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OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH www.olmcboston.org www.olmcboston.org MAY 22,22, MAY 2022 2022
SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR C 2 MAY 22, 2022 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm (English) Sunday : 7:00am (Creole/French/English) 9:00am (French) 11:00am (English) 1:00pm (French/Haitian Creole) Weekday: 9:00am Monday through Saturday Devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel: 16th of each month at 7pm SACRAMENTS Baptisms: Call Parish office for appointment. Confessions: Saturday at 5:00pm and Wednesday at 4:00pm Marriage: Contact a priest or deacon at least six (6) months in advance OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL BAPTISMS PARISH Baptism for May 2022 1540 Blue Hill Ave Mattapan, MA 02126 Pou Batèm an kreyol inskripsyion kòmanse Registration in English is started. Telephone: 617-298-0080 Instruction: Fax: 617-298-2388 English: Saturday, May 14th, 2022; 2:00 pm Website: olmcboston.org Kreyol: Samdi, 14 Mai 2022 à 2:00pm Baptism Date: STAFF Kreyol: Samdi, 21 Mai 2022 à 2:00 pm English: Saturday, May 28, 2022, 2:00pm Rev. Garcia Breneville, Pastor, 617-922-2049 Marie-Celie Blanc, Administrative Assistant Brian T. Manning, Business Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Bernadette Obas, Religious Ed. Coordinator Grades: K-8 Sunday: 8:30-10:00 am Josette Beaubrun, Confirmation Coordinator High School Confirmation Program Evens Bontemps, Finance Council Chair Sunday: 9:00am-10:15am Joyce Durst, Parish Council Chair For more information call: Bernadette Obas (617) 361-2455 & (617) 842-6256 James M. Rickert, Music Director Josette Beaubrun (617) 620-1277 Jean Louis Daniel, Music Director PARISH BULLETIN OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm, closed for lunch SUBMISSIONS DUE: MONDAY 12:30 to 1pm. Celie Blanc, celieb.olmc@gmail.com
SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR C 3 MAY 22, 2022 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Saturday, May 21st THE PEACE THE LORD HAS MADE 9:00am:Memorial....................Militza Gina Jean-Felix 10:00am: Funeral Mass.....................Jean A. Lauture Welcome to our weekly Parish bulletin! 4:00pm:Delivrance.Darline Martineau et ses enfants I often remember my childhood in a neighborhood of Sunday, May 22nd Port-au-Prince. We had no TV, no cell phone, no video 7:00am:Thanksgiving......................Johanna Bogard, games, or other tech gadgets. Life was simple. As chil- Charles Roger Amisial dren we were playing jump rope, circle games, hide and seek, etc. We were joking together, laughing, and crying 9:00am:Action de grace.............Meodule Guerrier et together as well. We were joyous and noisy. It seems to famille me that children today, despite the wellbeing and comfort 11:00am:Memorial...............Ardouin Pierre et famille they enjoy, are less happy. I feel sorry when I see chil- dren today being too quiet, introverted, only focusing on 1:00pm:Action de grace .....................Patricia Pierre their smartphones, or playing solo games. The truth is Lewis Jr. Raymond that material goods and well-being do not necessarily Monday, May 23rd bring joy and happiness. Despite all our progress and 9:00am:Memorial........................Stephanie Sweeting, advanced technology, we are living under fear, stress, ........Saint Abelle Moreau and pressure. Tuesday, May 24th 9:00am:Thanksgiving ......................Robert Alphonse In this weekend’s gospel, Jesus offers us his peace, not the peace that the world gives, as he says, but the peace Wednesday, May 25th that he has made. When you go to the Holy Land, you 9:00am:Thanksgiving.............................Renee Barosy hear people saying all the time: shalom. For a Jew, sha- lom is much more than a simple peace. Shalom is the Thursday, May 26th wish of infinite happiness and all that we need in life to 9:00am:Memorial..[Anniversary] Frantz Pierre Blass blossom. The peace Jesus offers goes even further. It is the supreme good we keep with ourselves. Nothing can Friday, May 27th take it away from us. In health and sickness, in wealth 9:00am:Thanksgiving..........................Ginette Sergile and poverty, in good and bad times as well, we can still Memorial.....Lina and Jeantilhomme Fancique enjoy it. No sorrow or grief, no suffering can make it less. That peace is the very abiding of God within us. As Jesus Saturday, May 28th says, “whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Fa- 9:00am:Memorial...............Vernicia Clemenceau and ther will love him, and we will come to him and make our Olius Mesidor dwelling with him.” 4:00pm:Memorial.............Alfred Sandaire and Sister Marguerite Sandaire Have a good week! Fr. Breneville
SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR C 4 MAY 22, 2022 LA FETE DE L’ASCENSION La fête de l'Ascension ne doit pas être confondue avec la fête de l'Assomption. La première fête concerne Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. C'est celle que nous allons célébrer Jeudi prochain. L'Ascension marque l’élévation au ciel du Christ quarante jours après sa résurrection ; elle marque donc la fin de la présence sur terre de Jésus-Christ dans la chair. L'Assomption quant à elle concerne la Très Sainte Vierge Marie. C'est l'événement au cours duquel la Vierge Marie, Mère de Jésus, au terme de sa vie terrestre, est entrée directement dans la gloire du ciel, âme et corps, sans connaître la corruption physique qui suit la mort. Le mot Assomptionprovient du latin assumere, qui signifie « prendre », « enlever ». Le mot Ascension provient du latin ascendere qui signifie "monter", "élever". Celui qui était descendu du ciel pour connaitre notre situation humaine est remonté vers le Père dans la gloire céleste. "Nul n'est monté au ciel sinon Celui qui est descendu, le Fils de l'Homme" (Jean 3, 13). Deux évangiles mention- nent explicitement l’évènement de l'Ascension de Notre Seigneur. Celui de Marc le place juste après l’épisode de la Résurrection: "Le Seigneur, après leur avoir parlé, fut enlevé au ciel, et il s’assit à la droite de Dieu" (Marc 16, 9). Chez Saint Luc, l'Ascension constitue la fin de son évangile et le commencement du livre des Actes des apôtres écrit par le même Saint Luc. Avec l'Ascension une partie de notre humanité est déjà parvenue vers les cieux nou- veaux où nous avançons en titubant. Jésus est allé nous préparer une place dans la maison du Père. Il reste né- anmoins toujours présent au milieu de nous sous la mouvance de l'Esprit-Saint-Paraclet, l'Avocat, le Défenseur, l'Intercesseur. OFFERTORY MASS ATTENDANCE Week of May 8, 2022 — Thank You! At Church and by mail Actual Goal Weekend of May 15, 2022 Collections and services $4,495 Mass Time # Offerto- Peo- ry ple Online giving 240 Total $4,735 Saturday, 4:00 pm 20 $156 Sunday, 7:00 am 95 $1388 Sunday 9:00 am 112 $871 Sunday 11:00 am 110 $1213 Sunday 1:00 pm & maildrop envelopes
SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR C 5 MAY 22, 2022 ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5/22/22 PLEASE REGISTER AS A PARISH WEEKDAY MASSES MEMBER Beginning Monday, November 8, the weekday mass- That gives you the right to benefit from all the es will take place in the chapel of the church. widespread services in our parish. To do so, ask one of the ushers for the registration form or for THIS IS AN UPDATE OF THE CATHOLIC AP- the help to fill it out. You can also call the parish PEAL: This year we need to raise $ 17,538. We have already raised $ 5,853. Please help us reach office. the Parish assessment goal. The closing date is June 5, 2022. Please put the Catholic Appeal en- EVERY WEDNESDAY, WE HAVE ADORATION fol- velopes into the basket of collections or give lowed by the Eucharist from 4 to 6pm. We also them to the Parish Secretary. And once your en- have confessions on Wednesdays at 4 to 5pm. WE velope is sent to the Pastoral Center, you will re- HAVE CONFESSIONS 30 MINUTES BEFORE EACH ceive a letter of appreciation and acknowledg- MASS ON WEEKENDS. ment. If you do not receive that letter, you must inform the pastor or the parish secretary. A NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT sponsored by the Holy Family Group will be held at OLMC from Fri, May 27 to Sat. June 4 at 7pm. Each day, we will reflect on one of the gifts of the Spirit. That will also be an occasion to pray: “O, come Holy THURSDAY, MAY 26 is the feast of the Ascension Spirit, and renew the face of the earth”. of the Lord. Here in the Archdiocese of Boston, the feast of the Ascension is celebrated on Thursday. Therefore, this coming Thursday May 26, we will A NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT sponsored by have mass at 9AM and 7PM. the Holy Family Group will be held at OLMC from Friday, May 27 to Saturday June 4 at 7pm. Each day, we will reflect on one of the gifts of the Spir- it. That will also be an occasion to pray: “O, come Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth”. IF YOU NEED SPIRITUAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE SICK, please call the Parish secretary at 617 298 - NINE OF OUR CHILDREN WILL DO THEIR FIRST 0080 or 617 980 2470. HOLY COMMUNION on Sunday May 29th at the 11am mass. Let us already keep them in our prayers so that they may be enriched and truly strengthened by the presence in them of Jesus Christ. DEACON SUDZER CHARÉLUS S.J., WHO HAS BEEN SERVING OUR PARISH for some time now, will be ordained a priest on Saturday June 11th ,2022 at Fordham University in NY. Those who want to take part in the event can register at the Ushers or call the Parish office for more in- formation. . . FR. GARCIA REMINDS those who plan to par- ticipate in the pilgrimage Fatima-Lourdes that it is time to pay the fees for that pilgrimage. It is still also time to register! The pilgrimage is scheduled from October 11 to October 20, 2022. More infor- mation can be found in the brochures you may find at the ushers.
SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR C 6 MAY 22, 2022 LE SYNODE THE SYNOD Au cours des prochaines années, l'Église du monde en er Over the next several years, the Church around the par cipera à un processus appelé le Synode sur la syn- world will be participating in a process called the Synod odalité. Le Saint-Père rencontrera des évêques du monde on Synodality. The Holy Father will be meeting with Bish- en er en 2023 pour discuter des moyens d'améliorer le ops from across the globe in 2023 to discuss ways of im- proving the process by which the church on all levels is processus par lequel l'église à tous les niveaux est ouverte open to hearing the voices of people from all walks of à entendre les voix des personnes de tous les horizons. life. That process will begin here in Boston now with asking as Ce processus commencera maintenant ici à Boston en de- many people as possible to take a simple survey. The link mandant au plus grand nombre de personnes possible de to the survey can be found here: répondre à un simple sondage. Le lien vers l'enquête se https://forms.office.com/r/aPadVsPFt9 trouve ici : h ps://forms.office.com/r/H66BRMdazD Please distribute this survey as broadly as possible. Send it, along with this note, to your various mailing lists in your parishes and other ministries. Veuillez diffuser ce e enquête aussi largement que possi- This survey is the first step. Other upcoming steps will be: ble. Envoyez-le, avec ce e note, à vos différentes listes de diffusion dans vos paroisses et autres ministères. x An opening Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, on Saturday, November 27, at 4:30PM. The Mass will Ce e enquête est la première étape. Les autres étapes à be broadcast on CatholicTV, as well being a live venir seront : event. x Une messe d'ouverture à la cathédrale La Croix Saint, le x Discussions in the Presbyteral Council, Archdiocesan samedi 27 novembre, à 5h30. La messe sera diffusée sur Pastoral Council, and Parish Pastoral Councils and Catholic TV, en plus se sera un événement en direct. Parish Finance Councils, using a set of questions x Discussions au sein du Conseil presbytéral, du Conseil which will be distributed soon. pastoral archidiocésain, des Conseils paroissiaux de pasto- x Focus groups in various ministries, religious communi- rale et des Conseils paroissiaux des finances, à l'aide d'une ties, and demographic populations across the Arch- série de ques ons qui seront distribuées prochainement. diocese. x Rassemblement de pe ts groupes de personnes de di- x Five regional sessions that will be open to the public. vers ministères, communautés religieuses et données dé- x The collection of all of the feedback, and its compi- mographiques, y compris l'âge, le statut socio-économique, lation into a ten-page document which will be sub- la race, etc. à travers l'archidiocèse. mitted to the United States Conference of Catholic x Cinq sessions régionales qui seront ouvertes au public. Bishops in April of 2022. x La collecte de toutes les réponses et sa compila on dans x A closing liturgy at the Cathedral in late April of 2022. un document de dix pages qui sera soumis à la Conférence In this process, we hope to be able to make some contri- des évêques catholiques des États-Unis en avril 2022. bution to the global conversation on synodality. More x Une liturgie de clôture à la Cathédrale fin avril 2022. importantly, we hope to improve the synodality of vari- ous local institutions here in the Archdiocese, as well as Dans ce processus, nous espérons pouvoir apporter une of the Archdiocese itself. contribu on à la conversa on mondiale sur la synodalité. Please feel free to address any questions about the pro- Plus important encore, nous espérons améliorer la syn- cess to psoper@rcab.org. odalité de diverses ins tu ons locales ici dans l'archidio- Thank you. cèse, ainsi que de l'archidiocèse lui-même. N'hésitez pas à adresser vos ques ons sur le processus à psoper@rcab.org. Merci
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