The Holy Family -

Page created by Jeremy Weber
The Holy Family -
The Holy Family

   565 W. Ke ering St., Lancaster, CA 93534 · 661.942.7122 ·              Dec. 27, 2020

           Pastor: Fr. Hiếu Trần · Associate Pastor: Fr. Gerald Osuagwu · Associate Pastor: Fr. Louis Gonsalves
        Deacons: Dcn. Fermin Herrera, Dcn. Dale Reynolds, Dcn. Ron Routolo, Dcn. Jason Schalow, Dcn. Alex Aguilar

Sunday Masses                               Daily Masses                                Bap sms
Saturday Vigil (English): 5:30PM            Monday-Saturday: 8:00AM & 5:30PM            Third Saturday of the Month-12:00PM
Sunday (English): 6:45AM, 8:00AM,           Civic Holidays: 8:00AM Only                 Call Religious Educa on Office: 661.948.3011
9:30AM, 11:00AM, 5:30PM
                                            Holy Days/Dias Santos                       Bau smos
Sunday (Spanish): 12:30PM & 2:00PM
                                            (Days of Obliga on)                         El Primer Sabado de Cada Mes-12:00PM
Confessions                                 English (Vigil): 5:30PM                     Llame la Oficina: 661.942.7122
Weekdays: 7:30AM & 5:00PM                   English: 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 5:30PM
(20 minutes before Mass)                                                                Anoin ng of the Sick
                                            Spanish: 7:30PM
Saturday: 4:00PM - 5:30PM                                                               For those seriously ill or preparing for
                                                                                        major surgery, call the Parish Office at
Funerals                                    Weddings
                                                                                        661.942.7122 to make arrangements to
Call the Parish Office 661.942.7122           By appointment, six-month no ce
                                                                                        be anointed with the Oil of the Sick.
                                            Call the Parish Office: 661.942.7122
The Holy Family -
Page 2                                  Fr. Louis’ Message
                                     Sunday December 27th
                                The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
As we know, it’s usually on the Sunday after Christmas that this feast of the Holy Family is celebrated. Fall-
ing as it does soon after Christmas, through this feast the Mother Church highlights the importance of Chris-
tian family life being the domestic church and its holiness. Coming particularly as it does during this Pandem-
ic, the mission of the family calls for much reflection with a greater emphasis its role in the proper upbringing
of the children in matters of faith. Huddled up as we are indoors in this unprecedented situation, the role of
the parents once again takes a center stage. Mary and Joseph definitely contributed to the formation of Jesus
during those long years of hidden life in Nazareth. Needless to say then, the parents are the first teachers of
faith for their children. During this pandemic the parents have a wonderful opportunity to form their children
who are with them more than ever in matters of faith through regular family prayers and spiritual reading of
the Bible contributing to a spirit of oneness and love within the family. Moreover, just as the Holy Family
itself learnt how to cope up with those great difficulties such as threats from Herod, flight into Egypt etc. the
families of today during these difficult times have much to learn from the Holy Family. The Holy Family def-
initely teaches all families to show rare sense of belonging in the family, powered by faith and praying to-
gether thereby keeping the same members away from the psychological and other ill-effects of this Pandem-
ic. All this in the end boils down to one thing – a Strong family life of Prayer shown by example of the Holy
Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Don’t we say, “The family that prays together stays together” Wish You
All Happy Feast of the Holy Family. God bless each family of Sacred Heart.

Blesssings F. Louis
                                       Domingo 27 de Diciembre
                             La Sagrada Familia de Jesus, Maria y Jose
Como sabemos, suele ser el domingo después de Navidad cuando se celebra esta fiesta de la Sagrada Familia.
Al caer como de costumbre poco después de Navidad, a través de esta fiesta la Madre Iglesia destaca la im-
portancia de la vida familiar cristiana como iglesia doméstica y por su santidad. Particularmente como lo hace
durante esta Pandemia, la misión de la familia requiere mucha reflexión con un mayor énfasis en su papel en
la educación adecuada de los niños en materia de fe. Acurrucados como estamos en el interior de esta situa-
ción sin precedentes, el papel de los padres vuelve a ocupar un lugar central. María y José contribuyeron defi-
nitivamente a la formación de Jesús durante esos largos años de vida oculta en Nazaret. No falta decir enton-
ces, que los padres son los primeros maestros de fe para sus hijos. Durante esta pandemia, los padres tienen
una maravillosa oportunidad de formar a sus hijos que están con ellos más que nunca en asuntos de fe a través
de oraciones familiares regulares y la lectura espiritual de la Biblia, contribuyendo a un espíritu de unidad y
amor dentro de la familia. Además, así como la Sagrada Familia aprendió a afrontar esas grandes dificultades
como las amenazas de Herodes, la huida a Egipto, etc., las familias de hoy en estos tiempos difíciles tienen
mucho que aprender de la Sagrada Familia. La Sagrada Familia definitivamente enseña a todas las familias a
mostrar un sentido poco común de pertenencia en la familia, impulsado por la fe y la oración conjunta, man-
teniendo a los mismos miembros alejados de los efectos psicológicos y otros efectos negativos de esta pande-
mia. Todo esto al final se reduce a una cosa: una fuerte vida familiar de oración mostrada por el ejemplo de la
Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Acaso no decimos: "La familia que ora unida permanece unida".
Les deseo a todos una feliz fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Dios bendiga a cada familia de Sagrado

Bendiciones, P. Louis
The Holy Family -
Page 3
                                    The Happenings
        Liturgical Guidelines during the Coronavirus Pandemic October 14, 2020
Given the continuing limitation on large public gatherings, and so as to allow people who
are not well or otherwise at risk the ability to stay home, the following provisions will re-
main in effect until further notice:
• The general dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass remains in place.
 • People in vulnerable populations are encouraged to stay home. High-risk individuals
(e.g., people who are 65 and older, who are immuno-compromised or who have underlying
health conditions) should be discouraged from serving in any capacity that brings them into
contact with others.
• Live-streaming of Mass remains available.
 • No social sharing of food or drink before or after Mass or any other gathering.

       Pautas litúrgicas durante la pandemia de coronavirus 14 de octubre de 2020
Dada la limitación continua sobre las grandes reuniones públicas, y para permitir que las
personas que no se encuentren bien o que estén en riesgo puedan quedarse en casa, las si-
guientes disposiciones permanecerán en vigor hasta nuevo aviso:
• Se mantiene la dispensa general de la obligación dominical de asistir a misa.
  • Se anima a las personas de poblaciones vulnerables a quedarse en casa. Se debe desalen-
tar a las personas de alto riesgo (p. Ej., Personas de 65 años o más, inmunodeprimidos o que
tienen problemas de salud subyacentes) de prestar servicios en cualquier capacidad que los
ponga en contacto con otras personas.
• La transmisión en vivo de Misas sigue disponible.
  • No se permite compartir alimentos o bebidas antes o después de la Misa o cualquier otra

                                                           December 27, 2020
                                                        THE HOLY FAMILY OF
                                                      JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH

                                                    MY EYES HAVE SEEN YOUR
                                                     SALVATION, WHICH YOU
                                                    PREPARED IN THE SIGHT OF
                                                        ALL THE PEOPLES.

                                                                 Luke 2:22-40
The Holy Family -
Page 4
                                        Ministry News
      Sacred Heart School

                                                       Faith Formation Classes- Clases de
                                                       Formación de Fe (Catesismo)

  Christmas break Dec 21st to Jan 4th                    FAMILY FAITH FORMATION DURING THE
                                                              CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC
              Happy New Year                         You are all in our prayers, and we will continue our Fam-
                                                     ily Formation the best way it is available for us at this
We are going to be accepting application online      time.
for this current school year. We are providing
an excellent distance learning program. If you are   Online Registration at
interested in having your child transfer to our      A parent or guardian needs to come to the office and
school and be a part of our excellent learning       pick-up the activity packet, only if your family does not
Program. We can make arrangements.                   have an email.

                                                     Families work together on the assigned bi-weekly
                                                     activities and will be contacted for a family review.
One of the crucial things we do in a Cath-           Please call the office at 661-948-3011 for any questions
olic school is to help develop our student's         you may have.
capacity for excellence in their spirituality,
academics, social skills, and emotions. All
of these moments happen when we call
them toward their best effort, goodness,
and what leads them to grow into wonder-                          The office will be closed
ful people. Catholics schools lead all oth-                 Thursday Dec. 24, 2020 to Jan 4, 2021
er educational school programs by having
the best prepared students entering high                      Classes resume Jan 6th &7th, 2021
schools and colleges. Please consider
your child receiving a Catholic education
and contact the school for a tour.
Box tops, Sacred Heart School is collect-
ing Box Tops for education from General-
Mills, if you would like to donate box
Tops, bring them to the school office,
Thank you.                                May Jesus, through the intercession o our Blessed
Student applications are available in the Virgin Mary, continue to bless our parishes and
                                                     loved ones with good health, joy, and peace.
Ministry News                                          Page 5

                                                Mass Intentions book for 2021 is available for
                                                        daily Mass & weekend Masses.
            Advertisements                    Please call the Parish Office if you would like to
                                              have a Mass said for loved ones (living or deceased)
We invite you to advertise your business in   or a Mass of Thanksgiving, the donation amount is
 our weekly bulletin, we also upload it on    $10 for daily Mass or $20 for Sunday Mass.
 our website Thank you for your support.          El libro de Misas de intencion 2021 esta
 For more information call the parish of-                         disponible
                   fice.                       Para sus seres queridos vivos o fallecidos o una
                                               Misa de Gracias, la donacion es de $ 20.00 para
  Los invitamos a publicar su negocio en      misas del fin de semana y $10.00 Misas durante la
                                              semana, Favor de llamar a la Oficina de la glesia.
 nuestro boletin seminal, tambien lo tene-
mos en nuestra pagina de web. Gracias por                 Please call the Parish Office
su apoyo. Para mas informacion hable ala          at 661-942-7122, Monday - Friday 10am to
            oficina parroquial                                      5:00pm

             NEW YEAR’S EVE                         The Parish Offices will be closed
       Thursday December 31, 2020 Mass                Wednesday, Dec. 23 at noon
                   8:00am                          We will open Monday, Jan 4, 2021
             NEW YEAR’S DAY                       We wish you a Merry Christmas and a
       Wednesday, January 1, 2021 Mass                     Happy New Year!
                   8:00am                                      Stay Safe !

                                                    2021 Calendars are on sale after mass
                                                    and at the Parish Office for $3. Thank
                                                             you for your support.

                                                   Calendarios para 2021 están en venta
                                                  despues de misa y en la oficina parroqui-
                                                      al por $3. Gracias por su apoyo.
Page  6
Page 6                                   Our Parish Family
We thank you Father God for this ending year! Thank you
because in the middle of the challenges you have always        Prayer for the Year of St. Joseph
been with us, we ask you father that this year that we begin   | Pope Francis
you continue with us we ask you to grant us the gift of wis-
dom, to grow in humility and in love towards others, we        From December 8, 2020 to December 8,
entrust ourselves to you and to our mother Virgin Mary in      2021
this new year, giving you what we are and what we have.        Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Amen.                                                          Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
                                                               To you God entrusted his only Son;
Te damos Gracias padre Dios por este ano que termina!          in you Mary placed her trust;
Gracias porque en medio de las pruebas has estado con          with you Christ became man.
nosotros siempre, te pedimos padre que este ano que ini-       Blessed Joseph, to us too,
ciamos tu sigas con nosotros te pedimos nos concedas el        show yourself a father
don de la sabiduría, crecer en humildad y en el amor hacia     and guide us in the path of life.
los demás, nos encomendamos a ti y a la Virgen María en        Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
este ano nuevo entregando lo que somos y lo que tenemos        and defend us from every evil. Amen.

          Protecting God’s Children - Protegiendo a los niños de Dios

Did you know? Talk to teens about post-             Hable con los adolescentes sobre la publicación
ing photos                                          de fotos
The pictures we share on Instagram and oth-         Las fotografías que compartimos en Instagram y en
er social media can reveal much more infor-         otras redes sociales pueden revelar mucha más in-
mation than just the picture we want our fol-       formación que solo la imagen que queremos que
lowers to see. If your teens are on social me-      vean nuestros seguidores. Si sus hijos adolescentes
dia, talk to them about the dangers of post-        están en las redes sociales, hable con ellos sobre los
ing photos with potentially identifying infor-      peligros de publicar fotos con información potencial-
mation — posing in front of their schools or        mente identificable como posar frente a sus escuelas
cars, tagging their location, or providing oth-     o automóviles, etiquetar su ubicación o proporcionar
er clues that would give a predator easy ac-        otras pistas que le darían un fácil acceso a un depre-
cess. Consider having a family screening            dador. Considere tener un contrato familiar de publi-
contract, where parents approve photos be-          cación de imágenes, donde los padres de familia
fore children can post. For more information,       aprueben las fotos antes de que sus hijos puedan
request a copy of the VIRTUS article                publicarlas. Para obtener más información, solicite
“Technology Safety” at https://                     una copia del artículo de VIRTUS “Seguridad tecno-                      lógica” (Technology Safety) en
Masses for the Week                                                                              Page 7
                                                              Please remember in your prayers the sick of our
            Dec 26 -Jan 1, 2020                               parish: Rod Smith, Jackie Bigornia, Cesar Bigornia,
Saturday     Dec 26 St. Stephen                               Remy Pascua, Sandra Orosco, Albert Gonzalez,
                                                              Angie Rosales, Carol Roubal,
             8:00am All Souls in Purgatory
                    Dennis Byrnes RIP
             5:30pm                                           Rest in Peace: Irene Ortiz, Roberto
                    Teresita Jimenez RIP
                    The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary,           Lopez, Thu Vo, Richard Radvanyl, Ed
 Sunday      Dec 27
                    Joseph                                    McKee, Dorothy Nolan, Harold Evans
             8:00am Ray Windorski RIP

                       Dan & Maria Smith RIP/LIV
                       Drabowo & Inge Yuwono LIV
                                                                              Parish Informa on
             11:00am                                           Deaconate Formation                 Priesthood Formation
            12:30pm Herlinda Gomez-Rodriguez RIP            Rafael Avina      Miguel Zamora     Queen of Angeles For ation House
 Monday      Dec28 The Holy Innocents                       Robert Nemila                       David Zamora
                                                            Michael Kitley
                       Guadalupe Olague LIV                 Parish Office -                                    (661) 942-7122
                       Teresa Pacheco RIP                    Fax: (661) 945-4255 Email:
                   Fifth day with in the Octave of the       Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Lancaster-CA
 Tuesday     Dec29 Nativity of the Lord; St. Thomas          Hours: Mon - Sat: 10:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed 12:00pm - 1:00PM)
                   Becket                                   Sacred Heart School - Principal: Mr. David Schatz
             8:00am Maria de Melara RIP                      Phone: (661) 948-3613   
                                                             Hours: Mon - Thurs: 7:30AM - 3:30PM; Fri: 7:30AM - 2:00PM
                       Sixth Day within the Octave of the
Wednesday    Dec30                                          Religious Education - Rose Anna Cruz          (661) 948-3011
                       Nativity of the Lord
                                                    ; App: Sacred Heart ORE
             8:00am Ciperlito Baquiran RIP                   Hours: Mon - Tues: 8:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed 12:00 - 100PM)
                                                                    Wed - Thurs: 12PM - 8:00PM; Closed Friday
                   Seven Day within the Octave of the
Thursday     Dec31 Lord. St. Sylvestre 1;                   Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) -       (661) 942-7122
                   New Years Eve                              Deacon Ron Routolo & Deacon Jason Schalow
                                                            Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) -
             8:00 am Maria Elenor Segreto RIP                 Deacon Fermin Herrera
                                                        Youth Ministries and Confirmation - Gloria Cuevas
                     The Octave day of the Nativity of    Catholics in Action & Confirming Disciples    (661) 949-1391
                    the Lord; Mary the Holy Mother of Hispanic Ministry                                 (661) 942-7122
 Friday       Jan 1
                    God. World day of Prayer for Peace.   Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed 12:00-1:00PM)
                    NEW YEAR’S DAY
                                                        Filipino Ministry - Rommel De Paz               (661) 429-5265
             8:00am All Parishioners of SHC             Safeguard the Children– Anna Cruz               (661)948-3011
                                                        Building Campaign - Monica Blancarte            (661) 942-7122
            Readings for the week                           Perpetual Adoration -
Monday: 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8: Mt:13-18             Sunday 7PM to Saturday 9AM; Saturday 7PM to Sunday 6AM
Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35           If you can serve, call Rosa 818-288-0349 or Claudia 661-949-6438.
Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40             Novena - Tuesday evening in the Church after the 5:30PM Mass
Thursday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18
Friday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7;          Legion of Mary -                  661-917-2812 or 661-886-8884
Lk 2:16-21                                                   Tuesday evening 6:30 – 8:00pm in Kesterson Ctr
Saturday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28               Liturgy of the Hours -
Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13;                     Morning Prayer: 7:30AM; Evening Prayer : 5:00PM
Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12                                  Gift Shop -      Saturday: 4:30PM - 6:30PM
                                                                             Sunday: 7:30AM - 4:00PM (Closed during Masses)
                                                            St. Vincent de Paul Our Lady of Charity Conference -
                                                              45056 Trevor #B, Lancaster, CA 93584    (661) 942-3222
Building Our New Sacred Hea                               Church

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                                                                                                  Family Memorial Services
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           Antelope Valley                                                                            
513354 Sacred Heart Church (A)                                                                                                          For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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