April 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
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April 2021 Weekend Mass Times Stay Connected with us! Saturday: @CBS_WL 5:30 PM (65+/existing medical conditions; masks required) @ChurchoftheBlessedSacrament 2224 Sacramento Drive 7:30 PM Spanish Mass West Lafayette, IN 47906 @CBS_WL Sunday: 765-463-5733 8:00 AM (masks required) www.blessedsacramentwl.org 11:00 AM (masks required)
We are Disciples: Learning, Loving & Living Christ’s Mission its light and warmth close to us. Today, we This Week: ALLELUIA! should revel in the light and enjoy that warmth. However, the ceremony of light never stops when our "We are Easter people and Alleluia is our own candles have been lit. We always turn to someone song!" These words of St. around us whose candle is cold and dark, and we light Augustine express the joy that comes with it with the flame of our candle. this irreversible victory of Easter. This grace is not only joyful, but it is Today, thank God, our Church is full and yet, we also transforming - it changes lives. know that many of our friends, neighbors, and family members are not here. They are looking for victory in Here are two true stories about lives that were places where victory can never be found. Who will transformed by Christ's resurrection! light their candles? The first is about a working-class man with almost no We hear how St. Peter stood in front of a crowd not education. He tried to make something better out of his too long after the first Easter. He saw around him a humble, poor life by going to work for a friend who thousand faces hungrily looking for light, a thousand was starting a new company. He was hoping for a new candles that were cold and dark. He held out his lease on life, but it didn't work out. In fact, his friend was candle to them, burning brightly with the flame of arrested and thrown into prison and wrongly faith lit by Christ's resurrection, so that they could condemned for a crime he didn't commit. In the end, he receive that flame, with its heat and light. The Good was brutally killed by a furious mob. The working class News of Christ's irreversible victory was too good to man was not only discouraged by this failure, but he was keep to himself! actually afraid that the same thing might happen to him. So he disowned his old friend and, dejected, went back to Today, bask in the light and thank God for His his former life. Victory. Let's not stop there, promise our Lord that we will keep our candles lit, and that this week, like Peter, The second story is about a woman who we will light someone else's candle too, to give them a had squandered her abundant gifts. She never got much share in the victory! respect. A slave to her own sin, she cried herself to sleep night after night. She simply couldn't imagine a better Alleluia! life than the one she was living. Then she met someone who gave her hope - the same man from the first story who was starting a new business. She also went to work for him, trying to get a new lease on life. But then he Fr. Mark Walter, Pastor was murdered, and her hope was extinguished, like the fragile flame of a candle in the wind. And what happened next? Well, they found out Jesus rose from the dead and that made all the difference! For the woman's name is St. Mary Magdalene, and the man is St. Peter. By putting our Staff Update faith in Christ, our stories can become just like theirs. His victory can be ours. Kylie Mann has concluded her employment with CBS. We are grateful for the time Kylie has spent with us and Today, we should relish Christ's victory, thanking God we ask that you pray for her as she enters into a new for it, letting it shine in our hearts. As Catholics, we are chapter of her life! on Christ's team. His victory is our victory by bearing our crosses with Him, and we will rise with Him. This faith in the Resurrection is like the flame of the Easter Candle on the Easter Vigil. It starts small, burning brightly in the darkness, then it spreads to another candle, and another. It reaches each one of us and brings blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 2
Operations Consecration to St. totally convinced being consecrated to St. Joseph is what I need, my family needs and our society needs Joseph/Consagración now! And forever! I hope others become captivated a San José by St. Joseph on a whole new level too.” —Marie Harrington There is still time to register! La consagración a San José emula el método de preparación probado y verdadero empleado por San Katie Sanders Luis de Montfort en su consagración Mariana, mu- Consecration to St. Director of Operations Joseph emulates the tried-and- chos títulos de San José serán destacando también true preparation method los privilegios y virtudes heroicas de San José. El employed by St. Louis de Montfort in his Marian programa de preparación y consagración dura 33 consecration, highlighting many of St. Joseph’s titles, días. privileges, and heroic virtues. The program of preparation and consecration takes 33 days. El Programa: Semana 1: Todos los gr upos se r eúnen par a el día Schedule: de oración y presentación en la iglesia el 11 de abril Week 1: All gr oups meet for pr ayer and a la 1 p.m. introduction day in the church on April 11th @ 1 PM. Semanas 2-5: cada grupo se reúne en su día y hora This will be livestreamed for those participating on seleccionada the online option (youtube.com/c/ Semana 6 / Día de la Consagración: Todos los churchoftheblessedsacrament) grupos se reunirán (13 de mayo a las 6PM), harán la consagración juntos y tendremos una celebración a Weeks 2-5 you meet on your selected day/time continuación. with your group Week 6/Consecration Day: All gr oups will come Estamos pidiendo una ofrenda de $15 para cubrir el together (May 13th @ 6PM), do the consecration as a costo del libro. Se purden rocger los libros el día 11 large group with a de Abril o durante las horas de la oficina en la celebration to follow oficina principal (martes-viernes de 9-4). We are asking for a free will offering of $15 to cover the Horarios disponibles: cost of the book. Books can be picked up on April 11th or Martes @ 8:45 PM con Flaca Gonzalez during office hours @ the front office (Tu-Fri from 9- Vernes @ 7:00 PM con Jorge Martinez 4pm). Sábado después Santa Misa en Espanol (Jóvenes de 15-25 años) Domingos @ 5:00 PM Wednesday @ 9:30 AM both in per son and online con Edith Torres with Katie Sanders; first group meeting after April 11th is April 14th Thursday @ 6:30 PM with Mar ie Har r ington; first group meeting after April 11th is April 15th Sunday @ 2:00 PM with Steve Fassnacht; first group meeting after April 11th is April 18th What are you looking forward to in leading a Consecration Small Group? “I decided to look into the Consecration to St. Joseph due to the buzz about the year of St. Joseph declared by Pope Francis. When I received the book to be used during our preparation, I thought I would start reading it so I was somewhat familiar before sessions started. It is a great resource and before too many pages were read I was blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 3
ECHO Update Diana Salgado ECHO Apprentice Spring 2021 Alpha Retreat at the St. Joseph Retreat Center . This past Spring Alpha retreat was our very first bilingual Alpha retreat! The weekend was full of unpacking the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Seeing the integration and interaction of two different cultural communities holds so much Beauty because this is the Body of Christ! We are God’s beloved children, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. The Beauty of the Catholic faith is the Beauty of God’s love bringing people together, we are united by God! “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). One of the gifts of the Spirit is the gift of tongues like we see during Pentecost, and during this Alpha retreat, we were gifted with the gift of two tongues, proclaiming, loving, and living the Word made Flesh, the Good News! Thanks be to God we are one family in Christ! That there is no obstacle God’s love cannot overcome! ¡Este pasado retiro Alpha fue nuestro primer retiro Alpha bilingüe! El fin de semana estuvo lleno de desempacar la tercera persona de la Trinidad, el Espíritu Santo. ¡Ver la integración e interacción de dos diferentes comunidades culturales es una Belleza porque este es el Cuerpo de Cristo! Somos los hijos amados de Dios, somos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. La Belleza de la fe católica es la Belleza del amor de Dios que une a las personas, ¡estamos unidos por Dios! “Ya no hay judío ni griego, ya no hay esclavo ni libre, ya no hay hombre y mujer; porque todos somos uno en Cristo Jesús” (Gálatas 3,28). Uno de los dones del Espíritu es el don de lenguas como vemos durante Pentecostés, y durante este retiro Alpha, vivimos el regalo de dos lenguas, proclamando, amando y viviendo la Palabra hecha Carne, ¡las Buenas Nuevas! ¡Gracias a Dios que somos una familia en Cristo! ¡Que no hay obstáculo que el amor de Dios no pueda vencer! Alpha Weekend memories! ¡Recuerdos del fin de semana de Alpha! blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 4
Hispanic Ministry Toda la vida de Cristo se realizó en el del Hijo. Espíritu Santo La carta a los Hebreos, desarrollando la imagen del Catequesis de San Juan Pablo II en la sacrificio, precisa que Jesús se ofreció «con un Espíritu Audiencia General del miércoles 10 de eterno» (Hb 9, 14). En la encíclica Dominum et junio 1998. vivificantem expliqué que en ese pasaje «Espíritu eterno» 1.Toda la vida de Cristo se realizó en el se refiere precisamente al Espíritu Santo: como el fuego Espíritu Santo. San Basilio afirma que el consumaba las víctimas de los antiguos sacrificios rituales, así también «el Espíritu Santo actuó de manera especial en Epi Cabrera Espíritu «fue su compañero inseparable en todo» (De Spiritu Sancto, 16) y nos esta autodonación absoluta del Hijo del hombre, para brinda esta admirable síntesis de la transformar el sufrimiento en amor redentor» (n. 40). «El Hispanic historia de Cristo: «Venida de Cristo: el Espíritu Santo, como amor y don, desciende, en cierto Coordinator Espíritu Santo lo precede. Encarnación: modo, al centro mismo del sacrificio, que se ofrece en la el Espíritu Santo está presente. cruz. Refiriéndonos a la tradición bíblica, podemos Realización de milagros, gracias y curaciones: por medio del decir: él consuma este sacrificio con el fuego del amor, que Espíritu Santo. Expulsión de demonios y encadenamiento del une al Hijo con el Padre en la comunión trinitaria. Y, dado demonio:mediante el Espíritu Santo. Perdón de los pecados y que el sacrificio de la cruz es un acto propio de Cristo, unión con Dios: por el Espíritu Santo. Resurrección de los también en este sacrificio él “recibe” el Espíritu muertos: por virtud del Espíritu Santo» (ib., 19) Santo» (ib., 41). Después de meditar en el bautismo de Jesús y en su misión, Con razón, en la liturgia romana, el sacerdote, antes de la realizada con la fuerza del Espíritu, queremos ahora comunión, ora con estas significativas palabras: «Se reflexionar sobre la revelación del Espíritu en la «hora» supre- ñor Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios vivo, que, por voluntad del ma de Jesús, la hora de su muerte y resurrección. Padre, cooperando el Espíritu Santo, diste con tu muerte la vida al mundo...». 2. La presencia del Espíritu Santo en el momento de la muerte 4. La historia de Jesús no acaba con la muerte, sino que se de Jesús se supone ya por el simple hecho de que en la cruz abre a la vida gloriosa de la Pascua. «Por su resurrección muere en su naturaleza humana el Hijo de Dios. Si «unus de de entre los muertos, Jesucristo, nuestro Señor fue Trinitate passus est» (DS, 401), es decir, «si quien sufrió es constituido Hijo de Dios con poder según el Espíritu de una Persona de la Trinidad», en su pasión se halla presente santidad» (cf. Rm 1, 4). toda la Trinidad y, por consiguiente, también el Padre y el Es- píritu Santo. La Resurrección es la culminación de la Encarnación, y también ella, como la generación del Hijo en el mundo, se Ahora bien, debemos preguntarnos: ¿cuál fue precisamente el realiza «por obra del Espíritu Santo». «Nosotros —afirma papel del Espíritu en la hora suprema de Jesús? Sólo se puede san Pablo en Antioquía de Pisidia— os anunciamos la responder a esta pregunta si se comprende el misterio de la buena nueva de que la promesa hecha a los padres Dios la redención como misterio de amor. ha cumplido en nosotros, los hijos, al resucitar a Jesús, como está escrito en los salmos: “Hijo mío eres tú; El pecado, que es rebelión de la creatura frente al Creador, yo te he engendrado hoy”» (Hch 13, 32-33). había interrumpido el diálogo de amor entre Dios y sus hijos. El don del Espíritu que el Hijo recibe en plenitud la Con la encarnación del Hijo unigénito, Dios manifiesta a la mañana de Pascua es derramado por él en gran abundancia humanidad pecadora su amor fiel y apasionado, hasta el punto sobre la Iglesia. A sus discípulos, reunidos en el cenáculo, de hacerse vulnerable en Jesús. El pecado, por su parte, Jesús les dice: «Recibid el Espíritu Santo» (Jn 20, 22) y lo expresa en el Gólgota su naturaleza de «atentado contra da «a través de las heridas de su crucifixión: “Les mostró Dios», de forma que cada vez que los hombres vuelven a las pecar gravemente, como dice la carta a los Hebreos, manos y el costado”» (Dominum et vivificantem, 24). La «crucifican por su parte de nuevo al Hijo de Dios y le exponen misión salvífica de Jesús se resume y se cumple en la a pública infamia» (Hb 6, 6). donación del Espíritu Santo a los hombres, para llevarlos Al entregar a su Hijo por nuestros pecados, Dios nos revela nuevamente al Padre. que su designio de amor precede a todos nuestros méritos y 5. Si la gran obra del Espíritu Santo es la Pascua del Señor supera abundantemente cualquier infidelidad nuestra. «En esto Jesús, misterio de sufrimiento y de gloria, también los consiste el amor: no en que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, discípulos de Cristo, por el don del Espíritu, pueden sufrir sino en que él nos amó y nos envió a su Hijo como con amor y convertir la cruz en el camino a la luz: «per propiciación por nuestros pecados» (1 Jn 4, 10). crucem ad lucem». El Espíritu del Hijo nos da la gracia de 3. La pasión y muerte de Jesús es un misterio inefable de tener los mismos sentimientos de Cristo y amar como él amor, en el que se hallan implicadas las tres Personas divinas. amó, hasta dar la vida por los hermanos: «Él dio su vida El Padre tiene la iniciativa absoluta y gratuita: es él quien ama por nosotros, y también nosotros debemos dar la vida por primero y, al entregar a su Hijo a nuestras manos homicidas, nuestros hermanos» (1 Jn 3, 16). expone su bien más querido. Él, como dice san Pablo, «no Al darnos su Espíritu, Cristo entra en nuestra vida, para que perdonó a su propio Hijo», es decir, no lo conservó para sí cada uno de nosotros pueda decir, como san Pablo: «Ya no como un tesoro, antes bien «lo entregó por todos vivo yo, sino que es Cristo quien vive en mí» (Ga 2, 20). nosotros» (Rm 8, 32). Toda la vida se transforma así en una continua Pascua, un El Hijo comparte plenamente el amor del Padre y su proyecto paso incesante de la muerte a la vida, hasta la última de salvación: «se entregó a sí mismo por nuestros pecados, Pascua, cuando pasaremos también nosotros con Jesús y (...) según la voluntad de nuestro Dios y Padre» (Ga 1, 4). como Jesús «de este mundo al Padre» (Jn 13, 1). En efecto, como afirma san Ireneo de Lyon, «los que han recibido y ¿Y el Espíritu Santo? Al igual que dentro de la vida trinitaria, tienen el Espíritu de Dios son llevados al Verbo, es decir, también en esta circulación de amor que se realiza entre el al Hijo, y el Hijo los acoge y los presenta al Padre, y el Padre y el Hijo en el misterio del Gólgota, el Espíritu Santo es Padre les da la incorruptibilidad» (Demonstr. A p., 7). la Persona-Amor, en la que convergen el amor del Padre y el blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 5 5 PAGE
Youth All High Schoolers Welcome @ Lifeteen “You may ask why you or your teenager (if you are parent reading this) should come to the next LifeTeen meeting…well LifeTeen is a place where teens can grow in their faith and get to know a community of people around their age they can fall back to when life get hard. LifeTeen is also a place where you can meet teens going through or who went through what you may be going through. It’s a safe place where you can ask questions.” - Denise Jacome It is led by high school students Madison Wessel (12), Casey Voll (11), Denise Jacome(11) Edith Moser (10), Jocelyn Oneal (10). Our next meeting will be April 18th! Can’t wait to see you there! blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 6
Faith Formation Our First Communicants had their retreat on March 6th! The students learned how to receive Communion, they made their Communion banners that will be used as pew reservations on the date of their First Holy Communion Mass, and they were all able to practice, and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr. Kalu! “I enjoyed making the craft during the retreat! I am looking forward to celebrating the special and important day.” -Matthew Becker (2nd grader) Please keep our First Communicants in your prayers as they receive their first, and many more communions after this! blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 7
Evangelization The JOY of worshiping in the church for Easter this year. It’s been a little over a year since the Pandemic began and everything was shut down, even our church. Perhaps you felt angry, disappointed, and/or sad. I can relate to the latter because Easter just didn’t feel the same last year. There was a longing to receive Christ, and it felt like He had been taken away from us. But we learned to worship in other spaces, in other ways, and most importantly, our hearts yearned for reception of the Holy Communion. Sarah Folkers, a parishioner, shared the ways that she and her family celebrated Easter last year: “It was me and my siblings at home, we all dressed up for Mass and my mom [Brooke] Jocelyn Alcala made a sort of altar at home with a Crucifix and above it was our TV. We watched Director of Easter Mass on the Livestream. It was a special way of celebrating in the pandemic Evangelization but I am excited to be with other people, to get to receive communion, and be here for Easter this year.” -Sarah Folkers La ALEGRÍA de adorar en la iglesia durante la Pascua de este año. Ha pasado poco más de un año desde que comenzó la pandemia y todo se cerró, incluso nuestra iglesia. Quizás se sintió enojado, decepcionado y triste. Me identifico con esto último porque el Domingo de Resurrección simple- mente no se sintió igual el año pasado. Había un anhelo de recibir a Cristo y se sentía como si nos lo hubieran qui- tado. Pero aprendimos a adorar en otros espacios, de otras formas, y lo más importante, nuestros corazones anhe- laban recibir la Sagrada Comunión. Sarah Folkers, feligresa, compartió las formas en que ella y su familia celebra- ron la Pascua el año pasado: “Éramos mis hermanos y yo en casa, todos nos vestimos bien para la misa y mi mamá [Brooke] hizo una especie de altar en casa con un crucifijo y encima estaba nuestra televisión. Vimos la Misa de Pascua transmitida en vi- vo. Fue una forma especial de celebrar el Domingo de Resurrección durante la pandemia, pero estoy emocionado de estar con otras personas, recibir la comunión y estar aquí para la Pascua este año”. -Sarah Folkers We ask that you pray for our Candidates as they enter in to full communion with the church during the Easter Vigil! ¡Les pedimos que oren por los Candidatos que entran a plena comunión con la Iglesia en la Vigilia Pascual! John Stephen (Jack) Sautter Gabriela Xochipa Guadarrama Francisco Perez Cordoba blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 8
Worship Dear Blessed Sacrament Family, Happy Easter! Singing (Some) of the Mass Ordinaries (Mass Parts) You may have noticed that beginning Holy Thursday we Caleb Schultz began to sing some of the Mass Parts once again. Moving Pastoral Asst. for Music forward, we will continue to do so, though at this time we still & Worship ask that the congregation not sing along for the moment. We WILL still speak the ‘Memorial Acclamation’ and ‘Great Amen.’ Image Covering(s) Thank You A big thank you to the families who helped with the covering and uncovering of Crucifix and Sacred Image coverings after a couple of our Friday Spanish Stations of the Cross(es). You all turned this task into a pretty fun, involved, mission, and I’m very thankful for all of your service! Lector & EMHC Commissioning(s) Our Annual Lector and EMHC Commissioning(s) will take place on May 23 and June 6 respectively. Just a reminder that if you serve in either of these roles, you will need to be re-Commissioned to continue to be able to serve for the remainder of 2021/beginning of 2022. If you’d like to join us in serving in either/both of these roles, we’d love to have you – please reach out to me at cschultz@dol-in.org and I’ll get you started! Thanks & God Bless! Caleb blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 9
Prayer Board This Week at our Parish Masses and Mass Intentions in Bold ♥ = Special intention † = Deceased Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need, may they find consolation in your healing presence. May these Sunday, April 4 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so of the Lord join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through 8:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen. No Faith Formation Gary Brost Uniting in Heart 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet Rob Knowles Our parish 10:00am Mass The repose of the soul of ALPHA † Vicente, Magnifia & Manuel Escasa Clarence Cecille All coming into the 11:00am Knights of Columbus Easter Egg Hunt Kathy Irvin church this Easter 12:00pm Santa Misa/ Mass (Spanish) Jackie Kraft All of those who are sick † Altagracia Diaz Marie Harrington’s sister, and suffering Monday, April 5 Monday within the Octave of Sandy Easter; Parish office closed 5:30pm Mass † Thomas Reutebuck 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet; MC This week, the Sanctuary 7:00pm Third Option; HH Candle in the church Tuesday, April 6 Tuesday within the Octave of will burn for the parish. Easter; Parish office closed 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:30pm Mass † Bob Reifel Please Pray for our Parish Families 6:30pm ALPHA; HH 7:30pm K of C Council Meeting Please pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the Wednesday, April 7 Wednesday within the Octave following parishioners and their families, and always keep all of Easter families in your prayers. 8:30am Mass † Mary Jo Haap 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet Apr . 4 Randy & Vickie Stirm 6:30pm RCIA; HC Gary & Trudy Stone Thursday, April 8 Thursday within the Octave of Easter Apr . 5 Josh & Heather Strafaccia 8:30am Mass † John Strathman Michael Sum 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet Apr. 6 Midge Sum 12:00pm Schoenstatt Womens/Mens Meeting Doug & Ellie Sutton Friday, April 9 Friday within the Octave of Easter 8:30am Mass † Robert & Kathryn Schelle Apr. 7 Kerry Swisher 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet Pete & Sharon Synaesael Saturday, April 10 Saturday within the Octave of Apr/ 8 John & Heather Szymanski Easter Larry & Mary Tajc 9:00am Confirmation Retreat 4:00pm Reconciliation; JB Apr. 9 Mike & Shannon Tajc 5:30pm Mass † Chuck Smith David & Maureen Tate 7:30pm Mass † Jose Martinez Barrientos & Yan Carlos Morgado Aguilar Apr. 10 Zenaida Tauscher Sunday, April 11 2nd Sunday of Divine Mercy Gregg Theobald 8:00am Mass † Julie Mills 9:15am Confirmation Class; HH Please Pray for our Priests 9:30am First Communion Class; modular 9:30am Faith Formation Meeting; MC “Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (Name of Priest), act in 11:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish him, speak in and through him. Think your thoughts in his 1:00pm Consecration to St. Joseph Kick off; MC mind, and love through his heart. Teach, lead, and guide him always. Let him live in you, and keep him in this 2:00pm Adoration & Reconciliation intimate union always. Amen.” 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction; MC Apr. 4 Pope Francis Apr. 5 Fr. Derek Aaron Apr. 6 Fr. Sean Aaron Apr. 7 Fr. Timothy Alkire Apr. 8 Fr. Kenneth Alt Apr. 9 Fr. Matt Arbuckle Apr. 10 Fr. James Bates blessedsacramentwl.org April 2021 • PAGE 10
PARISH STAFF Part-Time Staff Pastor Executive Director of Parish Life & Administration Fr. Mark Walter Missy Krockover, mkrockover@dol-in.org In Residence Fr. Samuel Kalu Hispanic Coordinator Sacramental Records & Mass Intentions Disciple Epi Cabrera, ecabrera@parish.dol-in.org Wilma Brannan, wbrannan@parish.dol-in.org Full-Time Staff Parish Counselor Liza Simental– Rudolph, Ph.D, 765-532-9084* Director of Evangelization Licensed Online Therapist Jocelyn Alcala, jalcala@dol-in.org Dr. Timothy Heck, Ph.D, LMFT, 317-402-2139* Director of Operations www.drtimheck.com Katie Sanders, ksanders@parish.dol-in.org *When calling, please indicate that you are a parishioner ECHO Apprentice Diana Salgado, dsalgado@parish.dol-in.org Maintenance Technician Randy Harrington, rharrington@parish.dol-in.org Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship Caleb Schultz, cschultz@dol-in.org Secretary Maryanne Gillen, mgillen@parish.dol-in.org PARISH MINISTRIES SACRAMENTS For more information on Sacraments visit: Advisory to the Pastor www.blessedsacramentwl.org/liturgyandsacraments Pastoral Council Chair, Sam Newton Phone: 765.463.5733 Fax: 765.497.7866 Finance Council Chair, Chad Krockover OFFICE HOURS Learn about all of our ministries and find ways to stay TUESDAY-FRIDAY connected at www.blessedsacramentwl.org/ministries 9:00 AM—4:00 PM
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