INFANT JESUS Roman Catholic Church 110 Myrtle Avenue Port Jefferson, NY 11777 - Infant Jesus RC Church

Page created by Brian Cunningham
INFANT JESUS Roman Catholic Church 110 Myrtle Avenue Port Jefferson, NY 11777 - Infant Jesus RC Church
                                   Roman Catholic Church
                                         110 Myrtle Avenue
                                   Port Jefferson, NY 11777
                                                  founded in 1903

                              August 30, 2020
Father Patrick M. Riegger
    Parochial Vicars
 Father Francis Lasrado
Father Rolando Ticllasuca
     Rectory Office
                                    Infant Jesus Chapel at St. Charles Hospital circa 1941
INFANT JESUS Roman Catholic Church 110 Myrtle Avenue Port Jefferson, NY 11777 - Infant Jesus RC Church
Pastoral Staff                                                              Parish Contacts
          Summer Seminarian                                                Rectory:                  General Information:              631-473-0165
                                                                                                     Fax:                              631-331-8094
               Jonathan Pham
  Hospital Chaplains In Residence                                                                    Website:       
  Father Henry Vas - St. Charles Hospital                                  Bookkeeping:              Dcn. Carlito Roman                631-473-0165
                                                                           Facility Manager:
 Father Matthew Udobi - Mather Hospital                                                              Lucy Paplin                       631-473-0165
                                                                           Parish Ministries:
                                                                           Religious Education:      Corinne Addiss                    631-928-0447
                  Permanent Deacons
Deacon Michael J. Byrne           Deacon Kenneth J. Clifford               Spanish Ministry:         Fr. Rolando Ticllasuca 631-473-0165
Deacon Carlito P. Roman           Deacon Richard E. Waldmann               Social Ministry           Vicki Rybak                       631-331-6145
         \Ç `xÅÉÜ|tÅ          Deacon William J. Powers                     (Parish Outreach):
                   Facebook and Instagram: @IJRCChurch ~~~ Twitter: @InfantJesusRCC

                               Weekend Schedule for INTENTIONS
    Those of you who are still unable to attend Mass are encouraged to follow Mass online or on TV:
                    Watch our Parish Mass on Facebook after 7 PM on Saturdays
                            EWTN ~ Altice-Optimum Ch.135 / Fios Ch.285 8 AM , 12 No o n , 7 PM , M idn ig ht
                               CFN ~ Altice-Optimum Ch.29 / Fios Ch.296 8:30 AM, 6:30 PM, Midnight
               Saturday, August 29th                                                      Saturday, September 5th
                  The Passion of St. John the Baptist                                                St. Teresa of Calcutta

                 1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 25:14-30                                                       1 Cor 4:6b-15; Lk 6:1-5
           9:00 AM          Fr. Henry           People of the Parish                   9:00 AM        Fr. Henry               People of the Parish
          5:00 PM           Fr. Henry               Peter Seaborn                      5:00 PM        Fr. Patrick                  Lucy Smith
    Chapel 5:15 PM         Fr. Francis          Robert J. Moore, Sr.           Chapel 5:15 PM        Fr. Matthew                Jennings Family
                Sunday, August                 30th                                        Sunday, September 6th
  Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time                                        Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
                20:7-9; Ro 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27                                          Ez 33:7-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20
           7:30 AM          Fr. Patrick      Mary & Steve Rocamboli                    7:30 AM        Fr. Henry               Ann & Charles Friscia
           8:45 AM          Fr. Henry            Spanish Intentions                                   Fr. Henry
                           (Spanish Mass)                                              8:45 AM       (Spanish Mass)
                                                                                                                               Spanish Intentions
          10:30 AM          Fr. Patrick       Katie & James Meagher                    10:30 AM       Fr. Francis              Mary T. McKenna
                                                  Claire Franco &
          12:00 PM         Fr. Francis                                                 12:00 PM       Fr. Francis                Kevin Peterson
                                                 Patrick Carrington
           5:00 PM          Fr. Henry             Grace Demonte                        5:00 PM       Fr. Matthew                Thomas Seabury
   Chapel 8:30 AM          Fr. Francis           Helen & Jack Lang            Chapel 8:30 AM          Fr. Francis                  Paul Reilly
  Chapel 10:00 AM          Fr. Matthew           William LaBarbera           Chapel 10:00 AM         Fr. Matthew                  John D’Elia
                            Fr. Matthew                                                                Fr. Henry
   Chapel 11:30 AM         (Family Mass)           Michael Laffey             Chapel 11:30 AM                                   Brenden O’Grady
                                                                                                     (Family Mass)

                                      Weekday Mass Intentions and Readings
                                                                       6:50 AM               9:00 AM                            Readings
                                                                                           Joseph & Ann
   Monday, August 31st                    Weekday                      Sandy Frey                                      1 Cor 2:1-5; Lk 4:6-30
  Tuesday, September 1st                  Weekday               Stephen Rannazzisi        Eleanor Kearney           1 Cor 2:10b-16; Lk 4:31-37

Wednesday, September 2nd                  Weekday                   Ethelareda Huber      James Gallagher             1 Cor 3:1-9; Lk 4:38-44
                               St. Gregory the Great, Pope
 Thursday, September 3rd
                                  & Doctor of the Church
                                                                     Martin Mattus         Burton Woods               1 Cor 3:18-23; Lk 5:1-11

  Friday, September 4th         Weekday — First Friday         Eleanor Joan Kearney       Christopher Ruisi           1 Cor 4:1-5; Lk 5:33-39
August 30, 2020                                                                      Page 3

                   From the Desk of Seminarian Jonathan Pham
             Recapture The Gift Of Wonder
 Last summer, I w as w or king on m y thesis for m y
 licentiate in philosophy. I examined the works of the German
 philosopher Josef Pieper, the famous Jesuit Fr. James Schall, and
 the Greek philosopher Aristotle. I explored the phenomenon of
 wonder; I’ve always wondered why “wonder” was lost.
 Wonder is a uniquely human capacity that ar ises fr om an
 encounter with the world. We do not make wonder, but wonder is
 rather an experience that we stumble into. Wonder captivates the
 mind and opens us to encounter the incredible world. The human
 capacity to wonder begins in childhood. Children have a yearning
 desire to know more about themselves and the world around them. Children wonder at
 experiences like seeing a shooting star, saying their first words, or watching a beautiful
 sunrise. At a certain point in our lives however, we lose sight of the unique capacity to
 wonder. We no longer have that wonder that we had once cherished and loved in our
 The loss of wonder in our adu lthood is the r eason w hy I chose w onder as
 my thesis topic for the licentiate in philosophy. I wondered whether wonder can be
 cultivated and fostered as a virtue, as something that can be habituated in everyday life.
 The thesis is titled: Cu ltivating W onder as a Vir tu e. My goal of th e thesis
 was to recapture the lost sense of wonder that was once experienced in people’s
 childhood. The modern mentality dominated by total work has overwhelmed human
 activity and human life. Work is seen as a priority over the essential values of faith,
 family, and friends. The workaholic society undermines the ability to wonder. In order
 to heal the modern society dominated by total work, I believe that wonder is integral to
 restoring the purpose of the human person. People are not made solely to work, but we
 rather have an innate desire to know. There is always more to be discovered, known,
 and admired. In order to recapture the childlike wonder, modern society must be
 intentional in putting itself in places where wonder can be fostered, engaging the world
 in the activities of contemplating and exploring. Moments of leisure should be placed
 as a priority in a workaholic society so that we can once again gaze in wonder.
 Covid-19, despite its ter r ible effects, h as show n som e positives. The
 pandemic has allowed us, for the most part, to be at home with our families, to not be
 overwhelmed by the society dominated by total work. We are able to hit the pause
 button on our lives. To spend time to encounter the world around us and begin to
 wonder again.
 Sundays are normally the days set aside for r est. B u t no w du e to Covid-19,
 we can make every day like a Sunday; to set aside quality time with our families. To
 embrace and experience the world around us. To encounter the Creator who has given
 us the gift to wonder. To wonder about His creation and His tremendous love for
 each one of us.
Page 4                                                                                    August 30, 2020

      Reconciliation (Confession)                              Prayer Chain—Prayer Requests

                    Baptism (Infant & Child)
                                                                               Scriptural Rosary

                Marriage                                                    These
                                                                    Spirit Alive Group

                                                                       and events
                                                                              Oración y Adoración
  Bishop Barres has written a                                                until
     special letter to college
 students. You are encouraged
 to read this beautiful message                                            further
 of faith to our young adults as
  they return to their schools:                                            notice.

  Weekly Basket Collection for 8/23/2020
                                                  $7,930         2020 CMA Parish Goal $112,700
     *Masses resume at 33% - week 11

   Weekly Basket Collection This Time Last Year   $11,513
                                                                                   8/25/2020:       253
                                                                    Donors This Time Last Year:     337
        Total Contributions For This Year
         (Includes Weekly, & Mailed donations. $604,666       Total Pledges So Far This Year:
  Does not include holiday / special collections.)
                                                                    Pledges This Time Last Year:
                                                            Percentage of Our Goal This Year:       84%
   Average Weekly Collection 2020
      All regular donations since the             $18,323
       beginning of the fiscal year.
     (Basket, electronic and mailed)                             
August 30, 2020                                                               Page 5

                                                Calling All Parishioners!
                                                     The 2020
                                            Catholic Ministries Appeal
      Pledging just
                                                is in full swing!!!
       got easier!
    Text the keyword
   “142infantjesus” to

   PARISH !                At this time last year, we had $105,277 pledges.

                               We are lagging behind in the stats
                         this year due to these unprecendented times.
              Go!!                 Should your means allow,
                         please consider making your pledge today!!
Page 6                                                                       August 30, 2020

    Thank you...                      Food Pantry                 Devin is making
…to Brian Hoerger and Theatre           Needs                       it happen!
Three for the incredible monthly
food drives. They have literally           Soap
  filled our pantries and more           Deoderant
           each time!                    Shampoo
                                        Baby Wipes
                                       Feminine Pads

                                       FREE MEAL
  NEXT FOOD DRIVE                      CURBSIDE
                                       PROGRAM                       Devin Beresky is a
                                                                  sophomore at Mt. Sinai
                                     Monday, Tuesday,             HS. During the COVID-
                                      Wednesday &                   19 pandemic she has
                                     Thursday @ 1 pm
                                                                  started a service where
                                      St. Paul’s Church
                                       309 Rt 112 PJS             she picks up your items
                                                                  for donation & delivers
                                     Friday @ 4:45-5:45           them to local charitable
                                      First Presbyterian           organizations on your
                                            Church                 behalf twice a month.
                                       Main & South St.
    Dr. Michael                                                      To date, Devin has
      Carnes                                                         delivered over 600
  Keeps an ongoing food
                                                                     packages from our
 drive at this Chiropractic                                             surrounding
 office in Miller Place for                                        communities, to those
         our pantry.                                                  who are in need.

     Thanks Dr. Mike!                                             She may be contacted on
                                     Rustic Bread                      Facebook at:
                                                                  Donate with Devin B.
                                   What an incredible treat for
                                    us to be able to offer such
                                                                    or on Instagram at:
                                   delicious fresh baked bread.   donate_with_devinb
                                    Thank you Greg Wilson of
                                   Rustic Bread Port Jefferson!      Great job, Devin!
August 30, 2020                                                                                                  Page 7


  "Parents have shared the gift of human life with their children and, through Baptism, have
  enriched them with a share in God's own life. They have the duty to nourish it. Their faith, their
  attitude toward other human beings, and their trust in a loving God strongly influence the
  development of the child's faith. Parents are catechists precisely because they are parents. Their
  role in the formation of Christian values in their children is irreplaceable....parents, pastors,
  catechists, and teachers need to cooperate closely to ensure that the catechesis offered children
  is truly an ecclesial catechesis that is consistent with Christian values lived in the family.
  Pastors have a serious obligation to assist parents and educators in their mission to hand on the
  faith to future generations. School-age children should receive formal and systematic catechesis
  in a parish-based catechetical program, a Catholic school, or a program of home-based
  catechesis in which the content of the faith and the experience of Christian life is presented
  authentically and completely." National Directory for Catechesis USCCB

    We look forward to hearing from all of our families!!! All registrations are being done on-line via Parish Giving.
              Families currently in the program r eceived an em ail fr om Par ish Giving w ith
                                    family log on information to register on line.
  New Families & New First Grade students: Contact th e religiou s edu cation office for inform ation.
                                         Grade Level 1 (First Holy Communion 1)
                           Parent/Child meet on Mondays approx. once a month beginning October 26th.
                                Parent and child read short chapters each week at home together.

                            Grade Level 2 (First Holy Communion 2)
              Students meet once or twice a month in small group classroom setting with
                 catechist. Supplement lessons for alternate at home weeks are given.

    Grade Level 3, 4, 5: Families will meet on September 15 (last name A-E), September 16 (last name F-Mc),
  September 17 (last name Me-Z) for an initial gathering. In addition to other activities, student texts and activity
  books along with syllabus and other tools will be distributed to assist families in completing lessons at home each
      week. Assistance from a grade level catechist via email, phone and google classroom will be provided as
                        well. Families will meet at three additional home taught gatherings.

                                                           Grade Level 6
                  Students will receive a BIBLE at a special Mass on September 14 (last name A-K) or September 21
                 (last name L-Z). Students will be given syllabus and readings to work on each week which coincide
                   with Sunday Mass readings. Assistance from a grade level catechist via email, phone and google
                 classroom will be provided as well. Families will meet at three additional home taught gatherings.

                          Confirmation Lv. 1 & Lv. 2 (Gr. 7 & 8)
               Will meet once or twice a month in small group classroom settings.
     Google classroom will be set up to assist with at home lessons for alternating weeks and
     Confirmation packets. Parent meetings will be scheduled several times throughout the
                     year to assist in explaining the Confirmation process.

   Special Sacraments, children and teens: special classes are set u p for older stu dents w h o h ave
   missed attending religious education throughout the years and have not received baptism and/or Communion
                  and/or Confirmation for any reason. Contact the office for more information.
Page 8                                                                                                          August 30, 2020

               Help Support Infant Jesus Parish Social Ministry
                                    Annual Back To School Drive
                                                                     Why Should I Participate?
                                             By participating in our Back to School Drive, you are giving a child
                                            the tools that are needed in the classroom to help them play, learn, and
                                             grow. Education is the key to success- help them unlock the door to a
                                                                       brighter tomorrow.
                                                                      What Items Are Needed?
                                             Feel free to donate gift cards to the following stores: Staples, Wal-
                                            Mart, Target, Kohl’s, and Dollar Tree. Or, you may choose to donate
                                              basic school supplies, such as: composition books, pens, pencils,
                                              rulers, crayons, markers, glue, folders, binders, backpacks, lined
                                              paper, construction paper, graph paper, calculators, erasers, etc.

                                      Where Can I Drop Off Items?
Donations can be dropped off at the Infant Jesus Parish Social Ministry Office, which is located in the Convent
        Building-110 Hawkins Street, Port Jefferson. Call us at 631-331-6145 for detailed directions.
                                       When Can I Drop Off Items?
                  We will begin collecting donated items now during office hours. Thank you!

                                      In an effort to help continue with weekly
           Text                      offertories, the diocese has established an
                                   emergency funding method for all parishes:

     142parishinfantjesus               “Text to Give” for Parish Offertory
             To                  Parishioners can text their parish’s unique keyword to a
    (516) 271-3338            designated number. You will be able to use a credit card and
                                                      even set up a recurring donation.
                               (Note: This was originally set up for CMA, but will now be directed towards your parish weekly offering.)

       You can also mail your offering to the rectory or enroll in Parish giving at:
August 30, 2020                                                                                                                      Page 9

                      WELCOME BACK TO MASS
  Our regular weekly and weekend Mass
 schedule has resumed with 33% capacity
 allowed at the Church and the Chapel. In
an effort to accommodate all who come, we
  will have an overflow Mass available in
  Montfort Hall for the masses held at the
 Church. Your cooperation is appreciated.
 (Note: Until further notice, the Chapel is
      open for weekend Masses only!)
Please note the following directives:

        •        Holy Communion WILL BE DISTRIBUTED after the final blessing.
        •        Masks or face coverings must be worn through the entire Mass.
        •        Please bring your own hand sanitizer.
        •        Weekly donations will be collected.
The grace-filled dispensation from our obligation to attend Sunday Mass
remains in effect. For those who are sick or vulnerable, please continue
to use the following links for online Masses and Devotions:

       (After 7 PM on Saturdays)


                       FOR MORE INFORMATION AND UPDATES:

            Please note the following are limited, suspended or cancelled until further notice:
                      • Music Ministry
                      • Parish events and gatherings, i.e., Autumn Splendor, International Night, etc.
                      • Bagel Tuesday

                               Meetings are permitted with strict rules and limits:
      (Knights of Columbus, Columbiettes, Pre-Cana, Spanish Ministry, RCIA, Youth Ministry, YA Group, Something for Seniors, etc.)

            •    NO Tables (chairs only — 6’ apart)          •    Montfort Hall is unavailable due to overflow setup
            •    NO food or drink                            •    Lower Church — 28 persons MAX (limited availability)
            •    Masks MUST be worn

        We thank you for your understanding and cooperation during these difficult times.
Page 10   August 30, 2020
August 30, 2020                                                                                Page 11

                                  Article #52 by Phil Griffith
In the 1930s, the “Daily Worker”, the official paper of the Communist party, published a variety of
articles attacking the Knights of Columbus. Pope Pius XI issued his encyclical “Divini Redemptoris” on
March 19, 1937. In it, the Pope exposed the principles of atheistic communism with the words
“Bolshevistic and atheistic communism aims at upsetting the social order and undermining the
foundations of Christian civilization. In the face of these threats, the Catholic Church will not remain
The Knights of Columbus Councils responded to the Daily Worker’s criticism by successfully exposing
communist sponsored projects. In 1937, the Knights of Columbus distributed millions of copies of the
“Divini Redemptoris” encyclical and sponsored a lecture tour. The K of C expanded its anti-communist
program to include the “Crusade for Social Justice”. The crusade emphasized, “Injustice to man is the
seed of communistic growth.”
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen warned, “He who thinks communism is an economic and political system is
ignorant of its nature.”

                                                                  The RECTORY OFFICE
                   There is a call within each                   will be open as follows:
                  Catholic man to become the
                 man God made him to be. In a                                   Monday — Saturday
                   world full of challenges, the                                   9 AM — 3 PM
                  Knights of Columbus equips
                 men to answer that call to lead
                with faith, serve others, protect                                  10 AM — 2 PM
our families, and promote our values. For more
    about becoming a Knight, please email                 In case of emergency, please call:                            631-473-0165

    All are invited to join us in prayer for
          the healing of our country.
               Please join us for the Holy Rosary with
             patriotic hymns sung between each decade!
                                This will be held at Infant
                              Jesus Church from 7-8 PM on
                                 the following Mondays:
                                          July 20
                                        August 17
                                      September 21
                                       October 19
Page 12                                                                                                                                                                                                 August 30, 2020
                                                                                                                 CPT Daniel Armstrong            Army
                                                                                                                 SGT Steven Balfoort             Army          • New To Our Parish?
                                                                                                                 PFC Jesse Bernstein
                                                                                                                 PFC Ethan Bernstein
                                                                                                                                                               • Have You Been A Part
                                                                                                                 PFC Richard Bestafka            Army            Of Our Parish, But
                                                                                                                 Spc. Nicholas J. Bohm           Army
                                                                                                                 2LT Connor Britt                Marines         Never Registered?
                                                                                                                 PVT Patrick John Buckley        Army
                                                                                                                 PO Jenna Burton                 Navy          • Are You A Long Time
          Please call the rectory at 631-473-0165 or e-mail to have someone listed.

                                                                                                                 LCPL Edward Callan              Marines
                                                                                                                 SGT Nicholas Caltabiano         Marines
                                                                                                                                                                 Parishioner, But
                                                                                                                 SSG Collin Cash                 Army            Have Never Gotten
                                                                                                                 SFC Nang Cash                   Army
                                                                                                                 PO Richard Chappel              Navy            Around To Updating Your Contact
                                                                                                                 SGT Ricardo Combariza           Army
                                                                                                                 CAPT Robert F. Coogan           Navy
                                                                                                                                                                 and Household Information?
                                                                                                                 CPO August Delledonne           Navy
                                                                                                                 2LT Mark A. Duffy               Army
                                                                                                                                                                      WE INVITE YOU TO REGISTER YOUR
                                                                                                                 MASA Justin Edwards             Navy                     FAMILY WITH OUR PARISH
                                                                                                                 CSM Michael A. Eiermann         Army
                                                                                                                 SSG Justin Eminhizer            Army
                                                                                                                                                                   We have also been having issues with the Post Office not
                                                                                                                 CPT Brett Erland                Army
                                                                                                                 SSGT Andrea S. Evangelista      Air Force     delivering mail to some of our parishioners. Sadly, we often can
                                                                                                                 PVT Daniel Fey                  Marines          not tell if you have moved, or if there is an issue with your
                                                                                                                 SGT Sammy Guerrero              Army          address and contact information. If you have registered with us,
                                                                                                                 PFC Thomas Grau                 Air Force
                                                                                                                 PFC Dean Grau                   Marines
                                                                                                                                                                but are no longer getting regular mailings, please contact the
                                                                                                                 2LT John Hewitt                 Army            rectory @ 631-473-0165, or contact us through our website.
                                                                                                                 CPO Thomas J. Joyce III         Navy
                                                                                                                 PFC Donald J. Kelly             Army              Both the Registration & Family-Update Form and the Rectory
                                                                                                                 PVT Ryan D. Kelly               Marines
                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact Form can be found at:
                                                                                                                 CPL Brian Kolarik               Marines
                                                                                                                 MAJ Ryan T. Krebsbach           Marines                       WWW.INFANT JESUS.ORG
                                                                                                                 LT Mary Kruse                   Navy                       Under the ‘OUR PARISH’ menu item
                                                                                                                 SPC Taylor Kurlowicz            Army
                                                                                                                 PVT Thomas Christopher Lennon   Marines

                                                                                                                                                                    Respond to the 2020 Census
                                                                                                                 CDR Jeffrey Lessard             Navy
                                                                                                                 LCPL Stephen James Lyzak        Marines
                                                                                                                 PFC Kenneth MacAlpin            Marines
                                                                                                                 E3 Matthew Malpartida           Air Force
                                                                                                                 SN Edward Marbot                Coast Guard
                                                                                                                 SN Ronald Martiny               Navy                      The 2020 Census is still
                                                                                                                 PFC Brenden McCabe
                                                                                                                 CPL Andrew Meyer
                                                                                                                                                                           ongoing. You can complete
                                                                                                                 LCPL Bruce Moeller              Marines                   your questionnaire online at
                                                                                                                 PO1 Jared Mills
                                                                                                                 CPT Lintner Monroy
                                                                                                                                                                  or by
                                                                                                                 HN Connor O’Keefe               Navy                      phone.    Customer    service
                                                                                                                 SGT Melissa Perez
                                                                                                                 SSG Maximilian Perez
                                                                                                                                                               representatives are available every day
                                                                                                                 PSC Paul Piotrowski             Marines       from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern Time on the
                                                                                                                 LCpl Sean Piotrowski
                                                                                                                 PVT Ryan W. Powers
                                                                                                                                                               following phone lines: English: 844-330-
                                                                                                                 PFC David Ramos, Jr.            Army          2020, Spanish: 844-468-2020.
                                                                                                                 HM2 Samantha Reilly             Navy
                                                                                                                 PVT Matthew Romomoyske-Bean     Marines
                                                                                                                 PFC Paul Russo                  Army          Starting August 11, census takers will
                                                                                                                 LT Andrew Sebastiano
                                                                                                                 LT Diane Kruse Sebastiano
                                                                                                                                                               begin interviewing households that have
                                                                                                                 LCPL Chris Seijido              Marines       yet to respond to the 2020 Census.
                                                                                                                 MAJ Warren Sheprow
                                                                                                                 LT Brian J. Shields
                                                                                                                                                 Coast Guard
                                                                                                                                                               If someone visits your home to collect
                                                                                                                 SFC Craig Smolenski             Army          information for the 2020 Census, check to
                                                                                                                 SGT Jason Spence                Army
                                                                                                                 SGT Shane Spence                Marines       make sure they have a valid ID badge with
                                                                                                                 LTCMDR David Still (Retired)    Navy          their photograph, a U.S. Department of
                                                                                                                 PVT Daniel Sullivan             Army
                                                                                                                 PVT Nate Sullivan               Army          Commerce watermark, and an expiration
                                                                                                                 SGT Jason Tulowilzki            Marines       date. Census takers will follow local public
                                                                                                                 PVT Derek Warsaw                Army
                                                                                                                 HN Timothy Wieland              Navy          health guidelines when they visit.
                                                                                                                 MSGT Christopher Wilson         Air Force
                                                                                                                 PFC Thomas Yacopino             Army
August 30, 2020                                                                            Page 13

                  Get In-                              Weekly Memorials
     Do you and your family members like
  If you do...SIGN UP FOR FORMED!
      This is a FREE GIFT from our
       Parish and Diocese to YOU!

MOVIES, DOCUMENTARIES, AUDIO BOOKS,                                                  Aug. 31st
    BETTER UNDERSTAND OUR FAITH,                                   Bread & Wine
  HISTORY & CULTURE, GREAT CONTENT                                           For
FOR ADULTS, YOUNG ADULTS, CHILDREN !!                        Infant Jesus Church
                                                       was donated in loving memory of
                               These titles
                             are only a few             Eleanor Kearney
                               of hundreds
                               that are of-                              2020
                             fered for your                       MASS INTENTIONS
                              listening and                       STILL AVAILABLE!

    Recently, many seemed to be
   having trouble accessing their
 account or signing up through our                                          celebrating Mass offers
                                                the celebration of the Eucharist for a particular
   Parish. Please know that the                person, or intention. By doing so, he applies special
     problem has been resolved                graces from God upon that person or intention. Mass
     and you should be able to                 Intentions are reserved and recorded in the Mass
                                               Book. Mass Cards are often used to convey to the
        log in or register at                 family and friends of a departed loved one, the time                             and date of the intended Mass.
You can also read