Page created by Randy Porter

CONTENTS                                                                                       INTRODUCTION
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1
                                                                                               The purpose of this document is to
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................... 2            deliver on the Wine Growers British
STRATEGIC GOALS..................................................................... 3         Columbia (WGBC) vision, mission,
                                                                                               core values, visionary goals and
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ............................................................ 4
                                                                                               strategic business objectives.
FISCAL 2022 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES ......................................... 5
Achieving our Strategic Priorities                                                             This is the second year of operations under our
                                                                                               Wine BC 2030 Long-Term Strategic Plan. The
FISCAL 2022 STRATEGIC GOAL #1 .............................................. 7                 Fiscal 2022 WGBC Advocacy, Communications and
                                                                                               Marketing Operational Plan is a well-constructed,
                                                                                               synchronized strategy and action plan designed to
                                                                                               guide implementation, facilitate decision making,
FISCAL 2022 STRATEGIC GOAL #2 .............................................19
                                                                                               adapt to shifting external forces and motivate the
                                                                                               industry to grow.

FISCAL 2022 STRATEGIC GOAL #3 .............................................23                  Over the next 12 months, we understand that
Demand                                                                                         the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to create
                                                                                               challenges for the grape and wine industry. This
APPENDIX .................................................................................28   Annual Operational Plan has been developed to
                                                                                               address the current dynamic environment and
                                                                                               retain the flexibility to help industry and member
                                                                                               wineries meet new and emerging challenges. WGBC
                                                                                               will lead the execution of the plan and work in
                                                                                               collaboration with other industry partners and
                                                                                               leading organizations in both the wine and tourism
                                                                                               industries. Many of the strategies will require
                                                                                               a cross-functional approach to succeed with
                                                                                               heavy involvement from across the wine industry
                                                                                               including winery and grower participation as well as
                                                                                               resource allocation.

                                                                                               The BC wine industry is a vibrant one. Combining
                                                                                               this comprehensive plan with the support of
                                                                                               industry provides a powerful framework for Fiscal
                   Wine Growers British Columbia
                                                                                               2022 and a clear road ahead to 2030.
                  Suite 470 - 1726 Dolphin Avenue
                 Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 9R9
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                                        STRATEGIC GOALS
                                                                                                                         Our strategic goals are a broader expression of how we will achieve
                                                                                                                         Wine BC 2030’s vision.
British Columbia transcends the new and old worlds – recognized for diversity in its
elevated wines, supernatural terroir, extreme beauty and dedicated people.
                                                                                                                         1. BRAND
                                                                                                                          • The BC brand informs everything the industry does – from communications to education, from marketing to
OUR MISSION                            OUR CORE VALUES                         MEASURING SUCCESS                            hospitality. Every BC wine touch point is an opportunity to reinforce the core of BC’s brand identity as a wine
                                                                                                                            region. Building industry alignment reinforces these touch points in the marketplace leading to increased
Our mission is to represent the        Quality, leadership, dedication and     We measure and assess our                    awareness and positive perception of BC wine and regions.
interests of British Columbia          passion are reflected in all the work   achievements against our strategies
wineries dedicated to producing        we do.                                  through quantifiable key performance
100% British Columbia grape wines                                              indicators (KPIs) and we report           2. ADVOCACY
certified by the regulatory body for                                           against our KPIs every quarter.            • Bring industry together to influence government policy and establish a strong sense of community to enable
wine in British Columbia, through                                                                                           everyone moving towards a common goal and vision.
marketing, communications and
advocacy of their products to all
stakeholders.                                                                                                            3. DEMAND
                                                                                                                          • Work with BC Liquor Distribution Branch (BCLDB) to build prominence and visibility of certified 100% BC grape
                                                                                                                            wine in retail channels, while increasing demand for 100% BC wines in premium price categories.

                                                                               Collaboration; association;


                                                                               PRODUCT IDENTITY
                                                                               Reputation; authenticity; credibility;
                             PRODUCT IDENTITY                                  origin; appellation; terroir; standards

                              COMMUNICATION                                    Messaging; marketing; advocacy

2    WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                            ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022   3
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                                      FISCAL 2022 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES
WHERE WE STAND: OUR POSITION ON PRIORITY ISSUES                                                                                                           ACHIEVING OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES
In November 2020, the WGBC Board of Directors and executive staff convened for                                                                            These objectives are meant to activate Wine BC 2030 Pillars and WGBC
a two-day working session to review, discuss and assess the strategic priorities                                                                          Board‑approved Strategic Goals, which the Fiscal 2022 Advocacy, Communications
for Fiscal 2022. Following extensive consultation with the WGBC Marketing and                                                                             and Marketing Operational Plan will achieve.
Communications Committee, we developed our Fiscal 2022 Operational Plan. The
plan’s nine strategies seek to contribute to Wine BC 2030’s five pillars.                                                                                 BRAND
                                                                                                                                                          Strategy 1: Build a world-class brand for Wines of British Columbia

                                                                                                                                                           • Objective 1: Wines of British Columbia materials and messaging will be adopted by 10% of WGBC’s membership
                                                                                                                                                             and utilized in their marketing materials and communication with consumers, media and trade.
WINE BC 2030 VISION STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT                                                                                                                    • Objective 2: Consumer image and awareness perception of Wines of British Columbia will increase by 2%.

                                                                                                                                                           • Objective 3: International and domestic media coverage will increase by 20% in advertising equivalency over FY21

                                                                                                                                                             with a 10:1 return on unpaid media coverage.
                                             01                           02               03                      04                        05
                                                                                                                                                          Strategy 2: Position BC as a premier wine region with the trade
                                          BUILDING               FOSTERING UNITY       ADVANCING                EXECUTIONAL             CELEBRATING        • Objective 1: Trade image and awareness perception of Wines of British Columbia will increase by 2%.
                                          BRAND BC               AND COMMUNITY       SUSTAINABILITY             EXCELLENCE               DIVERSITY
                                                                                                                                                          Strategy 3: Build Brand BC in leading export markets

                                                                                                                                                           • Objective 1: Activate 2021‑2023 WGBC Wine Export Strategy year one route‑to‑market objectives.

                                                                                                                                                          Strategy 4: Make BC wine country a benchmark for wine tourism

                                                                                                                                                           • Objective 1: Increase winery direct sales by 5%.

                                                                                                                                                           • Objective 2: Increase Wine and Food Tourism digital engagement by 25%.

                                          STRATEGY 1                               STRATEGY 4                                 STRATEGY 7                   • Objective 3: Develop a model for tracking Wine and Food Tourism winery visits.
                                          Build a world-class brand for            Make BC wine country a                     Increase value of BC wine
                                          Wines of British Columbia                benchmark for wine tourism                 through certification

                                          STRATEGY 2                               STRATEGY 5                                 STRATEGY 8
                                          Position BC as a premier                 Strengthen wine industry                   Increase demand for 100%
                                          wine region with the trade               leadership                                 BC wines at higher prices   Strategy 5: Strengthen wine industry leadership

                                          STRATEGY 3                               STRATEGY 6                                 STRATEGY 9                   • Objective 1: Continue to work on COVID‑19 recovery plans for industry.
                                          Build Brand BC in leading                Align government                           Secure and improve access
                                          export markets                           advocacy efforts                           to the BC market             • Objective 2: Membership engagement will increase by 5% in all WGBC communications, programs and events.

4                                WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                                  ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022   5
Strategy 6: Align government advocacy efforts
                                                                                                                      FISCAL 2022 STRATEGIC GOAL #1
    • Objective 1: Establish a WGBC Board Advocacy and Membership Committee (AMC) for alignment of priorities.
    • Objective 2: Align strategic priorities and shared initiatives across industry organizations.

Strategy 7: Increase value of BC wine through certification                                                           STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES:
    • Objective 1: The BC Wine Authority (BCWA) plebiscite process and results will be advocated for and supported.
                                                                                                                      1.      Build a world-class brand for Wines of British Columbia.

                                                                                                                      2.      Position BC as a premier wine region with the trade.
                                                                                                                      3.      Build Brand BC in leading export markets.
Strategy 8: Increase demand for 100% BC wines at higher price points
                                                                                                                      4. Make BC wine country a benchmark for wine tourism.
    • Objective 1: Grow BC VQA’s average price point in between $20 - $39.99 by $0.10.

    • Objective 2: Increase BC VQA provincial litre market share over $20 by 3.5%.
                                                                                                                           1. BUILD A WORD-CLASS BRAND FOR WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA
Strategy 9: Secure and improve access to the BC market                                                                     Objective                       Strategy               Tactics                                      Metrics/KPIs

    • Objective: Increase premium positioning for 100% BC grape wine in retail channels.                                   1.1 Wines of British Columbia   Create a Living the    Create a tiered Wines of British             Member participation in
                                                                                                                           materials and messaging         Brand Platform for     Columbia integration uptake program          Wines of British Columbia
                                                                                                                           will be adopted by 10% of       industry adoption at   with clear, concise wording outlining the    integration uptake program as
                                                                                                                           WGBC’s membership and           different levels and   direct winery benefits for adaptation.       measured through established
                                                                                                                           utilized in their marketing     tiers.                                                              tiers.
                                                                                                                           materials and communication                            Facilitate Living the Brand live
                                                                                                                           with consumers, media and                              workshops and online events to guide         (10% of WGBC’s 183 member
                                                                                                                           trade.                                                 member wineries and stakeholders how         wineries = 18 wineries)
                                                                                                                                                                                  to use the tools and build capabilities to
                                                                                                                                                                                  support their businesses and customers       Number of Living the Brand
                                                                                                                                                                                  through shared storytelling.                 workshop participants.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Create and deliver Living the Brand          Number of brand toolkit
                                                                                                                                                                                  toolkit with core messaging and              downloads.
                                                                                                                                                                                  cohesive narratives and themes to
                                                                                                                                                                                  facilitate adoption of consistent brand

                                                                                                                                                                                  Develop winery reporting requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                  and incentive structure for each Living
                                                                                                                                                                                  the Brand adoption tier.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Recruit and onboard wineries to the
                                                                                                                                                                                  Living the Brand integration program.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Utilizing the WGBC marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                  committee to provide input and
                                                                                                                                                                                  advocate for the program to other
                                                                                                                                                                                  member wineries.

6      WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                              ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022        7
1. BUILD A WORD-CLASS BRAND FOR WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                              1. BUILD A WORD-CLASS BRAND FOR WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA
    Objective                     Strategy                   Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs                      Objective                      Strategy                 Tactics                                      Metrics/KPIs
    1.2 Consumer image and        Develop and                Implement seasonal integrated               As measured through the           1.3 International and          Develop strategic        Greater emphasis on digital and              Advertising equivalency value
    awareness perception of       implement integrated       marketing communications awareness          annual Wine Intelligence          domestic media coverage        partnerships and         social communications and media              and circulation of media
    Wines of British Columbia     consumer marketing         campaigns promoting the value of            survey, consumer perception       will increase by 20% in        relationships with       partnerships to deliver highly targeted      coverage, as measured by
    will increase by 2%.          and communications         premium BC wine by telling the story of     of BC wine rated as “high to      advertising equivalency over   key domestic and         positive messaging for Wines of British      media monitoring services.
                                  campaigns. Focusing        BC wine from grape to glass through the     very high” quality increases to   FY21 with a 10:1 return on     international media      Columbia.
                                  on education and           lens of a BC wine farmer.                   62.8%.                            unpaid media coverage.         and influencers to                                                    Influencer marketing
                                  engagement using                                                                                                                        promote and generate     When COVID-19-related travel                 campaign tracking.
                                  Wines of British           Implement quarterly contests promoting      Increase online engagement.                                      positive media           restrictions are lifted, bring key wine,
                                  Columbia materials.        BC wine awareness, perception and                                                                            coverage for the Wines   food, travel and lifestyle influencers and   Regular reporting of social
                                                             engagement through educational              90% of media coverage                                            of British Columbia      media to BC, immersing them in BC’s          media analytics.
                                  Grow consumer              quizzes, skill-testing questions, polls     will be positive or neutral in                                   and our member           wine regions, to create a positive and
                                  knowledge and              and influencer promotions.                  tonality as measured through                                                              lasting impact.                              Number of new media, trade
                                  engagement through                                                     Meltwater Media Monitoring                                                                                                             and influencer contacts made.
                                  the Wines of BC            Develop and continue to build strategic     platform.                                                        Develop media            Where safe, secure high-profile
                                                             relationships with domestic and                                                                                                       international wine critics, media and        Media and influencer
                                  Explorer app and                                                                                                                        communications
                                                             international digital media partners        Increase click rate and open                                                              influencers from key target markets          participation and engagement.
                                  Level 1 Ambassador                                                                                                                      plans to support FY22
                                  Program.                   using their media talent and platform       rate for The Vine consumer                                       strategic objectives.    to visit the wine regions of British
                                                                                                         e-newsletter.                                                                                                                          Media pick-up rate on content
                                                             to deliver positive messaging and                                                                                                     Columbia.
                                  Increase consumer          awareness for BC wine.
                                  engagement on                                                          Number of rights-approved
                         and with        Deliver online educational resources        assets gained from social
                                  The Vine consumer          including blogs, maps, videos and           listening platform.
                                  e-newsletter by            Ambassador Program Level 1 online to
                                                             grow people’s knowledge and perception      Campaign-specific and
                                  utilizing consumer
                                                             about BC wine and wine regions.             monthly measure of digital
                                  research and analytics
                                                                                                         marketing and social media
                                  to create and share
                                                             Promote Wines of BC Explorer app            execution.
                                  quality content
                                  through blogs, videos,     and Ambassador Level 1 online across
                                  storytelling, influencer   all marketing and communications
                                  assignments and            channels and through cross-promotions
                                  interactive quizzes and    with DMOs, restaurants and wineries to
                                  polls.                     encourage its uptake and use.

                                  Implement targeted         Create rotating winery routes and
                                  mini campaigns             featured lists on Wines of BC Explorer
                                  such as Mother’s           app to promote and drive user
                                  Day, Father’s Day,         engagement with the wines and regions
                                  Rosé Month and             of BC.
                                  January Wellness
                                                             Optimize social media promotion of top
                                  Month to align with
                                                             stories and posts to amplify coverage
                                  the overarching BC
                                                             and key messages for Wines of British
                                  wine farmer thematic
                                                             Columbia, utilizing strategic tagging for
                                                             further reach.
                                  Work collaboratively
                                                             Optimize user-generated content to
                                  with retail partners
                                                             engage consumers and media through
                                  to offer marketing
                                                             authentic stories and experiences
                                  support for in-store
                                                             specific to the Wines of British
                                  programs and purchase
                                                             Columbia brand.

8      WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                                               ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022        9
 Objective                     Strategy    Tactics                                   Metrics/KPIs   Objective                   Strategy                    Tactics                                       Metrics/KPIs
                                           Broaden implementation of strategic                      2.1 Trade image and         Continue to reposition,     Contract top industry professionals to        As measured through the
                                           influencer programs to identify, engage                  awareness perception of     grow and augment            deliver Ambassador Level 1 and 2 in           annual Wine Intelligence
                                           and build a stronger domestic and                        Wines of British Columbia   annual trade events         identified regions.                           survey, trade perception of
                                           international awareness of the brand.                    will increase by 2%.        such as BC VQA                                                            BC wine rated as “high to
                                                                                                                                Spring and Fall Release     Launch of updated Ambassador Level 1          very high” quality increases to
                                           Explore and facilitate best practices                                                Tastings and Local          and 2 certified program.                      79.9%.
                                           to host live and virtual masterclasses,                                              Flights Tastings under
                                           seminars and tastings for key media                                                  COVID-19 restrictions.      Create a target list of the top restaurants   500 trade certified through
                                           and trade in targeted domestic and                                                                               and retailers in BC and Alberta to            the BC Wine Ambassador
                                           international markets.                                                               Develop virtual             complete the Ambassador Program.              Program.
                                                                                                                                and highly targeted
                                           Provide media training for member                                                    in-person tastings,         Optimize our Customer Relationship            Increase number of
                                           wineries to polish their presentation                                                masterclasses and           Management (CRM) system to grow               participating wineries in
                                           skills and diversify industry                                                        seminars for key trade      and improve targeted trade lists.             WGBC reimagined trade
                                           spokespersons.                                                                       and media.                                                                events.
                                                                                                                                                            Make Ambassador Level 1 training
                                           Develop innovative FAM itineraries that                                              Identify and recruit top    materials and programs available online       Increase quality of attendees
                                           are appropriate and desirable to the                                                 industry professionals      for service staff and wine enthusiasts.       and program uptake following
                                           prevailing conditions.                                                               and dynamic panelists                                                     events.
                                                                                                                                                            Explore innovative formats to host the
                                                                                                                                to deliver trade
                                           Continue to grow and support                                                                                     4th annual Wine BC BootCamp or a re-          Trade satisfaction and intent
                                                                                                                                seminars, education
                                           relationships with key media and trade                                                                           imagined version with a series of live or     to list as measured through
                                                                                                                                and in-service
                                           partners including Canadian Association                                                                          virtual masterclasses to showcase and         post-event surveys.
                                           of Professional Sommeliers (CAPS),                                                                               educate target audiences on the BC wine
                                           WineAlign and GuildSomm to leverage                                                  Identify and host           industry from grape to glass.
                                           hosting opportunities with top wine                                                  key domestic and
                                           media and trade.                                                                                                 Continue to grow and support
                                                                                                                                international wine
                                                                                                                                                            relationships with key trade partners
                                                                                                                                trade influencers
                                           Create and utilize video assets, media                                                                           such as CAPS BC and CAPS National.
                                                                                                                                including high-
                                           releases, media advisories, wine                                                     potential junior trade
                                           samples, maps, research and data,                                                                                Execute 2nd annual Chef Meets BC
                                                                                                                                as an investment in         Grape (CMBCG) Somm Smackdown
                                           infographics, story starters and social                                              our future.
                                           media stories to communicate important                                                                           (funding dependent).
                                           issues, events, accolades and industry                                               Deliver updated             Host the following trade tasting events
                                           happenings to keep media engaged and                                                 certified Wines of          when safe and COVID-19 compliant:
                                           informed.                                                                            British Columbia
                                                                                                                                Ambassador program          • Bloom BC VQA Wines of British
                                           Identify and attend important live and                                               to trade and build a          Columbia Spring Release Tastings in
                                           virtual events, conferences and trade                                                database of BC wine           Vancouver and Victoria.
                                           shows to meet and build relationships                                                advocates.
                                           with key national and international                                                                              • Colour BC VQA Wines of British
                                           media and wine influencers.                                                          Develop and                   Columbia Fall Release Tasting in
                                                                                                                                implement on-premise          Vancouver.
                                           Leverage Living the Brand                                                            Wines of British
                                           messaging throughout all media and                                                   Columbia thematic           • Discover BC VQA Wines of British
                                           communications.                                                                      programs.                     Columbia Spring and Fall Release
                                                                                                                                                              Tastings in Alberta.

10   WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                         ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022            11
 Objective                     Strategy     Tactics                                    Metrics/KPIs   Objective                   Strategy                 Tactics                                    Metrics/KPIs
                                            Host VIP trade and media experiences                      3.1 Activate 2021-2023      Establish a WGBC         Develop an a la carte framework to         Increased number of BC
                                            such as Local Flights (Colour reimagined                  WGBC Wine Export Strategy   Export Committee         onboard winery participation in WGBC’s     wineries participating in
                                            in FY21) and masterclasses.                               year one route-to-market    from participating       long-term export programs including:       WGBC international media
                                                                                                      objectives.                 wineries to identify                                                and trade programs.
                                                                                                                                                           • onboarding documents
                                            Work closely with wineries and their                                                  high-level, strategic
                                            agents to drive quality attendees to all                                              partnerships and         • participation agreements                 Increased international media
                                            events.                                                                               opportunities in key                                                coverage for the Wines of
                                                                                                                                                           • reporting requirements
                                                                                                                                  markets.                                                            British Columbia.
                                            Continue to grow and develop the Pour                                                                          • funding structure
                                            More BC Program for restaurants and                                                   Recruit and onboard                                                 Number of media and trade
                                                                                                                                                           • user pays fees for each program
                                            Licensee Retail Store (LRS). Work                                                     member wineries to                                                  contacts made.
                                            with restaurants and member wineries                                                  the long-term export     Implement regular committee meetings
                                            to build an internal (staff) rewards                                                  strategy.                                                           Secured government funding.
                                                                                                                                                           to develop and evaluate export programs
                                            incentive program.                                                                                             and active dates in consideration of the
                                                                                                                                  Advocate for             potential long-term impact of COVID-19.
                                            Develop educational materials for                                                     government
                                            channels aligning with campaign                                                       funding for program      Utilize the collective knowledge of the
                                            messaging. For example, staffroom                                                     implementation.          committee to enhance and create new
                                            posters on Geographical Indications (GI)                                                                       exporting opportunities for programs
                                            and BC grapevine cycle.                                                                                        outlined in the WGBC Export Strategy.
                                            Explore distribution of a regular trade                                                                        Deliver export training seminars, panel
                                            e-newsletter to provide Wines of British                                                                       discussions, research and data for
                                            Columbia educational information and                                                                           member wineries on the priority markets
                                            resources, upcoming trade programs,                                                                            identified in the WGBC Export Strategy.
                                            tastings, training and seminars.
                                                                                                                                                           Identify and build relationships with
                                            Continue to build our digital presence,                                                                        key international gatekeepers, trade
                                            using social channels and trade/                                                                               associations, influencers and media.
                                            sommelier influencer campaigns
                                            (e.g., At Home with Mijune) to connect                                                                         Continue to work with government,
                                            and engage with our trade networks,                                                                            stakeholder partners, national and
                                            sommeliers, educators, media and key                                                                           regional associations to be flexible and
                                            influencers.                                                                                                   responsive to export opportunities
                                                                                                                                                           and deliver activities and engagements
                                            Actively support the Sustainable                                                                               that are appropriate to the prevailing
                                            Winegrowing BC (SWBC) certification                                                                            conditions.
                                            program through marketing and
                                            communications to help demonstrate its                                                                         Update and maintain a database of
                                            sustainability credentials amongst trade                                                                       exporting BC wineries by market
                                            and media.                                                                                                     available online.

12   WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                        ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022       13
4. MAKE BC WINE COUNTRY A BENCHMARK FOR WINE TOURISM                                                                               4. MAKE BC WINE COUNTRY A BENCHMARK FOR WINE TOURISM
 Objective                      Strategy                 Tactics                                    Metrics/KPIs                    Objective                    Strategy                  Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs
 4.1 Increase winery direct     Develop a tourism        Build referral programming on              BCLDB reported winery direct    4.2 Increase Wine and Food   All marketing             Identify new segments and communities       Aggregate online engagement
 sales by 5%.                   referral program on to support Wine and             sales.                          Tourism digital engagement   campaigns will            within digital channels that have higher    results on consumer digital
                                    Food Tourism sector partners such as                                       by 25%.                      include messaging on      engagement numbers.                         platforms increase of 25%.
                                                         BC Hotel Association BC Wine Region        Increase partner engagement.                                 attracting consumers
                                Engage key Wine          booking link.                                                                                           to the regions in the     Analyze and identify opportunities to       Social media and digital
                                and Food Tourism                                                    Advertising equivalency value                                shoulder seasons and      test paid advertising on new channels       content marketing
                                sectors to partner       Engage partners in the pair·ing pass       and circulation of media                                     moving them around        including YouTube, TikTok and               engagement and reach
                                in collaborative         program to enhance winery experience       coverage, as measured by                                     the region in the busy    potentially Pinterest.                      measurement via Klear,
                                programming with         for visitors. For example, BC Dairy to     media monitoring services.                                   summer season when                                                    Crowdriff and social media
                                cross-promotional        sponsor BC wine and cheese tastings at                                                                  appropriate and safe.     Increase value-added messages within        measurement tools.
                                referrals. (BC           wineries (use successful past examples).   Secured DBC funding.                                                                   primary social channels and new
                                Hotel Association,                                                                                                                                         opportunities within. For example, reels, Google
                                                         Programming and content alignment          Winery direct website                                                                  IGTV, live feeds to:                        analytics.
                                BC Restaurant
                                                         with Destination BC Co-op Marketing        click-throughs from the
                                Association, BC
                                                         Program.                                   Wines of BC Explorer app.                                                              • Increase the overall digital footprint    Increase engagement on
                                Farmers’ Markets, Golf
                                BC, BC ski hills).                                                                                                                                           through strategic digital media           consumer social media
                                                         Promote wineries direct-to-consumer        Increase web clicks to                                                                   partners and sponsored content.           channels including:
                                                         shipping as appropriate within    trip planning
                                Develop and build                                                                                                                                                                                      • Instagram
                                                         restrictions and requirements.             pages.                                                                                 • Streamline digital marketing
                                relationships with
                                key media influencers                                                                                                                                        ecosystem to deliver clear consistent     • Facebook
                                to generate positive     Deepen the connection between                                                                                                       channel strategies for identified         • YouTube
                                coverage for BC Wine     consumers and BC wine through the                                                                                                   campaigns.
                                                         agricultural perspective and emotional                                                                                                                                        • Twitter (consumer)
                                and Food Tourism and
                                                         stories of the farmers through videos                                                                                             • Optimize advantages including safe
                                use of the tourism                                                                                                                                                                                     The Vine open rate
                                                         and journalistic storytelling.                                                                                                      travel opportunities and messages
                                referral program on
                                                                                                                                                                                             within BC’s nine wine regions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Number of Wines of BC
                                                         Collaborate with touring companies to
                                                         promote safe wine touring practices.                                                                                              • Create messaging to promote safe          Explorer app users.
                                Continue Destination
                                                                                                                                                                                             travel. For example, Know Before You
                                British Columbia                                                                                                                                                                                       Social echo as measured by
                                                         Utilize Wine BC Explorer app to promote                                                                                             Go toolkit.
                                (DBC) sector                                                                                                                                                                                           media monitoring services.
                                                         enhanced winery experiences, and
                                partnership and                                                                                                                                            • Optimizing hashtag use through
                                                         elevated tastings.
                                funding.                                                                                                                                                     best practices to grow community          Number of app clicks and
                                                                                                                                                                                             engagement.                               downloads.

                                                                                                                                                                                           • Explore options to retarget website       Number of Google Ad clicks.
                                                                                                                                                                                             traffic through custom audiences.

                                                                                                                                                                                           • Conduct in-depth analysis and
                                                                                                                                                                                             evaluation of Fiscal 2021 digital
                                                                                                                                                                                             results to drive digital strategy for
                                                                                                                                                                                             F2022 campaigns.

                                                                                                                                                                                           • Best of blog series (top clicked on
                                                                                                                                                                                             blog for 2020).

                                                                                                                                                                                           • Improve website SEO.

14    WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                                       ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022      15
 Objective                     Strategy                 Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs
 4.3 Develop a model for       Work with Wines of       Determine BC wine regions to target for     Appropriate Wine and Food
 tracking Wine and Food        BC Explorer app to       winery visit measures. GIs,                 Tourism metrics.
 Tourism winery visits.        develop a geo-locating   sub-GIs (official or not).
                               feature (or similar
                               feature to measure       Identify key wineries in determined BC
                               winery visits) in the    wine regions to provide winery visitation
                               app.                     numbers.

                               Collaborate with         Collect data on visitation flow such as
                               other partners such      airport traffic, DMO measurements.
                               as Tourism Kelowna,
                               Thompson Okanagan        Partner with winery associations to
                               Tourism Association      promote current winery visitation
                               and TELUS.               programming, such as Passport Program
                                                        in the different regions.

16   WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                              ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022   17
this place
             FISCAL 2022 STRATEGIC GOAL #2

             1.     Strengthen wine industry leadership.

             2.     Align government advocacy efforts.

             3.     Increase value of BC wine through certification.

                  Objective                     Strategy                  Tactics                                    Metrics/KPIs
                  1.1 Continue to work on       Continue to work          Work with industry and member              Coordination of COVID-19
                  COVID-19 recovery plans for   with Provincial           wineries to update BC wine industry        recovery activities.
                  industry.                     Health Officer,           Ready to Reopen Toolkit for recovery.
                                                Destination British                                                  COVID-19 Recovery member
                                                Columbia, British                                                    toolkit.
                                                Columbia Restaurants
                                                and Foodservices
                                                Association to conduct
                                                ongoing reviews of
                                                COVID-19 recovery

                                                                         ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022   19
1. STRENGTHEN WINE INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP                                                                                        1. STRENGTHEN WINE INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP
 Objective                     Strategy                 Tactics                                 Metrics/KPIs                   Objective              Strategy           Tactics                                    Metrics/KPIs
 1.2 Membership engagement     Identify member needs    Deliver member training webinars with   E-communication open rates:                                              Leverage WGBC awards consolidation
 will increase by 5% in all    and work with industry   presentations from experts on digital   Weekly Update (currently                                                 program to recognize and promote
 WGBC communications,          experts, organizations   marketing and communications best       45% avg. industry standard                                               award-winning member wineries
 programs and events.          and DMO’s to develop     practices.                              is 23%).                                                                 and wines through The Vine, Weekly
                               and share timely and                                                                                                                      Update, Wines of BC Explorer app.
                               relevant content,        Provide member wineries with            CEO Update (currently 47%).
                               information, data and    marketing and communications toolkits                                                                            Work with industry partners to
                               training opportunities   and guidelines to optimize business     Number of live and virtual                                               promote and actively support the
                               for member wineries.     practices.                              event member participants.                                               SWBC certification program to
                                                                                                                                                                         help demonstrate its sustainability
                                                        Update and implement member             Number of cloud page                                                     credentials and benefits to BC wineries
                                                        engagement strategy.                    registrations.                                                           in becoming more profitable, resilient
                                                                                                                                                                         and sustainable.
                                                        Deliver quarterly webinars to update    Number of webinar playbacks.
                                                        members on project execution and                                                                                 Create and utilize communications
                                                        evaluation.                             Member satisfaction through
                                                                                                                                                                         channels and tools to deliver timely and
                                                                                                post-event survey.
                                                                                                                                                                         relevant information, accolades, data
                                                        Conduct quarterly member calls to                                                                                and research to member wineries:
                                                        determine member needs.                 Decrease member bounce
                                                                                                                                                                         • CEO Update
                                                        Utilize CRM system to create and
                                                        implement online member registration    Increase member usage of
                                                                                                                                                                         • Weekly Update
                                                        process and member communications       the app.
                                                        journey builder process.                                                                                         • Quarterly Update

                                                        Optimize new and innovative formats                                                                              • Member webinars
                                                        to host member events (in-person or
                                                        virtual) including:                                                                                              • Industry Twitter and LinkedIn

                                                        • BC Wine Industry Insight Conference                                                                            • Video assets

                                                        • Annual Winemakers and                                                                                          • Infographics
                                                          Viticulturists’ Forum
                                                                                                                                                                         • Reports
                                                        • WGBC Industry Recognition Awards
                                                                                                                                                                         Utilize Click Up to track and inform
                                                        • WGBC Annual General Meeting                                                                                    on member winery participation and
                                                                                                                                                                         promotion in WGBC marketing and
                                                        Utilize Living the Brand tiered                                                                                  communications programs.
                                                        incentive program to increase member
                                                        engagements with WGBC marketing and                                                                              Update and disseminate WGBC Member
                                                        communications.                                                                                                  Benefits Infographic.

20   WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                      ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022   21
2. ALIGN GOVERNMENT ADVOCACY EFFORTS                                                                                                   FISCAL 2022 STRATEGIC GOAL #3
 Objective                        Strategy                  Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs                    DEMAND
 2.1 Establish a WGBC Board       Identify and prioritize   See appendix: FY22 WGBC Board AMC           Favourable government policy.
 Advocacy and Membership          key advocacy actions      Advocacy Priority Matrix
 Committee (AMC) for              according to: Action,
 alignment of priorities.         Enable, Monitor and
                                                                                                                                        STRATIGIC OBJECTIVES:
                                                                                                                                        1.      Increase demand for 100% BC wines at higher prices.
 2.2 Align strategic priorities   Establish a cooperative   Regular meetings with head executive        Measure progress and
 and shared initiatives across    agreement between         or Board member of the BC Wine Grape        completion of shared            2.      Secure and improve access to the BC market.
 industry organizations.          the leading industry      Council, BC Grapegrowers’ Association       initiatives.
                                  organizations for         and BC Wine Authority.
                                                                                                        Industry participation and
                                  leadership to meet on                                                                                      1. INCREASE DEMAND FOR 100% BC WINES AT HIGHER PRICES
                                  a regular basis.          Regular joint briefings with key            satisfaction of events.
                                                            government ministers and senior staff.                                           Objective                          Strategy                  Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs
                                  Identify and prioritize
                                  key advocacy priorities   Collaboration in key industry stakeholder                                        1.1 Grow BC VQA’s average          Deliver strong            Hold regular meetings with leading retail   Monitor BCLDB Period
                                  in common to              events including the BC Wine Industry                                            price point in between             channel-specific          partners to plan promotions, gather         sales data.
                                  advance with industry     Insight Conference.                                                              $20—$39.99 by $0.10.               campaigns with            feedback and evaluate results.
                                  consensus.                                                                                                                                    premium product                                                       Number of blog views and
                                                                                                                                             NOTES:                             messaging and             Develop creative material that focuses      average time spent on blog.
                                                                                                                                                                                strategic focused         on the quality and premiumization of BC
                                                                                                                                             Average price point in 2020        activations in each       VQA Wine.                                   Number of video views
                                                                                                                                             calendar year for price band       channel in price bands                                                and time spent on video
 3. INCREASE VALUE OF BC WINE THROUGH CERTIFICATION                                                                                          $20—$39.99 was $25.19.                                       Provide in-store support programs           narratives.
                                                                                                                                                                                over $20.00.
 Objective                        Strategy                  Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs                                                                                      for wines in targeted price bands. For
                                                                                                                                             $0.12 average growth over                                    example, gift with purchase, tastings       Average price point growth
 3.1 The BC Wine Authority        Include in WGBC           See appendix: FY22 WGBC Board AMC           Modernization of BC                  last four calendar years                                     when/if allowed.                            from $25.19 to 25.29
 (BCWA) plebiscite process        Board AMC including       Advocacy Priority Matrix                    manufacturer licenses and            (2017 – 2020)
 and results will be advocated    implementation of                                                     implementation of BCWA                                                                            Highlight targeted price band BC
 for and supported.               the BCWA Industry                                                     plebiscite results.                  ($0.20 + $0.07 - $0.15) =                                    wine in all WGBC marketing and
                                  Plebiscite Results and                                                                                     $0.12                                                        communications programs such as,
                                  industry supported                                                                                                                                                      Somm Smackdown Competition,
                                                                                                                                             2020 saw a -$0.15 decline                                    Ambassador Program, influencer
                                  recommendations of
                                                                                                                                             over 2019.                                                   assignments, retail promotions.
                                  Business Technical
                                  Advisory Panel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Provide educational programs around
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the quality and value of BC wine. For
                                                                                                                                                                                                          example, influencer comparison tasting
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of BC and international wines for both
                                                                                                                                                                                                          trade and consumers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Create emotive key messages and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          narratives to demonstrate value of BC
                                                                                                                                                                                                          wine through editorial and sponsored
                                                                                                                                                                                                          content, social media and marketing

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Deepen the connection between
                                                                                                                                                                                                          consumers and BC wine through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          local agricultural perspective and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          emotional stories of the local farmers
                                                                                                                                                                                                          through videos and journalistic

                                                                                                                                        *Wholesale plus estimated 20% markup.

22    WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                                                      ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022      23
1. INCREASE DEMAND FOR 100% BC WINES AT HIGHER PRICES                                                                               2. SECURE AND IMPROVE ACCESS TO THE BC MARKET
  Objective                             Strategy             Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs                 Objective                        Strategy                   Tactics                                     Metrics/KPIs
  1.2 Increase BC VQA                   Deliver strong       Hold regular meetings with leading retail   Monitor BCLDB Period sales   2.1 Increase premium             Develop programming        Align program initiatives with WGBC         Implementation of channel
  provincial litre market share         channel-specific     partners to plan promotions, gather         data.                        positioning for 100% BC          specific to each retail    Board Advocacy and Membership               programs.
  over $20 by 3.5%.                     campaigns focusing   feedback and evaluate results.                                           grape wine in retail channels.   channel to include         Committee priorities.
                                        on premium BC VQA                                                *See appendix:                                                high-profile placement                                                 200+ Retail and Hospitality
  Notes:                                Wine.                Trade-up messaging to move consumers         Price Brand Market Share                                     displays such as           Hold regular meetings with leading retail   listings on the BC Wine
                                                             buying patterns from lower price bands       Over $20 Calendar Year                                       end aisle, checkout,       partners to plan promotions, gather         Explorer app.
  Average BC VQA growth over                                 to targeted price bands.                     Comparison*                                                  freestanding, display      feedback and evaluate results.
  $20 in the past four calendar                                                                                                                                        units and gift-with-                                                   Number of digital marketing
  years (2017-2020) was 2.4%.                                Work with channels to educate staff                                                                       purchase displays.         BRITISH COLUMBIA                            toolkit downloads.
                                                             through Ambassador Program to build
  (1.42% + 3.22% + 2.55%) /                                  BC VQA Wine advocates to promote the                                                                      Support retail             BCLS:
  3 = 2.4%                                                   premium positioning of BC wine.                                                                           channel e-commerce
                                                                                                                                                                                                  BC VQA focus months to include end
                                                             Utilize local messaging to convert                                                                                                   displays, free-standing case stacks,
                                                             international purchases > $20 into BC                                                                     Advocate for increased     window clings and specialized point-of-
                                                             wine purchases.                                                                                           channel access             sale (POS) materials.
                                                                                                                                                                       including BC Liquor
                                                             Highlight >$20 BC wine in all WGBC                                                                                                   Taste Magazine editorial and ads to
                                                                                                                                                                       Stores (BCLS) shelf
                                                             marketing and communications                                                                                                         enhance and elevate the Wines of
                                                                                                                                                                       space, winery off-site
                                                             programs such as Somm Smackdown                                                                                                      British Columbia category.
                                                                                                                                                                       and tasting rooms.
                                                             Competition, Ambassador Program,
                                                             influencer assignments, retail and                                                                                                   Continue to support and grow Boutique
                                                             hospitality promotions.                                                                                                              Wines of BC quarterly intake program.

                                                             Grow premium positioning through                                                                                                     Support and communicate Invitation to
                                                             webinars, blogs and trade influencers                                                                                                List programs.
                                                             writing with focus on value.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Integrate BCLS 100th anniversary in
                                                             Work with channels to integrate BC wine                                                                                              materials aligning with BCLS programs.
                                                             premium positioning with their internal
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Build relationship with BC VQA
                                                             marketing campaigns and in-store
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Advocates with educational tools
                                                             promotions. For example, Rosé month.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (talking points) and support of the
                                                             Integrate WGBC thematic programming                                                                                                  annual Learning Week programming.
                                                             calendar with member wineries to grow
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Support and promote e-commerce
                                                                                                                                                                                                  program when available (in-progress
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ETA 2023).
*Wholesale plus estimated 20% markup.


                                                                                                                                                                                                  Develop a monthly in-store thematic
                                                                                                                                                                                                  for wineries to align and capitalize on

                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Wine regions

                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Seasonal holidays

                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Mini campaigns such as Mother’s Day

                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Features such as sparkling and Rosé

24     WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                                             ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022      25
2. SECURE AND IMPROVE ACCESS TO THE BC MARKET                                                          2. SECURE AND IMPROVE ACCESS TO THE BC MARKET
 Objective                     Strategy    Tactics                                       Metrics/KPIs   Objective              Strategy           Tactics                                   Metrics/KPIs
                                           Develop POS to support thematic                                                                        Support and promote e-commerce BC
                                           promotions.                                                                                            VQA programs.

                                           Engage winery associations to                                                                          Identify private retail chains to grow
                                           participate in wine region thematic.                                                                   BC VQA programming throughout the
                                           Grow inter-partner programming
                                           utilizing complementary companies and                                                                  Hospitality:
                                           products. For example, BC Dairy and
                                           crackers.                                                                                              Pour More BC Program

                                           Increase awareness of BC wine available                                                                ALBERTA
                                           in-store with promotional materials in
                                           other departments. For example, flower                                                                 Co-op Wine Spirits Beer
                                           department Valentine’s Day and
                                                                                                                                                  Continue to support flyer program with
                                           BC wine.
                                                                                                                                                  in-store promotional materials and case
                                           Support in-store four pack and case                                                                    displays.
                                           promotions with added value displays
                                                                                                                                                  Vin Bin program educational insert and
                                           such as gift with purchase.
                                                                                                                                                  value add.
                                           Encourage all staff to become certified
                                                                                                                                                  Train their Sommelier Educator to
                                           through the Wines of British Columbia
                                                                                                                                                  facilitate Wines of British Columbia
                                           Ambassador Program.
                                                                                                                                                  Ambassador Programs for all staff and
                                           Support and promote e-commerce                                                                         to implement educational material into
                                           programing.                                                                                            consumer programs.

                                           LRS:                                                                                                   Support and promote e-commerce BC
                                                                                                                                                  VQA programs.
                                           Provide access to WGBC marketing
                                           materials through an online industry                                                                   Sobeys/Safeway:
                                                                                                                                                  Create an in-store promotion to
                                           Promote growth in the BC wine category                                                                 elevate the BC wine category in all
                                           through new listings, features, displays                                                               stores throughout Alberta and BC with
                                           and tastings (when safe and COVID-19                                                                   potential growth into Saskatchewan.
                                           compliant) including the new retail Pour
                                                                                                                                                  Develop a small-lot boutique program
                                           More BC program (in development).
                                                                                                                                                  for destination stores.
                                           Provide incentives for store participation
                                                                                                                                                  Encourage key staff to become certified
                                           in the above activities. For example, store
                                                                                                                                                  through the Wines of British Columbia
                                           listing on Wines of BC Explorer app, prize
                                                                                                                                                  Ambassador Program.
                                           for most creative in-store display.

                                           Create a small-lot boutique program
                                           to increase BC VQA wine listings and
                                           specialty promotions.

                                           Encourage staff to become certified
                                           through the Wines of British Columbia
                                           Ambassador Program.

26   WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                              ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022   27
APPENDIX                                                                                                                                                            APPENDIX

WGBC BOARD ADVOCACY AND MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE PRIORITY MATRIX                                                                                                        PRICE BAND MARKET SHARE OVER $20 - CALENDAR YEAR COMPARISON

WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PRIORITY MATRIX                                                                                                                                            2020 ALL CHANNELS            2019 ALL CHANNELS              2018 ALL CHANNELS             2017 ALL CHANNELS
                                                                              MINISTRY        SOLICITOR                                 MINISTRY            WINE    Price Brands    All Wine %    All BC VQA %   All Wine %     All BC VQA %    All Wine %    All BC VQA %    All Wine %    All BC VQA %
                                                                               FINANCE         GENERAL       MINISTRY        MINISTRY   ECONOMIC   BTAP   GROWERS
                                                                             (BC LDB/LS)        (LCRB)     AGRICULTURE       TOURISM    RECOVERY           CANADA    $20 - $24.99        12.61%         19.47%        12.21%          18.07%        10.60%          17.16%         11.88%         17.27%
                                                                                                                                                                     $25 - $29.99        6.45%          9.59%         7.05%            8.59%          7.19%         8.38%          10.07%             7.46%
                      Able to sell to hospitality above wholesale price
                                                                                                                                                                     $30 - $34.99       10.73%          4.57%          7.91%           3.69%          8.14%          3.67%         12.37%             3.74%
                      Safeguarding of current industry support programs                                                                                              $35 - $39.99        3.73%           3.41%        3.53%            4.18%          3.17%          3.43%          3.83%             2.52%

                      (e.g., direct delivery, QEP, etc.)
                                                                                                                                                                    $40 - $49.99         2.81%          3.47%         2.47%            3.08%          2.28%          3.31%         2.34%          3.06%
                      Increased shelf-space, promotion, and floor price in
                      BCLS                                                                                                                                           $50 - $59.99         1.77%         2.25%          1.73%           2.40%          1.52%          1.77%          1.12%             1.83%
                                                                                                                                                                    $60 - $69.99         1.55%          1.25%         1.39%           0.89%           1.59%         0.99%          0.68%              1.01%
                      Modernize BC winery manufacturing license
                                                                                                                                                                     $70 - $74.99        0.21%          0.19%         0.49%            0.19%          0.33%         0.04%           0.13%         0.05%
                      Recognition and support of wine industry’s                                                                                                     $75 - $79.99        0.33%          0.40%         0.35%           0.40%          0.24%           0.37%         0.23%          0.43%
                      contribution by BC Ministry of Finance
                                                                                                                                                                    $80 - $99.99         0.81%          0.29%         0.88%           0.44%          0.86%          0.45%          0.44%              0.71%
                      BCLDB and BCLS are active promoters of the
                                                                                                                                                                       $100 +            3.94%          1.20%         4.93%            1.61%         4.44%           0.75%          3.12%         0.82%

                      BC wine industry (e.g., mandate letter(s))
                      Gov’t supports of increased and new                                                                                                              % >$20          44.94%         46.09%         42.94%          43.54%         40.36%         40.32%         46.21%         38.90%
                      direct-to-consumer channels (e.g., winery off-site
                      tasting rooms)                                                                                                                                 YOY Change          2.00%          2.55%         2.58%            3.22%         -5.85%          1.42%
                      Implementation of Appellation Task Force
                      Recommendations (e.g., mandatory registration)

                      Interprovincial direct-to-consumer sales

                      WGBC is recognized as the united voice of the
                      wine industry

                      Political recognition of WGBC and members as
                      integral to agriculture industry

                      Increased Buy BC and IAF funding

                      Recognition and support of WGBC leadership in

                      Improved Agriculture Land Commission policies

                    Decision Maker/Enabler              Influencer              Stakeholder               Interested Party

28                   WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                                                                                            ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2022       29
   Wines of British Columbia

Tel 250.762.9744
Fax 250.762.9788
Toll-Free 1.800.661.2294

Suite 470 - 1726 Dolphin Avenue
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 9R9
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