Page created by Ken Griffith

                                                                             VOLUME 34, ISSUE 8

                   The Manna
                                                                                 AUGUST 2021


God Answers Prayer with a Check
    As part of the monthly
series “Do the Right Thing”
by News 12 Now, Stacie
Schepers was recognized in
July for making a difference
in her community. Stacie is an
active member at McDonald
Road Church and a first
grade teacher at Collegedale
    Dave Staley surprised Stacie
at the produce stand where
she sells vegetables during
the summer, presenting her
with a check for $500.
    Rose Fuller nominated
Stacie for the honor and said,
“Stacie is the bomb!!”           Dave Staley of News 12 Now surprises McDonald Road Church Member
    But, there’s more to this Stacie Schepers with $500 in the “Do The Right Thing” series.
story than meets the eye.
Stacie shared that God was working behind don’t deserve any more than the rest of you.”
the scenes. She wanted to help the family of         “On Tuesday morning, I prayed and felt that
Elijah Muhs with a donation toward medical I wanted to give money to Elijah‘s family, but
expenses…and this surprise check provided when I looked in my checkbook, there wasn’t
the means.                                         enough to do it yet. I thought that it will have
    “Can I tell you about my God?” Stacie wrote to wait a little while. Then, I went to work at the
on Facebook following the surprise. “Long produce stand. At the produce stand that day, I
before Elijah even collapsed at camp, my was very surprised that I not only received the
favorite VBS registration partner, Rose Fuller, recognition, but also a check of money that I
wrote into the television station to nominate could pass on to a special hurting family. That’s
me for a community recognition. I didn’t know the way my God works.”
that she had done this. It is something that I
In Remembrance
                                           Elijah Abraham Muhs, 18, of Ooltewah, Tennessee, passed away on
                                        Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at T.C. Thompsons Children’s Hospital in Chattanooga,
                                           Elijah was born in Peoria, Il. to Dan and Charity Muhs on March 14,
                                        2003. The family moved to Chattanooga in 2016 where he graduated from
                                        Collegedale Academy in 2021. He served at Cohutta Springs Youth Camp as
                                        a staff member. Elijah was an incredibly knowledgeable and super loyal fan
                                        of the Chicago Bears. Sorry Titans, GO BEARS!! He loved making McBuckets
                                        Nation videos with his bros in order to make others laugh. Words cannot
                                        begin to articulate how much Elijah will be remembered as a youth with
                                        a huge heart, full of compassion for others, especially for the friendless,
                                        alone or disconnected.
                                           Elijah leaves his loving memories to be cherished by his loving family,
                                        parents, Dan and Charity, older brother, Noah and younger sister, Hannah
   In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Collegedale Academy for McBuckets Nation, at 4855 College Drive
E, Collegedale, TN 37315.
   Please share your thoughts and memories online at:
   The family wishes to extend their gratitude to T.C. Thompson’s Children’s Hospital pediatrics ICU staff and the
numerous friends and family for their loving support in his final days.
   Visitation was held at Chattanooga Funeral Home, Valley View Chapel in Chattanooga on Thursday, July 15,
from 6-8 p.m.
   Funeral services were held at Chattanooga Funeral Home, Valley View Chapel on Friday, July 16, at 10 a.m. with
Pastor Fred Fuller of McDonald Road Seventh Day Adventist Church officiating. Burial followed at Collegedale
Memorial Park Cemetery in Collegedale.
   Arrangements were by Chattanooga Funeral Home, Crematory & Florist, Valley View Chapel, 7414 Old Lee
Highway, Chattanooga, TN 37421.

Adventurers Is Starting Soon!
   Our church’s Adventurer Club is starting soon! Registration will be in-
person on August 15, noon to 3 PM, in the gym.
   We are looking forward to a fun year of learning, playing, and growing
closer to Jesus! We will be meeting twice a month on Monday evenings
with one social event per month (camping, swimming, climbing, etc.).
   The goal of our Adventurer Club is to assist parents in their awesome
responsibility of raising Christian children through strengthening the
parent/child relationship and the child’s spiritual, physical, mental, and
social development.
   For more information regarding registration and the club, or if you’d like
to volunteer your time and talents to help with our Adventurers, please
contact Ryan Van Dolson at 423-280-4857.
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Pathfinder Summer Event
                      We had an awesome time visiting with returning Pathfinders, and
                   meeting lots of new Pathfinders, on July 17 at a Pathfinder Summer Event.
                   Visit the McDonald Road Facebook page to see a video of the day. We’re
                   looking forward to a great year together!
                      If you have children in grades 5-12, we’d love to have them join us!
                   Registration is Sunday, August 8, 4 p.m. For questions, contact Lisa Myaing
                   at 240-351-6462.

                   Women’s Ministry Morning
                      The Women's Ministry Morning event was held on July 25. During the
                   event, women discussed the Proverbs 31 woman and how she was healthy,
                   wealthy, and wise due to loving the Lord. Health Ministries also provided
                   three classes - container garden tips and sprouting, hand and face
                   massage, and easy fitness. The group enjoyed a lovely lunch to finish out
                   the fellowship time together. Watch a video of the event by Ellie Baltadono
                   on the McDonald Road Facebook page!

                   August 14: Homeless Ministry
                      Volunteers from McDonald Road SDA Church will provide breakfast
                   for the homeless on Sabbath August 14. If you want to participate in this
                   outreach project, contact Todd Lawson at: or 256-
                   318-6824. Meet at the Tractor Supply parking lot and leave at 5:15/5:30
                   AM. Junior age and older are welcome. You can support this outreach by
                   marking your tithe envelope, “Community Kitchen.” For less than $2.00 you
                   can provide a hot breakfast for someone less fortunate.

                   August 22: Men’s Hobby Day
                      Attention Men! Save the Date: August 22 8AM to 12PM Breakfast and
                   Hobby Show. Men of all ages 0-110 are invited to food, fellowship, and
                   sharing of your favorite hobby. Tables and outdoor space will be provided
                   to display your cars, tractors, Legos, models, collections, plant and garden
                   knowledge--whatever it is that you like to tinker with. Look for more
                   information in the bulletin during the coming weeks.

MCDONALDROAD.ORG                                                               THE MANNA - PAGE 3
The Glories of God in My Mind are Telling                                                                     August 2021

    I asked the Lord what I should write about while in        for the formation of any planet let alone one capable
the night watches. What came to mind immediately               to sustain life as we find it here in superabundance.
was familiar to my personal worship time – to sing in          The incredulous positions by esteemed scientists even
my mind songs of praise so simple that comes right             claiming to be Christian take the same platform as the
from the heart almost like the favorite song, Jesus            godless atheist. Some would say that it was only by day
Loves Me. It is the truth that is vitally necessary to have    four of creation that a 24 hour day was put in place. It
pure, childlike faith to trust. This song that rings in my     is inconceivable to claim to know God and then limit
mind is “For God so Loved the World.” The world (in a          God that there is no power in God to speak matter to be
different context) is also our favorite planet in space, so    created, not indebted to any pre-existing matter.
it qualifies for what I like best to write about. I hope you       The same mindset has no comprehension or
can hear the song too as it rings within me. I may be          completely refuses to recognize the obvious magnitude
deaf, but it rings preciously true in comfort.                 of the power of forces evidenced in the Earth that
                                                               produced the deluge that violently convulsed the
       “For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son,      earth that was totally global. The mind of men presents
       To die on Cal-r’ry’s tree, From sin to set me free;     as academic evidence of multiple events (even
       Some day He’s coming back, What glory that will be!     recognizing as catastrophic) required over long periods
       Wonderful His love is to me.”                           of time judged by the rate of current action of events
                                                               locally. The same philosophical naturalism sees the Sun
    There are three powerful events that have come,            as perfectly made for the abundance of life on Earth.
and are coming to Earth that are supernatural. First,          It is clearly seen that there are forces surrounding the
the creation of Earth in six days by the spoken word of        planet designed to protect Earth from the harmful
God that made Earth the gem for life. Second, the same         effects of our star through radiation. Our star is unique,
word of God brought the judgment of God to remove              though only average among stars. The Sun is calm by
all life from the planet by the catastrophic global flood      comparison to other stars in its nature. Life on Earth
which reshaped the entire world. The final event is yet        is not at risk to violent outbursts like other stars that
to come but will be even more catastrophic than was            would annihilate life as we experience if the Sun not so
the worldwide flood by God’s command that will again           calm. The philosophies expound as though intimately
leave our present world broken, cold, dark, and totally        known that the life cycle of the Sun is about middle-
empty of all life.                                             aged. The Sun clearly has millions of years to continue
    God does not do anything so monumental without             uninterrupted for the long present future.
due warning by the prophets. Peter makes the parallel              The word of God has a different perspective for the
to Noah and the final events. “Whereby the world that          future. The judgment of God is to come with seven
then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But,          plagues. Interestingly we find in the creation account
the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same          God made the Sun on day four. In the fourth plague,
word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the         God will scorch men with fire. The philosophies of men
day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men” (2               tell of the Sun that it will in dying, grow immensely and
Peter 3:6,7).                                                  destroy all life on earth. God’s judgment will scorch
    The power of God is awesome. It is amazing to              men with the Sun they would worship in the place of
behold the lack of comprehension by those who do               God. In God’s plan, when the curse is ended, there will
not know God. Philosophical naturalistic views of Earth        be no need for the Sun, for God is the light of it.
are empty, void to recognize the full power of God to              The coming of Jesus contains only part of the
create life or to destroy by the power that is in the word     complete world reset. It is serious enough to accomplish
of God. The concepts of men are consumed by the                over exceptionally more time than the one-year event
determination to require millions and billions of years        of the flood. The promise of God is the problem of sin

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will never again be repeated. “He will make an utter           brought by God to earth. Satan marshals the unsaved
end: affliction shall not rise up the second time” (Nahum      to surround the city intent to pollute the environment
1:9). Sin, of course, is at the heart of the problem. “The     of God again. Just as Satan did at the creation to force
wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). So, the resultant        the coup of sin, he wants to destroy God’s plan. That
effect of sin changed the whole pattern of life from the       is no surprise, God is not off guard. Immediately the
design of God to create life as it should be. That was         offensive is met by action from God. You can be sure this
not made to include death. Keep in mind that sin is a          is supernatural and again is completely global what will
choice, but it has a physical consequence that comes           take place. This is the fire Peter talked about. Fire comes
with it. Oh, but we must not overlook it is a terrible, ugly   down from God, out of heaven, and devours them. This
tragedy too that has consumed the innocent in the grip         is not just a stroke of lightning! Peter continues then
of what has come to our human family over the history          magnitude that will come to the Earth. “. . . the heavens
of Earth. That is why God our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus,        shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements
will bring the whole thing to an end.                          shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the
    Two more supernatural events belong to the                 works that are therein shall be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10).
prerogatives of God. Two resurrection – the resurrection       That is no roasting fire! The elements melting is like the
of life, and the resurrection of the condemned also            burning on the Sun. It is a fire of fusion. Everything is
called the second resurrection. It is not my objective to      consumed, Earth will be like a temporary star.
now discuss them in detail but they both fit the plan              Interestingly, the Revelation narrative continues
of God to bring life eternal. The two resurrections are        at Revelation 21. John says, “I John saw the holy city,
separated by a thousand years. The second resurrection         New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven”
is not a second chance. It must be a demonstration that        (Revelation 21:2). The city will have been on Earth when
resurrections do not make anyone good. Revelation 20           the fire falls. However we look at it, could have preserved
best describes the final showdown. I believe death is          the city in that fire as He did in Nebuchadnezzar’s
also terribly painful to God. The word from Revelation         furnace. However it works, the fire finishes the work
does not even call the second resurrection by its name.        to remove the curse and the domain of the system of
The time frame is so short before it abruptly ends. The        death. It will never reign again with this promise. That
simple fact is, Satan will be bound on this planet for the     fire is called, “the second death” (Revelation 20:14).
thousand years earth lies totally empty. What defines          There will be no more crying, pain, suffering, no more
his being chained is he will have no one to work on.           death. It will be time for God to wipe away all tears
That second resurrection of the wicked, Satan is loosed        (Revelation 21:4).
for that small time. The deceived are deceived again                                                          - Nels Angelin
and the catalyst for this period is the New Jerusalem is

MCDONALDROAD.ORG                                                                                           THE MANNA - PAGE 5
How to Improve Your Immune System
   New flu viruses and bacteria come around each                                          Exercise
year. It’s important to fight these with a strong immune                                    Moderate exercise, like brisk walking, biking,
system. Here are several things you can do to improve                                     swimming, and hiking, can boost your immune system
your immune system.                                                                       and help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy
                                                                                          immune cells.
   A positive attitude helps a person to be happy and                                     Water
improves all body functions. A negative attitude can                                         Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day. Drinking
change your body chemistry and can be detrimental                                         2 glasses of water upon rising will help you to clean out
to all the body systems. “A merry heart doeth good like                                   your system and get you going for the day. Dehydration
a medicine. Proverbs 17:22” An attitude of gratitude                                      can cause abnormal physical performance, like thinking
changes everything.                                                                       clearly, the digestion process, and proper heart and
                                                                                          kidney functions. It can increase susceptibility to illness
Stress and anxiety                                                                        and disease. It’s better to drink water to keep hydrated
   Relief is the key to a healthy immune system. Long                                     because it contains no calories, additives, or sugar.
time stress can promote an imbalance in the immune
cell function. Lowering stress through exercise and                                       Healthy Fats
relaxing can help your system to function well. Spending                                     Eating healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, English
time with God in bible study and prayer, trusting in                                      walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds, have omega 3 and
Him to care for you, and asking the Holy Spirit to guide                                  are anti-inflammatory. They can help reduce chronic
your life will help relieve your stress, along with good                                  inflammation that suppresses the immune system.
nutrition and rest.
                                                                                          Fermented Foods
Nutrition                                                                                    Using fermented foods or probiotic supplements,
   Eating plant foods, like fruit, vegetables, seed,                                      which are rich in good bacteria, give you what you need
nuts and legumes are rich in antioxidants and help                                        to have a healthy digestive tract. Fermented foods like
to lessen inflammation and free radicals. High levels                                     sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt, and natto, can provide these
of free radicals can cause inflammation in the body.                                      probiotics.
The abundance of fiber in plant foods feed your gut
micro- biomes and healthy bacteria. These help to                                         Added Sugars
keep harmful pathogens from getting into your body                                           By lowering your intake of added sugar to foods,
through your digestive tract.                                                             which can cause inflammation, will help you boost
                                                                                          your immune system. Eating fruits instead of cookies,
Sleep                                                                                     cakes, and pies, will help with weight control, and
   Getting enough sleep is very important. Your body                                      strengthen your system. 2 cans of soda can lower your
renews itself while you are sleeping. Adults need at                                      immune system within 30 minutes after you drink it.
least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. It’s better to have                                 The lowered level can last up to 5 hours. This gives your
several of these hours before midnight.                                                   body less protection to fight disease.

                                                                                            Doing all these things will help to reinforce your
                                                                                          body’s immune system and keep you well and strong.
                                                                                                                                 - Janice Parker

     The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and does not constitute medical or other professional advice.

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Watch our live stream of Church (9:00 & 11:30 am) and      Looking for Secretaries in the Junior Sabbath School
Sabbath School (10:00 am) at             contact James Weigley 570.259.3743

Teacher Dedication: Next Sabbath, August 7, is our         Deacons Needed: The church has a shortage of
teacher dedication Sabbath. We want to express             deacons. For more information contact Todd Lawson
our appreciation to all our teachers on all levels.        256.318.6824 or email at
We encourage all our teachers to attend so we can
recognize them and pray a special prayer over them for     Have You Been Blessed This Week? God asks us to share
this coming up school year.                                the blessings He gives us with others. The McDonald
                                                           Road Church and the Samaritan Center have partnered
The first ever Collegedale Academy Alumni Band             to help those needy in our area.You canhelp by donating
performance will be on Tuesday, August 10, 20201 at        food for the pantry, household cleaning supplies and
7:00 pm. It will be held at The Commons, Ooltewah, TN.     personal care items. Bring them to church and place
                                                           them in the treasure chestin the lobby. I will make sure
The McDonald Road Church Fall Campout will                 they are taken to the Samaritan Center. God loves a
be November 5-7 at the Imagination Mountain                cheerful giver.
Campground (Phone: 1.423.487.5534). In order to make
appropriate plans for our outing, after making your        Remember to Give! You can give online at
reservation for camping, please let us know your family by clicking the “Give Online” link in
name and number of campers in your group. Kate             the menu, mail your donation to the church office, or
Oliver’s phone: 423-619-2840.                              drop it into the donation slot at the church.

Greeters Are Needed to welcome our members and             Four ways to get and share church news:
guests for both services. Come join the greeter team in    1) Have The Manna delivered to your email inbox each
this hospitality ministry. For more information, contact   month and get important church updates! Subscribe at
either Steven Foster 423.834.1204 or Tricia Foster
423.834.1200.                                              2) Read The Manna on our website.
                                                           3) “Like” us on Facebook @McDonaldRoadSDA.
Help Needed! If you are interested in serving our young    4) Submit news to
people in one of our children’s divisions, contact Tim
Cook 423.762.8517

  High school students and their families are invited to join us
  for an afternoon of paintball at this YiELD multi-church event!
  Sign up here:

MCDONALDROAD.ORG                                                                                    THE MANNA - PAGE 7
McDonald Road Seventh-day Adventist Church
 5440 McDonald Road
 McDonald, TN 37353

 Return Service Requested

McDonald Road Seventh-day Adventist Church        Church Office:
Head of the Church      Jesus Christ              Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Friday: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Senior Pastor           Fred R. Fuller            Phone: (423) 396-3462 • Web:
Family Life             Paul Smith
Youth Pastor            Geoff Starr               Please send address changes to:
Church Secretary        Eva Burchard              McDonald Road Seventh-day Adventist Church
                                                  5440 McDonald Road, McDonald, TN 37353
Weekly Programs and Worship Services:
1st Service              Saturday at 9:00 a.m.    The Manna
Sabbath School           Saturday at 10:00 a.m.   The Manna is the official newsletter of the McDonald Road
2nd Service              Saturday at 11:30 a.m.   Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is published monthly and can
Prayer Meeting           Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.   be found online or mailed to you upon request. Submit items by
                                                  emailing them to Submissions by phone are
                                                  not accepted. Editor: Becky Brooks
You can also read