILY                                        M SAFETY                                            MY INANCES

                                                                                                          gym at least six times a month for six consecutive months. You have a 30 day grace period in which
  Partner                               CARE 4U member discount                                           you can submit a claim for rebate. Only one gym visit a day counts. Fax or email Care 4U
                                                                                                          ( the following documents:
  Zone Fitness                          If you join Zone Fitness between 30 March 2016 and
                                                                                                          • a copy of your ID
                                        31 December 2018, you qualify for a 45% discount on
                                                                                                          •     access history pertaining to the six-month cycle (obtained by emailing
                                        Superclub membership fees on a 12-month contract
                                        (paying R165 a month) and a 100% rebate on monthly
                                        membership fees if you attend the gym at least six times a        •     a copy of your banking details.
                                        month for six consecutive months. If you attend gym at
                                        least six times a month for the following six months, you         Step 4: You will receive a rebate of your monthly Zone Fitness membership to a maximium
                                        can also get a 100% rebate on your membership fees.               of R165 a month for six months within seven to 14 working days. Your dependants are
                                        Existing Zone Fitness members can also qualify for the            also eligible for the attendance rebate, and must follow the same process.
                                        rebate of a maximum of R165 on their membership fees
                                        on the same basis.                                                MORE FITNESS SPECIALS

To claim your discounted membership and rebate from CARE 4U, you need to follow this process,                 Partner                CARE 4U member discount
whether you are a new or existing customer of Zone Fitness:
                                                                                                              Planet Fitness         15% discount on monthly membership for 12-month contracts
Step 1: Contact the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre to register at the start of the six-month cycle.                                  10% discount on monthly membership for 24-month contracts
Quote the Zone Special Offer, your ID number and your GREENLIGHT benefit number.
                                                                                                              Run/Walk for Life       Members SAVE 30% with Run/Walk for Life!
                                                                                                                                      Members pay ONLY R150 per month when joining Run/Walk for Life!
The GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre is open Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00, It is closed on
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
                                                                                                              EatForLife              20% discount on a 12-month membership
Step 2: The CARE 4U call centre will verify that you are a valid CARE 4U customer ad e-mail the
                                                                                                              U Slim                  10% discount on programme
Zone Fitness gym where you would like to take out your contract. The contract costs R165 a month,
the joining fee is R50 and there is a R50 card activation fee.

CARE 4U does not give a rebate on the Zone Fitness joining fee and card fee.

Step 3: At the end of the six-month cycle, you must contact the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre to
claim the rebate of 100% of your monthly membership fees if you have attended
MY HEALTH                                               MY FAMILY   M SAFETY   MY INANCES

This service is available Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00 and on Saturday from 08:00 to 12:00.
It is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

 Partner                          CARE 4U member discount

 Nature's Plus                    25% discount on all Nature’s Plus products

 Pharmed (Himalaya Health )       10% discount on products purchased online
MY HEALTH                                               MY FAMILY                                              MY SAFETY                                           MY FINANCES

This service is available Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00 and on Saturday from 08:00 to 12:00. It is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

  Partner                    CARE 4U member discount                 Titles

                                                                     Leef, Sarie, Sarie Kos, Sarie Food, Home, Tuis, Kuier, Fairlady, Lose it!, Ideas, Idees, Baba & Kleuter, Your Baby, Your Pregnancy, Move,
                             SAVE up to 20% on Media24               True Love, Real, Grazia, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Runners World, Bicycling, Golf Digest, Weg, Go, Wegry, Drive Out, Wegsleep,
                             print and digital magazine              Weg, Platteland, Go Platteland, Topcar, Topgear, Kick Off, Huigenoot, You, Drum, Heat, SA Hunter/Jagter, Landbou, Finweek Afr, Finweek
                             subscriptions.                          Eng, TV Plus Afr, TV Plus Eng.

                            Members SAVE up to 40% on PRINT          CAR, Leisure Wheels, Popular Mechanics, Getaway
  Ramsey Media              magazine subscriptions.
                            Members SAVE 30% on DIGITAL
                            magazine subscriptions.

                             Save up to 40% on magazine              Country Life, Essentials, Food & Home Garden & Home, Living & Loving, Rooi Rose, Woman & Home, Your Family, Bona, Vrouekeur,
                             subscriptions                           People, Farmers Weekly, Easy DIY Strategic Marketing.

*For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63
MY HEALTH                                                    MY FAMILY                                           M SAFETY                                              MY INANCES

FITNESS AND STRESS MANAGEMENT                                                                                 DISCOUNTS ON DOCTORS, DENTISTS
ORGANISATIONS AND PRACTITIONERS                                                                               AND OPTOMETRISTS
                                                                                                              As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you have access to a discounted network
You can call the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre for information, referrals or quotes on:
                                                                                                              of private doctors, dentists and optometrists, as follows:

•    other fitness, exercise and physical activity-related services, such as running clubs, swimming
                                                                                                                  Doctors’ discounts               Dentists’ discounts            Optometrists’ discounts
     centres, dance classes, Pilates, yoga, golf driving ranges, golf courses, spinning classes, etc.
•    stress management services and products including stress management clinics, stress
                                                                                                                  •     Acute and chronic          Consultations, oral            •    Eye examinations during
     management spas, life coaching, motivational speakers, reflexology and massage services.                                                                                          office hours
                                                                                                                        consultations during       examinations and
•    wellness, nutrition and weight management services from dieticians,                                                office hours               dentures during office         •    Single and bifocal lenses
     chiropractors, dermatologists, physiotherapists, reflexologists, weight management programmes,                                                hours
                                                                                                                  •     Acute medication                                          •    Frames from a selected
     BMI calculator, clinics, glucose testing, blood pressure and cholesterol checks.
                                                                                                                        from dispensing                                                range
•    healthy living and lifestyle services from spas, caregivers, nannies, babysitting services, au pairs,              doctors
     domestic services, and cleaning and healthy cooking classes for you or your domestic help.

                                                                                                              How it works:
                                                                                                              •       When you call in, the CARE 4U operator will verify your personal information and make an
                                                                                                                      appointment with the medical practitioner on your behalf. You cannot make an appointment for
                                                                                                                      yourself. Once the appointment is made, CARE 4U will send you and the medical practitioner a
                                                                                                                      unique reference number for the discounted rate, which you must provide to the medical
                                                                                                              •       There is no limit to the number of consultations you use.
                                                                                                              •       You will have to pay cash for your consultation, which you can claim back
                                                                                                                      from your medical aid.
                                                                                                              •       You must take identification when you arrive for your appointment.

                                                                                                              This service is available from Monday to Friday, from 7:00 to 19:00 and Saturdays
                                                                                                              from 08:00 to 12:00. The service is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
MY HEALTH                                                   MY FAMILY                                       M SAFETY                                             MY INANCES

CHRONIC DISEASE SUPPORT                                                                                      ANNUAL HEALTH SCREENINGS
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can call the GREENLIGHT CARE                            As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you qualify for one annual health screening
4U call centre for information and help regarding your chronic condition. Typical chronic                    including a flu inoculation at your closest Clicks Pharmacy or service provider at no additional cost.
conditions covered are HIV/AIDS, hypertension, cardiac conditions, asthma,                                   The member can choose any or all of the following:
hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and mental problems such as depression and anxiety.                          • health risk assessments (including a blood pressure and BMI screening, a cholesterol and
                                                                                                                  blood glucose test)
This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.                                                   •    flu inoculation
                                                                                                             •    HIV/AIDS counselling and testing
                                                                                                             •    TB screenings
•    Ensuring you are registered on a disease management programme with your medical aid or
     advising you of other available options in the community.
•    Referring unmanaged chronic conditions to a disease management programme.
•    Ensuring that you provide all the required details for successful enrolment in a disease
     management programme.
•    Providing a library of wellbeing information to support healthier lifestyles as well as information
     on chronic conditions on a mobi-enabled website.
•    Sending you quarterly e-newsletters focussing on main themes for the year.
•    Encouraging you to set goals to assist you to take charge of your condition.
•    Offering community resources and accredited professionals who can help with appropriate
     professional care.

You (or your medical aid) must pay for all consultations with medical professionals.
MY HEALTH   MYFAMILY                               MY SAFETY   MY FINANCES

                       MY FAMILY


                       CHILDREN’S SPECIAL NEEDS

                       KIDDIES EXTRA-MURALS

                       SPECIAL NEEDS

                       FUNERAL SUPPORT

                       Additional funeral support services

                       Funeral Claim Refunds
MY HEALTH                                              MYFAMILY                          MY SAFETY                                          MY FINANCES

TEACHER-ON-LINE                                                                                        Partner                  Offer
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can access the Teacher-on-Line
support by calling the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre. This service puts you in phone contact with
                                                                                                         Reader's Warehouse      Spend R250 or more and receive R25 off.
qualified teachers to help students in grades 4 to 12 with exercises, revision and study methods in
mathematics, physical and natural science, social science, biology, computer science, accounting,
English and Afrikaans.

This service is available from Monday to Thursday from 18:00 to 21:00 during
school terms.
                                                                                                       Dail A Stationer         Up to 10% discount on stationery
There is no limit to the number of times a student can call.
The service is only available in English and Afrikaans.
                                                                                                       BrainGain                25% discount on the initial TESCA assessment
                                                                                                                                including a comprehensive report and 45 minute
DISCOUNTS ON EDUCATIONAL ITEMS                                                                                                  follow-up session with a BrainGain therapist
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can receive information and access to
discounted educational services and products such as text books and stationery, at selected service    Pep                      Members get a R50 voucher on back to school
providers.                                                                                                                      clothing

This service is available from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 19:00 and Saturday 08:00 to 12:00. The
service is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Members may use the benefit as often as they wish.

*For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63
MY HEALTH                                                   MYFAMILY                                       MY SAFETY                                             MY FINANCES

CHILDREN’S SPECIAL NEEDS                                                                                    SPECIAL NEEDS
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you have access to advice                                  As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you have access to information for referral
and information for recommended facilities, organisations and medical practitioners for children with       to recommended facilities, organisations and medical practitioners to help you with certain special
special needs. The service also provides a mobi-enabled website through which members can access            needs. These include Down’s Syndrome, dyslexia, ADHD, mental health issues such as schizophrenia,
a library of wellbeing information to support healthier lifestyles and information on children’s special    anxiety and depression, and physical or developmental disabilities.
needs, and also communicate with care consultants.
                                                                                                            The service also provides a mobi-enabled website through which members can access a library of
Specialists to whom you can be referred through the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call                                 wellbeing information to support healthier lifestyles and information on special needs, and also
centre include developmental and behavioural paediatricians, child psychiatrists, paediatric                communicate with care consultants.
neurologists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, occupational therapists, and child life specialists.
                                                                                                            This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.                                                  There is no limit to the number of times you can call.
There is no limit to the number of times you can call.
                                                                                                            You (or your medical aid) must pay any costs involved in making use of any organisation or consulting
You (or your medical aid) must pay any costs involved in making use of any                                  with any professional.
organisation or consulting with any professional.
                                                                                                            FUNERAL SUPPORT
KIDDIES’ EXTRA-MURALS                                                                                       As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you have access to various forms of funeral
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can call the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U                        support to assist you and your family during time of bereavement and death. CARE 4U can provide
call centre to receive support with finding an appropriate service provider in a convenient location for    transportation of the deceased to the place of burial is this is far away from home and many more
children’s extra-mural activities (such as sports, drama etc.), as well as quotes on the services.          services to assist you and your family. Call the CARE 4U call centre and dial option 2 for support with
                                                                                                            arranging a funeral. This service can only be used for lives covered under the policy and is available
This service is available from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 19:00 and Saturday 08:00 to 12:00. The            24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
service is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
You may use the service as often as you wish.
                                                                                                            CARE 4U provides assistance with international body repatriation: Repatriation of mortal remains is
                                                                                                            done at no additional cost to you from anywhere in the world to the Republic
MY HEALTH                                                 MYFAMILY                                       MY SAFETY                                             MY FINANCES

of South Africa including the countries sharing a border with the Republic of South Africa: Namibia,      FUNERAL CLAIM REFUNDS
Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique (up to the 22 degree parallel line), Swaziland, and Lesotho.
                                                                                                          Should you decide to arrange body repatriation through an alternative service provider outside the
                                                                                                          CARE 4U program, a refund of the full cost of the body repatriation cannot be guaranteed. You
CARE 4U provides assistance with cross-border body repatriation: Repatriation of mortal remains is
                                                                                                          can however submit a claim for a refund to the CARE 4U call centre under the following process:
done at no additional cost to you from the Republic of South Africa to the neighbouring countries of
Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique (up to the 22 degree parallel line), Swaziland, and
                                                                                                          •    Register the claim with the CARE 4U call centre
                                                                                                          •    Provide the supporting documentation requested:
CARE 4U provides local body repatriation: Repatriation of mortal remains is done at no additional              - A copy of the death certificate.
cost to you within the Republic of South Africa. The repatriation shall also allow for a relative to           - A copy of the BI-1663.
accompany the body and provides for overnight accommodation where required. (This will not be                  - A copy of invoice specifying the cost of repatriation/transportation of the deceased.
applicable for international repatriations).                                                              •    CARE 4U will validate the claimant information and policy details.
                                                                                                          •    CARE 4U will obtain confirmation that a death claim was paid out / approved by Old Mutual.
Note that transportation of the body is available if the distance between the place of death and the      •    Upon approval of such a claim, CARE 4U will pay to the eligible claimant /nominated
place of burial is more than 50 km (body repatriation).                                                        beneficiary an amount in lieu of the body repatriation
                                                                                                          •    An overall maximum refund of R3500 including VAT applies.
Additional funeral support services offered by CARE 4U includes:                                          The service to claim a voucher is available from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 17:00. It is closed on
•    transporting the body if the distance between the place of death and the place of burial is          Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
     more than 50 km (body repatriation)
•    interpreting policies
•    obtaining a death certificate
•    referring you to a psychologist or psychiatrist where needed
•    referring you for counselling where your child has passed away
•    discount vouchers for buses, taxis, shuttle services and flights
•    discount vouchers for car rentals
•    discount vouchers for airtime
•    discount vouchers for funeral-related products (for example coffins, tombstones and other
     funeral-related products).
MY HEALTH   MY FAMILY                      MY SAFETY       MY FINANCES

                        MY SAFETY
                        TAKE ME HOME

                        FREE SECURITY GUARD FOR 12 HOURS

                        DISCOUNTS ON SECURITY SYSTEMS

                        DRIVING LESSONS CONCIERGE
MY HEALTH                                                     MY FAMILY                               MY SAFETY                                             MY FINANCES

TAKE ME HOME                                                                                                                                                            Peak times
                                                                                                                                                                        • Thursday evenings to
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can arrange through the GREENLIGHT                                         Off-peak times                              Sunday mornings
CARE 4U call centre for a designated driver service. This service picks you up from a single pre-                               Sunday evenings to Thursday             • Public holidays and the night
arranged point at a pre-arranged time and drops you off in your vehicle at a single point. You may                              mornings, excluding public                  before the public holiday
use this service for up to three trips a year for each life covered. You and up to two other passengers                         holidays (and the night before a        • Some major public events
may be transported in one trip. Lives covered under a Final Expenses benefit need to be older than 18                           public holiday).                            within one of the areas
years to access this service.

This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.                                                                                                              Please book at least 48 hours in
                                                                                                                                                                        advance to ensure that a driver
The service is free if the pick-up point and drop-off point is within any of the following metropolitan                         Please book 60 minutes before the       will be available at the time
areas and the total trip does not exceed 50 km from the city centre: Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape               When you        driver is required so that the driver   requested. If the booking is at
Town, Bloemfontein, Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth and George.                                             must book       can arrive within 60 minutes.           short notice and during a peak
                                                                                                                                                                        time, the pick-up time may be up
                                                                                                                                                                        to 120 minutes from the time you
If a trip is longer than 50 kms, and capacity on the day allows it, you will be charged for the                                                                         call.
additional distance and must pay cash. The driver will stop at an ATM if you do not have cash on
hand.                                                                                                           First pick-up   17:30                                   17:30

If you exceed the total number of trips per year, you can still make use of the service at a discounted         Last pick-up    03:00                                   03:00
rate. The cost of a trip will be payable in cash directly to the designated driver. The driver will stop at
an ATM if you don't have cash on hand.                                                                          Last
                                                                                                                                02:00                                   01:00

                                                                                                                If you want     The service provider will try to
                                                                                                                                                                        This is not possible during
                                                                                                                to change a     change the time during off-peak
                                                                                                                                                                        peak hours
                                                                                                                pick-up time    hours
MY HEALTH                                                   MY FAMILY                                        MY SAFETY                                               MY FINANCES

How it works:                                                                                                This service is available 24 hours a day, depending on shift rosters. This service is available
                                                                                                             in these areas:
•    You call the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U call centre to arrange for the pick-up, and provide the pick-
     up point. The call centre agent facilitating the booking may ask you to provide an alternate              Gauteng                         Robertville, East Rand, Johannesburg,, Midrand, Pretoria,
     contact number to ensure that the designated driver can make contact with you at the specified                                            Vereeniging
     collection time. Designated drivers are equipped with a cellphone and have access to a GPS.
                                                                                                               Western Cape                    George, Cape Town, Worcester
•    You will receive two SMSes to remind you of the designated driver service that
     you have booked. The first SMS will provide you with a reference number and confirmation of the           KwaZulu-Natal                   Ballito, Durban, Ladysmith, Bergville, Eskort, Newcastle,
     booking. The second SMS will be sent on the day of the pick-up by latest 4pm, and provide you                                             Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown, Pongola, Richards Bay, Eshowe
     with the details of the driver. If the booking is for earlier than 4pm, the second SMS will be sent
     earlier on the day of pick-up.                                                                            Eastern Cape                    Aliwal North, Butterworth, Graaff-Reinet, East London,
•    At the specified time and location, the call centre will call you to notify you that the driver has                                       Kokstad, Mthatha, Port Elizabeth, Port Shepstone,
     arrived, after which you have 15 minutes to meet the designated driver. If the call is not                                                Queenstown, QwaQwa, Engcobo
     answered, the call centre will send you an SMS to confirm that the driver has arrived. If there is no
                                                                                                               Limpopo                         Makhado, Marble Hall, Polokwane, Sibasa
     response after 15 minutes, the call centre will SMS you that the pick-up driver is leaving and the
     trip will be cancelled. You are responsible for cancellation charges.                                     Free State                      Bethlehem, Bloemfontein , Kroonstad, Welkom
•    If you arrange a pick-up at a large venue, such as a casino, you must ensure that the pick-up
     point is a clearly identifiable landmark and can easily be found.                                         North West                      Klerksdorp, Mafikeng, Rustenburg, Standerton, Upington,
                                                                                                               Province                        Vryburg

                                                                                                               Mpumalanga                      Malelane, Nelspruit, Mbabane, Matsapha, Vryheid,
If you are not entirely satisfied with the service, you can log a call through the GREENLIGHT CARE
4U call centre. CARE 4U will conduct a full investigation and give you feedback.                               Northern Cape                   Kimberley

FREE SECURITY GUARD FOR 12 HOURS                                                                             CARE 4U cannot guarantee that the security guard will be able to prevent further loss, damage
                                                                                                             or injury.
If a CARE 4U member’s primary residence is damaged as a result of a break-in or forced entry, you
have access to a free security guard for up to 12 hours during the week, or up to 36 hours on
                                                                                                             It may take up to three hours during normal traffic within metropolitan areas before a guard is
weekends and public holidays. CARE 4U will provide an unarmed Grade D guard, equipped with a
torch and a two-way radio, to be stationed at the property as listed below or until the property is
secured, whichever occurs first:
                                                                                                             This service is not offered for business premises or second residences.
Week days                     -              for a maximum of 12 hours
Week-ends and public holidays -              for a maximum of 36 hours                                       You must provide the security guard with shelter and toilet facilities. CARE 4U reserves the right to
                                                                                                             withdraw the security guard if shelter and toilet facilities are not available.
MY HEALTH                                                 MY FAMILY                                       MY SAFETY                                             MY FINANCES

DISCOUNTS ON SECURITY SYSTEMS                                                                            VEHICLE SECURITY DISCOUNTS

As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can call the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U                       Partner                               Offer
call centre to receive information and access to discounted security systems and products, such as
alarm systems and surveillance systems, with selected service providers.                                   Netstar                               Members get the Nano device FREE with a New Safe and
                                                                                                                                                 Sound 36 month contract from Altech Netstar
This service is available from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 19:00 and Saturday 08:00 to 12:00. The
service is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
You may use this service as often as you wish.
                                                                                                           Cartrack                              Preferential rates on all Cartrack products and
HOME SECURITY DISCOUNTS                                                                                                                          services

  Partner                              Offer
                                                                                                           PG Glass                              Save up to 50% on Smash & Grab Film with PG
  ADT                                  20% discount on ADT security installation
                                       20% discount on the recommended subscription fee if you
                                       activate your alarm directly with ADT
                                       Discounts only available to new contracts. Existing ADT
                                       contract holders will not be eligible.
                                       Members GET the ADT FindU APP for ONLY R39!
                                                                                                         DRIVINGS LESSONS CONCIERGE
                                                                                                         Our concierge consultants will be able to source information, prices, quotations and referrals from
  Sequre Trellis Door                                                                                    various driving school providers, depending on the member’s location and specific requirement.
                                       10% on Sequre’s national retail pricelist.

                                                                                                         This service is available from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 19:00 and Saturday 08:00 to
                                                                                                         12:00. The service is closed on Sundays and public holidays. You may use this service as often as
                                                                                                         you wish.

*For the latest available offers please call 0860 61 62 63
MY HEALTH   MY FAMILY                        MY SAFETY   MY FINANCES

                        MY FINANCES
                        FINANCIAL WELLNESS

                        LEGAL ASSISTANCE
MY HEALTH                                                MY FAMILY                                        MY SAFETY                                            MY FINANCES

FINANCIAL WELLNESS                                                                                        You can work with a credit coach after signing a power of attorney and supplying copies of all
                                                                                                          garnishee orders under your name to:
As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can call the GREENLIGHT CARE                         • complete a financial assessment and establish details of how the order was served and
4U call centre to receive information on financial or credit status management. The service can                whether it is lawful
provide you with information on:                                                                          •    renegotiate payment terms and finally issue a court order to amend, set aside or rescind the
• your credit score (obtained from one credit bureau)                                                          garnishee order
•    your credit score compared with other South Africans
•    how to improve your credit score                                                                     You are responsible for all legal fees related to any of the above.
•    your current financial habits in order to help you plan and manage your finances
     better                                                                                               This service is available from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 17:00. It is closed on Saturdays, Sundays
                                                                                                          and public holidays.

The service can also provide you with access to a credit coach who can help you:
                                                                                                          The service is offered in English, Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Sotho, Sepedi, Shangaan, Venda and
• manage your debt and credit
•    complete a debt assessment and activity assessment
•    create a budget                                                                                      How it works
•    apply for new credit
                                                                                                          •    When you call the CARE 4U call centre, an agent will verify your details and require you to
•    understand your credit report                                                                             accept certain terms and conditions before generating and requesting a credit report from a
•    use tools and services related to financial wellness                                                      credit bureau.
•    analyse debt and restructure existing agreements                                                     •    The reports will be emailed or SMSed to you.

A credit coach can also refer you to affordable attorneys, debt counselling or consolidation and Old
Mutual’s On the Money financial education workshops.

The service can also help you manage garnishee orders by validating the correctness
of the garnishee order and where possible, renegotiate the amounts owed to the credit provider.
CARE 4U will contact the relevant HR department, the credit provider or attorney involved to evaluate
all garnishee orders and assess the best way forward.
MY HEALTH                                                    MY FAMILY   MY SAFETY   MY FINANCES

As a member of the GREENLIGHT CARE 4U programme, you can access legal assistance in
general South African law such as civil, criminal, labour, conveyancing, tax, financial advice and
family law. CARE 4U will direct your question to a qualified attorney.

This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The

attorney will:
• provide legal advice.
•    send you standard legal documents, for example templates relating to the Small Claims Court
     (including guidelines as to whether a matter falls within the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court),
     domestic workers’ agreements or documents on maintenance claims, wills and testaments and
     many more.
•    where necessary, refer you to an attorney close to you on the CARE 4U network for a free 30-
     minute face-to-face consultation. During the 30-minute consultation, the attorney may draft a
     letter of demand or make one phone call on your behalf.
•    charge you after the first 30 minutes of a face-to-face consultation. The attorney will inform you
     when your consultation has gone overtime.

                                                                                        WE’RE JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY

                                                                                    For more information, visit
                                                                      GREENLIGHT CARE 4U is just a phone call away. Call 0860 61 62 63. Any time. Day or night.

               Old Mutual is a Licensed Financial Services Provider
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