July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament

Page created by Lucille Rios
July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
July 2021

                             Weekend Mass Times         Stay Connected with us!
                             5:30 PM (masks required)   @CBS_WL
                              7:30 PM Spanish Mass
 2224 Sacramento Drive               Sunday:
 West Lafayette, IN 47906            8:00 AM            @CBS_WL
                                    11:00 AM
July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
This Week: Eyes Fixed on Jesus                Our fallen human nature is like spiritual gravity. It's
                                                                always pulling us towards following the easy path of
                "Our eyes are fixed on the Lord... as the       comfort and self-indulgence, to go with the flow of
                eyes of servants are on the hands of their      popular culture.
                masters." This image from today's Psalm is      Today we can ask ourselves: What has God been
                a mirror of what it means to be                 saying to us that we have been resisting? It may have
                a complete, mature follower of Jesus            something to do with a relationship - someone we
                Christ.                                         need to forgive, or ask forgiveness from. It may be
In today's Gospel reading, we heard about Jesus'                bringing some long-hidden sins to the fountain of
reaction to how the residents of His hometown received          God's mercy in confession. It may be some part
His teaching, "He was amazed at their lack of faith."           of Church teaching that the world around
                                                                us disagrees with, and which we have not accepted or
Earlier in that passage, we saw how those same people           tried to understand more deeply.
were "astonished" when they listened to the Lord's
preaching.                                                      Today, as Jesus renews His commitment to us in this
                                                                Mass, let us promise to hear and also to heed Him so
How do these two things go together?                            that His mighty deeds may work wonders in our lives
                                                                of faith.
On the one hand they heard what Jesus was telling them,
and it made an impact on them. On the other hand, what          Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus!
they heard didn't change their lives. They perceived the
truth of Christ's words, but refused to welcome that truth
into their hearts.
This refusal, St. Mark tells us, is a "lack of faith." Faith,
then, which is the foundation of Christian life,
involves two things:                                                              Fr. Mark Walter
   1. Hearing God's word                                                               Pastor
   2. Heeding God’s word
God is always speaking to us, and we usually hear him in
our conscience, in the teachings of the Church, and in the
words of the Bible. Oftentimes we do not heed what we
hear and that stunts our spiritual growth. This was                           Employment Opportunity
God's constant complaint in the Old Testament, as we just
listened to in today's First Reading.                                         Our parish is looking for an
                                                                               Administrative Assistant.
God sent the prophets over and over again to show them
the way to a meaningful and abundant life. They heard                       Please visit our website (https://
what the prophets had to say, but they didn't heed it. They              blessedsacramentwl.org/employment-
"resisted" and "revolted" against it. Following Christ                 opportunities) for more information and if
means both hearing and heeding the Word of God. It                      you know someone that is qualified and
means keeping "our eyes fixed on the Lord... as the eyes             interested, please share this information with
of servants are on the hands of their masters."                                           them.
It was hard for the people of the Old Testament to hear
and heed God's word. It was also hard for the people of
Jesus' home town to do so. If that's the case, we should
not be surprised if there are seasons and situations in our
own lives when we also find it hard.

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July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                                   THANK YOU!                        Current & Upcoming Facilities Updates
                             Thank you for your generous                        Rectory Pergola
                              response to the needs in St.
                             Mugagga, School in Uganda.

                               Total Needed to repair
                                   building: $1,457
   Katie Sanders              Total Collection: $4,610!!!
Director of Operations (all excess funds will be used for our
                                   tuition commitment)

                  From Brother Emmy:
“We're very grateful for this information. The news has
found us with our students home because we couldn't
have them in the building before fully repaired. We'll
repair quickly as soon as we get the funds.

Our academic year cycle has been affected by covid-19.
However, by next year, all of the sponsored students will
be in the university. It is to start in August, but we can't
tell what will happen.                                            The pergola has rotting wood and is now being
There's a spike in coronavirus spread in Uganda now                    fixed. Stay tuned for after pictures!
more than ever. We pray it doesn't affect us too much.”
                                                                Sanctuary Ceiling painting is scheduled to take
                                                                place the first week of August. More info coming

                                                                                          A St. Joseph Statue has
                                                                                         been ordered and is being
                                                                                               hand carved.

                                                                                          Thank you to those who
                                                                                           made this possible!

             Students in native costume.
    blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                   July 2021 • PAGE 3
July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Welcome, Denise!
                             Denise is our new part-time AV room tech. She works to prepare the slideshows for Mass
                                                       and runs the slides during Mass too!
                             Top 5 Signature Strengths from Living Your Strengths
                             reconstituyente, competencia, enfoque, analítica, desarrollador
                             restorative, competition, focus, analytics, developer
                             Where are you from?
                             Yo soy de West Lafayette,Indiana. Yo he vivido aquí todo mi vida. I am from West
  Denise Jacome              Lafayette, Indiana. I have lived here my whole life.
        AV Tech              Family information
                             Yo soy la mayor de mi familia. Solo tengo un hermano. Su nombre es Luis y está en sexto
                             grado. Mis dos padres son de México. Soy primera generación mexicano-estadounidense .
I am the oldest in my family. I only have one sibling. His name is Luis and he is in 6th grade. Both of my parents are
from Mexico. I am a first generation Mexican-American.
Tocar mi trompeta, escuchar música, cocinar y hacer presentaciones en PowerPoint. Formó parte de la banda
Marching, Jazz, Pep y Concert. También disfruto jugar muchos deportes, como voleibol, fútbol y bailar.
Playing my trumpet, listening to music, cooking, and making powerpoint presentations . I am part of the Marching,
Jazz, Pep, and Concert band. I also enjoying playing many sports including volleyball, soccer, and dancing.
Education/Work background
Soy un estudiante de último año en Harrison High School. ¡GO RAIDERS! Después de la preparatoria, estoy
pensando en ser higienista dental. También estoy pensando en ingresar al programa de ECHO para obtener una
maestría en teología.
I am a Senior at Harrison High School. GO RAIDERS! After high school I am looking into being a dental hygienist. I
am also looking into going into the ECHO program to get a masters in theology.
 Favorite Saint
Mi santa favorita es Santa Inés. Ella es la santa patrona de las niñas. Ella es muy inspiradora, porque rechazó el
matrimonio a la temprana edad de 12 o 13 años declarando que estaba casada con Jesús. Cuando sus pretendientes se
enteraron, expusieron su cristianismo, que se creía que era un culto en ese entonces. Todos menos uno de los jóvenes
romanos la dejaron intacta. Cuando él trató de violarla, él quedó ciego misteriosamente. Ella lo ayudó con la oración.
Posteriormente fue asesinada durante la persecución cristiana.Me recuerda que la oración tiene mucho poder. Así
como nunca perder la fe y no rechazar tu fe incluso en los momentos más difíciles.
My favorite saint is St. Agnes. She’s the patron saint of girls. She is very inspirational, because she refused marriage at
the young age of 12 or 13 stating that she was married to Jesus. When her suitors found out they exposed that her
Christianity which was believed to be a cult back then. All but one of the romans' youth left her untouched. When he
tried to violate her, he mysteriously got struck blind. She helped him with prayer. Later on she was murdered during the
Christian persecution. She reminds me that prayer has a lot of power. As well as never lose faith and to not refuse your
faith even in the hardest times.
Why do you enjoy or are excited to work at Church of the Blessed
Disfruto trabajar en la Iglesia del Santísimo Sacramento, porque puedo
fortalecer mi fe mientras ayudo a otros a crecer también. Este trabajo me
está ayudando a aprender cosas nuevas sobre mi fe y a conocer a personas
que comparten creencias similares a las mías.
I enjoy working at Church of the Blessed Sacrament, because I can build
up my faith while helping others to grow as well. This job is helping me
learn new things about my faith and getting to know people who share sim-
ilar beliefs as me.

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July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Hispanic Ministry
                                Tengan cuidado de los falsos profetas/Beaware of false prophets
                            Tengan cuidado de los falsos profetas, que se presentan cubiertos con pieles de ovejas,
                            pero por dentro son lobos rapaces.
                            Por sus frutos los reconocerán. ¿Acaso se recogen uvas de los espinos o higos de los
                            cardos? Así, todo árbol bueno produce frutos buenos y todo árbol malo produce frutos
                            malos. Un árbol bueno no puede producir frutos malos, ni un árbol malo, producir fru-
                            tos buenos. Al árbol que no produce frutos buenos se lo corta y se lo arroja al fuego.
                            Por sus frutos, entonces, ustedes los reconocerán. No son los que me dicen: «Señor,
     Epi Cabrera            Señor», los que entrarán en el Reino de los Cielos, sino los que cumplen la voluntad
 Hispanic Coordinator de mi Padre que está en el cielo (Mt 7,15-21). Aparecerá una multitud de falsos profe-
                            tas, que engañar án a mucha gente. Al aumentar la maldad se enfr iar á el amor de
muchos, pero el que persevere hasta el fin, se salvará (Mt 24,11-13). Porque aparecerán falsos mesías y falsos pro-
fetas que har án milagr os y pr odigios asombr osos, capaces de engañar , si fuer a posible, a los mismos elegi-
dos. Por eso los prevengo.

Si les dicen: "El Mesías está en el desierto", no vayan; o bien: "Está escondido en tal lugar", no lo crean (Mt 24,

Estos son falsos apóstoles, que proceden engañosamente, haciéndose pasar por apóstoles de Cristo.
Su táctica no debe sorprendernos, porque el mismo Satanás se disfraza de ángel de luz.
No es de extrañar, entonces, que sus servidores se disfracen de servidores de la justicia. Pero su fin será digno de
sus obras (2 Co 11,13-15).

        "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.
       By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
       Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit.
       A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit.
       Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
       So by their fruits you will know them (Mt 7:15-20).
       Many false prophets will arise and deceive many;
       and because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold.
       But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved (Mt,11-13).
       For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, who masquerade as apostles of Christ.
       And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
       So it is not strange that his ministers also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. Their end will corre-
       spond to their deeds (2 Co,11:13-15).

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July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Faith Formation
                     On June 14th through the 18th we held our annual Vacation Bible
                     School, VBS for short. It was so exciting to be able to hold it in per son.
                     The halls were filled with smiling faces and bodies filled with God’s love.
                     Fun was had by all and of course plenty of growing in God’s love. Natalie,
                     one of our young participants said: “We had fun everyday”, Molly, another
                     participant, liked making new friends and Audrey, a crew leader, enjoyed
Tanya Martinez       how excited the children were to be there. Truly, it was a very successful
                     year for VBS and I pray the Lord blesses us with many more to come.
 Faith Formation

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July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                       Back in January, our Parish hosted a Young Adult Listening Session after
                       Fr. Mark made a request in a homily to the staff during our staff retreat.
                       From that Listening Session, all Greater Lafayette Area Young Adults
                       were invited to come and share their needs with the Church, the Church
                       was a listening ear. The Catholic Moment wrote an article on the process
                       and Eric Benedict contacted me because he felt called to respond to the
                       needs that came out of the Listening Session, mainly that there is a need
                       for a deeper understanding of basic Catechesis.
   Jocelyn Alcala
       Director of      Young Adults were invited to a Taco Tuesday + Theology night with Eric
     Evangelization     Benedict on June 22nd. The talk was on Mary. Andrew Benedict, Eric’s
son writes “I think what my father Eric was able to accomplish was to give to those whom have a
desire to know our Mother Mary more. It was not just a simple regurgitation of what Catholics
always hear, but rather, a deeper and much more personal understanding of Mary. What he is
trying to provide is what younger Catholics have been wanting and praying for, and that is a
program that teaches our faith the way it needs to be taught. It was definitely a faith learning
experience that I would encourage all parishioners to come and enjoy.”

The Holy Spirit has been guiding the whole process of Listening with the ear of our hearts to the
needs of the Church. It is in the process of listening to the needs of others that we can discern
where God is calling us to serve. If you have a Young Adult at home, or are a YA yourself, please
invite and come to our next month’s Young Adult Theology night! Contact jalcala@dol-in.org for
more information.

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July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                             Dear Parish Family,              Praise Band
                         It is so good to be singing with      Audition and/or invitation required
                         all of you again! On that note, I
                                                               Mostly praise & worship music, with occasional
                         wanted to announce that Choirs
                         and Music Ministry groups will           contemporary and traditional hymns
                         be resuming (mostly) in August,       Sings/plays 4x/month at the Sunday 11:00am
                         with a target date for the               Mass (typically the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th – when
                          Solemnity of the Assumption             applicable – weekends of the month) and at
   Caleb Schultz          on the weekend of August                Christmas Day, Easter Day, ALPHA and other
                          14th/15th (One caveat:                  special events, Praise & Worship Night(s), Fish
Pastoral Asst. for Music                                          Fry, etc.
      & Worship
                          Children’s Choir is targeted to
                          resume in September).               Life Teen
                                                               Open to all High School students
Descriptions of each of the groups are below, along with       Mostly praise & worship music, with occasional
the criteria to be involved – if any of these interest you,       contemporary and traditional hymns
please reach out to me for more information at                 Sings/plays 1x/month at the Sunday 11:00am
cschultz@dol-in.org. If you are planning to return to a           Mass (typically the 3rd weekend of the month)
group, please still let me know at the above email address    Cantors
– thank you!                                                   Audition and/or invitation required
                                                               Music depends on group and/or Mass time
Blessed Sacrament Adult Choir
                                                               Sings at all weekend Masses
 Open to all
                                                               Typically a Cantor will sing 1-2x/month
 Mostly traditional hymns, with occasional
   contemporary selections
                                                               Audition and/or invitation required for all
 Sings 2x/month at the Saturday 5:30pm Mass
   (typically the 1st & 3rd weekends of the month) and at
   certain Solemnities, Holy Days of Obligation,               Traditional instruments: brass, woodwinds,
   Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, etc.                             strings, keyboard instruments, timpani
Children’s Choir                                               Certain weekend Masses, Solemnities, Holy
 Open to all children in Kindergarten thru 8th Grade             Days of Obligation, Christmas, Holy Week,
                                                                  Easter, etc.
 Mostly traditional hymns, with occasional
   contemporary selections                                     Spanish Mass: guitars, hand drums, trumpets,
                                                                  maracas, etc.
 Sings 1x/month at the Saturday 5:30pm Mass
   (typically the 2nd weekend of the month)                    Certain weekend Spanish Masses, Solemnities,
Spanish Choir                                                     Holy Days of Obligation, Our Lady of
                                                                  Guadalupe, Holy Week, Easter, etc.
 Open to all
                                                               Praise Band/Life Teen: guitars (acoustic, electric,
 Mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns
                                                                  bass), drum kit, hand drums, woodwinds (see
 Sings 2x/month at the Saturday 7:30pm Spanish Mass              typical Praise Band/Life Teen schedules above)
   (typically the 1st & 3rd weekends of the month) and at
   certain Solemnities and Feast Days, Our Lady of            I look forward to hearing from you!
   Guadalupe, Holy Days of Obligation, Christmas, Holy
   Week, Easter, etc.                                         Thank you & God Bless you!
Schola                                                        Caleb
 Audition and/or invitation required
 Chanted Mass Propers, various selections of
   Renaissance polyphony, chants and traditional hymns
 Sings 2x/month at the Sunday 8:00am Mass (typically
   the 1st & 3rd weekends of the month) and at certain
   Solemnities, Holy Days of Obligation, Christmas,
   Holy Week, Easter, etc.

     blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                  July 2021 • PAGE 8
July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Worship (Con’t)
Es un gran gusto volver a cantar con todos de nuevo y             ocacionalmente cantos tradicionales y
quiero darles a conocer que los coros y los ministros de          contemporaneos.
música la mayoría regresarán en agosto, sobre todo el          Cantar/tocar cuatro veces x/mes en la Santa Misa
objetivo es estar listos para el fin de semana de la              del domingo 11:00 am (típicamente el 1ro, 2nd, 4to
Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Virgen María en agosto            & 5to – cuando sea aplicable – fines de semana
14/15 (estoy planeando que un coro de niños regrese en            del mes), el día de Navidad, el día de Pascua, en
septiembre).                                                      ALFA y en otros eventos especiales: Noche de
                                                                  Adoración y Alabanza, el evento del pescado
A continuación está la descripción y las características de       frito, etc.
cada grupo, si te interesa pertenecer a alguno de estos       Coro Juvenil
grupos, contáctame para darte más información a
cschultz@dol-in.org. Si estas planeando regresar a algún       Todos los estudiantes de la preparatoria (High
grupo por favor mándame un correo electrónico. Muchas             School) son bienvenidos.
gracias.                                                       Comúnmente música de adoración y alabanza;
                                                                  cantos tradicionales y contemporáneos.
El Coro de Adultos de la parroquia.                            Cantar/tocar una vez x/mes en la Santa Misa del
 Todos son bienvenidos.                                          domingo a las 11:00 am (típicamente 3rd fin de
 Comúnmente cantos tradicionales y algunas veces                 semana del mes)
    cantos contemporáneos.                                    Cantores
 Cantar 2 veces x/mes los sábados en la Santa Misa a          Requiere audición e invitación
    las 5:30 pm (típicamente 1er & 3er fin de semana del       La música depende del grupo y de la intención de
    mes) y en ciertas solemnidades, días de precepto,             la Misa
    Navidad, Semana Santa, Pascua, etc.                        Cantar todos los fines de semana.
El Coro de niños.                                              Típicamente el Cantor participará una a dos
 Los niños de kinder hasta el grado ocho son                     veces x/mes
    bienvenidos.                                              Instrumentista
 Comúnmente cantos tradicionales y algunas veces              Requiere audición e invitación para todos los
    cantos contemporáneos.                                        instrumentistas.
 Cantar una vez x/mes en la Santa Misa, el sábado 5:30        Instrumentos tradicionales: instrumentos
    pm. (típicamente el 2do fin de semana del mes)                metálicos, instrumentos de viento, instrumentos
El coro en español                                                de cuerda, instrumento de teclas, tamboriles.
 Todos son bienvenidos                                        Algunas misas de fin de semana, solemnidades,
 Comúnmente cantos tradicionales y contemporaneos.               días de precepto, Navidad, Semana Santa,
 Cantar en la Santa Misa de español dos veces x/mes el           Pascua, etc.
    sábado a las 7:30 pm (típicamente el 1er & 3er fin de      Santa Misa en español: guitarras, tambores,
    semana del mes) y en algunas solemnidades, días de            trompetas, maracas, etc.
    fiesta, fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, días de          Algunos fines de semana en la Misa de español,
    precepto, Navidad, Pascua, etc.                               solemnidades, días de preceptos, fiesta de
Schola                                                            Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Semana Santa,
 Requiere prueba de audición e invitación.                       Pascua, etc.
 Misa cantada, mucha selección de polifonía                   Banda de Alabanza/coro juvenil: guitarras
    renacentista y cantos tradicionales.                          (acústica, eléctrica, bajo), batería, tambor de
 Cantar dos veces x/mes en la Santa Misa de los                  mano, instrumentos de madera.
    domingos a las 8:00 am (típicamente el 1er & 3er fin de   Checar en Banda/coro juvenil para ver los días y
    semana del mes) y algunas solemnidades, días de           horarios de participación.
    precepto, Navidad, Semana Santa, Pascua, etc.
                                                              Te espero, no faltes, ven desarrolla los talentos que
                                                              Dios te ha regalado!
Banda de alabanza y adoración
                                                              Muchas gracias & Dios los bendiga!
 Requiere audición e invitación                              Caleb
 Comúnmente cantos de adoración y alabanza,
    blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                    July 2021 • PAGE 9
July 2021 - Stay Connected with us! - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Prayer Board                                              This Week at our Parish
                                                                   Masses and Mass Intentions in Bold   ♥ = Special intention † = Deceased
  Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick
 members of our community and for all who are in need, may
  they find consolation in your healing presence. May these        Sunday, July 4
  special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so         8:00am Mass           † Nick Welch
 join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through    11:00am Mass           ♥ For the Parish
    the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.
     Laura & Pete                  Neil Wagner
     Martha Altschaeffl            Jackie Kraft                    Monday, July 5 St. Anthony Zaccaria, Priest; St.
     Rita Flannelly                Adoration Chapel                Elizabeth of Portugal
     McNeil Family and the         Increase in vocations and        No scheduled events.
     repose of the soul of Nick    religious life
     Welch                                                         Tuesday, July 6 St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr
     Repose of the soul of                                          4:00pm Prayer Group
     Noreen Beardmore
                                                                    5:30pm Mass         † Joseph Bratcher
                                                                    6:00 pm Reconciliation
                                                                    7:00pm    Bible Study on the Book of Job; HC
          This week, the Sanctuary                                  7:30pm    K of C Council Meeting; HC
          Candle in the church
          will burn for the
          Anderson Family.                                         Wednesday July 7
                                                                    8:30am   Mass          † Irene Anderson
                                                                    8:30pm   Schola
     Please Pray for our Parish Families
  Please pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the        Thursday July 8
 following parishioners and their families, and always keep all     8:30am   Mass    † Carmella Ann McCoy
                    families in your prayers.                      12:00pm   Schoenstatt Women’s/Men’s Meetings:
July 4                Mark & Beatriz Cisneros
                      Steve & Andrea Clark                         Friday, July 9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and
                                                                   Companions, Martyrs
July 5                Donald & Mary Claxton                         8:30am     Mass     † John Strathman
                      Dave & Judy Clerget                           9:15am     Divine Mercy Chaplet
July 6                Wally Clifton                                Saturday, July 10
                                                                    4:00pm    Reconciliation; HC/JB
                      Shane & Angie Cloud
                                                                    5:30pm Mass ♥ Tommy & Natasha Beardmore
July 7                Shannon & Jill Cloud                          7:30pm Spanish Mass/Santa Misa
                      Theresa Cocanower                                        † Omar Dominguez Cruz
July 8                Dennis & Debbie Cole
                                                                   Sunday, July 11 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
                      Irene Collins                                 8:00am Mass        ♥ For the Parish
July 9                John & Mary Connell                          11:00am Mass        † Winston T. Casis
                      Todd Cool
                                                                        Thank you to Riviera Maya for so generously donat-
July 10               Mary Corbin                                       ing food for our young adult Taco Tuesday + Theol-
                      Pedro Corona & Viole Lezama                       ogy event on Tuesday, June 22nd! If you have a
                                                                        craving for Mexican food, be sure to check out Rivi-
                                                                        era Maya on State Road 26.
            Please Pray for our Priests
  “Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (Name of Priest), act in
  him, speak in and through him. Think your thoughts in his
   mind, and love through his heart. Teach, lead, and guide
     him always. Let him live in you, and keep him in this
                intimate union always. Amen.”

  July 4              Fr.   Christopher Shocklee
  July 5              Fr.   Travis Stephens
  July 6              Fr.   William Summerlin
                                                                          Pilgrimage begins at 8:00 AM @ St. Boniface
  July 7              Fr.   Clayton Thompson                                              with Mass.
  July 8              Fr.   Eric Underwood
  July 9              Fr.   Peter Vanderkolk
  July 10             Fr.   Mark Walter

  blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                           July 2021 • PAGE 10

Pastor                                                                              Full-Time Staff
Fr. Mark Walter
In Residence                                                   Director of Evangelization
Fr. Samuel Kalu                                                Jocelyn Alcala, jalcala@dol-in.org
Deacon                                                         Director of Operations
Mike Mescall, mmescall@dol-in.org                              Katie Sanders, ksanders@parish.dol-in.org
Sacramental Records & Mass Intentions Disciple                 ECHO Apprentice (@ Notre Dame this summer)
Wilma Brannan, wbrannan@parish.dol-in.org                      Diana Salgado, dsalgado@parish.dol-in.org
                    Part-Time Staff                            Maintenance Technician
AV Tech                                                        Randy Harrington, rharrington@parish.dol-in.org
Denise Jacome                                                  Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship
Executive Director of Parish Life & Administration             Caleb Schultz, cschultz@dol-in.org
Missy Krockover, mkrockover@dol-in.org
Faith Formation Coordinator
Tanya Martinez, tmartinez@parish.dol-in.org
Hispanic Coordinator
Epi Cabrera, ecabrera@parish.dol-in.org

                   PARISH MINISTRIES                                              SACRAMENTS
                                                                    For more information on Sacraments visit:
Advisory to the Pastor
Pastoral Council Chair, Sam Newton                                 Phone: 765.463.5733 Fax: 765.497.7866
Finance Council Chair, Chad Krockover
                                                                                  OFFICE HOURS
Learn about all of our ministries and find ways to stay                        TUESDAY-THURSDAY
connected at www.blessedsacramentwl.org/ministries                               9:00 AM—4:00 PM
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