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How to study Global Relations Office in Trinity Student Learning Development A guide for International Students
weLcOme cOnTenTS Settling in 3 Where am I in this big picture? 3 How can I prepare myself? 4 How can I strengthen my English? 4 Learning on my own 5 BeInG An Who are my lecturers? (also known as teachers or professors) Becoming a critical thinker 6 7 InTeRnATIOnAL Reading with a purpose Academic reading and writing Plagiarism and referencing 8 9 9 STuDenT TAkeS Participating in group work: tutorials, labs, presentations and thesis Exams 10 11 cOuRAGe AnD yOu Trinity grading system Where do I go for help? Pre arrival information 12 14 14 HAve IT. Orientation information Student Learning Development Tutorial Service 14 14 14 Global Officers 14 Students’ Union Education Officer 14 Student2Student (S2S) 15 English for Academic Purposes 15 TCD Library 15 Information Systems Services 15 Maths Help Room 15 Programming Centre 15 Academic Registry 15 Academic Practice and eLearning 16 Disability Service 16 Sources 16 Further reading 16 1 2
HOw TO STuDy In TRInITy pRepARe yOuRSeLf However, being in Trinity means that you are you can do that by: expected to make your own decisions about why, what, when, how and where you learn. ● Attending relevant sessions and lunchtime Except for your assignment deadlines and talks during Orientation week; exams, you will very rarely be told what to do ● Asking your Tutor/Erasmus coordinator or and when, so keeping yourself motivated is Teaching Assistant (TA) what are considered going to be the key. good study practices and what are the SeTTLInG In assessment methods used in your Starting your studies in Trinity is not only about department; learning, it’s also about learning how to learn. ● Reading the departmental guidelines and course handbooks and exploring the you could prepare by asking yourself some relevant websites of your School; of these questions: ● Discussing with your peers, S2S mentor or Coming to study in Trinity will be one of the the Students’ Union Class Representatives; most exciting experiences of your life. Think of ● What do I expect to get out of my studies in HOw cAn I pRepARe mySeLf? ● Making an appointment with your Global it like a journey, with ups and downs, Trinity, besides my qualification? Officer. adjustments and new discoveries, answers and When you start your studies in Trinity you enter ● What do I find easy when it comes to sometimes more questions. It may feel not only the overall culture of the institution, studying? overwhelming, and that is to be expected, as it but also the culture of the discipline(s) in which ● What do I find difficult? HOw cAn I STRenGTHen takes time and energy to establish a new you will study. On the one hand, there are ● What are my academic strengths? lifestyle as a student. ● What are my academic weaknesses? certain study skills that are required to be my enGLISH? ● What has worked for me in the past? developed by all Trinity students (critical For many of Trinity’s international students, ● How did I overcome similar situations? thinking, writing, reading) and you will find English is a second language. That can be wHeRe Am I In THIS BIG pIcTuRe? that doing so will help you perform frustrating sometimes, especially if you feel it successfully in the course of your studies. On takes longer to find your words and express You may have had very different academic and the other hand, academic disciplines might your opinions. You might feel that you are more social experiences to those you will encounter It is also helpful to think of your personality, differ in their cultures and you may find that aware of how you speak and you don’t want to here in Ireland. You left your friends and family values and goals. Do you prefer to study by there can be more than one appropriate make mistakes when you discuss with your back home and probably feel out of your yourself or with others? What do you value in methodology or language required. classmates or professors. This feeling is totally comfort zone. relation to your studies in Trinity? normal and almost everybody experiences it. BeInG An InTeRnATIOnAL STuDenT fInDInG OuT ABOuT THe cuLTuRe AnD TAkeS cOuRAGe AnD yOu HAve IT. GeTTInG TO knOw yOuR AcADemIc eDucATIOnAL expecTATIOnS Of BOTH TRInITy Moreover, at the beginning it might be a bit SeLf IS THe fIRST STep TOwARDS AnD yOuR DIScIpLIne IS AnOTHeR ImpORTAnT difficult to understand unfamiliar accents and Academically, you are entering a whole new AcADemIc SucceSS. you will feel that you are making extra effort in STep In yOuR AcADemIc jOuRney. world. Previously you may have been used to staying focused during your lectures. This is remembering and reproducing information also something many students experience. correctly in your exams, without having to With foreign languages, just like with other write essays or give presentations. For some, things, practice makes perfect. questioning the views of a teacher or lecturer was not encouraged. For others, learning whatever and whenever you wanted and being able to enrol in modules of your own choice was normal. Furthermore, many students coming to Trinity are used to constant guidance and academic directions from their teachers, both inside and 3 outside the classroom. 4 Student Learning Development
HOw TO STuDy In TRInITy you can exercise your english language abilities BecOmInG A cRITIcAL THInkeR through formal and informal methods by: Trinity, like many other universities, is constantly ● Attending an English for Academic Purposes engaged in questioning current ideas and (EAP) course for strengthening your theories and in creating and discovering new academic English; knowledge. Academic staff, through their work, ● Finding out if there is any specific academic are always making breakthroughs in knowledge language to be used in the assignments for and innovation. your course; ● Keeping a vocabulary notebook with all the Students are expected to: new words you are learning; Some other time management strategies are: ● Setting up a proofreading system with your ● question what they hear and read classmates or friends and regularly ● Prioritizing your workload; ● think critically about the evidence of proofreading each other’s essays; ● Planning; particular theories or points of view ● Meeting with the Students’ Union Education ● Breaking tasks into small, manageable wHO ARe my LecTuReRS? ● develop their own ideas and arguments. Officer and finding out what other support is pieces; There are some significant differences in the available; ● Being specific; you are expected to move from the question responsibilities of lecturers, also known as ● Interacting as much as you can in English ● Action builds momentum – do something, “what?” to questions such as: professors, in Trinity. In some academic cultures, with Irish students as well as other anything; the lecturer is considered an expert whose job is international students; ● Using all your time – even travel time can be ● “why?” to transfer particular knowledge to the student, ● Joining societies that are active in areas used to review or quiz yourself; ● “how?” providing them with the correct perspective or related to your studies. ● Making a commitment – create a deadline if ● “how important?” solution. one doesn’t exist or you need an earlier one, ● “how valid?” hang a planner on your wall or use an ● “what if?” In Trinity, however, the lecturer is considered a agenda. ● “what might happen if?” LeARnInG On my Own more advanced colleague in the field who gives academic advice and encourages students to Trinity students are expected to become you can find more ways of giving your This will help you understand, criticize and engage with the learning material and seek the responsible for their study behaviour. You will studies priority by: evaluate what you learn and integrate that with answers. Lecturers generally keep set “office have to manage your workload and your time, your previous knowledge and ideas. hours” when you can make an appointment to while keeping yourself motivated. You are ● Attending Student Learning Development meet and speak with them. Furthermore, there given a lot of deadlines to reach and, in order (SLD) workshops on organisation and time will also be Teaching Assistants (TAs) that you to get there, you need to put a lot of work to management; can talk to. get your assignments done. When you have ● Making an individual appointment with SLD; many courses/modules, this might become ● Organizing a study group with your peers to The relationship between Trinity academic staff overwhelming unless you manage your time discuss assignments and lectures; and students is a formal one, yet academic staff properly. ● Meeting with your Class Rep or the Students’ remain accessible to students. This might look Union Education Officer; difficult to achieve when it comes to large It is also helpful to evaluate your current study ● Finding out tips and hints from students in classes where you find yourself in a lecture hall habits and make an analysis of the study the years ahead. together with 200 other students. However, methods you are used to, see what works well respecting the office hours, you are encouraged to: for you and how you can maximize the positive Your life as a student is not only about outcomes. studying. Planning your time means reaching a ● Ask questions; balance between your academic work and ● Seek advice; SeT LeARnInG GOALS AnD ASk activities necessary for your wellbeing – social yOuRSeLf wHAT yOu wAnT TO AcHIeve ● Discuss ideas; activities, sport, being part of societies, doing ● Ask for feedback on your assignments and DuRInG yOuR STuDIeS In TRInITy. volunteer work etc. These are equally progress; important parts of being a student and it might ● Share any concerns you have, as soon as 5 be important for you not to miss out on them. they arise, with your Tutor. 6 Student Learning Development
HOw TO STuDy In TRInITy you can improve your critical thinking skills by: for reading and note-making strategies, you AcADemIc ReADInG AnD wRITInG can: ● Discussing with your Tutor/Lecturer/Erasmus Your assignments will involve writing: essays, coordinator/Teaching Assistant how you can ● Ask your Lecturer/Teaching Assistant to lab reports, projects. At the end of your studies develop critical arguments in the context of indicate which parts of the recommended you’ll have to write a dissertation if you are an your discipline; materials are more relevant and why, in undergraduate student or a thesis if you are a ● Attending a Student Learning Development order to prioritize your readings; postgraduate student. These written (SLD) workshop on critical thinking; ● Organize a study group to discuss various assignments might be different than the ones ● Making an individual appointment with SLD readings with your fellow peers; you were used to doing in your home to discuss any specific concerns; ● Ask students in the years ahead for hints and university, or might be something that you’ve ● Organize or take part in a peer study group, tips on how to prioritize readings in your never done before. this way you can discuss theories, and also courses; make some friends along the way. ● Note which books/materials are most To develop or improve your writing style regularly mentioned in other books as being you can: important; ● Skim very fast through recommended ● Ask for examples of good and bad writing ReADInG wITH A puRpOSe from your lecturers; books, decide which might be most Some of the information you will get during beneficial for you; ● Ask your lecturer what the writing your studies will come from your lectures, but ● Attend a Student Learning Development requirements are in your department; the greater part of it will come from what you (SLD) workshop on reading and note- ● Find out if there is any specific academic Therefore, read on your own. Reading as a student is making; language to be used in the written different than reading for leisure, and ● Make an individual appointment with SLD; assignments of your course; yOu ARe encOuRAGeD TO BecOme nOT understanding this helps you adapt your habits ● Attend a Trinity Library information course ● Enrol yourself in the Academic Skills for and maximize your readings. Firstly, determine to find out how you can make the most of Successful Learning Blackboard Module to OnLy An InDepenDenT LeARneR, BuT your purpose. This will help you to focus your using the library and all its resources. access more information and resources ALSO An InDepenDenT THInkeR. attention and to select a suitable strategy. on Essay Writing and Scientific Writing. You can find the instructions here Critical thinking means different things in As a critical reader, it is important to question different disciplines. If you are studying in an what you read and evaluate the quality of the ● Attend one of the Student Learning education discipline, for example, you will be sources. It helps if you monitor your Development (SLD) workshops on academic thinking critically when you apply theory to a understanding, re-read difficult questions and writing or writing for sciences; practical situation. You then reflect on what review what you learned. Taking notes is ● Make an individual appointment with SLD to happened as a result of your application of that important considering that most of your exams discuss your writing assignments; particular theory in that situation. will take place at the end of the academic year ● Attend an English for Academic Purposes and going back to your notes then will be more (EAP) course for strengthening your In a discipline which has a less obvious efficient than reading entire text books all over academic English; practical application, for example some again. ● Make an appointment with the Information humanities areas of study, you will be thinking Systems Services to get free support for the critically when you compare and contrast technical side of writing – how to use theories with each other, or when you try to Microsoft Word and other useful programmes; work out gaps or flaws in those theories. Your ● Set up a writing group with your peers to lecturers expect that even first year students discuss and review each other’s can do more than just describe a theory or assignments. concept in assignments. In addition to describing, lecturers also expect students to analyse and evaluate or judge a concept, or apply a concept or theory to a practical situation. 7 8 Student Learning Development
HOw TO STuDy In TRInITy pLAGIARISm AnD RefeRencInG Separate to that are the requirements of labs in science or clinical courses, where reports are Acknowledging your sources is a very expected to be submitted individually and important aspect of Trinity academic culture weekly. In addition, some courses require you and integrity. As a strong emphasis is put on to complete specific work in advance of the lab everyone to develop their own opinions and (e.g. pre-practical questions) so that you can ideas, it is important to distinguish between maximise the benefits of attending each those and the ideas and opinions coming from session. The pre-practical questions are authors, lecturers or peers. Failing to do so will designed to develop your own background result in being accused of plagiarism. This is knowledge of the area and cannot be the use of any information or exact words from plagiarised. Many courses require you to In order to get comfortable with a book, journal or internet site without pARTIcIpATInG In GROup wORk submit laboratory work on-line, e.g. via participating in tutorials you can: referencing and without using quotation marks Blackboard, which specifically checks for when necessary. The aim of tutorials is to approach a certain plagiarism before submission is accepted. ● Ask your Lecturer/Teaching Assistant what topic in greater detail and encourage are their expectations from students during you can find out more about how to avoid discussion on different ideas and points of view In second year, team work is usually restricted tutorials; plagiarism through referencing by: as well as clarify any misunderstandings from to poster presentations or verbal PowerPoint ● Practice listening to your peers to see how various readings. Depending on your course, presentations. In the third year of your degree, they interact with each other during ● Consulting the course handbook on what is you might be involved in tutorials with only 10- this may change to individual presentations tutorials; the preferred referencing style in your 20 students, or in larger ones, with 60 or more. where you are also checked for competency ● Prepare some questions or a comment on department; and background knowledge. something you found interesting before the ● Attending one of the Student Learning Tutorials vary depending on your area of study class so you can demonstrate that you Development (SLD) workshops on and are linked to modules: some might involve In final year, Science students undertake a understand the material; plagiarism; interaction and you will be required to research project, which is usually linked to the ● Make an appointment with Student Learning ● Attending one of the Trinity Library courses participate and lead discussions, while others work of a research group. You are expected to Development (SLD) to identify how you can on Endnote, a programme that might be less interactive. Furthermore, some of work as a team member, but also receive improve your listening and communication automatically organizes references for you; them will be led by teaching assistants, while individual supervision from older members of skills; ● Using the Ready Steady Write resource of others will involve the lecturers themselves. In the group. You will be encouraged to ask ● Attend an English for Academic Purposes Academic Practice and eLearning. For online most courses you will be assessed based on questions, and to attend group meetings, both (EAP) course to practice your academic tutorials see your participation in tutorials, so it’s important of which help you to prepare a final year report English and gain more comfort in speaking. to try to contribute to discussions. or thesis. This work must also be your own so it ● Attending an English for Academic Purposes is very important that you understand both (EAP) course to gain confidence with Individual courses have specific requirements your project and the background to it. Don’t be for tutorials and these will be explained during exAmS expressing your opinions in English. afraid to ask for help! your course. For example, science students Most exams in Trinity take place at the end of If your lecturer requires it, you will have to often have to attempt problem-solving work in the academic year, in the course of four weeks submit your assignment through Turnitin, a advance of a tutorial, language students may in April/May. Some exams, depending on the programme that detects plagiarism. See have to prepare a translation, English or history School, take place in January. students may have to discuss a topic etc. The plagiarism/#what_is_Turnitin If this is the format of the tutorial will then focus on Before exams you will have 3 weeks of revision, case, you might be able to use this programme answering problems of a similar nature so that when you will have the chance to revise your to check your assignment for plagiarism before you can further develop your knowledge of the study material and prepare for exams. This the final submission. Double check this with area while practising your problem-solving might seem odd if you are used to being your lecturer. techniques. The problems will often be similar continuously assessed after each module or to the questions that are asked in the end of have exams at the end of each semester. year exams, therefore it is beneficial for every Furthermore, this is one of the reasons why student to attend and participate in all tutorials staying motivated until the end of the year is so 9 scheduled for a course. important. 10 Student Learning Development
HOw TO STuDy In TRInITy Exams in Trinity are managed by the finding yourself in the same exam hall with To get a better understanding of this you can: examinations and assessments section of the hundreds of other students might seem a bit RememBeR, exAmIneRS Academic Registry. They take place in various daunting at the beginning, but you can ● Consult your course handbook for more venues, both on and off campus. The prepare yourself for that experience by: wAnT yOu TO pASS information about guidelines and examination method depends on your course. expectations; In some cases you will have multiple choice ● Reading the Student Guidelines and other ● Ask your Course Coordinator or Tutor about questions, while in others you will have to information on venues and timetables on the departmental requirements; answer essay based questions. the Exams and Assessments webpage of the ● During office hours, ask for feedback from The full exam timetable is only available Academic Registry: your lecturer to see how you can improve; towards the mid-end of Hilary Term and links ● Make an appointment with Student Learning to further details are at the end of this guide. Some exam venues are off campus, so it is Development (SLD) to identify concrete important to check in advance. strategies for improving your skills. If you are a student with a disability, you will ● Consulting past papers on the same need to register and also contact the Disability webpage in order to see what were the These are just a few tips to get you going, you’ll Service. They will guide you through arranging topics up for assessment in previous years discover many more on your own. Academic a Learning Educational Needs Summary (LENS) and to test yourself to improve your skills develop over time and it takes a while and exam supports. For information see performance; until you figure out what works for you. Allow ● Reading your course handbooks and yourself time to get accustomed to Trinity’s learning outcomes; academic culture and, whenever in doubt, ask ● Attending the Student Learning for help! Development (SLD) workshop on exam Getting 70% for an assignment means excellent skills; performance. The student must have showed ● Enrolling yourself in the Academic Skills for comprehensive understanding of the Successful Learning Blackboard module to topic/subject matter and an excellent ability to find out more tips for preparing for and structure arguments in a critical manner, performing well on your exams. You can find fluently and creatively. the instructions here; ● Participating in an Exam Simulation It is possible to get 100% in a maths exam, but organized by SLD during Revision week. it’s very rare to get that grade or even more than 70% in an essay. Note that getting 70% on Remember, examiners want you to pASS, to an assignment means that your academic give you marks. The exam is an opportunity for performance and results are excellent. you to show that you have engaged with the course material, come to understand it and you II.1. means the student had a very good are able to demonstrate that in a written exam. performance on the subject, while II.2 stands for a good performance. The difference between the two categories might come from TRInITy GRADInG SySTem various aspects, depending on the type of assignment and the requirements of your Trinity’s grading system is captured in the table below. course. However, higher marks are linked to the demonstration of critical thinking, Degree classification Grade percentage range structure of argument and originality. Each department has different guidelines and First class Honours I 70-100% expectations when it comes to the grades Second class Honours, first division II.1 60-69% awarded. Second class Honours, second division II.2. 50-59% Third class Honours III 40-49% 11 Fail F1 30-39% 12 F2 Below 29% Student Learning Development
HOw TO STuDy In TRInITy wHeRe DO I GO fOR HeLp? Student 2 Student (S2S) Academic practice and eLearning pre Arrival Information 7-9 South Leinster Street, 3rd floor E: Disability Service Orientation Information The Disability Service aims to develop clear english for Academic purposes and effective support systems at all stages in EAP provides English Language Learning the student journey from college entrance to Student Learning Development Support for prospective and accepted students graduation to employment. SLD offers advice, resources, individual of Trinity College who are not native-speakers Room 2054, Arts Building consultations, workshops and much more to of English. help you improve your academic potential and Room 4091, Arts Building reach your potential. We have significant Sources experience with International students. E: Marshall, Lorain, Rowland, Frances (1996), T: +353 (0)1 896 1127 A Guide to Learning Independently, 7-9 South Leinster Street, 3rd floor Open University Press Trinity Library Academic Skills Unit, University of Melbourne, E: Australia “Studying in Australia. 10 Tips for T: +353 (0)1 896 1407 International Students” Blackboard: Academic Skills for Successful Information Systems Services Trinity Grading System Learning (instructions for enrolment on our Áras an Phiarsaigh, ground floor website) abroad/to-trinity/erasmus/Apply/Grading.php E: National University of Ireland: Tutorial Service T: +353 (0)1 896 2000 Grade Descriptors The Tutorial Service is unique, confidential and available to all undergraduate students maths Help Room ents/nui_grade_descriptors.pdf offering student support in all aspects of The Help Room offers free assistance to College life. students who are having difficulty with further reading or who is my tutor? Mathematics, Statistics or related courses. Bailey, S. (2006) Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students, 2nd ed. Abingdon: Maths Seminar Room 2.6 Routledge. Global Officers 18 Westland Row, 2nd floor Brandt, C. (2009) Read, Research and Write: Global Officers are available to link in with non- Mon-Fri, 1-2pm Academic Skills for ESL Students in Higher EU students. The following schools have Global Education, London: Sage. Officers: English; Chemistry; Computer Science programming centre McMillan, K., Weyers, J. (2012) Study Skills for and Statistics; Engineering; Languages, The Programming Centre provides International Students, 1st ed. Prentice Hall Literatures and Cultural Studies; Mathematics; programming help for undergraduate Lowes, R. (2004) The International Student’s Natural Sciences; Nursing and Midwifery; Computer Science and Engineering students. Guide: Studying in English at University. Physics; Psychology; Social Work and Social London: Sage. Policy; Social Sciences and Philosophy The World of Trinity. International Students Academic Registry Blog Timetables Students’ union education Officer This brochure was created by Irina Dimitriade of Student Learning House 6, Trinity College Dublin campus timetables Development, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin and Exams and Assessments supported by the Global Relations Office. It is based on the ’10 Tips for International Students’ document of the Academic Skills Unit, E: University of Melbourne, Australia. 13 14 Student Learning Development
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