9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs 4/17/2019 ...
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4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 1/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs April 2019 Dear EA Classes of 2020 - 2023 and parents, We are excited for the inaugural January Term that will be held in the 2019-2020 school year. Our faculty members have been hard at work for over a year in planning this new program as well as the specific set of courses that will be available during this first year. Along the way, we have consulted and engaged in activities with University High School in Carmel, IN, an independent school that has had a successful January Term program for almost twenty years. This booklet provides students and families with an overview of the January Term program as well as the specific course offerings for January Term 2020. I encourage you to read it cover-to-cover to learn more about the opportunities that await Upper School students. We are confident that the January Term will be a transformational one for our students as they engage in unique, immersive classes designed to fulfill Elgin Academy’s unique mission of Inspiring students to become our creative, courageous, and compassionate future. Sincerely, Doug Sept Upper School Director 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 2/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs Calendar for January 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Jan 5 Jan 6 Jan 7 Jan 8 Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 11 Last Day of January 1st Semester Winter Term begins grades and Break at 9:00 a.m. advisor letters distributed at the end of the day Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 14 Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 January Term trips can depart starting today* Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 25 No School Last day for January Martin January Term trips Luther King Term return by Jr. Day today* Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30 Jan 31 Feb 1 No School 2nd January for Upper Semester Term School begins at Symposium, 8:15 a.m. time TBD *Note that classes J2008, J2009, and J2010 are the only classes with trips Daily Schedule 7:30 - some AP classes may meet 8:15 - some AP classes may meet 9:00 - January Term classes begin 11:30 - break (advisory, assembly, clubs) and lunch 12:30 - January Term classes resume 2:45 - end of school day; Winter Sports practices and games begin A schedule of AP class meetings will be created and published prior the start of January Term. Upper School students will be expected to arrive on campus by the time of their first obligation. Attendance will be taken in 7:30 and 8:15 AP classes as well as at 9:00 for January Term classes. Students without AP classes who arrive earlier than 9:00 are welcome to congregate in Upper School common areas. 2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 3/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs January Term Policies Course Grades and Graduation Credits During this three-week program, January Term courses will meet for approximately the same amount of time as a one-semester course. Therefore, students will earn grades on the standard EA Upper School grading scale: 97-100: A+ 87-89: B+ 77-79: C+ 67-69: D+ 0-59: F, no credit 93-96: A 83-86: B 73-76: C 63-66: D I = Incomplete, no credit 90-92: A- 80-82: B- 70-72: C- 60-62: D- W = Withdrew, no credit P = Pass, with credit Students who successfully pass a January Term course will earn 0.5 graduation credits. This grade and credit will be reflected on official EA student transcripts, although the January Term course grade will not count in a student’s cumulative grade-point average. Over the next several years, the number of required graduation credits will change according to this plan: Minimum graduation requirement (numbers increase due to January Term): ● Class of 2020 - 25.0 credits ● Class of 2021 - 25.5 credits ● Class of 2022 - 26.0 credits ● Class of 2023 and beyond - 26.5 credits For more information about graduation credits, please see the 2019-2020 Upper School Course Catalog. Experiential Learning January Term courses are designed to include numerous experiential learning opportunities on and off campus. When appropriate, local field trips ranging from partial to full days will be included in each class. Students and families will be informed of these plans prior to the days they will happen. January Term Symposium Shortly after the end of the January Term, families will be invited to campus for a Symposium to take place during the school day. During this Symposium, students will share their January Term experiences. For this coming school year, the Symposium will take place on Friday, January 31 at a time to be determined. 3 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 4/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs Attendance Attendance during the January Term is crucial to a student’s success. Missing one day of a January Term course is equivalent to missing one week of a course on a regular semester schedule. Much of the learning taking place during January Term is experiential in nature and cannot be duplicated outside of class through make-up assignments. Therefore, students must make every effort to attend each day of the January Term. While we will explore makeup options with any students who are ill or have other medical or family issues arise during the January Term, students who are excessively absent during those three weeks may have to complete an alternate project in order to earn their January Term graduation credit. School Cancellations In the event that school is canceled for weather or another reason during the January Term, that day will not be made up. January Term will still end on Friday, January 24, and the second semester will still begin on Tuesday, January 28 regardless of the number of cancelled days. Illinois High School Theatre Festival In recent years, the Illinois High School Theatre Festival has become an integral part of our co-curricular program for a number of students. This event takes place during January Term on January 9-11, 2020. Students who enroll in the course J2005: Identity: Portrayal of Self Through the Fine Arts will be attending this event as a part of that class. Students who enroll in other January Term courses will be allowed to also attend Theatre Fest as an excused absence from their January Term class, if interested, at an additional cost. More information will be available in Fall 2019. 4 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 5/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs Course Selection Process In April, students will be given a January Term course selection form on which they will identify and rank their top four course choices. These forms, with parent signatures, are due to the Upper School office by Wednesday, May 1. Students whose first-choice classes have an additional fee should also bring a check for the May 1 deadline. Students whose forms are submitted by the deadline (and fees paid where necessary) will be given priority in the course scheduling process, starting with the Class of 2020. However, efforts will be made to balance the course rosters among the different grade levels, so no student is guaranteed to get placed into their top choice. Questions about the course selection process should be directed to Doug Sept at dsept@elginacademy.org. Payments In January Term 2020, three of the courses have extensive travel resulting in additional costs. These course costs are noted in the descriptions on the following pages. Students and families who register for these courses are committing themselves to make payments in a timely manner so that travel arrangements can be finalized. For any course with additional costs, EA offers the following payment cycle: Payment Deadlines (approximately of the cost is due by each deadline) Course May 1 September 1 November 1 J2008: Northern $350.00 $350.00 $300.00 Minnesota Winter Experience J2009: Take Me Out $350.00 $350.00 $300.00 to the Ballgame J2010: Ocean $1200.00 $1200.00 $1100.00 Studies & SCUBA Checks made out to Elgin Academy should be brought to the Upper School office prior to or by each deadline. Families who are using an Elgin Academy Tuition Payment Plan should contact Marnie Kut at mkut@elginacademy.org if they wish to have their January Term payments applied to their Payment Plan. Missing payment deadlines will likely result in a student being switched into a different January Term course. 5 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 6/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs January Term 2020 Course Offerings Courses with No Fees J2001: Comic Books The Comic Books course will focus on the creation, history, and cultural impact of comic books from the early 20th Century until today. We will learn about a wide variety of comic book publishers, writers, artists, editors and others who are/were involved in the creation of comic books. Opportunities will be provided for students who are interested in writing and drawing their own comic books. Over the course of this class we will read a considerable number of different comics from various publishers and different time periods. J2002: Cooking and Cultures Food is all around us: it is one of the most basic parts of our lives and helps us feel at home. At the same time, how and why food is made can sometimes be a mystery. In this course, students will develop basic cooking skills and learn about the basics of menus and nutrition, as well as about the business of food and restaurants while exploring the cultural background of certain foods. In the first week, participants will spend one week talking about the fundamentals of cooking, looking at a staple such as bread, and coming to understand the varieties of bread, the reasons different forms of bread developed, and how different breads are made. Approximately one week will be spent considering how to make a multi-course meal or construct a menu. The final week will consider the cultural realities that make different cuisines unique. There will be approximately two field trips each week to local grocery stores for supplies as well as to restaurants around the Chicagoland area to sample cuisine and discuss the business of food with entrepreneurs and chefs. 6 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 7/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs J2003: Forensics Have you ever wondered how crimes are solved? What exactly are crime scene investigators looking for when they are examining evidence? How is this evidence used in a court of law? In this course, students will learn how to examine and document a crime scene and investigate a wide range of evidence including fingerprints, hair, fiber, blood, ballistics, and handwriting. Through conversations with experts in the field and through practical lab experiences, students will immerse themselves in all branches of forensic investigation. Disciplines from anthropology to psychology to computer science to linguistics all contribute to make a strong legal case or refute one. This hands-on course will study real-life cases from the origins of forensic science to cases currently in the news. Finally, we will analyze a variety of evidence pertaining to on-campus “criminal” activity! The study of forensics allows for a major emphasis on complex reasoning, critical thinking, and creative synthesis, skills that are indispensable in any discipline. J2004: Hard-Boiled Fiction and Film Hard-boiled crime fiction often features as the protagonist a private detective who has been hired by a woman in trouble and the police either can’t or won’t help her. Of course, there’s more to the case than the client lets on. He’s dealing with killers, so, the private detective acts tough and talks that way, too. He’s a loner, who has a code of honor that may not be strictly legal, but it is moral. He can handle threats and take a beating, so don’t expect him to give up a case or betray a client. He’s a smart-aleck and talks that way. Battling a corrupt political or criminal organization, he prevails because he’s true to his code. Gritty as sandpaper, these stories took the detective out of the parlor and into the city streets. We will read a few of these novels, such as those by Raymond Chandler (The Long Goodbye, The Big Sleep) and Dashiell Hammett (The Maltese Falcon, The Thin Man), and watch the movies inspired by them. We will look at how the hard-boiled private detective influenced comic-book characters, such as Batman and The Watchmen’s Rorschach. We may also read a novel or two from the related genre of the roman noir, where the self-destructive protagonist is not a detective, but instead a victim, a suspect, or a perpetrator of a crime. Such books (and movies) could include Dorothy Hughes’s In A Lonely Place or James Cain’s Double Indemnity. Some afternoons we will play whodunit board games. Field trips will consist of one or two escape room experiences. 7 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 8/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs J2005: Identity: Portrayal of Self Through the Fine Arts Many artists use their work to express, explore, and question ideas about identity. Identity is the way we perceive and express ourselves. Factors and conditions that an individual is born with, whether physical, psychological, or cultural, often play a role in defining one’s identity. However, many aspects of a person’s identity change throughout his or her life. People’s experiences can alter how they see themselves or are perceived by others. Conversely, their identities also influence the decisions they make: Individuals choose their friends, adopt certain fashions, and align themselves with political beliefs based on their identities. Artists also often explore the idea of group identity-- expressions of how people see themselves as part of a nationality, a religion, a region, or other cultural sub-group. In this interdisciplinary course, students will address the idea of identity by questioning commonly held assumptions about stereotypes, self-awareness, and what it means to be an artist. Students will both create art and experience the art of others, and make connections between the two. Students will evaluate and analyze the artistic processes of multiple artists from different artistic spectrums. From this exploration, students will gain a better understanding of different modalities of expressing identity. The classroom component will include experimentation in various fine arts disciplines, centered around the theme of identity. Students will be focused on the process of creating, whether that be a painting, a scene, or a song. These classroom experiences will be paired with field trips to see professionals working at their craft at Chicago theatres, concert halls, museums, and workshops, as well as observing the work of their high school peers at the Illinois High School Theatre Festival. 8 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 9/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs J2006: Natural and Artificial Intelligence Talk about artificial intelligence seems to be everywhere these days. Businesses all want it, some people dread it, and others can’t wait for it to arrive. But what is it, anyway, and how is it related (if at all) to human intelligence? When will it come, or is it here already? Should we be excited or worried? How will it affect our lives? In this course, we will consider all of these questions. We will investigate the meaning of AI, and try to get a better understanding of the current state of the art, and of the likely future. We will examine where and how it’s being used today. We will look at how writers in the past thought about it, and see how accurate their predictions were. We will even try to build our own AI device. (Note: this is not a computer science class, so no prior programming experience is necessary.) J2007: Student Internships This offering is available to seniors and juniors only; space will be limited. Students who are selected for this program will complete a deadline-driven application process prior to the summer. Should a student miss a deadline or have their application denied, they will be placed in an alternate January Term course choice. Students who express interest in the Student Internship program must be self-starters who have a passion for or interest in learning more about a particular career, business, or organization. Students spend each day of January Term off campus, working with an individual (excluding immediate family members) or an organization. Elgin Academy will not provide transportation for students to and from their internships. The time spent at an internship should be equivalent to a typical school day. Students are responsible for making their own arrangements, but they will receive the guidance and support of the Student Internship Coordinators. Students will submit a daily electronic journal entry at the end of each day. In addition, each student will articulate his or her personal experience and evaluate his or her work during the internship through a longer written piece and an oral presentation at the end of the experience. 9 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 10/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs Courses with Fees J2008: Northern Minnesota Wilderness Experience Additional Cost: $1,000.00 We will spend the first two weeks of this class exploring the history of the Great Lakes region: geologic/glacial; Native inhabitants; and French explorers/fur traders. We will then travel to the Boundary Waters area of northern Minnesota, where we will stay in a cabin. We plan to depart school early Monday morning, January 20 (Martin Luther King Day) and return to school late Friday evening, January 24. While in northern Minnesota, we will engage in outdoor activities will allow us to experience how Natives and others may have traveled in cold winter conditions, including snowshoe hiking, cross country skiing, and dog sledding. Equipment for outdoor activities will be provided, although students will need to provide personal winter clothing. J2009: Take Me Out to the Ballgame Additional Cost: $1,000.00 This course will be enjoyable for anyone ranging from hardball novices to passionate baseball enthusiasts. We will gain a better understanding of the game of baseball and its influence on our society. We will learn about the history of Major League Baseball as well as other leagues that have existed in the past. Prominent historical players will be discussed for their influence on the game as well as in our larger culture. Students will also learn the mathematics behind the immense world of statistical analysis and the “business” of baseball, including the memorabilia market. This course will culminate with a week-long trip to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. 10 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 11/12
4/17/2019 9 January Term 2020 - Curriculum Guide - Google Docs J2010: Ocean Studies / SCUBA Additional Cost: $3,500.00 SCUBA diving is an intense and amazing aquatic experience, allowing divers to see fish, rays, coral, and shrimp in their native habitat. Students taking the Ocean Studies class will learn SCUBA skills as well as valuable background on reef ecology and conservation. The first two weeks of this class will focus on two components: science/ math education and local pool training for SCUBA. The classroom component will include discussion of coral reef ecology and raising student awareness of the critical health of coral reefs. Reefs are also a focal point for recreational diving and a tourism opportunity that not many are able to experience. We will also learn about decompression tables and the mathematics involved in the physical impact of SCUBA diving on the body. The second major component of the first two weeks will be local pool instruction on open water swimming and SCUBA skills. Students interested in this course should be comfortable in water, but only need basic swimming skills. Advanced Open Water Certification will be available for students who are already SCUBA certified through PADI. The course culminates with an educational dive trip to Belize where students will complete their SCUBA certification and work with a local reef ecology group including participation in reef conservation efforts. When back in Illinois, students will complete a final project to raise awareness for reef and ocean health. 11 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yW6WZ7Ucvt1Aac6KEkPbnA7OzX3W7j-6n581SidHWE/edit 12/12
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