The Spanish Inquisition, a selection of books, broadsides and ephemera - HS Rare Books

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The Spanish Inquisition, a selection of books, broadsides and ephemera - HS Rare Books
The Spanish Inquisition, a selection of books, broadsides
                        and ephemera

        1- Rare Spanish incunable: a manual for the Inquisitor, and one of the rare copies
            preserving a leaf in Spanish describing the writes and costumes of the Jews

                                                               [Inquisition]      [Spanish       incunable]
                                                               [Miquel Albert (editor)]. Repertorium de
                                                               pravitate haereticorum. 16 Sept, 1494.
                                                               Valencia. [Lambert Palmart for Miguel
                                                               Albert]. Folio, (293 x 207 mm). 296 [of 302]
                                                               ff., including the almost never-present
                                                               leave D3, censored by the Inquisition;
                                                               missing the first quire [a6], which is
                                                               supplied by a manuscript copy in 16th
                                                               century Spanish hand. Near contemporary
                                                               Spanish limp vellum, spine with paper
                                                               label, partially gone.
                                                                                         25,000 $
                                                               First edition, exceedingly rare, of this
                                                               important book; this is the first Spanish
                                                               printed manual on Inquisition, including
                                                               a very rare description of the daily life of
                                                               the Hebrew Spanish families in the Middle
                                                               Ages. It describes the rites and customs of
                                                               the Jewish community so that the
                                                               inquisitor could recognize and denounce

The whole book deals with the Jewish question, because, as explained by
Benzion Netanyahu in 1995 (The origins of the Inquisition. In fifteenth Century
Spain, chapter I), the main interest of the early Inquisition (re-started in 1480)
was “to seek and punish converts of Judaism who transgressed against
Christianity by secretly adhering to Jewish beliefs and performing Jewish rites
and ceremonies”. It was not the Jews themselves who were targeted at the
beginning, as they were separated from the Catholic communities, it was the
conversos who posted a threat to the faith and at the same time a solution to the
internal problems of Spain -a sort of scape goat, a portion of society who could
be blamed for the troubled realm.

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The Spanish Inquisition, a selection of books, broadsides and ephemera - HS Rare Books
The censor deemed inadmissible such a detailed presence of the Jewish
ceremonies in a Spanish book and decreed that sheet D3 should be removed and
the first nine lines of D4 cancelled in all extant copies. According to Reichling's
note, the censor suppressed D3, however it is present in this copy. The
anonymous writer of this preface, and of the entire work, mentions the editorial
contribution of Michael Albert of Valence. The only copy to have sold at auction
according to RBH, the Andre de Coppet copy’s description (Sotheby’s, 1955, lot
622) claims: “without the leaf D3 which was suppressed in all copies”

In fact, most of the copies preserved now in Spanish public libraries are lacking
this leaf, including the 3 copies in the Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. This is
instead a very rare copy with leaf D3 present and the first 9 lines of D4
uncensored, like the copy held at the University of Pennsylvania Library,
formerly in the library of the great scholar and expert in Spanish Inquisition
Henry Charles Lea.

- M. A. Angelino Pardo, «El Repertorium perutile de pravitate haereticorum et
apostatarum de Miquel Albert en la tradición de la manualística inquisitorial
medieval», Latinidad medieval hispánica, Juan Francisco Mesa Sanz (ed.), 2017,
pages 319-327.
- L. Sala-Molins, Le dictionnaire des inquisiteurs (a modern French edition of
the Repertorium Inquisitorium, Valencia, 1494); Paris, Editions Galilée, 1980.
- B. Netanyahu, Los orígines de la Inquisición, Barcelona, Crítica, 1999.

         2- Official manuscript by the Inquisition appointing an Inquisitor to Valladolid

[Inquisition]. Nos los Inquisidores contra la heretica pravedad y apoftafia de los
Reynos de Castilla Leon y Galizia, con el Principado de Asturias que refidimos
en la muy noble villa de Vallid… en el lugar de Galates tierra de Alva de Tormes
donde conviene que nos tengamos personas a quien las encomendar y cometer
por ende confiando de vos Simon de Cabezuela vezino del dicho lugar por ser
como soys persona de toda confianza y en quien con corren las calidades que se
requieren y que con toda solizitud y secreto hareys… en las cosas tocantes al
Sancto Oficio de las Sancta Inquisicion y exercicio del vos nombramos y criamos
por familiar desde Sancto Oficio… 8 October, 1562. Valladolid. (222 x 285 mm). 1
ff. Manuscript on vellum, small loss at fold –about an inch-, some damp to right
third, else very good.
                                                               3,000 $
An official appointment by the Inquisition of a “familiar”, granted to Simon de
Cabezuela, neighbor of Gajates, Alba de Tormes (Salamanca); the manuscript is

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The Spanish Inquisition, a selection of books, broadsides and ephemera - HS Rare Books
made on vellum in black ink, with the formula “NOS LOS INQUISIDORES” in
gold letters over red. The document is signed by Lorenzo G Roa, secretary of the
Holy Office, and two Inquisitors of Valladolid, although the writing is hard to
read, it seems like Pollicendo Igrigenio(?) and Edardo Riego(?).

In the document various relevant issues about the appointment are carefully
expressed, such as the right to carry “antiofensivas” weapons (or weapons to
repel attacks) both publicly or concealed, a ban from being embargoed, etc.

                     3- The Inquisition is granted powers and protection in America

[Inquisition] Pio V (Pope, 1566-1572). Constitución de Nuestro Santíssimo Señor
Pio Papa V contra los que ofenden el estado, bienes, y personas del Santo Officio
de la Inquisicion, contra la heretica pravedad, y apostasia. [April, 1569]. [S.l.].
Broadside (422 x 310 mm). Light damp staining, but overall fine.
                                                               16,000 $
Extrmely rare Papal broadside, a Spanish translation of the bull “Si de
protegendis”, a Papal defense of the Inquisition, condeming any person who
interferes with the Inquisidors. This Bull effectively garnished the ministers of
the Inquisition with the highest authority, cloaking them with protection from
the Church, and thus from civil authorities. The Bull extended to all Spanish

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The Spanish Inquisition, a selection of books, broadsides and ephemera - HS Rare Books
dominions, which included New Spain, where it had considerable effect, a year
later Ocharte would publish the same in Mexico City.

The Bull was published in Latin in Rome –thus we assume this was also
published in Rome-, and shortly later in Mexico (1570, by Ocharte). All of these
are extremely rare, of this printing we can only trace a single copy, at the
University of Notre Dame, McDevitt Collection on the Spanish Inquisition
“asserting papal protection of inquisitorial witnesses and recognition of rights
pertaining to familiars and officials” (University of Notre Dame). The broadside
was possibly printed in Rome. Text signed by “F. Cardenal de Pisa, Obispo de
Hostia ... [et al.]", officers of the Cancilleria Apostolica; the text begins saying:
"Pio Obispo, sieruo de los sieruos de Dios, para perpetua memoria. Si està a
nuestro cargo tener cada dia cuydado de amparar a todos los demas Ministros de
la Iglesia, que en nuestra Fe y guarda auemos recebido del Señor”

Not in Palau; Wilkinson Iberian Books 5689 cites only one copy in Notre Dame
University Library. Not in Van der Vekene.

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The Spanish Inquisition, a selection of books, broadsides and ephemera - HS Rare Books
4- The Spanish Inquisitorial process outlined, a fundamental source book

[Inquisition] Garcia, Pablo. Orden que comunmente se guarda en el Santo
Oficio de la Inquisición acerca del processar en las causas que en el se tratan.
1622. Madrid. Luis Sanchez. 4to (212 x 162 mm). 1 [blank], 1 ff., 78 ff., 1 [blank].
Contemporary vellum, spine lettered in ink.
                                                              4,200 $
Early edition of this important guide compiled by the Secretary of the Council of
the Spanish Inquisition, providing the exact formulae to be used in cases tried by
the Inquisition feared both in the Peninsula and the American territories, where
it had jurisdiction since the mid 16th century. A fundamental work for the
understanding of the judicial process of the Inquisition: the Inquisitors were
obliged to record in writing the proceedings, the torture applied, remarks and
comments of the people under questioning, their clothing and other possessions,

                                             It is in fact a demystifying book, as it
                                             outlines the procedures in careful
                                             detail, breaking so to speak the
                                             common understanding of how the
                                             inquisitorial process happened; in fact,
                                             it was a far less cruel process that it’s
                                             Roman counterpart, torture could only
                                             be applied in very specific cases, when
                                             other methods had been exhausted, no
                                             serious or irreversible damaged could
                                             be caused, a doctor needed to be
                                             present to oversee it, no women or
                                             child could be subject to torture, etc. So
                                             systematic and organized, that even a
                                             maximum of time was imposed. The
                                             institution was given jurisdiction and
                                             form in the late 15th century partly in
                                             response for the need of creating solid
                                             institutions with undisputable power,
it was given a structure, which hadn’t been the case before; and was in part
aimed at looking into the conversos. The work was vastly reproduced in the 16th,
17th and 18th centuries, as it remained the standard manual for inquisitorial use.

Provenance: title page with. Ownership inscription “Libreria de la Paciencia
Capuchinos”; stamp on title “Exbibliotheca Capuccinorum Patientiae XPI

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5- The Spanish Inquisitorial process outlined, a fundamental source book, revised
                            edition by the Inquisitor General of Spain

 [Inquisition]. Garcia, Pablo; Zapata, Antonio. Orden de processar en el Santo
Oficio, recopilado de las Instrucciones antiguas, y modernas, por el Licenciado...
Secretario del Consejo de Su Magestad de la Santa General Inquisición. 1628.
Madrid. Imprenta Real. 4to, (194 x 135 mm). 10 ff., 78 ff. Early 20th century brown
calf over marbled. Boards, spine lettered and tooled in gilt.
                                                                 4,500 $
Early and revised edition, by Antonio Zapata, General Inquisitor of Spain, of this
important guide compiled by the Secretary of the Council of the Spanish
Inquisition, providing the exact formulae to be used in cases tried by the
Inquisition feared both in the Peninsula and the American territories, where it
had jurisdiction since the mid 16th century. A fundamental work for the
understanding of the judicial process of the Inquisition: the Inquisitors were
                                            obliged to record in writing the
                                            proceedings, the torture applied,
                                            remarks and comments of the people
                                            under questioning, their clothing and
                                            other possessions, etc. This edition
                                            also contains a vocabulary at the
                                            beginning,          which          helps
                                            understanding the contents of the

                                            It is in fact a demystifying book, as it
                                            outlines the procedures in careful
                                            detail, breaking so to speak the
                                            common understanding of how the
                                            inquisitorial process was; in fact, it
                                            was a far less cruel process that it’s
                                            Roman counterpart, torture could
                                            only be applied in very specific cases,
                                            when other methods had been
                                            exhausted, no serious or irreversible
                                            damaged could be caused, a doctor
                                            needed to be present to oversee it, no
women or child could be subject to torture, etc. So systematic and organized, that
even a maximum of time was imposed. The institution was given jurisdiction
and form in the late 15th century partly in response for the need of creating solid
institutions with undisputable power, it was given a structure, which hadn’t
been the case before; and was in part aimed at looking into the conversos. The

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work was vastly reproduced in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, as it remained the
standard manual for inquisitorial use.

Provenance: early ownership inscription on title page a little cropped by the
binder, thus hard to read “Diomele el…. De orden de la… Diego de… Nuestra[?]

                                                              6- Royal Decree banning swearing oaths except
                                                                   when the Inquisition is involved

                                  [Inquisition]. Premática en que su Magestad
                                  manda se executen las penas en ellas
                                  contenidas, contra los            que juraren,
                                  declarando, que solo queden permitidos los
                                  juramentos que se hazen judicialmente, o para
                                  valor de algún contrato; y que en los Consejos
                                  de Inquisición, Ordenes, y otras comunidades
                                  de Estatuto, a la pregunta de las costumbres
                                  se añade la denota de este vicion. 1639.
                                  Madrid. Pedro Tazo. Folio, (312 x 220 mm). 5
                                  ff. Uncut, some minor foxing and darkening to
                                  edges, else fine.
                                                               2,400 $
                                  Royal decree banning the swearing of oaths,
except for those made in trials and in contracts and urging the Inquisition to
investigate whether potential entrants are guilty of swearing oaths.

It is interesting to see the extent of the Inquisition’s influence in decrees given by
the Crown.

             7- Detailed description of the Auto de Fe that took place in Seville in 1648

[Inquisition]. Avto pvblico de fee celebrado en la ciudad de Sevilla Domingo 29
de Março. Año 1648. Seville. Francisco de Lyra, Impresor del Santo Oficio. 4to
(196 x 144 mm). 18 ff. Unbound. Slightly water stained, else good condition.
                                                                4,000 $
This account narrates in detail Inquisitorial process called “Auto de Fe”, a public
act, in which the accused showed repent and renounced their sins publicly, to

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reconcile with God and the Church. The pamphlet includes the names of those
                                     accused, and their sins, the death of an
                                     accused, amongst other subjects.

                                                                  Title page set within decorative border,
                                                                  and with emblem of the Inquisition;
                                                                  woodcut coat of arms on verso leaf 9.
                                                                  According to González de Caldas
                                                                  Méndez this was the penultimate Auto
                                                                  de Fe celebrated in Seville, the last being
                                                                  in 1660.

                                                                  Not in Escudero; Domínguez Guzmán
                                                                  1650. Reproduced with other autos de fe
                                                                  in Nakens, J. ed., Carne ultrajada y
                                                                  quemada; relación de los autos de fé
                                                                  celebrados en Madrid, Sevilla, Granada y
                                                                  Córdoba. María Victoria González de
                                                                  Caldas Méndez, “El Santo Oficio en
                                                                  Sevilla” Mélanges de la Casa de
                                                                  Velázquez Année 1991 27-2 pp. 59-114.

       8- Instructions to the Comisarios of the Inquisition, printed for private publication
                                       only, extremely rare

[Inquisition]. Porque para el bven despacho, y exercicio de las cosas, y negocios
del Santo Oficio, importa mucho que los Comissarios esten instruydos en lo que
deuen hazer, y que en el estilo sea uniforme, ansi ha parecido, que de aqí
adelante se guarde, en, en todas las cosas tocantes al Santo Oficio, la instrucción
que va con esta. [1648]. Small 4to (205 x 152 mm). 11 ff., 2 [blank]. Unbound.
                                                                  3,000 $
Extremely rare, we have not traced any institutional copy. Van der Vekene (316)
registers only a 19th century edition of Instructions to the Comisarios of the
Inquisition. This is a private internal document of the Inquisition. Great stress is
placed on the necessity of maintaining absolute secrecy in all matters related to
the Santo Oficio. A warning issued at the beginning of the text states that these
Instructions are to be kept under lock and key and not shown to anyone without
the express permission of the Tribunal. Dated and signed in ink on the verso of
leaf 3, Valladolid 25 de setiembre de 1648 Fernando Martínez de Zuñiga.

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These comprehensive and detailed instructions to the Comisarios of the
Inquisition were an atempt to impose uniformity on the actions of these
ecclesiastical delegates of the Inquisition and are a valuable source of
information for the workings of the Santo Oficio.

          9- The Spanish Inquisition from the earliest laws by its most famous Inquisitor
                   General, Torquemada, the standard text, in its definitive form

[Torquemada, Tomas, Manrique, Alonso y Arguello, Gaspar Isidro de].
Compilacion de las Instrucciones del Oficio de la Santa Inquisicion hechas por...
fray Tomas de Torquemada... e por los otros... Inquisidores generales...; las
quales se compilaron... por mandado del... Señor don Alonso Manrique Carde-
nal... Arçobispo de Sevilla, Inquisidor General de España. 1667. Madrid. Diego
Diaz de la Carrera. Folio, (287 x 202 mm). 38 pp., 12 ff. Near contemporary
Spanish calf, spine tooled in gilt and flat.
                                                                5,500 $
Third and last edition, known as “Nuevas” following those compiled by
Torquemada y Valdes; these are the instructions the inquisitors used until the
abolition of the Holy Office in 1820. Extremely important for the history and
inside knowledge of the Inquisition, it contains the laws of the institution
beginning form those drafted in 1484 by famed Inquisitor Torquemada -close to
the Kings of Spain-, and the successive Inquisitor Generals, detailing the
procedure to be followed during trials of potential heretics, torture practice, and
the aftermath of a trial (what happens to heirs, etc.).

“Esta Copilación continúa siendo una de las más importantes fuentes legales de
conoci- miento de la Inquisición española, como también fue el instrumento
normativo más útil para los inquisidores, desde su publicación hasta que esta
institución dejó de existir.” [Domínguez Nafria. La «copilación» de las
instrucciones inquisitoriales de Gaspar Isidro de Argüello. Revista de la
Inquisición, 2006:12.]

Very rare, the last copy to be offered for sale according to RBH was in the 1950’s,
in 1948, a copy appeared in New York at Parke Bernet from the collection of
Bayard-Rives, (Spanish, French, & other Americana Vetusta, lot 197) with a long
note, mostly copying Maggs’ note, with some additions:

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“One of the methods of obtaining fuel for the Inquisitorial fires was to summon
children to the Inquisition, and to instruct the judges to 'receive benevolently'
any who gave information to the court, regarding the religious practises of their
parents… As papal representative and the highest official of the inquisitorial
court, Torquemada directed the entire business of the Inquisition in Spain, was
                                                empowered to delegate his
                                                inquisitoral faculties to other
                                                Inquisitors of his own choosing,
                                                who remained accountable to
                                                him, and settled the appeals
                                                made to the Holy See. He
                                                immediately            established
                                                tribunals at Valladolid, Seville,
                                                Jaen, Avila, Cordova, and
                                                Villareal, and, in 1484, at
                                                Saragossa for the Kingdom of
                                                Aragon…         The        number
                                                of Torquemada's       victims    is
                                                computed by Llorente as 8,800
                                                who suffered death by fire, and
                                                96,504 who were punished in
                                                other     ways.    The      Jewish
                                                Historian     Graetz,    however,
                                                estimates that 'under the first
                                                Inquisitor Torquemada, in the
                                                course of fourteen years (1485-
                                                1498), at least 2,000 Jews were
                                                burnt as impenitent sinners”.

                                                   “The Catholic Encyclopaedia
                                                   states that ‘much has been
written of the inhuman cruelty of Torquemada.’ It is certain that no critic could
have framed a graver indictment against him than the Inquisitor-General
himself, through the medium of his laws, incorporated in this work. Thomas
de Torquemada… became the confessor and adviser of the Infanta Isabella of
Castile, afterwards Queen Isabella the Catholic. In 1482, the Catholic Sovereigns
appointed Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor of Castile... The organization of the
Holy Office throughout Spain was then left in his hands, and in 1484 he
convened an assembly of Spanish inquisitors, outlining twenty-eight articles for
their guidance. The text of those articles is contained in the opening pages of this
volume.” (Maggs, 526, item 433, Books from famous presses… Inquisition. How
heretics were tortured)

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10- Instructions for the Inquisitors in the execution of their office

[Inquisition]. Instruccion que han de guardar los comissarios del Santo Oficio de
la Inquisicion en las causas y negocios de fè, y los demas que se ofrecieren. N.d.
[Late 17th or early 18th century]. N.p. [Seville or Madrid, Spain]. 4to, (200 x 150
mm). 16 pp.
                                                                 3,000 $
                                                    Exceptionally rare imprint
                                                    detailing the instructions to the
                                                    Commissaries         of       the
                                                    Inquisition, broad as they
                                                    were: investigate, order the
                                                    imprisionment of individuals
                                                    suspected of heresy, publish
                                                    “edictos de fe”, oversee the
                                                    entry and publishing of books
                                                    –and potentially censoring
                                                    them-, and on a more
                                                    bureaucratically subject inform
                                                    on purity of blood.

                                                                                  These “instructions” were
                                                                                  published in a number of
                                                                                  editions, all of which are very
                                                                                  rare, most not containing any
                                                                                  printing details –year or
                                                                                  printer-, most likely private
                                                                                  productions of the Holy Office,
                                                                                  meant for distribution within
                                                                                  the body of government. Title
                                                                                  page     decorated    with    a
woodcut border and large device.

                               11- The club instead of burning for Judaic practices

[Inquisition] Muñoz, Cándido. Questión theologico-moral acerca del reo de fe,
convicto, negativo, relaxado al brazo secular y sentenciado a muerte : en la qual
se disputa si es digno de reprehension el confessor, que le oye... confessión, sin
que primero confiesse publicamente los delitos de que está convencido. 1725.

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Madrid. 4to (200 x 140 mm). [8], 39 pp. Unbound. Strong soiling and damp,
especially to title.
                                                          2,500 $
                                             Uncommon        account     and
                                             defense of the execution of two
                                             men accused by the Inquisition
                                             by Judaic practices (Practicas
                                             Judeizantes): Fernando de
                                             Castro and Diego de Quiros,
                                             sentenced     and     executed,
                                             following the Auto de Fe
                                             celebrated on 1 July, 1725 and
                                             28 October 1723. The execution
                                             was altered thanks to a Jesuit
                                             Priest who convinced the men
                                             to repent, instead of burning,
                                             they were given the garrote –

                                                 Texto importante sobre la
                                                 condena por la Inquisición a la
                                                 hoguera de dos judaizantes,
                                                 Fernando de Castro en el Auto
                                                 de Fe del 1 de julio del de 1725
                                                 y Diego de Quirós en el del 28
                                                 de octubre de 1723. En ambos
                                                 casos, antes de ser quemados,
                                                 dos     confesores       jesuitas
                                                 consiguieron              extraer
arrepentimientos de los dos judaizantes lo que hizo que el juez fuese más
benévolo cambiando la sentencia por garrote vil. Esto provocó, en el primero de
los casos, las ‘oposición publica y ruidosas’. Candido Muñoz intenta defender
los méritos de la previa confesión antes de que se ejecutara la condena. See
Muñoz.pdf – entry from Bibliotheca Sepharad Catalogue. Palau 185019. Van der
Vekene 1036. Bibliotheca Sefarad, Catalogo exposición: 100 Impresos esparioles
sobre la Inquisition. 2018 [107].

                       12- The expurgation of a book, the official Inquisition’s edict

[Inquisition] Sousa, Antonio de; Diego Suarez de Figueroa. Expurgación de el
libro Ave, y Eva, o Maria triumphante. Su author Don Antonio de Sousa

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Macedo. Traducido en castellano
                                                                           por el doctor Don Diego Suarez de
                                                                           Figueroa calificador del Santo
                                                                           Oficio, capellan de honor de su
                                                                           Magestad. N.d. [c.1731]. Madrid.
                                                                           Folio, (315 x 215 mm). 2 ff.
                                                                                             2,800 $
                                                                           Extremely rare pamphlet, and an
                                                                           uncommon subject, the official
                                                                           Inquisitorial expurgation of a book;
                                                                           in it, we see the detail and
                                                                           exhaustivity of the inquisitorial
                                                                           process, ordering the deletion of
                                                                           considerable parts of a book.
                                                                           Sousa's work was placed on the
                                                                           Index Librorum Prohibitorum, or
                                                                           Index of forbidden books, and was
                                                                           printed in 1731 in Madrid at the
                                                                           Imprenta de la Viuda de Francisco
                                                                           del Hierro. Not in Palau, or Van der

                                     13- Burning of books attributed to Palafox

[Inquisition] Yarza, José Antonio. D. Joseph Antonio de Yarza, Secretario del
Rey ... certifico, ..., y proveyó el auto del tenor siguiente. En la vila de Madrid á
quince dias del mes de abril de mil setecientos sesenta y un años, los señores del
consejo de S.M. y de las salas de govierno de él; dixeron: que para conservar ilesa
la doctrina, escritos, y respetable memoria de ... Juan de Palafox ... para denigrar
su fama, con motivo de la quema ... debían declarar, y declararon, que la quema
de los dos libritos. [1761]. Imprenta de Antonio Sanz. Broadsheet (420 x 306 mm).
Unbound. Marginal tear not affecting text, wear and darkening to folds.
                                                                   3,000 $
Very rare broadside on the occasion of a public burning in Madrid of a book
attacking the Jesuits, a work supposedly by Palafox who had been involved in
heated disputes with the Jesuits. Text signed by D. Joseph Antonio de Yarza.

13 Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
San                                                                                                               13
San Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
14- Forbidding works by Voltaire and Montesquieu, rare Spanish Inquisition’s

[Inquisition]. Nos los Inquisidores Apostolicos contra la Heretica Pravedad i
Apostasia [...] Sabed, que a nuestra noticia ha llegado haverse escrito, impresso, i
divulgado varios Libros, Tratados, i Papeles, los quales mandamos prohibir, o
expurgar respectivamente, como aquí se expresa: i son los siguientes… 18
August, 1762. Dado en la Inquisición de Corte. [S.l., Spain]. Broadside, (500 x 340
mm). 1 ff.
                                                                4,000 $
Important broadside from the Inquisition, forbidding the works of Picart,
Voltaire, Montesquieu, amongst others; it is roughly divided in two parts, first
the books forbidden in “Totum”, or its totality, and second, those books that
required expurgatio, often a few pages or simple lines.

14 Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
San                                                                                                            14
San Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
The rarity of these broadsides is mostly due to their destiny, being nailed to the
doors of churches and convents, removed and destroyed after a period of time or
simple destruction by nature elements. At the end of the broadside the formula:
“Nadie lo quite, pena de Excomunion mayor”. We couldn’t trace any copies of it
anywhere, not in Palau.

             15- Royal decree on the prohibition of books and publication of edicts by the

[Inquisition] [Charles III]. Real Cédula de su Magestad, y Señores del Consejo,
tocante a la forma que debe observar en quanto a las prohibiciones de libros,
publicacion de edictos de la Inquixicion y execucion de bulas ... Dada en
Aranjuez a diez y seis de junio de mil setecientos sesenta y ocho. [1768]. [Spain].
Folio. [4] pp. Unbound. Fine condition.
                                                               3,000 $
Important Royal decree establishing the way the Inquisiton could proceed to the
prohibition of books –including a restrain, all banning of books should be first
put the King’s knowledge-, and in a way, an attempt to define the scope of its
activities: before proceeding to the condemnation of a work they had to question

15 Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
San                                                                                                            15
San Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
all Catholic authors whose books were suspect; for all other Catholic authors,
dead or foreign they a appointed a defender; the Inquisition was required to
concentrate on attacks against the religious dogma and preservation of good

         16- Decree of the Inquisition forbidding and ordering censorship of several books,
           including a history of the Jesuits, following the expulsion of the Order from the

[Inquisition] [Forbidden books]. Nos los Inquisidores Apostolicos contra la
heretica pravedad y apostasia en esta Ciudad y Arzobispado de Mexico, y en
todos los Estados, Reynos, y Provincias de l anueva Espana, con los Obispados
de Tlaxcala, Mechoacan, Goathemala, Guadalaxara, Chiapa, Yucatan, Oaxaca,
Vera-Paz, Honduras, Nicaragua, Nueva Vizcaya, Islas Philipinas… Sabed que ha
llegado a nuestra noticia, que en el ano passado de 1764 se imprimio en
Helmestadt un Libro… 1770. Mexico. Folio, (600 x 425 mm). 1 ff. Minor marginal
losses now restored not touching printed surface, lower margin with tear
affecting contemporary manuscript entry, two tiny holes in the middle due to
several folding’s, still overall good copy of a broadside that was never meant to
                                                                 6,500 $
Extremely rare broadside of the Inquisition printed in Mexico, forbidding the
reading and acquisition of several books, one of which a history of the Jesuits
(Histoire imparciale des Jesuites depuis leur establessiment jusque a leur premiere
expulsion, 1768), possibly speaking favorably of the Order, recently expelled from
Spanish territories, including the Americas. As customary with this type of
proclamation, not all works are forbidden in their totality, some are just called
for partial censorship, which is requested in detail for a few books. Signed at
bottom by Julian Vicente Gonzalez de Andia, as the Berkeley copy. The other
books forbidden here are: Therese Philosophe, ou memoire server a l’ Histoire de Dom.
Dirrag (1762), L’ Overture de l’ Assamblee (1748), by Nordberg, and Histoire de
Frederic Guillaume I. We can only find one copy of this broadside held
institutionally, at Berkeley.

                                      (Full descriptions available upon request)

                                                   (+54) 911-55127770

16 Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
San                                                                                                            16
San Martin de Tours 3190, Capital Federal - (CP 1425) Argentina / (+54) 911 5512 7770 /
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