MARKETING PLAN 2021 Destination Osoyoos Marketing Plan 2021

Page created by Charles Ford
MARKETING PLAN 2021 Destination Osoyoos Marketing Plan 2021
    Destination Osoyoos Marketing Plan 2021

The 2021 Marketing Plan has been developed through a combination of review of the previous 2020 Marketing Tactical Plan, as well as consultation with
the Destination Osoyoos Marketing Committee and Destination Osoyoos Board. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of tourism in British
Columbia and Destination Osoyoos had used every resource available to build a marketing plan that meets the needs of stakeholders and the post-Covid
consumer. Destination Osoyoos is cautiously optimistic that BC and the rest of Canada will begin to recover from the Covid crisis, and the 2021 plan is
based on this ‘best-case scenario’. While optimistic, the 2021 Marketing Plan is adaptable should the ‘return to normal’ be slower than anticipated.

Up until Spring 2020, Osoyoos was experiencing measurable growth in visitation year over year from both regional and out of province markets. The
primary contributor of revenue to the local tourism economy results from spending by visitors. The following key target markets are identified as having the
greatest potential to build upon Osoyoos strengths – providing Provincial and international travel bans and restrictions are lifted. They include the types of
visitors that are priorities for Osoyoos, primary and secondary target markets, geographic target markets, as well as demographic and activity-based target
groups. These markets are also priority markets for the South Okanagan and therefore, provides additional opportunities to leverage resources and develop
collaborative approaches such as the newly established “South Okanagan Travel Alliance” consortium. In years past, Destination Osoyoos relied on visitors
travelling to Osoyoos for meetings, conferences and/or festivals and special events during the shoulder seasons and, due to Covid-19, this may not be a
viable market in 2021. Visitors to the Okanagan Valley from the Washington State and Cascadia region, predominately couples that are traveling for leisure
purposes have long been a target for Destination Osoyoos but the uncertainty about the border re-opening forced a reduced spend in the US market for

Primary Markets
   •   Okanagan/Similkameen Valleys (Near-in markets within a 2.5-hour drive), including couples and families
   •   Vancouver/Fraser Valley
   •   Other BC, including residents of Metro Vancouver seeking weekend getaways and regional markets that include couples and families
   •   Alberta residents seeking activity-based experiences that include outdoor and soft adventure
   •   Residents and rotation workers of Northern communities of the Western provinces seeking refuge in shoulder season/winter months

Secondary Markets
   •   Washington State/Pacific Northwest corridor

2021 Marketing Plan and Initiatives
The following outlines marketing initiatives for 2021 by target market. Please note that many initiatives overlap multiple target sectors.

The leisure market, primarily from within BC, will be the focus in 2021 as other sectors continue to face uncertainty going into the new year. Leisure travellers
are a high yield market that will be needed to replace business from the Travel Trade, Meeting and Incentive, and Festivals and Events sectors. DO's mandate is
to increase shoulder season tourism and recognizing the importance of overnight visitors and day-trippers alike, the 2021 plan takes a focused approach on
regional marketing to encourage "road trips" and day trips from near-in drive markets. Destination Osoyoos co-founded the “South Okanagan Tourism
Alliance” and is a major contributor to “Visit South Okanagan” marketing initiatives that is solely focused on attracting the leisure market and promoting the
South Okanagan as a year-round vacation destination. The Visit South Okanagan target markets directly align with that of Destination Osoyoos. Additionally,
we will introduce a similar co-op program specific to the HWY 3 corridor communities.

Leisure Target Marketing Initiatives
Initiative      Medium        When     Description of Initiative        Goals/Objectives                   ROI (Over 2020)                       KPI’S
RVRAC Guide     Print,        Q1       A guidebook that is              DO hopes to attract some of        Increased web traffic; increased      # of stakeholder
                Digital       Q4       distributed with RV rentals in   the 10,000+ couples and            social media following; increase in   advertisements; stakeholder
                                       BC and Alberta promoting         families that rent RVs in BC and   shoulder-season bookings for          satisfaction; link clicks to
                                       early spring and late fall       AB between April – June and        Osoyoos campgrounds.        
                                       touring.                         September-November each                                                  camping pages; # of social
                                                                        year, and to reinforce Osoyoos                                           media followers; # of
                                                                        as the ideal RV/camping                                                  campsites booked during
                                                                        destination. DO will                                                     shoulder-season.
                                                                        supplement stakeholders that
                                                                        wish to advertise in the guide.
Global TV       Television,   Q1 Q4      Two 2-week multifaceted        To drive occupancy during          Positive STR reports; positive        # of packages developed
                Digital                  campaign promoting             spring and fall through the        Global analytics; increased website   and sold; # of stakeholders
                                         spring and fall/winter         promotion of leisure activities    traffic; increased social media       participating in contesting; #
                                         through television spots,      such as blossom touring, fall      following; increase in newsletter     of link clicks to
                                         contesting, community          colours, wine, golf, and           database; increase in packages
                                         calendar, and paid and         culinary. To market Osoyoos as     sold, increase in room nights sold,   packages page; # of social
                                         unpaid social media            a destination for romantic         increase in MRDT.                     media followers; # of
                                         support.                       weekend getaways throughout                                              contest entries; # of
                                                                        fall, winter, and spring.                                                members received for the
                                                                                                                                                 consumer newsletter
                                                                                                                                                 database; Global analytics;
                                                                                                                                                 STR reports; MRDT reports.

Indigenous      Membership       Q1      Membership in Indigenous      To stay informed of                Increased engagement with ITAC   OIB engagement; grant
Tourism                                  Tourism Association Canada    National trends and                marketing, sales, and business   funding opportunity (co-op).
Association                              (ITAC).                       opportunities in the               development programs; stronger
Canada                                                                 Indigenous Tourism                 partnership with the Osoyoos
                                                                       Market. To maintain                Indian Band.
                                                                       Osoyoos’ reputation
                                                                       within the Indigenous
                                                                       Tourism network. To
                                                                       strengthen the DO/OIB
                                                                       relationship by building
                                                                       stronger connections in
                                                                       the tourism industry.
Indigenous      Membership       Q1      Membership in Indigenous       To stay informed of               Increased engagement with ITBC   OIB engagement; grant
Tourism BC                               Tourism BC (ITBC).             Provincial trends and             marketing, sales, and business   funding opportunity (co-op).
                                                                        opportunities in the              development programs; stronger
                                                                        Indigenous Tourism Market.        partnership with the Osoyoos
                                                                        To maintain Osoyoos’              Indian Band.
                                                                        reputation within the
                                                                        Indigenous Tourism
                                                                        network. To strengthen the
                                                                        relationship between DO
                                                                        and the Osoyoos Indian
                                                                        Band (OIB) by building
                                                                        stronger connections in the
                                                                        tourism industry.
Backroads Map   Print, Digital   Q1       A guidebook that supports   To promote Osoyoos as a              Increased web traffic;          # of guides distributed, # of
Book                             Q2       adventure tourism with      destination or stopover point        increased social media          click-through’s to
                                 Q3       maps and information on     for eco and adventure tourists.      followers; positive STR
                                 Q4       routes, parks, trails,      DO to create a specific "call to     reports; increase in room       outdoor adventure content;
                                          waterways, and roads in     action" for outdoor campaign         nights sold; increase in        STR reports; MRDT reports.
                                          the Thompson Okanagan.      that is measurable.                  MRDT.
 Icicle         Radio,           Q2       Spring and fall radio and   To drive occupancy through the       Positive STR reports;           # of packages sold; # of link
 Broadcasting   Digital          Q3 Q4    digital campaign with       promotion of getaway packages        increased website traffic;      clicks to package page; # of
                                          contesting geared to the    during spring and fall using         increased # of social media     social media followers; # of
                                          near-in US market.          contesting to entice interaction.    followers; increased            contest entries; # of
                                                                      To build awareness in the            consumer database;              contacts received for
                                          Summer “Two Nation          Route 97 corridor by promoting       increase in border crossings;   consumer database; Icicle
                                          Vacation” contest           a substantial vacation getaway       increase in room nights sold;   analytics (reach,
                                          giveaway campaign.          package to be promoted and           increase in MRDT.               impressions, clicks to
                                                                      given away at the end of                                             contest page); border
                                                                      Summer.                                                              statistics, STR reports, MRDT
                                                                                                                                           reports; # of participating
                                                                                                                                           stakeholders in contests.

Castanet           Digital        Q2    Seasonal campaigns that            To drive shoulder-season           Positive STR reports; increased      # of packages sold; # of
                                  Q4    include digital ads, contesting,   occupancy through the              website traffic; increased # of      link clicks to package
                                        news coverage, and social          promotion of packaged tourism      social media followers; increased    page; increased social
                                        media, intended to promote         products for each season.          consumer database; increase in       media following; # of
                                        packages to increase visits in                                        room nights sold; increase in        stakeholder contest
                                        the shoulder season.                                                  MRDT.                                prizes; # of contest
                                                                                                                                                   entries; # of contacts
                                                                                                                                                   received for consumer
                                                                                                                                                   database; Castanet
                                                                                                                                                   analytics (reach,
                                                                                                                                                   impressions, clicks to
                                                                                                                                                   contest page), STR
                                                                                                                                                   reports, MRDT reports.
 New Winter         Display        Q3    Airport signage                    To promote weekly,                 Increase in snowbird/long stay      Airport usage stats, # of
 Initiative                        Q4    strategically erected in           monthly stays in                   inquiries; increase in              inquiries, website stats,
                                         domestic terminals in              Osoyoos in the winter              snowbird/long stay bookings,        MRDT reports.
                                         target markets i.e.:               months to rotational               increase in MRDT in Q4.
                                         Edmonton, Kitimat, Fort            workers and potential
                                         MacMurray.                         snowbirds in northern

South Okanagan     Partnerships   Q1    Funding set aside for year 2 of    Take advantage of co-op            Increase in local and regional       # of advertising outlets;
Tourism                           Q2    the Visit South Okanagan           marketing opportunities and        partnerships; leveraging of funds;   # of partners; # of
Alliance                          Q3    campaign partnership with          funding to promote the South       additional exposure in new market    visitors to website; # of
                                  Q4    neighboring communities and        Okanagan as a leading              segments, expanded reach of          social media followers;
                                        associations.                      destination.                       existing promotions; increase in     STR reports; MRDT
                                                                                                              website traffic for                  reports.
                                                                                                    ; increase
                                                                                                              in social media following.
Destination BC                    Q1    Establish a marketing              To take advantage of co-op         Increase in local and regional       # of participating
Co-op Initiative                  Q2    campaign partnership with          marketing opportunities as they    partnerships; additional exposure    stakeholders; # of new
                                  Q3    select communities along           arise to promote a “farm, fork,    in new market segments;              projects; # of partners; #
                                  Q4    Highway 3 to promote               and ferment” route along           expanded reach of existing           of grants.
                                        tourism product that includes      Highway 3. Multiple partners       promotions.
                                        agriculture, farm to               must collaborate to pursue
                                        table/culinary experiences,        grants through Destination
                                        and beer, cider, and spirits       British Columbia (DBC) as well
                                        (farm fork, and ferment).          as other government/tourism
                                                                           agencies i.e.: Indigenous
                                                                           Tourism Assn of BC (ITBC);
                                                                           Indigenous Tourism Association
                                                                           of Canada (ITAC) or Western
                                                                           Diversification Rural Dividends.

Social Media    Digital     Q2          Targeted Facebook/Instagram        To drive occupancy in the          Increase in website traffic;             Facebook and Instagram
                            Q4          advertising at specific leisure    shoulder seasons by promoting      increased customer conversions;          analytics: # of people
                                        interests (hiking, cycling,        leisure activities to specific     increased social media following         reached, # of
                                        wine, attractions, outdoor         target markets.                    and engagement; increase in room         engagement
                                        activities) during spring and                                         nights sold; positive STR reports;       (likes, shares); # of link
                                        fall.                                                                 increase in MRDT.                        clicks.
Google Search   Digital     Q1 Q2       Target specific search             Encourage visitation to leisure    Increase in website traffic to           Google analytics; # of
Ads                         Q3          keywords related to the            product on                         leisure pages; increased customer        link clicks to
                            Q4          leisure product in Osoyoos to; reach      conversions; increase in room  
                                        encourage traffic to               new customers based on our         nights sold; positive STR reports;       leisure pages; # of
                                           target markets through             increase in MRDT.                        conversions; STR
                                                                           dedicated key word search.                                                  reports; MRDT reports.

 Osoyoos is recognized as an RV/camping destination and is one of the few resort destinations in BC that still offers camping as an
 accommodation option. While an advantage, Osoyoos will see reduced capacity in the coming year and have reallocated some of the budget in
 2021 to enhance leisure traveller campaigns. As RV parks rely on winter business to stay viable, DO will continue to promote the campgrounds
 to the Snowbird market.

 Camping Target Marketing Initiatives

 Initiative     Medium    When      Description of Initiative          Goals/Objectives                   ROI (Over 2020)                        KPI’S
 RVRAC          Print,    Q1        A guidebook that is distributed   DO hopes to attract some of the     Increased stakeholder                  # of stakeholder
 Guide          Digital   Q2        with RV rentals in BC and         10,000+ couples and families that   satisfaction; increased web traffic;   advertisements; stakeholder
                          Q3        Alberta promoting early spring    rent RVs in BC and AB between       increased social media following;      satisfaction; # of link clicks
                          Q4        and late fall touring.            April – June and September-         increase in shoulder-season            to
                                                                      November each year, and to          bookings for Osoyoos                   camping pages; # of social
                                                                      reinforce Osoyoos as the ideal      campgrounds.                           media followers; # of
                                                                      RV/camping destination. DO will                                            campsites booked during
                                                                      supplement stakeholders that                                               shoulder-season.
                                                                      wish to advertise in the guide.

 Backroads      Print,    Q1        A magazine that supports           To promote Osoyoos as a            Increased web traffic; increased       # guides distributed, # of
 Map Book       Digital   Q2        adventure tourism with maps        destination or stopover point      social media followers; positive       click-through’s to
                          Q3        and information on routes,         for eco and adventure tourists.    STR reports; increase in room
                          Q4        parks, trails, waterways, and      DO to create a specific "call to   nights sold; increase in               outdoor adventure content;
                                    roads in the Thompson              action" for outdoor campaign       MRDT.                                  STR reports; MRDT reports.
                                    Okanagan.                          that is measurable.

Social Media     Digital       Q2     Targeted Facebook/Instagram          To drive occupancy in the          Increase in website traffic;             Facebook and Instagram
                               Q4     advertising targeted to              shoulder seasons by                increased customer conversions;          analytics: # of people
                                      promote camping for spring           promoting camping to specific      increased social media following         reached, # of engagement
                                      and fall.                            target markets.                    and engagement; increase in room         (likes, shares); # of link
                                                                                                              nights sold; positive STR reports;       Clicks, STR reports, MRDT
                                                                                                              increase in MRDT.                        Reports.
Google Search    Digital       Q1     Target specific search               Encourage visitation to            Increase in website traffic to           Google analytics; # of link
Ads                            Q2     keywords related to the              camping and RV product on          camping pages; increased                 clicks to
                               Q3     camping product in Osoyoos ;            customer conversions; increase in
                               Q4     to encourage traffic to              reach new customers based          room nights sold; positive STR           camping pages; # of
                                           on our target markets through      reports; increase in MRDT.               conversions; STR reports;
                                                                           dedicated key word search.                                                  MRDT reports.
Google Display   Digital       Q2     Specifically target visitors who     Bring visitors back to the         Increase in website traffic to           Google analytics; # of link
Ads                            Q4     viewed camping sector pages             camping pages; increased                 clicks to
                                      on            camping pages through              customer conversions; increase in
                                      and create display ads               retargeted display ads.            room nights sold; positive STR           camping pages; # of
                                      distributed through the                                                 reports; increase in MRDT.               visitor’s retargeted; # of
                                      Google Display Network to                                                                                        conversions; STR reports;
                                      encourage visitors to return                                                                                     MRDT reports.
                                      to the website.

Destination Osoyoos expects to see growth from this market as Canadians are opting to stay in Canada over traveling south for the winter. DO will
face more competition in the Snowbird market as many BC resort communities will be vying for those tourism dollars to recover from 2020 losses.
Tourism wanes in the winter season and Osoyoos has always been a mecca for Snowbirds due to the mild winter climate. Accommodators rely
heavily on this market to stay open year-round and maintain a healthy employee base. Since 2018, DO has successfully modified the strategy to
reflect the trends of the consumer and meet the needs of the stakeholder. The 2021 snowbird strategy considers the increased demand due to
Covid and will be promoting short stays (1-3 weeks) for the first time and offering incentives for earlier arrivals to a new demographic (younger
Snowbirds and Northern camp workers on rotation).

Snowbird Target Marketing Initiatives
Initiative             Mediu   When    Description of Initiative         Goals/Objectives                          ROI (Over 2020)                         KPI’s
The Senior Paper (3)   Print   Q3      3 x 1/3-page full color           To promote Osoyoos as a winter haven      Positive STR report; increase in        # of snowbird inquiries; #
                               Q4      advertising and editorial in      for Snowbirds and promote an              snowbird inquiries; increase in         of click-through’s to
                                       a popular seniors’                “incentive program” for early birds and   web traffic; increase in Snowbird
                                       newspaper distributed in          long stays.                               bookings; # of incentive rewards        snowbird landing page;
                                       BC, Alberta, and                                                            redeemed.                               increase in Snowbird visits;
                                       Saskatchewan.                                                                                                       # of incentive rewards

redeemed, STR reports.
AB Weekly        Print     Q3   3 x advertisements in        To promote Osoyoos as a winter         Positive STR report; increase in    # of snowbird inquiries; #
Newspapers (3)             Q4   Alberta Weekly               haven for Snowbirds and promote        snowbird inquiries; increase in     of link clicks to
                                newspapers.                  an “incentive program” for early       web traffic; increase in Snowbird
                                                             bird and longer stays.                 bookings.                           Snowbird landing page;
                                                                                                                                        increase in Snowbird visits;
                                                                                                                                        # of incentive rewards
                                                                                                                                        redeemed, STR reports.

Western          Print     Q3   A full-page advertisement    To provide a co-op opportunity for     Positive STR report; increase in    # of participating partners;
Producer                   Q4   in the Snowbird edition of   stakeholders to advertise in a         snowbird inquiries; increase in     # of snowbird inquiries; #
                                a publication that is        popular publication that is widely     web traffic; increase in Snowbird   of link clicks to
                                popular with residents in    distributed in the Prairie provinces   bookings.                 
                                the Prairie provinces.       but considered cost prohibitive.                                           Snowbird landing page;
                                Stakeholders will have an                                                                               increase in Snowbird visits;
                                opportunity to 'buy in" to                                                                              # of incentive rewards
                                the ad at a deep discount.                                                                              redeemed, STR reports.

New Winter       Display   Q3   Airport signage              To promote weekly, monthly stays in    Increase in snowbird/long stay      Airport usage stats, # of
Initiative                 Q4   strategically erected in     Osoyoos in the winter months to        inquiries; increase in              inquiries, website stats,
                                domestic terminals in        rotational workers and potential       snowbird/long stay bookings,        MRDT reports.
                                target markets i.e.:         snowbirds in northern communities.     increase in MRDT in Q4.
                                Edmonton, Kitimat, Fort

Social Media     Digital   Q3   Targeted                     To drive winter occupancy by           Increase in website traffic;        Facebook and Instagram
                           Q4   Facebook/Instagram           promoting snowbird stays to prairie    increased customer conversions;     analytics: # of people
                                advertising to promote       provinces and northern BC.             increased social media following    reached, # of engagement
                                short- and long-term                                                and engagement; increase in         (likes, shares); # of link
                                snowbird stays.                                                     group members for Osoyoos           Clicks; STR reports; MRDT
                                                                                                    Snowbird Facebook page;             reports.
                                                                                                    increase in room nights sold;
                                                                                                    positive STR report; increase in
Google Search    Digital   Q1   Target specific search       Encourage visitation to the snowbird   Increase in website traffic to      Google analytics; # of link
Ads                        Q2   keywords related to the      page on;        snowbird page; increased            clicks to
                           Q3   snowbird product in          reach new customers based on our       customer conversions; increase
                           Q4   Osoyoos to encourage         target markets through dedicated       in room nights sold; positive STR   snowbird page; # of
                                traffic to                   key word search.                       reports; increase in MRDT.          conversions; STR reports;
                                                                                                        MRDT reports.

Google Display        Digital   Q3     Specifically target visitors    Bring visitors back to the                  Increase in website traffic to        Google analytics; # of link
Ads                             Q4     who viewed the snowbird snowbird             snowbird page; increased              clicks to
                                       page on                         page through retargeted display ads.        customer conversions; increase
                                                                                   in room nights sold; positive STR     snowbird page; # of
                                       and create display ads                                                      reports; increase in MRDT.            visitor’s retargeted; # of
                                       distributed through the                                                                                           conversions; STR reports;
                                       Google Display Network to                                                                                         MRDT reports.
                                       encourage visitors to
                                       return to the website.

Golf/Outdoor Adventure
Osoyoos boasts several outdoor recreational opportunities that can be promoted into the shoulder seasons (Spring/Fall/Winter) and the 2021 plan
will attract this active traveler through highly targeted social media campaigns, regional promotions of the Visit South Okanagan co-op initiative.
Golf and other outdoor adventures will be even more popular as travellers are seeking wide open spaces, social distancing, and less crowds. Golf,
ski, hiking, and cycling can boost shoulder season visitation and provide necessary marketing support to sectors that have often been overlooked.

 Golf/Outdoor Adventure Target Marketing Initiatives
 Initiative       Medium        When   Description of Initiative      Goals/Objectives                             ROI (Over 2020)                       KPI’s
  BC Golf        Digital        Q2     E-blast to BC golfers that     Promote Osoyoos' early season opening        Increased web traffic; increased      # of link clicks to
                                       opt-in to BC Golf mail-outs    to a very dedicated list of golfers to       social media followers; increased golf
                                       (stakeholder buy-in a          coincide with Vancouver and Alberta          consumer database; increased # of     related pages; # of packages
                                       possibility).                  golf shows. E-blast must include a special   packages sold; increased # of room    sold, # of contacts received for
                                                                      offer that could include room or golf        nights sold; increased MRDT;          consumer database; # of green
                                                                      discounts that is available only to BCPGA    increased # of green fees sold;       fees sold; increased STR;
                                                                      golfers for a specific period.               increased stakeholder satisfaction.   increased MRDT.
 Backroads        Print         Q1     A magazine that supports       To promote Osoyoos as a destination          Increased web traffic;                # of guides distributed, #
 Map Book         Digital       Q2     adventure tourism with         or stopover point for eco and                increased social media                of click-through’s to
                                Q3     maps and information on        adventure tourists. DO to create a           following; positive STR     
                                Q4     routes, parks, trails,         specific "call to action" for outdoor        reports.                              outdoor adventure and
                                       waterways, and roads in        campaign that is                                                                   camping content.
                                       the Thompson Okanagan.         measurable.

Castanet       Digital   Q2   Seasonal campaigns             To drive shoulder-season                  Positive STR reports; increased       # of packages sold; # of link
                         Q4   that include digital           occupancy through the promotion           website traffic; increased # of       clicks to package page;
                              ads, contesting, news          of packaged tourism products for          social media followers; increased     increased social media
                              coverage, and social           each season.                              consumer database; increase in        following; # of stakeholder
                              media, intended to                                                       room nights sold; increase in         contest prizes; # of contest
                              promote packages to                                                      MRDT.                                 entries; # of contacts
                              increase visits in the                                                                                         received for consumer
                              shoulder season.                                                                                               database; Castanet analytics
                                                                                                                                             (reach, impressions, clicks to
                                                                                                                                             contest page), STR reports,
                                                                                                                                             MRDT reports.
Icicle         Radio,    Q2   Spring and fall radio and      To drive occupancy through the            Positive STR reports; increased       # of packages sold; # of link
Broadcasting   Digital   Q3   digital campaign with          promotion of getaway packages             website traffic; increased # of       clicks to package page;
                         Q4   contesting geared to the       during spring and fall using contesting   social media followers; increased     increased followers; # of
                              near-in US market.             to entice interaction.                    consumer database; increase in        contest entries; # of contacts
                                                                                                       border crossings; increase in room    received for consumer
                              Summer “Two Nation             To build awareness in the Route 97        nights sold; increase in MRDT.        database; Icicle Broadcasting
                              Vacation” contest              corridor by promoting a substantial                                             analytics (reach,
                              giveaway campaign.             vacation getaway package to be                                                  impressions, clicks to contest
                                                             promoted and given away at the                                                  page), STR reports,
                                                             end of Summer.                                                                  MRDT reports.
Social Media   Digital   Q1   Facebook/Instagram             To drive spring and fall occupancy by     Increase in website traffic;          Facebook and Instagram
                         Q2   targeted advertising to        promoting golf and outdoor adventure      increased customer conversions;       analytics: # of people
                         Q4   golf and outdoor               getaways, packages, and specials.         increased social media following      reached, # of engagement
                              adventure enthusiasts.                                                   and engagement; increase in room      (likes, shares); # of link
                                                                                                       nights sold; positive STR report;     clicks; # of package/special
                                                                                                       increase in MRDT.                     sales; STR reports; MRDT
Google         Digital   Q1   Target specific search         Encourage visitation to the golf          Increase in website traffic to golf   Google analytics; # of link
Search Ads               Q2   keywords related to the        product on;        pages; increased customer             clicks to
                         Q3   golf product in Osoyoos        reach new customers based on our          conversions; increase in room golf
                         Q4   to encourage traffic to        target markets through dedicated key      nights sold; positive STR reports;    pages; # of conversions; # of
                             word search.                              increase in MRDT.                     package/special sales; STR
                                                                                                                                             MRDT reports.
Google         Digital   Q1   Specifically target visitors   Bring visitors back to the                Increase in website traffic to        Google analytics; # of link
Display Ads              Q2   who viewed the outdoor outdoor            outdoor adventure and golf pages;     clicks to
                         Q4   adventure and golf pages       adventure and golf pages through          increased customer conversions; golf
                              on                             retargeted display ads.                   increase in room nights sold;         pages; # of visitor’s
                                                                       positive STR reports; increase in     retargeted; # of conversions;
                              and create display ads                                                   MRDT.                                 # of package/special sales;
                              distributed through the                                                                                        STR reports;
                              Google Display Network                                                                                         MRDT reports.
                              to encourage visitors to
                              return to the website.

The tourism industry across the province is looking for ways to increase winter business. Since 2016, DO has invested in partnership marketing with
accommodators and Baldy Ski Resort to promote ski packages to Osoyoos. Baldy Resort has restructured, and the new management is keen to
maintain the momentum of past years and continue to promote Ski and Stay packages by taking advantage of their reciprocal partnerships with Mt.
Washington, Manning Park, Seymour, Apex and Silver Star. The 2021 plan will not deviate from the past but will leverage the Visit South Okanagan
project to further promote Osoyoos’ winter product.

Ski/Winter Target Marketing Initiatives
  Initiative   Medium        When   Description of Initiative   Goals/Objectives                         ROI (Over 2020)                   KPI’s
  Global TV    Television,   Q2     Two 2-week                  To drive occupancy during spring         Positive STR reports; positive    # of packages developed and
               Digital       Q4     multifaceted campaign       and fall through the promotion of        Global analytics; increased       sold; # of link clicks to
                                    promoting spring and        leisure activities such as blossom       website traffic; increased # of
                                    fall/winter through         touring, fall colours, wine, golf, and   social media followers;           packages page; # of social
                                    television spots,           culinary. To market Osoyoos as a         increase in newsletter            media followers; # of contest
                                    contesting, community       destination for romantic weekend         database; increase in             entries; # of members
                                    calendar, and paid and      getaways throughout fall, winter,        packages sold, increase in        received for the consumer
                                    unpaid social media         and spring.                              room nights sold, increase in     newsletter database; Global
                                    support.                                                             MRDT.                             analytics; STR reports; MRDT
  Castanet     Digital       Q2     Seasonal campaigns that     To drive shoulder-season                 Positive STR reports;             # of packages sold; # of link
                             Q4     include digital ads,        occupancy through the promotion          increased website traffic;        clicks to package page;
                                    contesting, news            of packaged tourism products for         increased # of social media       increased followers; # of
                                    coverage, and social        each season.                             followers; increased              contest entries; # of contacts
                                    media, intended to                                                   consumer database; increase       received for consumer
                                    promote packages to                                                  in room nights sold; increase     database; Castanet analytics
                                    increase visits in the                                               in MRDT.                          (reach, impressions, clicks to
                                    shoulder season.                                                                                       contest page), STR reports,
                                                                                                                                           MRDT reports.

  New          Display       Q3     Airport signage             To promote weekly, monthly stays         Increase in snowbird/long         Airport usage stats, # of
  Winter                     Q4     strategically erected in    in Osoyoos in the winter months to       stay inquiries; increase in       inquiries, website stats,
  Initiative                        domestic terminals in       rotational workers and potential         snowbird/long stay bookings,      MRDT reports.
                                    target markets i.e.:        snowbirds in northern                    increase in MRDT in Q4.
                                    Edmonton, Kitimat, Fort     communities.

Social        Digital   Q1   Targeted                      To drive winter occupancy by        Increase in website traffic;     Facebook and Instagram
Media                   Q4   Facebook/Instagram            promoting winter product,           increased package sales;         analytics: # of people
                             advertising to promote        romance, and ski packages and       increased social media           reached, # of engagement
                             ski, winter activities, and   specials.                           following and engagement;        (likes, shares); # of link
                             romantic winter                                                   increase in room nights sold;    Clicks; # of package/special
                             getaways.                                                         positive STR report; increase    sales; STR reports; MRDT
                                                                                               in MRDT.                         reports.

Google        Digital   Q1   Target specific search        Encourage visitation to winter      Increase in website traffic to   Google analytics; # of link
Search Ads              Q4   keywords related to the       pages and related packages (ski,    winter package pages;            clicks to
                             winter product in             romance, winter getaways) on        increased customer     
                             Osoyoos to encourage; reach new   conversions; increase in room    winter package pages; # of
                             traffic to                    customers based on our target       nights sold; positive STR        conversions; # of
                           markets through dedicated key       reports; increase in MRDT.       package/special sales; STR
                                                           word search.                                                         reports;
                                                                                                                                MRDT reports.

Google        Digital   Q1   Specifically target           Bring visitors back to the          Increase in website traffic to   Google analytics; # of link
Display Ads             Q4   visitors who viewed the winter       winter package pages;            clicks to
                             winter related pages on       pages through retargeted display    increased customer     
                           ads.                                conversions; increase in room    winter pages; # of visitor’s
                             and create display ads                                            nights sold; positive STR        retargeted; # of conversions;
                             distributed through the                                           reports; increase in MRDT.       # of package/special sales;
                             Google Display Network                                                                             STR reports;
                             to encourage visitors to                                                                           MRDT reports.
                             return to the website.

Wine and Culinary
Culinary tourism continues to be a growing sector and "foodies" are passionate about travel that fulfills their desire to wine, dine,
learn, and explore local foods and agricultural regions. The Okanagan Valley is recognized as a world class wine region and Osoyoos
has created a "foodie" following through the successful support of many culinary events. Osoyoos is a mecca for 'Farm to Fork'
experiences and DO plans to capitalize on the existing reputation and strong partnerships with the Oliver Osoyoos and
Similkameen Wine Associations as well as the new South Okanagan Tourism Alliance partnership to build campaigns that will
attract this high yield traveler. The creation of a cooperative with DBC and the HWY 3 communities will also facilitate the building
of this market sector in our region.

Wine and Culinary Target Marketing Initiatives
 Initiative  Medium           When   Description of Initiative        Goals/Objectives                          ROI (Over 2020)                  KPI’s
 Wine Trails Print,           Q1     A display ad in a directory of   To promote Osoyoos as an integral         Additional editorial for         # of magazines distributed; #
             Digital          Q2     Okanagan wineries that           part of the Okanagan wine region          "feature" product; exposure      of website hits to wine
                                     promotes touring options and     and encourage overnight stays             for Osoyoos wine and culinary    related content on
                                     suggested itineraries.           through promoting wine packages           product and events; increase
                                                                      & day trips.                              in shoulder season visitation.
 Global TV     Television,    Q1     Two 2-week multifaceted          To drive occupancy during spring          Positive STR reports; positive   # of packages developed and
               Digital        Q4     campaign promoting spring        and fall through the promotion of         Global analytics; increased      sold; # of stakeholders
                                     and fall/winter through          leisure activities such as blossom        website traffic; increased       participating in contesting; #
                                     television spots, contesting,    touring, fall colours, wine, golf, and    social media following;          of link clicks to
                                     community calendar, and          culinary. To market Osoyoos as a          increase in newsletter 
                                     paid and unpaid social media     destination for romantic weekend          database; increase in            packages page; # of social
                                     support.                         getaways throughout fall, winter,         packages sold, increase in       media followers; # of contest
                                                                      and spring.                               room nights sold, increase in    entries; # of members
                                                                                                                MRDT.                            received for the consumer
                                                                                                                                                 newsletter database; Global
                                                                                                                                                 analytics; STR reports; MRDT
 South         Partnerships   Q1     Funding set aside for year 2     Take advantage of co-op                   Increase in local and regional   # of advertising outlets; # of
 Okanagan                     Q2     of the Visit South Okanagan      marketing opportunities and               partnerships; leveraging of      partners; # of visitors to
 Tourism                      Q3     campaign partnership with        funding to promote the South              funds; additional exposure in    website; # of social media
 Alliance                     Q4     neighboring communities          Okanagan as a leading destination.        new market segments,             followers; STR reports;
                                     and associations.                                                          expanded reach of existing       MRDT reports.
                                                                                                                promotions; increase in
                                                                                                                website traffic for
                                                                                                                increase in social media
 Destination                  Q1     Take the lead in establishing    The “Farms, Forks and                    Establishment of a new, formal    # of participating
 BC Co-op                     Q2     a marketing partnership with     Fermentations” route will connect        partnership; DBC support,         communities; matched
 Initiative                   Q3     select communities in the        DO with agricultural communities         additional exposure in new        funding approval from DBC;
                              Q4     Fraser Valley and Highway        of the Fraser & Similkameen              market segments;                  media exposure.
                                     3/Crowsnest corridor that        Valleys to create a multi-year           amplification of existing
                                     aligns with DBC priorities       marketing campaign that will             promotions.
                                     showcasing agriculture, farm     qualify for DBC matched funding

to table/culinary experiences      using a theme that resonates with
                               including beer, cider, and         both consumers and DBC alike.
                               spirits “Farms, Forks and
 Social      Digital    Q2     Targeted Facebook/Instagram        To drive spring and fall occupancy    Increase in website traffic;     Facebook and Instagram
 Media                  Q4     advertising to promote wine        by promoting wine and culinary        increased winery tasting         analytics: # of people
                               and culinary in spring and fall.   product (spring/fall wine releases,   experience bookings;             reached, # of engagement
                                                                  specials and tasting experiences,     increased social media           (likes, shares); # of link
                                                                  winery events, fall colours)          following and engagement;        clicks; # of tasting package
                                                                                                        increase in room nights sold;    bookings; STR reports; MRDT
                                                                                                        positive STR report; increase    reports.
                                                                                                        in MRDT.
 Google     Digital     Q1     Target specific search             Encourage visitation to wine          Increase in website traffic to   Google analytics; # of link
 Search Ads             Q2     keywords related to the wine       related pages on                      wine and winery special          clicks to
                        Q3     product in Osoyoos to    ; reach         pages; increased customer
                        Q4     encourage traffic to               new customers based on our            conversions; increase in room    wine pages; # of
                                  target markets through dedicated      nights sold; positive STR        conversions; # of
                                                                  key word search.                      reports; increase in MRDT.       package/special sales; STR
                                                                                                                                         MRDT reports.
 Google      Digital    Q2     Specifically target visitors       Bring visitors back to the            Increase in website traffic to   Google analytics; # of link
 Display Ads            Q4     who viewed the wine related wine           wine related pages; increased    clicks to
                               pages on                           pages through retargeted display      customer conversions;  
                      and         ads.                                  increase in room nights sold;    wine pages; # of visitor’s
                               create display ads distributed                                           positive STR reports; increase   retargeted; # of conversions;
                               through the Google Display                                               in MRDT.                         # of wine package/special
                               Network to encourage visitors                                                                             sales; STR reports;
                               to return to the website.                                                                                 MRDT reports.

Travel Trade
Since 2017, DO has invested lightly in the Travel Trade market to introduce Osoyoos as a great shoulder season stopover for
Rockies itineraries and an add-on to Vancouver programs. In 2019, stakeholders reported significant increases in Fall/Winter tour
business from the Asian markets and DO expanded efforts to network with Vancouver based RTO's with the intent of seeing more
Osoyoos product in Spring/Fall/Winter tariffs. The Covid-19 crisis has devastated the Vancouver-based Receptive Tour Operators
and Destination BC and Destination Canada are working hard to support them during the International travel bans. DO has set aside
nominal budget to cater to this sector should DBC/DC develop programs to revitalize international travel trade and take advantage
if international travel demands are reflective of the pent-up demand in the domestic markets for our area.

Travel Trade Target Marketing Initiatives
 Initiative      Medium        When   Description of Initiative             Goals/Objectives                               ROI (Over 2020)          KPI’s
  Fams/Travel   Direct Sales   Q2     A Spring fam of qualified Receptive   To introduce Receptive Tour Operators with     Increased web traffic;   # of fam participants;
  Trade                               Tour Operators supported by           potential for shoulder season business to      increased social         stakeholder support;
                                      Destination BC.                       Osoyoos' product. To take advantage of local   media following;         increased tour
                                                                            tourism businesses that have connections to    increase in room         activity.
                                                                            the Asian markets.                             nights sold; increase
                                                                                                                           in MRDT.
 CITAP          Membership     Q3     Membership Canadian Inbound           To access Asian RTOs through association       Access to Asian          # of networking
                                      Tour Assn Asia Pacific.               networking events.                             RTO’s; access to         events attended; #
                                                                                                                           CITAP networking         of appointments
                                                                                                                           events.                  with RTO’s.
 CITAP Winter    B2B           Q4     A Winter trade show and               To represent Osoyoos to the Asian              Increased exposure;      # of RTO's in
 Marketplace                          networking event with Asian           Receptive Tour Operators in an informal        new relationships;       attendance; # of
                                      Receptive Tour Operators.             setting to promote the community for           cross promotion          appointments
                                                                            Spring, Fall & Winter tours. To partner with   with new product         attended; # of
                                                                            local Asian owned tourism businesses to        offerings (Phantom       wholesale bookings
                                                                            encourage cultural exchanges.                  Creek, Baldy).           in shoulder
 CITAP Golf      B2B           Q3     Increase awareness of Fall Foliage,   Engage in a sponsorship opportunity with       Increased                # of tariffs created
 Tournament                           wineries, new product through         the CITAP Golf Tournament to increase the      exposure; new            that feature fall
 Sponsor                              sponsorship of Annual CITAP Golf      exposure and awareness of Osoyoos and          relationships;           tours; # of
                                      Tournament. DO will have an           new & noteworthy product offerings.            cross promotion          inquiries;
                                      opportunity to meet one-on-one        Encourage operators to consider                with new product         increased room
                                      with CITAP buyers in a casual         Osoyoos for ‘Fall Foliage’ circle tours.       offerings                blocks in Osoyoos.
                                      atmosphere.                                                                          (Phantom Creek,

Meeting and Incentive
Since 2016, DO has increased investment in the MICE market and it is starting to show results. Covid-19 forced groups to cancel group bookings
from April – December 2020 and it is not clear when current health & safety regulations limiting gatherings to just 50 people will be lifted. Latest
studies from Destination Canada show that corporate business meetings have the strongest projections for recovery, followed by convention.
Planners are primarily focused on rebooking business events with an increased preference to the Q3-Q4 2021 and Q1-4 in 2022.

While Osoyoos has limited conference facilities, the community is well suited to attract small & midsized meetings, corporate
retreats, and incentive groups. DO has and will continue to create incentive worthy itineraries that showcase the areas unique and
impressive attributes to attract corporate groups and Incentive houses. Area 27, wineries, special events, first class accommodation
and golf are important attractions. The 2021 plan secures memberships in powerful industry associations and, where feasible, DO
will have a presence at key networking events where Osoyoos can be represented as an ideal destination for corporate meetings,
events, and incentive groups. Success in this market will greatly benefit the community in shoulder seasons and impact golf,
wineries, and outdoor adventure operators.

MICE Target Marketing Initiatives
 Initiative      Medium    When     Description of Initiative   Goals/Objectives                  ROI (Over 2020)                          KPI’s
Howard Silver    B2B       Q1       A MICE trade show           To promote Osoyoos as a          Increased # of leads; increased # of     # of RFPs; # of new contacts
Executive Show                      for Vancouver based         venue for Corporate             bookings; increase in room nights;        generated; # of new bookings
                                    Corporate Planners          meetings and retreats           increase in MRDT.                         generated.
                                    targeting shoulder          and introduce Corporate
                                    season business.            Incentive itineraries (golf,
                                                                wine, Area27); build a
                                                                database of qualified
Incentive        B2B       Q3       Business Events             To access top incentive         Increased # of leads; increased # of      # of RFPs; # of new contacts
Canada                              Canada's #1 B2B             travel planners through a       bookings; positive STR reports;           generated; # of new bookings
                                    marketplace where           partnership with                increase in room nights; increase in      generated; STR reports; MRDT
                                    Canadian suppliers          Uncommon Canada to              MRDT.                                     reports.
                                    have scheduled appts        introduce Osoyoos
                                    and multiple                incentive product; build a
                                    networking                  database of qualified
                                    opportunities with          buyers; generate RFP's for
                                    highly qualified            stakeholders; promote
                                    Incentive Travel            incentive program.
                                    Planners from the
                                    USA & Europe.
 MPI Winter      B2B       Q4       A networking event for      To interact with BC event        Increased # of leads; increased # of      # of RFPs; # of new contacts
 Social                             Corporate and               planners in a casual setting     bookings; positive STR reports;           generated; # of new bookings
                                                                                                 increase in room nights;                  generated; STR reports;
                                    Association event           and promote incentive
                                                                                                 increase in MRDT.                         MRDT reports.
                                    planners & suppliers.       program; build a database of
                                                                qualified buyers; generate
 Social Media    Digital   Q1       Facebook/Instagram          To drive shoulder season         Increase in website traffic; increased Facebook and Instagram analytics:
                           Q4       targeted advertising        occupancy by promoting           winery tasting experience bookings;    # of people
                                                                                                 increased social media following and
                                    targeted to promote         meeting and incentive            engagement; increase in room nights    reached, # of engagement
                                    meeting and incentive       product through targeted         sold; positive STR report; increase in (likes, shares); # of link
                                    product.                    advertising.                     MRDT.                                  clicks; # of group inquiries; STR
                                                                                                                                        reports; MRDT reports.
 Google          Digital   Q1       Target specific search      Encourage visitation to          Increase in website traffic to meeting Google analytics; # of link clicks to
 Search Ads                Q4       keywords related to         meeting and incentive related    and incentive page; increased meeting
                                                                                                 customer conversions; increase in
                                    the meeting and             pages on                         room nights sold; positive STR         and incentive pages; # of group
                                    incentive product in;          reports; increase in MRDT.             inquiries; STR reports;
                                    Osoyoos to encourage        reach new customers based                                               MRDT reports.
                                    traffic to                  on our target markets
                                 through dedicated key word
                                    m.                          search.

Google        Digital   Q1       Specifically target         Bring visitors back to the    Increase in website traffic to meeting   Google analytics; # of link clicks to
 Display Ads             Q4       visitors who viewed        and incentive related pages;    meeting
                                                                                            increased customer conversions;
                                  the meeting and             meeting and incentive pages   increase in room nights sold; positive   and incentive pages; # of visitor’s
                                  incentive related           through retargeted display    STR reports; increase in MRDT.           retargeted; # of group inquiries;
                                  pages on                    ads.                                                                   STR reports; MRDT reports.
                                  m and create display
                                  ads distributed
                                  through the Google
                                  Display Network to
                                  encourage visitors to
                                  return to the website.

Festivals and Events
Given current circumstances and uncertainty as to how long large groups will be restricted from gathering, DO has opted to reduce the budget
typically spent promoting events in 2021 but understand that events are key to building shoulder season business in Osoyoos. DO is prepared to
offer marketing support should the regulations relax and planners once again host festivals and events that will attract visitors. DO will support
both new and existing events with amplification through our channels.

Festivals and Events Target Marketing Initiatives
 Initiative    Medium    When     Description of Initiative   Goals/Objectives              ROI (Over 2020)                          KPI’s

 Castanet      Digital   Q2       Seasonal campaigns          To drive year-round           Positive STR reports; increased          # of packages sold; # of link clicks to
                         Q4       that include digital        occupancy through the         website traffic; increased # of social   package page; increased followers;
                                  ads, contesting, news       promotion of packaged         media followers; increased               # of contest entries; # of contacts
                                  coverage, and social        tourism products for each     consumer database; increase in           received for consumer database;
                                  media, intended to          season.                       room nights sold; increase in            Castanet analytics (reach,
                                  promote packages to                                       MRDT.                                    impressions, clicks to contest page),
                                  increase visits in the                                                                             STR reports, MRDT reports.
                                  shoulder season.

Icicle         Radio,    Q2     Spring and fall radio     To drive occupancy through        Positive STR reports; increased          # of packages sold; # of link clicks to
 Broadcasting   Digital   Q3     and digital campaign      the promotion of getaway          website traffic; increased # of social   package page; increased followers;
                          Q4     with contesting geared    packages during spring and        media followers; increased               # of contest entries; # of contacts
                                 to the near-in US         fall using contesting to entice   consumer database; increase in           received for consumer database;
                                 market.                   interaction.                      border crossings; increase in room       Icicle Broadcasting analytics (reach,
                                                                                             nights sold; increase in MRDT.           impressions, clicks to contest page),
                                 Summer “Two               To build awareness in the                                                  STR reports, MRDT reports.
                                 Nation Vacation”          Route 97 corridor by
                                 contest giveaway          promoting a substantial
                                 campaign.                 vacation getaway package to
                                                           be promoted and given away
                                                           at the end of Summer.
 Social Media   Digital   Q1     Targeted                  To increase awareness and         Increase in website traffic;             Facebook and Instagram analytics:
                          Q2     Facebook/Instagram        attendance for local events       increased event attendance;              # of people reached, # of
                          Q3     advertising targeted to   through targeted advertising.     increased social media following         engagement (likes, shares); # of
                          Q4     promote Osoyoos                                             and engagement; increase in room         link clicks; # of event tickets sold;
                                 events.                                                     nights sold; positive STR report;        STR reports; MRDT reports.
                                                                                             increase in MRDT.

 Google         Digital   Q1     Target specific search    Encourage visitation to the       Increase in website traffic to online    Google analytics; # of link clicks to
 Search Ads               Q2     keywords related to       events calendar on                events calendar; increased ticket events
                          Q3     Osoyoos events to;           sales; increase in room nights sold;     calendar; # of group inquiries; STR
                          Q4     encourage traffic to      reach new customers based         positive STR reports; increase in        reports; MRDT reports.
                            on our target markets             MRDT.
                                 m.                        through dedicated key word
 Google         Digital   Q1     Specifically target       Bring visitors back to the        Increase in website traffic to online    Google analytics; # of link clicks to
 Display Ads              Q2     visitors who viewed            events calendar; increased ticket events
                          Q3     the events calendar       events calendar through           sales; increase in room nights sold;     calendar; # of group inquiries; STR
                          Q4     retargeted display ads.           positive STR reports; increase in        reports; MRDT reports.
                                 m and create display                                        MRDT.
                                 ads distributed
                                 through the Google
                                 Display Network to
                                 encourage visitors to
                                 return to the website.

Covid-19 has forced wedding planners to pivot, creating a new “elopement” and small destination wedding trend that DO will take
advantage of. With travel restricted, DO sees an opportunity to attract small weddings that would typically travel to Mexico and
other popular international destinations. DO will update and refresh existing Wedding pages on the website to include unique
venues, accommodation updates and include those venues and planners that offer elopement and other packages specific to the

new wedding trends. DO will organize social campaigns to drive viewers to the website where wedding planners can request
information through the website and potential leads will be forwarded to stakeholders for follow up. DO will work with
stakeholders to ensure the site is current and inquiries generated from the website are handled efficiently.

Weddings Target Marketing Initiatives
 Initiative     Medium    When   Description of Initiative   Goals/Objectives             ROI (Over 2020)                      KPI’s

 Social Media   Digital   Q1     Facebook/Instagram          To drive shoulder season     Increase in website traffic;         Facebook and Instagram analytics:
                          Q2     targeted advertising        occupancy by promoting       increased social media following     # of people
                                 targeted to promote         wedding product through      and engagement; increase in room     reached, # of engagement
                                 small weddings,             targeted advertising.        nights sold; positive STR report;    (likes, shares); # of link
                                 honeymoons, and                                          increase in MRDT.                    clicks; # of wedding inquiries; STR
                                 elopements.                                                                                   reports; MRDT reports.
 Google         Digital   Q1     Target specific search      Encourage visitation to      Increase in website traffic to       Google analytics; # of link clicks to
 Search Ads               Q2     keywords related to         wedding related pages on     wedding pages; increased customer wedding
                          Q3     wedding product in;      conversions; increase in room        pages; # of wedding inquiries; STR
                          Q4     Osoyoos to encourage        reach new customers based    nights sold; positive STR reports;   reports;
                                 traffic to                  on our target markets        increase in MRDT.                    MRDT reports.
                              through dedicated key word
                                 m.                          search.
 Google         Digital   Q1     Specifically target         Bring visitors back to the   Increase in website traffic to       Google analytics; # of link clicks to
 Display Ads              Q2     visitors who viewed       wedding related pages; increased wedding
                                 the wedding related         wedding pages through        customer conversions; increase in    pages; # of visitor’s retargeted; #
                                 pages on                    retargeted display ads.      room nights sold; positive STR       of wedding inquiries; STR reports;
                                                           reports; increase in MRDT.           MRDT reports.
                                 m and create display
                                 ads distributed
                                 through the Google
                                 Display Network to
                                 encourage visitors to
                                 return to the website.

All Segments
The initiatives below will benefit all the identified segments that Destination Osoyoos has targeted.

All Segments Target Marketing Initiatives
 Initiative      Medium          When       Description of           Goals/Objectives                 ROI (Over 2020)                    KPI’s
 Giveaways       Tradeshow       Q1         VIP gifts for FAM        To influence visiting            Positive rapport.                  # of items purchased; # of items
 Swag            FAM’s                      participants.            media and MCIT                                                      distributed.
                                                                     planners with take-
                                                                     aways reflective of
                                                                     Osoyoos/South Okanagan.
 Branded         Tradeshow       Q1         Small branded            To find inexpensive but          Positive rapport.                  # of items purchased; # of items
 Collateral      FAM’s                      giveaways that can       memorable giveaways that                                            distributed.
                                            be used for trade        are reflective of Osoyoos
                                            shows and special        and geared toward the
                                            events.                  market segments
 TIABC           Membership      Q1         Tourism Industry         Stay informed of provincial      Increased engagement with          Industry engagement.
                                            Association of British   trends and opportunities.        TIABC, BC DMO's, and tourism
                                            Columbia.                                                 organizations.
 Miscellaneous   Print           Q1         As Destination          Set aside marketing dollars for
                 Digital         Q2         Osoyoos often receives marketing opportunities that
                                 Q3         new marketing           arise throughout 2021.
                                 Q4         opportunities
                                            throughout the year,
                                            funding will be set
                                            aside to take
                                            advantage of these
 Regional        Partnerships    Q1         Discretionary funding    To take advantage of co-op       Increase in local and regional     # of new projects; # of partners;
 Partnerships                    Q2         set aside for potential marketing opportunities as        partnerships; leveraging of        STR reports; MRDT reports.
 (Travel                         Q4         partnerships with        they arise. Multiple partners    funds for marketing initiatives.
 Penticton,                                 neighboring              must collaborate to pursue
 Baldy,                                     communities and          grants through DBC and ITAC.
 OOWA)                                      associations.

South            Partnerships   Q1   Funding set aside for      Take advantage of co-op          Increase in local and regional      # of advertising outlets; # of
Okanagan                        Q2   year 2 of the Visit        marketing opportunities and      partnerships; leveraging of         partners; # of visitors to
Tourism                         Q3   South Okanagan             funding to promote the South     funds; additional exposure in       website; # of social media
Alliance                        Q4   campaign partnership       Okanagan as a leading            new market segments,                followers; STR reports; MRDT
                                     with neighboring           destination.                     expanded reach of existing          reports.
                                     communities and                                             promotions; increase in
                                     associations.                                               website traffic for
                                                                                                 increase in social media
Destination BC                  Q1   Take the lead in           The “Farms, Forks and            Establishment of a new, formal      # of participating communities;
Co-op                           Q2   establishing a             Fermentations” route will        partnership; DBC support,           matched funding approval from
Initiative                      Q3   marketing partnership      connect DO with agricultural     additional exposure in new          DBC; media exposure.
                                Q4   with select                communities of the Fraser &      market segments; amplification
                                     communities in the         Similkameen Valleys to create    of existing promotions.
                                     Fraser Valley and          a multi-year marketing
                                     Highway 3/Crowsnest        campaign that will qualify for
                                     corridor that aligns       DBC matched funding using a
                                     with DBC priorities        theme that resonates with
                                     showcasing agriculture,    both consumers and DBC alike.
                                     farm to table/culinary
                                     experiences including
                                     beer, cider, and spirits
                                     “Farms, Forks and
Stakeholder      Stakeholder    Q1   Allocate funding to        Identify and support tourism     Increase in stakeholder             # of stakeholders participating
Benefit          Benefit        Q2   support smaller            stakeholders that would          engagement; inventory of            in programming; stakeholder
Projects                        Q3   stakeholders in            benefit from DO’s marketing      professional marketing              satisfaction; positive response
                                Q4   developing                 expertise by providing a         collateral more aligned with        in social media
                                     professional marketing     subsidized tool kit allowing     DO’s image; suggest higher
                                     materials                  them to professionally market    quality experience through
                                                                their business and, in return,   professional marketing assets,
                                                                enhance DO’s marketing           instil sense of pride in Visitor
                                                                portfolio with professional      Centre staff, increased referrals
                                                                collateral and imagery           and direct sales through VC
                                                                 Projects could include the
                                                                continuation of an assisted
                                                                rack card program, digital
                                                                marketing enhancement plans
                                                                and basic professional photo

FAMs/Media        Direct Sales      Q1   Hosting of qualified       To effectively host media that       Increase in exposure of           # of FAMs hosted; # of stories
 Visits                              Q2   media that can generate has been pre-qualified by               Osoyoos tourism product;          generated; $ of unpaid media.
                                     Q3   stories that showcase Serena PR; pursue and                     increase in stories generated;
                                     Q4   the key messages of        encourage media FAMs from            increase in
                                          DO’s marketing plan.       TOTA, DBC, DC that generate          social media following.
                                                                     media exposure to
                                                                     attract the leisure travel market.
 PR - Fee for      Fee for Service   Q2   A monthly retainer         To pursue, qualify and               Increase in media brought to      # of qualified media FAMs; $
 Service                             Q3   securing the services of professionally manage media            Osoyoos; increased exposure of    unpaid ad equivalency; # of
                                          a professional Public      relationships; organize FAMs for     Osoyoos tourism product;          articles/stories featuring
                                          Relations firm for up to 6 qualified media; leverage            increase in stories generated;    Osoyoos; # of social media
                                          months during key need relationships with TOTA, DBC             increase in social media          posts featuring
                                          period.                    and Destination BC to                following.                        Osoyoos/tourism product.
                                                                     ensure DO is top of mind.
 Media Lunch       B2B               Q2     A hosted lunch             To host highly qualified travel    Increase in exposure of           # of media in attendance; # of
 (Vancouver)                                presentation for key       media to present Destination       Osoyoos tourism product;          stories generated; $ of unpaid
                                            media in Vancouver.        Osoyoos and provide "story         increase in stories generated;    media; # of social media
                                                                       starters", promote festivals       increase in social media          followers.
                                                                       and events and what is new in      following.
                                                                       the community.
 Media Lunch       B2B               Q2     A hosted event with        To host highly qualified travel    Increase in exposure of           # of media in attendance; # of
 (Calgary)                                  presentation for key       media to present Destination       Osoyoos tourism product;          stories generated; $ of unpaid
                                            media in Calgary.          Osoyoos and provide "story         increase in stories generated;    media; # of social media
                                                                       starters", promote festivals       increase in social media          followers.
                                                                       and events and what is new in      following.
                                                                       the community.
Travel                               Q2     Air, meals, hotel.       Travel for Media Lunches
                                     Q4                              (Vancouver & Calgary), Howard
                                                                     Silver, CITAP Golf Tournament,
                                                                     MPI Winter Social.
Creative           Collateral        Q1   Professional design and To maintain the integrity and           High quality design.              # of ad assets produced.
                                     Q2   delivery of all            cohesiveness of the Destination
                                     Q3   Destination Osoyoos        Osoyoos brand.
                                     Q4   marketing campaigns for
                                          print and digital.
Digital Creative   Collateral        Q1   Contract qualified digital To ensure digital ads are            High quality, cohesive design    # of ad assets produced; ad
                                     Q2   company to design and streamlined with regional and             aligned with Destination BC;     performance (google analytics)
                                     Q3   build high-quality,        provincial standards as well as      responsive functionality;
                                     Q4   responsive digital ad sets built properly for Google's          enhanced ad testing and
                                          for Google display and responsive platforms; maintain           analytics.
                                          retargeting.               the integrity and cohesiveness
                                                                     of the Destination Osoyoos

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