Page created by Veronica Powell

                                          COMMENCEMENT/REUNION ESSENTIALS
                                               For Parents of Graduating Students 		 2
                                               When You Arrive on Campus			4
                                               Housing					4
                                               Weekend Dining         			5
                                               Camp Oberlin for Children 			6

                                          PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE          			8

                                          ENTERTAINMENT & PERFORMANCES			16

                                          Join the tradition. Enjoy family-friendly activities.
                                          Celebrate the Class of 2019.

                        May 24-27, 2019

  2                                                                                               1
You are Invited!                                 required by either the parents or graduate.      edu/crw-shuttle. The shuttle times to and
                                                                             You and your family are invited to the 183rd     Commencement will be the morning of              from the airport are listed on the reservation
                                                                             Commencement in the proud history of             Monday, May 27, on Tappan Square, rain or        site once you select the number of people you
                                                                             Oberlin College. Commencement, which             shine. Tickets are not necessary; seats are on   want to make the reservation for. To make
                                                                             is celebrated in conjunction with alumni         a first-come, first-served basis.                reservations over the phone, call the shuttle
                                                                             reunions, has always been a distinctive               Please visit               company directly at (800) 972-9940 and
                                                                             occasion at Oberlin, featuring big tents,        commencement to order graduation                 mention “Oberlin Commencement Shuttle.”
                                                                             Japanese lanterns, and events open to all        announcements or official photographs,           You may make your payment over the phone
                                                                             members of the community. We hope that           for information on flowers, and for cap          with a credit card, and you will receive an
                                                                             when you read the schedule of activities,        and gown contact information. Oberlin            email confirmation upon providing your
                                                                             you will be as full of anticipation as we are.   does not require graduating students to          email address. If you require a wheelchair
                                                                             We are proud of the accomplishments of           wear academic regalia. Graduates who             lift, please call the shuttle company directly
                                                                             the Class of 2019, and we look forward to        are interested in wearing regalia in the         at the number above.
                                                                             celebrating with you in May.                     Commencement exercises can purchase                   At the airport, customers should pro-
                                                                                                                              or rent items from the Ben Franklin Store,       ceed to the baggage claim level, then find the
                                                                                                                              13 W. College Street, 440.774.5711, or the       USTG/US event service representative at the
                                                                             For Parents of
                                                                                                                              Oberlin Bookstore, 37 W. College Street,         Welcome Information Booth in the middle of
                                                                             Graduating Students

                                                                                                                              440.774.7722.                                    baggage claim concourse at least 10 minutes
                     Join the tradition. Enjoy family-friendly activities.

                                                                             Parents should use the online reservation
                                                                                                                                   As we move closer to Commencement,          prior to pick-up time.
                                                                             form found on the Commencement website
                                                                                                                              graduates will receive further information            In Oberlin, the shuttle arrives and
                                                                             ( to
                                                                                                                              about the weekend’s details, and you should      departs from the shuttle stop in front of the
                                                                             arrange housing and dining for themselves
                                                                                                                              keep in touch with them about the schedule.      Slow Train Café, located at 55 E. College

                                                                             and other family members. Graduates have
                                                                                                                              We hope Commencement will be a joyous            Street. This stop is close to both The Hotel at
                                                                             also received this same information so
                                                                                                                              time for you, and we look forward to having      Oberlin and the Commencement/Reunion
                                                                             that you may discuss your family’s plans
                                                                                                                              you with us.                                     Welcome Center in the Ward Alumni Center
                                                                             before completing your online reservation
                                                                                                                                   Please note that receipt of this mailing    (65 E. College Street, Suite 4). The trip to and
                                                                             forms. You do not have to make housing
                                                                                                                              does not indicate or confirm that a student is   from Oberlin is approximately 45 minutes.
                                                                             arrangements for your graduate unless they
                                                                                                                              eligible to graduate. That information is only   Please arrive at the shuttle stop 10 minutes
                                                                             are a mid-year graduate not currently living
                                                                                                                              available to students from the Office of the     before departure.
                                                                             on campus.
                                                                                                                              Registrar. Please ask your student if you have        With advance reservations, the fare is $32
                                                                                 Regarding housing and meal
                                                                                                                              any questions.                                   one-way, per person or $58 round-trip, per
                     Celebrate the Class of 2019.

                                                                             accommodations, you and members of your
                                                                                                                                                                               person (via Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and
                                                                             family may stay in a college residence hall,
                                                                                                                              Directions and Transportation                    American Express only). Walk-up passengers
                                                                             make your own arrangements in an area
                                                                                                                              DIRECTIONS: Campus maps and detailed             will pay a one-way fare of $35 per person us-
                                                                             hotel, or opt to stay in an Oberlin home with
                                                                                                                              directions to Oberlin, including train           ing cash or credit card. The last day to make
                                                                             a host family. The Hotel at Oberlin, which
                                                                                                                              and bus information, appear at                   a reservation is Wednesday, May 22, 2019 by
                                                                             has a limited number of rooms, is reserved
                                                                                                                                             midnight EDT.
                                                                             for the 60th reunion, honorary recipients,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Cancellation policy: Regardless of reason
                                                                             and speakers. On-campus RV sites are             SHUTTLES FROM THE AIRPORT: Major                 and/or cause, any service that is canceled
                                                                             also available. Meals are available in the       airlines serve Cleveland Hopkins                 prior to the scheduled service date is subject
                                                                             Stevenson food court or in local restaurants.    International Airport. Shuttle service to        to a minimum cancellation charge of $5 per
                                                                             Graduating students receive meal tickets for     and from the airport is available courtesy       airport transfer service. In addition, airport
                                                                             the entire week beginning with dinner on         of U.S. Event Services for the weekend by        shuttle service that is canceled after midnight
                                                                             Monday, May 20. Tickets to the Champagne         advance reservation (very limited walk-          on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, is subject to a
                                                                             Social, Shansi Breakfast (if applicable), and    on space available). Please make online          minimum cancellation charge of 100 percent
                                                                             the Class of 2019 Family Social are free to      shuttle reservations by visiting go.oberlin.     of the total service cost.
                                                                             graduating students; however, registration is
  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3
RIDESHARE PROGRAM: Find other Oberlin              Weekend Housing                                    PRIMARY ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE                   half price; children 3 and under are free.
parents, alumni, and friends in your               For those who prefer to stay on campus,            WEEKEND ARE AS FOLLOWS:
region with whom to travel using Oberlin           residence hall housing is available Friday,        Parents/Families: Language Houses and            Wheelchair Rental
Switchboard. Go to http://switchboard.             Saturday, and Sunday nights. Due to the short      Lord/Saunders                                    Wheelchairs and a limited number of to ask for or offer a ride.            turnaround time between the undergraduates         1958, 1959, 1960: The Hotel at Oberlin           electric scooters will be available from the
                                                   leaving and weekend guests arriving, we are        (overflow in Asia House)                         Commencement/Reunion Welcome Center
BIKE RENTALS: Rent a bike from the Oberlin                                                            1969: Kahn Hall (overflow in Barnard
                                                   not able to accommodate guests on Thursday.                                                         for a flat weekend fee of $30 (wheelchair)
Bicycle Co-Operative, located in the base-                                                            and Bailey)
                                                   All dorms must be vacated by 1:00 p.m. on                                                           or $50 (scooter). Quantities are limited, so
ment at the rear of Keep Cottage, 154 N.                                                              1973, 1974, 1975: Langston Hall
                                                   Monday, May 27, 2019.                                                                               please call the Office of Alumni Relations at
Main Street. Bikes can be rented by the day                                                           1988, 1989, 1990: South Hall
                                                       Residence halls are not air conditioned                                                         440.775.8692 to make a reservation. A Visa
or the weekend. The Bike Co-Op accepts cash                                                           1994: Talcott Hall (overflow in Baldwin
                                                   (except for Kahn Hall and some rooms in Asia                                                        or MasterCard is required when you call,
or checks, but not credit cards. Locks will not                                                       and Fairchild)
                                                   House, where the Half-Century Club alumni                                                           but you will not be charged until the device
be provided, so please bring your own lock                                                            2008, 2009, 2010: Burton Hall
                                                   classes are housed), and all beds are twin-                                                         is picked up. Wheelchairs must be returned
from home. If you have any questions about
                                                   sized. A common bathroom is located down                                                            by 1:45 p.m. on Monday, May 27, or you will
the Co-Op’s Bike Rental program, please
                                                   the hall from each room. Linens, including a       Camping                                          be charged a $35 late fee.
                                                   towel, sheets, a lightweight blanket, and pillow   The camper and RV site is the Grey Gables
                                                   for each bed, are provided. We encourage you       parking lot on W. College Street across from     Important Information for
When You Arrive on Campus                          to bring the following items: reading lamp,        Dascomb Hall; you may use restroom and
Please make the Commencement/Reunion                                                                                                                   Guests with Special Needs
                                                   hangers, small fan, alarm clock, and extra         shower facilities in South Hall. Note that
Welcome Center in the Ward Alumni Center                                                                                                               Guests with special needs, including but not
                                                   blankets or pillows if needed. Please note that    only electricity, 110/220, is offered at the
(65 E. College Street, Suite 4) your first stop.                                                                                                       limited to accessibility, housing require-
                                                   residence hall accommodations are very basic       camper and RV sites; there are four light
There you will find your pre-paid meal tick-                                                                                                           ments, and food allergies, should indicate
                                                   and offer few amenities. No pets, other than       poles that have four outlets on each. There
ets, room assignments, and a full weekend                                                                                                              their needs on the registration form. We will
                                                   approved service animals, are allowed.             are no dumping stations nor water avail-
schedule. The center is open during the                                                                                                                do our best to provide a maximum level of
                                                       Oberlin College has a limited number of        able. Sites are limited, so please request one
following hours:                                                                                                                                       comfort to all guests. Please inform us of
                                                   ADA accessible housing options. If you have        when registering for the weekend. There is
                                                                                                                                                       special needs as far in advance as possible,
Friday, May 24 | 9:00 a.m.–1:00 a.m.               a disability that requires special accommo-        a $20 fee per night. Your parking tag will be
                                                                                                                                                       as such arrangements may require time to
Saturday, May 25 | 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.             dations, please provide us with a description      included in your ticket envelope at the
                                                                                                                                                       coordinate. Every reasonable attempt will be
Sunday, May 26 | 8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.               of your disability or the condition that is the    Commencement/Reunion Welcome Center.
                                                                                                                                                       made to meet the requests. We will inform
Monday, May 27 | 8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.               basis of your request.                                 Tent sites are available, free of charge,
                                                                                                                                                       you of any requests that we are unable to ac-
                                                       A hotel list is available at www.oberlin.      west of the Williams Field House. You may
                                                                                                                                                       commodate. If you require special personal
NOTE: If you arrive on campus after the            edu/visitor if you prefer not to stay in a         park in the Jesse Philips Physical Education
                                                                                                                                                       assistance, please make plans to bring a care
Welcome Center closes and are staying in a         residence hall room. If you stay in a hotel, you   Center parking lot and use restroom and
                                                                                                                                                       provider with you to campus.
residence hall, please go directly to the Office   will need to travel back and forth to campus;      shower facilities on North Campus. No
of Campus Safety at 159 W. Lorain Street. If       however, you will have the benefit of a private    registration is required for campsites. Please   NOTE: While we will try to accommodate
you have pre-registered for a room, a security     bath, air conditioning, and TV, which are not      visit the Welcome Center for a key card for      guests with mobility issues, some buildings
officer will take you to your room and let         available in the residence halls. Please work      access to restroom and shower facilities.        on campus are not accessible to everyone.
you in; however, they will not be able to give     directly with the hotel to make reservations.                                                       Guests in wheelchairs and those who use
you a key to your room. Please come to the                                                            Weekend Dining                                   electric scooters, crutches, walkers, etc. may
Commencement/Reunion Welcome Center                Housing Assignments                                General meal dining (credit only, pay at         not be able to comfortably stay in or visit all
the following morning to pick up your regis-       Residence hall rooms are assigned once             the door) will be available in the Ste-
tration packet and room key.                       Oberlin knows how many family members              venson food court during the weekend.
    If you arrive on campus after the Welcome      and alumni are registered for Commence-            Hours of operation are 7:30-9:00 a.m.               CHECK THE OBERLIN WEBSITE!
Center closes and you are not staying in a         ment/Reunion Weekend. Register before May          Friday-Monday for breakfast ($7.25), 11:00          For up-to-date Commencement/
residence hall, please pick up your tickets the    1 for the best chance to be housed with family/    a.m.-1:00 p.m. Friday-Monday for lunch              Reunion information, visit
following morning or arrange for your stu-         friends. Housing is served on a first-come,        ($8.75), and 5:00-7:00 p.m. Friday-Sunday 
dent to pick them up before closing time.          first-served basis.                                for dinner ($12.50). Children ages 4-12 are
4                                                                                                                                                                                                        5
buildings on campus. We apologize for this        MAKING A GIFT IS EASY. YOU CAN:                 the children’s activities, arrangements can be       Registration Materials
inconvenience.                                       • Make a gift through your weekend           made with the coordinators to have children          Due to the large number of people expected
                                                       registration form.                         go directly to the pizza dinners.                    to attend the weekend events (more than
Get Active!                                          • Give directly through our secure site:                                                          3,000 in 2018), submitting your reservation
Philips Physical Education Center, as well                           Toddlers and Infants—Wee Obies                       requests early is recommended. We are
as the new Shanks Health and Wellness                • Write a check at the Commencement/         If you have children who are too young for           asking everyone to register online. Alumni
Center and renovated Carr Pool, will be                Reunion Welcome Center.                    Camp Oberlin, please contact the Office of           can register by visiting
open Friday through Sunday. Racquets and                                                          Alumni Relations at for           reunion and parents by visiting www.
                                                  QUESTIONS? Contact Parent & Family
balls may be borrowed from the equipment                                                          a list of on-call babysitters. This list will also We do not
                                                  Giving at 440.775.5473 or email
room. Lockers and towels are available for a                                                      be available at the Welcome Center. It is your       accept registrations over the phone.
small daily fee. Please note that non-mark-                                                       responsibility and discretion to interview               Please keep in mind that tickets to some
ing shoes must be worn in Philips. You may                                                        or complete a background check on the                of the more popular events sell out before
bowl at College Lanes in Hales Annex.
                                                  Cancellation Policy                             potential babysitters. Oberlin College has not       the weekend. We cannot guarantee tickets
                                                  Full refunds (minus registration processing                                                          or housing accommodations for alumni
                                                                                                  done any background checks or interviews
                                                  fees) will be issued if we receive notice of                                                         and parents who arrive on campus without
Sign Language Interpretation                                                                      with these individuals. There are a limited
                                                  cancellation before 11:59 p.m. EDT, Friday,                                                          reservations. Please note that The Hotel at
The Crimson and Gold Convocation                                                                  number of highchairs available in the dining
                                                  May 17. No refunds will be made after that                                                           Oberlin is reserved for the 60th Reunion
and Presidential Address, Multifaith                                                              halls. Due to liability issues, we are unable to
                                                  time unless an event is sold out or canceled.                                                        (Classes of 1958, 1959, and 1960), honorary
Baccalaureate Celebration, and                                                                    provide portable cribs. A changing station is
Commencement exercises will be                                                                    available in the Welcome Center.                     degree recipients, and speakers.
interpreted. Closed captioning will be
                                                  Camp Oberlin for Children                                                                                Alumni, parents, and family members
                                                  Make Commencement/Reunion Weekend a                                                                  of graduating students are charged a $5
available for the commencement ceremony.                                                          Just for Teens
                                                  family vacation! This is a great opportunity                                                         processing fee per registration if attending
Please note on the reservation form if you                                                        Oberlin will offer supervised activities for
                                                  to introduce younger children to Oberlin                                                             ticketed events or requesting housing.
need to be near the speaker’s platform.                                                           teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17
                                                  College. We offer supervised recreational                                                                Please make reservations for residence
                                                                                                  throughout the weekend. There are a number
                                                  activities for children ages 4 to 12 Saturday                                                        hall rooms, meals, and special events on the
Make a Gift in Honor of                                                                           of admissions tours, seminars, and financial
                                                  and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                                               online form before 11:59 p.m. EDT on May
Your Graduate                                                                                     aid information sessions available during
                                                  Children will enjoy various activities on and                                                        1 to receive early bird pricing. Reservations
A commencement gift is a wonderful way                                                            the day on Friday and Saturday by advance
                                                  off campus, including touring the Little Red                                                         are not accepted without payment in full.
to celebrate your student’s achievement and                                                       reservation. See the daily listing on the
                                                  Schoolhouse, bowling, crafts, an Indonesian                                                          You will receive an acknowledgement by
support the college for the benefit of all stu-                                                   following pages for information on how to
                                                  Gong ensemble workshop, and much more!                                                               email when you submit your reservations.
dents. And we want to help you show your                                                          register directly with the admissions office.
                                                      Children should be dropped off and                                                                   The Office of Alumni Relations will
pride through some special recognition:                                                           Afternoon and evening activities include
                                                  picked up at the Commencement/Reunion                                                                not be able to accept reservations after
    • Gifts of any amount will be recog-                                                          glow bowling, billiards, and tater tots in
                                                  Welcome Center. Please provide children                                                              11:59 p.m. EDT on May 17, 2019. Limited
       nized on an alphabetical listing on the                                                    Wilder Hall; a movie night; their own night
                                                  with a water bottle with their choice of                                                             tickets for meals and special events that
       Parents CRW page through June.                                                             at the ’Sco; meals on Saturday and Sunday
                                                  drink. Cost is $75 per day, lunch                                                                    are not sold out will be available at the
    • Gifts made by May 15 of $100 or more                                                        evenings; and more. Cost is $75 for the
                                                  included, and requires advance registration.                                                         Commencement/Reunion Welcome
       will qualify for a sweet treat for your                                                    weekend. Advance registration is required;
                                                  Please sign up on the online registration                                                            Center during registration hours. Limited
       student.                                                                                   please use the online registration form.
                                                  form and include your child’s name and age                                                           dormitory housing may also be available.
    • Gifts made by May 15 of $2,500 or           and any special needs such as food allergies
       more will receive an invitation to         or if they require individualized attention.
       a special celebration with other leader-       On Saturday and Sunday, from 5:30
       ship-level parent donors over Com-         p.m. to 8:30 p.m., children’s pizza dinners
       mencement/Reunion Weekend and                                                                QUESTIONS ABOUT THE WEEKEND?
                                                  will be available in Wilder Hall for children
       Oberlin Family Fellows recognition                                                           Office of Alumni Relations | 65 E. College Street, Suite 4, Oberlin, OH 44074
                                                  ages 4 to 12. Cost for the pizza dinners is
       throughout the coming year.                                                                  P: 440.775.8692 | E:
                                                  $10 per child. Please sign up on the online
                                                                                                    Parents’ Website:
                                                  registration form. If your child is attending

6                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
Available all Weekend:
              Faculty and student presentations, alumni presentations, panels, and activities hosted
              by reunion classes; tours of campus and new buildings; Allen Memorial Art Museum
              and Weltzheimer/Johnson Frank Lloyd Wright House exhibits and tours; library tours;
              departmental and program open houses; and Oberlin Heritage Center tours.

              FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2019
              8:00 a.m.            $   Heisman Club Golf Scramble
                                   Played at the Oberlin Golf Club in an 18-hole team scramble format, this
                                   golf outing is open to anyone interested in hitting the links! Pre-regis-
                                   tration required, place your reservation early, as the scramble is limit-
                                   ed to 100 players. Please bring your own clubs. Contact Creg Jantz at
                                   440.775.6401 or

              12:30 p.m.           General Campus Tour for Prospective Students
                                   Pre-registration required. Please register at

              1:00-5:00 p.m.       Graduating Seniors’ Art Exhibition

              1:30-2:30 p.m.       Admissions and Financial Aid Information Session
                                   Session for alumni and their high school age students and siblings of
                                   current students. Learn more about Oberlin and the admissions and
                                   financial aid process at Oberlin College. Pre-registration required. Please
                                   register at

              1:30-4:30 p.m.       Individual Admissions Interviews
                                   For high school juniors who are considering applying to Oberlin.
                                   Pre-registration required. Please register at


              4:00 p.m.            International Students, Families, and Friends Reception



 8                                                                                                               9
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2019 CONTINUED                                                               SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019
4:30 p.m.        Leadership Donor Reception hosted by President Ambar                        9:00-11:00 a.m.   College Admissions 101
                 Members of the John Frederick Oberlin Society, the Luminary Society,                          A half-day seminar for the high school age children of alumni and
                 and the Charles Martin Hall Society are invited to The Peter B. Lewis                         siblings of current students. Learn about the college admissions process,
                 Gateway Center (The Hotel at Oberlin) for a reception and short program                       preparing for interviews, and writing college application essays.
                 honoring them for their exemplary support of Oberlin during their                             Pre-registration is required. Please register at https://connect.oberlin.
                 lifetime or through their long-term philanthropic plans. Sponsored by the                     edu/register/admissions101.
                 Office of Development (by invitation only).
                                                                                             10:00 a.m.        Torah Study and Discussion with Rabbi Megan Doherty
4:30-6:00 p.m.   Oberlin Lambda Alumni & Multicultural Resource Center
                 Colloquium and Lavender Graduation Ceremony                                 11:00 a.m.-noon   Admissions and Financial Aid Information Session
                 An event for LGBTQ alumni and graduates. All are welcome.                                     Session for alumni and their high school age students and siblings of
                                                                                                               current students. Learn more about Oberlin and the admissions and
5:30 p.m.        Shabbat Service                                                                               financial aid process at Oberlin College. Pre-registration required.
                                                                                                               Please register at
6:30 p.m.        $   Champagne Social for Alumni and Graduating Seniors
                 Graduates will enjoy plenty of food under the Big Top in an interactive     Noon              General Campus Tour for Prospective Students
                 and intergenerational setting as they are welcomed into the Oberlin                           Pre-registration required. Please register at
                 Alumni Association.                                                                           register/admissions101.

                 Shabbat Dinner                                                                                Oberlin Student Cooperative Association (OSCA) Alumni Picnic
                 Direct inquiries to Talia Rodwin at No charge, but
                 reservations requested.                                                     1:00 p.m.         Tour of the Robert S. Lemle ’75 and Roni Kohen-Lemle ’76
                                                                                                               Academic Commons and Mary Church Terrell Main Library
7:30 p.m.        Family Style Shabbos Dinner                                                                   Hosted by Alexia Hudson-Ward, Director of Libraries.
                 Join us for our Family Shabbat Dinner Celebration honoring the Class
                 of 2019. Come and go as you please. All are welcome regardless of           1:00-2:30 p.m.    Asian/Pacific Islander Diaspora Graduation Ceremony
                 background, prior knowledge, or affiliation.
                                                                                             1:00-5:00 p.m.    Graduating Seniors’ Art Exhibition
8:30 p.m.        $   The Grand Piano Extravaganza
                                                                                             1:30-3:30 p.m.    Oberlin Shansi Open House
9:30 p.m.        Cinema Studies Screening: The Best Student Films of the Year
                 (Program A)                                                                 2:00-5:00 p.m.    Oberlin Swimming and Diving Alumni Gathering
                                                                                                               Co-hosted by Emeritus Professor Dick Michaels and Alex de la Peña,
11: 00 p.m.      Organ Pump: Late Night Music and Antics                                                       head coach of swimming and diving.

                                                                                                               Oberlin Contra Dance

                                                                                             2:30-3:30 p.m.    Phi Beta Kappa Initiation Ceremony & Reception

10                                                                                                                                                                                         11
SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019 CONTINUED                                                                SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019
3:00-4:30 p.m.   Heisman Club Hall of Honor Ceremony                                            8:00 a.m.        $   Oberlin Shansi Breakfast
                 The Hall of Honor recognizes individuals who have helped advance the
                 areas of varsity and recreational sports and health and wellness. Check-in     8:30 a.m.        5K Fun Run and Walk
                 will begin at 2:45 p.m. Pre-registration required. Please contact Creg Jantz                    A family friendly annual event. Sponsored by the Heisman Club.
                 at 440.775.6401 or Walk-ups welcome.
                                                                                                10:30 a.m.       Crimson and Gold Convocation and Presidential Address
                 Latinx Graduation Ceremony                                                       A special Commencement/Reunion Weekend convocation featuring
                                                                                                  President Carmen Twillie Ambar’s state-of-the-college address;
3:00 p.m.        $   Koreo Hip-Hop Dance Performance                                              presentation of Oberlin Alumni Association awards; and a student
                                                                                                  organ recital.
                 Oberlin College Taiko
                                                                                                11:30 a.m.       $   Kendal at Oberlin Sunday Brunch
4:00 p.m.        Conservatory Reception                                                                          Please call 440.775.9801 to register for the brunch.
                 For alumni, graduates, and families.                                                            $15.25 + tax per person.

4:00-5:30 p.m.   Friends of the Libraries Reception                                             Noon             $   Class of 2019 Family Social
                 Hosted by Alexia Hudson-Ward, Director of Libraries.                                            Enjoy an informal social of celebration and music with your graduate and
                                                                                                                 other families and guests. Light lunch fare and beverages will be served.
5:00 p.m.        Newman Catholic Community Mass                                                                  Tickets are complimentary for members of the Class of 2019, but must be
                                                                                                                 reserved in advance.
5:30-8:30 p.m.   $   Children’s Pizza Dinner & Movies
                                                                                                1:00-5:00 p.m.   Graduating Seniors’ Art Exhibition
6:00 p.m.        $   Reunion Receptions & Dinners
                 Featuring programs and special guests.                                         1:30 p.m.        Multifaith Baccalaureate Celebration
                                                                                                                 A celebration with blessings and reflections in honor of the Class of 2019,
8:00 p.m.        Commencement Recital Part I                                                                     alumni, families,and friends. Pre-service music, featuring members of
                                                                                                                 the Class of 2019 graduating from the Conservatory of Music, will begin
                 Oberlin Swing Society Dance                                                                     at 1 p.m.

9:30 p.m.        Cinema Studies Screening: The Best Student Films of the Year                   3:00 p.m.        $   Koreo Hip-Hop Dance Performance
                 (Program B)
                                                                                                                 Oberlin College Taiko
10:15 p.m.        $ Acapelicans, Nothing But Treble, Obertones, and

                 ’Round Midnight                                                                3:00-5:00 p.m.   Africana Graduation Ceremony
                 A cappella music for everyone! From Bach to Beatles, fusion to funk,
                 these students rock the house—a cappella style.                                4:00 p.m.        OCircus!

                                                                                                4:30-6:00 p.m.   Oberlin Improv Extravaganza

                                                                                                5:00 p.m.        $   Oberlin Baroque Ensemble

12                                                                                                                                                                                        13
5:00-6:00 p.m.    Oberlin Family Fellows Reception
                  Parent donors recognized at the Oberlin Family Fellows level are invited
                  to bring their graduating student and family members to a special
                  reception in honor of their student and the impact their family has made
                  through their philanthropic investment at Oberlin. Sponsored by the
                  Office of Parent and Family Giving (by invitation only).

5:30-8:30 p.m.    $   Children’s Pizza Dinner & Movies

6:00 p.m.         $   Reunion Receptions and Dinners

7:00-10:00 p.m.   Social on the Square

8:00 p.m.         Commencement Recital Part II

8:00-9:00 p.m.    Posse Scholars Commencement Reception

                  Bonner Scholar Graduation Celebration
                  A ceremony celebrating graduating Bonner Scholars and
                  their accomplishments.

9:45 p.m.         Campus Illumination and Commencement Concert
                  At the conclusion of Illumination and the concert, Oberlin Steel
                  will perform.

MONDAY, MAY 27, 2019
9:00 a.m.         Academic Procession Forms

9:30 a.m.         Academic Procession & Commencement

12:15 p.m.        Chabad Graduation Celebration Open House Lunch
                  Join us in celebration of graduation. Immediately following commence-
                  ment exercises, bring your friends and family for cold drinks and a
                  delicious lunch. Hosted by Rabbi Shlomo and Devorah Elkan. All Chabad
                  events are open to everyone, regardless of background, prior knowledge,
                  or affiliation.

12:30 p.m.        $   Class of 1969 Farewell Brunch

14                                                                                           15
Please remember to register for                   $ Koreo Hip-Hop Dance                         OCircus!
                   entertainment events that require tickets         Performance                                   Folk-Circus Oberlin style! Jugglers, tumblers,
                   as soon as possible, since they can sell out      Koreo is a co-ed hip-hop fusion dance         stilt-walkers, and other performers present a
                   before the weekend. If you have questions,        troupe featuring student-choreographed        family-friendly show. Suitable for children of
                   please contact the Office of Alumni Relations     performances. Its mission is to be a source   ALL ages.
                   at 440.775.8692 or            of artistic expression and learning through   Sunday, 4:00 p.m., Hales Gym, free admission
                                                                     dance, while always seeking to maintain a
                   $ The Grand Piano Extravaganza                    standard of professionalism and quality.      Oberlin Improv Extravaganza
                   How many pianos can we get on stage? This                                                       Sunshine Scouts, Primitive Streak, Kid
                                                                     Saturday and Sunday, 3:00 p.m.,
                   not-to-be missed annual event featuring                                                         Business and Neurotic Fiction perform back
                                                                     Wilder Hall Main Space, Tickets $10
                   conservatory piano faculty members and                                                          to back for your viewing pleasure. All are
                   graduating seniors is a great way to begin the    Oberlin College Taiko                         welcome, but most appropriate for ages 13
                   weekend. Proceeds benefit piano department        “Taiko” means wide drum in Japanese;          and up.
                   projects. All seats are reserved.                  Oberlin Taiko means a great show, lots of    Sunday, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Hales Annex,
                   Friday, 8:30 p.m., Warner Concert Hall,            energy, and plenty of drums.                 Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse, free admission
                   Tickets $25                                        Saturday and Sunday, 3:00 p.m., Tappan
                                                                      Square, free admission                       $ Oberlin Baroque Ensemble
                   Cinema Studies Screening: The                                                                   The Oberlin Conservatory of Music, a

                   Best Student Films of the Year                    Commencement Recitals:                        pioneer and leader in historically informed
                   This special program features the best            Part I and Part II                            performance, presents a program of baroque
                   Oberlin student narrative, documentary,           Outstanding conservatory seniors              chamber music featuring conservatory
                   animated, and experimental films of 2018-19.      will perform.                                 students from the Historical Performance
                   All are welcome.                                  Saturday and Sunday, 8:00 p.m.,               program and coached by HP faculty members.
                   Friday and Saturday, 9:30 p.m., Apollo            Finney Chapel, free admission                 Sunday, 5:00 p.m., Fairchild Chapel,

                   Theatre, free admission                                                                         Tickets $20
                                                                     Oberlin Swing Society Dance
                   Organ Pump: Late Night Music                      Try your hand (and feet) at swinging the      Campus Illumination
                   and Antics                                        night away! Beginner swing lesson taught      Tappan Square at its most beautiful, with
                   Enjoy a fun-filled musical spectacle! Hilarity    from 8:00-9:00 p.m. Dance to recorded         hundreds of colorful Japanese lanterns strung
                   guaranteed. Sponsored by the Organ Pump           music from 9:00 p.m.-midnight. Come to        across the green. Families may enjoy ice
                   Committee of Oberlin (OPCO).                      learn, dance, or just watch—you’ll be glad    cream, music, and more.
                   Friday, 11:00 p.m., Finney Chapel,                you did. See you on the dance floor!          Sunday, 7:00 p.m., Tappan Square,
                   free admission                                    Saturday, 8:00 p.m., Hales Gym,               free admission
                                                                     free admission
                   Oberlin Contra                                                                                  Oberlin Steel Performance
                   What’s a great way to celebrate the Class          $ Acapelicans, Nothing But                   Oberlin College’s steel drum band plays in the
                   of 2019? Dance with them! No experience                                                         tradition of the great steel bands of Trinidad,
                                                                      Treble, Obertones, and
                   necessary, no partner needed. Come contra                                                       but also performs arrangements of salsa,
                   dancing to live music provided by a student
                                                                     ’Round Midnight
                                                                     A cappella music for everyone! From Bach      calypso, and jazz tunes as well as original
                   band with instructions from student callers.                                                    compositions and arrangements by band
                                                                     to Beatles, fusion to funk, these students
                   There will be a half-hour lesson from 2:00-2:30                                                 members.
                                                                     rock the house—a cappella style.
                   p.m. and dancing from 2:30-5:00 p.m.                                                            Immediately following Campus Illumination,
                                                                     Saturday, 10:15 p.m., Finney Chapel,
                   All are welcome.                                                                                steps of Finney Chapel
                                                                     Tickets $15
                   Saturday, 2:00 p.m., Hales Gym,
                   free admission

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Oberlin Alumni Association                                                NONPROFIT ORG
                                 65 East College Street, Suite 4                                           U.S. POSTAGE
                                 Oberlin, OH 44074                                                         PAID
                                                                                                           OBERLIN COLLEGE


May 24-27, 2019
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