DASH Information 2019 2020 - YMCA of San Diego County

2019 - 2020
                                DASH Information
WHAT IS DASH? (Dynamic After School Hours)

DASH is a recreational program for children enrolled in 1st - 6th grade, funded by the Chula
Vista Elementary School District and operated by the SOUTH BAY FAMILY YMCA. Its
purpose is to supplement and enhance daily physical exercise for each child. There is no
homework assistance at DASH which operates after school for 2 hours a day on regular
school days and 3 hours a day on minimum days when school is in session. Students must
be enrolled in DASH in order to attend.

YMCA DASH staff are trained to work with children. They are First Aid/CPR certified and
have cleared fingerprint and background checks. Ratios for DASH are 1 YMCA staff to 25
students for our daily activities. Students who attend DASH are required to participate in
the activities provided that day for as long as they choose to attend the program. Our
activities commonly take place in multi-purpose rooms, outside on fields, and on blacktop
areas. They consist of daily assemblies, organized games, arts and crafts, and sports

If students are attending DASH on a given day, they are expected to “DASH-in” within 10
minutes of
school dismissal, or directly after an extracurricular activity ends. Once a student DASHes
out of the program they must head to a specific pre-determined destination (i.e. home,
sports practice, parent
pick-up). Please understand staff may not confirm this with a child who is DASHing out. It
is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their child is going to a safe location. Additionally,
students may not loiter on the school grounds after or instead of attending DASH.

As a recreational program, DASH is designed to allow students to attend any days they
choose, as long as they attend two days a week, 30 minutes per day. Students are also
permitted to “DASH” themselves out from the program any time they desire only if they are
leaving campus or going to another organized activity. We understand DASH may not suit
everyone’s needs; therefore, at many of the schools we also offer a Licensed Childcare
Program. If you are interested in Licensed Childcare visit our main branch at 1201 Paseo
Magda, Chula Vista 91910 for rates and information.

We wish you the best of luck with the DASH lottery. Hope to see you soon!
                                     APPLICATION PROCESS

Thanks to the popularity of the YMCA DASH (Dynamic After-School Hours) Program, we are
expecting a high demand in the 2019-2020 school year. If you are interested in enrolling your
child in the DASH Program, please read this carefully:

                                       Important Dates:
                       Application Submission Period: April 8th – 19th
                      Lottery Results Posted On School Sites: April 26th
                  Enrolled DASH Registration Fee of $50.00 Due By: May 3rd
                              Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE

April 8th , 2019 – DASH information will become available electronically, at your child’s
school office, Peach Jar, and may be submitted only at the following YMCA Facility:

        South Bay Family YMCA: 1201 Paseo Magda Chula Vista, 91910
          Hours: Mon -Thu 4:30a-10:00p | Fri 4:30a-9:00p | Sat 6:30a-7:00p
                                 | Sun 7:00a – 5:00p

Please Know:
    The lottery process is random, it is not first come, first serve.

       Applications received before or after these dates will not be eligible for the lottery.

       One form per participant must be submitted.

       All sections on application must be completed.

Registration Information:
One Time Registration Fee: An email will be sent if your student was selected from the
lottery. A $50.00 registration fee per student is required by May 3rd to finalize enrollment.
Failure to pay registration fee will result in removal from DASH program roster.

DASH applications received after the lottery process will be added to the wait list in the
order received. During this time applications will ONLY BE ACCEPTED at the SOUTH BAY
FAMILY YMCA 1201 Paseo Magda, Chula Vista, CA 91910.

        **Please do not turn in your applications to the school site or to DASH staff**
Attendance Policy:
DASH students must participate in the program for a minimum of two days a week, 30
minutes per day. Families not meeting attendance requirements will be notified. If low
attendance continues, student will be dropped from the program.
(Considerations will be made for illness, bereavement, school absence, or unique

Q. Why a lottery?
       To ensure every family currently attending a DASH school has an equal chance of getting
accepted into DASH, currently enrolled DASH students must reapply every year.

Q. Who is eligible to enter the lottery?
       Kindergarteners will not be accepted.
Students in grades 1st-6th who are enrolled in the 2019-2020 school year.

Q. Can I enter more than once?
       NO. Each family will receive only one lottery number at a given school. Names and
addresses will be cross-checked. Any attempt to submit more than one application at the same
school or across multiple schools will result in immediate disqualification. If you are uncertain
which school your child will attend, please submit an application for your home school.

Q. How will the applications be selected?
        A computer program will randomly choose the total number of lottery participants
distributed to each school. YMCA staff will pull valid applications according to the computer-
generated list of numbers until all of the spaces in the program are filled, and will continue in this
method for creating the wait list.

Q. How many students will be accepted into DASH?
        Program staffing allows for the daily attendance of approximately 50 students per day.
Our automated system will automatically pull 50 students from the list. Children from the same
family will not be split up as long as their applications are submitted together.

Q. How will I know if my children are accepted?
        Selected students, as well as the wait list will be available on Friday, April 26th, 2019. Lists
will be posted in the school office. Only students identified as ENROLLED will be required to submit

Q. What if my family is on the wait list?
       DASH administrative staff will notify waitlisted families if and when they can start attending
the DASH program. This will be determined by the usage patterns at schools, which change
throughout the year. Though we strive to maintain the maximum daily attendance, there are no
guarantees a student on the wait list will be enrolled. If your application number is not announced
as ENROLLED, you will need to wait until a DASH admin representative contacts you before sending
your child (ren) to DASH.
Q. What if I miss the lottery enrollment?
If you missed the lottery enrollment, you will still be able to add your name to the existing waitlist.
Applications must be submitted to the SOUTH BAY FAMILY YMCA at 1201 Paseo Magda, Chula
Vista, CA 91910 and will be added in the order received (according to time stamp).

Q. What if I am in another YMCA program?
To be eligible for DASH, you must be current with all YMCA payments. If DASH conflicts with your
enrollment in another YMCA program but you wish to attend DASH, you must cancel your program
enrollment and give/honor any appropriate cancellation notices.

Q. How does space become available in DASH during the school year?
We appreciate when families who no longer need DASH inform us so we may enroll other students.
Additionally, students may be dis-enrolled for any of the following reasons: poor attendance, late
pickups, unpaid registration fees, and behavior challenges.

Q. Am I able to turn in applications for children other than those living in my household?
No, you may only turn in applications for children living in your household. We want to ensure all
families directly receive a lottery number.

Q. How do I go about enrolling my children if they attend a different school?
When submitting your application in person, please inform our staff team your children attend
different schools. We will need to take note of that to ensure you receive one lottery number.
Please inform our staff team which school is considered your home school.

Q. Why is there a one-time registration fee?
Registration fees are a family’s commitment to the program. The fee helps with the financial
sustainability for the DASH program so students may enjoy a safe, high quality program.

Thank you for your interest and cooperation.
DASH es un programa recreativo, financiado por el Distrito Escolar de Chula Vista y
por SOUTH BAY FAMILY YMCA. Este programa es para alumnos de 1º a 6to año de
El objetivo es complementar y mejorar el ejercicio físico diario de cada alumno. El programa
NO proporciona ayuda con las tareas. Los horarios son después de escuela, 2 horas en
días regulares y 3 horas en días mínimos durante el ciclo escolar del distrito. Todos los
estudiantes deben estar inscritos en DASH para poder asistir al programa.

Se requiere que todo el personal de DASH pase por una investigación de antecedentes, y
mantenga vigente la certificación de RCP y primeros auxilios. Hay un instructor por cada
25 niños para facilitar las actividades diarias. Por lo tanto, los estudiantes que asisten a
DASH están obligados a participar en las actividades planeadas del día durante las horas
que asistan al programa. Nuestras actividades normalmente se llevan a cabo en los salones
de usos múltiples, canchas de juego y zonas de asfalto. DASH incluye asamblea diaria,
juegos organizados, artes y oficios y clínicas de deporte.

Los estudiantes de DASH, deben llegar durante los primeros 10 minutos después de la
salida de escuela.
Cuando el estudiante se retira del programa, debe dirigirse a un destino pre-determinado
(al hogar, práctica deportiva, o que lo recojan los padres). Es la responsabilidad de los
padres asegurarse que su hijo(a) vaya a un lugar seguro. Le comunicamos que el personal
no tiene forma de confirmar una vez que el niño(a) se despide del programa.

Como un programa recreativo, DASH está diseñado para permitir a los estudiantes que
asistan los días que ellos o su familia elijan, siempre y cuando asistan dos días a la semana
30 minutos por día. Entendemos que el programa DASH no puede satisfacer las
necesidades de todas las familias, por lo tanto, en muchas de las escuelas ofrecemos un
programa con licenciatura de cuidado de niños de edad escolar. Para más información
sobre ese programa, visite nuestra sucursal en 1201 Paseo Magda, Chula Vista 91910

Suerte con la lotería de DASH y esperamos verlos pronto.

Gracias a la popularidad del programa DASH (Dynamic After-School Hours) patrocinado por
YMCA, estamos esperando una alta demanda en el año escolar 2019-2020. Si usted está
interesado en inscribir a su hijo(a) en el programa DASH, lea lo siguiente con cuidado:

                                    Fechas Importantes:

                          Periodo de aplicación: abril 8 a abril 19
                        Resultados del sorteo publicado en las escuelas: abril 26
              Pago de Inscripción $50.00 para estudiantes aceptados se vence: mayo 3
                         Su deposito sera NO RETORNABLE

18 de abril del 2019– Informacion sobre el programa de DASH sera disponible en la
escuela de su hijo(a), por medio de Peach Jar y pueden ser recibidas en la oficina de:

                 South Bay Family YMCA: 1201 Paseo Magda Chula Vista, 91910
                 Horario: Lunes a Jueves 4:30a-10:00p | Viernes 4:30a-9:00p
                          | Sabado 6:30a-7:00p | Domingo 7:00a – 5:00p

Le informamos lo siguiente:
     Las solicitudes del programa DASH serán aceptadas para el proceso
       de sorteo y no por orden de llegada.
     Solicitudes recibidas antes o después de estas fechas no serán elegibles para el
     Una aplicación por participante debe ser presentada.
     Todas las secciones en la aplicación deben estar completas.

Informacion de Inscripción:
 Si su hijo(a) es elejido para participar en el programa DASH recibira un correo electrónico,
y una cuota de inscripción de $50.00 por estudiante sera requerida para el 3 de Mayo para
finalizar la inscripción. Si no se paga la cuota de inscripción, se eliminará de la lista del
programa DASH.

Las solicitudes de DASH recibidas después del sorteo se añadiráa a la lista de espera en el
orden recibido. Durante estas fechas UNICAMENTE se deberán entregar en las oficinas de
SOUTH BAY FAMILY YMCA, 1201 Paseo Magda, Chula Vista, CA 91910.

           **No se aceptaran solicitudes en el programa DASH o en la escuela**
Reglas de Asistencia– Los estudiantes de DASH deben participar en el programa un mínimo
de dos veces a la semana 30 minutos al día. Familias que no cumplan con este requisito
serán notificados al siguiente mes. (Consideración se dará por enfermedades, emergencias
familiares o circunstancias únicas.)


P. ¿Por qué Sorteo?
Para asegurar que cada familia que está asistiendo a una escuela con el programa DASH
tenga la misma oportunidad de particpar en DASH. Los estudiantes que están inscritos en
DASH este año deben volver a solicitar para participar en el sorteo si están interesados
para el año escolar 2019-2020.

P. ¿Quién es elegible para entrar en la lotería?
       Alumnos en kínder no serán aceptados.
Todos los estudiantes de 1º a 6º que está inscrito en el año escolar 2019-2020 son elegibles.

P. ¿Puedo solicitar más de una vez?
NO. Cada familia recibirá solamente un número de sorteo, los nombres de los niños serán
confirmados. Cualquier intento de presentar más de una solicitud en la misma escuela o en
múltiples escuelas resultará en descalificación inmediata. NO ARIESGUE QUE SE
DESCALIFIQUE SU SOLICITUD. Si no está seguro a que escuela asistirá su hijo(a), favor de
usar el nombre de la escuela que le corresponde. No se aceptaran solicitudes para niños
que no viven en su hogar.

P. ¿Cómo se seleccionarán las solicitudes?
Un programa de computación selecciona el número total del sorteo para distribuir en cada
escuela. El personal administrativo sacará solicitudes válidas de acuerdo con la lista de
números generados por la computadora hasta que se llenen todos los espacios disponibles
en el programa. De este modo se creara una lista de espera numerada.

P. ¿Cuántos estudiantes se aceptan en DASH?
El personal del programa permite la asistencia diaria de aproximadamente 50 estudiantes
por día. Nuestro sistema automatizado extraera automáticamente 50 estudiantes de la
lista. Los niños de la misma familia no se dividirá mientras sus solicitudes se envíen juntas.

P. ¿Cómo se si mis hijos fueron aceptados?
Tendremos disponible una lista de los estudiantes aceptados, el dia 26 de abril 2019. Las
listas estarán fijadas en la oficina de la escuela. Únicamente estudiantes identificados
como ACEPTADOS serán responsables por el pago de $50 para inscripción. Al finalizar su
pago de inscripción, estudiantes podrán empezar a asistir a DASH el primer día de escuela
del próximo año escolar.
P. ¿Qué sucede si mi familia está en lista de espera?
Nuestras oficinas se comunicaran con las familias en la lista de espera para determinar si y
cuando pueden empezar el programa. Esto está basado por los patrones de asistencia en
las escuelas, que cambian todo el año. Aunque nos esforzamos por mantener la máxima
asistencia diaria, no hay garantías que se inscribirá un estudiante en la lista de espera. Si
su número de solicitud no se ha anunciado como ACEPTADO, necesitará esperar a que
nuestro personal administrativo se comunique con usted antes de mandar a su(s) hijo(s) a

P. ¿Que si se me pasa el sorteo?
Si no participo en la inscripción del sorteo usted todavía podrá agregar su nombre a la lista
de espera. Las solicitudes pueden ser entregadas a SOUTH BAY FAMILY YMCA ubicada en
1201 Paseo de Magda Chula Vista, CA 91910.

P. Que si estoy inscrito en otro programa de YMCA?
Para ser elegible para DASH debe de estar al corriente con todos los pagos de YMCA. Si
hay conflictos con su asistencia a DASH y con su inscripción en otro programa de YMCA y
desea asistir DASH, debe cancelar su inscripción en el otro programa y honrar a los avisos
de cancelación correspondientes.

P. Puedo recurrir a aplicaciones para niños que no viven en mi hogar?
No, usted sólo puede recurrir a las solicitudes de los niños que viven en su hogar. Queremos
asegurarnos de que todas las familias reciban directamente un número de lotería.

P. ¿Cómo puede haber nueva disponibilidad en DASH durante el año escolar?
Para dar la oportunidad de inscribir a otros estudiantes, apreciamos que las familias nos
informen cuando ya no necesitan el programa DASH. Además, los estudiantes pueden ser
dados de baja en cualquier de las siguientes situaciones: asistencia deficiente, salidas
tardes y desafíos de comportamiento. Tenga en cuenta: los estudiantes que no atienden
por más de un mes pueden ser dados de baja sin aviso.

P. ¿Porque hay cobro de inscripcion?
El pago de $50 de inscripcion demuestra su compromiso en el programa. Este cobro asiste
en mantener sostenibilidad del programa DASH y ayuda a mantener un programa de alta
calidad y seguro para su hijo(a).

Gracias por su interés y cooperación
                    1201 Paseo Magda,                      2019-2020
                    Chula Vista, CA 91910                  APPLICATION
                    (619) 421-9622

        Application must be completed and submitted by Parent or Legal Guardian. One form per
        participant. Please print, illegible or incomplete applications will be discarded.

Child’s First Name/Nombre del Niño:               Last Name/Apellido              Sex/Sexo:      M   F        Birth Date/Fecha de Nacimiento:

Address/Domicilio:                                                                City/Ciudad:                State:               Zip/Zona
                                                                                                              CA                   Postal

Home Phone/Tel. Casa:                                                             School/Escuela:             Grade in 2019-20/Grado:
                                                                                                              1st—6th ONLY

Registering Guardian / Nombre de Guardian:                      E-mail Address:                               Cell/Tel. Celular:

Additional Guardian Name/Nombre de Guardian:                   E-mail Address:                                Cell/Tel. Celular:

Is additional guardian authorized to obtain enrollment information?       Y        N

Family Doctor’s Name/Nombre de Doctor:                     Address/Domicilio:                            Phone/Tel.

Medical Ins. Carrier/Compañía de Seguros:                                                                Policy #/Numero de póliza

Dentist/Dentista:                                          Address/Domicilio:                            Phone/Tel.

                       Additional Participant Information / Información Adicional sobre Participante

        Does participant take any medication on a daily basis/El participante toma medicamento
        diario? please explain /Por favor explique: _______________________________________

        Does participant have any physical restrictions that may effect activity/Tiene el participante
        alguna restricción física necesaria que limite su actividad? Y N
         If yes, please explain/ Por favor explique:_______________________________________

        Does your child have any conditions requiring special consideration? / Alguna información
        adicional sobre el participante que crea usted que necesitemos saber? Y N
        If yes, please explain/ Por favor explique:                             ________________

                    Additional Emergency Contact numbers / Números Adicionales en Caso de Emergencia

              Relationship/Relación                            First & Last Name/ Nombre                    Day Phone/Mobil/ Teléfono



                                                            OFFICE USE ONLY
     Lottery Number OR Date/Time Received: _______________________                                   Staff Initials: _____________
Name of Minor(s)
I, the undersigned parent/person having legal custody/guardianship of the above said minor, give permission for the minor to participate in all YMCA
programs. The minor is physically able and mentally prepared to participate in all activities as described in the announcement for the program.
In consideration of said minor being permitted to enter any branch of the YMCA of San Diego County ("YMCA") for observation, use of facilities and/or
equipment, or participation of the above in any program, I, on behalf of myself (as parent, guardian, coach, aide, spectator or participant) hereby:
1. Acknowledge that (i) I have read this document, (ii) I have inspected the YMCA facilities and equipment, (iii) I accept them as being safe and reasonably
      suited for the purposes intended and (iv) I voluntarily sign this document.
2. Except for YMCA's gross negligence or willful misconduct I release the YMCA, its directors, officers, employees and volunteers (collectively "Releases")
      from all liability to me or the above said minor, for any loss or damage to property or injury or death to person, whether said damage or injury results
      from conditions arising upon the YMCA facilities or arising out of or in connection with YMCA programs or activities. YMCA shall not be liable for any
      damages arising from any act or neglect of any other member, occupant or user of the YMCA premises or participant in YMCA programs or activities. I
      agree that the above said minor assumes full responsibility for, and risk of, bodily injury, death or property damage except caused or due to the gross
      negligence or willful misconduct of the YMCA.
3. I agree not to sue Releases for any loss, damage, injury or death described above and except for YMCA's gross negligence or willful misconduct, I will
      indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the YMCA and its Releases from and against any and all claims and/or damages, liens, judgments, penalties,
      attorneys' and consultants' fees, expenses and/or liabilities arising out of, involving, or in connection with, the YMCA membership, use of YMCA facilities
      and/or participation in YMCA programs by me, the above said minor or any other person. If any action or proceeding is brought against YMCA by reason
      of any of the foregoing matters, I shall upon notice defend the same at my expense by counsel reasonably satisfactory to YMCA and YMCA shall
      cooperate with me in such defense. YMCA need not have first paid any such claim in order to be defended or indemnified.
4. I do hereby authorize the YMCA as agent for the undersigned, to consent with respect to said minor, to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical,
      dental, or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under general or special supervision of,
      any physician and surgeon licensed under the provisions of the California Medical Practice Act on the medical staff of any hospital, whether such
      diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of the physician or at the hospital. I understand that the YMCA is not responsible for costs incurred for
      medical care.
I intend this document to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of California; if any portion hereof is held invalid, I agree the
balance shall continue in full force and effect.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature                                                                                                  Date

Name of Adult(s)
In consideration of being permitted to enter the YMCA for any purpose including, but not limited to observation, use of facilities or equipment, or
participation in any way, the undersigned hereby agrees to the following:
1. I acknowledge that (i) I have read this document, (ii) I have inspected the YMCA facilities and equipment, (iii) I accept them as being safe and reasonably
      suited for the purpose intended and (iv) I voluntarily sign this document.
2. Except for YMCA's gross negligence or willful misconduct I release the YMCA, its directors, officers, employees and volunteers (collectively "releases")
      from all liability to me for any loss or damage to property or injury or death to person, whether said damage or injury results from conditions arising
      upon the YMCA facilities or arising out of or in connection with YMCA programs or activities. YMCA shall not be liable for any damages arising from any
      act or neglect of any other member, occupant or user of the YMCA premises or participant in YMCA programs or activities. I assume full responsibility
      for, and risk of, bodily injury, death or property damage except if caused or due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the YMCA.
3. I agree not to sue releases for any loss, damage, injury or death described above and except for YMCA's gross negligence or willful misconduct, I will
      indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the YMCA and its releases from and against any and all claims and/or damages, liens, judgments, penalties,
      attorneys' and consultants' fees, expenses and/or liabilities arising out of, involving, or in connection with, the YMCA membership, use of YMCA facilities
      and/or participation in YMCA programs by me, or any other person. If any action or proceeding is brought against YMCA by reason of any of the
      foregoing matters, I shall upon notice defend the same at my expense by counsel reasonably satisfactory to YMCA and YMCA shall cooperate with me in
      such defense. YMCA need not have first paid any such claim in order to be defended or indemnified.
4. I assume full responsibility for, and risk of bodily injury, death or property damage due to the negligence of releases or otherwise.
I intend this document to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of California; if any portion hereof is held invalid, I agree the
balance shall continue in full force and effect.
Adult Name (print)                                               Adult Signature                                                 Date
Adult Name (print)                                               Adult Signature                                                 Date

I,                                          give my permission to the YMCA of San Diego County (YMCA) to use my picture or other likeness, or a picture or
other likeness of any of my children, specifically,                                , in the YMCA’s general publicity and campaign materials.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature                                                                                              Date
Child’s First Name                      Last Name                               Birthdate


Please read and initial your understanding of the following and sign below:

__________I have received Participant/Parent Code of Conduct and am responsible for reading and
           abiding by the Policies and Procedures as set forth by the YMCA.

__________If my application number is not announced as ENROLLED, I will need to wait until DASH
           admin representative contacts me before sending my child (ren) to DASH.

__________I understand my child is expected to “DASH-in” within 10 minutes of school dismissal or
           directly after extracurricular activity ends as well as “DASH-out” at the end of the day.

__________The YMCA requires my child to participate a minimum of 2 days a week 30 minutes per day to remain
          enrolled in DASH.

__________I understand cancellations and withdrawals from the program are required in writing
          prior to my child’s last day in the program. The $50 registration fee for children enrolled is non-

__________YMCA program participation requires my child’s account to be in good standing
          and non-payment of any outstanding fees will result in my child not being allowed to participate in any
          other YMCA programs.

__________The YMCA, our staff, and volunteers are mandated by state law to report any suspected
          child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities for investigation.

__________Should a person arrive to pick up my child who appears to be under the influence of drugs
          or alcohol, for the safety of the child, staff may have no recourse but to contact the police.

__________The YMCA, our staff, and volunteers will not become involved in any custodial disputes
          between parents/guardians. Request for documents in relation to your child’s participation in the program
          must be made in writing from the court.

                                           South Bay Family YMCA
                            1201 Paseo Magda Chula Vista CA, 91910 | 619-421-9622
Child’s First Name                    Last Name                              Birthdate

__________The YMCA may immediately terminate my child’s enrollment for any of the following
           reasons, including but not limited to:
               Parent/guardian is late picking up their child after the program closes on 3 or more occasions or a
                 single excessive occasion.
               Non-payment, late-payment, or NSF payment of program fees.
               Failure to adhere to the DASH-in or DASH-out procedures.
               Behavior that is continually disruptive or dangerous to others, themselves, or staff.
               Behavior that is destructive to property.
               Any single incident that is deemed by the Program Director to be dangerous, harmful or disruptive.
               Failure to adhere to the Parent/Guardian code of conduct.

Parent/Guardian Signature             Date            YMCA Staff Signature                   Date

                                           South Bay Family YMCA
                            1201 Paseo Magda Chula Vista CA, 91910 | 619-421-9622

Parents and guardians of children participating in YMCA operated Before and After
School Programs are required to abide by the YMCA Participant/Parent Code of

The YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all program
participants. To promote safety and comfort for everyone, all individuals are asked to act
appropriately at all times when on program sites and when participating in our programs.

We expect all persons to act maturely, to behave responsibly, and to respect the rights and
dignity of others. Our Member’s Code of Conduct, also our Participant’s/Parent’s Code of
Conduct, outlines prohibited action, though the actions listed below are not an all-inclusive
list of behaviors considered inappropriate in our programs.

      Using or possessing alcohol or illegal chemicals on YMCA property, in YMCA vehicles,
       or at YMCA sponsored and/or operated programs.
      Smoking on YMCA property or at YMCA operated programs – the YMCA provides a
       smoke-free environment.
      No pets are allowed on YMCA property or YMCA operated school program property
       unless they are “working dogs” to assist individuals while accessing the facilities.
      Carrying or concealing a weapon or any device or object that may be used as a
      Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language, or any type of
       menacing behavior.
      Physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive, or threatening way.
      Verbally abusive or offensive behavior, including angry or vulgar language, swearing,
       name-calling, or shouting.
      Sexually explicit conversation or behavior; any sexual contact with another person.
      Inappropriate, immodest, or sexually revealing attire.
      Theft or behavior that results in the destruction of loss of property.
      Loitering within or on the grounds of the YMCA or school site of a YMCA operated
      Cell phone photography or unauthorized photography of members or participants.

The YMCA reserves the right to deny program access or membership to any person who has
been convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse, is or has been a registered sex
offender, has ever been convicted of any offense relating to the use, sale, possession, or
transportation of narcotics or habit forming and/or dangerous drugs, chemicals, narcotics,
or intoxicating beverages.

Members, guests and program participants are expected to take responsibility for their
personal comfort, hygiene, and safety. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in confronting a
person directly should report the behavior to a staff person or the Site-Supervisor.

Suspension or termination of YMCA membership privileges and/or program disenrollment
may result if the Site Supervisor and YMCA Program Director determine that a violation of
this Code of Conduct has occurred.

*This advisory is to be posted at all program site/location.
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