Page created by Erik Molina


Contents                                            FROM THE TRUSTEE
From the Trustee                                1
Advice services for members                     2   On behalf of the Trustee Board for the Holden Employees                     As to the Trustee Board itself, on 3 July 2017 Heinz Joham resigned
                                                    Superannuation Fund (“Fund”), I am pleased to present the Trustee           from the Trustee Board. Heinz became a Trustee Director at the start
Member Guides                                   2   Report for the year ending 30 June 2017.                                    of 2010. On behalf of the Board and members of the Fund, I would like
Your Fund website                               3                                                                               to thank him for his contribution over the 7 years. At the same time, I
                                                    The Fund’s investments performed well over the year (refer the box on
Your 2017 Super Update                          4   the right hand side of this page), and have significantly out-performed     am pleased to welcome Gary Hale as his replacement.

How your Fund works                             7   their return objectives over the 5 year period (refer pages 9 and 13 to
How your super is invested                      8
                                                    In another busy year for the Trustee, a major priority has been to
Investment: Defined Benefit Section             9                                                                               Kristen Hooke
                                                    assist members who ceased employment with GM Holden Ltd within
Investment: Accumulation Section                    the reporting year, and also preparing for those members who are            Chair
and Retained Benefit Section                   12   ceasing employment later in the 2017. At this very important time, we
Who manages your Fund?                         18   have focused initiatives which help members to better understand their
                                                    superannuation and to ask the right questions of their financial adviser.
Financial summary                              19
                                                    To this end, the Trustee has conducted Fund information sessions and          Fund investment returns for the year ending 30 June 2017
Additional information                         21   provided access to a free, half-hour, face-to-face appointment with a         • Investment return of 4.9% p.a. for the Defined Benefit Section
What to do when you leave                           Fund adviser (the Fund adviser is a qualified financial adviser with          • Returns for the investment options under the Accumulation
your employer                                  22   Mercer who has a detailed knowledge of the Fund). The feedback from             and Retained Benefit Sections:
                                                    members has been overwhelmingly positive.
Who to contact                                 23                                                                                       >   14.0% p.a. for the High Growth Option
                                                    While there has been a significant number of members who have left                  >   11.5% p.a. for the Balanced Option
Issued by Holden Employees Superannuation           (or will be leaving) the Fund, I wish to reassure remaining members
Fund Pty Ltd, ABN 26 065 656 948, as Trustee                                                                                            >   8.5% p.a. for the Cautious Option
of the Holden Employees Superannuation Fund,        that GM Holden is continuing to fully support the Fund, and the Trustee
ABN 77 289 319 006.                                 is continuing to manage the Fund in the best interests of all members.              >   5.8% p.a. for the Conservative Option
October 2017                                                                                                                            >   1.5% p.a. for the Cash Option
                                                    Other key tasks for the Trustee were as follows:
                                                                                                                                  Please be aware that past performance is not an indicator
                                                    •	Transferring members in the Fund’s Retained Benefit Section who
                                                                                                                                  of future performance.
                                                       had not chosen an investment option to a MySuper product (as
                                                       required by Government legislation) - this resulted in 924 members
                                                       with account balances totaling $61 million being transferred out of
                                                       the Fund;                                                                  Fund statistics as at 30 June 2017
                                                    •	Considering the impact of the Government changes to                        • Net assets of $586.3 million
                                                       superannuation commencing 1 July 2017 (refer to pages 4 and 5)             • 2,821 members (including 1,218 members in the Retained Benefit
                                                       and advising members;                                                        Section and 34 pensioners)
                                                    •	Participating in a prudential review by the Government Regulator           • Benefits totalling $22.1 million paid to retiring and totally and
                                                       (APRA); and                                                                  permanently disabled members

                                                    •	Implementing the new accounting standard AASB 1056 for the                 • $1.1 million paid to families of members who died
                                                       Fund’s financial statements.                                               • $140.3 million paid to other members who left the Fund, this
                                                                                                                                    includes $61 million transferred to the AustralianSuper MySuper
                                                                                                                                    Product for 964 Retained Benefit Section members.


ADVICE SERVICES FOR MEMBERS                                                                        MEMBER GUIDES
Managing personal finances is a complicated task that’s only getting harder and when you are       Comprehensive Member Guides are available on the Fund website. These guides provide details of:
in a Defined Benefit fund it can become even more complicated. You are bombarded with tax          • your contributions and benefits
and investment information and many of us struggle to navigate our way through it.
                                                                                                   • your accounts (as applicable)
If you require any personal advice about superannuation, it is recommended that you consult
                                                                                                   • the Government’s preservation and tax requirements applying to superannuation
a licenced financial adviser.
                                                                                                   • the services available to you as a Fund member, and
The Trustee provides Fund members with access to quality advice in the following ways:
                                                                                                   • what happens when you leave your employer.
• Fund Information and General Advice
• Face to face Super Advice
• Face to face Strategic Financial Advice

                                                                                                                                                                                           MEMBER GUIDE PLANT PAYROLL

  Simply call the Fund Helpline on Freecall 1800 700 995
                                                                                                                                                                               Member Guide
                                                                                                                                                                                         Plant Payroll

  Important Notes:
                                                                                                                                         MEMBER GUIDE SALARIED PAYROLL

  1. Helpline staff are not representatives of the Trustee. Any general financial product advice
     provided by the Helpline staff is provided by Mercer Financial Advice (Australia) Pty Ltd,                                                                              HOLDEN EMPLOYEES SUPERANNUATION FUND

     AFSL 411766.                                                                                                            Member Guide
  2. No employees of GM Holden Ltd are authorised to provide general financial product advice                                     Salaried Payroll
     to Fund members.
  3. None of the Trustee, its Directors, the Fund Secretary or the Fund Administrator are able
     to give any personal financial product advice relating to your own circumstances.

                                                                                                                           HOLDEN EMPLOYEES SUPERANNUATION FUND


The Fund website is a great resource offering a wealth of information on the Fund.              Once in the secure member area you can:
The website is divided into two parts – a public area and a secure member area.
                                                                                                • find out how much super you currently have
The homepage provides access to:                                                                • review and make changes to your Member Investment Choice options
• information about the Fund’s Investments                                                      • view daily unit prices for the Member Investment Choice options
• an article library                                                                            • update your telephone numbers and email address (and if you are a Retained Benefit Section
• a range of planning tools                                                                       member you can update your home address)
• Fund documents                                                                                • view or download your latest Benefit Statement, as well as those going back to 2007
• Member Guides and                                                                             • view your current beneficiaries for the payment of your death benefits in the Fund, and update
• a range of Fund forms.                                                                          them if required (not applicable if you are a Retained Benefit Section member)
                                                                                                • view your contribution details, and see how you’re tracking against the Government contribution
Via the homepage, you can also sign-in and access up-to-date information on your                  caps that apply
personal contributions and benefits.
                                                                                                • view your correspondence with the Fund, for example a completed Fund form, a financial advisor
                                                                                                  authority, a roll in to the Fund, PIN reset requests, inquiries you have made to the Fund Helpline.
How to sign in
To access your personal account, you’ll need your Member Number (find this on
your last Benefit Statement) and your PIN (a PIN was issued to each member in early
April 2008).
If you have forgotten your PIN, please call the Fund Helpline on 1800 700 995
for assistance.
If you’ve provided an email address to the Fund previously, you can reset your PIN by
following the prompts to ‘Reset your PIN’ from the Sign-in section on the homepage.

Mobile Fund website
There is a mobile version of the Fund website – making it easier for you to view
your important account information on the go.
To access the mobile website you need an iPhone, Android, Windows, Blackberry
or non-tablet device and simply enter www.holdensuper.com.au into your browser. You then need
your Member Number and PIN to access your personal information.
Also, if you have any questions, you can call the Fund Helpline at the touch of a button.


YOUR 2017      Super in Review                                     Non-concessional contributions limit
                                                                   for 2017-18
                                                                                                                       e.g. if the bring-forward’ rule was triggered by
                                                                                                                       an eligible member making non-concessional
               Changes in age pension assets test
SUPER UPDATE   From 1 January 2017, the age pension assets
                                                                   The annual non-concessional (post tax)
                                                                   contribution limit for 2017-18 is:
                                                                                                                       contributions of more than the annual limit of
                                                                                                                       $100,000 in 2017-18, excess non-concessional
               test was varied so that:                                                                                contributions will then generally only arise
                                                                   • $100,000 if the combined balance of all your
               • The level of assets which can be held before                                                          if that member’s total non-concessional
                                                                     superannuation accounts as at 30 June 2017
                 they start to impact the age pension was                                                              contributions over 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20
                                                                     is less than $1.6 million and you did not
                 increased, which results in an increase in the                                                        exceed $300,000. However, from 1 July 2017:
                                                                     trigger the ‘bring forward’ rule (see below) in
                 age pension for some retirees.                                                                        • If the combined balance of all your
                                                                     2015/16 or 2016/17, or
               • The rate at which the age pension is                                                                    superannuation accounts is $1.6 million
                                                                   • A special calculation if the combined balance
                 reduced for each $1,000 of additional assets                                                            or more at the prior 30 June your non-
                                                                     of all your superannuation accounts as at
                 was increased from $1.50 to $3.00 per                                                                   concessional contribution limit for the year
                                                                     30 June 2017 is less than $1.6 million and
                 fortnight. This reduces the age pension for                                                             is nil, even if you have not fully utilised all
                                                                     you did trigger the ‘bring forward’ rule (see
                 some retirees.                                                                                          of your three year bring forward cap.
                                                                     below) in 2015/16 or 2016/17, or
               Concessional contributions limit for 2017-18                                                            • If the combined balance of all your
                                                                   • Nil if the combined balance of all your
               The standard concessional (before tax)                                                                    superannuation accounts is $1.4 million
                                                                     superannuation accounts as at 30 June 2017
               contribution limit for 2017-18 is $25,000 for all                                                         or more (but less than $1.6 million) at the
                                                                     is $1.6 million or more.
               ages. This is a reduction from 2016-17 when the                                                           prior 30 June, special bring forward
               limits were $35,000 for those aged 50 or over       Under the ‘bring forward’ rule, a member under        restrictions apply
               at 30 June 2017 and $30,000 for those younger       age 65 at the start of a financial year (1 July)
                                                                                                                       • Special transitional rules apply to
               than 50. Concessional contributions include         can (unless they have already done so in the
                                                                                                                         determining your limit in 2017-18 if you
               employer and salary sacrifice contributions.        prior two years) generally bring forward two
                                                                                                                         triggered the bring-forward provisions in
                                                                   years of non-concessional contributions and
               From 1 July 2019 you may be entitled to                                                                   the 2015/16 or 2016/17 financial year and
                                                                   make non-concessional contributions of up
               contribute more than the standard concessional                                                            did not fully utilise your bring forward limit
                                                                   to three times the annual limit in that year.
               contribution limit if:                                                                                    by 30 June 2017.
                                                                   The ‘bring-forward’ rule will be triggered if
               • You have not fully used your annual cap on        an eligible member makes non-concessional           Lost super accounts
                 concessional contributions in the previous        contributions of more than the annual limit         The account balance threshold for lost super
                 five years (but not counting years before 1       (e.g. $100,000 in 2017-18), with excess non-        to be transferred to the ATO increased from
                 July 2018), and                                   concessional contributions then only generally      $4,000 to $6,000 from 31 December 2016.
               • The combined balance of all your                  arising if that member’s total non-concessional     These accounts will attract an interest rate
                 superannuation accounts is less than              contributions in the trigger year (e.g. 2017-18)    equal to increases in the Consumer Price
                 $500,000 on 30 June of the previous               and the next two years exceed three times           Index (CPI) after being transferred to the ATO.
                 financial year.                                   the annual limit applicable in the trigger year


Other 2016 Federal Budget reforms                   Removal of anti-detriment provision:                Proposed changes yet to be
now legislated                                      From 1 July 2017, the Government has removed        legislated
                                                    the ‘anti-detriment’ tax deduction that was
High income concessional contributions              available for some superannuation death benefits.   Super measures to assist housing
threshold: From 1 July 2017, the income             This provision allowed eligible death benefits      affordability: In the 2017 Federal Budget, the
threshold at which high income earners pay          to be augmented to offset the contributions tax     Government announced a package of changes
additional contributions tax was reduced from       introduced in 1988.                                 to assist housing affordability, which included
$300,000 to $250,000.
                                                    Transition-to-retirement pensions: From 1 July      the following superannuation measures:
Spouse contributions tax offset: From 1 July        2017, the tax exemption on earnings from            • A First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS)
2017, the income threshold for a low income         assets supporting Transition to Retirement             which is proposed to allow first-home
spouse to qualify for the maximum spouse            Income Streams only applies where the                  buyers to save for a deposit inside their
contributions tax offset was increased from         pensioner has reached age 65 or has notified           superannuation account. Savers will be
$10,800 to $37,000 and the cut off income           the Fund that they have satisfied another              able to contribute $30,000 (up to $15,000
level for a partial offset increased from $13,800   relevant condition of release. The ability for         a year within existing caps), and be able
to $40,000. However the offset is not available     individuals to treat superannuation income             to withdraw the contributions along with
if the low income spouse’s total superannuation     stream payments as lump sums for tax                   deemed earnings in order to help fund a
balance is $1.6 million (indexed) or more.          purposes was also removed.                             deposit on their first home. Concessional
$1.6 million superannuation pension transfer                                                               tax treatment is proposed to apply. The
                                                    Tax deduction for personal superannuation
balance cap: From 1 July 2017, a $1.6 million                                                              Government proposes to allow releases from
                                                    contributions: From 1 July 2017, most
(indexed) cap applies to the amount that                                                                   1 July 2018, with voluntary contributions
                                                    individuals will be eligible to claim an income
individuals can transfer into a superannuation                                                             made from 1 July 2017 to be eligible.
                                                    tax deduction for any after-tax personal
pension account that has tax-exempt investment                                                             Conditions to access super under the FHSSS
                                                    contributions they make to superannuation
earnings. Those with pension accounts above                                                                include that a member must be aged 18 or
                                                    (subject to the concessional limit).
$1.6 million at 1 July 2017 would need to                                                                  more, not have used the FHSSS before, and
                                                    This option was previously largely restricted to
transfer the excess to a taxed superannuation                                                              never owned real property in Australia. The
                                                    the fully self-employed.
account or withdraw it from super. Special rules                                                           FHSSS will be administered by the ATO.
                                                    Note: The Fund elected not to permit
apply to defined benefit pensions.                  members to claim a tax deduction for personal       • Allowing Australians aged over 65 to
Low income superannuation tax offset:               contributions made to the Fund.                       make an exempt contribution to their
From 1 July 2017, the Government has                                                                      superannuation after downsizing their family
                                                    Concessions for deferred pension products:
introduced a Low Income Superannuation                                                                    home. The aim of this measure is to help
                                                    From 1 July 2017, the Government has extended
Tax Offset of up to $500 to offset tax on                                                                 free up the stock of larger houses for young
                                                    the tax-exemption on investment earnings to
concessional contributions for members with                                                               families, by allowing older Australians to sell
                                                    deferred pension products that meet rules such
adjusted taxable incomes up to $37,000.                                                                   their houses and contribute up to $300,000
                                                    as restrictions on access to capital. However
This is to replace the existing Low Income                                                                of the proceeds into superannuation.
                                                    treatment of these products under the age
Superannuation Contribution which applies for       pension means tests is yet to be determined.
contributions made up to 30 June 2017.
                                                    Departing Australia superannuation
Co-contribution: From 1 July 2017, individuals      payment tax: From 1 July 2017, the rate of
will not be eligible for the government             tax on ‘departing Australia superannuation
co-contribution in an income year if their non-     payments’ increased to 65 per cent for working
concessional contributions exceed their limit for   holiday makers.
the year or if their total superannuation balance
is $1.6 million (indexed) or more.


Existing voluntary contribution rules and          Extension of capital gains rollover relief
restrictions would not apply to Downsizer          for fund mergers:
contributions. This measure is proposed to         The Government has announced it will extend
apply to proceeds from contracts for the sale      the tax relief for merging superannuation funds
of a main residence entered into on or after 1     until 1 July 2020. Under current legislation this
July 2018. The home sold must have been held       relief is only available up to 1 July 2017.
for a minimum of ten years but only needs to       Superannuation objective:
have been the main residence for some portion      The Government proposes to enshrine in
of this. Downsizer contributions must be non-      legislation a superannuation objective ‘to
concessional contributions and can be up to        provide income in retirement to substitute or
$300,000 for an individual or $600,000 (i.e.       supplement the Age Pension’. The objective
$300,000 each) for a couple (both parties do       is to serve as a guide to policy-makers,
not need to be on the home’s title).               regulators, industry and the community about
Amending the Superannuation Guarantee              superannuation’s fundamental purpose.
to exclude salary sacrifice contributions:         Governance: The Government proposes to
The Government has announced it will amend         require at least one-third independent directors
the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) legislation,     (including an independent chair) on trustee
effective from 1 July 2018, to:                    boards for both public offer and non-public
• prevent contributions made under salary          offer super funds.
  sacrifice arrangements from satisfying an        Choice of Fund: The Government proposes to
  employer’s SG obligations; and                   remove the current exemption from Choice
• to specifically include salary or wages          of Fund requirements for employees covered
  sacrificed to superannuation in the              by enterprise agreements and workplace
  earnings base for calculating an                 determinations.
  employer’s SG obligations                        Fund website information: The Government
Superannuation complaints body:                    proposes to require superannuation fund
The Government has announced it will               websites to show: (i) a ‘product dashboard’
establish of a new ‘one-stop shop’ external        with key information for their 10 largest non-
dispute resolution (EDR) body — the Australian     MySuper investment options, from the second
Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) — that       half of 2019 (product dashboards are already
will deal with all financial disputes, including   required for MySuper investment options); and
superannuation disputes from 1 July 2018.          (ii) details of their investment holdings, from
AFCA is to replace the existing three EDR          the first half of 2020.
bodies in the financial system (the Financial
Ombudsman Service (FOS), the Credit and
Investments Ombudsman (CIO) and the
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT))
and will operate under an ombudsman model.


HOW YOUR                       Defined Benefit Section
                               You make Basic Contributions to this Section on either an after-tax
                                                                                                                Accumulation Section
                                                                                                                Under this Section you may have up to three separate accounts which
FUND WORKS                     or salary sacrifice basis.                                                       are established in your name. These accounts hold:

The Fund has three sections:   Your employer pays the balance of the cost of providing the benefits.            • the Supplementary Contributions paid by your employer,
                               The Fund Actuary monitors the Fund’s financial position and recommends           • any Voluntary Additional Contributions you have chosen to make
• Defined Benefit Section      the contribution rate that the employer must make. Government                      to the Fund, and
• Accumulation Section, and    regulations require that an Actuarial Review of the Fund takes place
                                                                                                                • any amounts you have chosen to rollover into the Fund.
• Retained Benefit Section.    every three years. The purpose of this review is to provide information
                               to the Trustee on the funding and financial status of the Fund. The last         Each account is made up of the accumulation of these contributions
                               completed Actuarial Review covered the three year period ending 30 June          (after deducting any tax payable on employer contributions) with
                               2014 and showed the Fund was in a satisfactory financial position.               investment earnings (which may be positive or negative).

                               Pages 9-11 of this report provide investment and performance details.            You have a choice of investment options in which to invest your account
                                                                                                                balances and you can change your investment options. Details can be
                               Due to the large number of members expected to leave the Fund as a               found in the Member Investment Choice Guide available on the Fund
                               result of the plant closure in Elizabeth, South Australia, the Trustee applied   website. Pages 13-17 of this report provide investment and performance
                               to, and was granted by, APRA permission to postpone the next Actuarial           details as at 30 June 2017.
                               Review to 31 December 2017.
                                                                                                                Full information on this Section is covered in the Member Guides
                               Your retirement, death and total and permanent disablement benefits are          for Salaried Payroll and Plant Payroll available on the Fund website.
                               provided in the form of defined benefits. You can take your retirement
                               benefit as a lump sum or a pension.                                              Retained Benefit Section
                               Full information on all your benefits in this Section is covered in the          Any member who leaves GM Holden Ltd, and has a superannuation
                               Member Guides for Salaried Payroll and Plant Payroll available on the            account balance of more than $1,000 can leave all or part of their
                               Fund website.                                                                    benefit in the Fund. Members of this Section:
                                                                                                                • have access to the Fund’s investment options,
                                                                                                                • can roll-in amounts from other funds,
                                                                                                                • can make lump sum personal contributions, and
                                                                                                                • can make withdrawals of non-preserved amounts.
                                                                                                                There are no entry fees to the Retained Benefit Section.
                                                                                                                An administration fee is deducted from your account. The fee is:
                                                                                                                • $1.48 per week for year ended 30 June 2017, and
                                                                                                                • $1.51 per week from 1 July 2017.
                                                                                                                This fee is indexed each 1 July to the increase in Average Weekly
                                                                                                                Ordinary Time Earnings index.
                                                                                                                Full information on this Section is covered in the Member Guide
                                                                                                                available on the Fund website.


HOW YOUR SUPER   Your Fund has guidelines for investing
                 The Trustee has an Investment Government Framework that sets
                                                                                                    Investment risk objective
                                                                                                      Low to
                                                                                                                            to High

                                                                                                  The Trustee has established  a risk objective for the Defined Benefit
                                                                                                Low                High

                 investment strategy and objectives covering how and where the Fund’s        Very Section and for each
                                                                                                                     Very Member Investment Choice option.
                                                                                             Low                                       High
                 assets will be invested as well as other investment related matters.
                                                                                                    These are two measures for the risk objects:
                                                                                                          Short-term risk
                 The Trustee regularly monitors the Fund’s performance against its                              Medium
                                                                                                      Low to                 Medium
                 objectives and strategy, and changes are made where necessary.                       Medium                 to High
                                                                                                                                          Short-term risk is the risk that a member’s
                 The Trustee does not directly use derivative instruments. Derivatives
                                                                                                Low                                   High
                                                                                                                                          superannuation savings will be reduced by the
                 are not an asset class; they are financial contracts in which parties
                                                                                             Low                                          annual volatility of investment markets.
                 agree to arrangements for buying or selling an asset at a set price at               Low to               Medium
                                                                                                           Short-term risk to High
                                                                                                      Medium                           For this risk, the standard risk measure developed
                 some specified time in the future. Examples are share options or futures.      Low                                Highby the Association of Superannuation Funds of
                 The underlying investment managers may use derivatives in managing          Very                                  VeryAustralia Limited and the Financial Services Council
                                                                                             Low                                   High
                 their part of the pooled investment vehicles in which the Trustee                                                     is used. This measure has seven labels from
                 invests. The use of derivatives is monitored by the Investment Manager.                 Medium-term risk
                                                                                                                                       “Very Low” to “Very High” based on the expected
                 Decisions to invest in or realise investments are based on key
                                                                                                      Low to
                                                                                                                          to High      number of negative annual returns over a 20 year
                 financial and managerial criteria. The Trustee does not separately             Low                               High period (refer to the table below).

                 consider social, environmental or ethical factors or labour standards       Very
                                                                                                      Low to
                 to make these decisions.                                                             Medium                to High
                                                                                                                                           Long-term risk is the risk that a member’s
                                                                                                Low       Medium-term risk         High

                 This and the following pages outline the investment objectives,                                                           superannuation savings will not significantly
                                                                                             Very                                      Very
                                                                                                                                       Highoutperform inflation over a member’s superannuation
                 strategies and performance for each section of the Fund, apart from         Low

                 the Fund’s Pension section.                                                               Long-term risk                  accumulation lifetime.
                                                                                                      Low to
                                                                                                                             Medium        This risk has the same labels as applying to the
                 Fund pensions                                                                        Medium                 to High
                                                                                                                                           short-term risk but is based on analysis specific
                                                                                                Low                                   High
                 As at 30 June 2017, the Fund had 34 pensioners. The assets supporting                                                     to the definition of long-term risk.
                                                                                             Very                                      Very
                 the Fund pensions are in a tax-exempt investment. During the year, the      Low                                       High

                 assets were invested in the Russell Diversified 50 (Tax Exempt Unit).                     Long-term risk

                                                                                                    Table: Standard Risk Measure

                                                                                                                                                      Estimated number of negative
                                                                                                               Risk Label
                                                                                                                                                  annual returns over any 20 year period
                                                                                                                Very Low                                        Less than 0.5
                                                                                                                     Low                                      0.5 to less than 1
                                                                                                          Low to Medium                                        1 to less than 2
                                                                                                                 Medium                                        2 to less than 3
                                                                                                         Medium to High                                        3 to less than 4
                                                                                                                    High                                       4 to less than 6
                                                                                                               Very High                                         6 or Greater


INVESTMENT:       Investment return objective                                                           Low to
                                                                                                                  Low to
                                                                                                                              to High
                                                                                                                                        to High
                                                                                                                                                                    Low to
                                                                                                                                                                              Low to
                                                                                                                                                                                          to High
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to High
                  Since August 2014, the long term investment objective is to earn a return (after fees and tax) exceeding the rate of inflation
DEFINED BENEFIT   (as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by at least 2.0% p.a. over rolling
                                                                                                 Low 5 year
                                                                                                        Low periods.       High    High        Low                      Low                     High       High

SECTION    20     Investment return for the year ended 30 June

                  for the last 5 years
                                                                                                         Investment risk objective                                      Short-term risk
                                                                                                                                                                                 Short-term risk

                        15.5%                                                                            For an explanation of the two risk measures please refer to page 8
          15                                                                                             of this report.

                                    10.9%                                                                         Short-term risk                                   Long-term risk
          10                                                                                                       Medium   Medium                                             Medium   Medium
                                                                                                        Low to    Low to      Medium    Medium                      Low to    Low to      Medium    Medium
                                                                                                        Medium    Medium      to High   to High                     Medium    Medium      to High   to High

                                                5.5%                    4.9%                      Low       Low                     High       High           Low       Low                     High       High

           5                                                3.9%
                                                                                               Very      Very                           Very      Very     Very      Very                           Very      Very
                                                                                               Low       Low                            High      High     Low       Low                            High      High

           0             2013        2014        2015        2016        2017

                  The Annual Compound Return for the 5 year period to 30 June 2017
                  was 8.1% p.a. For the same period the CPI was 2.0% p.a.
                                                                                                                   Medium   Medium
                                                                                                        Low to    Low to      Medium    Medium
                                                                                                        Medium    Medium      to High   to High

                                                                                                  Low       Low                     High       High

                                                                                               Very      Very                           Very      Very
                                                                                               Low       Low                            High      High


Investment Strategy
The actual asset allocation at 30 June 2017 is shown in the table below. Also shown is the Strategic Asset Allocation at 30 June 2017.
The Strategic Asset Allocation is determined by the Trustee, in conjunction with the Fund’s Investment Adviser, as the appropriate asset
allocation mix to achieve the investment objective of the Defined Benefit Section (excluding the assets supporting pensioners).

                                                                      Actual asset allocation %                   Strategic asset allocation %
 Asset class                                                              at 30 June 2017                               at 30 June 2017

 Growth assets
 Australian Shares                                                                  13.3                                          13.0
 International Shares – Unhedged                                                     4.9                                          5.0
 International Shares – $A Hedged                                                    4.8                                          5.0
 International Property – $A Hedged                                                  1.1                                          1.0
 Global Listed Infrastructure – $A Hedged*                                           1.1                                          1.0
 Total                                                                              25.2                                         25.0

 Defensive assets
 Australian Bonds                                                                   36.0                                         36.0
 Australian Enhanced Cash                                                           38.8                                         39.0
 Total                                                                              74.8                                         75.0

*Global Listed Infrastructure – This investment aims to provide exposure to a diversified portfolio of predominantly global listed infrastructure
securities on stock exchanges in developing and emerging markets (such as countries included in the S&P Global Infrastructure Index).


Investment Returns and Crediting Rates
Whilst retirement, death and total and permanent disablement benefits are provided in the form
of defined benefits, your resignation benefit is different as it is an accumulation style benefit and
depends on the rate of interest credited to your Basic Contributions.
The Fund’s Crediting Rate Policy was changed with effect from 1 July 2010. Up to March 2012 when
the Notional Crediting Rate reserve reached nil, the Crediting Rate was calculated using a
smoothing approach but with a minimum rate of zero. For more information please refer to the
newsletter on crediting rates issued in April 2012.
From 1 April 2012 investment earnings are allocated to a member’s Basic Account using a Crediting
Rate equal to the actual investment return (after investment fees and tax) which may be positive
or negative.
From 1 July 2013, new superannuation legislation required the Trustee to establish an Operational
Risk Reserve. To build up this Reserve, a levy of 0.1% p.a. has been deducted when determining
the Crediting Interest Rate. This deduction ceased effective 31 October 2015. Refer to page 20
for further details.
The table below shows the history of the investment returns and the Crediting Interest Rate over
the 5 years to 30 June 2017.

 Year as at 30 June                Investment Return % p.a.          Crediting Interest Rate % p.a.
 2013                                          15.5                                15.6
 2014                                          10.9                                10.8
 2015                                          5.5                                  5.4
 2016                                          3.9                                  3.9
 2017                                          4.9                                  4.9
 Annual Compound Rate
                                               8.1                                  8.0
 for the 5 year period

Past performance should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Investment returns
can go up or down.


INVESTMENT:       Investment options
                  There are five investment options available for investing your accounts:
                                                                                              Changing your investment choice
                                                                                              You can change your investment choice at any time. You can choose
ACCUMULATION      High Growth, Balanced, Cautious, Conservative and Cash.                     to invest your accounts in one or more investment options. You may
                                                                                              also invest your current account balances one way and your future
SECTION AND       Your accounts invested in units                                             contributions a different way.
                  Your accounts buy you units in your chosen investment options.
RETAINED          The price of units varies from day to day, depending on the value of
                                                                                              To change your investment choice, you can either do this online or
                                                                                              complete and return a Changing your investment choice form (which
BENEFIT SECTION   the underlying assets. As contributions go into your accounts, you get
                  more units in your chosen investment options. The total value of your
                                                                                              is available on the Fund website or by calling the Fund Helpline). Your
                                                                                              change will be processed on the first business day after your form is
                  accounts at any time is simply your total number of units in your chosen    received. Before making a decision to change your investment options
                  investment options multiplied by the relevant unit sell price.              you should read the Member Investment Choice Guide, also available
                  The impact of transaction and operational costs on the unit prices          on the Fund website.
                  (i.e. expenses, commissions, brokerage and other fees which are incurred    There are two costs which apply to changing investment options.
                  in buying or selling part or all of the underlying investments of each      There is the buy/sell spread and a processing fee of $30.00 which
                  investment option) is passed on to members through what is commonly         is debited to your account.
                  referred to as the buy/sell spread. The buy/sell spread is the difference
                  between the (higher) price at which members can purchase units              Monitoring your investment
                  (the buy price) and the (lower) price at which members can sell units       You can view the performance of each investment option on the Fund
                  (the sell price). No part of the buy/sell spread is paid to the Trustee.    website, which shows up-to-date unit prices for all investment options.
                  For an example on how buy/sell spreads work in practice, please read        The net earnings on your chosen investment options (which may be
                  the example on page 15 of the Member Investment Choice Guide,               positive or negative) will be reflected via changes in the unit prices.
                  available on the Fund website.
                                                                                              Remember it is very important for most members that you take a long-
                  The buy/sell spread is different for each investment option and can         term view of your investment rather than focusing on short-term results.
                  change over time. The buy/sell spreads at 1 July 2017 were:
                                                                                              Investment returns and risk objectives
                  • High Growth option: 0.51% of the amount invested.
                                                                                              The charts and tables on the following pages show each investment
                  • Balanced option: 0.43% of the amount invested.                            option’s objectives and strategy applicable at 30 June 2017, and returns
                  • Cautious option: 0.43% of the amount invested.                            over the past five years.
                  • Conservative option: 0.37% of the amount invested.                        The investment returns quoted reflect the change in unit prices over
                  • Cash option: Nil.                                                         the year expressed as a percentage. The unit prices for each option
                                                                                              reflect the value of the underlying investments after making provision
                  The latest buy/sell spreads for all options are available on the            for investment tax and investment management fees.
                  Fund website.
                                                                                              Past performance should not be taken as an indication of future
                                                                                              performance. Remember, investment returns may be positive or negative.
                                                                                              Investment objectives on these pages are not a financial forecast.


          HIGH GROWTH                                  Investment return objective
                                                       This option aims to earn a return (after investment fees and tax) of at least 4.0% p.a. above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over rolling 5 year periods.
          OPTION                                       For the 5 year period to 30 June 2017, this objective was met: the investment return was 12.0% p.a. and the CPI for the same period was 2.0% p.a.

          Approximately 90% growth assets and
          10% defensive assets.                        Investment return for the year ended 30 June                                    Where the assets were invested at 30 June 2017
          Suitable for investors who:
                                                       for the last 5 years
          • are seeking to build wealth over                  21.6%                                                                                                                  Growth Assets
                                                                                                                                                                                       Australian Shares 37.1%
            the long term                        20                                                                                                                                    International Shares 35.9%
          • plan to invest for 6 years or more                                                                                                                                         Infrastructure 3.9%
                                                                                                                    14.0%                                                              Property 7.7%
          • are willing to accept the possibility 15                                                                                                                                   Other Alternatives 3.3%
            of negative returns over the                                                11.3%                                                                                          Commodities 0.6%
            short to medium term.                                                  Medium
      Low to                    Medium           10                   Low to                      Medium                                                                             Defensive Assets
      Medium                    to High                               Medium                      to High                                                                              Fixed Interest 5.4%
                                                                                                                                                                                       Cash 6.1%
Low                                     High                  Low                                            High
y                                         Very            Very                                                Very
w                                         High   -5       Low                                                 High
                                                              2013         2014         2015          2016           2017

          Short-term risk
                                                       The Annual Compound Return for the 5 year period to 30 June 2017
                                                       was 12.0% p.a.

                                                       Investment risk objective
                                                       For an explanation of the two risk measures please refer to page 8 of this report.

                                                                            Short-term risk                                                                Long-term risk

                Medium                                                             Medium
                                                                                     Medium                                                                     Medium
      Low to                    Medium                                Low to to
                                                                        Low                       Medium
                                                                                                     Medium                                       Low to                        Medium                                            Low to
      Medium                    to High                               Medium
                                                                        Medium                    to to
                                                                                                        High                                      Medium                        to High                                           Mediu

Low                                     High                  Low
                                                                Low                                            High
                                                                                                             High                           Low                                          High                               Low

y                                         Very            Very
                                                            Very                                              Very
                                                                                                                Very                    Very                                                Very                         Very
w                                         High            Low
                                                            Low                                               High
                                                                                                                High                    Low                                                 High                         Low

                                                                                                                                                         Short-term risk                                            13

          BALANCED                                     Investment return objective
                                                       This option aims to earn a return (after investment fees and tax) of at least 3.5% p.a. above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over rolling 5 year periods.
          OPTION                                       For the five year period to 30 June 2017, this objective was met: the investment return was 10.3% p.a. and the CPI for the same period was 2.0% p.a.

          Approximately 70% growth assets and
          30% defensive assets.                        Investment return for the year ended 30 June                                    Where the assets were invested at 30 June 2017
          Suitable for investors who:
                                                       for the last 5 years
                                            20                                                                                                                                       Growth Assets
          • are seeking to build wealth over the                 17.5%
                                                                                                                                                                                       Australian Shares 29.5%
            medium to long term
                                                                                                                                                                                       International Shares 27.9%
          • plan to invest for 5 years or more                               13.4%                                                                                                     Infrastructure 2.5%
                                                                                                             11.5%                                                                     Property 6.1%
          • are willing to accept the possibility of                                                                                                                                   Other Alternatives 3.3%
            negative returns over the shorter
                                            10term.                                                                                                                                  Defensive Assets
                Medium                                                               Medium                                                                                            Fixed Interest 18.2
      Low to                    Medium                                  Low to                    Medium
      Medium                    to High                                 Medium                    to High                                                                              Cash 12.5%
Low                                      High                 Low                                          High
                                             0                                                    0.1%
y                                          Very           Very   2013        2014      2015       2016        Very
w                                          High           Low                                                High
                                                       The Annual Compound Return for the 5 year period to 30 June 2017
          Short-term risk                              was 10.3% p.a.

                                                       Investment risk objective
                                                       For an explanation of the two risk measures please refer to page 8 of this report.

                                                                              Short-term risk                                                              Long-term risk

                Medium                                                               Medium
                                                                                      Medium                                                                    Medium
      Low to                    Medium                                  Low to to
                                                                          Low                     Medium
                                                                                                     Medium                                       Low to                        Medium                                            Low to
      Medium                    to High                                 Medium
                                                                          Medium                  to to
                                                                                                        High                                      Medium                        to High                                           Mediu

Low                                      High                 Low
                                                                Low                                          High
                                                                                                           High                             Low                                           High                              Low

y                                          Very           Very
                                                            Very                                             Very
                                                                                                               Very                     Very                                                Very                         Very
w                                          High           Low
                                                            Low                                              High
                                                                                                               High                     Low                                                 High                         Low

                                                                                                                                                         Short-term risk                                            14

           CAUTIOUS                                 Investment return objective
                                                    This option aims to earn a return (after investment fees and tax) of at least 3.0% p.a. above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over rolling 5 year periods.
           OPTION                                   For the five year period to 30 June 2017, this objective was met: the investment return was 8.4% p.a. and the CPI for the same period was 2.0% p.a.

           Approximately 50% growth assets and      Investment return for the year ended 30 June                                     Where the assets were invested at 30 June 2017
           50% defensive assets.
           Suitable for investors who:                    13.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                  Growth Assets
                           20capital growth over
           • are seeking some
                                                                                                                                                                                    Australian Shares 20.0%
             the medium term
                                                                                                                                                                                    International Shares 16.7%
           • plan to invest for 4 years or more                                                                                                                                     Infrastructure 2.8%
                             15 the possibility
           • are willing to accept
                                                                                                                                                                                    Property 5.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                    Other Alternatives 2.4%
             of negative returns over the                          10.9%                                                                                                            Commodities 0.4%
             shorter  term.                                                    Medium                                                                     Medium
      Low to                 10Medium                             Low to     8.3%              Medium
                                                                                              8.5%                                          LowLow
                                                                                                                                                 to to                    Medium Defensive Assets
                                                                                                                                                                                   Fixed Interest 29.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Low t
      Medium                      to High                         Medium                       to High                                      Medium
                                                                                                                                               Medium                     to High
                                                                                                                                                                             to High                                           Mediu
                                                                                                                                                                                    Cash 23.3%

Low                           5             High           Low                                           High                         LowLow                                       High
                                                                                                                                                                                      High                               Low

y                             0              Very      Very                                               Very                    Very
                                                                                                                                     Very                                            Very
                                                                                                                                                                                        Very                          Very
                                             High      Low2013     2014      2015     2016    2017        High                    LowLow                                             High
                                                                                                                                                                                        High                          Low

                                                    The Annual Compound Return for the 5 year period to 30 June 2017 was 8.4% p.a.
                                                                          Short-term risk

                                                    Investment risk objective
                                                    For an explanation of the two risk measures please refer to page 8 of this report.

                                                                           Short-term risk                                                              Long-term risk

                Medium                                                         Medium                                                                     Medium
      Low to                      Medium                          Low to                       Medium                                       LowLow
                                                                                                                                                 to to                    Medium
                                                                                                                                                                             Medium                                            Low t
      Medium                      to High                         Medium                       to High                                      Medium
                                                                                                                                               Medium                     to High
                                                                                                                                                                             to High                                           Mediu

Low                                         High           Low                                           High                         LowLow                                       High
                                                                                                                                                                                      High                               Low

y                                            Very      Very                                               Very                    Very
                                                                                                                                     Very                                            Very
                                                                                                                                                                                        Very                          Very
                                             High      Low                                                High                    LowLow                                             High
                                                                                                                                                                                        High                          Low


CONSERVATIVE                               Investment return objective
                                           This option aims to earn a return (after investment fees and tax) of at least 2.0% p.a. above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over rolling 5 year periods.
OPTION                                     For the five year period to 30 June 2017, this objective was met: the investment return was 6.4% p.a. and the CPI for the same period was 2.0% p.a.

Approximately 30% growth assets
and 70% defensive assets.                  Investment return for the year ended 30 June                                    Where the assets were invested at 30 June 2017
                                           for the last 5 years
Suitable for investors who:           10
                                                9.0%                                                                                                                     Growth Assets
• are happy with slower growth
                                                             8.1%                                                                                                          Australian Shares 11.3%
• plan to invest for 3 years or more
                                      8                                                                                                                                    International Shares 9.1%
                                                                                                                                                                           Infrastructure 3.0%
• can accept only very little volatility
                                                                                                                                                                           Property 4.2%
  in returns.                                                            6.2%
                                                                                                                                                                           Other Alternatives 1.5%
                                      6                                                                                                                                  Defensive Assets
                                                                        Medium                                                                    Medium
                                                                                                                                                   Medium                  Fixed Interest 38.0%
                                                           Lowtoto                     Medium
                                                                                         Medium                                      Low
                                                                                                                                      Lowtoto                      Medium
                                                                                                                                                                     Medium                                        Low
                                                           Medium                      totoHigh
                                                                                            High                                     Medium
                                                                                                                                      Medium                       totoHighCash 33.0%
                                                                                                                                                                        High                                       Medium
                                                    Low                                         High
                                                                                                 High                         Low
                                                                                                                               Low                                          High
                                                                                                                                                                             High                           Low
                                                Very                                               Very
                                                                                                    Very                   Very
                                                                                                                            Very                                               Very
                                                                                                                                                                                Very                    Very
                                      0        Low
                                                Low                                                High
                                                                                                    High                   Low
                                                                                                                            Low                                                High
                                                                                                                                                                                High                    Low
                                               2013         2014          2015         2016         2017

                                           The Annual Compound Return for the 5 year period to 30 June 2017                                Short-term
                                           was 6.4% p.a.

                                           Investment risk objective
                                           For an explanation of the two risk measures please refer to page 8 of this report.

                                                                Short-term risk                                                                Long-term risk

                                                                        Medium                                                                    Medium
                                                           Lowtoto                     Medium
                                                                                         Medium                                      Low
                                                                                                                                      Lowtoto                      Medium
                                                                                                                                                                     Medium                                        Low
                                                           Medium                      totoHigh
                                                                                            High                                     Medium
                                                                                                                                      Medium                       totoHigh
                                                                                                                                                                        High                                       Medium

                                                    Low                                         High
                                                                                                 High                         Low
                                                                                                                               Low                                          High
                                                                                                                                                                             High                           Low

                                                Very                                               Very
                                                                                                    Very                   Very
                                                                                                                            Very                                               Very
                                                                                                                                                                                Very                    Very
                                                Low                                                High
                                                                                                    High                   Low
                                                                                                                            Low                                                High
                                                                                                                                                                                High                    Low

                                                                                                                               Low to                      Medium                                      Low t
                                                                                                                               Medium                      to High                                     Mediu

                                                                                                                         Low                                        High                         Low

CASH OPTION                             Investment return objective
                                        This option aims to earn a return (after investment fees and tax) above the Bloomberg
                                                                                                                                                                      Very                    Very
                                                                                                                        Low Ausbond Bank Bill Index (formerly known asHigh
                                                                                                                                                                       UBS Bank Bill Index)   Low
100% defensive assets.                  over a one year period. This objective was not met: the investment return for the year ended 30 June 2017 was 1.5% and the Bloomberg Ausbond
                                        Bank Bill Index was 1.8%.
Suitable for investors who:
• are happy with slow growth            Investment return for the year ended 30 June                                Where the assets were invested at 30 June 2017
• plan to invest for the short term     for the last 5 years                                                        At 30 June 2017, the Cash Option was invested in the Russell PST
• want to minimise the chance of any                                                                                Australian Cash Unit. This is invested in Australian Cash.
  volatility in returns.        3.5         3.4%

                                 2.5                                 2.3%

                                 2.0                                              1.9%

                                                                                                1.5%                                        Medium
                                 1.5                                                                                           Low to                      Medium                                      Low t
                                                                                                                               Medium                      to High                                     Mediu
                                                                                                                         Low                                        High                         Low
                                                                                                                     Very                                             Very                    Very
                                  0.0       2013         2014        2015         2016          2017                 Low                                              High                    Low

                                        The Annual Compound Return for the 5 year period to 30 June 2017
                                        was 2.3% p.a.

                                        Investment risk objective
                                        For an explanation of the two risk measures please refer to page 8 of this report.

                                                            Short-term risk                                                            Long-term risk

                                                                 Medium                                                                  Medium
                                                     Low to                      Medium                                      Low to to
                                                                                                                               Low                       Medium
                                                                                                                                                            Medium                                   Low to
                                                     Medium                      to High                                     Medium
                                                                                                                               Medium                    to to
                                                                                                                                                               High                                  Medium

                                              Low                                        High                         Low
                                                                                                                        Low                                      High
                                                                                                                                                                   High                       Low

                                           Very                                             Very                   Very
                                                                                                                     Very                                          Very
                                                                                                                                                                     Very                 Very
                                           Low                                              High                   Low
                                                                                                                     Low                                           High
                                                                                                                                                                     High                 Low

                                                                                                                                   Short-term risk                                       17

WHO MANAGES   Your Fund is run by the Trustee company called Holden Employees
              Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 26 065 656 948. The Trustee manages
                                                                                       Fund Advisers
                                                                                       The Trustee is assisted by the following advisers:
YOUR FUND?    the Fund according to the Fund’s Trust Deed and superannuation laws.
              Trustee insurance protection                                             Mercer Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd
              The Fund pays for insurance to protect the Trustee, its Directors and
              your Fund against claims against it. The Directors are not insured for   Administrator and Consultants
              liability arising from dishonest, wilful or reckless acts.               Mercer Outsourcing (Australia) Pty Ltd
              Trustee Board
              As at 30 June 2017, the Directors of the Trustee Company were:
              Nominated by FVIU                                                        CommInsure
              • Heinz Joham – Elizabeth, South Australia
                                                                                       Investment Manager
              • Scott Gibbins – Port Melbourne, Victoria
                                                                                       Russell Investment Management Ltd
              • Alex Kyriakopoulos – Elizabeth, South Australia
                                                                                       Investment Consultant
              Effective 3 July 2017, Heinz Joham resigned from the Trustee Board.      Chant West
              Gary Hale was subsequently appointed as his replacement, effective
              26 September 2017.                                                       Solicitor
              Nominated by GM Holden Ltd
                                                                                       Internal Auditor/Risk Management Consultant
              • Kristen Hooke (Chair) – Port Melbourne, Victoria
                                                                                       Compliance & Risk Services Pty Limited
              • Alex Menta – Port Melbourne, Victoria
              • Chris Meallin – Port Melbourne, Victoria                               Who manages the investments?
                                                                                       During the year, the assets of the Defined Benefit Section and the
              Independent appointed by the Trustee Board                               High Growth, Balanced, Cautious, Conservative and Cash options were
              • Kevin Kelly                                                            invested in the Russell Pooled Superannuation Trust.
                                                                                       This Trust, through its underlying funds managed by Russell Investment
                                                                                       Management Ltd, provides access to some of the leading asset class
                                                                                       specialist investment managers in the world.
                                                                                       The Fund invests in the Russell Pooled Superannuation Trust and not
                                                                                       with the individual investment managers selected by Russell Investment
                                                                                       Management Ltd.


FINANCIAL                                   Changes in net assets
                                            for the year ended June
                                                                                                                     Net assets at 30 June                          2017
SUMMARY                                     Net Assets at beginning of the year          690,381,221   713,424,714   Investments
                                            Investment Earnings                                                      Cash at Bank                               3,772,693     2,344,858
This is a summary of the Fund’s audited
accounts for the year ended 30 June 2017.   Change in Net Market Value of Investments     39,518,196   22,644,998    Pooled Superannuation Trusts             582,626,536   686,798,150
                                            Investment Income                                126,547      125,704    Other Assets
You can request a copy of the audited
accounts and auditor’s report from the      Management fee rebates                         1,275,241     1,373,762   Contributions Receivable                     796,116     2,947,463
Fund Secretary.                             Contributions                                                            Deferred tax asset                            16,804        19,586
                                            Member contributions
                                                                                                                     Prepayments                                   42,115       870,199
                                            Member Basic Contributions                      848,868      1,093,772
                                                                                                                     Total Assets                             587,254,264   693,014,592
                                            Voluntary Additional Contributions              529,705      1,050,948
                                                                                                                     Less Liabilities
                                            Government Co-contributions                        5,128        11,848
                                                                                                                     Benefits payable                             104,340      738,535
                                            Employer contributions
                                                                                                                     Creditors and Accrued Expenses               158,858      302,047
                                                                                          15,368,735    21,914,480
                                            (including Salary Sacrifice Member Basic)                                Current Tax Liability                       560,347      1,169,271
                                            Salary Sacrifice - Voluntary Contributions     2,568,546    2,747,096    Deferred Tax Liability                       104,183       423,518
                                            Supplementary contributions                    4,397,133    5,068,762    Total Liabilities                           927,728      2,633,371
                                            Other Income                                                             Net Assets                               586,326,536   690,381,221
                                            Member Transfers In                             720,938       661,284    Available to pay members' benefits       584,350,091   688,433,004
                                            Insurance Proceeds                              690,077      1,662,648   Operational Risk Reserve                   1,976,445     1,948,217
                                            Sundry                                             3,688       22,796
                                            Total Income                                  66,052,802   58,378,098
                                            Less Outgoings
                                            Benefit Payments                             164,151,879    74,528,114
                                            General Administration Expenses                2,229,504     2,144,815
                                            Insurance Premiums                              825,737       732,768
                                            Income Tax Expense                             2,900,367     4,015,894
                                            Total Outgoings                              170,107,487    81,421,591
                                            Net Assets at end of year                    586,326,536   690,381,221


FINANCIAL        Operational Risk Reserve
                 As required by superannuation law, the Trustee has funded an Operational    The deductions from the unit prices and crediting rates ceased at
SUMMARY (cont)   Risk Reserve (‘ORR’) within the Fund to provide protection against losses
                 resulting from operational risks within the Fund’s business operations.
                                                                                             31 October 2015.
                                                                                             The movements of the ORR over the last 3 years are as follows:
                 The Fund’s target ORR was set at 0.28% of net assets. Funding of it
                                                                                             • ORR as at 30 June 2015      $1,679,522
                 commenced from 1 July 2013 and was met by 31 October 2015.
                 It was done through a combination of:                                       • ORR as at 30 June 2016      $1,948,217
                                                                                             • ORR as at 30 June 2017 $1,976,445
                 • amounts deducted from the unit prices of the Fund’s investment options
                   before daily unit prices are calculated and investment earnings allocated Since its inception, the assets supporting the ORR have been invested in
                   to member’s accounts in the Accumulation and Retained Benefit             the same way as the Fund’s Cash investment option. Details regarding the
                   Sections; and                                                             Cash investment option are set out on page 17.
                 • amounts deducted from the monthly Crediting Rates before they are
                   calculated and applied to Member Basic Accounts.


ADDITIONAL    If you have a query
              Most queries can be sorted out over the phone, but if we are unable to
                                                                                             For some higher income earners and members who had not supplied
INFORMATION   help you immediately, you may be asked to put your question in writing.        their TFN, there has been an additional tax known as the surcharge
                                                                                             on certain contributions and some termination payments made by
              If you are not satisfied with the response, you should write to the Fund
                                                                                             your employer.
              Secretary, who will pass on your complaint to the Trustee. You can
              expect a decision within 90 days.                                              The surcharge ceased at 30 June 2005. Although the surcharge has been
                                                                                             removed in respect of future contributions, it will apply in respect of the
              The Trustee always seeks to resolve any complaints to the satisfaction
                                                                                             period up to 30 June 2005.
              of all concerned and in the best interests of all members of the Fund.
              However, if you have followed the steps outlined above and are not             This means that the ATO will continue to issue surcharge assessments
              satisfied with the outcome or do not receive a response within 90 days,        in respect of contributions and termination payments made before
              you may be able to take the matter to the Superannuation Complaints            1 July 2005.
              Tribunal (SCT). The SCT is an independent body that aims to resolve            If the Fund is required to pay surcharge tax in respect of you, the tax
              certain types of superannuation disputes. Any complaints must be               payable is deducted from your benefit in the Fund.
              lodged with the SCT within certain time limits.
                                                                                             If you roll over benefits into the Fund from another super fund, any
              For more information about requirements and time limits, you can               liability to pay the surcharge for contributions made to that fund that
              contact the SCT via its online complaint service at www.sct.gov.au             has not been paid may be transferred to the Fund.
              or call the SCT on 1300 884 114. If the SCT accepts your complaint,
              it will try and help you and the Fund reach a mutual agreement through         If we receive a surcharge assessment after you have left the Fund, we
              conciliation. If conciliation is unsuccessful, the complaint may be referred   will return it to the ATO. The ATO will either forward it to the fund to
              to the SCT for a determination that is binding.                                whom your benefit was paid to or to you if your benefit was paid direct
                                                                                             to you.
              Like to know more?
              There are Member Guides available on the Fund website containing
                                                                                             Special tax treatment
              information about your benefits and the rules governing the Fund.              Super can be one of the most effective ways to save because it is
              You also receive an annual Benefit Statement containing important              taxed at a lower rate than many other forms of income. To get this
              personal information about your benefits in the Fund.                          tax advantage, your Fund must operate according to a strict set of laws.
                                                                                             To show that your Fund has followed these laws, the Trustee lodges
              Other documents relating to the Fund that are available for you to look
                                                                                             a return each year with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
              at are the:
                                                                                             The Trustee is unaware of any event that occurred during the year that
              • Trust Deed,
                                                                                             would affect this special tax treatment.
              • latest audited accounts and auditor’s report, and
                                                                                             The Fund is a regulated complying superannuation fund for the purposes
              • Privacy Policy.                                                              of government legislation. No penalties were imposed on the Trustee
              If you have a question about your benefits in the Fund, please contact         under section 38A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
              the Fund Administrator. Please note that none of the Trustee Directors,        during the year.
              the Fund Secretary or the Fund Administrator are able to give any
              personal financial advice relating to your own circumstances.


WHAT TO DO       If you are about to leave your employer make sure you respond
                 promptly to letters from the Trustee about your benefit payment.
                                                                                              Should you wish to know more about the AMP Eligible Rollover Fund,
                                                                                              contact an AMP Customer Service Officer on 1300 300 288 for a copy

WHEN YOU LEAVE   If your benefit is more than $1,000 and you are under age 65, and you
                 do not respond to the Trustee within 90 days of being notified of your
                                                                                              of their Product Disclosure Statement or go to amp.com.au.
                                                                                              If you have reached age 65 and have not told the Fund how and where
YOUR EMPLOYER    benefit entitlement on ceasing employment with GM Holden, your benefit       to pay your benefit, and you cannot be contacted, then your benefit will
                 will be automatically transferred to the Fund’s Retained Benefit Section.    be considered to be unclaimed money. It will then be placed with the
                 If your benefit is less than $1,000 and you are under age 65, and you        ATO. You will then need to contact the ATO to find out how to claim
                 do not respond to the Trustee within 90 days of being notified of your       your benefit. In the past, unclaimed money was sometimes put to State
                 benefit entitlement on ceasing employment with GM Holden, your benefit       or Territory unclaimed money authorities.
                 will be transferred to an Eligible Rollover Fund (ERF). Upon transfer,
                                                                                              Continuing your insurance
                 you will no longer be a member or have any rights under the Holden
                 Employees Superannuation Fund. The ERF used by the Fund is AMP               The Fund’s insurance policy provides a continuation option for death
                 Eligible Rollover Fund. Set out below is a summary of some of the            cover, which you may exercise if you are eligible (there are certain
                 significant features of the AMP Eligible Rollover Fund, current at the       conditions that apply). This allows you to apply for a replacement
                 date of this Trustee report:                                                 individual insurance policy with the insurer within 60 days after your
                                                                                              cover under the Fund’s insurance policy ceases without the requirement
                 • The assets of the AMP Eligible Rollover Fund are invested in a             to provide satisfactory evidence of good health.
                   capital guaranteed life insurance policy (Policy) issued to AMP
                   Superannuation Limited (ASL). The Policy is a ‘participating policy’       Cover under the continuation option is generally available up to the
                   in AMP Life’s No. 1 Statutory Fund (AMP No 1 Fund). There is no            insured amount at the date your cover under the Fund’s policy ceases.
                   investment choice available to members within the AMP Eligible             The cost of continuing your cover outside the Fund will be based on
                   Rollover Fund.                                                             the insurer’s prevailing individual policy premium rates, terms and
                                                                                              conditions. You will need to pay the premium for any individual policy
                 • The investment return (crediting rate) will not be negative.
                                                                                              you take out under the continuation option. For more information,
                 • The investment strategy for the AMP Eligible Rollover Fund is to invest    refer to the Information Sheet “Insurance arrangements and options
                   in a core portfolio of cash and fixed interest, with limited exposure to   when you leave employment” on the Documents & forms page of the
                   equities and alternative investments.                                      Fund website.
                 • AMP Life declares multi-tiered crediting rates of investment earnings      When you leave employment, you should call the Fund Helpline on
                   (interest) with respect to the Policy. The amount to be credited to a      1800 700 995 for more information about continuing your insurance.
                   member’s account is calculated based on a member’s daily balance
                   and credited annually (or on withdrawal).
                 • There are no fees charged directly to a member’s account by ASL.
                   Administration and investment fees as well as taxes (including
                   earnings tax) are deducted by AMP Life before declaring any interest
                   to be credited under the Policy.
                 • The AMP Eligible Rollover Fund is unable to accept contributions
                   from members or their employers, however rollovers from other
                   superannuation funds are permitted.
                 • The AMP Eligible Rollover Fund does not provide insurance cover.
                 • The AMP Eligible Rollover Fund undertakes many activities to assist in
                   locating any lost super you may have so you can consolidate all your
                   accounts (including your AMP Eligible Rollover Fund account) into
                   your active super account.


Log onto
the Fund’s website

Fund Helpline
1800 700 995

Fund Administrator at

Write to the Fund Administrator
Holden Employees Superannuation Fund
c/o Mercer Outsourcing (Australia) Pty Ltd
GPO Box 4303
Melbourne Vic 3001

Write to the Fund Secretary
Holden Employees Superannuation Fund
GPO Box 9946
Melbourne Vic 3001

This annual report has been prepared by the Trustee to meet its legislative obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 and the Corporations Regulations 2001. The information contained in this annual report does
not take account of the specific needs, personal or financial circumstances of any persons. Members should obtain specialist advice from a licensed financial adviser before making any decisions regarding their own
superannuation arrangements or investments. The terms of your membership in the Fund are set out in the Fund’s Trust Deed, and should there be any inconsistency between this annual report and the Fund’s Trust
Deed, the terms of the Fund’s Trust Deed prevail. While all due care has been taken in the preparation of this report, the Trustee reserves its right to correct any errors and omissions. All statements of law or matters
affecting superannuation policy are current as at date of issue. This document contains general information about investments and investment performance. Please remember that past performance is not necessarily
a guide to future performance.                                                                                                                                                                                                24
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