Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church

Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church

        Salem                                            Today
   Volume 22, Issue 10                                                October 2019
“We are beggars. This is true.” Martin Luther
In the early morning hours of February 18, 1546, Martin Luther closed his eyes forever.
And the hand that hammered the 95 Theses into the door of the Castle Church in
Wittenberg on Oct. 31, 1517, penned its final words: “We are all beggars. This is true.”
And this is the truth that our Lord says makes you free. Ironic, isn’t it? That, in order to
be free, you must be a beggar; you must be utterly dependent and reliant upon God.
This makes us uncomfortable – the way we are uncomfortable when someone gets us a
Christmas or birthday present when we have not gotten them one. We feel we owe
them. And we do not much like being in someone’s debt.
But what Luther would remind us is that we are all indeed beggars. But we are not just
anyone’s beggars. We are God’s beggars. And this is his legacy to the Christian Church.
Christ came for sinners. He came to seek and save the lost. He came to heal the sick
and raise the dead. He came for sinners.
We must be dependent solely on God and what God gives. And God gives us
everything – forgiveness of sins, salvation from death and the devil, and eternal life. This
is not because of any worthiness or merit in us, but it is because of God’s divine
goodness, mercy, and grace.
On account of Christ’s death and resurrection, God forgives you, saves you, and is
pleased with you. And you receive. You receive God’s love, God’s righteousness, God’s
acceptance, and God’s inheritance. We are all beggars. This is true.
This is the heart and soul of Christianity and the life-blood of the Christian Church. God
justifies us. God declares us innocent and righteous by God’s grace received through
faith for the sake of Christ. This is not because of our works; this is because of God’s
work on the cross. We, who once were enemies of God, are reconciled to God and
made to be God’s children.
This is what Luther would point us to when he took up his pen for the last time and
scribbled “We are all beggars. This is true.” We are beggars. But we are beggars of the
God who does not ignore us, who does not pass by us on the other side. We are
beggars of the One who descended from heaven to make his dwelling with sinners.
We are beggars of God who stoops to dwell with us, among us, and in us by grace for
Christ’s sake. So inexhaustible are the riches of this grace – the Gospel in sermon and
absolution, in Baptism and Holy Communion – that our cups overflow. We, who are
God’s beggars, are not only inexhaustibly satisfied but have something to give back in
thanksgiving and praise.
God’s beggar with you,
Pastor Sandra +
Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church
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                                                   Readings for Worship in October
                                                           17th Sunday After Pentecost

                                                       First Reading: Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
   Patsy Pies, Sharon Jensen, Brad McCaslin,                   Psalm: Psalm 37:1-9
  Roger Spencer, Karen Smith, Sandra Mueller,           Second Reading: 2 Timothy 1:1-14
        Bartels Family, Aiden Henderson,
 Jason Steele, Gayle Miller, Jennifer Anderson,                Gospel: Luke 17:5-10
            Lisa Evers, Kayla Eriksen,
           Wilson Family, Pam Moore,                       18th Sunday After Pentecost
         Meryl Tieck, Roger Beermann,                   First Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c
    Faye Sailers (Helzer), Sara Bliven Naeve,
                                                                Psalm: Psalm 111
Jen Steele, Kevin Ortmann, Patricia McNaughton,
    Jan Burns, Kim Bartels, Emmett McGhee,              Second Reading: 2 Timothy 2:8-15
  Jim Schrader, Arizona Riecken, Kory Eriksen,                Gospel: Luke 17:11-19
          Liz Peralez, Carol Hitchcock,
 Salem Lutheran Church in Newman Grove and                 19th Sunday After Pentecost
            Pastor Becky Beckmann,
         United Asian Lutheran Ministry,                  First Reading: Genesis 32:22-31
           Those affected by disaster,                          Psalm: Psalm 121
           Our Military Men & Women.                   Second Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14--4:5
                                                                Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
      Salem’s Offering/Attendance
          For September 2019                                   Reformation Sunday
 September 1, 2019
    $5973     Offering                                   First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34
       50     Worship Attendance                                 Psalm: Psalm 46
       18     Sunday School Attendance
                                                        Second Reading: Romans 3:19-28
 September 3, 2019 (Regency Square Worship)
       29     Worship Attendance                               Gospel: John 8:31-36
                                                  10/14 Bobbi Culbertson
 September 8, 2019
    $1570     Offering
       81     Worship Attendance
       18     Sunday School Attendance                     October Flowers
 September 10, 2019 (Regency Square Worship)                   Oct 6—Open
       29     Worship Attendance
                                                               Oct 13—Open
 September 15, 2019
    $2023     Offering                                         Oct 20—Open
       81     Worship Attendance
                                                               Oct 27—Roger & Nancy Bartels in
       18     Sunday School Attendance
                                                                      honor of their anniversary.
 September 22, 2019
    $2243     Offering
      110     Worship Attendance
       22     Sunday School Attendance
                                                         The deadline for the
 September 29, 2019
    $1359     Offering                                  November newsletter is
       55     Worship Attendance                             October 23.
       25     Sunday School Attendance
Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church
                                    THE SERVING TABLE                       SALEM TODAY: OCTOBER 2019

Note to our Worship Assistants: If you are unable to serve on the day assigned, please swap with
another worship assistant to cover that day. If you have any problems, contact the office.

                    October 6            October 13            October 20              October 27
                (Welcome New Members)                                               (Reformation Sunday)

Communion                                                   Pastor Gary Panko
                   Jane Hubbard                              & Pastor Beverly      Tori or Tristin Gaarder
 Assistant                                                  Rautenberg-Panko

  Acolyte                               Brode Claassen       Brennan Eriksen          Brode Claassen

Cross Bearer                                                                       Tori or Tristin Gaarder

                                        Molliann Heikes &     Kayla Eriksen &      Connie Schoenberner
 Altar Guild       Jane Hubbard
                                          Alana Scott          Juanita Steele       & Kathy Matthews

   Lector        Gregg Cruickshank      Chuck Beermann          Amy Brand              Gayle Rohde

                  Roger Bartels &       Roger Bartels &      Roger Bartels &         Roger Bartels &
                  Chuck Beermann        Chuck Beermann       Chuck Beermann          Chuck Beermann

                   Gregg & Lynda
  Greeters                                Finck Family         Brand Family           Claassen Family

Projectionist       Hubbard Girls       Kassie Claassen                              Kassie Claassen

  Coffee &
                     Evangelism                                Boals Family

  Devotionals Available                                          Prayer Partners
                “Christ in our Home” and        Do you have a passion for supporting
                “Portals of Prayer” are         others with prayer? We have a ministry
                available in the basket in      at Salem for supporting and upholding
                the Narthex near the            those in need of prayer.
                front door, for you to take     If you would like to serve in this ministry, contact: Kay
                home.                           Shelly at 712-301-8359 or Pastor Sandra at
Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church
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                Blessing of the Animals—Saturday, October 5 at 9:30 AM
                Bring your furry family members and friends to the front lawn of the
                church to receive a blessing!

Crop Hunger Walk hosted by the Dakota County Ministerial Alliance
When: October 6, 2019
Where: First Lutheran Church, South Sioux City
Register at 3:00 PM     Walk at 3:30 PM

Listening to Veterans Program—October 9 at 1:30 PM at Dakota County VA

Information about this program is located in the narthex and on the bulletin
board in the fellowship hall.

Disaster Recovery Nebraska Bound Mission Trip—October 16-19
You are invited to the Nebraska Bound Mission trip to Lynch, NE on October 16-19, 2019.
Lynch and Bristow residents will provide meals and lodging at the
community building.
Work may include: Hanging sheet rock, painting, etc. More specific
work plans will be shared at a later date.
For more information, please contact Rev. Becky Beckmann at (402)
841-1063 or

For more disaster-related volunteer opportunities, please go to

Funeral Planning Workshop—October 27 at 11:00 AM at First Lutheran Church
Lunch provided, Short presentations and Q&A session. Contact Pastor Doug at if you plan to attend.

Electronics Recycling: Homer—Saturday, October 26th from 9:00-11:00 AM
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                            Friday, November 1
“That’s when we get together to freeze our collective tuckuses off this year. We do it every year.”

Did you know that there were around 250 or 300 homeless people in Siouxland on any
given day last year? There are entire families living on the streets. Women, children. It’s
not a good situation. Another little-known fact is that slightly over 25% of Siouxland’s
homeless are veterans, ranging from those who served in Vietnam to the Iraq/Afghanistan
war. Realizing this, off to the park went the volunteers last November. They took pledges,
packed up their tents (and cardboard boxes in a few cases) and away they went. It was
such a success that they’re going to do it again in 2019! We’re gonna have an auction and
a box contest, all sorts of stuff! We will even have entertainment, including music, hot
chocolate, bonfires and more. Hey, we’re in the news! Read all about Willie HERE.

                                   What You Can Do
The problem of homelessness in the Sioux City are can feel overwhelming. But there are
ways you can help! Here are three ideas:

         Donate: —The easiest way for many people to help is to donate a few dollars, either
         through pledges or direct donations. Either way, it's fantastic!

      Participate: Many people will be volunteering to spend a night at the Explorer
      Stadium this November 2nd. Feel free to take pledges and join us! It's cold, but it's

         Sponsor: The Siouxland Sleep-Out depends on corporate sponsors. Talk to your
         employer, see if they'll help alleviate homelessness here in Siouxland.

For more information, go to
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Continuing Education with God’s People of the United Evangelical
Lutheran Churches in Argentina & Uruguay
Did you know that The United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Argentina and Uruguay
(Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida—IELU) and the Nebraska Synod have enjoyed a
companion synod relationship dating back to 1990? IELU and the Nebraska Synod
Companion synod relationship nurture and strengthen one another for life and ministry
through prayer, study, communication, exchange of visitors and sharing of resources.
IELU has more than 10,000 members in congregations and missions, 30 pastors and 2
deacons distributed throughout Argentina and Uruguay and divided into 5 districts (Plata
River District, West District, District of Patagonia, Southern District, and Northern
District. IELU is deeply committed to education, diakonia, ecumenical relationships and
human rights.

On October 14, I will embark on a two week Nebraska synod vision trip as my
continuing education with 3 other Nebraska Synod pastors to Argentina. We will be
traveling throughout Argentina visiting congregations and ministries of the IELU. Our
relationship with the IELU will be rooted in “accompaniment” which promotes the values
of mutuality, inclusivity, vulnerability, empowerment and sustainability. It is these values
where we can strengthen one another for life and mission within the body of Christ.

As Christians, we are not fully one holy and catholic church without a global
perspective. Our companion relationship with IELU enlarges our world view. Global
connections help us see the world’s challenges in a new way and examine our own
problems and joys through new eyes. These connections also strengthen God’s mission
in the world.

I ask that you keep Pastor Justin, Pastor Megan, Pastor Steven, and myself in your
prayers. If you have pastoral needs while I am away, please contact Pastor Patti Meyer
at (623)910-7859 or

Pastor Sandra +
Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church
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        Banner to Remember All the Saints on November 3
                 "...So great a cloud of witnesses..." Hebrews 12:1
You are all invited to participate in creating a special Banner to be used in worship on
All Saints Sunday, November 3. The Banner will be in the narthex on October 13, 20,
and 27 and next to the banner will be a basket with bells in it.
You are all invited to pin a bell on the Banner in memory of departed family members
and friends you want remembered. Please write the name of the person(s) on the card
provided and then place it in the basket.
The Banner will be in the sanctuary on All Saints Day. The names in memory of
someone will be posted in the bulletin insert. The Banner will be a visual reminder of
all the saints. Please take time to stop in the narthex and share a name or names,
then, join us for worship on November 3.
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            Improving Your Health by Improving Mental Health
It is so important to remember that mental health is a part of your overall health. The following are some
suggestions to improve mental and emotional health:

1. Value yourself: Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Make time for
   your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a
   garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or become fluent in another language.

2. Take care of your body: Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure
   to eat nutritious meals, avoid cigarettes and drink plenty of water. Exercise helps decrease
   depression and anxiety and improve moods. Get enough sleep. Researchers believe that lack of
   sleep contributes to a high rate of depression.

3. Surround yourself with good people: People with strong family or social connections are generally
   healthier than those who lack a support network. Make plans with supportive family members and
   friends, or seek out activities where you can meet new people, such as a club, class or support group.

4. Give of yourself: Volunteer your time and energy to help someone else. You'll feel good about doing
   something tangible to help someone in need — and it's a great way to meet new people.

5. Learn how to deal with stress: Like it or not, stress is a part of life. Practice good coping skills:
   Deep breathe, stretch, exercise, take a nature walk, play with your pet, or try journal writing as a
   stress reducer. Also, remember to smile and see the humor in life. Research shows that laughter can
   boost your immune system, ease pain, relax your body and reduce stress.

6. Quiet your mind: Try meditating, mindfulness and prayer. Relaxation exercises and prayer can
   improve your state of mind and outlook on life. In fact, research shows that meditation may help you
   feel calm and enhance the effects of therapy.

7. Set realistic goals: Decide what you want to achieve academically, professionally and personally,
   and write down the steps you need to realize your goals. Aim high, but be realistic and don't over-
   schedule. You'll enjoy a tremendous sense of accomplishment and self-worth as you progress toward
   your goal.

8. Break up the monotony: Although our routines make us more efficient and enhance our feelings of
   security and safety, a little change of pace can perk up a tedious schedule. Alter your jogging route,
   plan a road-trip, take a walk in a different park, hang some new pictures or try a new restaurant.

9. Avoid alcohol and other drugs: Keep alcohol use to a minimum and avoid other drugs. Sometimes
   people use alcohol and other drugs to "self-medicate" but in reality, alcohol and other drugs only
   aggravate problems.

10. Get help when you need it: Seeking help is a sign of strength — not a weakness. And it is important
    to remember that treatment is effective. People who get appropriate care can recover from mental
    illness and addiction and lead full, rewarding lives.

Submitted by Laura Phen, Licensed Professional Counselor
Adapted from the National Mental Health Association
Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church
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                    Christian Education & Faith Formation
Sunday School/ESL: Children’s Sunday School and ESL Classes meet each Sunday at
9:00 AM.
Lutheran youth of Nebraska (LYON) Assembly in Fremont, NE is November 22-24 for
grades 9-12. Registration deadline is October 23. Go to
ministries/faithformation/youth/programs/lyon.html for more information and to register.
Confirmation: Confirmation Class meets each Wednesday evening at 6:30. The class is
using the Collaborate: Lutheran Confirmation curriculum that invites students to ask tough
questions and work together to find answers. Tori and Tristin Gaarder will be confirmed
during worship on Sunday, October 27.
Ladies Bible Study: REJOICE Bible study group meets on the first Thursday of the
Men’s Bible Study: The men of the church meet at 8:00 AM on the second Saturday of
the month.
Adult Faith Formation: Between the demands of family, work and much more, it’s difficult
to find intentional time to deepen your faith. Sullivan Hills Camp will offer stand-alone
classes to enrich your faith. Classes are from 9AM to 4PM, and include lunch.
The Sacraments—Saturday, October 5 What are the Sacraments? What are they good
for? What do they do? During this course, you will dive into these questions about the
Sacraments in the Lutheran Church and in our faith.
The Apostles’ Creed—Saturday, April 25, 2020 What are we actually saying when we
profess the creed? How do I put the words to my own faith? During this course,
participants will dive into these questions in the context of the Apostles’ Creed.
Visit to learn more and register.

A Prayer for the Gifts of Agriculture
God our creator, you have ordered seedtime and harvest, sunshine
and rain. Give to all who work the land fair compensation for the work
of their hands. Grant that the people of this and every nation may give
thanks to you for food, drink, and all that sustains life; may use with
care the land and water from which these good things come; and may
honor the laborers who produce them; through your Son, Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Salem Today - Salem Lutheran Church

     Confirmation (Affirmation of Baptism) - Not a Graduation
On Reformation Sunday, two of our youth, Tori and Tristin Gaarder, will make a
public profession of their faith. They will declare for themselves that they will live out
the promises made for them by their parents and sponsors in their baptism.
Confirmation is now commonly called Affirmation of Baptism. At their Affirmation of
Baptism, confirmands will be asked to make these promises for themselves:

Do you intend to continue in the covenant God made with you in holy baptism:
•       To live among God’s faithful people
•       To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper
•       To proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed
•       To serve all people, following the example of Jesus
•    To strive for justice and peace in all the earth
This affirmation of baptism statement of faith that each of these confirmands declare
is in the hope and trust that God will continue to lead and guide them in all aspects
of their lives now and in the future. These confirmands will declare that they will
continue to live out their faith in the church. Making this affirmation of baptism
statement of faith is not a graduation, but a promise to continue to live out their
baptism in their daily lives, to love and serve their neighbor, and to be the church.

    Reformation Sunday & Confirmation Day
               Tori Gaarder & Tristin Gaarder
    will be confirmed during the worship service on
                      October 27.
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Thank you to all who participated in
God’s Work, Our Hands!
We will bless the blankets on October 13th
during the service. The blankets will then be
sent to Lutheran World Relief!
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Salem Council Meeting Minutes—
August 20, 2019
Present: Jane Hubbard, Charlie Steele, Chuck Beermann, Darrin Brand, Emma Caskey, Terry Eriksen, Lynda
Cruickshank, Nathaniel Eriksen, Pastor Sandra Braasch, Gina Rawlings, Ron Bottger, Danny Rager
Jane called the meeting to order.
Kyle Walker from Walker Brothers presented a bid and information on replacing the roof. Discussed doing a panel
drive to raise money. Charlie will check into other bids. Tabled for future discussions.
Lynda led the devotion.
Terry motioned/Nathaniel second to approve June minutes as presented. MSC.
Updated church calendar.
New Business:
• Discussed replacing garage door on parsonage before winter. Charlie and Jason Steele will replace. Nathaniel
  and Charlie will get bids. Terry motioned/Charlie second authorizing up to $1500 to replace door and opener.
• Parking lot is tabled. No bids have been received.
• Rummage Sale will be September 13-14. Items can be left on the stage or in the Sunday School Room. There
  is a sign up sheet for people to help price, sort and work the sale. Discussed a tithe be given to Habitat for
  Humanity from proceeds. Any left over coats/hats can be donated to the schools, and approved soft covered
  books can be donated to the jail.
Committee Reports:
• Faith Formation: Christian ed and teachers meeting is scheduled to plan activities. Rally Day is scheduled and
  will have a celebration to kick off the 150th anniversary. Scheduling an activity for each month to engage families
  and connect parents. Children will sing in church each month.
•    Evangelism committee is calling members who haven’t been in church.
•    Worship & Music has a meeting scheduled in September.
•    Property: Charlie has made many repairs to the parsonage. He will check the roof to see if it needs to be
     replaced at the same time as the church.
•    Stewardship: Nothing to report.
•    Health Ministry: Blood pressure checks will be available during the rummage sale.
•    Confirmation Students will present their essays to the council on either September 22 or 29th at 6:00 PM. Pizza
     will be provided and families will be invited.
•    Finance Committee: Terry and Pastor met with Pastor Soriya regarding United Asian’s finances. Pastor Soriya
     plans to continue preaching after funds are depleted. Discussion was held on the mission investment funds.
     Soriya suggested that the money should be split between the synod and Salem. Finance committee is reviewing
     the finance statements via email and meeting as needed. Discussed reclassifying some expenses and decided
     against. We have a deficit in the Explorers account. Terry said he will cover this amount. Charlie motioned/
     Lynda second to approve Finance report as presented. MSC.
Terry and Nathaniel excused themselves for a discussion of Salem supporting Merrie Eriksen in the PMA program.
Pastor will get more information on the cost and council can decide the amount of support to give her. Discussion
tabled for future discussion.
Meeting adjourned with Lord’s Prayer.
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        Sunday                      Monday           Tuesday      Wednesday Thursday                  Friday           Saturday
                                                1                 2              3               4                5
                                                10:00 AM          5:30 PM        9:30 AM                          9:30 AM
                                                Pastor Text       Choir          REJOICE Bible                    Blessing of the
                                                Study at Salem                   Study                            Animals
                                                                  6:30—8:00 PM
                                                2:00 PM           Confirmation   6:30—8:00 PM
                                                Worship at                       By Heart
                                                Regency Square
6                              7                8                 9              10              11               12
9:00 AM                                         1:30 PM           5:30 PM                                         8:00 AM
Sunday School & ESL                             Listening to Vets Choir                                           Men’s Bible Study
10:00 AM
Salem Worship                                   7:00 PM           6:30—8:00 PM
United Asian Bible Study                        Health Ministry   Confirmation
11:00 AM
Fellowship & Coffee
11:30 AM
United Asian Worship                                                                                  NSWO Convention at
3:00 PM                                                                                               Camp Carol Joy Holling
Crop Walk        |----     - Pastor Sandra to THEO-Con- - - - - |
6:00 PM
Boy Scouts
13                             14               15              16               17              18               19
9:00 AM                                         7:00 PM         5:30 PM
Sunday School & ESL                             Council Meeting Choir
10:00 AM
Salem Worship—                                                    6:30—8:00 PM
Blessing of the Tie Blankets                                      Confirmation
United Asian Bible Study
11:00 AM
Fellowship & Coffee                |- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Pastor Sandra to Argentina for Continuing Education
11:30 AM
United Asian Worship
6:00 PM
Boy Scouts
20                          21                  22                23             24              25               26
9:00 AM                                                           5:30 PM
Sunday School & ESL                                               Choir
10:00 AM
Salem Worship                                                     6:30—8:00 PM
United Asian Bible Study                                          Confirmation
11:00 AM
Fellowship & Coffee
11:30 AM                 Pastor      Sandra to Argentina for Continuing Education- - - - - - - - - - - |
United Asian Worship
1:30-4:30 PM
Real Colors Workshop
6:00 PM
Boy Scouts
27                             28               29                30             31
9:00 AM                        All Day          12:00 PM
Sunday School & ESL            Pastor Day of    DCMA Meeting
10:00 AM                       Sabbath
Salem Worship—
Reformation Sunday
United Asian Bible Study
11:00 AM
Fellowship & Coffee
Health Screenings
11:30 AM
United Asian Worship
6:00 PM
Boy Scouts
18                                                                                SALEM TODAY: OCTOBER 2019

                                                 10/1    Bev Hubbard               10/17 Patsy Pies
                                                 10/1    Paisyn Ross               10/18 James Bliven
                                                 10/2    Jane Hubbard              10/18 Chance Eriksen
                                                 10/6    Terri Beermann            10/20 McKinzie Schlotman
                                                 10/6    Emily Brewer              10/22 Lisa Elsberry
                                                 10/7    Saralynn Noteboom         10/22 Gracie Tucker
                                                 10/8    Bryce Anderson            10/23 Danny Rager
                                                 10/12 Ronald Bottger              10/26 Samuel Heikes
                                                 10/13 Lana Davis                  10/26 Courtney Anderson-Lane
                                                 10/14 Bobbi Culbertson            10/29 Kaylee Bisson
                                                 10/15 Matthew Benton              10/31 Barb Blackwell

                                                                                    10/7    JD & Kristy Claassen
                                                                                    10/16 Bryce & Luanne Anderson
                                                                                    10/27 Roger & Nancy Bartels

                                                   If we have missed a birthday or anniversary, or have incorrect
                                                               information, please contact the office!

 Salem Lutheran Church
 1753 G Avenue
 Dakota City, NE 68731                                                                 Leadership at Salem
 Rev. Sandra L. Braasch                                 Council Members
                                                        President                Jane Hubbard………...(402)987-3712
                                                        Vice President           Terry Eriksen………...(402)632-4545
Office……………………...(402)987-3582                          Treasurer                Darrin Brand…………(402)380-1841
Email Address……………           Secretary                Emma Caskey………..(712)490-5840
Pastor Email………………                                     Lynda Cruickshank…..(402)404-1923
                                                                                 Nathaniel Eriksen…….(712)212-1739
Pastor               Sandra L. Braasch.(904)316-4645
                                                                                 Charlie Steele………...(712)266-6993
Asian Pastor         Soriya Roeun…….(402)494-8701       Committees:
Office Administrator Gina Rawlings…...(712)870-4180     Call Committee           Gayle Rohde..………..(402)987-3146
Choir Director       Mike Dailey……..(402)494-4573       Christian Education      Emma Caskey………..(712)490-5840
Musician             David Ewoldt……(712)274-1036        Evangelism               Ron Bartels…………..(712)301-8950
Sun. School Super.   Jim Hubbard……..(402)987-3712       Finance                  Darrin Brand………….(402)380-1841
Taylor Cemetery      Ken Baker ………(712)259-9236                                  Ron Bottger…………..(712)490-5380
                                                        Memorial Committee       Bev Hubbard………….(402)987-3751
Altar Guild          Women of the Church
                                                        Property:                Nathaniel Eriksen…….(712)212-1739
Women of Church      Phyllis Birkley…...(402)632-4410   Social Ministry          WELCA—Salem Women
                     Marci Bartels…….(712)251-2827      Stewardship              Lynda Cruickshank…..(402)404-1923
Prayer Partners      Kay Shelly……….(712)301-8359        Worship & Music          Kristy Claassen……….(712)899-1718
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