There's a WEA cOourse for you Hampshire and Isle of Wight - Adult course guide Autumn 2018-19

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There's a WEA cOourse for you Hampshire and Isle of Wight - Adult course guide Autumn 2018-19
Adult course guide Autumn 2018-19

There’s a WEA
cOourse for you
Hampshire and
Isle of Wight
There's a WEA cOourse for you Hampshire and Isle of Wight - Adult course guide Autumn 2018-19

Learn the WEA way.
Your way.
Welcome to the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult
At the WEA, we believe all adults should have access to the opportunities of
education, right on their doorstep. With 2,000+ dedicated tutors, 3,000+ active
volunteers and supportive members, working across 2,000+ course venues - we
spread our impact nationwide.
Together, we believe in access to adult learning for all.
We believe in lifelong learning for all.
And, we believe adult learning counts towards a better, fairer society for all.
Whether it’s about feeling better equipped with the skills to take on tomorrow, or
it’s simply learning and debating ideas for the joy of it – we’re here, together, to
make good things happen in our communities and to our society.
All you need to bring is your willingness and excitement to learn.
There's a WEA cOourse for you Hampshire and Isle of Wight - Adult course guide Autumn 2018-19

Enrolment and
How do I enrol?
Courses are available to book online or by calling us.
We recommend booking quickly to avoid disappointment.
The courses listed here are simply a flavour of our offerings.
For other courses in your area please visit our website.

W. T. 0300 303 3464

Can I enrol in person?                             I’d love to do a course but I can’t
Possibly. You may be able to turn up at the        afford it. Can you help?
first session and get involved, but only if the    We want our courses to be within reach of
course isn’t fully booked. It’s much safer to      all adults, so you may be eligible for financial
enrol beforehand. Some courses require that        support if you are on a low income or receive
you attend a pre-assessment session to check       income-related benefits. This could include
that the course is suitable, but we’ll make that   help with childcare, travel costs, exam fees,
clear in the course details.                       books, costs of field trips and tuition fees
                                                   under certain circumstances.
Are classes reliant on size?
Yes. If numbers are too low the course may be      What if I have a disability, learning
cancelled or re-arranged to another time.          difficulty, health issue or other
                                                   support needs?
I have some questions.                             Then we’re ready to help as best we can. Call
Who do I ask?                                      us as soon as possible so that we can make
Give us a call on 0300 303 3464 or take a          plans before you start a course.
look at our website
                                                   Do you choose accessible venues?
We offer information and                           We try to, wherever possible, but we can’t
advice about:                                      guarantee it in all cases. Get in touch for
                                                   details of a venue’s accessibility.
    Choosing the right course
    Fees and financial support
    Learning support                               I might need help with my maths
    Progression                                    and/or English? Is that ok?
    The WEA                                        Of course. If you would like an assessment, or
                                                   you want to discuss support with your tutor,
                                                   then contact us before your course begins.
There's a WEA cOourse for you Hampshire and Isle of Wight - Adult course guide Autumn 2018-19

Course Fees and
How are courses funded?                              What does a course cost?
The WEA receives public funding from the             For students who are required to pay a fee
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)           for their courses, fees are shown against
for the majority of our courses. This funding        each course or on the page where the
supplements the fees paid by students                course appears. All students will be asked
and sponsors. For most of our courses, this          to provide their date of birth at the time
funding is only available for people who are         of completing an enrolment form. This
19 or over on the 1st September 2018.                information is required by our funders - if
                                                     this information is not provided, a higher
                                                     course fee will be payable as we will be
Are some courses free?
                                                     unable to claim funding for you.
For ESFA funded courses, you are entitled
to free tuition if you receive certain benefits,     What if I’m new to the UK?
as listed below (or if you are dependent on          Students who have not been resident in the
someone who receives those benefits). You            UK/EU for the last 3 years will be required
may be asked for evidence of your benefit            to complete a Student Eligibility Form
status such as a letter from Job Centre Plus.        and provide appropriate evidence. If this
                                                     information is not provided a higher course
                                                     fee will be payable as we will be unable to
    Job Seekers Allowance                            claim funding for you.

    Employment and Support Allowance                 Can I apply for a loan?
    (ESA - work related)                             Yes. There are Advanced Learning Loans
    Universal Credit and earn less than              available for all students aged 19 and
    £338 per month or household earns                above studying vocational, technical
    less than £541 per month                         and professional qualifications at Level 3
                                                     and above. The loans will apply if you are
    Income Support, Housing Benefit,
                                                     starting a higher level course on or after 1
    Council Tax Reduction (not single
                                                     August 2018.
    occupancy discount) or
    Employment and Support Allowance                 Can I cancel my course?
    (ESA) support group                              You can cancel a course booking at any time
    Working Tax Credit                               by informing the WEA in writing. You may
    Pension Guarantee Credit                         be eligible for a partial refund - give us a call
                                                     to find out more.
    Asylum Seeker
                                                     Can I pay by instalment?
 Please note these may be subject to change due to   This is available on some longer WEA
 funding requirements.
                                                     courses which run for 40 hours or more.
                                                     For full details of WEA course fees, refunds
                                                     and cancellations, as well as other support
The information in this brochure is correct at       which may be available to you, please visit
time of going to print, but may be subject to        our website.
government funding changes.

Hampshire and
Isle of Wight Areas
Andover and District         Page 05      Liphook Branch                 Page 09
                                          Petersfield                    Page 10
Basingstoke            Pages 05 - 06      Branch
                                          Tadley Branch            Pages 10 - 11
Havant Branch          Pages 06 - 07
                                          Winchester               Pages 11 - 12
Isle of Wight          Pages 07 - 08      Branch

  This booklet is one of a set of Five, which are:
  Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, East and
  West Sussex, Kent and Surrey.
  To request other area booklets please call 0300 303 3464

          This course is not supported by the Education and Skills Funding
          Agency and does not have a fee waiver but concessions may be
          available - contact the Branch for further details.

          Disabled access.

For further details on listed courses and local
and national events, visit
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                                    05

Andover and District Branch

Art History: Day School - The Glories of the Art of Fra Angelico              £23.00
with Diana Matthews
Sat 06/10/2018, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742681
   Andover Museum, Church Close, Andover, SP10 1DP
An in depth look at the works of one of the principal early Renaissance painters.

Art / Architecture: Day School: Berlin - Magnificent Art,                     £23.00
Architecture & Tragic History with Michael Grundy
Sat 13/10/2018, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742683
   Andover Museum, Church Close, Andover, SP10 1DP
A journey of discovery of the city at the centre of world events for the last 150 years.

Art / Architecture: Day School - The Art & Architecture                       £23.00
of the Sistine Chapel with Diana Matthews
Sat 17/11/2018, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742684
   Andover Museum, Church Close, Andover, SP10 1DP
Learn more about this beautiful and famous building.

History: Day School - The Family of King George III and                       £23.00
Queen Charlotte with Colin Parrish
Sat 19/01/2019, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742685
   Andover Museum, Church Close, Andover, SP10 1DP
The fascinating history of our third longest reigning Monarch.

Art History: Art and Patronage - The Royal Collection                         £43.00
with Dalila Castelijn
Thu 28/02/2019, 10:15 - 12:15, 5 sessions, Ref. C3742686
   Andover Museum, Church Close, Andover, SP10 1DP
Traces the origins of the Collection from Tudor times to the present day.

History: Day School - Safari Parks, Wrecking Balls and the                    £23.00
Taxman; Country Houses 1945-19 with Adam Smith
Sat 16/03/2019, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742688
   Andover Museum, Church Close, Andover, SP10 1DP
Learn how and why many country houses were abandoned or demolished after WW2
while others survived.

Basingstoke Branch

Art Appreciation: Looking at Landscape with Sandra Smith                      £35.00
Sat 06/10/2018, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742692
   Willis Museum and Sainsbury Gallery, Market Place, Basingstoke, RG21 7QD
Exploring the development of landscape painting & photography in western art.
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                            06

Art Appreciation: The Art of Trade with Glenis Kerr Elliott           £60.20
Tue 08/01/2019, 10:30 - 12:30, 7 sessions, Ref. C3742696
  United Reformed Church, 20 London Street, Basingstoke, RG21 7NU
The final session will take place at The Ashmolean.

History: Virtual Tour of Egypt with John Billman                      £35.00
Sat 26/01/2019, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742694
   Willis Museum and Sainsbury Gallery, Market Place, Basingstoke, RG21 7QD
Valley of the Kings and other iconic Egyptian sites.

Art Appreciation: The Dramatic Art of the London Underground          £35.00
with Michael Grundy
Sat 16/03/2019, 10:15 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742695
   Willis Museum and Sainsbury Gallery, Market Place, Basingstoke, RG21 7QD
London’s stories as pictured across the walls of the Tube.

Havant Branch
  Lyn Davies           T. 01243 373810 E.
Art - Appreciation: Changing Faces of Portraiture                     £86.00
with Michaela Cranmer
Tue 25/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742758
  Bedhampton Social Hall, 21 Bedhampton Road, Bedhampton, Havant, PO9 3ES
The role of portraiture in Western art from the Renaissance to the present day.

Literature: The Underworld with Christine Houseley                    £86.00
Tue 25/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742759
  The Spring and Heritage Centre, 56 East Street, Havant, PO9 1BS
Rogue literature to include ‘Moll Flanders’ by Defoe and ‘Jonathan Wild’ by Thackeray.

History: A Restless Nation - Riot and Disorder in the South           £86.00
with Jennifer Goldsmith
Thu 27/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742760
   Emsworth Community Centre, Church Path, Emsworth, PO10 7DP
The long history of popular discontent and how, why and where people took to the streets.

History: Aspects of Pre-History with Michael Pengelly                 £51.60
Wed 31/10/2018, 14:00 - 16:00, 6 sessions, Ref. C3742761
  Emsworth Community Centre, Church Path, Emsworth, PO10 7DP
Ancient stargazing, cave art, Stonehenge and related pre-history.

Art - Appreciation: Art of London Underground                         £21.50
with Michael Grundy
Sat 10/11/2018, 10:00 - 15:00, 1 session, Ref. C3742762
   The Arts & Heritage Centre, 56 East Street, Havant, PO9 1BS
A wide ranging review of London’s rich past through artworks on display across the
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                                        07

Art - Appreciation: Art in Britain 1900-1950                                    £86.00
with Prasannajit De Silva
Tue 15/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742763
  Bedhampton Social Hall, 21 Bedhampton Road, Bedhampton, Havant, PO9 3ES
How British artists responded to technological developments while seeking to retain
something distinctively British.

Literature: The Underworld Part 2 with Christine Houseley                       £86.00
Tue 15/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742764
   The Arts & Heritage Centre, 56 East Street, Havant, PO9 1BS
Crime in the upper and lower classes to include ‘The Eustace Diamonds’ by Trollope and
‘Jamaica Inn’ by Du Maurier.

History: Crime with Jennifer Goldsmith                                          £86.00
Thu 17/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742765
   Emsworth Community Centre, Church Path, Emsworth, PO10 7DP
Crime and the prevention of crime before the 19th century creation of police forces, with
a strongly local bias.

History: Cinema goes to War-British Propganda Films                             £43.00
of 1939-1945 with Paul Legg
Wed 27/02/2019, 14:00 - 16:00, 5 sessions, Ref. C3742766
    Emsworth Community Centre, Church Path, Emsworth, PO10 7DP
How British cinema waged war against the Nazis, illustrated with extracts from feature

Art - Appreciation: Art of Photography with Sandra Smith                        £21.50
Sat 09/03/2019, 10:00 - 15:00, 1 session, Ref. C3742767
   The Arts & Heritage Centre, 56 East Street, Havant, PO9 1BS
An introduction to the idea of photography as an art form.

Isle of Wight Branch

Art - Practical: Art Workshops 1 Drawing with Colour                            £111.80
with Mary Clemmensen
Tue 18/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:30, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742895
   Parkside Pavilion, The Pavilion, Vectis Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6HN
Learning how to combine colour with drawing in different media.

Art - Practical: Art Workshops 4 Drawing with Colour                            £111.80
with Mary Clemmensen
Fri 21/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:30, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742898
    Parkside Pavilion, The Pavilion, Vectis Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6HN
Learning how to combine colour with drawing in different media.
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                                        08

Art - Appreciation: Day School: Julia Margaret Cameron                          £9.95
and the Pre-Raphaelites with Mary Clemmensen
Sat 10/11/2018, 10:00 - 13:00, 1 session, Ref. C3743098
   Salvation Army Hall, 72 Pyle Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UJ
Explore the connections between Julia Margaret Cameron and the Pre-Raphaelites.

Art - Practical: Art Workshops 2 Painting Using Impressionist                   £111.80
Techniques with Mary Clemmensen
Tue 15/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:30, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742896
  Parkside Pavilion, The Pavilion, Vectis Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6HN
Capturing the essence of the subject and creating an impression - Impasto.

Art - Practical: Art Workshops Painting Using Impressionist                     £111.80
Techniques with Mary Clemmensen
Fri 18/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:30, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742899
    Parkside Pavilion, The Pavilion, Vectis Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6HN
Capturing the essence of the subject and creating an impression - Impasto.

Art - Practical: Art Workshops 3 Abstraction New Visions                        £111.80
with Mary Clemmensen
Tue 23/04/2019, 10:00 - 12:30, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742897
   Parkside Pavilion, The Pavilion, Vectis Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6HN
Using a visual language of shape, form, colour and line to create a composition.

Art - Practical: Art Workshops 6 Abstraction New Visions                        £111.80
with Mary Clemmensen
Fri 26/04/2019, 10:00 - 12:30, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742900
    Parkside Pavilion, The Pavilion, Vectis Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6HN
Using a visual language of shape, form, colour and line to create a composition.

Branch Event - Space Probes expanding our understanding                         £9.95
of the Solar System with Paul England
Sat 13/10/2018, 10:00 - 13:00, 1 session, Ref. C3743374
   The Planetarium, Fort Victoria Country Park, Westhill Lane, Yarmouth, PO41 0RR
Maximum 20 people. Access via 8 steps (2 sets of 4 each with handrails). Toilets 65 yards.

Branch Event - Making Sense of Mythology with Alan Phillips                     £9.95
Sat 23/02/2019, 10:00 - 13:00, 1 session, Ref. C3743375
   Salvation Army Hall, 72 Pyle Street, Newport, PO30 1UJ

Branch Event - Architecture of Island Churches with Richard Smout               £9.95
Sat 09/03/2019, 13:30 - 16:30, 1 session, Ref. C3743376
   St Mary’s Church Hall, High Street, Brading, PO36 0ED

   Once you have found the course you are interested in: Tel: 0300 303 3464
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                         09

Liphook Branch
   Judith Harris          T. 01428 609996 E.

Literature: Dylan Thomas with John Haynes                           £86.00
Wed 26/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742840
   Millennium Centre, 2 Ontario Road, Liphook, GU30 7LD
‘Under Milk Wood’ and the short stories of Dylan Thomas.

History: The Victorians with Jennifer Goldsmith                     £86.00
Fri 28/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742841
    Millennium Centre, 2 Ontario Road, Liphook, GU30 7LD
A period of dramatic political, social and economic change.

Literature & Art Appreciation: A Sense of Place: Lyrical            £86.00
Landscapes with John Haynes and Janet Sinclair
Sat 03/11/2018, 10:00 - 16:00, 1 session, Ref. C3742842
   Liphook Village Hall, 2 Headley Road, GU30 7NP
Edward Thomas’ poetry and artists’ responses to the South Downs.
Fee includes refreshments and a light lunch.

Literature: Revolution with John Haynes                             £86.00
Wed 09/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742843
   Millennium Centre, 2 Ontario Road, Liphook, GU30 7LD
A Tale of Two Cities and Revolutionary Poetry.

History: French Kings and Emperors with Colin Parrish               £86.00
Fri 11/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742844
    Millennium Centre, 2 Ontario Road, Liphook, GU30 7LD
The royal and imperial dynasties of France.

Art - Appreciation: The Dramatic Art of the London Underground      £27.50
with Michael Grundy
Sat 09/03/2019, 10:00 - 16:00, 1 session, Ref. C3742845
   Liphook Village Hall, 2 Headley Road, GU30 7NP
London’s best as pictured on the walls of the Underground.
Fee includes refreshments and a light lunch.

    Our courses are free to
    eligible students, see
    page 3 for more details.
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                                    10

Petersfield Branch
   Contact                T. 01730 827654 E.

Music Appreciation: Verdi: the young lion with Richard Lawrence                £86.00
Wed 19/09/2018, 10:45 - 12:45, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742875
   St Laurence Church Hall, 12 Station Road, Petersfield, GU32 3ED
Study the early operas of Verdi.

History: England’s Anglo-Saxon Kings with Colin Parrish                        £86.00
Thu 20/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742874
   Physic Garden Hall, High Street, Petersfield, GU32 3JG
Lives of the often forgotten Saxon Kings of England.

Art - Appreciation: Between East and West: Six Centuries of                    £60.20
Venetian Art and Architecture with Dalila Castelijn
Wed 26/09/2018, 13:45 - 15:45, 7 sessions, Ref. C3742873
  Petersfield Library, Petersfield Library, 27 The Square, Petersfield, GU32 3HH
Venice’s art and architecture - influences from Europe and the East.

History: The Georgians (1714-1783) with Jennifer Goldsmith                     £86.00
Tue 15/01/2019, 14:00 - 16:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742877
   Physic Garden Hall, High Street, Petersfield, GU32 3JG
Local and national history from George I to George III.

Philosophy: Ethics with Neil Phillips                                          £60.20
Wed 23/01/2019, 13:45 - 15:45, 7 sessions, Ref. C3742876
   Petersfield Library, Petersfield Library, 27 The Square, Petersfield, GU32 3HH
A history of major thinkers in the Western ethical tradition.

Tadley Branch
   Jan Smith              T. 01189 832251 E:

Art - Appreciation: Great Women Artists - Who Are They?                        £61.00
with Sandra Smith
Fri 26/10/2018, 09:45 - 11:45, 7 sessions, Ref. C3742893
    Ambrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue, Tadley, RG26 4ER
A survey of some of the great women artists of the past.

Art - Appreciation: Great Churches of Medieval Europe                          £52.00
with Keith Hasted
Fri 25/01/2019, 09:45 - 11:45, 6 sessions, Ref. C3742891
    Ambrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue, Tadley, RG26 4ER
Notre Dame, Chartres, Reims, Cologne,Toledo Milan Florence and more.
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                      11

Art - Appreciation: The Art of Trade with Glenis Kerr Elliott    £52.00
Fri 03/05/2019, 10:00 - 16:00, 1 session, Ref. C3742892
    Ambrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue, Tadley, RG26 4ER
Silk Road, textiles, paints, gold jewels and spices plus paintings.

Art History: British Architectural Styles Since 1815             £30.00
with Mike Grundy
Fri 12/04/2019, 10:00 - 16:00, 1 session, Ref. C3743366
    Ambrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue, Tadley, RG26 4ER
From the 19th century classical and gothic to the 21st century.
Includes lunch end time 4pm.

History: Medical London with Val Pretlove                        £30.00
Fri 24/05/2019, 10:00 - 16:00, 1 session, Ref. C3743367
    Ambrose Allen Centre, Franklin Avenue, Tadley, RG26 4ER
To explore the provision of health care from the medieval period.

Winchester Branch

Archaeology: Introduction to Archaeology with Michael Pengelly   £43.00
Mon 17/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 5 sessions, Ref. C3742917
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Art - Appreciation: Art in Antwerp, Ghent and Bruges             £43.00
with Dalila Castelijn
Fri 21/09/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 5 sessions, Ref. C3742986
    St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Philosophy: Day School: Plato to Nietzsche and Beyond:           £32.00
Key Philosophers through the Ages with Jenny Goodall
Fri 26/10/2018, 10:00 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742988
    St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

History: Panorama of Russian History and Culture                 £60.20
with Gerald Seaman
Mon 29/10/2018, 10:30 - 12:30, 7 sessions, Ref. C3742987
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Literature: Day School: In Search of John Galsworthy:            £32.00
Philanthropy, Reform and the Forsytes with TBC
Thu 08/11/2018, 10:00 - 12:00, 1 session, Ref. C3742989
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Literature: Eighty Years On: the Second World War                £86.00
Novel in English with TBC
Tue 08/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:00, 10 sessions, Ref. C3742990
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                     12

Art - Appreciation: Great Mosaics and Frescoes                  £43.00
with Dalila Castelijn
Thu 10/01/2019, 14:00 - 16:00, 5 sessions, Ref. C3742991
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

History: Day School: The Breaking of Nations: British           £13.00
Exceptionalism and the Road to Some with Royston Doughty
Mon 14/01/2019, 10:00 - 12:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742993
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Geography: Saturday Day School: What is Landscape?              £32.00
with Geoffrey Mead
Sat 19/01/2019, 10:00 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742994
   St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

History: Day School: The Breaking of Nations: The Divorcee’s    £13.00
Remorse or Free at Last? with Royston Doughty
Mon 11/02/2019, 10:00 - 12:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742995
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Philosophy: Day School: Philosophical Accounts of the Idea of   £32.00
God with Jenny Goodall
Thu 21/02/2019, 10:00 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742996
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

History: Astronomical History: From Babylonians to the          £51.60
Copernican Revolution with Guy Hurst
Mon 25/02/2019, 10:30 - 12:30, 6 sessions, Ref. C3742992
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Art - Appreciation: Day School: Art of the London Underground   £32.00
with Michael Grundy
Fri 22/03/2019, 10:00 - 15:30, 1 session, Ref. C3742997
    St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Literature: “The Auden Group”: Poetry of the 1930s              £43.00
with Victoria Ramsay
Tue 23/04/2019, 10:00 - 12:00, 5 sessions, Ref. C3742998
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

Architecture Appreciation: British Modern Masters:              £43.00
Neo-Romantics and Landscape with Sandra Smith
Thu 09/05/2019, 14:00 - 16:00, 5 sessions, Ref. C3742999
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

History: Day School: Rule Britannia! The year of victory        £43.00
with Royston Doughty
Mon 13/05/2019, 10:00 - 12:30, 1 session, Ref. C3743000
  St Lawrence Parish Rooms, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH

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Membership of the WEA
has brought me long term
friendships and personal
Betty, Member, Harpenden Branch
Enrol online at or call 0300 303 3464                                                14

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We welcome your feedback to help us               Code of Conduct
improve our service. If you have a suggestion     When you enrol with the WEA you will enter
on howwe could improve our services, call         into a Learning Agreement with us. This is
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email You can also        Code of Conduct together with the Learning
contact your Regional Office directly.            Agreement can be found on our website at:
                                         These set out our joint
Staying Safe                                      responsibilities for creating a positive learning
The WEA is committed to providing a
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you have any concerns you can speak to your       The WEA is a membership organisation which
tutor or you can contact our safeguarding         encourages our students and supporters to
staff via your Regional Office.                   join us to help build a strong voice for adult
                                                  learning. This is what makes us distinctive
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion                 and different from other learning providers.
                                                  By becoming a member of the WEA you are
The WEA believes that education plays a
                                                  agreeing to the charitable aims, mission and
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students achieve the best possible outcomes.
                                                  0207 426 3460.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the WEA is
a collective responsibility. We expect everyone   If you would like to volunteer please speak
involved in the WEA to challenge conditions       to your WEA tutor, local course organiser,
that place anyone at a disadvantage and           telephone the Regional Office or look at
create an inclusive community in which            our website for more
diversity is valued and celebrated.               information.
                                                  If you can’t find the right course for you please
                                                  contact your Regional Office or if you are
                                                  looking for a course to support your career
                                                  development please contact the National
                                                  Careers Service on 0800 100 900.
4 Luke Street
London, EC2A 4XW

Local enquiries:
Portsmouth: 02392 291346



The WEA is a charity registered in England
and Wales (no. 1112775) and in Scotland (no.
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