Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...

Page created by Floyd Taylor
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
Saint James Youth Ministry
                               with Fr. Emmanuel
                             Adoration and Benediction
Page 1   March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
Pastor’s Corner
Last Thursday, I underwent eye surgery to repair a
                                                                OUR FAITH. OUR FUTURE.
detached retina in my right eye. I will be in recovery for           St. James $5 Million, 5-Year Campaign
the next few days. Thank you for your prayers.
Our Faith. Our Future. Campaign                                           Be part of the legacy to create
Pledges for our Capital Campaign grew during the past 2
weeks to over $3.2M. Thank you so much for your                            our safe and vibrant future.
generosity. It is now time to begin to make a serious
move towards our $5M goal and we ask you to prayerfully           THIS IS HOW FAR WE’VE COME!
consider submitting your pledge card soon—in the Sun-             To date we have raised $3,261,153 toward our $5 million
day Collection basket, at the Parish Office or by mail.           goal. We extend our deepest gratitude to our current
Only with the help and commitment of every parish family          campaign donors who have helped to raise 65.2% of our
                                                                  campaign goal.
will we be able to have a successful campaign for the
purchase of the new property.
                                                                      Money Raised in 5 –Year Pledges
LENT                                                                         as of 02/25/2020
As we begin Lent; it is a time of prayer and reflection to
turn our hearts and lives closer to God and to be thankful
for the many blessings he has given us. It is a time that
calls us to a generosity of heart and of letting go of things                                     $5,000,000
we surround ourselves with so that we can seek that
which is much greater than ourselves.
Consider participating by:·
· Completing your pledge card for Our Faith. Our Future                                           $3,000,000
· Attending Mass on weekdays (8 am or Noon)
· Stations of the Cross
· Fish Fry dinners served by the Knights of Columbus
· Receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation
· Attending one of our Saturday retreats                                                          $1,000,000
· Spending quiet time in prayer and Adoration
                                                                                                  $          0
Msgr. Mike

  Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry
         Mar. 6, Mar. 20 & Apr. 3, 5-8 pm
                     K of C Hall                                                 Total Raised: $3,186,053
   214 Avenue I (between PCH and Catalina Avenue)                                    Total Gifts: 311
                                                                                    Avg. Gift: $10,486
All -you -can -eat salad bar, baked or fried Icelandic Cod,                         % of Goal: 65.2%
 French fries or roasted red potatoes, fresh baked rolls,
     dessert, and coffee, iced tea and punch included.
                  Adults $11 Children $ 6                                       40 Days for Life
    No reservation needed. Proceeds help charities.                             Join us as we pray the rosary for an end to
                Nick Tesi 310.717.2937                                          abortion. We’ll be praying in front of:
                                                                                Planned Parenthood,
St. Vincent DePaul Bundle Sunday                                                14623 Hawthorne Blvd.
March 8 in Church parking lot 8am—12 noon to                                    Lawndale, CA 90260
collect donated usable items.
                                                                             7 am - 7 pm
Medjugorje Rosary Prayer Group                                               Beginning Ash Wed. Feb.26th
       Join us! Every Monday 7– 8:15 pm in                                    through Palm Sunday Apr. 5th
       Kavanagh Hall. Experience inner peace in a                40daysFor
       turbulent world. All present may offer their own          Linda Houston:
       intentions. Dean Campazzie 310.372.5182
                                                 Page 2      March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
Women’s Guild                                                  Sunday Night Youth -YouTube Channel
                                                               Our 5:30pm Sunday night choir has recently started a
Lenten Day of Reflection                                       YouTube channel in order to share our ministry with
With Bishop Marc Trudeau                                       parishioners who attend different Masses, and to reach
Sat., March 7, 2020                                            out to the broader community. It is a great opportunity
from 8am to noon.
                  We start with the 8 am Mass
                  presided by Bishop Marc
                  followed by a hot breakfast
                  reception in Kavanagh Hall.
                  The reflection starts at 9:15 am.
                   Suggested Donation:
                   $10 per person
Please call Ely at 310.944.3355 to register.

Women's Guild Events—Part Two
Community Awareness on Scams                                   for parishioners of St. James to spend a few minutes
Wednesday, Mar. 11th 2020, 7 pm in Kavanagh Hall               during the week in joyful prayer using our favorite
Philip de Souza, an internet security expert,                  medium - music. A new song is published every week
is holding part two of awareness of Internet                   as we hope to grow our outreach to the Christian
Scams, Telephone Scams, Senior Scams.                          community through the sharing of our gifts and talents.
+                                                              You can support this mission by visiting YouTube,
                                                               searching our channel Sunday Night Youth and
Light refreshments will be served.                             becoming a subscriber.
For info, call   Ely 310.944.3355 or                           More information:
               Robin 310.408.9690
                                                                      Human Trafficking Awareness
                                                                 Possible signs of a child trafficking victim continued:
Stations of the Cross                                             Lack of control over a personal schedule and/or
Friday, March 27 – Women’s Guild is hosting Stations of                   Identification or travel documents
the Cross – call Ely if you would like to participate
                                                                              F.A.I.T.H. MINISTRY of St. James &
For more information, contact Ely at 310.944.3355 or
                                                                                      St. Lawrence Martyr
Robin at 310.408.9690
                                                                              Rick Page
        Shining Stars in Christ Gala
Saturday, April 25th at O'Gorman Center
Door opens at 6 pm                                                           Gift Shop
Early bird registration - $70 per person starting now until                Hours:
March 31 $75 per person effective April 1.                                 Wed. - Fri. 10 - 4 pm
Appetizers, cheese and fruit display, salad, main                          Saturday     9 - 12 pm
entrees of very tasty salmon and marinated tri tip beef,                   Sunday       9 - 2 pm 3/8 & 3/22
pasta with pink sauce (no meat), special tasty rice,           Rich Modic 310.374.1964 Rich@SaintJames.Church
vegetables, dessert plus wine & beer & dancing,                Getting to Know You
Most important is your presence - being there for your         Join your friends for fellowship,
favorite 2020 Shining Stars honorees.                                            coffee and conversation after the
              Our 2020 Honorees are -                                            8 & 10am Masses in Kavanagh Hall.
     Kevin Babuder, Patrick & Delia Cunningham                                   Served today by members of our
           De Giebler, Tom & Jeanne Miller                                        Sunday Hospitality Ministry.
           Deacon Mark & Louise Ramirez
                    Martha Suech
                                                              Shining Stars in Christ Program Booklet
Come and Enjoy this beautiful evening with us.                Immortalize your personal or special greeting for your
To register, come to the Parish Office or the Gift Shop       favorite honorees in our Program Booklet.
Proceeds benefit Our Faith Our Future Campaign                Full page ........ $650 Half page ........ $350
                                                              Quarter page.... $200 Eighth page...... $120
Call Joanne 310.528.6339 or Ely 310.944.3355                  Call Ely 310.944.3355 or Joanne 310.528.6339

                                                Page 3    March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
Campaign Donors -                    Thank you for your generous support!
Jeff & Harlika Acosta                Lea, Ian, Trini, Leo Catbagan     Bill & Andrea Gargaro
In Memory: Florence Adams            Lope & Nieves Catubig             David & Sharon Genens
Daniel & F.S. Exelby-Aguilera        Victor & Libby Cavataio           In Memory: Frank Literatus
John Agustine Family                 Hsueh-Rong Chang                  William Gibbs
                Charitable Fund      Danford & Winona Chang            William & Lynda Gilmore
Frankie & Virginia Albert            Dennis & Laurie Chambers          Michael Ginther
Jeff & Sheila Anderson               John & Meredith Chapman           Elsie Goichea
Verghese & Caroline Antony           Christopher & Maureen Charan      Brian & Theodora Gore
Philip & Elena Aquino                Dolores A. Charroux               Gerald & Arlene Grega
Emma Aranda                          Emeverto & Bernadine Cheng        Paul & Frances Guerreiro
Benjamin & Laura Aranda              Juok Choi                         Thelma & Buen Guerreva
Walter & Marie Adams-Aregger         The Chorbi Family                 Paul Guichard
Daniel & Nancy Arucan                Loleng Coluso                     Juan & Wendy Gutierrez
Michael & Debbie Aust                Fernando & Veronica Corral        Jay & Jeanine Hamada
Blanca Ayala                         In Memory: Annis & Jack DeNoyer   Mickey & Angeles Haney
William & Donna Balcer               Richard & Teresa Covington        Barbara Harkins
Anne Balderas                        Marilyn Crawford                  Craig & Gretchen Harris
In Memory: Emelia Baluyot            Holly Crittenden                  Scott & Jeannie Haworth & Family
Luciana & Alan Baptista              Patrick & Delia Cunningham        Ken & Dianne Hayes
Vince & Sophia Barbarie              Glennon & Patty Cuppy             Cindy & Rich Healy
Irene Bardwill                       Michael & Jeanette Cutuli         Jesus & Lupe Hernandez
John & Wendy Bauer                   Joseph & Mary Jo Soufl Czarske    Ernie & Susan Hernandez
Charles & Phyllis Baumgart           Pat Czarske                       In Memory: Gilbert Hinojosa
Kathleen Bawolski                    Dennis Dahl                       Frank & Carol Holmes
John & Cathy Bellotti                Robert & Julia Dances             Dennis & Meagan Ittner
Terry & Kathleen Benson              John & Agatha Dancy               Tom & Deb Ivons
Harold Bernstein                     Mary Catherine Davis              Bob & Kathy Jones
Kathleen Bethel                      Jesse & Luisa De Castro           Fr. Jim Kavanagh
Robert & Deborah Bickford            The De Ruyter Family              In Memory: Patricia Kearns
William Binckley                     Philip & Bernadine de Souza       Lee Kebler
Real Blais                           Noreen De Vusser                  Robert & Nancy Kennedy
Cheryl Bockhold                      Rick Deblasi                      Edward & Ann Kilcullen
Tim & Kelly Bode                     Mr. & Mrs. Jesse De Castro Sr.    Oliver & Lucy Chien Kou
Max & Beverly Borton                 John & Lea Demarco                Frank & Nancy Kraus
Christopher & Ann Brecker            Donat Dolbec                      Mary Krumpe
Dorothy Brittnacher                  Dick & Ursula Ducar               Leonard Kubiak
David & Clare Brown                  Albert Avoian & Elizabeth Dye     Marjorie Lacroix
John & Happy Brunetti                Mary Kay Edgar-Erickson           In Memory: Patrick Laden
Rita Buckels                         Rose Ericksen                     Kevin & Mara Lang
Delbert & Mercedita Burke            Mary Enos                         Tom & Laura Lasser
Henry Burke                          Byron Espina                      Dominik & Kasia Leconte
Rob & Eliza Burns                    The Fabis Family                  Sam & Sarah L'ecuyer
Patricia Burschinger                 The Fernando Family Trust         The Lee Family
William & Hope Butcher               Rick & Miki Finken                Jorge & Isabel Leon
Linda & John Cabibbo                 Charles & Helen Fischer           Sina - Leoncio Family
Eulogio & Sonia Cabotaje             John & Jeanne Fisher              Robert Lesniowski
Dean Campazzie                       Kristin Flannery                  Jan & Don Leyman
In Memory: Eugene C. Campos          Gude & George Floratos            Nestor & Cherryl Lim
Simeon & Angelita Beredo-Canullas    Kenneth & Betty Fogg              Marty & Arlene Lim
                   Jr. & Family      The Forst Family                  William & Susan Lippert
Joe & Linda Caravana                 Maren Fowler                      Howard & Mary Jo Little
The Carpenter Family: Peter,         Jan & Frederick Fruhling          Tony & Carrianne Lo Bue
               Angela, Ryan & Adam   In Memory: Richard Gainey         Richard Lontka
In Memory: Marie Gibson              Marty & Ann Gallagher             John Lopata
Corrine Cartabiano                   Mary Gannon                       Doane & Maria Lucio

                                           Page 4   March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
The Lujan Family                      Martha Olvera                            The Soriano Stark Family
Paul & Elsa Lukas                     Annette O'Neill                          Matt & Natalie Straup
Anthony & Alyce Lunardi               Steve & Elizabeth Ortiz                  Martha Suech
George Makhoul                        Lisa & Rex Ours                          Mark & Natalie Sullivan
Lisa & Michael Malgeri                William & Virginia Padian                Jim & Andrea Sullivan
Thomas & Patricia Malone              In Memory: The Corbett Sisters           Scott & Michelle Sutherland
Peter Mand                            Cynthia & Ruben Perez                    Philip & Karen Tang
Carlos, Connie & Charlie Martine      Willard & Libby Perry                    Biju & Vinu Thekkinedath
The Martins Family                    The Pirih Family                         Mike & Lynda Timko
Beverly Mautino                       David & Theresa Plakos                   Omar & Donna Tiongson
Leopoldo & Susan Mayoca               James & Donna Prietto                    Steven M. Toner
Joe & Risako T. McCarthy              Peter Puglese                            Dennis & Gayle Tons
Christopher & Laura McCauley          Gani & Cynthia Purwadi                   In Memory: Michael Topacio
Michael & Amy McCauley                Frank Soto & Marjorie Questin            Hector & Glecy Torres
Carol & Tom McGarry                   Dennis M. & Elaine Quinn                 Ben Torres
Michael & Evelyn McLaughlin           Deacon Mark & Louise Ramirez             Cynthia Toy
Donald Meade                          Lori Rayor                               The Landry & Trapani Family
Amy Meehan                            Aaron & Susana Reed                      Steve & Lisa Troyer
Violet Meeks                          Andrea Reilly                            Domingo & Roselily Ubalde
Susan Mercer                          Carolyn Rich                             Stephen Vaccarezza
Joseph & Kathryn Merkovsky            Anthony & Lucille Rizzo                  Larry & Rose Valeriano
Msgr. Michael Meyers                  Teresa Rodriguez                         Anotony & Ranju Varghese
Robert & Genevieve Mietzner           Frederic & Ely Ronkowski                 Joseph & Grace Velez
Thomas & Jeanne Miller                Edward & Irma Rosales                    Vicky Vi
Deacon Bob & Patty Miller             Larry Roughen                            Jojo & Cathy Villanueva
Gene & Patty Mock                     Moises & Rosemary Salas                  Mary Vollmer
Joanne Tabor & Rich Modic             Charles & Christina Salfity              Peter Waack
Yvonne Moeller                        Sueha & Khalid Samaan                    Dorothy Walbaum
In Memory: Tom Monette                Peter & LaVonne Schartz                  Rosemary Weick
In Memory: Logsdon Family &           Michael & Kaisa Schmitt Family           Mary Joan Welsh
            Moseley Family            Roxanne Shaw                             The Wheeler Family
Joe & Josephine Mullahey              Steven & Lori Sheridan                   Rodney & Patricia Wickers
In Memory: Mary & Paddy               In Memory: Deacon Richard Shinkle        Jay & Mary Wiest
            Naughton                  Warren & Linda Shogan                    Bob & Sandy Williamson
Brian & Lydia Nelson                  Clement Jae Sim                          John & Myra Wilson
Joanne Newman                         Jenny & David Sitter                     Nan & Jime Wimmer
John & Charito Antonio-Nichols        Wendie Skeoch                            The Windisch Family
Joyce A. Nitz                         Richard & Dorothy Slawson                Don & Jill Wussler
Kim & Smita Njeru                     Scott & Lynne Smith                      Froilan & Cecilia Yabes
Thomas Noone                          Billy & Linda Smith                      Madeline Young
Roberto & Bridget Norambuena          Mark Smith                               Leonard & Roseanne Zak
Eileen O'Brien                        Walter & Dorothy Smotrys                 Paul J. Zdanek
In Memory: Hatsue Frances             Robert & Bobbie Soufl                    Joe & Linda Zelik
            Ochinero                  Edward & Eileen Staal                    Robert & Edie Ziegler
Stephen & Lori Ohara                  Bill & Mary Stahura                      Lothar & Diane Zindric & Family

                                                              addition provides the
           Donor Spotlight                                    needed space for
We have been members of St. James for over 20 years.          growth of our existing
And over those 20 years we have been involved in many         ministries and the
ministries, beginning with teaching 2nd year students in      addition of any new
Religious Ed. to serving as lectors, Eucharistic ministers    ones.
and Sacristans.                                               Please join us in
As your new deacon couple, we see the potential that          supporting the Our
this new property can provide to all of us here at St.        Faith, Our Future
James. First and foremost is the potential for increased      Campaign with a
safety with classrooms, offices and meeting rooms on          generous gift.
the same side of PCH as the church and hall. Also, this       Deacon Mark and Louise Ramirez
                                               Page 5      March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
My experience at the retreat was more
                                                               than just perfect. I had a amazing time
                                                               getting to know more people and
                                                               getting closer with my friends. The
                                                               retreat really helped me learn more
                                                               about God and what He does for each
                                                               and everyone in the entire world. I am
                                                               entirely grateful for what the retreat has
                                                               done for me.
   February 14 - 16, 2020                                                            -Dani Rose Reyes
Year 2 Confirmation Retreat
    Salvation Army Mt. Crags
                               Interim Youth Minister,
         Calabasas, CA                                                                                      Trust activity
                               Gretchen, bonding with teens

Meal prayer circle

Women’s session                       Men’s session                              Ice breaker

                                               Page 6         March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
Our year two confirmation retreat was one of the best weekends I ever had!
                                             It taught me that I’m not alone in the issues I go through and so many
                                             others experience the same struggles. It was also very heartwarming how
                                             much the leaders stressed that they would always be there for us. I had a
                                             great time bonding with friends, but most importantly, the retreat helped me
                                             reconnect my relationship with God.
                                                                                                            -Ryan Checchi

Praise & worship                        Some of the Core Team          Core Team & Teen Disciples showing love

Step into the Light      Affirmation Boxes                             Adoration

                                                                                                              Events for all
                                                                                                              high school

                                                                                         Life Teen Summit Nights
                                                                                       All Monday night Summit Nights are
                                                                                           postponed until further notice.

                                                                                            High School Confirmation
                                                                                    Sundays | Begin with 5:30pm Mass
                                                                                    Dinner Provided in Kavanagh Hall
                                                                                    Pick up @ 8:30pm
                                                                                    Upcoming Dates:

                                                                                    Year 1 Confirmation March 8
My confirmation retreat experience                                                  Year 2 Confirmation March 1
restored my faith and love for God
and it showed me a new path of                                                      Contact our team!
belief and worship that I have been                                                 Email:
wanting in my life.                                                                 Text:     424.265.8336
                       -Matt Ingram                                                           saintjamesym
                                                Page 7    March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
Feb. / Mar. 2020

      Sunday                Mon            Tue                  Wed               Thurs              Fri              Saturday
      March 1              March 2       March 3               March 4           March 5           March 6             March 7

 1st Sunday of Lent      SPED Parents Bible Study Our Lady of Guadalupe Mom’s Group           Toddler Time     Women’s Guild
                            Ministry        7 pm      Rosary 8:30 am, Church 10 am PC 4, 5 9:05 am, PC 4,5     Lenten Retreat
  Y2 Confirmation       6:30 pm, PC 4 & Kavanagh Hall                                                            8 am Mass
   5:30 pm Mass                5                           Bible Study           Bingo       Stations of the 9 am Kavanagh Hall
      6:30 pm                                                8:45 am            6:45 pm           Cross
   Kavanagh Hall          Medjugorje                      Kavanagh Hall      Kavanagh Hall     Hosted by:       Confessions
                         Prayer Group                                                      Catholic Daughters   4 pm Church
                           7 pm, PC 6                 Sacred Heart Devotion                  7:30 pm, Church
                                                        12:30 pm, Church
      March 8              March 9       March 10             March 11           March 12         March 13            March 14
 2nd Sunday of Lent
                         Medjugorje    Bible Study          Bible Study        Mom’s Group Toddler Time              Confessions
  Bundle Sunday         Prayer Group      7 pm         8:45 am Kavanagh Hall   10 am PC 4, 5 9:05 am, PC 4,5         4 pm Church
   8 am –12 pm              7 pm      Kavanagh Hall
 Church Parking Lot     Kavanagh Hall                  Sacred Heart Devotion      Bingo       Stations of the
                                                         12:30 pm, Church         6:45 pm    Cross Hosted By:
 Children’s Liturgy                                                            Kavanagh Hall        TBD
10 am Kavanagh Hall                                       Women’s Guild                       7:30 pm, Church
                                                        7 pm, Kavanagh Hall
 Families Together
  Ministry 11 am
   Kavanagh Hall

   Y1 Confirmation
    5:30 pm Mass
6:30 pm Kavanagh Hall
     March 15             March 16       March 17             March 18           March 19         March 20            March 21

 3rd Sunday of Lent      Medjugorje    Bible Study          Bible Study        Mom’s Group        Adoration          Confessions
                        Prayer Group      7 pm         8:45 am Kavanagh Hall   10 am PC 4, 5    8:30 am-12 pm        4 pm Church
                            7 pm      Kavanagh Hall                                                Church
                        Kavanagh Hall                      Sacred Heart           Bingo
                                                             Devotion             6:45 pm     Toddler Time
                                                         12:30 pm, Church      Kavanagh Hall 9:05 am, PC 4,5

                                                        Catholic Daughters                      Stations of the
                                                          7:30 pm Rosary                       Cross Hosted By:
                                                         8:00 pm Meeting                        Youth Ministry
                                                           Kavanagh Hall                        7:30 pm, Church
     March 22             March 23       March 24             March 25           March 26         March 27            March 28
 4th Sunday of Lent
                         Medjugorje Parish Appre-             Bible Study      Mom’s Group      Toddler Time         Confessions
 Red Cross Blood        Prayer Group ciation Dinner             8:45 am        10 am PC 4, 5   9:05 am, PC 4,5       4 pm Church
 Mobile 8 am - 2 pm         7 pm          5 pm               Kavanagh Hall
 Church Parking Lot     Kavanagh Hall O’Gorman Cen-                               Bingo       Stations of the
                                           ter             Sacred Heart           6:45 pm    Cross Hosted By:
 Children’s Liturgy                                          Devotion          Kavanagh Hall Women’s Guild
    of the Word                                          12:30 pm, Church                     7:30 pm, Church
10 am Kavanagh Hall
                                                      Lay Dominican Meeting
   Y1 Confirmation                                         6:30 pm, PC 5
    5:30 pm Mass
6:30 pm Kavanagh Hall

                                                    Page 8     March 1st, 2020
Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...
Prayer Requests                                              Weekly Mass Intentions
          For those suffering illness, infirmity                 Sat.         Feb 29
           and those in need of our prayers:                     8 am         Msgr. Mike   Francisco Alonso 
                                                                 5:30 pm      Fr. Emmanuel Robert Holverson 
         Michele Santini, Baby Alana Allan                                                 Sr. Bernadette Naughton 
                 From death to new life.                         Sunday       March 1
         For the souls of the recently departed,                 6:30 am      Fr. I.K.     Betty Dahl 
            that through the mercy of God,                                                 David Franco 
                They may rest in peace:                          8 am         Fr. Jim      Dick Bungarden 
  Fernando Lujan, Manuela Flores, Pedko B. Ante,                                           Dick Bungarden 
         Priscilla C. Ante, Nestor B. Ante                       10 am        Msgr. Mike   St. James Parishioners
                                                                                           Pedro Sisa 
      Responsorial Psalms and Readings                           12 noon      Fr. Emmanuel Maria Hong Nguyen 
                      Monday                                                               Joe Mackin 
        Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.                   5:30 pm      Msgr. Mike   Irma Villoria 
           Lv 19:1-2, 11-18 / Mt 25:31-46                                                  Albert Telenic 
                       Tuesday                                   Monday       March 2
    From all their distress God rescues the just.                8 am         Msgr. Mike   Dawn Veasey 
                Is 55:10-11 / Mt 6:7-15                          12 noon      Fr. Emmanuel Eva Rojas & Family
                     Wednesday                                   Tuesday March 3
        A heart contrite and humbled, O God,                     8 am    Fr. Emmanuel Walter Baaden 
                 you will not spurn.                             12 noon Msgr. Mike   Tammy Estrada & Family
               Jon 3:1-10 / Lk 11:29-32
                                                                 Wed.         March 4
                                                                 8 am         Msgr. Mike    Jack Clarke 
 Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me.
           Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25 / Mt 7:7-12                    12 noon      Fr. Jim       John Agustines 

                        Friday                                   Thurs.       March 5
   If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand?               8 am         Fr. Jim      Laura & Mike Bevan
               Ez 18:21-28 / Mt 5:20-26                          12 noon      Fr. Emmanuel June Magana 
                     Saturday                                    Friday       March 6
  Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!               8 am         Fr. Emmanuel Manuel Chavez 
              Dt 26:16-19 / Mt 5:43-48                           12 noon      Msgr. Mike   Kap Soo Lee 
                                                                 Sat.         March 7
           Lord, let your mercy be on us,
                                                                 8 am         TBD           Michelle LaMontagne
            as we place our trust in you.
         Gn 12:1-4a / 2 Tm 1:8b-10 / Mt 17:1-9                   5:30 pm      TBD           Dr. Hector & Maria Sulit 
                                                                                            Gregoria Balinado 
                                                                 Sunday       March 8
                                                                 6:30 am      TBD           Michael Murphy 
        Adoration                                                                           Patricia Duggan
                                                                 8 am         TBD           Jack Clarke 
   Here I am to worship,                                                                    Rush Limbaugh
  Here I am to bow down,                                         10 am        TBD           St. James Parishioners
     Here I am to say                                                                       Vincent Granados 
   that you’re my God..                                          12 noon      TBD           Shelia Ryan 
"Come to Me all of you who are                                                              Patricia Ward 
     weary and find life                                         5:30 pm      TBD           Baby Alana Allen
    burdensome and I will                                                                   Jim Moffett 
        refresh you..."
Fri., Mar. 20th, 8:30am—noon
                                                                Priest celebrant may change according to circumstances.
                                                                For prayer requests or to request a Mass intention,
                                                                call the Parish Office. 310.372.5228

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Saint James Youth Ministry with Fr. Emmanuel - St. James ...

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