January 12th, 2020 The Baptism of the Lord - St. Clare Parish
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Church Address: 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office: (408) 248-7786 ~ Fax: (408) 248-8150 E-mail: stclareparish@dsj.org Web-site: www.stclareparish.org Emergency (only for the sick and the dying): 408-904-9187 January 12th, 2020 ~ The Baptism of the Lord ~ Mass Schedule ~ WEEKDAYS - Rectory Chapel: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am ~ Tue & Thu 5:30 pm SATURDAY: Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 pm ~ Vigil Mass 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am (English) ~ 9:00 am (English - Family) ~ 10:30 am (Portuguese) 12:00 pm (Spanish) ~ 1:30 pm (Cantonese) ~ 3:00 pm (Mandarin) ~ 5:30 pm (English)
Pastoral Staff: (408) 248-7786 Pastor’s Notes Pastor: Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, x104, tadeusz.terembula@dsj.org Administrative Assistant: Clara Castaneda, x106 ~ clara.castaneda@dsj.org Religious Education Coordinator and Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Paty Rascon, x102, Patricia.padilladerascon@dsj.org Facility Emergencies: Matt Dutra (408) 904-9181 Saint Clare School: Principal - Cecile Mantecon (408) 246-6797, www.stclare.school RCIA: Diane Madruga, camponeses6@gmail.com Music Ministry: Christopher Wemp, Christo- pher.wemp@gmail.com Community & Service Webmaster: Perig Vennetier, perigv@gmail.com Dear Parishioners, Pastoral Council: Jasmine Vu, jass.vu@gmail.com Three of the four Gospels recall the Baptism of the Lord, each one Finance Council: in its own way. The version we heard today, from Matthew, is Jerome Alabado, unique in recalling that when Jesus came to the Jordan, John the jerome.alabado@gmail.com Baptist at first tried to prevent him, saying that he was the one who Serra Club of Santa Clara: needed to be baptized by Jesus. But Jesus replies, “Allow it now, for Tom Bommarito (408) 243-4647 thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness”. St Vincent de Paul: Here, Matthew is keen to emphasize that Jesus is the fulfillment of Mick Gonzales (408) 645-0506 the promises made to Israel – as found in the first reading – and the Facilities: one whose sandals John is unfit to carry (Matthew 3:11). John ac- Matt Dutra, mattdutra74@gmail.com quiesced to Jesus’ request, and upon coming up from the water, Knights Of Columbus: Jesus is revealed as my beloved Son through a voice from heaven, Tony Colombo, while the Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove. a_colombo1726@comcast.net Young Ladies Institute (YLI): As we hear this Gospel proclaimed, we note this revelation/divine Dolores Wriglesworth, action occurs after Jesus comes up from the waters of the Jordan. doloresandlee@sbcglobal.net We, too, have emerged from the waters of baptism, and been Social Justice Committee: anointed with the same Spirit. The words of the Father are words Anne McMahon, meant for us, too, for we also are God’s beloved. mcmahonam@sbcglobal.net If anything, this feast has as much to say about us as it does about Italian Catholic Federation: Jesus and his identity. Yes, by going down into the waters of the Janet Glaubke (408) 225-0743 Jordan, Jesus demonstrates his solidarity with our broken world, but Hispanic Community: we know that he was without sin and so his baptism is different from Elania Tablada (408) 984-3519 ours. Unlike Christ who embodied perfection, we have to choose Portuguese Community: whether or not to live up to that baptismal identity, and to continue Eduina Faria (408) 472-6739 his divine work in our world today. Mandarin Community: Contact: Rev. Carlos A. Olivera, We who gather at St. Clare’s have made this choice, it seems. We aolivera@dsj.org may not do it perfectly, but by our profession of faith and openness Cantonese Community: to the grace available at this Mass we are, at the very least, commit- Contact: Tony Lau, tonylau2000@gmail.com ted to trying our best. May God bless us in our efforts, and may the Eucharist continue to transform us for the sake of the world. Fr. Tad
Queridos feligreses, Mass Intentions January 11th ~ January 18th, 2020 Tres de los cuatro Evangelios re- cuerdan el Bautismo del Señor, Sat 5:00 pm Leoncio Chua + cada uno a su manera. La versión que escuchamos hoy, de Mateo, Sun 7:45 am Norma Bommarito + es única al recordar que cuando Tony Silveira + Jesús vino al Jordán, Juan el Bau- Amalia Longcob Zoleta & Family ~ tista al principio se resistía, di- Thanksgiving ciendo que él era el que necesi- 9:00 am St. Clare Parishioners taba ser bautizado por Jesús. Pero Jesús responde: " Haz ahora 10:30 am Maria C. Silverira + lo que te digo, porque es nece- Ilda Silveira + sario que así cumplamos todo lo Manuel Jeronimo+ que Dios quiere". Vidalia Gaspar Rocha + Ezaltina Caetano Pereira + Aquí, Mateo desea enfatizar que Jesús es el cumplimiento de las promesas hechas a Israel, como se dice en la 12:00 pm Derek Rene Salgado Gutierrez + primera lectura, y aquel a quien Juan no merecía cargarle Alicia Gasga Martinez + las sandalias (Mateo 3:11). Juan accedió a la solicitud de Angel Peralta Jarquin + Jesús, y al salir del agua, Jesús es revelado como mi Hijo Marina Ramirez Peralta + muy amado a través de una voz del cielo, mientras el Ida Lopez ~ Salud Espíritu desciende sobre él en forma de paloma. Silvia Del Campo ~ Salud Lupita Gonzalez ~ Salud Al escuchar este Evangelio proclamado, notamos que esta revelación / acción divina ocurre después de que Jesús 5:30 pm Anita Ve Masmela + sale de las aguas del Jordán. Nosotros también hemos Cecilia Buitrago + emergido de las aguas del bautismo y hemos sido un- gidos con el mismo Espíritu. Las palabras del Padre Mon 8:00 am Open son palabras para nosotros también, porque también Tue 5:30 pm Open somos amados de Dios. Wed 5:30 Open En todo caso, esta fiesta tiene tanto que decir sobre noso- tros como de Jesús y su identidad. Sí, al descender a las Thu 5:30 pm Open aguas del Jordán, Jesús demuestra su solidaridad con Fri 8:00 am Open nuestro mundo quebrantado, pero sabemos que no tuvo pecado y por lo tanto su bautismo es diferente al Sat 8:00 am Open nuestro. A diferencia de Cristo, que encarnaba la per- fección, nosotros tenemos que elegir si estamos a la altura de esa identidad bautismal o no, y continuar su obra divina en nuestro mundo hoy. Parece que notros que nos reunimos en esta parroquia hemos tomado esta decisión. Puede que no lo hagamos perfectamente, pero por nuestra profesión de fe y apertura a la gracia que hay en esta Misa, estamos, como míni- mo, comprometidos a dar lo mejor de nosotros. Que Dios nos bendiga en nuestros esfuerzos, y que la Eucaris- tía continúe transformándonos por el bien del mundo. Padre Tadeo Baptism of the Lord ~ Feast Day The Baptism of the Christ is the feast day commemorat- ing the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. Originally the baptism of Christ was celebrated on Epiphany, which commemorates the coming of the Magi, the baptism of Christ, and the wedding at Cana. Over time in the West, however, the celebration of the baptism of the Lord came to be commemorated as a dis- tinct feast from Epiphany. It is celebrated in the Catholic Church as well as the Anglican and Lutheran Churches on the first Sunday following The Epiphany of Our Lord. Information source: Wikipedia January 18 ~ 25th January
SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Sunday Children’s Program “Finding God” Ongoing Faith Formation and St. Clare School Sacramental Preparation Program News Parish Bulletin | 12th January 2020 “Faith Formation is more than a subject to be taught, it is an invitation to a way of life” Joe Paprocki. WE CELEBRATE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK - Janu- ary 26-31, 2020 Did you know… We officially begin Catholic Schools Week at the 9 A.M. That traditionally, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord was Family Mass on Sunday, January 26. After masses on this celebrated on January 13, the octave day of the Feast of day, join us for our Pancake Breakfast and Visit the School the Epiphany. However, in the current liturgical calendar in during our Open House after the Family Mass. the new order of the Mass (Ordo), the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the Sunday after January 6. In the United We especially invite our 163 years worth of alumni to come States and other countries where the celebration of Epiph- and visit your “home”! Check in with Ms. Cherell or Sr. Ann any is transferred to Sunday, sometimes the two feasts will Marie and let us know when you graduated and share your fall on the same day in In those years, the Baptism of the favorite memory of St. Clare! Lord is transferred to the following day (Monday). This happened in 2017 and it will happen in 2023 and 2024. WE PARTNER WITH SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY With this celebration, Christmas Season ends and Ordi- Dr. Jui Bhagwat, Professor of Psychology at Santa Clara nary Time starts. – Adapted from Richert, Scott P. "The Feast of the University has once again asked St. Clare School to be part Baptism of the Lord." Learn Religions, Apr. 17, 2019, learnreligions.com/ of a study designed by one of her students. The study will the-baptism-of-the-lord-542465. involve determining if a story delivered out loud vs. using a story from a picture book is more effective in teaching a Please keep in your prayers our children and youth as moral lesson. they prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Reconcili- ation, First Communion. Because of our location, we are in a unique position to pro- Saint Clare of Assisi pray for us! vide a training ground for Santa Clara University students. St. Clare School is open to these types of partnerships as we believe that learning is done in community and that the opportunities for these types of encounters are invaluable to our teachers and students. Sabía Usted Que… Tradicionalmente, la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor se YOU BELONG HERE celebraba el 13 de enero, el octavo día después de la Find out more about St. Clare School, our welcoming com- Fiesta de la Epifanía. Sin embargo, en el calendario litúrgi- munity of dedicated education professionals and committed co actual en el nuevo orden de la Misa (Ordo), el bautismo families. We believe that families who desire a Catholic ed- del Señor se celebra el domingo después del 6 de enero. ucation for their children have a place at the table of tradi- En los Estados Unidos y otros países donde la celebra- tion that has been around since 1856. ción de la Epifanía se transfiere al domingo, a veces las dos fiestas caerán el mismo día. En esos años, el Bautis- Please visit www.stclare.school for more information mo del Señor se transfiere al día siguiente (lunes). Esto regarding our programs, our story and our Open House pasó en el año 2017 y sucederá en el 2023 y 2024. and Pancake Breakfast on January 26, 2020. Con esta celebración, termina la temporada navideña y comienza el tiempo ordinario. – Adaptada y traducida de Richert, We are NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for 2020-21 Scott P. "The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord." Learn Religions, Apr. 17, School Year. Come and be part of a Santa Clara Tradi- 2019, learnreligions.com/the-baptism-of-the-lord-542465. tion since 1856! Por favor tenga en sus oraciones a los niños y jóvenes que se preparan para recibir los sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunión. Mrs. Cecile Mantecon, Principal ¡Santa Clara, ruega por nosotros! St. Clare School | 725 Washington Street, Santa Clara CA 95050 | 408.246.6797 Paty Rascon, Catechetical Office www.stclare.school | Facebook: @stclareschoolsantaclara 408.248.7786 X 102 patricia.padilladerascon@dsj.org The Baptism of the Lord ~ January 12, 2020 A voice came from the heavens, saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” — Matthew 3:17
RCIA NEWS K N I G H T S C O R N E R Adult Baptism * Eucharist * Confirmation In 1965 a nun, Sister Mary Keller of The Order of The The Rite of Welcome Sisters of Charity of The Blessed Virgin Mary, earned The first stage of the RCIA journey, the one of the first PhD’s in computer Science. She was- Precatechumenate or Inquiry Period, is n’t a Knight, and while you may never be a PhD, you now complete with The Rite of Welcome might be able to help someone else through one of which was celebrated on November 24 th our many scholarships. at the 9:00 am Mass. The Inquirers have obtained sponsors from within the St. Clare Parish Com- Contact: Tony Columbo munity to help mentor them along the way. Please pray a_colombo1726@comcast.net for Camilla Araujo, Sarah Bean, Avianna Davies, Jillianne Estrella, and Marcella Tablada, as they continue on their journey towards receiving their Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Diane Madruga at camponeses6@gmail.com * When God Pushes You To The Edge Of Difficulty Cathy Parshall at catpars@comcast.net * St. Clare Trust Him Fully Because Two Things Can Happen, Rectory at 408-248-778 He’ll either Catch You When You Fall ... OR . . . He Will Teach You How To Fly (Unknown) THIS IS MY BELOVED SON This Sunday’s celebration of the Baptism of the Lord T H E K N I G H T L Y N E W S: Coming Events closes the Christmas season. In the scriptures we see on January 25 we are having a bus trip to Jackson one more epiphany, or manifestation, of the Spirit of God Ranchoria Casino. The bus holds 45 people and any- in Jesus—but this time it is as an adult, rather than as a one can go on a first come first served basis. The child. Jesus’ baptism also serves as the inauguration of cost is $25 per person. The bus leaves the front of his prophetic mission and the messianic age. St. Clare Church at 7 am, and returns there that Today’s reading from Isaiah describes God’s cho- night. reservations can be made by calling my cell sen Messiah, upon whom God’s spirit rests. In the Acts phone at 1-669-225-3464. (Tony) of the Apostles Peter says that “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power” (Acts 10:38). Finally, in the proclamation from Matthew’s Gospel Je- sus’ baptism in water goes almost unnoticed. The crucial WARNING: Exposure to the Son moment comes when the Spirit of God comes upon Je- may prevent burning sus and a voice from heaven echoes the words of Isaiah: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Calendar of Events _________Monday, January 13th__________ ♦ Hispanic Rosary, 6 pm, Rectory Chapel ♦ Baptism Prep Class Spanish, 7:00 pm, Rectory Dinning Room __________Tuesday, January 14th___________ ♦ Second Harvest Food, 8:00 am, North Hall ♦ RCIA, 7:00 pm, Rectory Conference Room _________Wednesday, January 15th _________ ♦ Psalm— The School of Prayer, 9:00 am, Rectory Conference Room ♦ Hispanic Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, lower church _________Thursday, January 16th __________ ♦ Hispanic Sharing the Faith, 7:00 pm, Rectory Conference Room ♦ Portuguese Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Rectory Chapel ♦ Psalm - The School of Prayer, 7:00 Rectory Din- ing Room _________ Friday, January 17th ________ ♦ Parents in Prayer, 9:30 am, Main Hall
Boletín Parroquial Español Boletim Paroquial Português La Misión de Cristo es Nuestra Misión Reflexãopor: João Pereira Arruda Al salir Jesús de las aguas del bautismo, el Es- Com esta Solenidade fecha o Tempo do Natal para píritu Santo descendió sobre él y una voz de los darmos início ao Tempo Comum. Enquanto que com o cielos se escuchó diciendo: “Este es mi Hijo Baptismo de Jesus se fecha o Tempo de Natal, é nesta muy amado, en quien tengo mis complacen- mesma Solenidade que damos entrada na vida pública cias”. Al unirse él mismo a la humanidad, Jesús de Jesus. Um Jesus que não precisava de ser baptizado abrió los cielos para nosotros, y al hacerlo, fue confirmado enquanto Deus, mas sendo baptizado mostrou-nos o en su misión de misericordia y amor. En el bautismo, nos quanto necessário esse Sacramento é essencial na vida unimos con Cristo. Inmersos en su vida y amor, su misión de fé das pessoas. Tal como a voz do Pai faz-se ouvir: es nuestra misión. Todavía estamos al principio de este “Este é o meu Filho muito amado...escutai-O”. É também año nuevo. Hoy, reflexiona en nuestra llamada bautismal deste modo que no nosso baptismo o Pai nos oferece o para vivir como miembros del cuerpo de Cristo. ¿De qué privilégio de nos tornar-mos seus filhos e abraçados pelo manera amas a Dios en los demás? ¿De qué manera po- Seu Amor Misericordioso tornando-nos como tal drías crecer como discípulo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo? herdeiros do Reino e da nossa Salvação! “ Eis o Cordeiro ¿Cómo estás viviendo la misión de Cristo, para dar a co- de Deus; Aquele que tira o pecado do mundo...segui-O” . nocer el amor y la misericordia de Dios en el mundo? ¿Es Assim reagiu João Baptista quando enviou os seus la misión de Cristo tu misión? –Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. discípulos; André e Tiago a seguirem Jesus; assim se iniciou a comunidade de Apóstolos na evangelização da Inscripciones en nuestra Escuela Saint Clare doutrina do amor de Deus á Humanidade. Celebrando o La escuela está aceptando aplicaciones para todos los Sacramento do Baptismo damos início á nossa vida de grados para el próximo ciclo escolar. También el domingo graça filial no Senhor! Como baptizados e filhos de Deus 26 de enero, de10:00am a 1:00 pm, la escuela abre sus nos advém a responsabilidade de dar-mos a conhecer ao puertas a quienes estén interesados en inscribir a sus mundo o Amor Misericordioso de Deus. No Baptismo de hijos. Hay becas disponibles. Por favor pasen a la oficina Jesus está perfigurada toda a igreja dos baptizados e dos de la escuela para mayor información. redimidos. Enquanto João Baptista batizava com água O Regístrese en la Parroquia Espírito Santo nesta Solenidade faz-se presente no Si asiste regularmente a nuestra parroquia, lo Baptismo de Jesus. É do Seu fogo abrazador que Jesus invitamos a registrarse como feligrés de San- Se envigora na Sua missão de dar testemunho ao mundo ta Clara. do Pai pelo qual sempre Lhe obedeceu até á morte de Para ser considerado "oficialmente" un feligrés se debe cruz. Assim também é deste modo que o Espírito Santo llenar y entregar el formulario de registro en la oficina o nos dá os seus sete donsno nosso baptismo! Pelo depositarla en la canasta de la colecta. El no estar regis- Baptismo de Jesus Cristo não só somos baptizados na trado es un problema cuando se viene a solicitar cartas de água mas também no fogo ardente do Espírito Santo. recomendación, de estatus o cualquier otro servicio que usted pueda necesitar ya que no está en nuestra base de Notícias datos. Los formularios de registro, están en las entradas Jantar de Cabrito: O CPP leva a efeito no Sábado dia de la iglesia y en la oficina. 25 do corrente mês um Jantar de cabrito no salão paroquial. Este será confecionado pelo sro. José Gaspar Oración para el Año que Inicia Rocha e seus ajudantes. Os bilhetes encontram-se á Señor de vida nueva, gracias por el regalo de un nuevo venda ao preço de $30.00 por pessoa e os mesmos año. Nos has confiado con los próximos días, semanas y podem ser obtidos atravez de qualquer membro do CPP. meses como corresponsables de tu plan divino; vivir en Haverá também bacalhau para aqueles que assim o gratitud, alegría, y una confianza cada vez mayor en tu preferirem. Música DJ por Deodato Constantino e reino por venir. também haverá um leilão com as ofertas que os Pedimos la humildad para reformar nuestras vidas; el co- membros da nossa comunidade oferecerem. Comprem raje de comprometernos contigo sin importar el costo; y la os seus bilhetes e venham jantar um excelente guizado sabiduría para hacer brillar la luz de la fe en otros. de cabrito ou bacalhau e no processo contribuem para Abre nuestros corazones danos tu espíritu y muéstranos ajudar os custos das actividades levadas a cabo pelo cómo compartir tu amor para que podamos traer esperan- nosso CPP em prol da nossa comunidade nesta za a un mundo que necesita tu justicia y paz. paróquia. Desde já se agradece a participação e Oramos para ser un signo de tu gracia en este nuevo año contribuicão da nossa comunidade. por tu hijo Jesucristo quien vive y reina contigo y el Espíri- Pequeno Almoço! : O CPP tem projectado uma tu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. promoção de pequeno almoço a data a determinar. Esta -ICSC e-Bulletin enero 2020 promoção de angariamento de fundos será feito depois das missas de 7:45, 9:00 e 10:30...e pede-se a ¿Planea Celebrar una Quinceañera? cooperaçao da nossa comunnidade. Mais detalhes serão Lo invitamos a que la célebre su Quincea- anunciados em próximos boletins. ñera aquí en la parroquia. Tenemos un excelente equipo que le ayudará a enten- Um Santo e alegre Domingo da celebração do der el significado de esta tradición desde Baptismo do Senhor!! el punto de vista de la fe. Uno de los requisitos es tomar clases de preparación y la fecha en que se ofrecen ya está proxima, así que, los invitamos a que llamen a la ofi- cina para mayor información.
October 26-27 December 24-25, 2019 Sat 5:00Total: PM $ 8,807.00 $ 867.00 December Sun 7:45 AM 28-29, 2019 1,091.00 Sun Sat 9:005:00 AM PM 832.00 $ 441.00 Sun 10:30 AM AM Sun 7:45 495.00 2,642.00 Sun 9:00 Sun 12:00 PM AM 1,094.00 588.00 Sun Sun 10:30 5:30 PM AM 640.00 679.00 MailSun 12:00 Collec onPM 563.00 Sun 5:30 PM 1,213.00 Total: Total: $ 6,593.00 $4,552.00 Second Collection: $3,436 January 4-5, 2020 SAINT HILARY (c. 315-367) Sat 5:00 PM $ 2,468.00 January 13 Sun 7:45 AM 981.00 Sun 9:00 AM 922.00 Born in Poitiers, France, whose populace would later elect him bishop, Sun 10:30 AM 663.00 Hilary, married and a father, was converted from paganism to Christianity Sun 12:00 PM 871.00 through his reading of scripture. The focus of his prayerful study was the Sun 5:30 PM 718.00 Prologue to the Gospel according to John, which portrays Jesus as the Total: $ 6,623.00 divine Logos, eternally begotten of the Father. As a result, Hilary became in the words of the biblical scholar Jerome, “the Latin Trumpet against the Second Collection: $3,744.00 Arians,” heretics who believed Jesus to be merely human, not divine. In Upcoming Second Upcoming Second Offerings: Offerings defense of Christ’s divinity, Hilary was not only eloquent in debate but 11/10 1/26 St. Clare School Ethnic Minorities & Latin utterly fearless in the face of relentless persecution and even exile. Thus by the witness of his own discipleship, Hilary taught that faith in Jesus as 11/17 America for the Military Archdiocese the divine Son of God has consequences. Reflecting on Jesus’ challenge 2/9 St. Clare School Services to his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13), Hilary notes that, as salt both preserves from corruption and adds savor to food, Please becomea agood Please become good steward steward of so must the faithful disciple bear a witness that, by word and example, of St. St.Clare ClareParish. Parish. leads others to immortality and virtuous living. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO Baptism SIGN UP TO GIVE ONLINE Contact the Parish office to arrange for Baptismal preparation, and to sign up for Baptismal Class. If you’ve never donated online Spanish Prep Class: before, signing up is easy! 1st Monday at 7:00 pm; Visit our website at; Baptism: 3rd Saturday at 10:00 am English Prep Class: https:stclareparish.churchgiving.com 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm; and click, Make a Donation on the col- Baptism: 4th Saturday at 10:00 am lection you wish to donate to, then Stand And Be Counted Click Recurring Donation, enter Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic your donation amount and frequency.. community and a commitment in all its dimensions brings you advantages, Once you’ve added your account infor- recognition, and responsibilities of many kinds. Being a registered parishion- mation, donations will automatically er makes things much easier when it is time for infant Baptism, weddings, deduct from your account. It’s that when asked to be a Baptismal or Confirmation Sponsor and even funerals. easy! We are often asked to provide affidavits for Baptismal and Confirmation Questions? Sponsors. We can only do this if a person is a registered, active and contri- Please contact the Parish Office bution member. So, are you a registered parishioner? If not please consider registering. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office and in the Church vestibule.
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