2021 and Beyond Welcome to the Journey
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2021 and Beyond Welcome to the Journey Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. Psalm 127:1
Also available: Chapel Policy Manual, Chapel Eldership, Governance and Vision The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 2
Table of Contents Introducing The Chapel ................................................................................... 4 Prayer - Kingdom - Holy Spirit .......................................................... 6 Making Disciples who Multiply ................................................................. 7 Reach........................................................................................................ 8 The Chapel ...................................................................................................... 9 A Healthy Church ..................................................................................... 9 Prayer ...................................................................................................... 12 Spiritual Disciplines................................................................................... 13 Next Gen Ministries (incl Children and Youth) ......................................... 14 Discipleship Groups .................................................................................. 15 Ministry Teams ........................................................................................ 16 Celebration (Sunday) ............................................................................... 17 Worship Teaching Mobilisation Welcome and Assimilation Te Atatu Peninsula Community Trust .............................................................. 19 Trust Partners From The Chapel From the Community In the Community A Disciple-Making Movement ........................................................................ 20 Discovery Groups..................................................................................... 21 Praxeis Partnership .................................................................................. 22 Decapolis – Our Ten Towns .................................................................... 23 Appendix 1 - Discovery Bible Study (DBS) ..................................................... 24 The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 3
Introducing The Chapel While “The Chapel” is a title often applied to the building in which we meet, it also speaks of a faith community which has a rich history on the Peninsula, dating back to the mid-1960’s. Known for much of that time as Te Atatu Bible Chapel, a significant summary of that history was recorded by the late Brian Hathaway in his book, Beyond Renewal - The Kingdom of God. (Copies are available on request.) The Chapel Elders provide spiritual vision, leadership, oversight and direction for The Chapel. They do this through the creation and monitoring of the Chapel Beliefs, Values, Mission and Vision. While the Elders carry the ultimate responsibility and authority to see The Chapel remains on a true, biblical, kingdom course, the development, implementation and monitoring of a plan to honour and pursue that vision is entrusted to the pastor. The pastor then engages staff and other key ministry leaders with the intention of shaping individual ministries and the collective Chapel strategy, all the while seeking to keep the wider Chapel community aligned with the beliefs, values, mission and vision as established by the elders. This document serves to coordinate the development of that strategy and to communicate what is already in place. In this document we seek to communicate the journey that we believe God is setting before us and to invite you to join us on this journey. Within the context of a bigger picture, we also aim to detail some of the specific areas of focus for 2021 and Beyond. This is the second year we have produced a document like this. It is a working document and will remain under on-going review. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 4
In Proverbs 19:21 we read: Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. Therefore, as we walk this path, we seek to remain ever vigilant for any course corrections that God would bring and so we pray, “Lord, where we have heard you clearly, may our efforts bear fruit to your glory. Where our ears have been deaf to hear or our hearts slow to respond, not our will but thine be done!" Amen and Amen! Our mission, the reason why we believe God has placed us in this community is: to inspire another to follow Jesus. If we are faithful in this, we believe we will see: ...the people of God, in loving community, Worshipping and glorifying Him Seeking His will Revealing His nature Serving His purposes thereby, extending His Kingdom on the Peninsula and beyond. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 5
Prayer, The Kingdom and The Holy Spirit These three form the basis of all that we do. Prayer - Everything begins, and ends, in prayer: talking to, and more importantly, listening to God. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-22) Kingdom - Our priority is to see His Kingdom extended: to see God’s will done on earth as it in in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10,33) Holy Spirit - The will of God can only be known and done through the leading and power of His Holy Spirit, who at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20) Birthed and soaked in prayer, equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit we see to see the kingdom of God extended. It Matthew 6:10, in the passage we know of as The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray, Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Therefore, the Kingdom of God comes wherever and whenever God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 6
Making Disciples who Multiply In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said that he would build his church In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commands, …go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. The imperative to ‘go’ can be understood to mean, ‘as you go’. This is not to be seen as an additional task but rather as a way of life. We also see that central to the process of making disciples is ‘teaching them to obey’. Put simply, a disciple is someone who follows Jesus. They don’t just like him, admire him or even simply believe in him. The trust him with their lives. They seek to follow his example and his teaching. A true disciple will seek to know him, hear him, obey him and, in turn, to teach and inspire others to do the same. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 7
Reach Based on the book. “God Next Door: Spirituality and Mission in the Neighbourhood” by Simon Carey Holt we have identified four stages in the process of connecting with our neighbours: personally and as a congregation. (Copies of this book are available on request.) Name - Naming is about taking time to slow down and to see the neighbourhood. To sense God in the neighbourhood. To see the neighbourhood as God sees it. Celebrate - Celebrating is about ways in which we give recognition to the good things within the Neighbourhood. Nurture - Nurturing is about helping communities flourish. It begins by imagining what the neighbourhood can become and then formulating strategies to bring it into existence. It involves bringing hope and healing. Invite - Inviting is about encouraging those in our communities to take steps forward towards Jesus. It has been suggested that there are three primary stages of invitation: • Invite them to tell their story. Get to know them. • Invite them to imagine a new story, • Invite them to live in that new story. These four steps fall naturally between Prayer and Discovery (DBS)! Pray – Name – Celebrate – Nurture – Invite - Discover The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 8
The Chapel A Healthy Church Every 12-24 months we give opportunity for Chapel attendees to participate in the Take Your Church’s Pulse (TYCP) online survey which provides feedback on ten measurables. It can be helpful to think of this as being part of a regular health check. Having a health check won’t make you well but it will guide your doctor in identifying any health issues and prescribing a course of action to restore health. Likewise, a key way in which we seek to monitor the health of The Chapel is with the principles addressed in TYCP. The 2021 survey produced the following summary graph. The full results are available on request. (2018 in Blue) TYCP 2018/21 Survey Summary 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 Page 9
In the 2016 survey the priorities identified, and addressed, were: • Vision and Leadership. In the 2018 survey we identified three priorities for attention: • Mobilisation, Evangelism and Service The 2021 survey shows an improvement across the board except for small drops in Leadership and Evangelism. The areas identified for special attention going forward are: Evangelism - a compelling witness – 6.49 • Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24:45-48 • Acts 5:42, Acts 10:34-43 • Romans 10:13-15, 2 Corinthians 4:5; 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 Leadership – mobilizing people – 6.71 • Mark 10:42-45, John 13:1-17 • Acts 6:1-7, Acts 13:1-3, Acts 20:28-31a • 2 Corinthians 2:17, 2 Corinthians 4:1-2, Ephesians 4:11-13 Service - compassionate service – 6.75 • Matthew 6:1-4, Matthew 20:25-28, Matthew 25:31-46 • Acts 6:1-7, Acts 20:35 • Galatians 6:10, Hebrews 13:16; James 1:22, 27, James 2:14-17 Mobilisation - a motivated ministering body – 6.81 • Luke 10:1-2, Acts 6:1-7 • Romans 12:4, 6-8, Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Peter 4:10-11 These matters, and others, will be addressed in the context of a new series of gatherings - Sundays@7 - A Time for Training, Teaching and Tough Questions - Equipping God’s people for ‘works of service’. (Ephesians 4:12) These will run from 7pm to 9pm in the upstairs lounge and will include opportunities for casual conversation, one-off subjects and short courses. More information will be available in the Chapel Chat. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 10
Beyond the direct scope of the TYCP survey are a number of other areas that we have identified as ongoing priorities. • Prayer • Spiritual Disciplines • Next Gen Ministries • Discipleship Groups • Ministry Teams • Celebration – Sundays These are further explored in the following pages. * “Take Your Church’s Pulse” was created by Multiplication Network Ministries, a global ministry committed to More Churches, Strong Churches. Copies of the book, by the same name, are available free of charge. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 11
Prayer Everything begins, and ends, in prayer: talking to, and more importantly, listening to God. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 We are committed to a greater mobilisation in both personal and collective prayer. Current initiatives include: • Half-Night of Prayer – 4 times a year on a Friday, from 6pm to mid- night • Monthly Prayer Update by email – bringing a united focus in prayer • Prayer walking • Encouraging small gatherings for prayer in a variety of times and places • Praying for 5’s – Encouraging individuals to pray God’s blessing for 5 people for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 5 weeks. This idea was shared with some at The Chapel in November 2019, by Phil Alessi and comes from Roy Godwin’s books, “The Grace Outpouring” and “The Way of Blessing”. More information is available on a separate handout. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 12
Spiritual Disciplines "God does not need our disciplines in order to find us. We need discipline in order to bring some structure to our intent to open ourselves to God, alone and together. Our desire and intent is what we bring, and God does the rest." Ruth Haley Barton, Pursuing God's Will Together Since 2012, one of our Core Values has been to Teach and Practice Spiritual Disciplines. In 2019 we became intentional in bringing a focus to a different Spiritual Discipline each month; encouraging members of the congregation to experiment with, and participate in, a variety of Spiritual Disciplines. In 2021, and subsequent years, we will explore new and fresh ways to profile these and encourage wider participation. • January --- Silence and Solitude • February --- Bible Reading • March --- Prayer • April --- Fasting • May - Personal Reflection • June – Confession • July - Sabbath. • August - Simplicity • September - Serving • October - Soul /Spiritual Friendship • November – Sacrifice • December - Worship The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 13
Next Gen Ministries In 2019, a key shift in focus brought together the Youth Ministry and the Children and Families Ministry under the title of Next Gen Ministries. The focus of the ministry is summarised in the phrase, Raising up the next generation of leaders for church and community. John Maxwell says that, Leadership is influence! We want to raise our children and youth to be people of real influence in this church, in this community and wherever they go in the years to come. This means we will prioritise: The church and family partnership (thinkorange.com) which sees the church’s primary role as supporting parents in the discipleship of their children and youth. Development of leaders from within the ministry as well as for the ministry. This includes encouraging children and youth of all ages to get involved in all manner of serving/ministry opportunities with the life of The Chapel. Continuity and planned transition of children and youth through their years within the ministry and into the broader life of the church. Children Youth The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 14
Discipleship Groups With our core focus on inspiring one another to follow Jesus, a central element of our strategy is the multiplication of Discipleship Groups centred on the use of Discovery Bible Study (DBS - for more detailed information see Appendix 1). A discipleship group would normally be 2-5 people. Ideally, if there are more than this, additional groups should be initiated. This could involve one of the existing group members starting a new group or training being given to allow someone, not already part of a group, to start a new one. This ensures: • maximum opportunity to participate • greater variety of groups in terms of gathering time and place and • ensures that the focus remains on multiplication. Those with more experience and success in running and multiplying groups will be entrusted with the training and discipling of other group facilitators. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 15
Ministry Teams People are more important than Programmes and Relationships are more important that Tasks. Therefore, our hope is that everyone who serves in any role at The Chapel does so as part of a team. Some teams will be more structured than others however we will continually look for opportunity to enrich the relational connections. Many times, in the church, we assign people to tasks through the use of rosters. Usually, a roster is simply a list of names set alongside a list of dates upon which those named will complete the task that the roster relates to. A team, however, is a group of people with a leader. They have relationship. Together they serve to ensure that the assigned task is completed as required however, in doing so, the relationships within the team carry a priority. It is hoped that the team leader will work to foster this sense of connection. It is also hoped that they will stay personally in touch with the members of their team so that if they become aware of a pastoral need within their team they can either address that need or refer the person on to someone who can assist, The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 16
Celebration (Sunday) Four primary areas of focus: • Worship - Prayer, Communion, Singing etc • Teaching - Sunday Host Comment, Communion Comment, Sermons • Mobilisation – What is God saying and doing? • Welcome and Assimilation Worship The purpose of worship is to glorify God, to focus on Him and to encounter Him. In His presence we are changed. Read Isaiah 6:1-8. Teaching The focus in our teaching is on modelling and encouraging engagement with the Bible. We are less concerned with feeding the congregation and more intent on equipping and encouraging them to feed themselves and others. Mobilisation We are determined that our belief in the ‘priesthood of all believers’ should be a reality. We do not look to ‘special’ individuals who will act as intermediaries between us and God. We are the Body of Christ. Each one of us is a member of His body with a role to play within that body. In 2020 we introduced a new element to our Sunday gatherings, asking the question: What has God been saying and/doing in your life? This sharing of what God has been saying and doing is intend to encourage and inspire each of us to keep listening, looking and walking in obedience... wherever and whenever. When we each discover and do what God has equipped and called us to do, then the whole body grows. Therefore, we will actively seek to mobilise every person who calls The Chapel home. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 17
Welcome and Assimilation When God, by His Spirit, draws people to connect, in any way, with The Chapel community, it is our responsibility to ensure that they receive a warm and genuine welcome, not only into an event but fully into the life, into the heart of this faith community. This continues to be one of our greatest areas of weakness. We do really well on the ‘Sunday welcome’ however in 2021 we need to give some focussed attention to improving way in which we welcome people more fully into the life of The Chapel. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 18
Te Atatu Peninsula Community Trust (TAPCT) Connecting Church and Community. As we seek to connect with and serve our community, our most critical partnership is with the TAPCT. The TAPCT was established in 2006 to provide direction and resources to serve its local community by seeking to meet the social, emotional, physical, spiritual and educational needs of people within that community. They, in turn, partner with a variety of other groups and organisations so that together we can better serve our increasingly diverse community. (Read Acts 6:1-7) The Trust Partners generally fall into one of three categories: • From The Chapel - Groups initiated, and operated primarily, by volunteers from with The Chapel congregation. • From the Community - Groups from the community who make use of the services and facilities that the TAPCT provide. • In the community - Partnerships, with groups in the community, which enable us to better serve the community through the sharing of knowledge, resources etc, Copies of the TAPCT Annual Report and Strategic Plan are available on request and via their website. www.peninsulacommunitytrust.co.nz. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 19
DMM - Disciple Making Movements Alongside the more normal approach to church, which tends to centre around a Sunday gathering, and the TAPCT which has a special focus on serving the community, the idea of a DMM is to catalyse a movement that will see a growing network of disciples (followers of Jesus) who, in turn, make disciples: encouraging others to become followers of Jesus. This is the newest, and therefore least developed, aspect of the Chapel ministry however it is the area that has the greatest potential for Kingdom impact. Around the world today there are numerous examples of DMMs which are seeing vast numbers of people becoming followers of Jesus. While sometimes these new disciples gather in what we might call churches (although often looking very different to what we often think of when we think of a church), the focus remains on the multiplication of disciples, rather than the gathering of them. The observable reality is that followers of Jesus will naturally seek to gather with others of like mind and so the formation of churches tends to follow. However, the multiplication of disciples requires a continued intentionality. Our approach to a DMM uses the DBS format developed by David Watson in the mission fields of India. An excellent book for gaining great insight into this movement is “Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery” by David and Paul Watson. Copies of this book are available on request. DMMs are fuelled, and powered, by prayer. Within a prayer-rich environment, DBS is focused around an obedience-based reading of and reflection on the word of God. The new disciple is quickly encouraged and equipped to disciple others and in the same simple, reproducible, process. (DBS - for more detailed information see Appendix 1). The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 20
Discovery Groups A Discovery Group uses DBS in the context of the Harvest. That is, unlike our Discipleship Groups which operate primarily in the context of The Chapel, our Discovery Groups operate primarily in the context of the community, on the Peninsula and Beyond. Unlike a ‘normal’ Bible study group, in a Discovery Group there is no teacher, other than the Holy Spirit. The group leader is no more than a facilitator, coordinating when the group will meet and what Bible passage they will read. In fact, to lead a discovery group a person does not even need to be a disciple. In establishing a Discovery Group, the focus is on identifying and training a Person of Peace, a POP. The concept of a Person of Peace can be found in the context of Luke 10:1-9. People of Peace have the following characteristics: (by Phil Alessi) Hungry Spiritually - The Holy Spirit brings this hunger through people, events, and circumstances. Open Relationally - They are open to us and to our story. Responsive to Discipleship - They are ready to discover. Share in Community - They readily share with people in their network of relationships about the truths they are learning and invite them to join them. Emerge in Leadership - As time goes by, they grow in their capacity to influence others. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 21
Praxeis Partnership In New Zealand, our work with DMM and DBS is undertaken in partnership with Praxeis. https://praxeis.org/ Praxeis is an DMM established in Australia with several full-time workers here in NZ. Praxeis NZ currently has three monthly Hub gatherings: Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga. A DMM Hub is a learning community of those seeking to use DBS and to engage others. Locally, on-going training and support is available through the monthly Auckland DMM Hub, hosted here on the Peninsula. This group currently meets of the 3rd Friday of each month. While we are working from a base at The Chapel, there is no border or boundary to our focus. Obviously, our primary focus is closer to home however we also seek to inspire and influence this move in all sorts of places. Wherever God opens a door, we will seek to plant a seed and nurture it; throughout NZ and internationally. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 22
Decapolis – Our Ten Towns In the 2020 edition of this document, this section was titled: Auckland’s Western Suburbs. Here in the western suburbs of Auckland, the growth of the city far outstrips the ability of the church to keep up using more familiar processes. More importantly, there are so many people in our communities who, for one reason or another, will never be reached by, or brought into, a ‘normal’ church. It is especially for them that we are committed to DMM. Late in 2019, a discipleship group at The Chapel was discovering what God had to say through Mark 5:1-20, the story of Jesus healing a demon-possessed man. When the man had been delivered of the demon he asked if he could go with Jesus. Jesus responded by telling him to, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. Translated, Decapolis means Ten Towns. This man set out to go and tell about the goodness of Jesus in the ten towns of the region where he lived. From this discussion has flowed a conversion about our ten towns. More than a conversation, we are now encouraging prayer for our Ten Towns. One of the ten is Te Atatu… where God has planted us. The others are Ranui and the new communities of Whenuapai, Hobsonville Point, Scott Point, Westgate, Red Hills, West Hills, Malbec and Huapai. We have a small team specifically focused on praying for Whenuapai. As a result of one of our times of prayer at Whenuapai, we established two websites: www.followjesus.nz and www.gensuiyesu.nz, the latter a Chinese language version. You can read more about the Ten Towns on our website: www.thechapel.org.nz/missions/local-mission. The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 23
Appendix 1 - Discovery Bible Study (DBS) and the Hybrid Church I have to say, this is not an easy thing we do but we do believe that it is what God is calling us to do. If He calls, He will also lead, equip and empower. “1999 Matua Hakiaha (at an eldership retreat at The Chapel) saw Jesus in our midst breathing on the words of scripture. People took those words and did different things with them. Some people hid the words; some older folk mentored others with the word; and some young people went out with the words and quickly returned with other young people.” Brian Spicer writes, “This ‘word’ grabbed my attention as I prepared for my interview with The Chapel’s Pastoral Search Team in December 2014. It was just one of a number that had been selected for inclusion in a document supplied, ‘Reading for Strategic Retreat Day 2013’. While many things caught my attention, this ‘word’ resonated so strongly with the desire, already stirring within me, to see the use of DBS in the multiplication of disciples who make disciples. The other element of this document to catch my attention, to find an echo in my spirit, and to become a core focus throughout the recruitment process, was the emphasis on finding a pastoral leader who would give the role a dual focus: pastoring the church and creating a missional expression into the community. Two models for this missional expression were outlined in the document. In expressing my reservations with these models, I also shared my heart for creating a Disciple Making Movement through the use of DBS.” Quite clearly there was a desire to see both a healthy faith community centred on The Chapel in Te Atatu, and some form of missional work out beyond that. Adopting the imagery of a hybrid car, as outlined by Roy Moran in his book, The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 24
“The Hybrid Church”, we now look to have a church with two engines: • a petrol engine - traditional form – a local community church and • an electric engine - missional form Both engines serving, “to inspire one another to follow Jesus.” Both engines seeking to make disciples who make disciples. Both engines working to see, “the people of God in loving community, worshipping and glorifying Him, seeking His face, revealing His nature, serving His purposes, on the Peninsula and Beyond.” Two very different engines driving the same vehicle (mission) to the same destination (vision) in very different ways. While DBS most certainly comes into its own in the missional engine, it also has a powerful role to play as the core discipleship methodology in both! • Within the ‘church engine’ we will use DBS in Discipleship Groups • Within the ‘mission engine’ we will use DBS in Discovery Groups What is DBS? The Discovery Bible Study is a format developed by David Watson in the mission fields of India. An excellent book for gaining great insight into this movement is “Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery” by David and Paul Watson. Copies of this book are available on request. Within a prayer-rich environment, DBS is focused on an obedience-based reading of and reflection on the word of God. The new disciple is quickly encouraged and equipped to disciple others in the same simple, reproducible, process. In Acts 1:8 we read: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 25
This diagram (right) aims to identify the various ‘audiences’ that we seek to reach… “on the peninsula and beyond”… from our Jerusalem (the Elders – the Leaders – the Congregation) through to our ends of the earth (the Resistant – the Atheists – the Hostile) It is proposed that we will explore how DBS can be used at every place. Those: • close to me and close to Jesus • close to me and far from Jesus • far from me and far from Jesus Groups are not led or taught by a person; they are simply facilitated. The only curriculum is the Bible, the teacher is the Holy Spirit and the desired outcome is obedience to the Word as quickened by the Spirit. Scripture sets, lists of Bible passages with a specific focus, will be identified or developed by those with a teaching gift. We will aim to create DBS sets (a series of Bible passages) suitable for use in each of these contexts, providing a consistent, Bible-based, approach to discipleship and leadership development. Sets currently in use or available are: • Creation to Christ – gives an extended overview of the Biblical story while also exploring the aspects of the Character of God • Discovery Sets for Sowing into the Harvest – developed by Jim Yost to provide first steps in discovery for not-yet-believers. 9 Major Categories - 6 Felt Need Issues per Category - 6 Studies per Felt Need The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 26
We will create, or locate, further sets for: • Discipling people to faith and in faith • Leadership development • Eldership training • Worship team training • Prayer training • Next Gen training and so on... Always looking to the word and relying on the Holy Spirit to speak and to quicken the Word! The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 27
Personal study via Four-Column study As well as the group use of DBS (guide sheets available separately), we will also look to create DBS sets for personal study using the ‘Four-Column” study format. Insert Bible Reference Here Copy the passage word Write out the passage in Answer the 4 questions in What does this mean for: for word into this column. your own words in this this column. column. 1. What does this tell us My Life? about God? 2. What does this tell us about people (individually and collectively) My Ministry? 3. Is there an example to follow? 4. Is there a command to obey? The Chapel – 2021 and Beyond – April 2021 P a g e 28
You can also read