Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin

Page created by Kenneth Deleon
Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin

                    Get started
                             Courses • Community programs • Child care
                                Cafés • Heart of Thornbury • Venue hire

                                                          TERM 1 - 2021

 Kids’ pottery classes at
 Bridge Darebin arts hub
 (see page 14 for details)

Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
                                                                                                  About us                                          2
                                                                                                  Contact us                                        3
                                                                                                  Important dates                                   4
                                                                                                  What we do                                        5
                                                                                                  Child care                                      6-7
                                                                                                  Course enrolment information  8
                                                                                                  Course fees & payment                             9
                                                                                                  Job-ready courses                                10
                                                                                                  English courses                                   11
                                                                                                  Computer courses                              12-13
                                                                                                  Art & craft courses                           14-15
                                                                                                  Health & exercise courses                     16-17
    About us                                                                                      Community programs 
                                                                                                  Other programs at Bridge Darebin 
                                                                                                  What’s happening in Term 2                      20
                                                                                                  Volunteering                                     21
                                                                                                  Heart of Thornbury/Makers Market             22-23
    Bridge Darebin is an award-winning organisation with a                                        Moon Rabbit cafés and Bulk Foods Collective  24-26
    38-year history in community development and education.                                       Venue hire                                       27
    We empower our community by offering adult education,                                         McGrath Estate Agents Inner North               28
    children’s services, social activities and support services.                                  Sponsoring community development                 29
                                                                                                  Donations                                       30
    Bridge Darebin is a social                  Whether you’re looking to make a                  Where to find us                                 31
    enterprise offering a welcoming             start with computers, develop your
    learning environment for adults,            artistic talents or get involved in
    vibrant childcare centre and a              your community, we are here to
    range of modern facilities for hire.        help you move forward.
                                                                                                  CONTACT US

                                                                                                  Preston                           Thornbury
                                                                                                  218-220 High Street               131 Shaftesbury Parade
                                                                                                  Preston VIC 3072                  Thornbury VIC 3071
                      SUPPORTED BY CITY OF DAREBIN                                                T: 03 9484 5806                   T: 03 9480 0466
                                                                                                  E:   E:
    Bridge Darebin is the trading name of Preston Neighbourhood House Inc., ABN 66 801 857 062.

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Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
Important dates                                                                    What we do

    Date                                Event                                          Bridge Darebin offers a range of services across multiple sites.

    Friday 18 December 2020
                                        Last day for $20 discount on term 1 courses;   COURSES                                    in our TTT program. We now offer
                                        Last day at Bridge Darebin
                                                                                                                                  catering and bulk foods, too.
                                                                                       We deliver a variety of education
    Wednesday 23 December 2020          Last day at Moon Rabbit cafes
                                                                                       programs, including art, exercise,         Moon Rabbit won the Keep Victoria
                                 Summer holidays                                       computers and employability skills         Beautiful - Sustainable Cities Award,
                                                                                       (see pages 10-17) Get $20 off              Sustainability Award at the 2020
    Monday 18 January 2021              Bridge Darebin offices reopen                  courses marked * if you pay by 18          Darebin Community Awards and
                                                                                       December. Courses marked ◊ are             has been nominated for the 2020
                                        Moon Rabbit cafes & Occasional care in
    Tuesday 19 January 2021
                                        Thornbury reopen                               Jobactive-approved and will count          Northern Business Achievement
                                                                                       toward a job seeker’s AAR.                 Awards. The TTT program won the
                                        Public holiday
    Tuesday 26 January 2021
                                        (Bridge Darebin & Moon Rabbit closed)          COMMUNITY PROGRAMS                         Creating Local Solutions Award
                                                                                                                                  at the 2019 Victorian Learn Local
    Thursday 28 January 2021            Term 1 begins                                  We facilitate community                    Awards.
                                                                                       engagement through programs
    Monday 8 March 2021
                                        Labour Day public holiday
                                                                                       such as Laneway Lunches, a two-            HEART OF THORNBURY
                                        (Bridge Darebin & Moon Rabbit closed)
                                                                                       course meal served each Friday.            Heart of Thornbury will be bringing
                                        HOT Makers Market held at
    Saturday 13 March 2021              Bridge Darebin Community Hall                  See page 18 for details.                   a whole new range of events,
                                                                                       CHILD CARE                                 classes, workshops, gatherings and
    Thursday 1 April 2021               Term 1 ends
                                                                                                                                  collaborations to our neighbourhood,
                                                                                       We’ve been providing outstanding           including our much-loved Makers
                                 School holidays
                                                                                       occasional child care for over             Market. See page 22-23 for details.
                                                                                       20 years, led by passionate,
                                                                                       supportive, experienced educators.         VENUE HIRE
                                                                                       See pages 6-7 for details.                 We have numerous spaces for hire
                                                                                       MOON RABBIT: CAFÉ,                         across multiple sites, available for
                                                                                       CATERING & BULK FOODS                      meetings, children’s birthday parties,
                                                                                                                                  gatherings, workshops and functions.
                                                                                       Moon Rabbit, our environmentally           See page 22 for more information.
                                                                                       innovative café (see pages 24-26),
                                                                                       is also a training facility for students

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Child care

    LEARNING BASED ON PLAY             arts and crafts and educational toys.
                                       Our educators are fully qualified
    Whether your child joins us for
                                       and registered, programming all
    occasional care or our school-
                                       sessions according to the Early
    holiday program, our focus is on
                                       Years Learning Framework.
    activities and experiences that
    encourage children to explore,     We also run specialised children’s
    experiment, participate and play   activities during school holidays and
    in a gentle and encouraging        rent our spaces for children’s parties.
    learning environment.
                                       We are a Child Care Subsidy-
    We have a unique and secure        approved centre (see page 8).
    outdoor space, books, dress-ups,

                                                                                     Program          Day          Dates         Times          Fees           Location

                                                                                                      Mon         25/01/21      9am-4pm         $112           Thornbury

                                                                                                      Tue         19/01/21      9am-4pm         $112           Thornbury

                                                                                 Occasional care      Wed         20/01/21      9am-4pm         $112           Thornbury

                                                                                                      Thur        21/01/21      9am-4pm         $112           Thornbury

                                                                                                      Fri         22/01/21      9am-4pm         $112           Thornbury

                                                                                                                                           To be advised;
                                                                                                   Mon & Thur   To be advised   9am-4pm     contact our        Thornbury
                                                                                                                                          office for details
                                                                                                                                           To be advised;
                                                                                                   Wed & Fri    To be advised   9am-4pm     contact our        Thornbury
                                                                                                                                          office for details

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Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
Course enrolment information                                                Course fees & payment

    CHILD CARE                             REFUNDS                              To finalise enrolment you will need to complete an enrolment
    Bridge Darebin is registered           If you wish to withdraw from a       form and return it to Bridge Darebin, along with proof of ID.
    for the Child Care Subsidy; up         course, you must notify us at
    to 85% of childcare fees may           least five working days before the   Enrolment forms can be completed at our offices, downloaded from
    be claimed by eligible families.       course begins in order to obtain a or filled out online.
    Visit            refund. Notification of withdrawal
    ChildCarePackage to confirm your       must be made in writing and          You can pay for courses online,       your course, then select the link
    eligibility.                           addressed to Operations Manager      too. Visit     for online payments on the course
                                           Catriona Herz at opsmanager@         au and search under ‘courses’, find   page.
    SUBSIDISED COURSE FEES                 A refund will be made less a $50
                                           administration charge.               PAYMENT DETAILS
    Subsidised course fees are
    available for students who are         CANCELLATIONS                        Bridge Darebin accepts payments       term, but payments can be debited
    ACFE-eligible. To be eligible for                                           by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, credit       in weekly or fortnightly instalments
                                           Course commencement is
    ACFE funding you must be an                                                 card (in person or over the phone)    (an external transaction fee of
                                           subject to sufficient enrolments –
    Australian or New Zealand citizen                                           or bank transfer. We also accept      $1.35 applies to each debit).
                                           minimum and maximum class sizes
    or an Australian permanent                                                  direct debit; book for the entire
                                           apply to all courses. In the event                                         Concession price is available for
    resident.                              of a course cancellation all fees                                          pension or healthcare-card holders
                                                                                 Direct deposit details:
    DISCOUNTS                              will be refunded in full by direct                                         for government-funded programs
                                           payment to your nominated bank        Bank                                 (ACFE). A Victorian Seniors Card
    Get $20 off courses marked * by
                                           account. Our fees policy can be       Bendigo Bank                         is also accepted for non-funded
    paying by 18 December 2020.
                                           provided on request.                                                       programs. If enrolling online, your
    Some courses can be commenced                                                Account name
                                           PUBLIC & SCHOOL HOLIDAYS              Preston Neighbourhood House          concession/pension/seniors card
    after the start date; enquire at our
                                                                                                                      must be presented at our office
    offices for details.                   We are closed on public holidays.     BSB                                  prior to commencement.
    COURSE MATERIALS                       Some courses may operate during       633-000
                                           school holidays; your tutor will      Account number                       Discounts apply for early payment
    Bridge Darebin will advise students                                                                               or payment of multiple courses, or
                                           advise if this is the case.           1285 76022
    prior to course commencement if                                                                                   multiple terms, in the same year.
    there are course material fees to                                            Reference area                       Contact the office for conditions.
    be paid. This is a separate payment,                                         Your surname, course name and time
    in addition to the course fee.

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Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
Job-ready programs                                                                                      English courses

     STEP UP TO WORK                                  JOB CLUB                                               EVERYDAY ENGLISH
     Develop your job searching,                      Our online service offers one-on-                      Develop your English skills in
     application and interview skills with            one coaching for job seekers. Get                      four key areas: reading, writing,
     the support of a career coach.                   assistance with your next career                       conversation and pronunciation.
     Prepare for work or volunteer                    path, finding work, writing resumes,                   This course is open to all visa
     opportunities and build your                     cover letters and devloping                            holders and is suitable for lower
     confidence and self-esteem.                      interview skills. Bookings are                         level English speakers.
     MICROBUSINESS FOR MAKERS                                                                                ADVANCED ENGLISH FOR THE
     Want to turn your passion project                INTRO TO URBAN FARMING                                 WORKPLACE
     into a viable business? This online              During this hands-on course you                        This course is designed for higher
     course for makers will guide you                 will learn the principles of urban                     level English speakers to gain more
     through the step-by-step process                 agriculture including how to design,                   confidence with their English skills
     of creating a sustainable creative               build and maintain a productive                        in everyday work situations. These
     business. Develop a business                     farm in limited space. Gain an                         include writing emails and reports,
     plan, learn basic accountancy                    understanding of the wide range of                     calling customers and holding
     skills, product development and                                                                         meetings with colleagues.
                                                      production systems and pathways to
     marketing strategies.                                                                                   Learners willl further develop their
                                                      employment in this field.
                                                                                                             reading, writing and speaking skills
                                                                                                             using everyday materials such as
                                                                   Conc.    ACFE      Fee for
        Course         Day     Starts       Times       Sessions
                                                                    Fee    full fee   service
                                                                                                Location     case studies, articles and videos.
                                         Mon 9.30am-                                              Blended
     Step Up          Mon &                2.30pm;                                                                                                                          Conc.    ACFE      Fee for
                              15/02/21                     8       $73*    $138*      $684*      (Online &        Course          Day        Starts     Times    Sessions                                Location
     to Work ◊         Wed               Wed 9.30am-                                                                                                                         Fee    full fee   service
                                          12.30pm                                               Thornbury)
                                                                                                             Everyday English   Wed & Fri   29/01/21               18         -        -        $35      Preston
     Step Up                                                                                                                                           12.30pm
     to Work ◊         Tue    23/02/21    1-3.30pm         5       $65*     $97*      $370*      Preston
     (18-25 yrs)
                                                                                                             Advanced English                          9.30am-
                                                                                                                               Tue & Thur   28/01/21               18         -        -        $35      Preston
     Microbusiness                                                                                           for the Workplace                         12.30pm
                      Wed     03/02/21    10am-12pm        7       $65*     $98*      $350*      Online
     for Makers ◊

     Intro to Urban   Tue &   16/02/21     9am-1pm         8       $72*     $131*     $632*      Preston
     Farming ◊         Thur

     Job Club         Wed     10/02/21   12.30-2.30pm   ongoing      -        -        Free      Online

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Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
Computer courses
     WORKPLACE – BEGINNERS                  This course is designed for
     Learn basic computer skills needed     job-seekers looking to quickly
     for the workplace such as using        upskill in order to search for
     the internet, email and Microsoft      jobs online and complete online
     Office applications including          applications. You will learn how to
     Word and Excel. Create simple          operate a computer, navigate the
     documents and develop your             internet, use email and Microsoft
     digital skills to help you find work   Word, create a great-looking
     or go on to further study.             resume and confidently search
     COMPUTER SKILLS FOR THE                online for employment or study
     WORKPLACE – INTERMEDIATE &             opportunities.                                                                                                  Conc.    ACFE      Fee for
                                                                                         Course              Day        Starts       Times       Sessions                                Location
     ADVANCED                               FAST-TRACK INTERMEDIATE
                                                                                                                                                             fee    full fee   service

     Advance your workplace                 Learn the tools to gain more           Computer skills for
     computer skills in Microsoft Office    confidence in searching and
                                                                                   the workplace –
                                                                                   Beginners ◊
                                                                                                          Tue & Thur   02/02/21   12.30-3.30pm     18       $76*     $152*     $789*     Preston

     programs and learn how to use          applying for employment. Develop
     cloud technology. Learn how to         skills in advanced email functions     Computer skills for                             Tues 9am-                                              Blended
                                                                                   the workplace –        Tue & Thur   02/02/21     12pm; Fri      18       $76*     $152*     $789*     (Online &
     insert and edit images, use mail       such as digital signatures and         Intermediate ◊                                  1-3.30pm                                               Preston)
     merge, create forms and charts,        attachments, Microsoft Word
     create and deliver a PowerPoint        features and cloud-based
                                                                                   Computer skills for
                                                                                   the workplace –        Thur & Fri   29/01/21   9.30am-12pm      18       $76*    $152*      $789*      Online
     presentation, and use formulas and     technology to store data. As           Advanced ◊
     develop a budget in Excel.             part of this course, you will set      Fast-track
                                                                                                            Wed        03/02/21    12-2.30pm        5       $65*     $98*      $371*     Preston
     INTRO TO CLOUD-BASED                   up online profiles for job search      Beginners

     WORKPLACE                              websites and create your own
                                                                                   Fast-track                                       9.30am-
     Develop your digital literacy and      LinkedIn profile.                      Intermediate
                                                                                                            Wed        24/02/21
                                                                                                                                                    5       $65*     $98*      $371*     Preston

     cloud-based computing skills in        ENGLISH THROUGH COMPUTERS              Intro to cloud-based
     this dynamic short course. Aimed       This course is designed to develop     workplace
                                                                                                             Fri       05/02/21      1-3pm          5       $62*     $81*      $245*      Online
     at giving you confidence to work       your English language skills while
     remotely, you’ll learn introductions   also gaining basic computer skills.                           Thur & Fri   04/02/21
                                                                                                                                                    8       $68*     $111*     $475*     Preston
     to cloud-based applications            Learn how to use everyday apps,        English Through
     including Microsoft 365, Google        websites and internet resources                                                          10am-
                                                                                                             Sat       06/02/21                     8       $68*     $111*     $475*     Preston
     Drive, Zoom and Canva.                 for learning English in a supportive
                                            environment.                           ◊ = JOBACTIVE APPROVED ACTIVITY

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Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
Art & craft
     ADAPTIVE ARTS                           SUSTAINABILITY CRAFT FOR
                                             FAMILIES                                                                                             Conc.              Fee for
     Join this fun and inclusive virtual                                                 Course        Day       Times       Starts    Sessions    fee
                                                                                                                                                          full fee   service   Location
     space for people with special needs.    Learn how to utilise household
     Connect with others in an engaging      items to explore art and craft,          Arts
                                                                                                       Mon     10-11.30am   01/02/21      8       $193*      -       $213*      Online
     way and make new friends through        engage in open ended play and
     social interaction, participation and   inspire imagination.                     Studio Arts      Thur    10am-1pm     28/01/21      9       $279*      -       $306*     Arts Hub

     creative expression.
                                             POTTERY                                  Craft for        Fri      10-11am     19/02/21      6       $153*      -       $177*     Arts Hub
     STUDIO ARTS                                                                      Families
                                             Develop new pottery techniques
     Explore your creativity in a range of   at our Thornbury Arts Hub, with                           Mon      7-9pm       01/02/21      7       $276*      -       $300*     Arts Hub
     artistic media and subject matter.      classes suitable for all skill levels.
                                                                                                       Tue      1-3pm       02/02/21      9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub
     Go at your own pace with the            Learn the fundamentals of hand
     support of a friendly and               building with clay, or continue to                        Tue      7-9pm       02/02/21      9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub
     experienced art teacher.                develop your skills and work on
                                             your own projects at your own                             Wed      7-9pm       03/02/21      9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub

                                             pace.                                    Pottery          Thur   1.30-3.30pm 28/01/21        9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub

                                                                                                       Thur     7-9pm       28/01/21      9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub

                                                                                                       Fri    10am-12pm     29/01/21      9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub

                                                                                                       Sat    10am-12pm 30/01/21          9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub

                                                                                                       Sat      2-4pm       30/01/21      9       $298*      -       $325*     Arts Hub

                                                                                                       Tue     4-5.30pm     02/02/21      9       $280*      -       $298*     Arts Hub
                                                                                      for Kids

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Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
Health & Exercise

     TAI CHI                                 WALKING
     Learn Tai Chi, combining exercise and   Get fit while socialising and meeting
     relaxation, from a Tai Chi master.      new friends. Jump aboard our
     Try Beginners 1 if you’re new to        minibus and explore different
     Tai Chi, Beginners 2 if you’ve          trails across Melbourne. Coffee is
     been practising for a while or          included; times may vary dependent
     Intermediate to increase your skills    on walking locations.
     and stamina.
     YOGA                                    ZUMBA®
     Suitable for all ages and abilities,    Come and dance! This Colombian
     Yoga is the perfect way to improve      exercise fitness program combines
     your physical confidence, flexibility   dance and aerobic elements and is
     and basic meditation techniques.        suitable for all ages and skill levels.

                                                                                                                                                                         ACFE      Fee for
                                                                                           Course       Day          Starts          Times       Sessions   Conc. fee                        Location
                                                                                                                                                                        full fee   service

                                                                                       Tai Chi –
                                                                                                        Mon        25/01/21         11-12pm         9         $117         -       $144      Preston
                                                                                       Beginners 1

                                                                                       Tai Chi -        Mon        25/01/21       1.15-2.15pm       9         $117         -       $144      Preston
                                                                                       Beginners 2

                                                                                       Tai Chi –
                                                                                                        Mon        25/01/21         12-1pm          9         $117         -       $144      Preston

                                                                                                      Contact Tara directly to enrol in Tai Chi – or 0407 941 101

                                                                                       Walking          Wed       03/02/21       9.30-11.30am       9        $110*         -       $128*     Preston

                                                                                       Yoga             Tue        02/02/21      6.35-7.50pm        8        $127*         -       $143*     Preston

                                                                                       Zumba®           Wed       02/03/21          6-7pm           8        $127*         -       $143*     Preston

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Get started Contents - Bridge Darebin
Community programs                                                                                  Other programs
     LANEWAY LUNCHES &                              SOCIAL LAWN BOWLS
                                                    Have fun with our social lawn-                       Our venue hirers provide a diverse range of programming
     Our laneway lunches are set to                 bowls group at Kingsbury Bowls                       for adults & children at our Preston & Thornbury sites;
     return in February 2021, where we              Club. This program is for learners                   contact each organiser for details.
     provide a two-course community                 with additional needs; carers are
     lunch for $2 every Friday, followed            welcome too.
     by various social activities such as                                                                                  Group                   Location           Contact details
     bingo.                                         MOVING STARS
                                                                                                                                                                      1300 222 222
                                                                                                         AA meetings                                Preston
     Come for lunch and stay for the                Moving Stars is a supportive group                                                                      

     conversation. Develop skills, get              for adults with special needs to                     ARC Children’s Choir                       Preston
                                                                                                                                                                     Amelia van Lint:
                                                                                                                                                                     0434 356 688
     creative, have fun and engage with             express their creativity and make
     others. No booking is required.                friends. Moving Stars combines                       Balanced Life Development –
                                                                                                         self help for addictions
                                                                                                                                                    Preston      Hugh K : 0402 400 761
                                                    movement, dance, music, drama,
                                                                                                                                                                    Mary Jo Straford:
     AT YOUR OWN PACE                               art and relaxation for two hours of                  Blossoming Heart Yoga & Dance             Thornbury
                                                                                                                                                                     0409 850 828
                                                    fun on Monday nights.                                                                                      Roberto Catena: 0411 161 019
                                                                                                         Congregation of Christians in Australia    Preston
     Develop and practise your                                                                                                                         
     computer skills in a friendly and                                                                   Down Town Dance Academy                    Preston
                                                                                                                                                                      Naomi Barr:
                                                                                                                                                                     0429 402 934
     supportive environment. This
     program is for learners with                                                                        Expression Australia –
                                                                                                         sign language (Auslan) classes
     additional needs; carers welcome.
                                                                                                         Greek Women of the Northern Suburbs                         Faye Petroulakis:
                                                                                                         “Anemones” Greek dancing                                      0431 727 161

                                                              Conc.   ACFE full   Fee for                                                                           Vignes Velautham:
       Program      Day     Starts      Times      Sessions                                  Location    Hand of God Church                         Preston
                                                               fee      fee       service                                                                             0435 034 697

     Social Lawn                                                                            Kingsbury                                                                Ciaran Horgan:
                    Thur   28/01/21   10-11.30am      9         -         -        $117                  Japan Karate Association                   Preston
     Bowls                                                                                  Bowls Club                                                

     Moving Stars   Mon    01/02/21                   8         -         -       $187      Thornbury

     At Your
                    Thur   04/02/21   4.30-6pm        8         -         -        Free      Preston
     Own Pace

                            To be
     Lunches &      Fri                12-2pm         11        -         -         $2       Preston

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What’s coming in Term 2                                                    Volunteering
     We have a whole suite of new courses coming in Term 2, here’s
                                                                                Volunteering with Bridge Darebin       VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
     what you can expect:
                                                                                is an excellent way to connect with    ARE AVAILABLE FOR:
     JOB-READY                             SHORT COURSES                        and support your community – an
                                                                                opportunity to use and build on
                                                                                                                       y Laneway Lunch assistants
     Tiered Training & Transistion (TTT)   Intro to Childhood Education
     running over 20 weeks, starting                                            existing skills and learn new ones.    y Classroom assistants
                                           running over 10 weeks, starting                                               (including English, computer,
     Monday 3 May.                         Monday 19 April.                     Volunteering also provides the           cooking and pottery classes)
                                                                                opportunity to gain confidence in a
                                           Intro to Event Management                                                   y Admin assistants
                                                                                supportive work environment while
     ENGLISH                               running over 5 weeks, starting
                                                                                looking for paid employment.           y Childcare assistants
     English for Aged Care                 Saturday 24 April.
     running over 5 weeks, starting                                             If you’d like to find out more about   y Moon Rabbit café assistant
                                           Money Matters - Financial Literacy
     Tuesday 13 April.                                                          our vibrant volunteer program, call
                                           running over 8 weeks, starting
                                                                                Preston on 03 9484 5806 or email
                                           Wednesday 24 April.
     ART AND CRAFT                         Sustainability for home, work and
     Knitting                              community
     running over 10 weeks, starting       running over 8 weeks, starting
     Tuesday 20 April.                     Saturday 1 May.

     Creative writing
     running over 6 weeks, starting
     Wednesday 19 May.
                                           Intro to Word
                                           running over 5 weeks, starting
                                           Saturday 10 April.

                                           Intro to Excel
                                           running over 5 weeks, starting
                                           Saturday 10 April and Monday 21

                                           Intro to PowerPoint
                                           running over 5 weeks, starting
                                           Friday 23 April.
20                                                                                                                                                       21
Heart Of Thornbury                                                           HOT - Makers Market

                                                                                  Heart Of Thornbury hosts the Makers Market four times a year at the Bridge
                                                                                  Darebin Community Hall in Thornbury.
                                                                                  These quartely Saturdays celebrate the work of crafters, creatives and artisits
                                                                                  and provides visitors with the opportunity to meet the handmakers in person
                                                                                  and get a true understanding of their special talents.
                                                                                  With environmentally innovative cafe Moon Rabbit joining in the fun, it’s the
                                                                                  perfect place to meet up with friends, grab a cuppa, eat some cake and shop
                                                                                  direct with the stall holders!
                                                                                  To find out about our upcoming markets or to have a look at our online
                                                                                  HOT Shop, visit

     Bridge Darebin is pleased to introduce you to the
     Heart Of Thornbury - it’s HOT!

     In addition to hosting the much-loved Makers Market, you can also visit
     HOT Shop ONLINE, which is open 24/7 so you can find your favourite
     stallholders all year-round.
     We’ve carefully curated a quality line-up of stores and you can either
     search by category if you know what you’re after or spend some time
     virtually strolling the market, all from the comfort of your couch.

     HOT also reguarly brings classes, workshops, social gatherings,
     collaborations and more to our neighbourhood.
     From family-friendly mixed media arts, to pottery and Bridge Queer
     Gathering, we provide a safe and welcoming place for our local
     community to gather, create and connect through our events.               Pictured: Kurinuki Vase by HOT Maker Dawn Waswick.

22                                                                                                                                                                  23
Moon Rabbit cafés

     Moon Rabbit is an award-winning,
     environmentally innovative café
     at the front of Bridge Darebin:
     Preston. The Age called our
     coffee “pitch-perfect”, our jaffles
     “excellent” and our sweet treats
     “the stuff of the CWA’s fever
     The café is a practical training
     site for students in our TTT
     vocational program, who gain skills
     in customer service, teamwork,
     food preparation and coffee
     preparation.                           plastic drinking straws here.

                                            Bring your own mug, borrow a         MOON RABBIT ON THE HOP
     Any profits from Moon Rabbit will
     be used to support our community       pre-loved mug or glass jar from      Our new mobile café launched in
     programs that are currently            our collection, or purchase a Moon   October and is hopping around
     underfunded, such as Laneway           Rabbit reusable cup.                 local Darebin parks, serving up
     Lunches, which provides two-                                                delicious food and drinks, Monday
                                            In our first year of trading we
     course meals to 40-60 people                                                to Friday.
                                            prevented more than 10,000
     each Friday (see page 18).
                                            disposable coffee cups from          To keep us moving towards our
     SUSTAINABILITY AT THE                  ending up in landfill!               zero-waste mission, you can BYO
     FOREFRONT                                                                   or BORROW a mug/glass jar, or
                                            Both Moon Rabbit cafes are open
     Moon Rabbit was the proud                                                   BUY-IN to our TCX membership at
                                            Monday to Friday, and closed on
     winner of the Community Waste                                               our coffee van.
                                            Sundays and public holidays.
     category in “Keep Victoria Beautiful                                        To find out where we’re hopping to
     - Sustainable Cities Award”.           For more information and to
                                                                                 next or to see what’s on the menu,
                                            view our café menu visit
     You won’t find any disposable                                               visit
     takeaway cups, plastic takeaway
     containers, plastic drink bottles or

24                                                                                                                    25
Bulk Foods Collective
     Moon Rabbit Bulk Foods Collective
     (BFC) offers affordable, everday
     pantry items in bulk, to help
     achieve a plastic-free Darebin
     and create a more sustainable
     community. Buy only what you
     need, BYO containers and avoid
     unneccessary packaging.

     Our product list includes grains,
     gluten-free options, nuts, dried
     fruit, popcorn, chocolates, coffee
     and tea, and cleaning products.
     SHOP DAYS                            MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS
     Bulk Foods Collective is open
     weekly on Tuesdays 4-6.30pm
                                          BFC membership entitles you to a
                                          10% discount.
                                                                             Venue hire
     and Wednesdays 9am-2pm, and
     occasional Saturdays (coinciding     Pricing:
                                                                             We have a range of rooms for hire     Additional equipment is available
     with Moon Rabbit cafe trading        y TIER 1: $15 per year. Tier 1     in Preston and Thornbury, available   for hire – including TVs, built-in
     hours).                                members must commit to           by the hour, by the day or ongoing.   projectors, laptops*, iPads* and a
                                            volunteering twice per year on   Spaces include:                       PA system* – for all your meeting,
                                            shop days                                                              presentation and learning needs
                                                                             y A variety of meeting rooms,         (*available during business hours
                                          y TIER 2: $36 per year with no       training rooms and halls with
                                                                                                                   at our Preston site only; additional
                                            volunteering requirements          capacity from 10 to 120 (COVID-
                                                                                                                   fees apply).
                                                                               Safe capacity limits apply).
                                          y CONCESSION TIER: free                                                  Visit or
                                            for concession-card holders      y Two fully equipped commercial       call 03 9484 5806 (Preston) or 03
                                            who can meet volunteering          kitchens
                                                                                                                   9480 0466 (Thornbury) for more
                                            requirements                     y Computer lab                        information.
                                          For more details and the full      y Children’s party room with
                                          product list visit                   outdoor play area

26                                                                                                                                                        27
Sponsoring community

                                                                                 Bridge Darebin connects with        Some of the benefits of sponsorship:
                                                                                 more than 4,000 local people
                                                                                 every week, through educational     y Access to a large, local audience
                                                                                 and leisure programs, children’s    y Engage with our most
                                                                                 services, markets, community          disadvantaged and marginalised
                                                                                 events and forums.                    locals, through high-quality
                                                                                 Bridge Darebin also runs a
                                                                                 number of community programs        y Branding opportunities for
                                                                                 specifically designed to support      specific community programs
                                                                                 and connect disadvantaged people    y Additional acknowledgment on
                                                                                 with their community. We rely         Bridge Darebin communications
                                                                                 on the generosity of sponsors to
     McGrath Estate Agents                                                       fund these programs. Without this
                                                                                 important support we could not
                                                                                                                     y Cash donations and gifts are
                                                                                                                       fully tax-deductible, as Preston

     Inner North                                                                 assist our marginalised community     Neighbourhood House is a
                                                                                 members to improve their lives.       registered charity
                                                                                                                     To find out more please get in
                                                                                 Bridge Darebin offers local
                                                                                                                     touch with our Chief Executive
                                                                                 businesses the opportunity
                                                                                                                     Officer, Chris Lombardo
     PROUD SPONSOR OF MOON RABBIT                                                to support and connect with
                                                                                                                     03 9484 5806
                                                                                 their community, and promote
     At McGrath Estate Agents Northcote, we are passionate about investing                                 
                                                                                 themselves to a large number of
     in organisations that want to use that investment to nourish, nurture and
                                                                                 potential customers.
     promote the community spirit.

     This is why we have chosen to align ourselves with Bridge Darebin.

     Our real estate agency is about giving back to the people who make this
     city great and we take so much pride in supporting Bridge Darebin, who do
     this so well.

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Where to find us

                                                                              Our locations
                                                                              y Bridge Darebin: Preston
                                                                              y Preston Hub
                                                                              y Bridge Darebin: Thornbury
                                                                              y Bridge Darebin Arts Hub
                                                                              y Bridge Darebin Community Hall

 If you would like to make a donation   Bridge Darebin is registered
 to Bridge Darebin, you can be          as a charity with the Australian
 assured that it will have a huge       Charities and Not-for-profits
 impact. Every cent is dedicated        Commission (ABN 66 801 857
 to making the maximum positive         062); donations of $2 or more are
 impact in our community.               tax-deductible.

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Find out more at
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