VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey

Page created by David Harris
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
Eastland-Fairfield Career
      and Technical Schools

For Prospective Students of the 2021-2022 School Year
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
YOU                                        ACCEPTANCE
                                                        ARE                                        If you meet all of the enrollment requirements,
                                                                                                   you will be notified of your acceptance

                                                        Your High School
                                                                                                   and will be welcomed into our next class of
                                                                                                   Eastland-Fairfield students!

Start Your                                                                                                                                       ATTEND

                                                                                                                                                 Starting in August 2021,
                                                                                                                                                 the journey begins!

                     GUIDANCE                                                      Once you’ve reached
                                                                                   a decision, we invite
                     Eastland-Fairfield Career Services & Your                     you to apply using our
                     School Counselor: These are the people
                     who will help inform you, educate you,
                     and work with you to help you make the
                                                                                   online application at
                                                                          The                           GRADUATE
                                                                                   online application for                           Whether you are completing
                     best decision about possibly attending                        2020-2021 goes live on                           a two-year program or a one-
                     an Eastland-Fairfield program.                                December 3, 2020.                                year program, the journey leads
                                                                                                                                    to your high school graduation
                                                                                                                                    and unlimited possibilities. Your
                                                                                                                                    opportunities after high school
                                                                                                                                    are endless thanks to the skill set
                                                                                                                                    you will gain while studying in a
                             EXPLORE EFCTS                                                                                          career-tech program.
                             One of the best ways to know if Eastland-Fairfield
                             is for you is to explore. We invite you to take our
                             virtual tour (designed to keep you and your family
                             safe during this pandemic) or set-up a virtual

                             meeting or visit with our Career Services team.

                                                                                                                                        Your story may start once enrolled
                                                                                                                                        in an Eastland-Fairfield program,

  RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                                                                      but a new chapter will unfold
                                                                                                                                        once you complete a program
   In order to attend, you will need to meet certain grade                                                                              and enter the real world!
   and credit requirements as well as ensure your school
   attendance meets our guidelines.
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
Welcome to career exploration with Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical
   Schools! We know planning for the future can be daunting and sometimes it’s
   hard to know where to start. The Career Services Team at Eastland-Fairfield
   is here to help you explore all the options and opportunities available to you

   during your high school years. Our goal is to help you find your passion and
   build your path to a successful career.

   We are your Career Services Specialists. Each of us serves specific school
   districts within our 16 district service area. We will be your guide as you begin
   your journey preparing for your future upon graduation. Whether you choose to
   participate in a career and technical program at Eastland-Fairfield, or simply

                                                                                               At A Glance
   use our viewbook as a tool to discover your career path, we are excited to help
   you get the best start.

   Let’s #StartYourStory today!
                                                                                              Who We Are at EFCTS                                          Graduation & Diploma
                                                                                              Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools serves         Students enrolled in an Eastland-Fairfield program

                                                                                              16 school districts in Franklin, Fairfield, and Pickaway     will graduate and receive their diploma from their
                                                                                              counties. It covers an area of 700 square miles and          home high school. The career-technical program
                                                                                              is the seventh-largest career and technical district         is simply an extension of the learning opportunities
                                                                                              geographically in the state. Students in 11th and 12th       available for families enrolled in our partnering
                                                                                              grade are eligible to attend.                                districts. By completing a career-technical
                                                                                                                                                           program, students will receive transcripted

& Families
                                                                                                                                                           elective credits from the courses being taken at
                                                                                              The District has two main campuses — Eastland Career         Eastland-Fairfield. They will also receive a “Career
                                                                                              Center in Groveport and Fairfield Career Center in           Passport”, which complements their diploma and
                                                                                              Carroll, with satellite locations at five of its associate   showcases their competencies earned in their
                                                                                              high schools: Gahanna Lincoln’s Clark Hall, Groveport        career-technical program, along with personal
                                                                                              Madison, New Albany, Pickerington North, and                 and professional accomplishments.
                                                                                              Reynoldsburg’s Livingston Campus.
                                                                                              Student Admission                                            Transportation is provided by each partner
                                                                                              Students in 11th and 12th grade in our 16 associate          high school to both the Eastland and Fairfield
                                                                                              school districts or who reside within the communities        campuses. Satellite students must provide their
                                                                                              served by our 16 associate schools (private school,          own transportation. If students participate in
                                                                                              homeschooled, etc.) are eligible to attend and are           school-to-work, apprenticeships, internships,
                                                                                              encouraged to apply in 10th grade.                           etc., they are required to provide their own
                                                                                              Academic Credits
                                                                                              The academic courses available through Eastland-             School Schedule
                                                                                              Fairfield will help you connect what you’re doing in         Students attend either the Eastland or Fairfield
                                                                                              high school with the world of opportunities that await       campuses from 8:05 a.m. until 2:19 p.m., Monday
   Crista Blower                   Kara Pontius                 Holly Rider                   you upon graduation. The courses you will take at            through Friday. Buses depart both campuses at
   Serving: Amanda-Clearcreek,     Serving: Bexley, Bloom-      Serving: New Albany,          Eastland-Fairfield are determined by the credits you’ve      2:24 p.m. The day consists of half the day spent
   Berne Union, Fairfield Union,   Carroll, Canal Winchester,   Pickerington Local Schools,   already earned, the requirements of your career-
   Liberty Union, Teays Valley,    Gahanna-Lincoln,             and Reynoldsburg                                                                           in academic classes and half the day spent in
   Walnut Township, and            Groveport Madison, and       City Schools                  technical program, the requirements for graduation           the career-technical lab.
   Whitehall                       Hamilton Township                                          from your home school, and the requirements for
                                                                                                      admission into a post-secondary program.
                                                                614.836.4530 ext. 1528
   614.836.4530 ext. 1527          614.836.4530 ext. 1529
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
  Partner School                                                                                     High School Students
                                                                                                        Served Per Year
                                                                                       Founded in
                                                                                                                                            Offered                               22
     FRANKLIN COUNTY                                                                   1968                                                                               College Credit
                                                                                                                                                                           Plus semester
                                                                                                                                                                          hours available

                   New Albany

                   High School
        Gahanna Lincoln

            High School
                                                                                                         Square Miles Served
   High School           High School                                                                                                                                            Credentials

              Whitehall Yearling
                High School
                                       FAIRFIELD COUNTY
  Hamilton Township                        Pickerington North &
  High School                              Central High Schools

       Career Center
                                                   High School                         By The Numbers
 Groveport              Canal Winchester                                                                                                                            93%
                                                                                    10                          16
  Madison                 High School
High School                                                   Liberty Union                                                                                          Post-Program
                                         Fairfield            High School                                                                                            Placement Rate*
                                       Career Center
                                                              Fairfield Union      High School                 Partner
                                            High School
                                                              High School

                                                    Berne Union
                                                                                Satellite Programs          School Districts
                 Teays Valley                       High School
                 High School                                                                                                                              Graduation Rate*

                                          High School

                                                                                                      High School
                                                                                                      Career Programs                                               Technical Skill
       PICKAWAY COUNTY                                                                                at ECC & FCC                                                  Attainment Rate*

                                                                                                                *Data based on the Ohio Department of Education State Report Card for the Class of 2019
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey



                                                        Shannon (Hanna) Sines (Dental Assisting
                                                        Class of 1994, Bloom-Carroll) worked as a
                                                        dental assistant in Ohio for several years
                                                        but took a turn in her career. She owns
                                                        several successful businesses, including a
                                                        salon, a special effects makeup studio and
                                                        laboratory, and a special events hair and
                                                        makeup studio. She graduated from the
                                                        Coastal Carolina Community College and
                                                        also serves as an adjunct instructor there.

Danny Foor (Auto Technology               Christon Gray (Commercial Art Class of 2004, Groveport Madison)            Chris Ellis (HVAC-R Class of 2010, Teays Valley)   Adewunmi Adelaja (Allied Health
Class of 1989, Groveport Madison)         continued his education at the Columbus College of Art & Design and        went into the workforce as a technician at         Class of 2008, Canal Winchester)
currently serves as the lead instructor   The Ohio State University before making his mark in the music industry.    Columbus Worthington Air using the skills          continued his educational journey after
for engine performance, manual            After releasing a solo album in 2011, Gray caught the attention of Kirk    developed in this program. He started his own      completing the program. He earned
transmission, and powertrain at           Franklin, who in late 2015 signed Gray to his record label at RCA. He’s    HVAC service and installation company, Legacy      his bachelor’s from The Ohio State
Columbus State Community College.         had two albums chart in the top five of the Billboard R&B chart, as        Heating and Cooling, in 2013. He mentors           University and is expected to complete
He has earned multiple certifications     well as top ten entries into the Billboard Hip Hop and Christian charts.   several HVAC-R students annually and employs       his Ph.D. and M.D. in the UCLA-Caltech
and credentials in the industry and is    His songs have been featured by the NFL on the Super Bowl, ESPN,           several alumni of the Fairfield Career Center      program, where he is serving as a
a Jaguar Master Technician.               HBO, FOX, and more. He released new music in 2020.                         HVAC-R program.                                    graduate student researcher.
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
EXPLORE                                                                                           The Eastland-Fairfield
                                                                                                                                               The best way to know if a
                                                                                                                                               program is right for you is

                                                                                                                                               to see it in person! Since
                                                                                                                                               we can’t have you on our

                                                                                                                                               campuses right now, we
                                                                                                                                               are excited to present our
                                                                                                                                               exclusive Eastland-Fairfield
                                                                                                                                               Virtual Tour.

                                                                                                                                                  FIRST ACCESS!
                                                                                                                                                  Sophomores and their
One Career-Technical                                   Virtual Sophomore Presentations                    The Tour Checklist:                     families get first access
School District in Many Places                         This year, our enrollment process will look
Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools          different due the on-going pandemic, but that      • Go to                to the Virtual Tour on
                                                                                                            and click on TOUR and choose
serves more than 1,500 high school students
across three counties. In order to meet the
                                                       won’t stop us working with your associate high
                                                       school to present our programs to you. Watch         your exploration route.
                                                                                                                                                  Thursday, November 12.
demand of our population, we have multiple             for Sophomore Presentations from your Career                                               Watch for your access
campuses with unique identities. Also, as an           Services Representative through your high school
                                                       this fall!
                                                                                                          • Explore all corners of a career-      instructions on a special
extension of your associated school district, you
                                                                                                            tech lab.
can stay involved in the extra-curricular activities                                                                                              invitation arriving in your
and events of your home high school.                   Virtual Office Hours                               • Stop at the flashing interactive      mailbox soon!
                                                       You can join “office hours” virtual meetings
Online Self-Guided Tours                               with Career Services to discuss our programs
                                                                                                            elements to learn more about
Discover more about our campuses and the               and to have your questions answered. Watch           that program.
career-technical labs by taking our self-guided        for information on our Virtual Office Hours at
Virtual Tour.                                                                  • Watch a video showcasing
                                                                                                            a lab demonstration.
                                                                                                                                               Campus Tours
Virtual Events
                                                                                                          • Learn more about industry          Explore any program you want with just
Learn more about Eastland-Fairfield’s admission
                                                                                                                                               the click of a button. You can explore the
and enrollment processes, and explore each of          Keep updated with ways to                            credentials, certifications
                                                                                                                                               career-tech labs at Eastland and Fairfield
our campuses, along with Satellite Programs,                                                                and college credits you could
through virtual visit experiences, virtual tours and   explore our programs and                             potentially earn in a program,
                                                                                                                                               Career Centers by taking the virtual tour
more. In an effort to bring Eastland-Fairfield to                                                                                              on your computer or mobile device.
you we have a variety of ways for you to connect       campuses by visiting our                             if they are available.
with us virtually.                                     exclusive enrollment website                       • Check out some alumni
                                                                                                                                               Satellite Tours
                                                                                                                                               Our Satellite programs are spread out at
Please note that due to the evolving COVID-19
public health situation, and in an effort to ensure
                                                       at                                 success and other testimonials.    various locations, including many of our
the health and safety of our community and                                                                                                     associate high schools. You can explore
visitors, Eastland-Fairfield will not welcome guests                                                      • Watch a video introducing you      these programs at
to visit our campus while school is in session.                                                             to the program instructor.         Click on Satellite Tours.
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
1   Leadership Building: Students are able to gain
    valuable leadership experiences and showcase their
    newly developed skill set by participating in Career
    Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) during

    their time enrolled in a program. These organizations
    include Business Professionals of America (BPA),
    Educators Rising, DECA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA Future
    Health Professionals, and SkillsUSA.

2 Work Experience: During the senior year, eligible
    students are able to participate in school-to-work
    programs that allow them to spend a portion of their
    day gaining valuable real-world work experience
    and earn money.
3   Networking & Connections: Business and
    industry partnerships are an important part of the
    career-technical experience and our students benefit
    from more than 400 of these. Every program is
    connected to business and industry leaders, who help
    shape curriculum, provide classroom experiences,
    judge local skill events, provide internships and work
    experiences and serve as mentors.

4   New Friendships: Our student body is made up
    of students from 16 different school districts. This
    gives you an opportunity to make new friendships
    and connections during your final two years of high
    school, and these new friendships can last a lifetime.
5   Staying Involved: Students are encouraged
    to remain involved at their associate high schools
    while enrolled at Eastland-Fairfield. After all, we
    are simply an extension of your high school. Our
    associate schools work with us to ensure students
    can participate in extracurricular activities, including
    band, sports, and clubs.


5                                     5 2                      1       4   1
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
Explore more about
                                                                                                                                                                            these programs at

Agriculture & Heavy Equipment                            Automotive                                              Bioscience
Eastland Career Center                                    Eastland & Fairfield Career Centers                      Clark Hall at Gahanna Jefferson Local Schools
Career Paths: Field Service Technician, Fleet Mechanic,   Career Paths: Entry-Level Technician, Service Advisor,   Career Paths: Bioengineering, Medical Researcher,
Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Service/Parts Manager           Part Sales, Car Sales                                    Environmental Engineering, Microbiologist,
                                                                                                                   Pharmacy, Physician
Animal Management                                        Auto Body & Paint
Fairfield Career Center                                   Eastland Career Center                                   Construction
Career Paths: Veterinary Assistant, Veterinarian,         One-Year, Senior Only Program                            Fairfield Career Center
Pet Groomer, Zoologist, Zookeeper, Pet Store              Career Paths: Automotive Refinishing Technician,         Career Paths: Carpenter, Construction, Drywaller,
Manager/Retailer, Animal Trainer, Animal Breeder,         Collision Repair Manager, Auto Body & Paint              Inspector, Mason, Plumber, Roofer, Equipment Operator
Animal Scientist                                          Technician, Estimating Claims Adjuster
Architecture/                                             Aviation                                                Eastland & Fairfield Career Centers
Construction Management                                  Eastland Career Center                                   Career Paths: Cosmetologist, Esthetician,
Clark Hall at Gahanna Jefferson Local Schools                                                                      Manufacturer’s Representative, Nail Technician,
                                                          Career Paths: Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft
Career Paths: Architect, Construction Manager,            Manufacturing, Airport Management, Aviation              Platform Artist, Salon Manager
Civil Engineer, Interior Designer, Landscape Architect,   Maintenance/Mechanic, Pilot, Military Careers
Urban Designer

 CC   College Credits Available
 IC   Industry Credentials Available
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
Our Career Tech Programs (cont’d)
Explore more about these programs

Criminal Justice                                         Dental Assisting                                         Environmental Science
Eastland & Fairfield Career Centers                       Eastland & Fairfield Career Centers                       New Albany High School
Career Paths: Forensics, Local Police Officer,            Career Paths: Certified Lab Technician,                   Career Paths: Conservation Specialist, Environmental
Corrections Officer, State or Federal Officer,            Dental Assistant, Dental Hygienist, Dentist,              Scientist, Environmental Technician, Marine Biologist,
Military, Homeland Security                               Dental Office Manager                                     Park Ranger

Culinary Arts                                            Electrical                                               Exercise Science
Eastland Career Center                                    Eastland Career Center                                    Fairfield Career Center
Career Paths: Caterer, Culinary Restaurant Manager,       Career Paths: Journeyman Electrician, Line Installer &    Career Paths: Athletic Trainer, Exercise Physiologist,
Executive Chef, Pastry Chef, Personal Chef, Sous Chef     Repair, Fire Alarm & Low Voltage Installers, Electrical   Massage Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Personal
                                                          Engineer Technician, Electrical Engineer                  Trainer, Physical Therapist, Wellness Coach
Cyber Security
Fairfield Career Center & New Albany High School          Employability Prep                                       Graphic Design
Career Paths: Consultant, System & Network                Off-Site Program                                          Eastland Career Center
Administrator, Network Security Specialist, Information   Personalized, Transitional Program                        Career Paths: 3-D Animator, Advertising Designer,
Security Analyst                                          Career Paths: Automobile Detailing, Childcare,            Computer Graphics Artist, Graphic Designer, Illustrator,
                                                          Community Services, Convention Services,                  Web Designer
                                                          Food Service, Maintenance, Shipping & Receiving

 CC   College Credits Available
 IC   Industry Credentials Available
VIEWBOOK Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - EFCTS Journey
Jordan Burns (Architecture/Construction
                                                  Management Class of 2015, Gahanna Lincoln)
                                                  was a curious student while in the Architecture/
                                                  Construction Management Satellite program
                                                  located at the Clark Hall campus of Gahanna
                                                  Lincoln High School. This curiosity led to a job
                                                  at Wesney Construction, making Burns the first
                                                  graduate of the program to be hired by the
                                                  company. Burns attended Columbus State
                                                  Community College and earned a degree in
                                                  Architecture while working as a designer/project
                                                  specialist at Wesney.

                                                  Tonia Dunson-Dillard (Medical Office Class
                                                  of 2016, Groveport Madison) earned her
                                                  bachelor’s degree in public health education
                                                  and psychology from Otterbein University. After
                                                  high school, she was also able to work in the
                                                  field because of her experience in the Medical
                                                  Office program at Eastland. She held positions at
                                                  Mount Carmel and Ohio Health. Currently, she is
                                                  attending graduate school at Ohio University.

                                                  Abigail Quinn (Culinary Arts Class of 2018,
                                                  Groveport Madison). Abby graduated in 2020
                                                  from The Culinary Institute of America in New York

                                                  with her AOS in Baking and Pastry Arts. In 2019,
                                                  she interned with Disney in Orlando, FL with their
                                                  pastries area. Throughout the pandemic, she was
                                                  still in school completing enough credits to earn
                                                  her senior status this year. She will graduate in
                                                  2021 with her bachelor’s degree in food business

             Sidney Young (Construction
                                                  Dajsha Williams (Teaching Professions Class of
             Class of 2016, Bloom-Carroll)        2019, Gahanna Lincoln) enrolled in the Teaching
             was connected with multiple          Professions Satellite program at the Clark Hall
             career options by completing the     campus at Gahanna Lincoln High School to begin

             Construction program. Because        her path to becoming a teacher. The experience
             of her start here, Young became a    gave her the opportunity to participate in
                                                  Educators Rising, the career-technical student
             carpenter journeyperson for Corna
                                                  organization for future educators. She was
             Kokosing and also earned an          elected as the national president in 2019 and
             associate’s degree in construction

                                                  served in the role during freshman year in college.
             management from Columbus             She attends The Ohio State University and majors
             State Community College.             in Early Childhood Education.
Our Career Tech Programs (cont’d)
Explore more about these programs

Heating, Ventilation,                                 Landscape & Design Management                 Medical Office
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration                     Eastland Career Center                         Eastland Career Center
Fairfield Career Center                               Career Paths: Garden Center Specialist,        Career Paths: Healthcare Administrator, Office
Career Paths: HVAC Equipment Installer, HVAC/R        Greenhouse Operations, Lawn Care Technician,   Assistant, Office Manager, Patient Billing/Scheduling,
Technician, Indoor Air Quality Services Technician,   Landscape Designer, Landscape Maintenance,     Patient Support, Lab Assistant
Preventative Maintenance Technician                   Golf/Sports Turf Technician
Interactive Media                                    Marketing & Logistics Management              Pickerington High School North
Eastland Career Center                                Groveport Madison High School                  Career Paths: Graphic Designer, Photographer, UX/UI
Career Paths: Animator, Film/Video Editor,            Career Paths: Communications Specialist,       Designer, Video Editor, Video Producer, Web Designer,
Graphic Designer, Photographer, Producer/Director,    E-commerce Specialist, Logistics Manager,      Web Developer
Sound Engineer                                        Marketing Researcher, Product Manager,
                                                      Public Relations Specialist

 CC   College Credits Available
 IC   Industry Credentials Available
“I enjoyed seeing all of my friends and teachers
                                                                                                                               that I’ve built a relationship with for the past
Student life at Eastland-Fairfield is filled with unique                                                                       two years. Being a student at Eastland was
                                                                                                                               definitely one of the best choices in my life.”
experiences, important friendships, challenging and                                                                                               – Olivia Miller, Dental Assisting

fulfilling learning opportunities, and so much more. When
our students complete their programs and graduate high

school they leave feeling proud, happy and ready for the
next chapter of their lives. Here’s just some of what our
Class of 2020 had to say about their favorite memories…

                                                                                                    They’re                                                        “The best part from my time was

                                                                                                                                                                    meeting new people, figuring
 “I will forever be thankful for the                                                                                                                                out what I want to do with my
  rest of my life for the opportunities                                                                                                                             life, and being a part of a lab
  and memories and just love that                                                                                                                                   that had each other’s backs no
  was given at EFCTS. When walking                                                                                                                                  matter what.”
  into the school everyday there was                                                                                                                                        – Natalie Noble, Welding
  never a dull moment or a time that
  I didn’t smile. EFCTS is not just any
  ordinary school; we are a family
  and I am forever thankful.”
   – Hayley Dunigan, Dental Assisting
                                                                                                                                      “I’m so happy that I came to this school.
                                                                                                                                       I learned so much coming to FCC. I
                                                                                                                                       made new friends from other school
                                                                                                                                       districts that I would’ve probably never
                                                           “Choosing to go to the career center                                        met if I didn’t come to this school. FCC
                                                            was out of my comfort zone but I am                                        has a different learning opportunity
                                                            so glad I decided to do so. I met so                                       and prepared me for the real world.”
                                                            many people that are now some of                                                      – Margaret Tuffour, Pharmacy
                                                            my best friends and the school really
                                                            got me prepared for my future!”
                                                                    – Sabrina Cox, Cosmetology
                                                                                                                                                               “My favorite memory was standing
                                                                                                                                                                on stage at our State Conference
                                                                                                                                                                at Capital University for our award
    “I really enjoyed the automotive lab                                                                                                                        ceremony looking at my class full
     class and learning hands-on.                                                                                                                               of excitement, screaming at the
     I also made some good friends                                                                    “Honestly I grew a lot as a person being                  top of their lungs hyping me up! We
                                            “Lab was one of the best places. We
     while attending the career center.”                                                               here, I feel like I had many ups and downs               worked hard together, encouraged
                                             are all like family. It is a relationship
                                                                                                       but this is what living in the real world                by our hero Mrs. Hilderbrand, for this
               – Derek Eaton, Automotive    I never wanted to end. We could be
                                                                                                       is like. My favorite memory is honestly                  moment of celebration with our peers
                                             serious when need be but we never
                                                                                                                                                                and adult mentors from all across the
                                             failed to make each other laugh.                          meeting so many people with so many
                                                                                                                                                                state. Proud moment!”
                                             Learning skills and just cheering each                    great talents and seeing them enjoy what                 – Anesha Ward, Teaching Professions
                                             other on through each stepping stone                      they do. Passion in its finest form.”
                                             was the best.”
                                                                                                        – Cameron Woodard, Interactive Media
                                                         – Sydney Mays, Pre-Nursing
Our Career Tech Programs (cont’d)
Explore more about these programs

Nail Services                                        Pre-Engineering                                       Project SEARCH
Fairfield Career Center                               Eastland Career Center                                 Fairfield Medical Center
One-Year, Senior-Only Program                         Career Paths: CNC Machinist, Fabricator, Industrial    One-Year, High School Transition Program
Career Paths: Entrepreneur, Instructor, Manager,      Engineer, Mechanical Drafter, Mechanical Engineer,     Training & Education Leading to Employment
Manicurist, Nail Technician, Pedicurist               Project Manager                                        for Individuals with Disabilities
                                                                                                             Students Report Daily to Fairfield Medical Center
Performing Arts                                      Pre-Nursing
                                                                                                             Employability Skills
Reynoldsburg High School - Livingston Campus          Fairfield Career Center
                                                                                                             Three Internship Rotations
Career Paths: Actor, Choreographer, Dancer,           Career Paths: Medical Doctor, Nursing Assistant,
Costume/Wardrobe Specialist, Light & Sound            Physician Assistant, Radiology Technician,
Designer, Make-Up Artist, Director, Producer          Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse,            Teaching Professions
                                                      Patient Care Technician                                Clark Hall at Gahanna Jefferson Local Schools
                                                                                                             Career Paths: Librarian, School Administrator, School
                                                      Programming & Software Development                    Counselor, Speech Pathologist, School Psychologist,
Fairfield Career Center
                                                      Eastland Career Center                                 Teacher’s Aide, Teacher, Professor
Career Paths: Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacist,
Physician Assistant, Physician, Nurse’s Aide, Nurse   Career Paths: Application Developer, Computer
                                                      Systems Analyst, Database Administrator, Information   Welding
                                                      Systems Manager, Software Engineer                     Eastland Career Center
                                                                                                             Career Paths: Business Owner, Laser Technician, Metal
                                                                                                             Artist, Robotics Welder, Sales, Underwater Welder,
 CC   College Credits Available
      Industry Credentials Available
                                                                                                             Welder/Fitter, Welding Technician
The academic courses available
through Eastland-Fairfield will help you
connect what you are doing in high
school with the world of opportunities
that await you upon graduation.            English
                                           English III, IV
                                           Accelerated English III, IV
Below are the academic courses
                                           English Composition I & II (CCP)

offered to juniors and seniors who                                                                                  The college credits available through
                                           Foreign Languages
are enrolled in full-time programs at      (offered online)
                                                                                                                    the career-technical programs fall
Eastland or Fairfield Career Center.       French I, II                       Eastland-Fairfield is dedicated       into three categories:
                                           Spanish I, II, III
                                                                              to preparing students for a           Articulated Credits
                                           Mathematics                        successful transition to college.     Articulated Credits are granted to eligible
                                           Algebra II, III                    Partnerships have been created        students in a Career-Technical program based
                                           Calculus (CCP)                                                           on an agreement between EFCTS and a two
                                           Geometry                           with several colleges/universities    or four-year college/university. In order for
                                           Integrated Math III                and the Ohio Department               students to obtain the credit, they must attend
                                           Pre-Calculus (CCP)                                                       the college/university awarding the credit.
                                           Statistics (at ECC)                of Higher Education to give
                                           Transitions Math                   students a head start on              Career-Technical
                                                                              earning college credits while still   Credit Transfer (CT)2
                                           Science                                                                  Students are guaranteed the transfer of
                                           Anatomy & Physiology               in high school, saving both time      applicable credits among Ohio’s public
                                                                              and money.                            colleges and universities through the Ohio
                                           College Anatomy and
                                             Physiology (at FCC)                                                    Department of Higher Education. Students
                                           Environmental Science                                                    who successfully complete specific technical
                                           Food Science (at ECC)                                                    programs are eligible to have credit transfer
                                           Physics                                                                  to public colleges and universities.
                                           Plant Science (at ECC)
                                                                                                                    College Credit Plus (CCP) Credits
                                           Social Studies                                                           EFCTS has partnered with Central Ohio
                                           (all semester courses)                                                   Technical College, Columbus State, and
                                           American Government                                                      Cincinnati State to award both high school
                                           Current Events (at FCC)                                                  and college credit to eligible students in a
                                           Economics & Financial Literacy                                           career-technical program. The agreement
                                           History Through Film                                                     provides students the opportunity to earn
                                           Psychology                                                               technical college credits for skills they will learn.
                                           Sociology                                                                A transcript will be issued by the college with
                                           World Geography                                                          the awarded credits that can be transferred to
                                                                                                                    any state college or university and many others
                                                                                                                    across the nation. In order to be awarded
                                                                                                                    college credit on an official transcript, a student
                                                                                                                    must complete at least a one-semester college
                                                                                                                    course through EFCTS.
Be the first to apply during
                                                                                                                                                         our Open House or Online on
                                                                                                                                                         Thursday, December 3, 2020.

                                        Application Availability                                  Special application requirements
                                        Eastland-Fairfield will be accepting applications using   for the following programs:
                                        our online application system beginning Dec. 3, 2020.      • Graphic Design:

                                        The application will be available exclusively online.        An artwork portfolio is required
                                        Students are strongly encouraged to apply as early         • Criminal Justice:

How to                                  as possible, as there are limited spots available per
                                        program. A parent/guardian must be present to
                                                                                                     A Criminal Justice essay is required
                                                                                                   • Performing Arts: An audition is required

APPLY                                                                                                                                                    House
                                        complete the application.
                                                                                                   • Teaching Professions:
                                                                                                     A 300 word essay is required
                                        Admission Requirements
                                        Students in 11th and 12th grade in our 16 associate       Admission Timeframe
                                        school districts or who reside within the communities
                                                                                                  Students are encouraged to apply as soon as you
Eastland-Fairfield Career &             served by our 16 associate schools (private school,
                                                                                                                                                          December 3, 2020
                                                                                                  choose a program. There is no application fee.
                                        home schooled, etc.) are eligible to attend and are
Technical School District is an         encouraged to apply in 10th grade.                        The application timeline is below:
extension of our 16 associate school    Students who are eligible to attend an Eastland-           • Round 1 – deadline February 5, 2021
                                                                                                     (status letters mailed in mid-late March)
                                                                                                                                                              6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
                                        Fairfield participating school, and who meet admission
districts in Fairfield, Franklin, and
                                        requirements, will have first priority in all programs.    • Round 2 – deadline March 5, 2021
Pickaway Counties. Students at our      Students admitted through open enrollment, who meet          (status letters mailed mid April)
                                        admission requirements, will have second priority.         • Round 3 – On-going through the summer as
associate school districts, along
                                                                                                     space permits (status letters mailed in the first
                                        The following are admissions requirements
with those who reside within these                                                                   part of May and monthly)
                                        for the 2021-2022 school year:
communities (private school and                                                                    *See your counselor for your high school’s specific
                                         • Must complete the online application. A parent/          deadline dates or more information.
home-educated students), have              guardian must complete and submit the online
                                           applications;                                          At the end of each application round, students
the opportunity to apply to one          • Full junior status, or the equivalent, or the age of   will be notified by the associate school counselor
of our career-technical programs           16 by the first week of October of the anticipated     and by mail whether you have been accepted
                                           enrollment year;                                       or wait-listed into a career center program. The
during our admission season.             • Must meet any requirements of the particular           Admissions Review Team continues to review
                                           program in which the student wishes to enroll:         applications and the wait-list in a timely manner
                                                                                                  throughout the process.
                                         • Must have earned four (4) credits required for                                                                    Watch for your invite
                                           graduation, or the equivalent, by the first week
                                           of October 2020;
                                                                                                  Applicants who are not selected for their first         in the mail this November!
                                                                                                  program choice are considered for their second
                                         • Applicants with sophomore status are assigned          choice. Applicants who are not selected for either
                                           the highest priority in the selection process;         their first or second choice are placed on a waiting        Apply Online at
                                         • Competitive GPA from grades 9 and 10;                  list and considered for acceptance into requested
                                         • Competitive attendance record in excess of 90%;
                                                                                                  programs as space becomes available.         
                                         • Limited discipline history.
Journey   But Your
Leads     Life’s
Here…     Story
          is Just
Eastland Career Center
                                              4465 S. Hamilton Road
                                               Groveport, Ohio 43125

                                             Fairfield Career Center
                                           3985 Coonpath Road NW
                                                     Carroll, OH 43112

               Visit us online at     @EFCTS     Eastland-Fairfield     EFCTSPix
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