Social media communication management in football national federations
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2 Social media communication management in football national federations Gestión de la comunicación en las redes sociales de las federaciones de fútbol nacionales ARTICLE Rafael Cano Tenorio University of Cadiz Communication and Marketing Department Internacional PhD in Communication from Cádiz, Málaga, Sevilla and Huelva Universities. Member of the SEJ068 Research Group of the University of Cádiz. RECEIVED: October 30, 2018 / ACCEPTED: April 03, 2019 Abstract the strategic management of digital communi- cation in this type of entities. Social media have become a main means of in- teraction for the communication departments KEYWORDS of national football federations, improving the Content analysis, communication, sports, foot- loyalty of their supporters. In this study, the ball, social media. management of official accounts in social me- dia of five national football federations were Resumen analyzed. The methodology has been based Las redes sociales se han convertido en un on the observation and content analysis, taking medio principal para los departamentos de co- into account the communication department of municación de las federaciones nacionales de each federation as a content issuer. The results fútbol, mejorando la fidelización de sus simpa- show great differences in the management of tizantes. En este estudio se ha analizado la ges- communication according to the issuer and the tión de las cuentas oficiales en redes sociales social media, which is very useful to improve OBRA DIGITAL, 17, September 2019 - January 2020, pp. 19-34, e-ISSN 2014-5039 DOI: 19
de cinco federaciones de fútbol nacionales. La de la comunicación según el emisor y la red metodología se ha basado en la observación y social, lo que resulta de gran utilidad para me- el análisis de contenido, teniendo en cuenta al jorar la gestión estratégica de la comunicación departamento de comunicación de cada fede- digital en este tipo de entidades. ración como emisor de contenido. Los resulta- PALABRAS CLAVE: dos muestran grandes diferencias en la gestión Análisis de contenido, comunicación, deporte, fútbol, redes sociales. 1. INTRODUCTION confidence and increase media reach in socie- ty. Lobillo and Muñoz (2016) emphasize that Football is the most universal of sports and social media are very useful for entities related involves a multitude of social derivations. An- to football as in any other organization and they tezana (2003) emphasizes that football deve- are used as an organizational communication lops inside and outside the court because it is tool. In addition, they point out that new tech- an uninterrupted and multifaceted spectacle nologies are constantly used by sports organi- (p.88). Studies focused on the analysis of com- zations, allowing them to interact immediately munication, sports and football have grown and effectively with their audience. exponentially in recent years. In this sense, it The management of social media represents an should be noted that the media and sports as important part of the work in the communica- objects of study in the area of communication tion departments of football federations. Casti- are two research trends that have not stopped llo, Fernández and Castillero (2016), postulate growing (Alonso and Avalos, 2013). The loyalty in relation to the importance of the presence of of supporters or followers is one of the objecti- entities in social media that the entities with the ves of the entities of the football world. Thras- highest income in the world develop a 2.0 com- sou, Vrontis and Kartakoullis (2012) agree that munication strategy for most of the existing football executives are called to develop and social media. In general, they show adequate use the possibilities offered by marketing and adaptation to the creation of social media and communication to ensure that customers (fo- digital communication platforms. llowers and supporters) revive a holistic expe- rience of football as a product. Abeza, O’Reilly and Reid (2013) agree that social media represent an important opportunity for 1.1. UTILITY OF SOCIAL the management of sports brands and their re- MEDIA FOR THE NATIONAL lationship with internal and external audiences. FOOTBALL FEDERATIONS Currently, any sports organization can exchan- ge messages with their audience using social Communication always played an important media. role in the national football federations and significant progress has been made in recent In relation to the management of communica- years in the field of the Internet, specifically in tion in the world of football, Costa (1999) stres- social media. They have become a fundamental ses that “these sports entities need to transfer tool to get more support from fans, generate their image to society in order to achieve their 20 Social media communication management in football national federations
goals, like any other organization, company or that were not contemplated to date. These institution; so they must resort to communica- management needs have increased the rele- tion “(As cited by Olabe, 2010, p.95). vance of the Dircom figure, integrating it into the management structure of the organization Social media provide various ways to reach au- and marking the communication strategies for diences. Lobillo and Muñoz (2016) point out their subsequent execution. The Dircom must that these allow football entities to easily reach perform three basic functions as coordinator of a very important audience, not only by quanti- this specific department that is detached from ty but by loyalty. These entities have profiles in the press office: the journalistic function, the the main social networks to communicate with public relations function and the marketing and these audiences and their followers. In this way, advertising function. football entities have already established social channels as communication tools more or less According to Pronschinske, Groza and Walker uniformly. (2012), the strategy conditions the participa- tion of users. The national football federations Facebook is the social media that brings to- must have a communication plan established gether more followers and supporters, that is to manage their virtual press rooms and offi- why the presence of football entities in this lea- cial accounts on social media. Salazar and Prie- ding social network is discussed. The analyzed to (2015) emphasize that any institution that teams reached an approximate of 50 million wants to achieve effective communication on fans in this social network at the end of January Twitter must develop a communication plan 2012 (Sotelo, 2012). that defines the objectives and communication On the multimedia integration of these entities, actions that will be carried out. In this sense, the YouTube social network can offer different Arceo (2003) points in his research of profes- content. Entities can offer information and en- sional football clubs that only two of the ten tertainment content to their followers with this studied organizations have a communication network (Ginesta, 2010). or public relations plan, six have plans on some occasions and two have no plans. 1.2. COMMUNICATION On the content of football on YouTube, Gines- STRATEGIES IN NATIONAL ta (2010) indicates that streaming off the plat- FOOTBALL FEDERATIONS form is common on almost all the websites of It is important to have defined communication the clubs. In this way, while the clubs that have strategies for any sports entity for the proper developed their own television service use the performance of their communication depart- web to broadcast their own videos, others post ments. Olabe (2015) establishes that the di- the videos given by the television stations or di- rective function of the communication mana- rectly by the owner of the television rights of gement of the national football federations is the teams. Offering webpages in several lan- specific to the director of communication (dir- guages is one of the internationalization strate- com). The Dircom is responsible for the trans- gies that football entities use in marketing and parency policy of the organization as a way to communication. Ginesta (2010) points out that transmit values and manage digital resources the Internet is essential when it comes to in- Rafael Cano Tenorio 21
ternationalizing the image of the organization, chnologies as tools to improve the relationship since most of the analyzed clubs have another between the institution and the fans. Hutchins language as an option in their official websites. (2016) identifies protests of this type at Philips Sport Vereniging NV, one of the most followed Content categories are important in the ma- football clubs in the Netherlands. There were nagement of virtual press rooms and official similar protests to sports entities and clubs in accounts in social media of national football fe- Spain, England, Italy, Germany, France, Brazil, derations. These refer to matches, press confe- Uruguay, Romania, Norway, Czech Republic, rences and interviews. In this sense, Castillo et Slovakia, the United States and Australia. al. (2016) clarify from the communicative struc- ture of the football entities that the activities ge- Xifra (2011) emphasizes that all organizations nerated in the social networks mainly include maintain relationships with different audien- the games played, press conferences and inter- ces. According to this author, the environments views with players and the coach. These are the of the organizations are composed of a mixture most followed entries with the greatest media of audiences on which the organization has or coverage. This means that the football media can have consequences and vice versa, regard- industry needs continuous and daily activities less of the stability of such relationship. There to maintain their media presence. are types of audiences that relate more to or- ganizations and other types of audiences with Another category of content in professional fewer participation. In most cases, the public football clubs and national football federations with the greatest relationships are the workers, is institutional content. On the success of insti- the media, the local community, customers and tutional communication, Olabe (2010) indicates consumers. that the effectiveness and success of institutio- nal communication is also measured by the de- According to Capriotti (2009), the main efforts gree of involvement and consideration that the of the organizations in the institutional part directors of the organization give to this tool. have focused on the issuer and have left aside the study of the receiver and the public. 1.3. RELATIONSHIP OF THE ISSUERS FROM FOOTBALL The national football federations present large ENTITIES WITH THE PUBLIC IN numbers of audiences. Regarding the commu- THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT nication cabinets of football entities and their relationship with different types of public, Ola- The public relations in the management and be (2010) emphasizes that these departments use of virtual press rooms and social media by give importance to carrying out communicative the responsible department of communication actions for external, internal and intermedia- in the national football federations should be te publics, although the media are the most taken into account. One of the most important important audience of these institutions for objectives of the entities of the world of footba- their status as channels for the rest of target ll in the 21st century is the loyalty of followers audiences. In this sense, the communication and supporters. In this sense, social networks departments seek to adapt the agenda of the play an essential role to accomplish this objecti- media, their routines and contents with the use ve. There are sectors of fans and followers that of communication tools and techniques adjus- are opposed to the implementation of new te- 22 Social media communication management in football national federations
ted to their needs of press conferences, press of their recipients to help achieve the objecti- releases, conclusion of interviews, reports and ves. Among these recipients are the followers the use of the corporate website with daily con- or supporters. tent update. The geographical link with the football fede- The relationship of sports entities with their pu- rations can have a very important influence blic has changed since the appearance of new on the content of the messages and their fo- communication technologies. The media are llow-up relationships. “One of the elements that external public to which the national football seems to have the most influence in the identi- federations are directed. Regarding the rela- fication with a football team is the geographical tionship with the media, Castillo (2010) points link. Then, the familiar and social environment out that relations with the media have been appear and in third place is the interest since presented as the fundamental activity in the childhood” (Llopis, 2013, p.242). According to field of external public relations. Although true, Rowe (2003), sporting events have a significant it is not in its entirety because relations with the political content with great scope beyond what media are one of the most important aspects happens on the field. in communication but not exclusive or the end It should be taken into account that: “Football, of it. as a cultural fact, represents local identities in The football entities are related in the digital some way”. (Benítez, López and Cid, 2015, p.83). environment with different groups of receivers. “The feeling of belonging to a certain region On the impact of issuing messages to large can also influence a person to be follower or groups of people, Cancelo and Almansa (2013) supporter of a certain football entity” (Llopis, show in their research that the universalization 2013, p.248). of the possibility of being a transmitter of mes- sages that reach large groups through the In- On the comparison between football entities ternet has caused the rupture of the traditional in relation to the claim of the nationality of a scheme of emitter-receiver. This is the case of certain community, González (2008) points out social media. Due to the volume of participants that we must take into account that the football and the control conditions over the message, scene is set by national clubs and is composed it seems to be an ideal tool to gain supporters of different National teams. In this sense, globa- and to promote the direct relationship between lization processes have contributed to add ele- entities and their audiences. ments that make this increasingly multicultural scenario more complex in terms of the scope 1.3.1. THE RELATIONSHIP of national and international club competitions. BETWEEN THE FOOTBALL On the other hand, Xifra (2008) relates the con- FEDERATIONS AND THE cept of civil religion with Fútbol Club Barcelo- PUBLIC ACCORDING TO na and the Catalan nationalist community as a THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL OR social phenomenon, promoting changes in the POLITICAL IDENTITY local and regional values of the community to The message content of the national football which it belongs. This author points to Fútbol federations may vary depending on the identity Club Barcelona as a new constituted religious form. Rafael Cano Tenorio 23
In this sense, national federations may have The access to each page, profile or official ac- similarities with what the researcher proposed count on social media has been obtained from for a football club. the official website of each federation: • Asociación del Fútbol Argentino: http://www. 2. METHODOLOGY • Confederação Brasileira de Futebol: http:// The techniques used in this study have been observation and content analysis. It is impor- tant to clarify with respect to the content analy- • Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio: http:// sis that “it involves systematically applying pre- viously fixed rules that serve to measure the • Real Federación Española de Fútbol: http:// frequency with which the elements appear and study some of the aspects that seem useful according to the purposes of the investigation” • The Football Association: http://www.thefa. (Berganza & Ruiz, 2005, p.213). Observation com/England becomes a scientific technique when it serves The research methodology has followed the fo- a formulated research objective. It is planned llowing analysis template: systematically and is related to more general theories in such a way that it does not remain The amount and type of content of each offi- as a set of curiosities. It is controlled and tes- cial Facebook page, official Instagram profile, ted with criteria of validity and reliability (Ruiz, official Twitter account and the official YouTube 2012). channel of each federation have been analyzed. A questionnaire was established to determine The social networks analyzed in the research the types of content generated by each footba- were Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and You- ll federation in each account as variables. The Tube. The analysis was conducted from April variables in this case will be classified based on 1 to April 30, 2015. The purpose of this study the type of content of each publication that is is to analyze the management of the social ne- shared in the analyzed social media. tworks of the national football federations from CONMEBOL and UEFA. The selection criteria of For registration, the title, URL, date and time of the football federations in this study was made emission of certain content in the correspon- according to the ranking of historical results of ding analysis sheet have been recorded. the federations of each confederation. The content of each social network analyzed Three UEFA federations have been selected: has been classified in the following categories: Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (Italy), The • “Institutional”: Information on events with the Football Association (England) and Real Fede- presence of the board of the national foot- ración Española de Fútbol (profile of the Spa- ball federation. Public relations with profes- nish National Football Team). Two federations sional football clubs or other national football of the CONMEBOL were chosen following the federations, participation in campaigns with same criteria of selection: Asociación del Fútbol the image of the national football federation, Argentino y Confederação Brasileira de Futebol relations with other public or private com- (Brazil). 24 Social media communication management in football national federations
panies or institutions, public statements by youth categories of each national football fe- the president or directors, corporate social deration. responsibility, publications related to the sta- • “Fans”: Content about followers. Informative dium or venue and historical events. publications on the sale of tickets for matches • “Training”: Information related to the training and trips to accompany the national team to or organization of the work of the national a match as a visitor are included. teams. Content related to recovery and injury • “Marketing”: Publications related to sponsors information is included in this category. and commercial commitments of the natio- • “Pre-match”: Informative publications prior to nal football federations. a match, previous announcements and pro- • “Retweets”: This category refers to publica- motion, matches prior to the season, raffles tions that are a copy of the content issued by of the competition or travel plans for a spe- another user. This category only exists in the cific match. In addition, information related case of analysis of the content categories in to the rival team is included in this content the official Twitter accounts. category. • “Match”: Informative content related to the development of a match. Includes description 3. RESULTS of plays, goals, faults, warnings or other inci- First, the obtained results are presented in re- dents of matches played by national teams. lation to the followers that the federations have • “Post-match”: Publications that deal with the in the social media analyzed. analysis of a finished match. The photo ga- The official Facebook pages of the national foot- lleries and video summaries of the disputed ball federations have the following “likes” accor- matches, classifications and statistics of the ding to the data collected on the date of analy- played matches are included. sis: Asociación del Fútbol Argentino 1,946,491 • “Press conference”: Declarations of the staff followers, Confederação Brasileira de Futebol members and technical staff of the national 7,141,727 followers, Real Federación Española teams at the official press conferences. de Fútbol (Spanish National Team) 2,258,450 followers, The Football Association 4,767,069 • “Interviews”: Statements that are not given followers and Federazione Italiana Giuoco Cal- in the previous category. Includes interviews cio 3,247,489 followers. through social media. The official Instagram profiles of the national • “Players”: Information related to the members football federations have the following num- of the staff of the national team. It includes in- bers of followers: Confederação Brasileira de formation on international calls, signings, pu- Futebol 347,390 followers, Real Federación blic events and individual awards received by Española de Fútbol (Spanish National Team) players or members of the coaching staff with 121,154 followers, The Football Association statistics or special data about them. 119,069 followers and Federazione Italiana • “Youth Categories”: Informative content refe- Giuoco Calcio 54,794 followers. The data of the rring to the coaching staff and players of the Rafael Cano Tenorio 25
federations from Argentina and England could Table 1. Followers in social media of the official accounts of football federations. not be verified. The official Twitter profiles of the national foot- Facebook Insta- Twitter Youtube gram ball federations have the following numbers of followers according to the data collected on the Asociación 1.946.491 - 1.019.428 2.296 del Fútbol date of analysis: Asociación del Fútbol Argenti- Argentino no 1,019,428 followers, Confederação Brasilei- (CONME- BOL) ra de Futebol 2,352,129 followers, Real Fede- ración Española de Fútbol (Spanish National Confe- 7.141.727 347.390 2.352.129 - deração Team) 978.325 followers, The Football Associa- Brasileira tion 580,150 followers and Federazione Italiana de Fute- bol (CON- Giuoco Calcio 283,239 followers. MEBOL) The official YouTube channels of the national Federazio- 3.247.489 54.794 283.239 41.369 ne Italiana football federations have the following num- Giuoco bers of followers according to the data co- Calcio (UEFA) llected on the date of analysis: Asociación de Fútbol Argentino 2,296 followers, The Football Real Fe- 2.258.450 121.154 978.325 - deración Association 139,277 followers and Federazione Española Italiana Giuoco Calcio 41,369 followers. There de Fútbol (UEFA) was no access to the data of the Confederação The 4.767.069 - 580.150 139.277 Brasileira de Futebol and the Real Federación Football Española de Fútbol (Spanish National Team) Association (UEFA) (Table 1). Source. Official accounts in social media of football fede- 3.1. MANAGEMENT OF rations. OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS ON FACEBOOK 2 publications, “Post-match” 1 publication, “Youth Categories” 2 publications, “Players” 2 Below is the data of the social network Face- publications and “Fans” 1 publication. The rest book. The official Facebook page of the Aso- of the content categories have not been used. ciación del Fútbol Argentino has used the different content categories as follows: “Institu- The official Facebook page of the Federazione tional” 3 publications, “Training” 2 publications, Italiana Giuoco Calcio has used the different “Pre-match” 3 publications, “Post-match” 4 pu- content categories as follows: “Institutional” 5 blications , “Youth Categories” 7 publications, publications, “Post-match” 2 publications, “In- “Players” 23 publications and “Fans” 1 publica- terview” 1 publication, “Youth Categories” 11 tion. The rest of the content categories have publications and “Players” 6 publications. The not been used. rest of the content categories have not been used. The Confederação Brasileira de Futebol has used the different categories of content as fo- The Real Federación Española de Fútbol (Spani- llows: “Institutional” 6 publications, “Pre-match” sh National Team) has used the different con- 26 Social media communication management in football national federations
Table 2. Content management in Facebook of the official accounts of football federations. Asociación del Confederação Bra- Federazione Real Federa- The Football Fútbol Argentino sileira de Futebol Italiana Giuoco ción Española Association Calcio (UEFA) de Fútbol (UEFA) (CONMEBOL) (CONMEBOL) (UEFA) 3 6 5 Institutional 5 3 2 0 0 Training 1 0 3 2 0 Pre-match 1 0 0 0 0 Match 0 0 4 1 2 Post-match 2 2 0 0 0 Press conference 0 5 0 0 1 Interview 1 0 23 2 6 Players 6 4 7 2 11 Youth categories 28 27 1 1 0 Fans 0 0 0 0 0 Marketing 3 10 43 14 25 Total 47 51 Source. Official accounts in social media of football federations. tent categories as follows: “Institutional” 5 publi- 3.2. MANAGEMENT OF cations, “Training” 1 publication, “Pre-match” 1 OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS post, “Post-match” 2 publications, “Interview” 1 IN INSTAGRAM publication, “Youth Categories” 28 publications, “Players” 6 publications and “Marketing” 3 publi- In this section, the data from the social network cations. The rest of the content categories have Instagram is presented. The Asociación del Fút- not been used. bol Argentino has used the different categories of content as follows: “Institutional” 3 publica- The official page in this social network of The tions, “Pre-match” 1 publication, “Post-match” 4 Football Association has used the different publications, “Youth categories” 9 publications, categories of content as follows: “Institutional” “Players” 26 publications and “Fans” 3 publica- 3 publications, “Post-match” 2 publications, tions. The rest of the content categories have “Press conference” 5 publications, “Youth Cate- not been used. gories” 27 publications, “Players” 4 publications and “Marketing” 10 publications. The rest of the The Confederação Brasileira de Futebol has content categories have not been used (Table used the different categories of content as fo- 2). llows: “Institutional” 9 publications, “Youth Cate- gories” 7 publications and “Players” 2 publica- tions. The rest of the content categories have not been used. The Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio has used the different content categories as fo- Rafael Cano Tenorio 27
Table 3. Management of Instagram content in the official accounts of football federations. Asociación del Confederação Federazione Real Federa- The Football Fútbol Argentino Brasileira de Italiana Giuoco ción Española Association (CONMEBOL) Futebol Calcio (UEFA) de Fútbol (UEFA) (UEFA) (CONMEBOL) 3 9 4 Institucional 2 1 0 0 0 Entrenamiento 0 0 1 0 0 Pre-partido 0 0 0 0 0 Partido 0 0 4 0 2 Post-partido 1 2 0 0 0 Rueda de prensa 0 2 0 0 0 Entrevista 1 1 26 2 4 Jugadores 6 3 9 7 6 Categorías inferiores 8 2 3 0 1 Afición 0 1 0 0 0 Marketing 1 1 46 18 17 Total 19 13 Source. Official accounts on Instagram of football federations. llows: “Institutional” 4 publications, “Post- and “Fans” 1 publication. The rest of the con- match” 2 publications, “Youth Categories” 6 pu- tent categories have not been used (Table 3). blications, “Players” 4 publications and “Fans” 1 publication. The rest of the content categories 3.3. MANAGEMENT OF have not been used. OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS The Real Federación Española de Fútbol (Spa- ON TWITTER nish National Team) in its official account in the Below are the results obtained from the official analyzed social network has used the different accounts in the social network Twitter. The Aso- content categories as follows: “Institutional” 2 ciación del Fútbol Argentino has used the di- publications, “Post-match” 1 publication, “Inter- fferent content categories in the following way: view” 1 post , “Youth Categories” 8 publications, “Retweet” 4 publications, “Institutional” 9 publi- “Players” 6 publications and “Marketing” 1 publi- cations, “Pre-match” 18 publications, “Match” cation. The rest of the content categories have 40 publications, “Post-match” 11 publications, not been used. “Press conference” 8 publications, “Interview” 5 publications, “Youth categories” 95 publica- The official Instagram account of The Football tions, “Players” 468 publications and “Fans” 2 Association has used the different content ca- publications. The rest of the content categories tegories in the following way: “Institutional” 1 were not used. publication, “Post-match” 2 publications, “Press conference” 2 publications, “Interview” 1 publi- The Confederação Brasileira de Futebol has cation, “Youth categories” 2 publications, “Pla- used the following content categories on the yers” 3 publications, “Marketing” 1 publication social network Twitter: “Institutional” 45 publica- 28 Social media communication management in football national federations
tions, “Pre-match” 18 publications, “Post-match” as follows: “Retweet” 1 publication, “Institutio- 29 publications, “Interview” 1 publication, “You- nal” 13 publications, “Training” 5 publications, th Categories” 41 publications, “Players” 1 publi- “ Pre-match” 17 publications, “Post-match” 13 cation, “Marketing” 6 publications and “Fans” 2 publications, “Press conference” 1 publication, publications. The rest of the content categories “Interview” 5 publications, “Youth categories” 85 have not been used. publications, “Players” 49 publications, “Marke- ting” 14 publications and “Fans” 9 publications. The official account of Federazione Italiana The rest of the content categories have not Giuoco Calcio on the social network Twitter been used. has used the different content categories as follows: “Retweet” 6 publications, “Institutional” The Football Association in the social network 20 publications, “Pre-match” 14 publications, Twitter has used the different categories of “Post-match “17 publications, “Press conferen- content as follows: “Retweet” 31 publications, ce” 2 publications, “Interview” 3 publications, “Institutional” 30 publications, “Pre-match” “Youth categories” 77 publications, “Players” 8 publications, “Post-match” 5 publications, 45 publications, “Marketing” 3 publications and “Press Conference” 11 publications, “Interview” “Fans” 1 publication. The rest of the content ca- 35 publications, “Youth categories” 241 publi- tegories have not been used. cations, “Players” 44 publications, “Marketing” 59 publications and “Fans” 25 publications. The The Real Federación Española de Fútbol (Spa- rest of the content categories have not been nish National Team) in the social network Twit- used (Table 4). ter has used the different categories of content Table 4. Management of content on Twitter of the official accounts of football federations. Asociación del Confederação Federazione Real Federa- The Foot- Fútbol Argentino Brasileira de Italiana Giuo- ción Española ball Asso- (CONMEBOL) Futebol co Calcio de Fútbol ciation (UEFA) (UEFA) (CONMEBOL) (UEFA) 9 45 20 Institutional 13 30 0 0 0 Training 5 0 18 18 14 Pre-match 17 8 40 0 0 Match 0 9 11 29 17 Post-match 13 5 8 0 2 Press conference 1 11 5 1 3 Interview 5 35 468 1 45 Players 49 44 95 41 77 Youth categories 85 241 2 2 1 Fans 9 25 0 6 3 Marketing 14 59 4 0 6 Retweet 1 31 660 143 188 Total 212 489 Source. Official Twitter accounts of football federations. Rafael Cano Tenorio 29
3.4. MANAGEMENT OF “Players” 1 publication. The rest of the content OFFICIAL CHANNELS categories have not been used. ON YOUTUBE The official YouTube channel of the Real Fede- The results obtained from the official channels ración Española de Fútbol (Spanish National of the federations in the YouTube social ne- Team) has used the different content catego- twork are presented in this section. The Aso- ries as follows: “Institutional” 2 publications, ciación del Fútbol Argentino has not published “Interview” 3 publications, “Youth categories” 31 content on the dates that the investigation was publications and “Players” “1 publication. The conducted. rest of the content categories have not been used. The Confederação Brasileira de Futebol has used the different categories of content as The Football Association has used the different follows: “Institutional” 34 publications, “Post- content categories in the following way: “Insti- match” 13 publications and “Youth categories” tutional” 5 publications, “Pre-match” 1 publica- 2 publications. The rest of the content catego- tion, “Post-match” 34 publications, “Press confe- ries have not been used. rence” 1 publication, “Interview” 3 publications, “Youth categories” 16 publications, “Players” 10 The Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio has publications and “Fans” 2 publications. The rest used the different content categories in the fo- of the content categories have not been used llowing way: “Institutional” 10 publications and (Table 5). Table 5. Content management on YouTube of the official channels of football federations. Asociación Confederação Federazione Real Federa- The Football del Fútbol Brasileira de Italiana Giuoco ción Española Association Argentino Futebol Calcio (UEFA) de Fútbol (UEFA) (CONMEBOL) (UEFA) (CONMEBOL) 0 34 10 Institutional 2 5 0 0 0 Training 0 0 0 0 0 Pre-match 0 1 0 0 0 Match 0 0 0 13 0 Post-match 0 34 0 0 0 Press conference 0 1 0 0 0 Interview 3 3 0 0 1 Players 1 10 0 2 0 Youth categories 31 16 0 0 0 Fans 0 2 0 0 0 Marketing 0 0 0 49 11 Total 37 72 30 Social media communication management in football national federations
4. DISCUSSION AND quite remarkable difference. The analyzed is- suer that published more in this network was CONCLUSIONS the Asociación de Fútbol Argentino. In contrast, Social media are used differently by national the federation that had the least number of pu- football federations. Of the networks studied blications was the Confederação Brasileira de in the analyzed period, the social network with Futebol. In YouTube, the federation that shared the most publications issued by the national the most publications in its channel was The football federations is Twitter with a great di- Football Association, while the one that least fference over the rest of the social networks. It published was the Asociación de Fútbol Argen- has been observed that the social network that tino. This did not use its official channel during had the least amount of content published was the analyzed period, showing a behavior very YouTube. different in relation to the rest of the analyzed media. The issuers, which in this case are the national football federations, publish different content. The study shows that the most commonly The content of the Asociación de Fútbol Argen- used content categories were “Players”, “Youth tino has been highlighted in this study. categories” and “Institutional”. After breaking down the content categories by social networ- A different behavior of content emission from ks analyzed, those that had the highest level of the federations was also observed according use by the issuers were “Players” on Instagram, to the used social network. The issuer that pu- “Institutional” on YouTube, “Youth categories” blished most frequently on Facebook was The on Twitter and “Players” on Facebook. The con- Football Association, while the one that least tents with the lowest level of use were “Trai- published content was the Confederação Bra- ning”, “Fans” and “Marketing”. sileira de Futebol. Regarding Instagram, the federation that published the most was the The analyzed official accounts use different ca- Asociación de Fútbol Argentino, while the one tegories of content at the time of publication that published the least was The Football As- in each analyzed network. The Asociación de sociation. On Twitter, it was observed that the Fútbol Argentino stands out as the great issuer number of publications was much greater than of the content category “Players”, while it has in the rest of analyzed social networks with a barely used “Training”, “Match” and “Marketing”. Rafael Cano Tenorio 31
The Confederação Brasileira de Futebol stands to the classification of Webster (1998) and ci- out in the use of institutional contents. ting Berganza and Ruiz (2005) or in relation to the effects on the recipients of the content The Real Federación Española de Fútbol and that is issued according to the classification of the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio were Berganza and Ruiz (2005). All this can be done the only federations that published content in taking into account the social networks Face- all the social networks. Both issuers stand out book, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube as com- in the use of informative content about their munication means according to the classifica- youth categories. The Football Association tion of Berganza and Ruiz (2005), considering stands out in the management of content on the content issued and sorted into categories Facebook and YouTube, emphasizing the con- according to the classification of Igartua and tent of their younger players like the federa- Humanes (2004) and taking into account the tions of Spain and Italy. results of this research. New research lines could be opened to deal with the areas around the analysis of the hea- rings of national football federations according 32 Social media communication management in football national federations
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