5 June, 2022
                                      Pentecost Sunday

                                      ST. JOSEPH                                    CATHOLIC PARISH

Today we celebrate Pentecost! Come, Holy Spirit, come!
We might think of Pentecost in narrow terms as simply when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the
disciples. However, it should have much more meaning for us. Consider that Pentecost is the birth of the
Church which has continued to grow, develop and transform lives for 2,000 years. Each of us then
experiences Pentecost personally in our lives at baptism when we enter into life in Christ through the power
of the Holy Spirit and become members of His body, the Church. In Confirmation we can experience
Pentecost anew when we are anointed with Sacred Chrism and we open ourselves to the graces of the
Sacrament. Also, it was from the tidal wave started at Pentecost that numerous renewal movements have
sprung up in the Church, inspiring men and women throughout the ages to become living Saints, filled with
the power of the Holy Spirit to live radical lives of love and holiness for Jesus Christ.
It is from Pentecost that the Sevenfold Gifts of the Spirit flow (wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitud e,
knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord) as well as the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:4 -11. It is also
from Pentecost that we receive the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity) providing real evidence that we are filled
with the Spirit of God.
So you see, Pentecost was not a one-time event that we just
remember each year. Rather, Pentecost was like a universal
Big Bang that continues to expand in immensity and power,
transforming individual lives and the world as a whole,
bringing us into unity with each other and with the Blessed
Today we give thanks to God for the tremendous gift of the
Holy Spirit, poured forth initially at Pentecost, that we
continue to experience. Let's pray for a renewal of Pentecost
in our lives and in this world, that the Spirit of God may
transform and renew all creation. I encourage you, too, to
ask for more of the Holy Spirit in your own lives, to be
baptized anew in the Holy Spirit and to be able to experience
the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit in a deep and powerful
way. If you do, you will never be the same. Come, Holy
Spirit, come!
Have a great week.
Deacon Jerry

                                    269 Dakota St. South • Prescott, WI 54021
Glory to God            Glory to God in the highest,
                        and on earth peace to people
                        of good will. • We praise                      Music for Mass
                        you, we bless you, we adore
                        you, we glorify you, we           Entrance: Come, Holy Ghost (#559)                              Edward Caswell
                        give you thanks for your
                        great glory, Lord God,          1) Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,           2) O Comforter, to thee we cry,
                        heavenly King, O God,             And in our hearts take up thy rest;            Thou heav'nly gift of God most high;
                        almighty Father. • Lord            Come with thy grace and heav'nly aid          Thou fount of life, and fire of love,
                        Jesus Christ, Only Begotten        To fill the hearts which thou hast made,     And sweet anointing from above,
                        Son, Lord God, Lamb of             To fill the hearts which thou hast made.     And sweet anointing from above.
                        God, Son of the Father, you
                        take away the sins of the                                                        Readings can be found at #1084
                        world, have mercy on us;
                        you take away the sins of
                        the world, receive our             Responsorial Psalm: Cantate Domino                            Michael Joncas
                        prayer; you are seated at the
                        right hand of the Father,
                        have mercy on us. • For
                        you alone are the Holy One,
                        you alone are the Lord, you
                        alone are the Most High,
                        Jesus Christ, with the Holy
                        Spirit, in the glory of God
                        the Father. Amen.
       Apostles Creed

                        I believe in God, the Father
                        almighty, Creator of
                        heaven and earth, and in          8 AM Mass response: Lord, send out your Spirit,
                        Jesus Christ, His only Son,                           and renew the face of the earth.
                        our Lord, who was                                                                     Gospel Alleluia (#532) vs 9
                        conceived by the Holy
                        Spirit, born of the Virgin
                        Mary, suffered under
                        Pontius Pilate, was
                                                          Preparation: O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God (#902)                  Hatch
                        crucified, died and was
                        buried; He descended into         1) O breathe on me, O breath of God,
                        hell; on the third day He            Fill me with life anew,
                        rose again from the dead;            That I may love the things you love,
                        He ascended into heaven,             And do what you would do.
                        and is seated at the right        2) O breathe on me, O breath of God,
                        hand of God the Father               Until my heart is pure;
                        almighty; from there He
                                                             Until my will is one with yours,
                        will come to judge the
                        living and the dead. • I             To do and to endure.
                        believe in the Holy Spirit,
                        the holy catholic church,
                        the communion of saints,
                        the forgiveness of sins, the         Holy, Holy Holy (#198)
                        resurrection of the body,
                        and life everlasting. Amen.
                                                             Acclamation (#200)
                                                             Amen (#202)
                                                             Lamb of God (#204)
                                                                                            }   Responses from Mass of Creation

               2 Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church • Prescott, WI
MASS INTENTIONS                                            RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
 3:00 PM Saturday 4 June                                       We are still looking for REGISTRATION for next
      Confessions                                              year for grades 1-10. Please return your registration
 4:00 PM Saturday 4 June                                       so we can plan for teachers and classes. St. Joseph
     Dar Pedersen by Shirley Hei                               has so many wonderful, dedicated people willing to
 8:00 AM Sunday 5 June                                         share their faith. Thank you to all our amazing
     LeRoy Tobias by Bob & Alice Mercord                       volunteers. We couldn’t do this program without
 10:00 AM Sunday 5 June                                        you. We could use some more teachers and
     Parishioners                                              substitutes in grades 1-6. If you would consider this
 10:00 AM Tuesday 7 June at the Care Center                    ministry call Carol at any time (651-208-4449.) WE
      Theresa Bunce by Donald & Georgie Schladweiler           NEED YOU. For any more questions call or email
 8:15 AM Wednesday 8 June                                      me at
      Alvin Langer by Kevin & Terre`e Langer                   Together we plant the seeds of faith! Have a
 8:15 AM Thursday 9 June                                       wonderful summer.
      Cheri Johnson by Robert & Alice Mercord
 8:15 AM Friday 10 June                                        I will be in and out of the office in June and July but,
      Donna Killian by Raymond & Janice Matzek                 I welcome any calls or emails anytime at 651-208-
 3:00 PM Saturday 11 June                                      4449 with any questions you may have.
 4:00 PM Saturday 11 June
     Rose Tronnier by George & Stella Johnson
 8:00 AM Sunday 12 June                                                 SACRISTANS NEEDED
                                                             We are looking for parishioners who would like to serve as
 10:00 AM Sunday 12 June
                                                             Sacristans for weekday and weekend Masses.
     Peter Kelly by Family
                                                             Responsibilities include arriving early at church, unlocking
                                                             doors, turning on lights and the sound system, preparing the
                                                             gifts, vessels and books for the celebration of the Mass and
                BREAD AND WINE                               then putting things away and closing up afterwards.
                                                             Sacristans will be scheduled according to their preferences
Our Eucharist bread and wine for the month of June has       and duties can be shared. Anyone wishing to become
been donated IMO Ivalu & Duane Peterson and Rita &           Sacristans will be given instructions and training. If
Charles McNamara by David and Pamela McNamara.               interested or you have any questions, please contact Deacon
                                                             Rynda or the parish office.
                PRAYER CORNER
          Please keep the following in your prayer.
Norm Killian; Anita Casey (Darla Ironside’s Sister-Inlaw):                FINANCIAL NEWS
Jessica Sabelko, Laura Kemmerer; Denise Cornell (Sylvia
Falteisek’s daughter); Jana Morrow (Walt & Carol
Matzek’s Daughter); Eileen Chase (Rich Niebur’s mom);          Due to early publication deadline, the financial
Kelly Niebur (wife of Ryan); Jackie Unser; Bill Casperson      information will be updated next week.
(Nancy Peterson’s brother); Robert Hei (Shirley Hei’s
Son); Dwight Hollen; Kristi Meier; Evan Horn; Richard
Cornell; Dick Baker; Casie Johnson; Richard Hulne;           If you would like to set up automatic contributions to
Mike Meier; Jerry Killian; Michael “Chip” O’Brien; Leslie    the parish, please contact the office to have a form sent
Cobian; Marv Lindseth; Julie Murchinson; Gracie Magnan       out to you, 715-262-5310 or email us at
(daughter of Peter & Jessie); Shirley Hei; Betty   
Armstrong; Jerry Hoss (brother of Janet Cleary); Bernie      There is also a copy of the form on the website under
Wisniewski; Roberta Bradford(Shirley Dehning                 Church-Shortcuts. Thank you for the continued support
Granddaughter); Butch Carroll (Roxie’s Husband); Boyd        of our parish.
Huppert; Sharon Heikkila; Deborah Eaton Arey; Don
Johnson and all the parishioners who are homebound or in
the nursing home.                                                                                                  3
To add a name to the prayer corner, call 715-262-5310
Friday, May 27th, was our last day of school. On behalf of St. Joseph Parish School staff, students, and
families, I would like to thank all our parishioners for their wonderful support and partnership in
educating the children from our parish and community during the 2021-2022 school year. Together we
provide this ministry of love, learning, and service, teaching the next generation to live In Christ, As
Christ, and For Christ.
Summer office hours will typically be Tuesday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Please continue to spread the
good news of our school to your friends and families. We are excited to be welcoming a capacity filling
group of new students to Kindergarten this coming fall, as well as new students in many other grade
levels. We do still have room in many classes for additional students and welcome all faith denominations.
Our numbers may reach over 125 students this fall. Have a wonderful summer!!
                                                                            — Mr. Magee, School Principal

                                                                                      Contact Information
                                                                    PARISH STAFF
                                                                    Rev Zacharie Beya................................................................ Pastor
                                                                    Deacon Jerry Rynda ....................................................................Deacon
                                                                    Chris Magee..................................................................School Principal
                                                                    Carol Mercord ......................................Director of Religious Education
                                                                    Rita Johnson..........................................Parish Administrative Assistant
                                                                    Ann Schwebach .....................................................Finance and Benefits
                                                                    Crystal McCarthy................................ School Administrative Assistant
                                                                    Howie Kittleson ......................................Building & Grounds Manager
                                                                    Don Sabelko ................................,.............................. Cemetery Sexton
                                                                    Parish Office .....................................................................715-262-5310
                                                                    St. Joseph’s School ...........................715-262-5912, Fax 715-262-5901
                                                                    Religious Education..........................................................715-262-3514
                                                                    Don Sabelko, Cemetery Sexton........................................715-262-3123
                                                                    OFFICE HOURS
                                                                    Closed Monday & Friday; 9:00 am-3:00 pm Tuesday to Thursday

                                                                    Perpetual Help Novena

                                                                    SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM
                                                                    A class for new and expecting parents is held quarterly. Parents must be
Saturday,11 June•4:00 pm           Sunday,12 June•8:00 am           registered as parish members prior to attending the class. Call the parish office
Shirley Hayes           Lector 1   Jane Budworth     Lector 1 & 2   for more information. Baptisms are not celebrated during the Lenten season.
 Jan Ptacek             Lector 2   Anne Markert      Server
OPEN                   Server                                       SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE
                                   Gary Hovel        Usher          Couples planning marriage should contact the parish office at least six months in
Jackson Matzek         Server      David Hovel       Usher          advance. Marriages are not celebrated during the Lenten season.
Scott Henrich           Usher      Kathy Hovel       Greeter
 Ron Sterud             Usher                                       NEW PARISHIONERS
Daphne Wiatr           Greeter                                      Contact the Parish Office to make an appointment with the pastor.
Daniel Wiatr           Greeter      Sunday, 12 June•10:00 am
                                     Jill Boros      Lector 1       MINISTRY TO THE SICK
                                                                    Holy Communion is brought to the sick and homebound every Wednesday.
                                    Bridget Akey     Lector 2       Those who are seriously ill or anticipating surgery should contact the parish
  Lector 1 • 1st reading            OPEN             Server         office to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick.
  Lector 2 • 2nd reading            Isaac Akey       Server
                & petitions         Allen Dunn        Usher         PARISH BULLETIN
                                    Don Sableko       Usher         Items for the weekly bulletin must be in the parish office by Friday at 12:30pm.
         Money Counters             Jason Brazzale    Greeter       (i.e. 9 days before the bulletin date)

       First National Bank          OPEN             Greeter        PARISH WEBSITE………….. WWW.STJOSEPHPRESCOTT.COM
 Monday 13 June • 9:00 am           Isabelle Meyer    Video         PARISH
 Tom & Marie Magnan                                                 Finance
 Bonnie Bennett                                                     Deacon Jerry

Communion: I Receive the Living God (#916)                         Bernard Geoffroy

 Refrain: I receive the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
          I receive the living God, and my heart is full of joy.

 1 Jesus says: I am the Bread              6 Jesus says: I am the Day,
   Sent to you from God Most High.           Shining brightly through your night.
   Take and eat, and you will live;          Welcome me, and you will walk
   You need never fear to die.               By the Spirit's guiding light.
 2 Jesus says: I am the Vine,              7 Jesus says: I am the Love
   Far from whom no life can grow.           Which can bind you close to me.          Fall Festival date this year is
   If you join yourself to me,               Those who know this gift I bring         September 18th. Mark your
                                                                                      calendars! The Raffle Tickets
   A rich harvest you will know.             Will find true community.
                                                                                      are in the Gathering Space.
 3 Jesus says: I am the Way,               8 Jesus says: I am the Peace               Please pick your packet up after
   And my path is straight and true.         Which the world cannot bestow.           mass.
   Follow me to where I lead;                Learn to love and live in me,            We need items for the Silent
   There my father waits for you.            And in you my Reign will grow.           Auction. Contact Jill Boros
 4 Jesus says: I am the Truth.             9 Jesus says: I am the Lamb,               (651-402-0450) with any
   If you follow close to me,                And my death set sinners free.           questions on donation items.
   You will know me in your heart,           Those who drink the cup I drink          We are also looking for game
   And my word will make you free.           Must take up this work with me.          prizes for the Children’s games.
 5 Jesus says: I am the Life,                                                         There will be a Treat Walk this
   Raised in triumph from the dead.                                                   year, so instead of baking a
   As one Body now remain,                                                            cake, please consider a donation
   Members joined to me, the Head.                                                    of $5 or more and we will buy
                                                                                      individually wrapped treats.
                                                                                      Questions contact Carol
                                                                                      Mercord 651-208-4449.
Closing: O Spirit All-Embracing (#553)                       Delores Dufner
1)     O Spirit all-embracing and counselor all wise,
       unbounded splendor gracing a shoreless sea of skies:
       unfailing is your treasure, unfading your reward;
       surpassing worldly pleasure, the riches you afford.
       Come, stream of endless flowing, and rescue us from death;
       come, wind of spring-time blowing, and warm us by your breath.

2)      O beauty ever blazing in flower, field, and face,
        you show yourself amazing in unexpected place.
       We see you and remember what once our dreams had been;
       you fan the glowing ember and kindle hope within.
       Come, fire of glory gracious, bless all who trust in you;
       undying flame tenacious, burn in your Church anew.

Please take the bulletin home today.                                     5 June 2022 Pentecost Sunday            5
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