St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church - Fifth Sunday of Easter May 2, 2021 - Saint Andrew the Apostle
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St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church Fifth Sunday of Easter May 2, 2021 Luke Adcock Emi Cruz Erwin Guerrero Julian Olague Janneth Alejandre Viveka Cruz Nathaniel Guzman Julissa Olague Natalie Alejandre Maya Czyzewski Christopher Hizon Bernard Petronzi Amira Alfaro Frida De La Torres Sydney Hurley Aramis Pina Angeli Arias Victor Demetrio Aaron Ibarra Shania Pina Jazlyn Arias Amanda Diaz Lillian Kois Labyron Pinkney Melanie Arias Grace Dvorak Tomasz Lacniak Alan Rangel Abigail Arroyo Amaris Estrada Mayeli Leon Elise Reidy Alexander Bearden Elisianna Farmer Melanie Leon Naya Rincon Faith Berrios Karina Field Luis Jesus Lopez- Kathia Rivas Camille Beyer Leonardo Flores Bello Cassandra Robles Emilia Bielanski Sebastian Flores Rosario Lopez-Bello Elizabeth Sanchez Kaleb Brown Miranda Garcia Isabella Martinez Evelyn Sandoval Valeria Buendia- Victoria Garcia Milani Luisa Nathan Sandoval Patlan Eduardo Giron Martinez Michael Stoch Danica Bueser Eric Giron Brooklyn McGinnis Penelope Torres Caleb Carrillo Felix Giron Raymond Medina Christian Torres Kylie Carrillo Alex Gmiter Matthew Mendoza Eric Trujillo Jaden Chora Cristian Grajeda Noah Moore Collin Umentum Marco Contreras Tyler Gray Dylan Munguia Jaxon Wallace Olivia Crittendon Shyla Munoz Amaya Whitaker Gilberto Olague St. Andrew the Apostle congratulates our First Communicants on receiving Jesus for the first time in the Most Holy Eucharist. May 1, 2021
Page Two May 2, 2021 Saturday, May 1 8:00 AM CCW 10:00 AM First Communion THURSDAY, MAY 6 4:00 PM +Marion Kowalski by Georgiana 5:30 PM +O’Brien and Betthauser Families by 2021 NATIONAL PRAYER FOR Helen O’Brien AMERICA Sunday, May 2 Lord, we look up and see the billions of stars You created, and we praise You. We look 7:30 AM +Felix Cabrera by Janice Cabrera around and see the billions of people You cre- 8:45 AM +Miguel Chavez and All Souls in Purgatory ated in Your image; uniquely, fearfully, won- by Maria Diamand derfully, and we thank You. Wrap us in Your 9:00 AM +Dolores Pratscher by Chris and Dan Spirit and united us in Your family, Lord. Pratscher 10:30 AM +Gary Francis by Bob and Dolores Pavich Thank You for loving us first. In Your love for NOON Parish Family of St. Andrew the Apostle the whole world, You sent Your Son to save 2:30 PM Polish First Communion us. Monday, May 3 Jesus, in You alone we have abundant and everlasting life. Thank You for teaching and 7:30 AM +Deceased Members of the Vespa and leading us to love and live, fruitful, and faithful. Sedlacek Families by Tom Sedlacek In Your life, death, resurrection, and ascension You are our Lord, our love, our life, and our Tuesday, May 4 liberty. You came to “bind up the brokenheart- ed, To proclaim liberty to captives and free- 7:30 AM +Jack Keeler by Judy Keeler dom to prisoners.” You have freed us from the penalty and shame of our sin; free to live life Wednesday, May 5 as You designed and Your destiny for our Na- tion. 7:00 AM +Carmen Rocha by Shirlee Pergler Spirit search us, convict us as we repent for Thursday, May 6 our sin and the sins of America. Please cleanse, fill, and send us. We rejoice, know- 7:30 AM +Carmen Rocha by Mary Duffels ing that Your forgiveness makes us accepta- ble and effective vessels for Your love, life and Friday, May 7 liberty in our family, church, education, work- place, military, government, art, entertainment, 7:30 AM +Joseph, Lottie, Richard and Leo Skinkis by and media. Mary Ann Skinkis 7:00 PM (P) Intention of the Celebrant We pray that America will be united in love to serve You with all our hearts, all our way, and Saturday, May 8 all of our days. Unite us to pray, love; to live and walk by the Spirit. Conform and transform 8:00 AM +David Ashpaugh by Czaja Family us as we pray and proclaim, “Now the Lord is 10:00 AM Polish First Communion the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, 1:00 PM Polish First Communion there is liberty.” 4:00 PM All Mothers 5:30 PM All Mothers We pray this in the name of Jesus Amen. Sunday, May 9 Kathy Branzell 7:30 AM All Mothers President 8:45 AM All Mothers National Day of Prayer Task Force 9:00 AM All Mothers 10:30 AM All Mothers NOON All Mothers
May 2, 2021 Page Three VOCATION PRAYER CALENDAR MAY 2 Dcns. Michael Murphy, Paul Nappi, Hung Nguyen Scripture Readings 3 Sr. Candida Massabo, Sr. M. Anthony Baechle, For the week of May 2, 2021 Sr. Dorothy Birk OSF 4 Fr. James Holup, Fr. John W. Honiotes Sunday, May 2 Fifth Sunday of Easter 5 Dcns. John Gustin, Raymond Hamilton, Philip Acts 9:26-31; Heitz, Donald Helgeson, Bradley Hentz Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 6 Fr. Donald Wehnert C.S.V. Fr. Gregory 1 Jn 3:18-24; Bartholomew F.S.S.P. Jn 15:1-8 7 Fr. Michael Magiera F.S.S.P. Fr. Monday, May 3 Mark Baron M.I.C. Saints Philip and James 8 Sr. Veronica Michalski PHJC 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 TODAY’S READINGS Tuesday, May 4 Acts 14:19-28; First Reading — Barnabas reported to the Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a apostles how Saul had seen the Lord on the way (Acts 9:26-31). Wednesday, May 5 Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly Cinco de Mayo of your people (Psalm 22). Acts 15:1-6; Second Reading — This is God’s commandment: Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 that we may believe and love (1 John 3:18-24). Gospel — I am the true vine; whoever remains Thursday, May 6 in me will bear much fruit (John 15:1-8). National Day of Prayer Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday, May 7 First Friday CALLING ALL DIRTY CARS!! Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; The 8th grade class is sponsoring a Car Wash to be Jn 15:12-17 held in the parish parking lot by the mobile Saturday, May 8 classrooms. The car wash will take place on: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Saturday, May 8th Jn 15:18-21 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday, May 9 Get your car washed and Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; support the 8th grade class in Ps 98:1-4; their fundraiser! 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17
Page Four May 2, 2021 PRAYER FOR THE YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH Holy Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus Christ, husband of the Blessed Mother and patron of the Catholic Church, we pray to you for guidance this “Year of Saint Joseph” proclaimed by Pope Francis. You have showed us by your loving ways, the value of work and the joys of fatherhood. By teaching God’s Son to do the will of His Father you have given us the path to do the same. By your example, you have encouraged us to accept others as they are, without exception. To you, Saint Joseph, our heavenly Father entrusted his only Son, Jesus Christ, to your tender care and upbringing. In you, our Blessed Mother Mary placed her love and trust. Through your mentoring, Jesus Christ became man. We praise you and ask of you to defend us and our loved ones from every evil and guide us with your grace and mercy. --AMEN Pray the Rosary in the Month of May In this month of May, I would like to recall the importance and beauty of the prayer of the holy rosary. Reciting the Hail Mary, we are led to contemplate the mysteries of Jesus, that is, to reflect on the key moments of his life, so that, as with Mary and St. Joseph, he is the center of our thoughts, of our attention, and our actions. It would be nice if, especially in this month of May, we could pray the holy rosary together in the family, with friends, in the parish, or some prayer to Jesus and the Virgin Mary! -POPE FRANCIS FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION Our Lord appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque (1647-1690) a French nun in the Visita on Order. He asked for special prayers and prac ces to make amends (repara on) for the great neglect of the proper revered owed to God. Condi ons to fulfill the First Friday devo ons: Receive Holy Communion on nine consecu ve First Fridays of the month (this assumes that the person is in a state of Please keep our First grace, having made a sacramental Communicants and their confession for any mortal sin prior families in your prayers as to receiving communion). our Lord continues to work in their lives. May this be an Pray for the conversion of souls. initial step into a life-long love of the Eucharist.
Page Five May 2, 2021 The Society of St. Vincent dePaul St. Andrew the Apostle Chapter Is there a family you know that needs assistance? Please have them call or email: Help Line: 815-886-4165 or email In the Gospel today, Jesus says, “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” Indeed, by helping the poor we can “bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus we can do everything. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent DePaul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread.
Page Six May 2, 2021 Vicario Coordinadora Rev. Jesús Oliveros Sra. Ramona Tagle 815-886-4165 Ext. 305 MAYO 2, 2021 INTENCION DE MISA Miguel Chávez Y Todo la Almas de Purgatorio, Sra. Vilma Hinostroza Aquino, Dimas Hernandez Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ¡AY DE MÍ! Con frecuencia pensamos en los problemas en nuestra vida y clamamos: “¡Ay de mí!” Como Job podemos mirar a nuestro derredor con desesperación al contemplar la miseria del mundo. Como los amigos de Job, podemos mirar hacia atrás buscando algo o a alguien a quien culpar por nuestros sufrimientos. Podemos decidir que Dios, o nosotros mismos, somos los culpables. El Evangelio de hoy nos ofrece una perspectiva diferente de nuestros sufrimientos terrenales. Jesús com- prendió que no ganaba nada mirando a su alrededor en desesperación o hacia el pasado buscando a quien culpar. En cambio, miró hacia adelante lleno de esperanza. Él no culpó al enfermo ni al poseído por sus sufrimientos, como hici- eron muchos otros. Y él no perdió la esperanza, aunque sabía que no podía curar todas las enfermedades del mundo. Jesús ni trató de eliminar el sufrimiento humano ni de explicarlo. Simplemente hizo el bien que pudo en el tiempo que tuvo. ¡AY DE MÍ SI NO LO PREDICO! Por sobre todo, Jesús se mantuvo predicando la Buena Nueva del Reino de Dios, una realidad espiritual que triunfa sobre cualquier sufrimiento. Éste fue su propósito. Cuando creemos en esta buena noticia podemos no ser curados de una enfermedad física o no entender la razón del sufrimiento humano, pero recibimos algo mucho más valioso. Somos sanados de la enfermedad de la desesperación y liberados de los demonios de la culpabilidad y del remordimiento. El Espíritu nos da la energía para hacer tanto bien como podemos en el tiempo que tenemos. Como Pablo queremos que todos conozcan el poder sanador y liberador del Reino de Dios. Hasta podríamos comenzar a decir “¡Ay de mí si no predico” el Evangelio! Las Sagradas Escrituras hoy nos animan a mirar hacia adelante con esperanza, a hacer lo que podemos, y a predicar la buena nueva del reino de Dios Bienvenido, extendemos nuestras mano y corazones en la fe Cristiana a usted aquí celebrando con nosotros, sea residente de mucho tiem- po o nuevo a la parroquia. Le damos gracias a Dios que usted esta con nosotros. Si no se ha registrado, por favor llene la forma abajo y po- nela en la canasta de la colecta o envíela a la oÞcina. Welcome, we extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, cele- brating with us, whether long-time resident or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God you are with us. If you have not registered, please Þll out the form below and place in the collection basket or mail to the parish ofÞce. Nombre/Name_____________________________________ Domicilio/Address_____________________________________________________ Ciudad / City ___________________ Código Postal / Zip code____________Teléfono / Phone___________________ Email #__________________ Parroquiano Nuevo/ New Parishioner ____ Domicilió Nuevo / New Address___ Mudarse, Favor de eliminar del registro / Moving, Please remove from mailing list____ Nuevo teléfono/New Phone #_____________________
Page Seven May 2, 2021 The School Advisory Council is looking for donations for our upcoming Annual School Gala, scheduled for Saturday, June 26, 2021 6 p.m., at our school. It is our hope that this year’s event will raise vital funds needed for STEM equipment, curriculum updates, and educational resources. We anticipate 200 St. Andrew school parents, parishioners, and Romeoville residents will be in attendance for this event. It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider a tax-deductible donation to be used for our Silent or Live Auction. In the past we have received donations such as toys, gift certificates, wine baskets, theme park tickets, oil paintings and even a puppy. On behalf of Father Maciej, our Pastor, Mrs. Albreski, our principal, the students, school parents and faculty of St. Andrew the Apostle, we thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions about this event, please contact me at For information about our school, please visit our school website at Susan Brown-Jasinski (708) 516-3549
Page Eight February May 5, 2, 2017 2021 Marta Wysocki Ks. Maciej Stelmach Koordynator Polskiego Duszpasterstwa Proboszcz (815) 886-4165 ext. 307 email: Godziny pracy: Wtorki i Środy Panie Jezu, Przybyłeś do mego serca, aby dać mi życie Boże. Wielbię Cię i dziękuję Ci. Panie Jezu, Jesteś moim Przyjacielem i przewodnikiem, Kocham Cię i ufam Tobie. Spraw, abym był wierny Tobie w każdej chwili mojego życia. Panie Jezu, Ty Jesteś we mnie, a ja w Tobie. Kocham Cię i dziękuję Ci. Naucz mnie, co mam czynić, aby moje postępowanie było miłe Bogu Ojcu, i abym coraz bardziej stawał się Twoim przyjacielem. W maju rozpoczynamy Intencja Parafialna: Majówki. Majówki będą Za naszych kapłanów i matki. odmawiane po mszy o dwunastej.
May 2, 2021 Page Nine Mary Kerwin—Office FAITH FORMATION OFFICE 815-886-5962 x 501 DUE TO OUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES, Annmarie Ott—Director THE FAITH FORMATION OFFICE IS OPEN BY 815-886-5962 x 503 APPOINTMENT ONLY! PLEASE CONTACT ONE OF US TO ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT. Celebrate with our First Communicants! Julian Olague This group Luke Adcock Emi Cruz Erwin Guerrero Julissa Olague of youth Janneth Alejandre Viveka Cruz Nathaniel Guzman Bernard Petronzi prepared with our Natalie Alejandre Maya Czyzewski Christopher Hizon Aramis Pina Faith Amira Alfaro Frida De La Torres Sydney Hurley Shania Pina Formation Angeli Arias Victor Demetrio Aaron Ibarra Labyron Pinkney Program and are Jazlyn Arias Amanda Diaz Lillian Kois Alan Rangel now able to Melanie Arias Grace Dvorak Tomasz Lacniak Elise Reidy join us Mayeli Leon Naya Rincon Abigail Arroyo Amaris Estrada at the Eucharistic Alexander Bearden Elisianna Farmer Melanie Leon Kathia Rivas Table! Faith Berrios Karina Field Luis Jesus Lopez-Bello Cassandra Robles Please Rosario Lopez-Bello Elizabeth Sanchez Camille Beyer Leonardo Flores continue to pray for Emilia Bielanski Sebastian Flores Isabella Martinez Evelyn Sandoval them! Kaleb Brown Miranda Garcia Milani Luisa Martinez Nathan Sandoval Valeria Buendia-Patlan Victoria Garcia Brooklyn McGinnis Michael Stoch Danica Bueser Eduardo Giron Raymond Medina Penelope Torres Caleb Carrillo Eric Giron Matthew Mendoza Christian Torres Kylie Carrillo Felix Giron Noah Moore Eric Trujillo Jaden Chora Alex Gmiter Dylan Munguia Collin Umentum Marco Contreras Cristian Grajeda Shyla Munoz Jaxon Wallace Olivia Crittendon Tyler Gray Gilberto Olague Amaya Whitaker High School Ministry (9th-12th Grades) Middle School Ministry (6th-8th Grades) We have yet to submit a plan for approval with the Diocese to implement Youth Ministry programming this year. We are looking at several options as to how we can implement YOUTH MINISTRY programming beginning this summer. If you have teens interested in Youth Ministy, please complete the online enrollment link below so that we know of your interest and can keep you informed. ONLINE INTEREST FORM: THE GOAL OF YOUTH MINISTRY IS TO GATHER TEENS IN A FUN, SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT TO EXPLORE TRUTH, DEVELOP FRIENDSHIPS WITH EACH OTHER AS WE EXPLORE OUR OWN RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS AND TO SERVE OTHERS. SACRAMENTS: * Baptism * First Holy Communion * Confirmation - for grades 1st—High School * Youth MUST complete two consecutive years of formation to receive any Sacrament! Youth must be in at least 2nd grade to receive First Holy Communion and at least in 8th grade for Confirmation (along with the two years of formation.) Contact Faith Formation for additional details. Information for 2021-2022 Enrollment will be available in April, 2021.
Page Ten May 2, 2021 SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA is a faith formation process for adult seekers, both unbaptized and baptized Christians and baptized Catholics, who seek to complete their initiation sacraments (Holy Julie Adams Carla Lennon Communion and Confirmation). For more information, Nancy Amann Jackson Malin contact Barb Sanders at the Adult Faith Formation Office: Mary Beitler Patricia Mansfield 815-886-4165 X308 or Ron Blicharz Debra Marino Kathy Borowski Gloria Martino BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Marilyn Bosch Ruth McCarten Janice Cabrera Edward McReynolds We joyfully celebrate the Baptism of children on the third Jennie Caliendo Robert McReynolds Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. The requirements are: to Jenna Castagnino Mary Mikrut be registered in the parish and have an active participation Joseph Cavanagh Janet Mrazek in our parish community for at least 3 months. Register at Katie Churulo Aldona Murphy John Cimachowicz Michael Nigro the parish office for the Baptismal prep class, which is held Joseph Orland Angela Comella on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m., in the Mary Corcoran Rosemary Paulsen school hall. It is important to notify the parish office with Francisco Cortes Cruz Perez the date that you will be attending the class. Donald E. Cox James Perhme Frances Di Filippo Barbara Polenc Mary Lou Domek Louise Prassa FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION Debi Donohue Michelle Preto Bernadette Dooley Joel Rivera Please see page 9 in the bulletin for Faith Formation Richard Duggan John Rossi information regarding preparation for these important Tony Duggan Marilyn Secco sacraments. Angelica Escalon Betty Severin John Feddeler John J. Severin, Sr. MARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS MaryAnn Finnegan Jackie Shuman Lorraine Foster Angela Shuman Diocese requirements include a formal engagement Lillian Sliz Lynn Gritzman preparation period of at least six months before the date of Margaret Herbst Sabina Sobolewski the weddings and attendance in a marriage preparation Jody Higgens Matthew James Stahl program. St. Andrew requires either the bride, groom, or Ann Hinshaw Steve Stefanski parents of either to be registered as parishioners for at least Barb Hiveley Carlito Sumagui three months before contacting us to set a date. There are a Frances Ison Beth Torres number of additional requirements. Please contact the Nick Jurado Gloria Ventresca Frank Kamradt John Ventura Parish Office for additional information. Riley Waldron Elaine Knox FUNERALS Margaret Konieczny Pauline Warkenthein Rosemarie Kremske Richard Watts Arrangements for a funeral are usually made through the Dana Wittman Mark Worm Funeral Director at a funeral home of your choice. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Hospitals do not inform churches when parishioners are patients. You should ask an immediate family member to contact the Parish Office to request a visit from a priest We wish to offer our sympathy and a promise of our prayers when sickness occurs or death is imminent. Please contact to family and friends on the death of: Barb Sanders to arrange for Communion to be brought to the sick at home, to a hospital, or nursing home. I would like to have my house blessed. Please contact me to make arrangements. Prayers of the Parish Name __________________________________ Michael Cavoto, HN James M. Chavez, Matthew Domek, Address ________________________________ Christopher Durkovic, James Dean Johnson, Jacob Kikta, Bill ______________________________________ Nelson, Capt. Alexander Nuxoll, Joshua Plucinski, Andrew Home Phone ____________________________ Price, Mstr. Sgt. Jose Sanchez, Kyle Tranchitello, Humberto Work Phone _____________________________ Zermeño, Emerald Tagle, 2nd Lt. John Staton, Jr. and all our men and women in the military.
May 2, 2021 Page Eleven St. Andrew the Apostle We Care Food Pantry Parish Staff (815) 886-4165 The St. Andrew We Care Food Pantry is open every Father Maciej Stelmach, Pastor Wednesday from 10:00 am. until 12:30 p.m. for any eligible Father Jesus Oliveros, Associate Pastor family in Romeoville in need of food assistance. Father Jim Dougherty, Priest in Residence, Bonnie Johnson, Communications Secretary, ext. 301 Our pantry is open only to Romeoville residents so proof of Vanessa Tagle, Parish Secretary ext. 303 residency and an ID must be shown upon sign-in each week. Deacon Ron Searls, Business Manager, ext. 302 If you are a parishioner of St. Andrew and you find yourself Marta Wysocki, Coordinator of Polish Ministry, ext. 307 in need of food assistance, you are more than welcome to Ramona Tagle, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry, ext. 305 come to the We Care Food Pantry also. Proof of residency is Marina Marquez, Coordinator Protecting God’s Children ext. 504 a utility bill with your name and address on it plus your Dr. Solveiga Palionis, Director of Music and Liturgy, ext. 314 Driver’s License or State of Illinois ID. That must be brought Barb Sanders, Adult Faith Formation, ext. 308 in each time you come for food assistance. Ed Larson, Facility Manager, ext. 316 Sheryl A. Meyer, Maintenance ext. 416 The Pantry is located at 219 Arlington. For further information, please contact Tom Sedlacek at (815) 953-5650. This is the new phone number to call for food pantry inquiries St Andrew School (815) 886-5953 and assistance. Thank you and God Bless. Carol Albreski, Principal, ext. 421 Jill Briceno, Secretary, ext. 420 St. Andrew Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Crisis Pregnancy Annmarie Ott, Director ext. 503 Mary Kerwin, Faith Formation Office ext. 501 Waterleaf 1-888-4-HOPE-4-1 Deacons: Birthright 1-800-550-4900 Deacon Jerry Clark, Retired Deacon Ricardo Marquez Post Abortion Healing for Women & Men Deacon Herb Waldron Deacon Jesse Tagle Deacon Rich Ford Deacon Chuy Dominguez 1-866-99-4-GIVE (4483) Natural Family Planning St. Vincent de Paul Society (815) 886-4165 ext. 304 815-838-5334 Knights of Columbus (815) 651-4585
Instruction sheet Contact information: Bonnie Johnson 815-886-4165, ext. 301 (W 8:30am-4:30pm, Th 8:30am-1:30pm) with any bulletin issues.
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