Page created by Dale Lang
                   July 18, 2021
         1050 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop
              Shreveport, LA 71118
           Office 687-5121 • Rectory 687-1818
                  Fax—(318) 216-3014
                 Rev. Mark Watson
                Rev. Raney Johnson
                  Parochial Vicar
       Kim Long, Director of Religious Education
              Carol Garceau, Secretary
               Cayla Witt, Bookkeeper
            Tom Ticich, Music Coordinator
               Jenny Hebert, Organist
                Dan Cezar, Custodian

MASSES: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 8:30 a.m.
(Please note: No Mass on Monday & Wednesday)
Saturday (Vigil) 4 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. & Sunday
Spanish Mass 11:30 a.m.

CONFESSION: Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.;
Sunday 10:30 a.m.—11:15 a.m.; or by appointment.

BAPTISM: Call the office to schedule a preparation
class after which a Baptism date can be scheduled.

ADORATION: Following 8:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday
until Holy Hour which is 3 p.m. Benediction at 4 p.m.
GIFT SHOP: Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 11 a.m.—1 p.m.

CHURCH OFFICE: Monday through Thursday 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m. & Friday 8:30 a.m. until 12 noon.

                                       We the people of St. Mary of the Pines are unified by our
                                       Baptism to fulfill the mission of the Catholic Church: to
                                       proclaim the works of God and to live as Jesus taught.

                                       Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will improve
our lives by continuing to understand the teachings of the Catholic Church, sharing with
the poor, providing support for our young people, the sick and the lonely, worshipping
with reverence and enthusiasm, providing stewardship for the gifts God has committed to
our care, and celebrating together as a Christian family.
New Horizons-Feeding the Sheep 2021

What is your image of God? When you think about God what is the image that comes to mind? We may think of
God as a harsh judge or God as a jellyfish that is weak and ineffective or God as a Clockmaker who is separated from
the world that God has created. The God that is presented in the readings of today’s Mass is God as a Good Shep-
herd. This image presents a God, and Jesus Christ, who is totally committed to the sheep, who cares for his sheep,
who guides his sheep and who protects them. Jesus Christ is that type of shepherd for us.

Jeremiah In the Ancient Near East kings were often called shepherds. Kings had the responsibility to watch over
their people, to gather them together and to care for those who was injured or sick. In the reading, God states that the
kings of Judah had not been good shepherds as they did not care for their sheep. The people are scattered or taken
into exile as a result of the lack of care by their shepherds. Jeremiah states that unlike the kings of Judah, God is the
true shepherd of his people. God will raise up a new king from the line of David who will rule wisely. The new king
will foster justice and keep the people safe. This new shepherd will protect the rights of the defenseless. Jesus, our
Good Shepherd, fully lives out this prophecy.

Psalm 23 Today’s psalm begins, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” In this verse the psalmist shows that
God is a caring shepherd who is the source of all the necessities of life. The psalm shows that God provides the
psalmist with food, drink and shelter/protection. In short it is of God’s nature to provide God’s people with life.

In the fourth verse the psalmist writes that even though he walks through a dark valley he fears no evil. This verse
shows that God’s provision is sufficient even in the most life threatening situation. When the psalmist experiences
evil at its worse God is still with him to protect him. We are to have the same confidence in God’s care and protec-
tion for us. In verse five we hear “You set a table before me as my enemies watch.” The psalmist who has been de-
scribing God as shepherd now portrays God as a gracious host. As host God provides for the needs of the guest. God
again is the source of all of the necessities of life. While the psalmist’s enemies are present, they are rendered harm-
less because of the protection of God.

In verse six we hear, “Only goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life.” God’s goodness and love pur-
sue the psalmist as they pursue us. The psalmist ends by writing that he will dwell in the house of the Lord for years
to come. This verse shows that the psalmist recognizes that he is a member of God’s family, as are we.

The Gospel Reading In last week’s Gospel, Jesus sent the disciples out on mission. In today’s Gospel they return to
Jesus ready to describe their experiences. Jesus then invites them to come with him to a desolate place in order that
they might rest. And so Jesus and the disciples travel by boat to find a solitary place. But the crowds so want to be
with Jesus that they arrive ahead of Jesus and the disciples. After disembarking Jesus sees the large crowd who are
like sheep without a shepherd. He senses that their religious leaders are not meeting their true spiritual needs. There-
fore, he looks on them with compassion and he teaches them many things. Jesus shows himself to be the Good Shep-
herd through his wise teaching.

These readings call us to accept Christ as our Good Shepherd. May these readings allow us to both draw near to our
Good Shepherd and to journey through life with a confidence that our Good Shepherd guides and protects us.

This Gospel continues by telling the story of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fish in order to feed the people. Jesus
thus meets the spiritual and physical needs of the people. In the same way Jesus, our Good Shepherd, feeds us in this
Mass, with his Word and with his Body and Blood. Thus, just as we have received the Word of God from our Good
Shepherd let us now open our hearts to receive his Body and Blood.
Nuevos horizontes- Alimentando las ovejas 2021

¿Cuál es tu imagen de Dios? Cuando piensas en Dios, ¿cuál es la imagen que te viene a la mente? Podemos pensar en
Dios como un juez duro o en Dios como una medusa que es mansa y eficaz o en Dios como un Relojero que está sepa-
rado del mundo que Dios ha creado. El Dios que se presenta en las lecturas de la Misa de hoy es Dios como un Buen
Pastor. Esta imagen presenta a un Dios, y a Jesucristo, que están totalmente comprometidos con las ovejas, que cuidan
de sus ovejas, que guían a sus ovejas y que las protegen. Jesucristo es ese tipo de pastor para nosotros.

Jeremías En el Antiguo Cercano Oriente los reyes a menudo eran llamados pastores. Los reyes tenían la responsabi-
lidad de vigilar a su pueblo, de reunirlos y de cuidar a los heridos o enfermos. En la lectura, Dios afirma que los reyes
de Judá no habían sido buenos pastores, ya que no cuidaban de sus ovejas. El pueblo es dispersado o llevado al exilio
como resultado de la falta de cuidado por parte de sus pastores. Jeremías afirma que a diferencia de los reyes de Judá,
Dios es el verdadero pastor de su pueblo. Dios levantará a un nuevo rey de la línea de David que gobernará sabiamen-
te. El nuevo rey fomentará la justicia y mantendrá a la gente a salvo. Este nuevo pastor protegerá los derechos de los
indefensos. Jesús, nuestro Buen Pastor, vive plenamente esta profecía.

Salmo 23 El salmo de hoy comienza, "El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltara." En este versículo el salmista muestra
que Dios es un pastor cariñoso que es la fuente de todas las necesidades de la vida. El salmo muestra que Dios provee
al salmista con comida, bebida y refugio/protección. En resumen, es de la naturaleza de Dios proveer vida al pueblo
de Dios.

En el cuarto verso el salmista escribe que aunque camina a través de un valle oscuro no teme ningún mal. Este versícu-
lo muestra que la provisión de Dios es suficiente incluso en la situación más peligrosa para la vida. Cuando el salmista
experimenta el peor mal, Dios todavía está con él para protegerlo. Debemos tener la misma confianza en el cuidado y
la protección de Dios para nosotros. En el versículo cinco escuchamos: "Tú preparas una mesa delante de mí mientras
mis enemigos miran". El salmista que ha estado describiendo a Dios como pastor ahora retrata a Dios como un anfi-
trión misericordioso. Como anfitrión Dios provee para las necesidades del huésped. Dios nuevamente es la fuente de
todas las necesidades de la vida. Mientras que los enemigos del salmista están presentes, se vuelven inofensivos debi-
do a la protección de Dios.

En el versículo seis escuchamos: "Sólo la bondad y el amor me perseguirán todos los días de mi vida". La bondad y el
amor de Dios persiguen al salmista como ellos nos persiguen. El salmista termina escribiendo que morará en la casa
del Señor en los años venideros. Este versículo muestra que el salmista reconoce que él es un miembro de la familia de
Dios, al igual que nosotros.

La lectura del Evangelio En el Evangelio de la semana pasada, Jesús envió a los discípulos a la misión. En el Evan-
gelio de hoy regresan a Jesús listos para describir sus experiencias. Jesús los invita a venir con él a un lugar desolado
para que puedan descansar. Así que Jesús y los discípulos viajan en barco para encontrar un lugar solitario. Pero las
multitudes quieren estar con Jesús que llegan por delante de Jesús y los discípulos. Después de desembarcar Jesús ve a
la gran multitud que son como ovejas sin pastor. Él siente que sus líderes religiosos no están satisfaciendo sus verdade-
ras necesidades espirituales. Por lo tanto, los mira con compasión y les enseña muchas cosas. Jesús se muestra a sí
mismo como el Buen Pastor a través de su sabia enseñanza.

Estas lecturas nos llaman a aceptar a Cristo como nuestro Buen Pastor. Que estas lecturas nos permitan acercarnos a
nuestro Buen Pastor y viajar por la vida con la confianza de que nuestro Buen Pastor nos guía y nos protege.

Este Evangelio continúa contando la historia de Jesús multiplicando los panes y los peces con el fin de alimentar a la
gente. Jesús satisface así las necesidades espirituales y físicas de la gente. De la misma manera Jesús, nuestro Buen
Pastor, nos alimenta en esta Misa, con su Palabra y con él Cuerpo y Sangre. Entonces, así como hemos recibido la
Palabra de Dios de nuestro Buen Pastor, abramos ahora nuestros corazones para recibir su Cuerpo y Sangre.
Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday      4:00 P.M.     + Joe Ponseigo
7-17                        + Marilea Coates
                              St. Mary’s Parish Family
Sunday        9:00 A.M.     + Petra Trejo
7-18                        + Inez Zuniga
                            + Luis Robles
             11:30 A.M.       Spanish Mass
Monday        8:30 A.M.     + Art Turner
Tuesday       8:30 A.M.     + Winnie Hunter
                            + Stella Polny
Wednesday     8:30 A.M.     + Estelle Notini
Thursday      8:30 A.M.     + Joe Ponseigo
                            + Ronald Sewell
Friday        8:30 A.M.     + Gae Lenox
                            + Brandy Balthazar                         Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday      4:00 P.M.     + Verna Leone                                           July 18, 2021
7-24                        + Edna Leone                     Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I
                              St. Mary’s Parish Family       will raise up a righteous shoot to David.
Sunday        9:00 A.M.     + Nickolas Parrie                                                  — Jeremiah 23:5a
7-25                        + Tom McKissick III
                            + Roland Antoine
             11:30 A.M.       Spanish Mass

            READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                      July 10 & 11, 2021       Totals for Month

 Monday:    Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42              Tithe             $ 4,907.55       $ 11,944.00
                                                              Capital Improvement 474.00            4,993.00
 Tuesday:   Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17;
                                                              Charities             ——                  50.00
            Mt 12:46-50                                       SVDP                   65.00             135.00
 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28;              Ramp Fund           2,215.00
            Mt 13:1-9                                         Peter’s Pence            1.00             31.00
 Thursday: Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-          Church in Africa        43.00             43.00
            9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
 Friday:    Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23
 Saturday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15;                This weekend we take up our collection to support the
            Mt 13:24-30                                      Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. The
 Sunday:    2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18;              Solidarity Fund is an opportunity for our parish to stand
            Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15                             with the people of Africa. Our contributions help them
                                                             face these challenges, and we support them as they
                                                             build lasting foundations of missionary discipleship.
                                                             Please be generous.

From the Pastor’s desk….
                                                                        WELCOME TO VISITORS…
This semester St. Mary of the Pines will offer an adult        I welcome you to St. Mary of the Pines Catho-
faith formation class which will focus on the Sacraments       lic Church. We are pleased that you are here.
of the Catholic Church. Each night we will learn about           I look forward to meeting you. If you would
a different sacrament. The first class will be held on
                                                               like to become a member of the parish, please
Tuesday, September 28 and the other classes will be
held on October 4, October 12, October 19, October 26,            complete a registration form. Registration
November 9, and November 16. Each class will begin at           forms are located in the back of church. May
6:00 p.m. in the church and last for only one hour. I will              God bless you and your family.
be the presenter and my goal will be to help us better
understand and live these central signs and channels of
                                                                          Fr. Mark Watson, Pastor
Volunteers Needed!!!! We are looking for volun-                  THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS.
teers in planning and implementing St. Mary of the                 If you know someone who needs to be on this list,
Pines Ministry Fair, scheduled for Stewardship                                       please let us know.
Sunday on November 14, 2021. Please call Steve                   Felix Larue, James Garcia, Chris Everage, Jennifer
Lenox at (318) 286-9076.                                         Booras, Cheryl Hopkins, Mike & Teresa Hansen, Curtis
                                                                 Leroy McInnis, Lee Williams, Sr., James Davidson, Beth
                                                                 Brooks, Patti Pope, Lynn & David O’Neal, Violet Wright,
                                                                 Mia Hurst, Kirk Veazey, Nan Crow, Adrian & Cindy Mar-
Mary’s House is looking for an RN to provide ex-                 tinez, Mary Ann Gentry, Fedro Williams Sr., Chassity
ceptional compassionate care for mothers in un-                  Anderson, Mary Williams, Rebecca Williams, Evelyn
planned pregnancies. Are you an RN with kids in                  Sepulvado Bill McDonald, Charlee-Kate Remedies,
school and would love a little extra spending money?             Dawn Strealy, Melissa Farr, Jesslyn Lewis, Randy
Ae you retired from your job, but still want to change           Shirley, Leo Hall, Alice Bernard, Jerome Carter, Char-
lives? Can your weekends begin on Saturday? If                   lotte Dimes-Carter, Kevin Spark, Stanley Bohrer,
so…..we want to hire you for Thursdays and Fri-                  Marjoire Rivers, Daniel Macevicius, Shane Morgan,
days, 8:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.                                  Shaun Leone, Middleton family, Beth McMurray, Dave
Some perks...Thanksgiving week and two weeks at                  Burk, Bill Hales, Judy Galippo, Isla Longoria, Mike How-
Christmas off with pay; working with a terrific team; plus       ard, Mary Laffitte, Harris Meshell, Judy Messina, Leo
a wonderful sense of doing good for women and                    McDonald, Dorothy Hoffee, Lou Brown, William Ten-
babies.                                                          nison, J.P. Byrd, Adrian DeLoach, William Wright, Har-
Interested? Email your resume to Trisha at….                     per Shepherd, Tammy Mallory, Tom Ebarb, Sidney
                              Hayes, M/M Gary Lundy, Jr,. Joel Joseph Lundy, Karen
                                                                 LeBlon, Joselyn George, Teresa Wedgeworth Perksins,
                                                                 Carol Sexton, Josh Stewart, John Paul Contario, Aline
All rising ninth graders through graduating seniors are          Cortney, Victoria Valencia, Dorothy Troudt, Todd Nissen,
invited to attend our excellent diocesan summer                  Rodney Walton, Harrison Theodos, Meshel Sezalory,
camps, which are being held this month in Mer Rouge.             Roland Fontenot, Kathy Adcock, Mia Hurst, Paul Sepul-
Beloved, the camp for teen girls, is July 22-25. Mis-            vado, Emil Griffin, Jerry Mammarelli, Abby Monette.
sion Possible for teen boys is July 25-28. The camps             For the peaceful repose of the soul of: Sidney
are run by sisters and seminarians, and filled with out-         Thornton.
door activities, games, crafts, and Catholic spiritual for-                               ++++++
mation. You can find more details and register at                We pray for Kelly Irvin and all the service men who have                                                    been deployed overseas.

News from Sacred Heart of Jesus Church….Lucky Numbers             The Catholic Diocese of Shreveport is looking for a
for Calendar Year 2022 are on sale now.                           (Volunteer) Diocesan Pro-Life Coordinator/Liaison.
It’s just right around the corner, our 1st $250 Visa Gift Card    This person will: serve as diocesan point of contact for
drawing on August 15. 2nd drawing will be in December             all pro-life leaders, activities, resources, etc., help
before the number becomes active for 2022 calendar year.          establish/recruit & communicate with parish pro-life
Call 635-2121 for more information, or to buy a ticket.           leaders/contacts, promote pro-life events/opportunities
                                                                  to the diocese & local communities, manage communi-
                                                                  cation networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc.), use
                                                                  their creativity to promote the pro-life cause across the
“Heart of Hope” and the “Knights of Columbus” will
                                                                  Diocese. For more information, please contact Mark
be holding a Hamburger, Sausage or Chicken Po-boy
                                                                  Loyet at 318-376-3071 or
plate lunch on July 31st, 11:00am-2:00pm in the
church parking lot. These are to go lunch plates that
consist of either a hamburger, sausage Po-boy, beans,
chips and a dessert for $8.00. This fundraiser is to help         TODAY’S READINGS
with the many demands for the efforts of the Heart of             First Reading — I shall gather the remnant of my flock and
Hope organization. Pre-sale tickets will be available             bring them back to their meadow (Jeremiah 23:1-6).
after Masses and by KC members. If you have any                   Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall
questions, please call Steve Cadwell (318)426-9818.               want (Psalm 23).
                                                                  Second Reading — You who were once far off have be-
                                                                  come near by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13-18).
Mass Attendance:          4:00 pm—-105                            Gospel — When Jesus saw the vast crowd, his heart was
July 10 & 11 2021          8:30 am—-148                           moved with pity for them, and he began to teach them many
                          11:30 am—141                            things (Mark 6:30-34).
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