Page created by Everett Robbins
     Includes SRT
VEHICLE USER GUIDE — IF                                                                             KEYLESS ENTER-N-GO —
EQUIPPED                                                                                            PASSIVE ENTRY
Vehicle User Guide                              NOTE:                                               Introduction To Keyless
                                                Vehicle User Guide features are not available
Access your Owner’s Information – right         while the vehicle is moving. If you try to access
through your Uconnect 4C or 4C NAV touch-       while the vehicle is in motion, the system          The Keyless Enter-N-Go — Passive Entry sys-
screen radio — If Equipped.                     displays: Feature not available while the vehicle   tem is an enhancement to the vehicle’s key fob.
                                                is in motion.                                       This feature allows you to lock and unlock the
To access the Vehicle User Guide on your
Uconnect Touchscreen: Push the Uconnect         Pre-Installed Features                              vehicle’s door(s) without having to push the key
                                                                                                    fob lock or unlock buttons as well as starting
Apps button, then push the Vehicle User Guide    • Your User Guide       • Available when           and stopping the vehicle with the push of a
icon on your touchscreen. No Uconnect regis-       — Updated in            and where you            button.
tration is required.                               real-time               need it
                                                 • Touchscreen           • Customizable
                                                   convenience             interface
                                                 • Maintenance           • Multilingual
                                                   schedules and
                                                 • Comprehensive
                                                   icon & symbol

      Vehicle User Guide Touchscreen Icon       NOTE:
                                                Uconnect screen images are for illustration
                                                purposes only and may not reflect exact soft-
                                                ware for your vehicle.
To Unlock Using The Driver’s Or                   To Lock Using The Driver’s Or
Passenger’s Front Door Handle                     Passenger’s Front Door Handle
                                                  • Both front door handles have buttons lo-
                                                    cated on the outside of the handle. With one
                                                    of the vehicle's Keyless Enter-N-Go key fobs
                                                    located outside the vehicle and within 5 ft
                                                    (1.5 m) of the driver's or passenger front
                                                    door handle, push the door handle button to
                                                    lock all four doors and liftgate.
                                                  • DO NOT grab the door handle when pushing
                                                    the door handle lock button. This could
                                                    unlock the door(s).
                                                                                                   Do NOT Grab Handle When Locking

        Grab The Door Handle To Unlock

With a valid Keyless Enter-N-Go Key Fob lo-
cated outside the vehicle and within 5 ft
(1.5 m) of the driver or passenger side door
handle, grab either front door handle to unlock
the door automatically.

                                                    Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
                                                    — If Equipped
                                                    If your vehicle is equipped with Adaptive Cruise
                                                    Control, the controls operate exactly the same
                                                    as the standard cruise control, with one differ-
                                                    ence. You can set a specified distance you
                                                    would like to maintain between you and the
                                                    vehicle in front of you.
                                                    • If the ACC sensor detects a vehicle ahead,
                                                      ACC will apply limited braking or accelera-
                                                      tion automatically to maintain a preset fol-
                                                      lowing distance while matching the speed of
      Push The Door Handle Button To Lock             the vehicle ahead.
                                                                                                                  Adaptive Cruise Switches
• After pushing the door handle lock button,        NOTE:
                                                                                                         1 — Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) On/Off
  you must wait two seconds before you can          Your vehicle will not exceed the cruise speed
                                                                                                         2 — Distance Setting – Decrease
  lock or unlock the vehicle. This will allow you   you have set.                                        3 — Distance Setting – Increase
  to pull on the vehicle’s door handle to verify    • If the sensor does not detect a vehicle di-
  that the vehicle is locked.                         rectly ahead of you, it functions like a stan-
                                                      dard cruise control system, maintaining the      For further information, and applicable warn-
For further information, and applicable warn-
                                                      speed you set.                                   ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s
ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s
                                                                                                       Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/
Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/
                                                                                                       owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or
owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or
                                                                                                       www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).
www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).

Forward Collision Warning With                      cluster display along with a brake jerk warning      Turning LaneSense On Or Off
                                                    (previously enabled in the Uconnect Settings).
Mitigation — If Equipped                            When the system senses the driver applying the
                                                                                                         The default status of LaneSense is “off”. The
                                                                                                         LaneSense button is located on the center
The Forward Collision Warning (FCW) system          brakes to avoid a probable collision, additional
can provide the driver with active braking, au-     brake force will be provided to the vehicle.
dible and visual warnings (within the instru-       When the system determines a collision with          LaneSense Warning Message
ment cluster display) and may apply a brake         the vehicle in front of you is no longer probable,   The LaneSense system will indicate the current
jerk to warn the driver when it detects a poten-    the warning message will be deactivated.             lane drift condition through the instrument
tial frontal collision. The warnings and limited
                                                    NOTE:                                                cluster display. The instrument cluster display
braking are intended to provide the driver with
                                                    The FCW feature can be customized and turned         will provide a visual warning depicting the un-
enough time to react and avoid or mitigate the
potential collision.                                off through the Uconnect System touchscreen.         intentional lane departure.

The system status can be selected to: “Off”,        For further information, and applicable warn-        When both lane markings are detected and the
“Only Warning”, and “Warning & Braking”.            ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s       driver unintentionally drifts out of the lane (no
“Warning & Braking” status with “Medium”            Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/          turn signal applied), the LaneSense system
sensitivity are the default settings, but can be    owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or               provides a haptic warning in the form of torque
changed within the Uconnect settings under          www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).            applied to the steering wheel to prompt the
“Safety and Driving Assistance”.                                                                         driver to remain within the lane boundaries.
                                                    LaneSense — If Equipped                              The driver may manually override the haptic
FCW monitors the information from the
                                                                                                         warning by applying torque into the steering
forward-looking sensor, as well as the Elec-        The LaneSense system is operational at speeds
                                                                                                         wheel at any time. When only a single lane
tronic Brake Controller (EBC) and wheel speed       above 37 mph (60 km/h) and below 112 mph
sensors, to calculate the probability of a colli-   (180 km/h). The LaneSense system uses a              marking is detected and the driver unintention-
sion. When the system determines that a colli-      forward looking camera to detect lane markings       ally drifts across the lane marking (no turn
sion is probable, a warning message (both au-       and measure vehicle position within the lane         signal applied), the LaneSense system provides
dible and visual) will be displayed within the      boundaries.                                          a visual warning through the instrument cluster

display to prompt the driver to remain within     ParkSense Active Park Assist                          • During a semi-automatic maneuver, if the
the lane. When only a single lane marking is                                                              driver touches the steering wheel after being
detected, a haptic (torque) warning will not be   System                                                  instructed to remove their hands from the
provided.                                         The ParkSense Active Park Assist system is              steering wheel, the system will cancel, and
                                                                                                          the driver will be required to manually com-
NOTE:                                             intended to assist the driver during parallel and
                                                                                                          plete the parking maneuver.
The LaneSense system can be customized and        perpendicular parking maneuvers by identify-
turned off through the Uconnect System touch-     ing a proper parking space, providing audible/        • The system may not work in all conditions
screen.                                           visual instructions, and controlling the steering       (e.g. environmental conditions such as
                                                  wheel. The ParkSense Active Park Assist system          heavy rain, snow, etc., or if searching for a
For further information, and applicable warn-                                                             parking space that has surfaces that will
                                                  is defined as “semi-automatic” since the driver
ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s                                                            absorb the ultrasonic sensor waves).
                                                  maintains control of the accelerator, gear selector
Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/                                                             • New vehicles from the dealership must have
owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or            and brakes. Depending on the driver's parking
                                                  maneuver selection, the ParkSense Active Park           at least 30 miles (48 km) accumulated be-
www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).                                                                 fore the ParkSense Active Park Assist system
                                                  Assist system is capable of maneuvering a ve-
                                                                                                          is fully calibrated and performs accurately.
                                                  hicle into a parallel or a perpendicular parking
                                                                                                          This is due to the system’s dynamic vehicle
                                                  space on either side (i.e., driver side or passen-
                                                                                                          calibration to improve the performance of
                                                  ger side).                                              the feature. The system will also continu-
                                                  NOTE:                                                   ously perform the dynamic vehicle calibra-
                                                                                                          tion to account for differences such as over
                                                  • The driver is always responsible for control-         or under inflated tires and new tires.
                                                    ling the vehicle, responsible for any sur-
                                                    rounding objects, and must intervene as
                                                  • The system is provided to assist the driver
                                                    and not to substitute the driver.
Enabling And Disabling The ParkSense Active        To disable the ParkSense Active Park Assist            ParkSense Rear Or ParkSense
Park Assist System                                 system, push the ParkSense Active Park Assist
                                                   switch again (LED turns off).
                                                                                                          Front And Rear Park Assist — If
The ParkSense Active Park Assist system can
be enabled and disabled with the ParkSense         When the ParkSense Active Park Assist system
Active Park Assist switch, located on the switch   is enabled the “Active ParkSense Searching -           • The four ParkSense sensors, located in the
panel below the Uconnect display.                  Push OK to Switch to Perpendicular” message              rear fascia/bumper, monitor the area behind
                                                   will appear in the instrument cluster display.           the vehicle that is within the sensor’s field of
                                                   You may switch to perpendicular parking if you           view.
                                                   desire. Push the OK button on the left side            • The six ParkSense sensors, located in the
                                                   steering wheel switch to change your parking             front fascia/bumper, monitor the area in
                                                   space setting. You may switch back to parallel           front of the vehicle that is within the sensors’
                                                   parking if you desire.                                   field of view.
                                                   NOTE:                                                  • The rear sensors can detect obstacles from
                                                   The ParkSense Active Park Assist system auto-            approximately 12 inches (30 cm) up to
                                                   matically defaults to looking for vehicles on the        79 inches (200 cm) from the rear bumper
                                                   right. To search for a parking spot on the left, use     while the vehicle is in REVERSE, while the
       ParkSense Active Park Assist Switch                                                                  front sensors can detect obstacles from ap-
                                                   the left turn signal.
                   Location                                                                                 proximately 12 inches (30 cm) up to
                                                   For further information, and applicable warn-            47 inches (120 cm) from the front fascia/
To enable the ParkSense Active Park Assist         ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s           bumper in the horizontal direction, depend-
system, push the ParkSense Active Park Assist      Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/              ing on the location, type and orientation of
switch once (LED turns on).                        owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or                   the obstacle. When an obstacle is detected,
                                                   www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).                a warning will display in the instrument
                                                                                                            cluster and a chime will sound (when Sound
                                                                                                            and Display is selected from the Customer

  Programmable Features section of the            Transmission Gear Selector and                   To activate AutoStick mode, move the gear
  Uconnect System screen). As the vehicle                                                          selector into the MANUAL (M) or SPORT (S)
  moves closer to the object, the chime rate      AutoStick                                        position (beside the DRIVE position), or tap one
  will change from single 1/2 second tone, to     Your vehicle is equipped with a fuel efficient   of the shift paddles on the steering wheel (if
  slow, to fast, to continuous.                                                                    equipped). Tapping the (-) shift paddle (if
                                                  8-speed transmission. The gear selector lo-
• If the system detects a potential impact with   cated in the center console also features a      equipped) to enter AutoStick mode will down-
  an object, the vehicle brakes may be            manual mode called AutoStick.                    shift the transmission to the next lower gear,
  applied.                                                                                         while tapping (+) to enter AutoStick mode will
For further information, and applicable warn-                                                      retain the current gear. The current transmis-
ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s                                                     sion gear will be displayed in the instrument
Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/                                                        cluster. In AutoStick mode, you can use the
owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or                                                             gear selector (in the MANUAL or SPORT posi-
www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).                                                          tion), or the shift paddles (if equipped), to
                                                                                                   manually shift the transmission. Tapping the
                                                                                                   gear selector forward (-) while in the MANUAL
                                                                                                   (M) or SPORT (S) position, or tapping the (-)
                                                                                                   shift paddle (if equipped), will downshift the
                                                                                                   transmission to the next lower gear. Tapping the
                                                                                                   selector rearward (+) (or tapping the (+) shift
                                                                                                   paddle, if equipped) will command an upshift.

                                                            Transmission Gear Selector
                                                     1 — Lock Button
                                                     2 — Transmission Gear Selector
For further information, and applicable warn-    • When the Fuel Economy (ECO) mode is en-
                                                   ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s     gaged, the vehicle control systems will be
                                                   Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/        able to change the following:
                                                   owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or              • The transmission will upshift sooner and
                                                   www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).             downshift later
                                                                                                       • For vehicles equipped with the 5.7L

                 Shift Paddles
                                                   ECO Mode                                              Hemi, 4 cylinder mode will be enabled
                                                                                                         under certain conditions.
                                                   • The Fuel Economy (ECO) mode can improve
NOTE:                                                                                                  • The overall driving performance will be
                                                     the vehicle’s overall fuel economy during
The shift paddles may be disabled (or re-                                                                more conservative.
                                                     normal driving conditions.
enabled, as desired) using the Uconnect Per-
sonal Settings.                                    • Base Vehicles: Press the ECO switch in the     Engine STOP/START System
                                                     center stack of the instrument panel to turn
To disengage AutoStick, return the gear selec-       the system off. An amber light on the switch   (ESS)
tor to the DRIVE position, or press and hold the     will indicate that ECO mode is disengaged.     The STOP/START system was developed to re-
(+) shift paddle (if equipped, and the gear          Press the ECO switch in the center stack of    duce emissions and will turn back ON every
selector is already in DRIVE) until "D" is once      the instrument panel a second time to turn     time the ignition is turned OFF and then back
again indicated in the instrument cluster. You       ECO mode back on.                              ON again. The system defaults back ON at
can shift in or out of AutoStick at any time       • SRT Vehicles: Press the ECO switch in the      every ignition cycle.
without taking your foot off the accelerator         center stack of the instrument panel to turn
pedal.                                                                                              This vehicle has been upgraded with a heavy
                                                     the system on. An amber light on the switch
                                                                                                    duty starter, enhanced battery, and other up-
                                                     will indicate that ECO mode is engaged.
                                                     Press the ECO switch in the center stack of    graded engine parts, to handle the additional
                                                     the instrument panel a second time to turn     engine starts.
                                                     ECO mode back off.
will illuminate when the system is off. The        fer to the “Starting and Operating” section
                                                     light on the switch will turn off when system      of your Owner’s Manual for a complete list of
                                                     is on.                                             possible events in which the engine does not
                                                   What are possible reasons the engine does not
                                                   autostop?                                          How do I know I am in an autostop?

                                                   • The hood is ajar.                                • The engine will shut down, the tachometer
                                                                                                        will move to the zero position and the STOP/
                                                   • Driver’s door is open.                             START telltale will illuminate in the instru-
                                                   • Driver’s seat belt is unbuckled.                   ment cluster.
                                                   • The transmission is not in a forward gear.       How do I start the engine while in an autostop?
                                                   • The vehicle is in 4LO transfer case mode (if     • While in a forward gear, the engine will start
                                                     equipped).                                         when the brake pedal is released or the
                                                   • The vehicle has not reached a speed of             throttle pedal is depressed. The transmis-
             STOP/START Off Switch                   5 mph (8 km/h) after the previous autostop.        sion will automatically re-engage upon en-
                                                                                                        gine restart.
The system will stop the engine automatically      • Cabin heating or cooling is in process and an
during a vehicle stop if the required conditions     acceptable cabin temperature has not been        For further information, and applicable warn-
are met.                                             achieved.                                        ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s
                                                                                                      Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/
Releasing the brake pedal or pressing the ac-      • Many of these reasons are displayed as a
                                                                                                      owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or
celerator pedal will start the engine.               STOP/START message in the instrument
                                                                                                      www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).
                                                     cluster display within the STOP/START sec-
How do I manually turn off/on the engine STOP/       tion. The system must be in the “STOP/
START system?                                        START READY” state to autostop. To access
• Press the STOP/START OFF switch (located           the STOP/START section of the instrument
  on the switch bank). The light on the switch       cluster display, use the display controls. Re-

Diesel Engine Starting                             • Remote start operation of your vehicle will     • Your vehicle is equipped with a factory-
                                                     also automatically activate the glow plugs as     installed block heater. Depending on vehicle
• Your vehicle is equipped with state-of-the art     required and no additional steps are              ordering location and options, it may or may
  ceramic glow plugs to ensure quick vehicle         required.                                         not have the AC cord for this heating ele-
  starting.                                                                                            ment. If not, it may be purchased and in-
• Activation of these glow plugs may result in     Starting And Operating Your                         stalled by your authorized MOPAR dealer.
  some delay of vehicle cranking until glow        Diesel Engine In Very Cold                        • For further information, and applicable
  plug warming is complete. This length of                                                             warnings and cautions, please refer to the
  time may be less than 1 second in warm           Environments                                        Diesel Supplement at www.mopar.com/
  environments with a warm engine and may          • Your vehicle has been designed to operate in      en-us/care/owners-manual.html (U.S. Resi-
  be as long as 5 seconds in very cold environ-      very cold environment’s but some cold             dents) or www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian
  ments with a cold engine.                          weather precautions may be required.              Residents).
• There are no additional steps required to        • Climatized fuel or fuel treatment may be
  cycle your vehicle’s glow plugs; the entire        required for operation with temperatures un-    Diesel Selective Catalytic
  pre-heat process is automated.                     der -10°F (-23°C) (see “Fuel Operating          Reduction (SCR)
• To start your vehicle, press and hold the          Range/ Requirements” section of the Own-
  brake pedal while pressing the ENGINE              er’s Manual).                                   • Your Jeep is equipped with an SCR system to
  START/STOP button once.                                                                              reduce Nitrous Oxide (NOx) exhaust emis-
                                                   • Use of an engine block heater is recom-
                                                                                                       sions and meet the latest EPA and California
• The “Wait to Start” telltale will be illumi-       mended for routine operation under -10°F
                                                                                                       exhaust emissions requirements.
  nated in the instrument cluster.                   (-23°C) and is required for cold starting
                                                     under -20°F (-28°C).                            • This system uses Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)
• When the “Wait to Start” telltale goes out,
                                                                                                       to convert NOx to harmless gases prior to
  vehicle cranking will commence.
                                                                                                       release from the exhaust system.
• DEF consumption varies with vehicle usage           • The DEF gauge may also not immediately              NOTE:
  in much the same way as diesel fuel does -            update after a refill if the temperature of the     Never allow DEF to be added to the diesel fuel
  under most driving conditions, your DEF               DEF fluid is below 12°F (-11°C). The DEF            tank. Do not attempt to start your engine if DEF
  tank will have a range of 10,000 miles                line heater will possibly warm up the DEF           is accidentally added to the diesel fuel tank as
  (16093 km) or more.                                   fluid and allow the gauge to update after a         it will result in severe damage to your engine.
• Your vehicle has been delivered to you with a         period of run time. Under very cold condi-          Never “top-off’ the DEF tank after a normal DEF
  full tank of DEF and it is recommended that           tions, it is possible that the gauge may not        fill. If DEF is spilled, it should be cleaned with
                                                        reflect the new fill level for several drives.      mild soap and water to prevent corrosion or
  it is re-filled by your authorized Jeep dealer
                                                                                                            damage to components and finished surfaces.
  at every regular oil change interval of             • Should your DEF level become low enough to
  10,000 miles (16093 km).                              limit your vehicle’s ability to operate, a series   For further information, and applicable warn-
• A DEF level gauge can be accessed at any              of increasing warning messages will be dis-         ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s
  time within the instument cluster display.            played in the instrument cluster. For a com-        Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/
                                                        plete listing of DEF level warnings and mes-        owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or
• Should you run your vehicle out of DEF, a                                                                 www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).
                                                        sages, please see your Diesel Supplement.
  minimum of 2 gallons (7.6 liters) of DEF is
  required for the vehicle to re-start. The DEF       • A “Service DEF - See Dealer” message is not
  filler is located within the fuel-filler housing,     DEF level related. It is used to indicate the
  is adjacent to the diesel fuel-filler neck and        SCR system is not functioning properly due
  has a blue screw-on cap. Only fill the DEF            to poor-quality DEF or other reasons. If not
  tank with API-certified DEF fluid.                    corrected by an authorized dealer, it will
                                                        limit the vehicle’s ability to operate.
• The DEF gauge may take up to five seconds
  to update after adding a gallon or more of
  Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) to the DEF tank.
  If you have a fault related to the DEF system,
  the gauge may not update to the new level.
  See your authorized dealer for service.

Memory Seats                                         To Set A Memory Position:                          NOTE:
                                                     1. Cycle the vehicle’s ignition to the ON/RUN      Memory seats can be programmed/stored while
The memory seat feature allows you to set two                                                           the engine is running.
                                                        position (Do not start the engine).
different driver’s seating positions (excluding
lumbar position), outside mirrors, radio station     2. Adjust all memory profile settings.             For further information, and applicable warn-
preset settings and tilt/telescoping steering col-                                                      ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s
                                                     3. Push and release the S (set) button.            Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/
umn positions (if equipped). The memory seat
buttons are located on the driver’s door panel.      4. Push and release the 1 or 2 button within       owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or
                                                        five seconds.                                   www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).
                                                     To Program A Key Fob To The Memory Position:
                                                     1. Cycle the vehicle’s ignition to the OFF posi-
                                                     2. Select the desired memory profile, 1 or 2.
                                                     3. Push and release the S (set) button on the
                                                        memory switch, then within five seconds,
                                                        press and release the 1 or 2 button accord-
                                                     4. Push and release the lock button on the key
                                                        fob within 10 seconds.

              Memory Seat Buttons
WINDSHIELD WIPER/WASHER                                                                               LIGHTS
Wiper/Washer Controls                             Rain Sensing Wipers                                 Automatic High Beam — If
The multifunction lever is located on the left    This feature senses moisture on the windshield      Equipped
side of the steering column.                      and automatically activates the wipers for the
                                                  driver. The feature is especially useful for road   This system automatically controls the opera-
                                                  splash or overspray from the windshield wash-       tion of the headlamp high beams as oncoming
                                                  ers of the vehicle ahead. Rotate the end of the     vehicles approach.
                                                  multifunction lever to one of four settings to      • The Automatic High Beam Headlamp Con-
                                                  activate this feature.                                trol can be turned on or off using the
                                                  For further information, and applicable warn-         Uconnect System.
                                                  ings and cautions, please refer to the Owner’s      • Push the turn signal lever away from you.
              Multifunction Lever                 Manual      at    www.mopar.com/en-us/care/
                                                                                                      • With the headlight switch in the “AUTO”
Front Wiper Operation                             owners-manual.html (U.S. Residents) or
                                                                                                        position, the high beams are controlled
                                                  www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian Residents).
The front wipers are operated by rotating a                                                             automatically.
switch, located on the end of the lever.                                                              • Pull the turn signal lever toward you to
                                                                                                        manually deactivate the system.
Rear Wiper Operation
                                                                                                      • To improve system recognition of crossing
The rear wiper/washer is operated by rotating a                                                         traffic, and to limit use in a residential area,
switch, located on the middle of the lever.                                                             the vehicle must be moving at a speed
                                                                                                        greater than 20 mph (32 km/h) before the
                                                                                                        Automatic High Beam Module (AHBM) be-
                                                                                                        gins requesting high beam activation.
                                                  (AUX) PORT
NOTE:                                             USB Port                        This feature allows an iPod or external USB
If the windshield or Automatic High Beam                                          device to be plugged into the USB port. The
Headlamp Control mirror is replaced, the mirror                                   USB port supports certain iPod and iPhone
must be re-aimed to ensure proper perfor-                                         devices. The USB port also supports playing
mance. See a local authorized dealer.                                             music from external USB devices. Some iPod
                                                                                  software versions may not fully support the USB
                                                                                  port features. Please visit Apple’s website for
                                                                                  iPod software updates. Connect your iPod or
                                                                                  compatible device using a USB cable con-
                                                                                  nected to the USB port. USB memory sticks
                                                                                  with audio files can also be used. Then, audio
                                                                                  from the device can be played on the vehicle’s
                                                                                  sound system while providing the artist, track
                                                                                  title, and album information on the radio dis-
                                                                                  play (if available on device). When connected,
                                                                                  the iPod/USB device can be controlled using
                                                                                  the radio or steering wheel audio controls to
                                                             Uconnect Media Hub
                                                                                  play, skip to the next or previous track, browse,
                                                   1 — USB Port One               and list the contents.
                                                   2 — AUX Jack
                                                   3 — USB Port Two
AUX/Audio Jack                                    Activation
The AUX/audio jack provides a means to con-       To use SiriusXM Guardian emergency, remote
nect a portable audio device, such as an          and security services, you must activate your
MP3 player, to the vehicle’s sound system. This   SiriusXM Guardian account.
requires the use of a 3.5 mm stereo audio patch
                                                  1. Press the Apps icon on the bottom of your
cable. AUX mode is entered by pushing the
Media button. Once in Media mode, select the         in-vehicle touchscreen.
AUX button when the audio jack is connected.      2. Select the “Activate Services” icon from
Volume on the connected device may need to           your list of apps.
be adjusted to optimize audio quality.
                                                  3. Select “Customer Care” to speak with a
                                                     SiriusXM Guardian Customer Care agent
                                                     who will activate services in your vehicle, or
                                                     select “Enter Email” to activate on the web.
                                                                                                                       Mobile App
                                                  Once you have activated your services, you’re
                                                  only a few steps away from using remote ser-        To use SiriusXM Guardian remote services,
                                                  vices.                                              download the Uconnect Mobile app:
                                                                                                      • Once downloaded, use your Owner Account
                                                                                                        login and password to open the app.
                                                                                                      • Include similar language: You will use your
                                                                                                        SiriusXM Guardian PIN to execute these
                                                                                                        remote services.
• Press the “Location” button on the bottom         In-Vehicle Features                             • Remote Horn & Lights allows you to sounds
  menu bar of the app to bring up a map to                                                            your horn and flash your lights to easily find
                                                    SiriusXM Guardian enhances your ownership
  locate your vehicle or send a location to your                                                      your car.
  Uconnect Navigation, if equipped.                 and driving experience by connecting your ve-
                                                    hicle to an operable network. When connected    • Receive monthly Vehicle Health Reports,
• Press the “Settings” side menu in the upper                                                         and Alerts whenever a problem is detected
                                                    to an operable network, you have access to:
  left corner of the app to bring up app settings                                                     under the hood.
  and access the Assist Call Centers.               • SOS Call: Connect to a live agent who con-
                                                      tact emergency services and stays on the      Security Services
For further information:
                                                      line with you until help arrives.             The Uconnect Mobile App helps you activate
• U.S. residents visit: siriusxm.com/guardian
                                                    • Customer Care Assistance: Speak with a live   features from a distance. The remote services
• Canadian residents visit:                           agent when you press the ASSIST button on     are:
  siriusxm.ca/guardian/                               your rearview mirror to get Roadside Assis-
                                                                                                    • Receive text or email notifications if your
                                                      tance or support.
Features                                                                                              vehicle's security alarm goes off.
                                                    Remote Services                                 • Receive stolen vehicle assistance, using
SiriusXM Guardian keeps you connected to your                                                         GPS technology to help authorities locate
vehicle. You have access to safety, remote and      SiriusXM Guardian helps you activate features
                                                    from a distance. The remote services are:         your vehicle if it is stolen.
security services.
                                                    • Vehicle Finder helps you find where you       SiriusXM Guardian remote services can be used
                                                      parked your car.                              with the Uconnect app from virtually anywhere.
                                                    • Send & Go allows you to send preset desti-    For further information on SiriusXM Guardian
                                                      nations to your navigation system for easy    or the Uconnect Mobile App, refer to your
                                                      access on the go.                             Uconnect Owner’s Manual Supplement.
                                                    • Remote Door Lock/Unlock lets you unlock or
                                                      lock your doors from any distance.
                                                                                                        MOBILE APP
Vehicle Finder And Send & Go                        Send & Go                                           NOTE:
                                                                                                        The Owner’s Mobile App content is applicable
Two of the most convenient remote features of       Send & Go allows you to search for a destination
                                                    on your mobile device and then send the route       to vehicles sold in the U.S. market and are not
the Uconnect Mobile App are Vehicle Finder                                                              available from the Canadian App Store or
and Send & Go.                                      to your vehicle’s built-in navigation system. To
                                                    send a navigation route to your vehicle:            Google Play Store.
Vehicle Finder
                                                    1. Press the “Location” tab on the Uconnect
Vehicle Finder allows you to find the location of      Mobile App bottom bar.
                                                                                                        Key Features
your vehicle when you have lost it. You can also                                                        • Owner Information For Your Vehicle
                                                    2. Either type in the destination you would like
sound the alarm and flash the lights to make                                                            • Accident Assistant
                                                       to navigate to, or search through one of the
finding your vehicle even easier. To find your
                                                       categories provided.                             • Online Service Scheduling
                                                    3. Select the destination you want to route to      • Roadside Assistance
1. Press the “Location” tab on the Uconnect
                                                       from the list that appears.
   Mobile App bottom bar.                                                                               • Maintenance History
                                                    4. Press the “Send To Vehicle” button, and          • And More
2. Select the “Vehicle” icon to determine the
                                                       then confirm the destination by pressing
   location of your vehicle.                                                                            To get this FREE application, go directly to the
                                                       “Yes,” to send the navigation route to the
3. Select the “Find Route” button that ap-             Uconnect Navigation in your vehicle.             App Store or Google Play Store and enter the
   pears, once your vehicle is located.                                                                 search keyword “Jeep”.
                                                    5. Finally, confirm the route inside your vehicle
4. Select your preferred Navigation App to             by pressing the “Go Now” option on the           The Jeep Vehicle Owner’s Information Applica-
   route a path to your vehicle.                       pop-up that appears on the touchscreen,          tion is the essential app for owners of Jeep
                                                       when the vehicle is started.                     brand vehicles. The app puts driver and life-
                                                                                                        style information right in the palm of your hand,
                                                                                                        anywhere you go. Whether it’s providing infor-
                                                                                                        mation about specific product features, taking
                                                                                                        a tour through your vehicle’s equipment, stay-
ing up to date on your vehicle’s health, knowing   • Easily document and email an accident
what steps to take following an accident, or         report.
scheduling your next appointment, we know          • A parking reminder that allows you to drop a
you’ll find the app an important extension of        pin on your location and navigate back to
your Jeep vehicle. Simply download the FREE          your vehicle.
app, select your make and model and enjoy the      • Contact customer care with one click.
ride.                                              • Access to vehicle heritage, parts, accesso-
                                                     ries, and social media networks.
Features/Benefits                                  • Schedule your next service appointment.
• Available for free on iOS and Android smart-     • Available in English and Spanish.
  phones and tablets.
                                                   *App supports selected vehicles from model
• Select Jeep brand vehicles from model year       year 2011 to present.
  2011 to current model year.
                                                   To get this FREE application, go directly to the
• You can also add other Chrysler, Dodge,
                                                   App Store or Google Play Store and enter the
  Ram, FIAT, or Alfa Romeo vehicles.*
                                                   search keyword “Jeep”.
• Easy access to vehicle information anywhere
  you go using categories, bookmarks, search
  and an A-Z index.
• Vehicle information such as operating in-
  structions, maintenance, service history, ve-
  hicle controls and emergency procedures.
• Find a dealer or an FCA-certified repair
Whether it’s providing information about specific product features, taking a tour through your
           vehicle’s heritage, knowing what steps to take following an accident, or scheduling your next
           appointment, we know you’ll find the app an important extension of your Jeep ® brand vehicle.
           Simply download the app, select your make and model and enjoy the ride.
To get this app, go directly to the App Store or Google Play and enter the search keyword “JEEP”
(U.S. residents only).
www.jeep.com ⁄en ⁄owners (U.S.) provides special offers tailored to your needs, customized vehicle galleries,
personalized service records and more. To get this information, just create an account and check back often.
Get warranty and other information online – you can review and print or download a copy of the Owner’s
Manual, Navigation ⁄ Uconnect manuals and the limited warranties provided by FCA US LLC for your vehicle
by visiting www.mopar.com (U.S.) or www.owners.mopar.ca (Canada). Click on the applicable link in the
“Popular Topics” area of the mopar.com (U.S.) or www.owners.mopar.ca (Canada) homepage and follow
the instructions to select the applicable year, make and model of your vehicle.
DOWNLOAD A FREE ELECTRONIC COPY of the most up-to-date Owner’s Manual,

                                                                                                                Quick Reference Guide
                                                                                                                Fourth Edition
                                                                                                                GRAND CHEROKEE
media and warranty booklet by visiting:
www.mopar.com/en-us/care/owners-manual.html (U.S. residents);
www.owners.mopar.ca (Canadian residents).

Jeep.com (U.S.)
Jeep.ca (Canada)

©2017 FCA US LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Jeep is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC.
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