St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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St. Vincent de Paul Parish The St. Vincent de Paul community lives out the Vincentian charism by serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception. January 3rd, 2021 The Epiphany of the Lord “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The Lord shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you — Isaiah 60:1- Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M., Pastor Parish Center: 1010 West Webster Avenu Chicago, IL 6061 Phone: 773-325-861 Fax: 773-325-862 Email: info@stvdep.or Website: Facebook: stvincentdepaulparishchicago Mass Schedule Sunday: 10:00 am 5:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 am 6 6 4 0 g e ” /
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 2 Sunday Scripture Re ection Sometimes we can get lost in our lives. A poor decision leads to another and one day we wake up to discover that we are a long way from where we hoped or wanted to be. We nd ourselves disoriented and confused, adrift without any mooring. Perhaps grief, anger or sadness has knocked us out of line. Perhaps the anxieties and worries about the pandemic, the church, racial justice or our economic and political system weigh us down and lead us to lose sight of our ideals. Whatever the reason, we often can feel lost or aimless in our lives, wondering how we got to where we are or how to get to where we want to be We hear today the story of how the Magi followed the star to the infant Jesus, how they nally arrived to see the child and worship him. In our lives, there isn’t a physical star to lead us to where we want, but the star that grounds us and helps us to nd direction and meaning is Christ himself. When we begin to follow his light in our lives, even if it seems far o and dim, we grow in our love and our hope. The light directing us and leading us is always there if we are open to seeing it. Sometimes, though, our own doubts and questions obscure the star. But the star is still there; Christ is still there. As St. Paul said, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ – not distance, not sin, not fear. Nothing. Jesus told us that he came to seek and save what was lost (Luke 19:10). All of us from time to time are lost, we lose our bearings and wander away. The Good News is that Jesus is there – wherever we are. Nothing we have done, nothing we have failed to do, nothing can make God stop loving us and wanting us Jesus is waiting for us to see him in our lives, to receive his love, to give of ourselves in service to one other. Today we are invited to trust in him, especially if we feel lost, adrift or alone. And as a parish, we seek to recognize the loving and merciful presence of Jesus in our lives, and to be the mercy of God for others. As our vision statement says, we serve and love the Body of Christ without exception. Our celebration today of Epiphany is really a celebration of the fact that Jesus came for every person throughout the world. No one – past, present or future – is outside his love and mercy. Christ works in the life of each person, you and me included. We are called to recognize his loving presence and guidance in our own lives, and to help others who are lost or alone to see it in their lives as well. While the world around us seems dark, let us look to the light of Christ to guide our path The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 fl . fi . fi ff fi .
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 3 Pray : Serve : Share When I Call for Help: Catholic Social Teaching on Domestic Violence An Evening with Fr. Charles Dahm, O.P. The Church's social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Catholic social teaching is distinctive in its consistent critiques of modern social and political ideologies both of the left and of the right. Join Fr. Charles Dahm, O.P., as he explores Catholic social teaching from the standpoint of domestic violence. The Church can help break this cycle. Recognizing the critical role that the Church can play, domestic violence is an issue that concerns us all. Tuesday, January 12 at 6:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting Access Phone 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 942 7453 9941 Fr. Charles W. Dahm, O.P.. is the Chicago Archdiocesan Director of Domestic Violence Outreach. Fr. Chuck was instrumental in the founding of the 8th Day Center for Justice, the Illinois Citizens for Better Care (a nursing home advocacy organization), and the Chicago Religious Task Force on Central America. During his tenure as pastor at St. Pius V parish, Chicago, he helped found The Resurrection Project, an economic development corporation and community organization. He is co-founder and board member of the Chicago Workers Collaborative, an advocacy organization for day laborers and Parenting for Non Violence in Chicago. Fr. Chuck is the author of two books: Power and Authority in the Catholic Church: Cardinal Cody in Chicago, and Parish Ministry in a Hispanic Community. St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Chicago ǀ Facebook @SaintVincentDePaulParishChicago The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 4 Pray : Serve : Share St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church, Chicago Join us! Discovery 21 — A Catholic Workshop on Diversity, Anti-Racism & Inclusion This workshop focuses on defining and understanding diversity, anti-racism and inclusion. By learning key concepts and terms, we can develop a common language that prepares us for more extensive and deeper dialogue on these topics. We will also create space to discuss our reactions to these topics, and as well as their meaning in the context of our own communities and this moment in history. Register in advance for this meeting After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Tues- day, Novem- at D i s c o v e r y 2 1 — A Catholic Workshop on ber 24, 7:00pm via Diversity, Anti-Racism & Inclusion Zoom —Saturday, January 16, 9:30 am to 11:30 am via Zoom Our presenter, Michael Rabbitt, is a parishioner at St. Mary of the Woods Parish in Chicago, where he co-founded and leads the Racial & Social Justice ministry. Michael’s community leadership in a volunteer capacity includes being a founding member of Neighbors for Affordable Housing and the Northwest Side Coalition Against Racism & Hate in Chicago. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Darst Center, a social justice education center in Chicago. Michael’s past work with the Archdiocese of Chicago includes serving on its Anti-Racism Implementation Team and the Allocations Advisory Committee of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. For his day job, Michael works at Argonne National Laboratory, where he leads the Business Transformation department. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 5 Pray : Serve : Share A new year, a new month, a new theme! This month we will focus on the Catholic Social Teaching theme of Solidarity. Check out this video to a get a quick introduction to the theme of Solidarity. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 6 Pray : Serve : Share Life is filled with big questions. Does my life have meaning? Is there more to life than my job? How do I connect with others during the pandemic? Join the faith communities of St. Teresa of Avila, St. Josaphat and St. Vincent de Paul in conversations on these important questions. Alpha consists of a video and a discussion on the most important questions we ask ourselves. All sessions will be held on Zoom starting January 21 at 7 PM. Absolutely everyone is welcome! If you come to the first session and realize that Alpha is not for you there is no pressure to come back! Register at - E-mail Rebecca at for more information. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 7 Pray : Serve : Share Weekday Monday St. Joseph Church 1107 N. Orleans Morning Chicago, IL Tuesday Mass St. Michael’s in Old Town 1633 N. Cleveland Chicago, IL 312-642-2498 for the Lincoln Park- Wednesday Old Town Parishes St. Teresa of Avila Church 1037 W. Armitage Ave. Chicago, IL. 773-528-6650 As we enter Phase #2 for the reopening of our churches, the five parishes represented in the Lincoln Park-Old Town Grouping of Renew My Church are working together to Thursday offer a weekday Mass at 8:00 a.m. St. Vincent DePaul Church These Weekday Masses will resume on Monday, July 27th. 1010 W. Webster Ave. Chicago IL. The five parish have created a rotating schedule, listed below. 773-325-8610 If you wish to attend these Masses, please be aware of the following guidelines: • You will need to follow the same procedures for health and safety as you would for attending Sunday Mass. Friday St. Josaphat Church • Please visit to review the 2311 N. Southport guidelines and tips offered by the Archdiocese of Chicago. Chicago, IL. • You must register in advance on-line at the particular (773) 327-895 parish that you plan to attend. • Masks or some type of face covering are required. Lincoln Park-Old Town Parishes Renew My Church Grouping ST. MICHAEL IN OLD TOWN Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph parish The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 8 Pray : Serve : Share DO YOU RECEIVE PARISH EMAILS? Did you know that we send out weekly emails with parish updates, events and the e-bulle n? If not, please go to our website ( and subscribe to our newsle er. As we begin to have public mass, this will be your opportunity to get the link for pre-registra on for masses every Thursday. Also, please check to make sure it’s not going to your spam folder! St. Vincent de Paul Emergency Assistance Fund Are you or someone you know struggling with keeping up with bills or rent at this me? Thanks to some generous donors, we have created an emergency assistance fund. This will provide a one- me, short-term, emergency nancial support to parishioners, and those who are sponsored by parishioners. It is designed to give an extra hand to those of you who may be struggling nancially. Any of you who need this help are invited to apply here. Ministry of Praye While we are separated from each other physically, we are all connected in one spirit in Christ. “Being Church” means more than coming to a building. The Church is you and me – all of us together – living out our mission. This con nues even if we are physically separated. Let us pray for each other. We have formalized a Ministry of Prayer by asking the members of the Vincen an Women and Men’s Prayer group to pray for your inten ons each day. We now would like to invite anyone from the parish to par cipate. If you would like to join, please email Leslie Linke at If you have any prayer inten ons, please email Fr. Jeremy at or send a message to our parish Facebook page. As Catholics, we believe that our prayers make a di erence in the world. Now, more than ever, we must band together as a community of faith and keep this prac ce alive. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 ff fi ti ti ti ti tt ti r ti ti fi ti ti ti
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 9 Pray : Serve : Share Vincentian Women Fourth Annual Retreat For All Women Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:00 am – 12 noon on Zoom Join us for prayer, spiritual reflection, guided meditation, discussion and close with praying the rosary. $10 suggested donation. Email Ginny at to register. You will receive a participation packet at your home before the retreat. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 10 Pray : Serve : Share We welc e into the ch ch this weekend: John Francis, child of Christopher & Kate Stankiewicz Weddings Celebrated in Decemb : December 13: Michael Russell & Diane Aldrich VOLUNTEERS FOR CHURCH SOUP KITCHEN SERVICE GREETING We are in need of more volunteers to greet people Our soup kitchen needs volunteers to help serve and act as ushers. Currently, we have mass at on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in the 10am and 5pm on Sunday and 8am on Thursday, morning from 7:30-10am. In addi on, volunteers in addi on to bap sms and weddings on are needed to pick up dona ons at Costco on Saturdays. The number of masses and the Sunday morning at 9:15am. If you would like to celebra on of daily Mass depends largely on the volunteer or want more informa on, please availability of volunteers. If you would like to help, contact Nelson Mendoza at and are not part of the vulnerable popula on, or register at h p:// please contact Fr. Jeremy at www.rotundaso or 773-325-4155. Seton_SandwichKitchen?enroll=1 The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 ti ti om ft ti ti ti ti tt ur ti er
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 11 Pray : Serve : Share St. Vincent de Paul Parish Masses in the church: Sunday Mass at 10:00am, 5:00pm, and 8:00pm (DePaul University) (10:00am also streamed live on Facebook) Thursdays at 8a Parish Center Hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday) living out the Vincentian charism by serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception Financial Stewardship Actual Budget Previous Current Variance Current Mo Variance Annual Oct 2020 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021 Collec ons $23,637 $27,186 15% $31,500 -14% Other $25,644 $20,885 -19% $22,915 12% Total Income $49,281 $48,071 -2% $54,415 -12% YTD YTD Annual Collec ons $130,546 $103,273 -21% $133,150 -22% $400,050 Other $118,173 $90,964 -23% $95,360 -5% $286,580 Total Income $248,719 $194,237 -22% $228,510 -15% $686,630 Thank you for your continued support of St. Vincent de Paul Parish! Your commitment is vital to the scal health of our parish. For convenient regular giving, please consider using our auto-withdrawal program. Visit for more information. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 ti ti m fi
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 12 Pray : Serve : Share Encouraging women to build friendship and community in our parish through faith and service. Join us to Pray the Rosary every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Mark your calendar for our 4th Annual Retreat Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Join us virtually for reflection, meditation and conversation! Monthly meeting is Wednesday, January 13 at 6:30 pm on Zoom. All women of the parish are invited to join! Visit our website for more information: Join us on Facebook for an evening of contemplative piano, music and prayer. Tuesdays at 5:00pm The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 13 Pray : Serve : Share Calendar of Events Sunday Jan. 3 Mass - 10 am, in Church (reservation required) and on Facebook: RCIA, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm on Zoom Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (reservation required) Monday Jan. 4 Divine Mercy Chaplet - 7pm Tuesday Jan. 5 Music, Stillness, Solidarity - 5 pm - Wed. Jan. 6 Rosary - 6pm Thurs. Jan. 7 Mass 8:00 am, Church Sunday Jan. 10 Mass - 10 am, in Church (reservation required) and on Facebook: Religious Ed, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon on zoom Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (reservation required) * Parish Office is closed until January 4, 2021 The Archdiocese of Chicago's O ce of Young Adult Engagement has gathered a list of online resources for your use during this time of social distancing and beyond. Visit to nd resources about local and national prayer opportunities, mental and physical health, books to read, podcasts to listen to and so much more. These resources are speci cally geared toward young adults to help them stay connected. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 ffi fi fi
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 14 News & Notes ON 2021, SIMON THE MAGICIAN, AND THE MAGI Copyright 2020 by John B. Reynolds ( “Based upon a statistical analysis of words that are looked up in extremely high numbers in our online dictionary while also showing a significant year-over-year increase in traffic, Merriam- Webster’s Word of the Year for 2020 is pandemic.” Duh. But here’s the Oxford English Dictionary’s take: “As our Word of the Year process started…it quickly became apparent that 2020 is not a year that could neatly be accommodated in one single “word of the year”, so we have decided to report more expansively on the phenomenal breadth of language change and development over the year in our Words of an Unprecedented Year report. I didn’t download the report, but you get the idea. Happy 2021! I’m having a (small e) epiphany moment that this year has got to be better than 2020, and based on the above and on articles I’ve read, I know I’m not alone here. Re: the (big E) Epiphany, Merriam-Webster calls it, “a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles.” Of course. And it brings to mind now something I read once about today’s celebration in relation to Simon the Magician of Samaria, who Luke writes about in Acts. A magician, huh? Well, the footnote in my bible says that the magi from the east are actually astrologers. OK. That sounds kind of magical, but the similarity ends there… Per Acts, “A man named Simon used to practice magic in the city and astounded the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great.” The people in town thought he was great, too! But when Philip--not the Apostle, but one of the early deacons--came to town preaching and curing the sick, Simon the Magician saw the people turning toward Philip…and perhaps turning away from Simon himself. Later, when Peter and John came to confer the Holy Spirit on the new believers, Simon wanted in on the action. He even offered Peter money, saying “Give me the power, too, so that anyone upon whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” Peter reads him the act (see Acts…), and in the end, the magician prays for forgiveness. But his original what’s-in-it-for-me attitude contrasts sharply to the magi’s mindset. Arriving in Jerusalem, they ask, "Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage." Herod wants details, and learning of the prophecy that from Bethlehem “shall come a ruler,” Herod tells the magi, "Go and search diligently for the child. When you have found him, bring me word, that I too may go and do him homage." Riiiight. Like Simon the Magician, Herod wants in on the action, too. And in a very bad way. The magi, of course--after delivering their treasure to the King--take a different route home as directed in a dream. Merriam- Webster and the OED took different routes in encapsulating 2020, and who knows what 2021 will bring? We all know, though, that 2021 is another blank page, another clean slate, another brand-new opportunity to offer the Christ our very best. Happy Epiphany! And Happy New Year. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 )
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 15 Re ection om Fr. Murphy Epiphany This is the day we have been anticipating for ten months or more—any day not in the year 2020. We expect to escape from our 2020 troubles starting with Covid-19. A year—or any other marker of time—is a measure we use to make sense of our spot in the universe. This marker helps us to imagine a better spot because it is not that spot we call 2020. We still have Covid, we have lost loved ones, our economy is hurting, our travel is restricted, and we cannot even hug one another. We celebrate, however, our God who sent Jesus to the whole world and the magi who came to pay homage. But the magi went home; not much happened. The shepherds came, saw and left to make known the message and magic they had learned. The shepherds were ordinary folks, the kind who go about doing the work they are supposed to do. They were the irst to announce to all that everyone is welcome. God loves us all. Our purpose in our spot in time is to live lives so that others know that God loves them and welcomes all equally no matter race, gender, age, social status, wealth, education or anything else. We share a common humanity, each of us loved by God. Whatever our spot in the universe, let us deal with each other with kindness. Email me at The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 fl fr f
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 16 News & Notes Mass offerings are available for all weekend masses and weekday masses Request a mass to be o ered on behalf of your loved one. You can reserve one for the anniversary of a death or support someone during a di cult time, o er one for a birthday or wedding celebration, or however else you wish. We are still taking requests, but please contact Fr. Jeremy directly by email ( instead of calling the Parish Center. Giving DONATE with Zelle DONATE online • Select “Transfer $ using Zelle” • Enter • Enter an amount to donate • Send! • Register as a parishioner so we have your contact information The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 ffi ff . ff
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 17 Weekly Intentions Please Pray for Our Sick Let us remember all those here at St. Vincent’s who are ill and in need of God’s healing and comfort. Let us keep them in our prayers and thoughts, especially: Sue Maris Allen, Elaine Anderson, Alyssa Beverly, Phil Bogert, Margaret Charles, Sommer Churchill, John Garrity, Leticia Gross, Mary Hayes, Laura Linke, David Neesan, Ruth Ohrem, Natalia De Los Rios, James Schwake, Joyce Wals Please contact Ginny in the parish center to inform us of those who are ill and in need of God’s healing and comfort. They will be listed in our bulletin for 4 weeks. Renewal of prayers for the sick is available by contacting Ginny at that time. If you would like Fr. Jeremy to visit the person (if they live in the area), please let Ginny know when you add them to the list. If you would like a mass intention for any open date, as well as other dates in the future, please contact Fr. Jeremy at to schedule. He continues to celebrate mass for your intentions in private. Mass O erings Sunday, January 3rd David Noetzel, 5:00 pm – People of the Parish Monday, January 4th James & Mary Pusateri Tuesday, January 5th Ann Schuch Wednesday, January 6th Bergles / Crawford Families Thursday, January 7th 8:00 am – Walter Dieperink Welcome New Parishioners: Mary Thorsen; Sarah & Daniel Siegel; Maria & Ernesto Herandez; David Baker The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 ff h
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 18 Contact Us Parish Sta Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M. Pastor ...................................................................................................................... Robert Beatty Director of Music and Community Development …………………………………….. Rebecca Simons Evangelization & Faith Formation Coordinator ………………………………………. rcarmic1@depaul.ed Christopher Allen Communications Director ………………………………………………………………………. Mary Carter Administrative Assistant & Records ……………………….……………………………… Ginny Costigan Administrative Assistant ………………………………….…………………………………….. Suzanne Hannau Assistant Director of Music & Young Adult Ministry …………………………………. Jen Olson Director of Operations ……………………………………………………………………….. Jose and Salvador Perez Maintenance Bulletin Information Articles must be submitted on or before Noon on Saturday for the next weekend’s bulletin (earlier, for the week preceding holidays). Microsoft Word attachments are requested. Please make sure to indicate which Sunday date(s) you’re requesting. Please DO NOT send content by email, but instead use the Bulletin Submission Form: Contact Christopher Allen ( with any questions Website Information Submit news items, photos, PDF announcements, and similar promotional materials at any time to Christopher Allen. Please include your complete contact information in case we need to reach you. The Word Among Us ( is a Catholic devotional magazine with the daily mass readings and re ections. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops DePaul University ( has a ( has a daily video re ection on variety of resources regarding St. Vincent de Paul and the mass readings, as well as the readings the Vincentian Family, including articles, podcasts and interviews, in “All Things Vincentian.” Busted Halo ( is an “online magazine for spiritual seekers” sponsored by the Paulist Fathers. Saint of the Day ( provides a It includes re ections on faith and popular culture. short biography of the saint for the current day. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 fl fl ff fl u .
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