Page created by Rene Hill

                                             VEGANUARY 2021
                                          CAMPAIGN IN REVIEW
VEGANUARY    END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 2

                                                  This year, more than ever, I feel that another                                                  I am immensely grateful to everyone
   When we were first confronted with the         world is possible. A world where plant-                                                         who has supported us to make all of
   possible consequences of an ongoing            based food is the mainstream choice,                                                            this possible. Our incredible donors,
   global pandemic in early 2020, we didn’t       where the word ”vegan“ is associated with                                                       hardworking partners, committed
   know what to expect or how it would impact     something positive and desirable, where                                                         volunteers, inspiring celebrities and
   our work going forward, but we knew            major food companies are investing millions                                                     influencers and everyone who has helped
   that things would change drastically and       to switch to more sustainable animal-free                                                       us spread the word through social media
   challenges would be put in our way.            options and are telling the world that this                                                     and beyond.
                                                  is the food of the future – and the food of
   We knew that it would be difficult to cut      today. A world where vegan products are                                                         I hope you will enjoy reading this review
   through the noise and generate media           easily accessible to everyone everywhere,        We’ve had food giants such as Subway,          and will celebrate with us the amazing
   attention for our cause and to drive           omnipresent in supermarkets, restaurants         IKEA, Unilever, McDonalds, Papa Johns,         progress we were able to achieve for
   corporate change forward when countless        and in cafeterias.                               Burger King and Costco launch new vegan        veganism this campaign.
   businesses were closed or unable to plan                                                        products with Veganuary or promote the
   their marketing activations or product         This January gave us a glimpse of what           idea of eating plant-based for a month with    In gratitude,
   launches in an unstable climate dominated      is possible.                                     us. More than 50 major companies took part
   by lockdowns all over the world.                                                                in our workplace challenge and encouraged
                                                  During this campaign we have seen                their staff to eat vegan for January, often
   That is why it fills me with immense pride     Veganuary activations in almost all major        joined by their senior management or CEOs
   and joy to report that the Veganuary team      UK and German retailers and discounters.         taking part in the challenge themselves.
   has been able to navigate through these        We were trending on Twitter and TikTok                                                                          Ria Rehberg
   challenging times with a huge amount of        with the hashtag #Veganuary receiving over       And last but not least, we ended up with                       CEO VEGANUARY
   dedication, vision and hard work. By finding   170 million views on the latter by the end       a record sign-up number of over 580,000
   alternate strategies and creative solutions    of January 2021. Hundreds of media articles      participants for this campaign. Knowing that
   we ended up inspiring record numbers           were published about our work in all of          around 10 times as many people usually
   of people to chose a vegan diet and we         our official Veganuary countries and there       take part in Veganuary than actually sign-up
   surpassed our objectives for the 2021          were at least 20 TV reports about us in          through our website, that means over
   campaign by far!                               Germany alone.                                   5 million people gave vegan eating a go!
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                            PAGE 3


       More than 582,000 PEOPLE                                       The hashtag Veganuary had
       worldwide registered to try                                     over 170 MILLION VIEWS on      566 NEW VEGAN PRODUCTS
             vegan with us                                            TikTok at the end of January   were launched for Veganuary

                                           259 NEW VEGAN MENUS                                               More than
                                            were added to (chain-)                                     1500 MEDIA STORIES were
                                          restaurants for Veganuary                                  published about Veganuary

        224 MILLION PEOPLE were
      reached through Veganuary’s           57 MAJOR COMPANIES                                       17.6 MILLION SUPPORT EMAILS
       social media channels in the         took the Veganuary                                        were sent to participants
           2021 campaign year               workplace challenge                                      during the campaign period
VEGANUARY      END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                               PAGE 4

     THE ‘VEGANUARY EFFECT’                                                                                                                      OUR VALUES
                                                                                                                                                 We are committed to a vegan world; we will
                                                                                                                                                 utilise research to evaluate how the highest
                                                                                                                                                 number of lives can be spared and direct
                                                WHY WE EXIST                                                                                     resources to that end.
                                                                                               To help vegan eating reach the mainstream,
                                                Industrial scale animal farming is a leading   we focus on three main areas of work:             EMPOWERMENT
                                                driver of climate change, deforestation and                                                      We will optimise our outreach to support
                                                species loss, as well as being a significant   •   Encouraging and supporting millions of        and encourage people on their vegan
                                                cause of pollution. It drastically increases       people to try vegan                           journey in a non-judgmental, positive,
                                                the risk of global pandemics and antibiotic    •   Creating the necessary media and social       constructive and easily accessible way.
                                                resistance while being responsible for the         media buzz to raise awareness of the
                                                deaths of billions of sentient animals each        topic and the benefits of a vegan lifestyle   COLLABORATION
   OUR VISION        is simple;                 year. The current way we produce food          •   Encouraging companies to promote and          By partnering with other mission-driven
     we want a vegan world.                     is highly inefficient, unsustainable and           launch more delicious vegan options           organisations and working closely
  A world without animal farms                  won’t allow us to feed a growing global            to increase the quality, availability and     with businesses, we will make a bigger
 and slaughterhouses. A world                   population. That is why we advocate                visibility of vegan food                      difference.
where food production does not                  a change towards more plant-based
 decimate forests, pollute rivers               alternatives and ultimately, a vegan world.    With this approach we have contributed            DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION
and oceans, exacerbate climate                                                                 to the increase in popularity of veganism         We know that it takes people with different
 change and drive wild animal                   HOW WE CHANGE THE STATUS QUO                   in several countries across the world,            ideas, strengths, interests and backgrounds
    populations to extinction.                                                                 spared millions of animals’ lives through         to achieve our vision; we appreciate the
                                                We are convinced that things need to           the choices of our participants and have          value of this and how it brings us closer to
                                                change, and they need to change fast.          made Veganuary a bigger feature in the            achieving our mission.
                                                To get closer to our vision of a vegan         retail calendar than Christmas for many UK
             OUR MISSION        is to inspire   world we will need to break down the           supermarkets. We’re especially proud of           RESPECT AND INTEGRITY
            and support people to try vegan,    main barriers to vegan eating and make         the fact that many of the newly introduced        In all internal and external relationships,
              drive corporate change, and       plant-based foods more visible, tasty and      vegan products and options are set to             we will strive for genuine, honest and
            create a global mass movement       accessible to the population. We want to see   stay on the shelves and on the menus              transparent communication.
           championing compassionate food       the benefits of veganism widely discussed      after January as businesses are recording
             choices with the aim of ending     on TV and social media every day, we want      record sales of their vegan offerings after       RESILIENCE
             animal farming, protecting the     to see it in workplaces, on banners on the     successful Veganuary launches. We have            We will continue to create a professional
                  planet and improving          streets, in every supermarket, restaurant,     seen that the ‘Veganuary Effect’ works and        and sustainable (human, social, economic
                     human health.              cafeteria and petrol station.                  we’re ready to spread it across the world.        and environmental) organisation.
VEGANUARY                 END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                              PAGE 5


                                                                                                            OUR TOP 15 COUNTRIES
                                                                                                       #    COUNTRY
                                                                                             582 538   1    United Kingdom

                                                                                                       2    United States
                                                                                                       3    India
                          300,000                                                                      4    Germany
                                                                                                       5    Argentina
                                                                                                       6    Chile
                                                                                                       7    Italy
                                                                                                       8    Colombia
                          0                                                                            9    Mexico
                                      2014      2015    2016    2017   2018    2019   2020    2021     10   Brazil

                                                               CAMPAIGN YEAR                           11   France
                                                                                                       12   Switzerland
        Data from Kantar suggests that each year ten times more people actually participate            13   South Africa
        and try vegan in January than register through the Veganuary website. That would mean          14   Venezuela
        more than five million people took part in the 2021 campaign year.
                                                                                                       15   Sweden
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                       PAGE 6



   We run official Veganuary
   campaigns in the UK, US, Germany,
   Argentina, Chile and Brazil and
   have partner organisations running
   additional Veganuary campaigns
   in Sweden, Italy, India, France,
   Switzerland, Singapore, Australia         Our countries

   and South Africa.                      Partner countries
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                              PAGE 7

   VEGANUARY                                                                                                  NESTLE – MARCO SETTEMBRI,
                                                                                                              CEO OF NESTLÉ ZONE EMENA (EUROPE,

                                                      AVEDA – BARBARA DE LAERE,                               MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA):
                                                      GLOBAL BRAND PRESIDENT:
                                                                                                              “As someone who stepped up to the Veganuary

                                                      “This January, more than 1,000 people in the            challenge this year, I am happy to be part of this
                                                      Aveda network – in addition to many of their            movement as it grows across Europe and beyond.
                                                      family members who inadvertently took part in           For me, now, behind Veganuary there’s a bigger
                                                      the challenge – transitioned to a plant-based diet      picture – and one which induces long-term action.
                                                      as part of a celebration around our brand’s recent      It’s about really feeling the need of the consumer.
   This January over 50 major businesses -
                                                      news: 100% of our products are now 100% vegan,          That is why, this year I am promoting Veganuary
   including financial and banking, global media,     now and forever! The announcement that the brand        across many of our categories and initiatives.
   beauty and tech giants as well as foodservice      has fully transitioned to a vegan portfolio has been    Afterall, a well-planned plant-based diet can meet
   and contract caterers - encouraged their           incredibly well-received by consumers, our network      the nutritional needs during all stages of life. And
   employees and workforce to participate in          of professional stylists, and our partner salons        there are the environmental and health benefits too.
                                                      around the world. Achieving this milestone alongside    This year I am passing the baton and encouraging
   Veganuary through our Workplace Challenge.
                                                      our participation in the Veganuary challenge has        all employees to participate in Veganuary and
   In many cases their senior leadership or CEOs      been particularly rewarding for us as a team – not      sign-up to the challenge. We will inspire them
   were leading by example and also taking part.      to mention it has opened many eyes to the impact        with delicious recipes from our Garden Gourmet
                                                      individual diet and lifestyle changes can have on our   colleagues, vegan options in the restaurant, tips
                                                      collective environmental footprint.”                    from experts, and dietary advice.”
   Among the companies that joined were leading
   accountancy firms PwC and EY, as well as
   media giant Bloomberg, Kings College London,
   Docusign, Deliveroo, O2, VeggieGrill and Tesco.
   They were joined by Nestle, M&S and Quorn,
   whose UK senior leadership also took part,         EY (ERNST & YOUNG) – HARRY GASKELL,                     LIEFERANDO – KATHARINA HAUKE,
   as well as Unilever (Germany, Austria and          PURPOSE AND SUSTAINABILITY LEADER:                      MANAGING DIRECTOR:
   Switzerland) with their Vice President setting
   a positive example and joining the challenge.      “We’re on board with Veganuary! What a great way        “I am excited to see how I will master the Vegan
                                                      to inspire, support and encourage EY people to          Challenge and am already looking forward to
   Germany’s famous discount supermarket Aldi
                                                      consider a plant-based diet considering meat and        the delicious dishes from our partners, which will
   officially took part as well as Germanys biggest   dairy free is one of the ways our individual choices    certainly make the 31 days easier for me. And who
   food delivery service Lieferando, with their       can help in Building a Better Working World. I’m        knows, maybe I will give up animal products beyond
   Managing Director spearheading the                 looking forward to the challenge!”                      January as well.”

   Veganuary challenge.
VEGANUARY    END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                               PAGE 8

   GRABBED GLOBAL MEDIA                                                            Veganuary received widespread
   ATTENTION                                                                       media coverage in the UK this year

              UK AND                                                                                                         Veganuary published research
            ADDITIONAL                                                                                                       revealing that plant-based meals on
            COUNTRIES                                                                                                        average cost less and take less time to
                         MINIMUM                                                                                             prepare than meat/fish based meals
                             OF            Latin America Campaign Manager
                         735 MEDIA         Mauricio Serrano being interviewed
                          STORIES          live on CNN Argentina about the
   MINIMUM                                 success of Veganuary in Latin America   Veganuary making headlines in
       OF                                                                          Adweek US
   195 MEDIA
    STORIES        LATIN


        MINIMUM               GERMANY
        401 MEDIA
         STORIES                           Veganuary was discussed on the
                           MINIMUM         German main evening news program                                                  The Voice, Britain’s only national
                               OF          “heute” on national media channel       German Business Insider title -           black newspaper, reporting on
                           217 MEDIA       ZDF with an estimated viewership of     Veganuary: Why the Vegan January          Veganuary’s video advert with TikTok
                            STORIES        3.7 million people                      could be the new Black Friday of retail   star Tabitha Brown
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                    PAGE 9


                                              Actor and Veganuary supporter                                                       Actor JAMES MOORE joined Veganuary
                                               DANIELLA MONET was the face of                                                     as an ambassador last year and his
                                              a new Veganuary video titled ‘Why my                                                ‘talking head’ video became one of the
                                              family will never eat dairy’                                                        most watched videos on our channel

                                                                                       Hollywood star ALEC BALDWIN
     TikTok superstar TABITHA BROWN                                                    supported Veganuary for the first time
     encouraged millions to try vegan                                                  this year stating that his entire family
     in January by starring in the official                                            has moved to a plant-based diet when
     Veganuary TV ad                                                                   eating at home

                                                                                       British actor SUSAN WOKOMA
     Long-time supporter CHRIS PACKHAM                                                 encouraged people to join the challenge    Actor EMILY DESCHANEL described
     encourages people to try vegan for the   Brazilian superstar XUXA supported our   during a Veganuary photoshoot at a local   Veganuary as a „win win win“ and
     environment                              campaign for the first time this year    sanctuary                                  encouraged everyone to give it a go
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                        PAGE 10

                                                                                            Chilean television personality
                                                                                            MATÍAS VEGA supported us in                We also gained support of Argentinian
                                                                                            Latin America                              influencer CONNIE ISLA

     Veganuary’s open letter addressing the link between climate breakdown, future global
     pandemics and industrial animal farming was signed by OVER 100 INDIVIDUALS AND
     ORGANISATIONS, including Dr Jane Goodall, Ricky Gervais and Bryan Adams

     OMARI MCQUEEN,        Britain’s youngest
     TV chef & restauranteur, filmed a           Vegan activist BRUNNA SACH is asking
     passionate “talking head” video about his   people in Brazil to join Veganuary for     Musician PAUL MCCARTNEY also signed Veganuary’s open letter urging everyone to
     mission to bring vegan food to the world    the animals                                make 2021 the year for positive change
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                      PAGE 11


                                                                              Veganuary placed ads all over
                                                                              SANTIAGO (CHILE) to reach a wider

     Our campaign banners in metro
     stations in ARGENTINA

                                                                              Our Swiss partner organisation
                                                                              Vegane Gesellschaft Schweiz ran a      Our partners, Centre for Responsible
                                          Tens of thousands have seen these   successful out of home campaign        Future and Green Monday joined
                                          ads on the highway between          with adverts and billboards all over   efforts to place the Veganuary ads on
     Adtower Veganuary ads in   GERMANY   FRANKFURT AND KÖLN                  SWITZERLAND                            the streets of SINGAPORE
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                       PAGE 12

   IN THE UK                                                                                                        GUY MEAKIN, UK TRADING DIRECTOR
   HUNDREDS OF NEW PLANT-BASED PRODUCTS                                                                             AT PRET:
   AND MENU ITEMS WERE LAUNCHED FOR                                                      154 NEW VEGAN
   VEGANUARY WITH SALES OF MANY EXCEEDING                    439 NEW VEGAN               MENU OPTIONS               “I’m thrilled that we have been able to add a hot
   ALL EXPECTATIONS.                                           PRODUCT                     IN (CHAIN-)              vegan item to our already robust vegan range which
                                                             LAUNCHES FOR                 RESTAURANTS               customers have gone crazy for this Veganuary.
   Just a week after launching, Leon’s new Vegan              VEGANUARY                                             At Pret we’ve never seen a new product come in
   Sweet Carolina BBQ Burger swept up the title of                                                                  and shift our best sellers list, and to see it during a
                                                                                                                    lockdown and in less than three weeks says a lot.”
   its bestselling burger. M&S sold one of its new No
   Salt Beef Pretzel Roll every 30 seconds and its Plant
   Kitchen Vegan Chocolate Cookie was its most
   popular single cookie. Pret’s new Meatless Meatball
   Hot Wrap was the first new product to become a
   top five best seller in launch week in Pret’s history.
                                                            MICHAEL HUNTER, MANAGING DIRECTOR
   Deliveroo confirmed they also saw a huge increase
                                                            OF MEATLESS FARM:
   in demand for vegan food and thousands of new
   customers looking for it. Order volume from vegan        “It’s been an incredible month for us and the plant-
   restaurants was up 146% and vegan options from           based category as a whole. We know that during
   other restaurants up 114% year-on-year, while            the first two weeks of January our sales were up
   new customers purchasing vegan were up 163%              111% year-on-year and we’re expecting to have
   year-on-year.                                            seen this grow further towards the end of the month.
                                                            Not to mention, our partnerships with major brands,
                                                            Pret, Leon and itsu which have seen a phenomenal
   Other restaurant product launches included Subways
                                                            response and are really testament to how
   plant-based T.L.C. Sub, Papa John’s and Domino’s
                                                            mainstream plant-based eating has become. This
   new vegan pizzas, Starbucks’ Winter Menu Launch,         has really set the tone for 2021 and we’re looking
   Burger Kings’ Vegan Bean Burger and Taco Bell            forward to an even bigger Veganuary next year.”        Restaurant chain WAGAMAMA launched new vegan
   launching Pulled Oats for Veganuary. TGI Fridays,                                                               dishes for Veganuary and pledges to have 50% of the
   KFC, Greggs and McDonalds delighted Veganuary                                                                   main menu meat-free by the end of 2021!
   participants with vegan comebacks of their ranges.
VEGANUARY    END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                       PAGE 13

   YEAR’S CAMPAIGN WAS THE                                                                                                           ASDA     had a dedicated Veganuary
   INVOLVEMENT OF ALL OF BRITAIN’S                                                     TESCO    launched its first Veganuary         webpage that explained what a vegan
                                                                                       TV and radio ads in January. It also had
   MAJOR SUPERMARKETS IN                                                                                                             diet is and highlighted three of the
                                                                                       a dedicated webpage with recipes,
   PROMOTING VEGANUARY WITH                                                                                                          reasons to try vegan: it’s better for
                                                                                       product highlights and tips on making
   SOME EVEN ADVOCATING THE                                                                                                          the environment, it could improve
                                                                                       vegan swaps. The retailer - which
   REASONS TO TRY A VEGAN DIET.                                                                                                      your health and it’s delicious! It also
                                                                                       has over 3700 stores across the UK -          featured their top vegan product picks
                                                                                       launched the “Veganuary Your Way”             and encouraged people to sign-up for
                                                                                       theme as well as more than 30 new             Veganuary with a link to Veganuary’s
                                                                                       vegan own-label products.                     website. Asda also included a Vegan
                                                                                                                                     Butcher section in one of their
                                                                                                                                     stores and added 22 new meat-free
                                                                                                                                     alternatives to its plant-based range
                                                                                                                                     in January.
                                                JULIE ASHFIELD, MANAGING                   TESCO:
                                                DIRECTOR OF BUYING AT ALDI:
                                                                                           ‘’Brits have made this Veganuary the
                                                “This year has seen Aldi add more          biggest ever at Tesco with demand
                                                vegan products to its shelves than         for plant-based foods up by more
                                                ever before and expects to see sales       than a third on the previous year’s
                                                of vegan food double as a result.          event. Tesco Own-Brand Plant
     ALDI   had a Veganuary webpage             We want to show that opting to go          Based products were +38% in the
     that not only highlighted its plant-       plant-based – or simply reducing           first 3 weeks of Veganuary with
     based products but also set out the        the amount of meat in your diet            over 700,000 shoppers buying Plant
     main reasons to try vegan: caring          – can be exciting and delicious            Chef or Wicked Kitchen (an 81%         All major UK retailers engaged with the
     for animals, staying healthy, being        without breaking the bank. The             increase).’’                           Veganuary 2021 Campaign either through
     greener and more sustainability. It also   response to our range so far has                                                  social media and digital advertising, instore
     featured dozens of vegan recipes,          been incredible.”                                                                 activations or 360 campaigns including
     tips on vegan swaps and a link to                                                                                            billboards, out of home campaigns,
     Veganuary’s website.                                                                                                         TV and radio adverts, print campaigns
                                                                                                                                  and instore signage.
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                           PAGE 14


                                          THE RETAIL TIMES:

                                          “UK sees record sales of plant-based
                                          foods as Veganuary proves more
                                          popular than ever

                                          Dunnhumby, the global leader in customer data
                                          science, has released UK shopper data from the
                                          last week which shows a boom in plant-based food
                                          sales, as many consumers switch to meat and dairy
                                          alternatives for January. The data, taken from the
                                          past week’s shopper receipts across the top nine
                                          UK grocery retailers, shows a significant increase in
                                          sales of meat and dairy alternatives with shoppers
                                          embracing Veganuary and reducing their meat and
                                          dairy consumption. Sales of plant-based meat and
                                          dairy alternatives have increased 50% year-on-year
                                          in the first week of January, representing a record
                                          £12m in sales for the plant-based food and drink
                                          category. The increase has been largely driven by
                                          shoppers exploring new ranges, with nearly 31%
                                          more shoppers buying foods from the ‘meat and
                                          dairy alternatives’ category for the first time.”
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                PAGE 15

                       40 NEW VEGAN
                        IN (CHAIN-)        HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                   LIEFERANDO,      the biggest German       MCDONALD’S      joined Veganuary
                                                                                   food delivery service promoted            with promotions around the Big
   More than 170 companies in                                                      Veganuary, encouraged their partner       Vegan TS burger and even launched
                                                                                   restaurants to take part and joined the   a Veganuary hoodie as part of their
   Germany, including leading
                                                                                   workplace challenge                       campaign
   discounter and supermarket             IKEA launched two new vegan
   chains, delivery services, fast        menus as part of their Veganuary
   food giants, gastronomy and            campaign

   manufacturing companies joined
   Veganuary this year and promoted
   veganism through their campaigns.

                                                                                   Discount supermarket chains
                                                                                   ALDI NORD, ALDI SÜD, LIDL
                                                                                   AND PENNY all ran major Veganuary         FRANKFURT AIRPORT           joined the
                                          SUBWAY     took part in Veganuary with   campaigns including distributing          workplace challenge by offering daily
                                          their vegan chicken sub and a newly      millions of leaflets, new product         vegan meals in their staff cafeteria as
                                          launched vegan cookie                    launches and even a Lidl TV advert        part of Veganuary
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                           PAGE 16

                                                     DR ANNETT WERNY, CORPORATE
                                                     RESPONSIBILITY MANAGER AT ALDI SÜD:
                                                                                                    ANJA GRUNEFELD, GENERAL MANAGER OF
                                                     “With our variety in vegan offerings and
                                                                                                    LIVEKINDLY COLLECTIVE DACH:
                                                     extensive promotion around vegan eating and
                                                                                                    “We at LikeMeat supported this year’s
                                                     nutrition, we were able to reach and inspire
                                                                                                    Veganuary with our own branded campaign.
                                                     many customers and employees in January.”      The focus was on a video ad with Rammstein
                                                                                                    singer Till Lindemann, which was very
                                                                                                    successful with over 1.1 million views on
                                                                                                    YouTube. The campaign also had a positive
                                                                                                    impact on sales of our products in Germany.
     MARCUS HAUS, HEAD OF MARKETING                                                                 Compared to the same period last year, we
     AT PENNY:                                                                                      were able to record double-digit growth.
                                                                                                    This shows that the Veganuary message
     “Veganuary 2021 was a great success. We had                                                    has reached the awareness of Germans and
     a real run on our Food for Future products in                                                  people are starting to eat more and more
     several Penny stores.”                                                                         purely plant-based.”
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                PAGE 17

                                            HIGHLIGHTS                                                                       COSTCO CONNECTION:

                                                                                                                             “The introduction of Veganuary—
                           65 NEW                                                                                            where you take a pledge to give
  9 NEW VEGAN            VEGAN MENU                                                                                          up meat, dairy and eggs during
    PRODUCT              OPTIONS IN                                                                                          January—provides one way to make
 LAUNCHES FOR           RESTAURANTS                                                                                          a significant change that not only
                                                                                    YELP   created a “Vegan Voyage” in
  VEGANUARY                                                                         partnership with Veganuary, featuring    benefits your health but also has a
                                                                                    plant-based restaurants around the       positive impact on animal welfare
                                                                                    country, hosting virtual events, and     and the environment.”
                                          NESTLE PROFESSIONAL US
                                          encouraged brands and food service        encouraging followers to sign-up for
                                          to get involved in Veganuary. Nestle      Veganuary.
   At least 131 brands, restaurants       also offered Toolkits for foodservice
   and retailers promoted Veganuary       outlets looking to promote Veganuary
   through special offers, online         via specials on their Sweet Earth line.
   promotions, social media, email                                                  JOI BROZEK, SENIOR
   marketing, product launches, or                                                  REGIONAL MANAGER-
   menu items in the US, more than                                                  COMMUNITY, YELP:
   tripling 2020 participation.                                                                                             COSTCO      promoted Veganuary in
                                                                                    “We chose Veganuary as our
                                                                                                                            a two-page spread in their Costco
                                                                                    partner for this promo because
                                                                                                                            Connection magazine in January,
                                                                                    they are an authentic force in the
                                                                                                                            mailed to 15 million Costco members.
                                                                                    vegan movement! We appreciate
                                                                                                                            The article highlighted the benefits
                                                                                    Veganuary’s dedication to inspiring
                                          AVEDA    announced that they officially
                                                                                    people all over the world to get
                                                                                                                            of trying vegan, offered easy recipes
                                          went 100% vegan this year in honour                                               featuring ingredients from their stores,
                                                                                    started on their vegan journey
                                          of Veganuary. Their staff around the                                              and cited excellent tips to make
                                                                                    by providing an array of free and
                                          globe also took part in Veganuary’s                                               transitioning to a plant-based diet
                                                                                    valuable resources.”
                                          Workplace Challenge.                                                              easy.
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                     PAGE 18

                              38 BUSINESSES
        2 NEW VEGAN            JOINING AND
          PRODUCT              PROMOTING                                                             First ever vegan company in Chile, VEGUSTA,
       LAUNCHES FOR            VEGANUARY                                                             launched a Veganuary product pack to make the
        VEGANUARY                                                                                    transition to a vegan diet as easy as possible

   Our team in Latin America worked with
   38 companies in Chile, Argentina, Mexico,
   Panama, Costa Rica and Brazil on their
   Veganuary campaigns and promotions. Pizza
   giant Papa Johns joined Veganuary with
   special promotions around two vegan pizzas
   in Chile and reported an increase in sales of
   the Veganuary promotion by 42% compared
   to a normal week. Other companies joining
   Veganuary this year included beauty brand
   Aveda in Brazil, Argetinian ice cream company
   El Piave, who launched two new vegan ice
                                                                                                     Pizza giant PAPA JOHNS joined Veganuary with
   cream flavors for Veganuary and vegan poineer
                                                    Argentinian ice cream company EL PIAVE created   special promotions around two vegan pizzas in Chile,
   Vegusta in Chile, who joined with a successful   two new favours especially for Veganuary         Panama and Costa Rica
   Veganuary product pack.
VEGANUARY   END OF CAMPAIGN REPORT 2021                                                                                                                              PAGE 19

   We worked with 18 official partner
   organisations all over the world in order
   to launch or amplify the Veganuary
   movement. Thanks to their amazing
   efforts we were able to extend the
   reach and impact of the campaign to
   six continents.

                                                                                       Our Swiss partner
                                               Our partner GREENPEACE UK               GESELLSCHAFT SCHWEIZ worked
                                               promoted Veganuary to their millions    with supermarket chain Lidl who
                                               of supporters via email, social media   joined the campaign and promoted
                                               and blog                                their vegan range in Switzerland

                                                                                                                            We now also offer all of our resources
                                                                                                                            in French, including our Official
                                                                                                                            Veganuary Starter Kit

                                                                                                                          We were also able to improve and
                                                                                                                          extend our free support resources for
                                                                                                                          Veganuary participants around the
                                                                                                                          world. Now we offer localised and
                                                                                                                          translated programs for the following
                                               Our partner organisation ESSERE         A Veganuary branded escalator by
                                                                                                                          countries: Chile, Argentina, Brasil,
                                               ANIMALI organised a Veganuary           the vegan food brand FRY’S in      France, Switzerland, Australia, India,
                                               street action in Rome                   South Africa                       Italy, Singapore, the UK, South Africa,
                                                                                                                          Germany, Sweden and the United States.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” Arundhati Roy

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York, YO1 0LJ
United Kingdom
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