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          Download a free electronic copy of the most up-to-date warranty book at Alfaromeousa.com                                           2 0 2 1 W A R R A N T Y I N F O R M AT I O N

                                                                                                                             First Edition
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          Download a free electronic copy of the most up-to-date warranty book at Alfaromeousa.com
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                                                                                                                                    WARRANTY COVERAGE AT A GLANCE

                                                                                                                  3 Yr/ Unlimited

                                                                                                                                                      5 Yr/ Unlimited

                                                                                                                                                                        7 Yr/ 70,000

                                                                                                                                                                                       8 Yr/ 80,000
                                                                                                   3 Yr/ 50,000

                                                                                                                                       4 Yr/ 50,000
                                                      1 Yr/ 12,000

                                                                     2 Yr/ 24,000

                                                                                    3 Yr/ 36,000

   Basic Limited Warranty Coverage
   Special Extended Warranty Coverage
   Anti-Corrosion Perforation Limited Warranty
   — All Panels
   — Outer Panels
   Federal Emission Warranty
   Federal Emission Warranty — Specified Components
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       1. Your Legal Rights Under These Limited Warranties .......4                                 3. What Is Not Covered.........................................................8
           1.1. Incidental And Consequential Damages Not                                                 3.1. Modifications Not Covered..........................................8
                Covered ........................................................................4             A. Some Modifications Do Not Void The
                                                                                                                  Warranties But Are Not Covered ..........................8
       2. What Is Covered Under FCA US LLC Warranties...........5                                             B. Modifications That WILL Void Your
           2.1. Basic Limited Warranty............................................... 5                           Warranties..............................................................9
                A. Who Is Covered .....................................................5                 3.2. Environmental Factors Not Covered ...........................9
                B. What Is Covered.....................................................5                 3.3. Maintenance Costs Not Covered .................................9
                C. Items Covered By Other Warranties...................... 5                             3.4. Racing Not Covered...................................................10
                D. Towing Costs Are Covered Under Certain                                                3.5. Certain Kinds Of Corrosion Not Covered .................10
                    Circumstances ....................................................... 5              3.6. Other Exclusions ........................................................10
                E. When It Begins....................................................... 6               3.7. Total Loss, Salvage, Junk, or Scrap Vehicles Not
                F. When It Ends .......................................................... 6                  Covered ......................................................................11
                G. Registration And Operation Requirements............ 6                                 3.8. Restricted Warranty ...................................................11
                H. If Your Vehicle Leaves The United States, We
                    Include US Possessions And Territories As Part                                  4. Other Terms Of Your Warranties....................................12
                    Of The United States For Warranty Purposes....... 6                                  4.1. Exchanged Parts May Be Used In Warranty
           2.2. Corrosion Warranty .....................................................7                     Repairs........................................................................12
                A. Who Is Covered .....................................................7                 4.2. Pre-Delivery Service..................................................12
                B. What Is Covered.....................................................7                 4.3. Production Changes ...................................................12
                C. How Long It Lasts.................................................. 7
                D. What Is Not Covered .............................................7               5. Emission Warranties Required By Law ..........................13
           2.3. Restraint System Limited Warranty (Vehicle Sold                                          5.1. Federal Emission Warranty........................................13
                And Registered In The State Of Kansas Only) ............ 7                                    A. Parts Covered For Two Years Or 24,000 Miles...13
                                                                                                              B. Parts Covered For Eight Years Or 80,000 Miles.... 13
                                                                                                         5.2. Emission Performance Warranty ...............................14
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     6. How To Get Warranty Service........................................15                     7. How To Deal With Warranty Problems..........................20
          6.1. Where To Take Your Vehicle....................................15                         7.1. Steps To Take ............................................................20
                A. In The United States (We Include US                                                       A. In General.............................................................20
                    Possessions And Territories As Part Of The                                               B. What FCA US LLC Will Do................................20
                    United States For Warranty Purposes) ................15                                  C. If Your Problem Still Is Not Resolved For
                B. In Canada And Mexico ........................................15                               Customers Residing In Arkansas, Idaho,
                C. In A Foreign Country Outside Of                                                               Kentucky, Minnesota And Montana ONLY .......20
                    North America.....................................................15                     D. Notice Under State Lemon Laws .........................22
                D. If You Move.........................................................16               7.2. Helpful Addresses And Telephone Numbers ............23
                E. Notice ...................................................................16
          6.2. How To Get Roadside Assistance Service —                                           8. Optional Service Contract ............................................... 24
               US Or Canada Only * ................................................17
                A. Who Is Covered ...................................................17           9. Maintenance ....................................................................25
                B. What To Do..........................................................17               9.1. General Information...................................................25
                C. Covered Services..................................................17                 9.2. Where To Go For Maintenance .................................25
                D. If Unable To Contact Roadside Assistance .........18
          6.3. Emergency Warranty Repairs....................................19
          6.4. Getting Service Under The Federal Emission
               Performance Warranties.............................................19
                A. What To Do .........................................................19
                B. Further Steps You Can Take, And How To Get
                    More Information ................................................19
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   1. Your Legal Rights Under These                                    1.1. Incidental And Consequential Damages
      Limited Warranties                                                    Not Covered
                                                                          Your warranties do not cover any incidental or
          The warranties contained in this booklet are the only           consequential damages connected with your vehicle
          express warranties that FCA US LLC (“FCA US”)                   failure, either while under warranty or afterward.
          makes for your vehicle. These warranties give you
          specific legal rights. You may also have other rights           Examples of such damages include:
          that vary from state to state. For example, you may             • Lost time
          have some implied warranties, depending on the state            • Inconvenience
          where your vehicle was sold or is registered.                   • The loss of the use of your vehicle
             These implied warranties are limited, to the extent          • The cost of rental vehicles, gasoline, telephone, travel, or
          allowed by law, to the time periods covered by the                lodging
          express written warranties contained in this booklet.           • The loss of personal or commercial property
              If you use your vehicle primarily for business or           • The loss of revenue
          commercial purposes, then these implied warranties do              Some states do not allow incidental or consequen-
          not apply and FCA US LLC completely disclaims them              tial damages to be excluded or limited, so this exclu-
          to the extent allowed by law. And the implied warranty          sion may not apply to you.
          of fitness for a particular purpose does not apply if your
          vehicle is used for racing, even if the vehicles is
          equipped for racing.
            Some states do not allow limitations on how long
          an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations
          may not apply to you.
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                                                                         WHAT IS COVERED UNDER FCA US LLC WARRANTIES                  5

   2. What Is Covered Under FCA US                                      C. Items Covered By Other Warranties
                                                                          The following are covered by separate warranties
      LLC Warranties                                                      offered by their manufacturers. They are Not Covered
                                                                          by the Basic Limited Warranty:
    2.1. Basic Limited Warranty
                                                                          • Tires
       A. Who Is Covered                                                  • Items added or changed after your vehicle left the manu-
          You are covered by the Basic Limited Warranty if you              facturing plant, such as accessories or protection prod-
          are a purchaser for use of the vehicle.                           ucts, or items changed because of customization
                                                                              Be sure you get a copy of any warranty that applies
       B. What Is Covered
                                                                          to these items from the manufacturer of the product.
          The Basic Limited Warranty covers the cost of all parts
          and labor needed to repair any item on your vehicle           D. Towing Costs Are Covered Under Certain
          when it left the manufacturing plant that is defective in        Circumstances
          material, workmanship or factory preparation. There is          Roadside Assistance covers the cost of towing your
          no list of covered parts since the only exception is tires.     vehicle to an authorized Alfa Romeo dealer if your
          You pay nothing for these repairs covered by the Basic          vehicle cannot be driven because a covered part has
          Limited Warranty. These warranty repairs or adjust-             failed. Roadside Assistance lasts for up to four years,
          ments, including all parts and labor connected with             with no mileage limit, calculated from the warranty
          them, will be made by your authorized Alfa Romeo                start date. Refer to “section 6.2” for information on how
          repair facility at no charge, using new or remanufac-           to get Roadside Assistance service in the United States
          tured parts.                                                    and Canada.
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       E. When It Begins                                              G. Registration And Operation Requirements
          The Basic Limited Warranty begins on either of the            The Basic Limited Warranty covers your vehicle
          following dates, whichever is earlier:                        only if:
          • The date you take delivery of the vehicle.                  •   The vehicle was built for sale in the US.
          • The date when the vehicle was first put into use, for       •   The vehicle is registered in the US.
            example, as a dealer “demo” or as an FCA US LLC             •   The vehicle is driven mainly in the US or Canada.
            company vehicle.                                            •   The vehicle is operated and maintained in the manner
       F. When It Ends                                                      described in your Owner’s Manual.

          The Basic Limited Warranty lasts for four years from        H. If Your Vehicle Leaves The United States, We
          the date it begins or for 50,000 miles on the odometer,        Include US Possessions And Territories As Part
          whichever occurs first. The following items are                Of The United States For Warranty Purposes
          covered only for 12 months or for 12,000 miles on the         EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED
          odometer, whichever occurs first:                             BY LAW, THERE IS NO WARRANTY
          •   Brakes (rotors, pads, linings, and drums)                 COVERAGE ON THIS VEHICLE IF IT IS SOLD
          •   Bulbs                                                     IN OR REGISTERED IN COUNTRIES OTHER
          •   Clutch discs or modular clutch assembly (if equipped)     THAN THE UNITED STATES.
          •   Wheel alignment and balancing                                This policy does not apply to a vehicle that has
          •   Windshield and rear window                                received authorization for export from FCA US LLC.
          •   Wiper blades                                              Dealers may not give authorization for export. You
                                                                        should consult an authorized dealer to determine a
                                                                        vehicle's warranty coverage if you have any questions.
                                                                           This policy does not apply to a vehicle registered to
                                                                        US government officials or military personnel on
                                                                        assignment outside of the United States.
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                                                                              WHAT IS COVERED UNDER FCA US LLC WARRANTIES                 7

    2.2. Corrosion Warranty                                                 D. What Is Not Covered
                                                                              Please note that while the standard Corrosion Warranty
       A. Who Is Covered
                                                                              applies to defects in material and/or workmanship, it
          You are covered by the Corrosion Warranty if you are                does not cover the vehicle's matte finish appearance (if
          a purchaser for use of the vehicle.                                 equipped).
       B. What Is Covered                                                         Maintaining the matte finish appearance is solely the
          This warranty covers the cost of all parts and labor                 responsibility of the vehicle owner as described in your
          needed to repair or replace any sheet metal panels that              Owner's Manual.
          get holes from rust or other corrosion. If a hole occurs
                                                                           2.3. Restraint System Limited Warranty
          because of something other than corrosion, this
          warranty does not apply. Cosmetic or surface corrosion                (Vehicle Sold And Registered In The
          resulting for example, from stone chips or scratches in               State Of Kansas Only)
          the paint, is not covered. For more details on what is not          For a vehicle sold and registered in the state of Kansas,
          covered by this warranty, refer to “section 3.5”.                   seat belts and related seat belt components are
                                                                              warranted against defects in workmanship and mate-
       C. How Long It Lasts
                                                                              rials for 10 years, regardless of mileage. This warranty
          The Corrosion Warranty starts when your Basic                       does not cover replacement of seat belts and related
          Limited Warranty begins described in “section 2.1 E”.               components required as the result of collision.
          This warranty has two time-and-mileage limits:
          • For sheet metal panels, the limit is 36 months, with no
            mileage limit.
          • For an outer-body sheet metal panel, one that is
            finish-painted and that someone can see when walking
            around the vehicle, the limit is five years, with no mileage
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   3. What Is Not Covered                                                      Your warranties do not cover any part that was not
                                                                            on your vehicle when it left the manufacturing plant or
    3.1. Modifications Not Covered                                          is not certified for use on your vehicle. Nor do they
                                                                            cover the costs of any repairs or adjustments that might
       A. Some Modifications Do Not Void The                                be caused or needed because of the installation or use
          Warranties But Are Not Covered                                    of non-Alfa Romeo parts, components, equipment,
          Certain changes that you might make to your vehicle do            materials, or additives.
          not, by themselves, void the warranties described in              NOTE:
          this booklet. Examples of some of these changes are:              Non-Alfa Romeo parts can also impact downstream or
          • Installing non-Alfa Romeo parts, components, or equip-          other related safety systems.
            ment (such as a non-Alfa Romeo radio or cruise control).
                                                                               Performance or racing parts are considered to be
          • Using special non-Alfa Romeo materials or additives.            non-Alfa Romeo parts. Repairs or adjustments caused
          • Modifying the front bumper, vehicle body structure, or          by their use are not covered under your warranties.
            adding aftermarket side steps or running boards.
                                                                            Examples of the types of alterations not covered are:
          • Replacing windshields on vehicles equipped with
            Advanced Driver Assist Systems and non-Alfa Romeo               • Installing accessories, except for genuine Alfa Romeo
            genuine parts.                                                    accessories installed by an authorized Alfa Romeo repair
          • Using aftermarket collision parts.
                                                                            • Applying rustproofing or other protection products.
          • Attaching or installing any aftermarket accessories,
            including transparent material (e.g. glass tinting) or after-   • Changing the vehicle configuration or dimensions, such
            market grilles.                                                   as converting the vehicle into a limousine.
                                                                            • Using any refrigerant that Alfa Romeo has not approved.
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                                                                                                       WHAT IS NOT COVERED         9

       B. Modifications That WILL Void Your Warranties                 3.3. Maintenance Costs Not Covered
          These actions will void your warranties:                        Your warranties do not cover the costs of repairing
          • Disconnecting, tampering with, or altering the odometer       damage caused by poor or improper maintenance. Nor
            will void your warranties, unless your repairing techni-      do they cover damage caused by the use of contami-
            cian follows the legal requirements for repairing or          nated fuels, or by the use of fuels, oils, lubricants,
            replacing odometers.                                          cleaners or fluids other than those recommended in
          • Attaching any device that disconnects the odometer will       your Owner’s Manual.
            also void your warranties.
                                                                             The warranties do not cover the costs of your
    3.2. Environmental Factors Not Covered                                vehicle’s normal or scheduled maintenance. Some of
                                                                          these parts and services, which your warranties do not
          Your warranties do not cover damage caused by envi-             cover, include:
          ronmental factors such as airborne fallout, bird drop-          • Lubrication
          pings, insect damage, chemicals, tree sap, salt, ocean
                                                                          • Engine tune-ups
          spray, niter, acid rain, and road hazards. Nor do your
          warranties cover damage caused by hailstorms, wind-             • Replacing filters, coolant, spark plugs, or fuses (unless
                                                                            those costs result from a covered repair)
          storms, tornadoes, sandstorms, lightning, floods, and
          earthquakes.                                                    • Cleaning and polishing
                                                                          • Replacing worn wiper blades, worn brake pads and
             Your warranties do not cover conditions resulting
                                                                            linings, or clutch linings
          from anything impacting the vehicle. This includes
          cracks and chips in glass, scratches and chips in painted
          surfaces, or damage from collision.
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    3.4. Racing Not Covered                                                3.6. Other Exclusions
          Your warranties do not cover the costs of repairing                 Your warranties do not cover the costs of repairing
          damage or conditions caused by racing, nor do they                  damage or conditions caused by any of the following:
          cover the repair of any defects that are found as the                •   Fire or accident
          result of participating in a racing event.                           •   Abuse or negligence
    3.5. Certain Kinds Of Corrosion Not                                        •   Misuse, for example, driving over curbs or overloading
                                                                               •   Tampering with the emission systems, or with a part that
                                                                                   could affect the emission systems
          Your warranties do not cover the following:                          •   Use of used parts, even if they were originally supplied by
          • Corrosion caused by accident, damage, abuse, or vehicle                Alfa Romeo (however, authorized Alfa Romeo remanu-
            alteration.                                                            factured parts are covered)
          • Surface corrosion caused by such things as industrial              •   Windshield or rear window damage from external objects
            fallout, sand, salt, hail, ocean spray, and stones.                •   Any changes made to your vehicle that do not comply
          • Corrosion caused by the extensive or abnormal transport                with FCA US LLC
            of caustic materials like chemicals, acids, and fertilizers.       •   Using any fluid that does not meet the minimum recom-
          • Corrosion of special bodies, body conversions, or equip-               mendations in your Owner's Manual
            ment that was not on your vehicle when it left the manu-
            facturing plant or was not supplied by FCA US LLC.
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                                                                                                             WHAT IS NOT COVERED        11

    3.7. Total Loss, Salvage, Junk, or Scrap                                  3.8. Restricted Warranty
         Vehicles Not Covered                                                    FCA US LLC may restrict the warranty on your vehicle
          A vehicle has no warranty coverage of any kind if:                     if the vehicle is not properly maintained, or if the
          • The vehicle is declared to be a total loss by an insurance           vehicle is abused or neglected, and the abuse or neglect
            company.                                                             interferes with the proper functioning of the vehicle. If
          • The vehicle is rebuilt after being declared to be a total loss       the warranty is restricted, coverage may be denied or
            by an insurance company.                                             subject to approval by FCA US LLC before covered
                                                                                 repairs are performed.
          • The vehicle is issued a certificate of title indicating that it
            is designated as “salvage”, “junk”, “rebuilt”, “scrap”, or
            some similar word.
             FCA US LLC will deny warranty coverage without
          notice if it learns that a vehicle is ineligible for
          coverage for any of these reasons.
             This exclusion does not apply to emission warran-
          ties or to recall campaigns.
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   4. Other Terms Of Your Warranties                                         To help control suspected ozone-depleting agents,
                                                                          the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires
    4.1. Exchanged Parts May Be Used In                                   the capture, purification, and reuse of automotive air
                                                                          conditioning refrigerant gases. As a result, a repair to
         Warranty Repairs
                                                                          the sealed portion of your air conditioning system may
          In the interest of customer satisfaction, FCA US LLC            involve the installation of purified reclaimed refrig-
          may offer exchange service on some vehicle parts. This          erant.
          service is intended to reduce the amount of time your
          vehicle is not available for your use because of repairs.   4.2. Pre-Delivery Service
          Parts used in exchange service may be new, remanufac-          A defect in or damage to the mechanical, electrical,
          tured, reconditioned, or repaired, depending on the part       sheet metal, paint, trim, and other components of your
          involved.                                                      vehicle may have occurred at the factory or while it was
             All exchange parts that might be used meet FCA US           being shipped to the dealer.
          LLC standards, and have the same warranties as new                 Such a defect or damage is usually detected and
          parts.                                                          corrected at the factory. In addition, dealers must
          Examples of the kinds of parts that might be serviced in        inspect each vehicle before delivery. They repair any
          this way are:                                                   defects or damage detected before the vehicle is deliv-
          •   Engine Assemblies                                           ered to you.
          •   Transmission Assemblies
                                                                      4.3. Production Changes
          •   Instrument Cluster Assemblies
          •   Radios, CD and DVD Players                                 Changes may be made in vehicles sold by FCA US LLC
                                                                         and its authorized Alfa Romeo dealer at any time
          •   Speedometers
                                                                         without incurring any obligation to make the same or
          •   Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
                                                                         similar changes on vehicles previously built or sold.
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                                                                               EMISSION WARRANTIES REQUIRED BY LAW            13

   5. Emission Warranties Required                                      • On-Board Diagnostic System Components
                                                                        • Oxygen Sensors
      By Law                                                            • Positive Crankcase-Ventilation (PCV) Valve or Orifice
                                                                        • Secondary Ignition Wires
    5.1. Federal Emission Warranty
                                                                        • Spark Plugs
       A. Parts Covered For Two Years Or 24,000 Miles                   • Throttle Body
          Federal law requires FCA US LLC to warrant the                • Vacuum Hoses, Clamps, And Fittings (as well as tubing
          following emissions parts for two years or                      used for these components)
          24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. FCA US LLC              • Vacuum, Temperature, Altitude, Speed, Time-Sensitive
          covers all of these parts under the Basic Limited               Valves, Sensors, and Switches (used in these components
          Warranty for four years or 50,000 miles, whichever              and systems)
          occurs first.
                                                                      B. Parts Covered For Eight Years Or 80,000 Miles
          •   Air System Controls
          •   Electronic Fuel Injection System (including injector)     If your vehicle has one of the following parts, this
                                                                        Federal Emission Warranty covers that part for a period
          •   Evaporative-Emission Canister and Controls
                                                                        of eight years or 80,000 miles, whichever occurs first,
          •   Exhaust Manifold                                          calculated from the start of the Basic Limited Warranty
          •   Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve and Control         as set forth in “section 2.1 E”. The covered parts are:
                                                                        • Catalytic Converter
          •   Exhaust Pipes (between exhaust manifold and catalyst)
                                                                        • Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
          •   Fuel Cap and Tank Assembly, Pump, and Fuel Lines
                                                                        • Transmission Control Module (TCM)
          •   Ignition System
          •   Intake Manifold
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    5.2. Emission Performance Warranty                               • Your vehicle has failed a federally approved state or local
                                                                       emissions test.
          This warranty supplements the federal warranty under
                                                                     • Your vehicle has been maintained and operated properly
          “section 5.1”. It lasts for two years or 24,000 miles on
                                                                       up until it fails such a test.
          the odometer, whichever occurs first. If your vehicle
          has one of the parts listed in “section 5.1 B”, this       • You face a real penalty for example, a fine or the loss of
                                                                       the use of your vehicle, because the vehicle has failed the
          Federal Emission Warranty covers that part for a period
          of eight years or 80,000 miles, whichever occurs first.
          These limits are counted from the time when your Basic        Refer to "section 6.4" (Getting Service Under The
          Limited Warranty begins under “section 2.1 E”. The         Federal Emission Performance Warranties), for further
          Emission Performance Warranty covers the cost of           information on how to get service under this warranty.
          repairing or adjusting any components or parts that
          might be needed for your vehicle to pass Federal Emis-
          sion Standards for a federally approved state or local
          emissions test, but only if:
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                                                                                       HOW TO GET WARRANTY SERVICE             15

   6. How To Get Warranty Service                                   C. In A Foreign Country Outside Of North America
                                                                      If you are traveling temporarily outside of North
    6.1. Where To Take Your Vehicle                                   America, and your vehicle remains registered in the
                                                                      United States:
       A. In The United States (We Include US
                                                                      • You should take your vehicle to an authorized Alfa
          Possessions And Territories As Part Of The
                                                                        Romeo repair facility. They should give you the same
          United States For Warranty Purposes)
                                                                        warranty service you receive in the United States.
          Warranty service must be done by an authorized Alfa         • If the authorized Alfa Romeo repair facility charges you
          Romeo repair facility. We strongly recommend that             for repairs which you feel should be covered under your
          you take your vehicle to your selling dealer. They know       warranty, please get a detailed receipt for the work done.
          your vehicle best, and are most concerned that you get        Make sure that this receipt lists all warranty repairs and
          prompt and high quality service. If you move within the       parts that were involved. This receipt will be similar to
          United States, warranty service may be requested from         the one used by the authorized Alfa Romeo repair facility
          any authorized Alfa Romeo repair facility.                    that normally services your vehicle.
                                                                      • When your vehicle returns to the United States, contact
       B. In Canada And Mexico
                                                                        the Alfa Romeo Customer Assistance Center in
          If you are traveling temporarily in Canada or Mexico,         “section 7.2” for reimbursement consideration. You will
          and your vehicle remains registered in the United             normally need to provide a copy of the receipt, your
          States, your FCA US LLC warranty still applies.               vehicle registration and any other relevant documents.
          Service may be requested at any authorized Alfa             • Reimbursement will not be considered if the vehicle does
          Romeo repair facility.                                        not return to the United States.
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       D. If You Move                                              E. Notice
          If you move to another country, be sure to contact         If your vehicle is registered outside of the United States,
          the Alfa Romeo Customer Assistance Center in               and you have not followed the procedure set out above,
          “section 7.2” and the customs department of the desti-     your vehicle will no longer be eligible for warranty
          nation country before you move. Vehicle importation        coverage of any kind. Vehicles registered to United
          rules vary considerably from country to country. You       States government officials or military personnel on
          may be required to present documentation of your           assignment outside of the US will continue to be
          move to FCA US LLC in order to continue your               covered.
          warranty coverage. You may also be required to obtain
          documentation from FCA US LLC in order to register
          your vehicle in your new country.
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                                                                                                          HOW TO GET WARRANTY SERVICE           17

    6.2. How To Get Roadside Assistance                                                   Provide your name, Vehicle Identification Number
                                                                                          (VIN), license plate number, and your location,
         Service — US Or Canada Only *1                                                   including the telephone number from which you are
        A. Who Is Covered                                                                 calling. Briefly describe the nature of the problem and
                                                                                          answer a few simple questions.
            You are covered by the Roadside Assistance services if
            you are a purchaser for use of the vehicle. The Roadside                          You will be given the name of the service provider
            Assistance services lasts for four years, regardless of                       and an estimated time of arrival. If you feel you are in
            mileage, calculated from the start date of the Basic                          an unsafe situation, please let us know. With your
            Limited Warranty, as set forth in “section 2.1 E”.                            consent, we will contact local police or safety authori-
        B. What To Do
                                                                                        C. Covered Services
            If your vehicle requires jump start assistance, out of
            gas/fuel delivery, tire service, lockout service or towing                    Flat Tire Service
            due to a defect covered under the Basic Limited                               If you are inconvenienced by a flat tire, we will
            Warranty, call for assistance.                                                dispatch a service provider to use your vehicle’s
            United States Roadside Assistance Phone Number:                               TIREFIT KIT to seal small punctures up to 1/4" in the
            844-253-2872                                                                  tire tread or your vehicle's temporary spare as recom-
                                                                                          mended in your Owner's Manual. This is not a perma-
            Canada Roadside                Assistance         Phone       Number:
                                                                                          nent flat tire repair.
                                                                                          Out of Gas/Fuel Delivery
                                                                                          Drivers cannot always count on a gas station being
                                                                                          nearby, especially when traveling away from home.
                                                                                          We will dispatch a service provider to deliver a small
                                                                                          amount of fuel (maximum two gallons) to get you to a
                                                                                          nearby station.

   1. * Roadside assistance services provided through Cross Country Motor Club, Inc.,
      Medford, MA 02155, except in AK, CA, HI, OR, WI, and WY, where services are
      provided by Cross Country Motor Club of California, Inc., Medford, MA 02155.
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          Battery Jump Assistance                                      D. If Unable To Contact Roadside Assistance
          No time is a good time for a depleted battery, but with        If you are unable to contact Roadside Assistance and
          Roadside Assistance, you do not have to worry about            you obtain towing services on your own, you may
          being stranded. We will dispatch a service provider to         submit your original receipts from the licensed towing
          provide you with a battery jump any time, day or night.        or service facility, for services rendered within 30 days
          Lockout Service                                                of the occurrence. Be sure to include your Vehicle
                                                                         Identification Number (VIN), odometer mileage at the
          Whether the keys are locked in your vehicle or frozen          time of service and current mailing address. We will
          locks are keeping you from getting on your way, Road-          process the claim based on vehicle and service eligi-
          side Assistance can assist you. This service is limited to     bility. If eligible, we will reimburse you for the reason-
          providing access to the vehicle's seating area. It does        able amounts you actually paid, based on the usual and
          not cover the cost of replacement keys.                        customary charges for that service in the area where
          Towing Service                                                 they were provided.
          Our Roadside Assistance gives you peace of mind and            FCA US LLC's determination relating to reimburse-
          confidence. If your vehicle becomes disabled as a result       ment are final. Correspondence should be mailed to:
          of a mechanical breakdown, Roadside Assistance will            FCA US LLC Customer Assistance
          dispatch towing service to transport your vehicle to the       P.O. Box 9145
          closest authorized Alfa Romeo repair facility.
                                                                         Medford, MA 02155
                                                                         Attention: Claims Department
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                                                                                            HOW TO GET WARRANTY SERVICE            19

    6.3. Emergency Warranty Repairs                                      B. Further Steps You Can Take, And How To Get
                                                                            More Information
          If you have an emergency and have to get a warranty
          repair made by someone other than an authorized Alfa             If you think an authorized Alfa Romeo dealer has
          Romeo dealer, follow the reimbursement procedure in              wrongly denied you Emission Warranty coverage,
          “section 6.1 C”.                                                 follow the steps described in “section 7.1”. FCA US
                                                                           LLC will reply to you in writing within 30 days after
    6.4. Getting Service Under The Federal                                 receiving your complaint or within the time limit
         Emission Performance Warranties                                   required by local or state law. If the owner is not noti-
                                                                           fied within 30 days that a performance warranty claim
       A. What To Do                                                       is denied, the manufacturer must repair the vehicle free
          If your vehicle has failed an emissions test described in        of charge.
          “section 5.2”:                                                      If you want more information about getting service
          • Take the vehicle to an authorized Alfa Romeo repair            under the Federal Emission Warranty or the Perfor-
            facility as soon as possible.                                  mance Warranty, or if you want to report what you
          • Give the service representative the printout showing that      think is a violation of these warranties, you can contact:
            your vehicle failed the test.
                                                                           Manager, Certification and Compliance
          • If possible, bring all service receipts, maintenance logs,
            and records proving that your vehicle has been properly        Division Warranty Claims
            maintained, since you may be required to show them.            Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                           1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                                                                           Mail Code 6403J
                                                                           Washington, D.C. 20460
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   7. How To Deal With Warranty                                       B. What FCA US LLC Will Do
                                                                        Once you have followed the recomended instructions
      Problems                                                          described in “section 7.1 A”, an FCA US LLC repre-
                                                                        sentative at FCA US LLC headquarters will review
    7.1. Steps To Take
                                                                        your situation. If it is something that FCA US LLC can
       A. In General                                                    help you with, FCA US LLC will provide your dealer
                                                                        with all the information and assistance necessary to
          Normally, warranty problems can be resolved by an
                                                                        resolve the problem. Even if FCA US LLC cannot help
          authorized Alfa Romeo dealer. That is why you should
                                                                        you, FCA US LLC will acknowledge your contact and
          always talk to an authorized Alfa Romeo dealer’s
                                                                        explain FCA US LLC's position.
          service manager or authorized Alfa Romeo dealer’s
          sales manager first. But if you are not satisfied with an   C. If Your Problem Still Is Not Resolved For
          authorized Alfa Romeo dealer response to your                  Customers Residing In Arkansas, Idaho,
          problem, FCA US LLC recommends that you discuss                Kentucky, Minnesota And Montana ONLY
          your problem with the owner or general manager of the
                                                                        If you cannot resolve your warranty problem after
          authorized Alfa Romeo dealer.
                                                                        following the two steps described in “section 7.1 A”,
             If an authorized Alfa Romeo dealer still cannot            and you live in Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Minnesota
          resolve the problem, contact the Alfa Romeo Customer          or Montana ONLY, you can contact the FCA US LLC
          Assistance Center. You will find the address in               Customer Arbitration Process in your area.
          “section 7.2”.
                                                                          You may obtain a brochure describing FCA US
                                                                        LLC's Customer Arbitration Process, including an
                                                                        application, by calling: 844-253-2872
21_GA_GW_EN_US_t.book Page 21

                                                                          HOW TO DEAL WITH WARRANTY PROBLEMS                  21

          This service is strictly voluntary, and you may submit    The CAP will need the following information from
          your dispute directly to the Customer Arbitration         you:
          Process (CAP) at no cost. The CAP is administered by
                                                                     1.   Legible copies of all documents and repair orders
          an independent dispute settlement organization and
                                                                          relevant to your case.
          may be contacted in writing at the following address:
          National Center for Dispute Settlement                     2.   Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of your
          FCA US LLC Customer Arbitration Process
          P.O. Box 515315                                            3.   A brief description of your unresolved concern.

          Dallas, TX 75251-5315                                      4.   The identity of your servicing authorized Alfa
                                                                          Romeo repair facility/selling dealer.
             The CAP reviews only vehicle disputes involving
          FCA US LLC (“FCA US”) Limited Warranty or a FCA            5.   The date(s) of repair(s) and mileage at the time.
          US LLC/Alfa Romeo Part Limited Warranty. The CAP
          does not review disputes involving the sale of a new or    6.   Current mileage.
          used vehicle, personal injury/property damage claims,      7.   A description of the action you expect to resolve
          disputes relating to design of the vehicle or part, or          your concern.
          disputes which are already the subject of litigation.
21_GA_GW_EN_US_t.book Page 22


          Upon receipt of your request:                                     • If any action is required on the part of the servicing autho-
          • The National Center for Dispute Settlement (NCDS) will            rized Alfa Romeo repair facility/selling dealer or FCA
            acknowledge receipt of your request, by mail, within              US LLC you will be contacted within 10 days after the
            10 days, and advise you whether or not your dispute is            date by which the dealer or FCA US LLC must act to
            within the jurisdiction of the process.                           determine whether performance has been rendered.
          • When your request is within jurisdiction NCDS will              • The entire dispute settlement process will normally take
            request FCA US LLC and the dealer to present their side           no longer than 40 days.
            of the dispute. You will receive copies of their responses.     • The CAP dispute settlement procedure does not take the
          • While your dispute is pending NCDS or FCA US LLC                  place of any state or federal legal remedies available to
            may contact you to see if your case can be settled by             you. Whether or not you decide to submit your dispute to
            agreement. If a settlement is offered to you, FCA US LLC          the process, you are free to pursue other legal remedies.
            will ask you to sign a form that contains that settlement.
                                                                          D. Notice Under State Lemon Laws
            Your case will then be closed. There is no requirement for
            you to participate in this settlement process.                  Some states have laws allowing you to get a replace-
          • If you requested an oral hearing, a decision-maker will         ment vehicle or a refund of the vehicle’s purchase price
            contact you to arrange a convenient time and place for a        under certain circumstances. These laws vary from
            hearing. Usually, this will be at a dealership near you.        state to state. If your state law allows, FCA US LLC
          • If you request a documents-only review, an NCDS panel           requires that you first notify us in writing of any service
            will review and decide your case. Neither you, the dealer       difficulty that you may have experienced so that we can
            nor FCA US LLC need be present.                                 have a chance to make any needed repairs before you
          • NCDS will send you a written Statement of Decision.             are eligible for remedies provided by these laws. In all
            This statement will include the decision, any action to be      other states, we ask that you give us written notice of
            taken by the dealer or FCA US LLC and the time by               any service difficulty. Send your written notice to the
            which the action must be taken. The decision will be            Alfa Romeo Customer Assistance Center at the address
            binding on the dealer and FCA US LLC but not on you             in “section 7.2”.
            unless you accept the decision.
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                                                                      HOW TO DEAL WITH WARRANTY PROBLEMS        23

    7.2. Helpful Addresses And Telephone                        • In Mexico:
         Numbers                                                      Customer Relations Office
          Here are the addresses and telephone numbers of the         Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 1240
          FCA US LLC Customer Assistance Centers that can             Santa Fe, Cuajimalpa CP 05348
          assist you:
                                                                      Ciudad de México
          • In the United States:
                                                                      Phone (in Mexico): 800-505-1300
                 Alfa Romeo Customer Assistance Center
                                                                      Phone (outside Mexico): +52 55 50817568
                 P.O. Box 21-8004
                                                                • In Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands:
                 Auburn Hills, Michigan 48321-8004
                                                                      Customer Service
                 Phone: 844-253-2872
                                                                      FCA Caribbean LLC
                 To contact Alfa Romeo by email
                                                                      Box 191857
                 Select the “contact us” button on:
                                                                      San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919-1857
                                                                      Phone: 844-253-2872
          • In Canada:
                                                                      Fax: 787-782-3345
                 FCA Canada Inc.
                 Customer Service
                 Chrysler Centre P.O. Box 1621
                 Windsor, Ontario N9A-4H6
                 Phone (English): 877-230-0563
                 Phone (French): 877-515-9112
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   8. Optional Service Contract                                       Alfa Romeo service contracts are the ONLY vehicle
                                                                   extended protection plans authorized, endorsed and
          Alfa Romeo Service and Care offers valuable protec-      backed by Alfa Romeo to provide additional protection
          tion against repair costs when these warranties no       beyond your vehicle's warranty. Look for our brand
          longer apply. They complement but do not replace the     logo and ask an authorized Alfa Romeo dealer for
          warranty coverages outlined in this booklet. A variety   details.
          of plans are available,           covering various
          time-and-mileage periods and various groups of the
          vehicle's mechanical components.
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                                                                                                             MAINTENANCE        25

   9. Maintenance                                                    9.2. Where To Go For Maintenance
                                                                        FCA US LLC recommends that you return to the dealer
    9.1. General Information                                            from which you bought your vehicle for all mainte-
          It is your responsibility to properly maintain and            nance service both during and after the warranty
          operate your new vehicle. Follow the instructions             periods. Although you can get warranty service from
          contained in the General and Scheduled Maintenance            any dealer who sells your particular make, returning to
          Service guidelines in your Owner’s Manual. Regular,           your selling dealer will help ensure that all your service
          scheduled maintenance is essential to trouble-free oper-      needs are met and that you are completely satisfied.
          ation. If there is a dispute between you and FCA US           Authorized Alfa Romeo repair facility technicians are
          LLC concerning the maintenance of your vehicle, FCA           specifically trained to perform maintenance and repair
          US LLC will require you to provide proof that your            procedures on your vehicle.
          vehicle was properly maintained.                                 Authorized Alfa Romeo repair facilities will help
              For your convenience, FCA US LLC has prepared a           ensure that all your service needs are met and that you
          Maintenance Schedule with routine service intervals           are completely satisfied. FCA US LLC strongly recom-
          which is included in your vehicle’s Owner's Manual. It        mends you use genuine Alfa Romeo parts to maintain
          is essential to follow these required maintenance inter-      your vehicle.
          vals for safe trouble-free operation.
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