KS3 - Shenfield High School

Page created by Bernard Howell
KS3 - Shenfield High School
                                                           Who to contact in the Key Stage 3
                                                           Pastoral Team

                                                           Year 7 Pastoral Manager: Mrs Allen
                                                           Year 8 Pastoral Manager: Ms East

Newsletter                                                 Year 9 Pastoral Manager: Mrs Messenger
                                                           Pastoral Secretary: Mrs Walker
Summer Term 1 – May 2019                                   j.walker@shenfield.essex.sch.uk
                                                           Pastoral Coordinator: Miss Day
News from the Headteacher                                  g.day@shenfield.essex.sch.uk

                                                           Behaviour & Standards Team Leader: Mr Rigg
Dear Parent                                                j.rigg@shenfield.essex.sch.uk

This has been a short half term, but a busy one with
all the public exams now underway. We wish our Y11s          Year 7 Curriculum and PREP
and Y13s all the very best with them and look forward
                                                             Year 8 Curriculum and PREP
to celebrating their success in August.
                                                             Year 9 Curriculum and PREP
You will also see in this newsletter that we have
conducted a number of trips and visits and hosted
visitors to enhance our students’ educational
experience, and we have enjoyed some exceptional
sporting success. This week both our U12 boys and
U13 girls competed in the National Schools Cup with
our boys becoming worthy runners up and our girls
becoming the National Champions – a huge
achievement. Read all about it later in this newsletter.
We also had a very successful Spring Fling – a show
that combined a variety of acts and short drama
pieces. This was a great evening which the students
thoroughly enjoyed.

I hope you enjoy the half term holiday. We return
after the half term break on Monday 3 rd June and this
is a Week A.                                               We were lucky enough to have a visit from Richard
                                                           Riakporhe this term. He presented an informative and
I hope you enjoy reading the rest of our news.             inspiring session to our Year 8 and 9 students, who
                                                           were captivated by his inspirational journey. Thank
Yours sincerely
                                                           you to Richard and the team!

                                                           Healthy Relationships
Carole Herman                                              A selection of Year 9 students were able to take part in
Headteacher                                                a workshop around the importance of positive
                                                           relationships, and the impact of negative relationships.
                                                           Students were engaged and soaked up lots of really
KS3 - Shenfield High School
important information regarding this topic – thank you        Students line up during form time and do not go to
to the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service for             form.
providing us with this opportunity.                           Oliver Road Gates will be opened after exams for
                                                            students who do not have an afternoon exam to leave
                                                            the site.
Employer Engagement Day
This year, both Year 9 and 10 were lucky enough to          For 1.30pm exams:
have several visitors into school from local businesses       There may be a structured pre exam revision session
to discuss future careers for our young people.             from 11.20am up until an early lunch at 12.45pm –
Students took part in up to three sessions on the day;      parents have been emailed this information
they were able to hear from experts in their chosen
                                                            At times other than the beginning and end of the
career and engage in activities to give them a taster of
                                                            school day students will only be allowed to enter and
what the future could look like. Thank you to our
                                                            leave site via Oliver Road where the gate will be
visitors and to Year 10 for engaging so positively in the
                                                            opened at 11am (for the end of exams and arrival at
day. A final thanks to Miss Kadem and Mrs Utton for
                                                            revision sessions) and at 1pm for afternoon exams or
organising such a great experience.
                                                            students who do not attend the revision session (not
                                                            compulsory - however, strongly recommended).
                                                            Students will be not be able to come on and off site
                                                            through reception and will not be allowed to come on

KS4                                                         and off site at times other than these.

                                                            Link to view Exam and structured revision schedule

Who to contact in the Key Stage 4                           For Year 11s who have applied to
Pastoral Team                                               our Sixth Form

Year 10 Pastoral Manager: Mrs Kalaitzis
                                                            Sixth Form Induction Programme –
k.kalaitzis@shenfield.essex.sch.uk                          Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th June
Pastoral Coordinator/ Year 11 Pastoral Manager              2019
Miss Day                                                    Due to the popularity of the Sixth Form and the large
                                                            number of applications, we will run two separate
Pastoral Secretary: Mrs Walker                              days. Therefore, students will only attend one day of
j.walker@shenfield.essex.sch.uk                             induction. The allocated Induction day will be emailed
Behaviour & Standards Team Leader: Mr Rigg                  to students after half term.
                                                            Students will have the opportunity to experience the
                                                            differences between Sixth Form study and the approach
  Year 10 Curriculum and PREP                               they have been used to at GCSE. They will also be able
  Year 11 Curriculum and PREP                               to socialise as a year group, in their new Sixth Form

                                                            The programme will include:

Year 11 Arrangements                                           Introductory lessons in their chosen Sixth Form
                                                               Presentations on various Sixth Form activities and
Arrangements after Half Term                                    opportunities
Please find below a full list of revision sessions and      What to wear
exams for after Half Term and a reminder below of the       Students will be expected to follow the Sixth Form
information surrounding it. Students will only be           dress code, as outlined in the Sixth Form
required to come in for exams and organised revision        Prospectus. If they have chosen Sport BTEC they will
sessions.                                                   be required to bring their practical PE kit. Football and
                                                            Cricket Academy students are required to bring their full
For 9am exams:
                                                            training kit.
 Students can use bus to travel to school.
KS3 - Shenfield High School
Where to go                                                Student’s Surname
Students should report to the main hall by                 Student’s Date of Birth
8.45am. Please note that the Sixth Form Cafe will be
available for students to purchase lunch if
required. Cash and debit/credit cards are accepted in      We look forward to seeing you.
the Café.

KS5                                                        On Tuesday 30th April, a representative from Unifrog
                                                           came in to introduce the software to our Year 12
                                                           students. Unifrog is a package that students (and now
Who to contact in the Key Stage 5                          parents) can sign into and have access to all of the
Pastoral Team                                              university courses and apprenticeships available in a
                                                           ‘user-friendly’ format, that can be filtered by the
                                                           individual student’s own grades, desire to stay at home
Pastoral Managers                                          or even move out of the family home!
Mrs Cross
j.cross@shenfield.essex.sch.uk                             The attached file takes you through the benefits of the
                                                           software and how you can sign in to support your
Mrs Panayi                                                 son/daughter.
                                                           As a Sixth Form, we will use this throughout the year
Pastoral Secretary: Mrs Dunn                               to help students think about going to university, look
j.dunn@shenfield.essex.sch.uk                              for apprenticeships and create a personal statement;
                                                           useful for their future pathways.
Head of Sixth Form: Mr Cooke


We wish to invite you and your son/daughter to an
evening specifically devoted to outlining the Higher
Education options that are available to students at the
age of eighteen.

Our aim is to give parents and students the opportunity
to become familiar with the application procedures
associated with Higher Education and relevant finance

The evening will begin with a formal presentation and
after this you are warmly invited to discuss any matters
regarding application to Higher Education that may
concern you in a less formal atmosphere.

Please visit
.uk to book your place at the Higher Education
Evening. Login with the following information:

Student’s First Name
KS3 - Shenfield High School
Important                                                Absence
                                                         When a student is absent a parent must phone the

                                                         school on each day of absence explaining the reason.

                                                         No absences will be authorised unless accompanied by
                                                         medical evidence, this includes one day absences.

                                                         A telephone call does not make the absence

                                                         If a student is sent home by the school First Aider, this
                                                         will be authorised as it has been deemed that the
                                                         student is not well enough to be in school.

                                                         Medical appointments – appointments will only be
                                                         authorised if evidence is shown ie appointment
The Essex Safeguarding Children Board in partnership
                                                         If a student has an on-going medical issue and the
with The Children’s Society and Barnardo’s are
                                                         First Aider has been informed and evidence of this is
delivering the following events across Essex for
                                                         on file, the absence related to the issue will be
parents and carers to attend to learn more about:
                                                         authorised, ie A diabetic absent due to Hypo/low blood
criminal and sexual exploitation; children that go
                                                         sugar levels.
missing, gangs and youth violence, trafficking, and
online sexual abuse.                                     Continued unauthorised absences will result in a
                                                         meeting with the Attendance Officer/ Pastoral
     8th June, Chelsmford Library, 10 – 4pm
                                                         Manager, an action plan will be implemented, and if
     15th June, Harlow Playhouse, 10 – 4pm               absences continue after this a warning letter will be
                                                         sent to all Parents with Parental Responsibility warning
10th August, Basildon Council Offices, 10 – 4pm          of the issue of a Penalty Notice/a meeting with MECES
                                                         (Missing Education and Child Employment Services).
7th November, Clacton-on-Sea Princes Theatre,
                  12 – 7pm                               Leave Of Absence
                                                         If you apply for a LOA (Leave of Absence) during the
These full day events will be a chance for               school term, it will be at the Headteacher’s discretion if
parents/carers and wider members of the community        this will be authorised. A letter in advance must be
to drop by and speak to a range of professionals, to     sent to either the Headteacher or the Attendance
interact with a selection of stalls advertising the      Officer stating when the absence will be, how many
organisations across Essex and nationally that provide   school days will be missed and the reason for the
support to parents and carers. There will also be a      absence during term time.
number of brief time-tabled talks throughout the day
which parents and carers can pre-book in advance to      You will receive a return letter informing you of the
attend, or just attend on the day (subject to seat       decision, if it is deemed to be unauthorised all Parents
availability). The talks will include subjects on: the   may be liable for the issue of a Penalty Notice. £60.00
online world; grooming and what to look out for;         per child per Parent.
gangs awareness; and a case study from Essex Police.
                                                         Warning Letter
Information on the day and access to the booking         Warning Letters are sent to Parents of students with
system for attending specific talks is available on:     poor attendance. Below 90% attendance is deemed
www.escb.co.uk/exploitation                              unsatisfactory. The warning letter sets out the
                                                         procedures that will follow. The student will be
                                                         monitored by the Attendance Officer and Parents will
                                                         be liable for a Penalty Notice to be issued if
                                                         unauthorised absences (irregular attendance) continue
                                                         after receiving the letter.
KS3 - Shenfield High School
Trips, Visits and
If you’ve been following the news you may have heard
about the government’s plans to make first aid
compulsory in secondary schools, well once again
Team Shenners are ahead of the game. Following a
very generous donation from the PTA, Shenfield has
been able to offer all Year 10 students the opportunity
to obtain an on line certificate, followed up by actual      Ypres
hands on practice under instruction of a fully trained       This trip was designed to support the GCSE work
instructor. The school has purchased Re Sus dolls,           students are doing for Paper 1: Section A on The
DeFib (AED) practice machines, plus a variety of             British Sector of the Western Front 1914-18: Injuries,
teaching aids and equipment. This equipment is also          Treatment and the Trenches. It is endorsed by our
used by the PE department for their Year 11 students.        exam board Pearson Edexcel who said that this tour
                                                             ‘will bring the topic alive for students, helping them to
Last week we were also gifted from a parent working
                                                             visualise the more physical problems of the
for Havering Officer Safety Unit, a large variety of First   environment in a way which a text book cannot’.
Aid equipment to assist us in our teaching.
                                                             This was a very long day trip to visit the battlefields of
It is hoped to offer EFAW (a 6 hour first aid course
                                                             the First World War near the town of Ypres and
plus breaks) to parents at a minimal cost in the near
                                                             included laying a wreath at the Menin Gate Memorial.
future if there is enough interest.                          You may have seen some of our tweets during the
Mark Lowrie Curriculum support officer and First Aid         visit.
Instructor. m.lowrie@shenfield.essex.sch.uk

                                                             This was a three day trip for history students to
                                                             Auschwitz and Krakow and included visits to the
                                                             Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Gallicia Museum, salt mines,
                                                             Schindler’s factory and Krakow’s Jewish quarter.

                                                             At Auschwitz, what struck both staff and students the
                                                             most was how ordinary Auschwitz was - the grass
                                                             grows, the sun shines and the birds sing above it. It’s
                                                             just buildings - a place where the most unspeakable
                                                             evil was let loose but it’s not surrounded by a moat of
                                                             fire and brimstone but with houses built at its
                                                             borders. This highlighted how it could so easily
                                                             happen again. The horror that took place didn’t
                                                             happen in an alien environment but in a place with
                                                             sun, grass and birds in Europe, less than 80 years ago.

                                                             All who went on this trip found it a profoundly
                                                             affecting experience.
KS3 - Shenfield High School
Cambridge University                                      “ I learned that Cambridge students have a social life
                                                          that is exciting and interesting, not how it is perceived
                                                          to be”.

As part of Access, Outreach and Widening Participation
to state school students, a group of fifteen Year 12s
were welcomed at Emmanuel College, Cambridge
University this week. The visit gave them an
introduction to the undergraduate experience at an
Oxbridge University. They enjoyed a tour of the
College, including the very impressive Library and
Chapel which was one of three buildings designed by
Sir Christopher Wren in 1677. The students learnt that
the college was founded by Sir Walter Mildmay,
Chancellor of the Exchequer to Elizabeth 1. Many
Emmanuel graduates settled in North America and
Harvard is named after John Harvard, an Emmanuel
graduate, 1632. Emmanuel and Harvard maintain
relations via student exchanges to this day. Students
gained insight to the history and ethos of the
University. After lunch in the splendid dining hall our
students took part in a workshop, led by an               On Thursday 2nd May the Careers Department ran
Admissions Tutor, where they discussed past interview     their annual Employer Engagement Day for Years 9
questions and gave some very impressive answers.          and 10 students. The day was designed to provide
They were encouraged to work hard towards their A         our students with real, meaningful contact with
Level grades and to make applications.                    professionals in different industries and an opportunity
 Afterwards students commented:” It inspired me to        to gain a real “taste” of work. Students took part in
work harder to meet my aspirations and get into a         several one hour sessions focusing on particular
good university - and how important extra work is.”       industry areas. Interactive activities and tasks were
                                                          given to the students by Lloyds Bank, E2V Teledyne,
 “I found yesterday very useful, especially going over    Kennedys Hair Salon, Uni Suffolk Campus, Edge Hotel
the frequently asked question for the interviews and      School, Poppetts Day Nursery, Carmel Jane
having the chance to see around Cambridge. It really      Photography, Barking and Dagenham College focused
has given me an idea of what it would be like to study    on IT, Tees Law Solicitors, PROCAT, Athona
there”.                                                   Recruitment, London Retail Academy, the Army and
                                                          Teaching. We cannot thank our external contacts
“It was a great day exploring the option of going to
                                                          enough for supporting this event and hope it gave our
university after finishing Sixth form. I liked the fact
                                                          students something to think about towards their
that they didn’t just promote Cambridge but told us
about the various types of Universities available. The
day was full of really useful information but the
information I found most helpful was the details on
what to include and not to include in your UCAS
KS3 - Shenfield High School
                                                            Shenfield’s U13 girls met Crompton House CE School in
                                                            their respective final also at West Bromich Albion and
                                                            produced a masterclass of passing football to outwit a
                                                            team that were very direct. A brilliant Mia Robins goal
                                                            made it 1-0 after 10 minutes before Ellie Moore
                                                            finished off a superb team passing play to to make it
                                                            2-0. Layla Kenly caused havoc down the right wing for
                                                            Crompton and her excellent work set up the 3rd goal
                                                            for Elise Jennings who was equally unstoppable down
                                                            the left flank. Crompton pulled a goal back against the
                                                            run of play before half-time to keep the game in the
                                                            balance. However in the second half Shenfield
                                                            continued to pressure the Crompton goal and this
                                                            pressure eventually told when Elise scored her second
                                                            of the game following in again at the back post to tap
                                                            in after more great team football.

                                                            Both schools had other chances to increase the lead
                                                            but were denied by good defending and goalkeeping
   Shenfield High School U13 Girls:                         and as the final whistle blew the Shenfield girls were
     ESFA National Cup Football                             over joyed to win 4-1 and be crowned National
       Champions 2018-2019
                                                            Team manager Mr Sapsford remarked, “To win a
Shenfield Football Excelling on the                         National title from over 400 schools that entered at the
National Stage                                              start of the season is a huge achievement. The girls’
Shenfield’s reputation as a school with a commitment        title has been built on lots of hard work and support
to excellence in football has long been established.        from so many people. Our U14 girls have been brilliant
However, the 2018-19 season has gone to another             role models and they deserve special recognition for
level.                                                      their role in supporting and developing this crop of
                                                            U13 players. We are so proud of all the team’s efforts
Shenfield reached 4 National semi-finals with the U12       this season and hope all will have the hunger to
boys B team losing to a strong Kingsdale team at that       achieve more of the same in 2019-20.”
stage. The U12 boys, U14 and U13 girls teams all
made the final after tense semi-finals against excellent

The U14 girls played their final at Stoke City FC against
huge football school Thomas Telford. Having scored an
early goal through Ellie Moore Shenfield defended
excellently for 60 minutes and played good counter
attacking football. Unfortunately, Telford scored with 7
minutes remaining and ultimately lost a compelling
game on penalties.

The U12 boys played Sandwell Academy School which
is where West Bromwich Albion send their Academy
graduates and as this was the Elite Schools
competition all of their West Brom players were
available. Despite this, Shenfield played some brillaint
passing football and dominated the early exchanges.
However, Sandwell scored from a set piece shortly
after Shenfield had a goal ruled out for offside. Going
in 0-1 at half time Shenfield knew they needed they
next goal but Sandwell’s strength in depth told in the
second half as they went on to win 3-0.
KS3 - Shenfield High School
KS3 - Shenfield High School
The PTA bring to you
Two fantastic events to support
         your school
KS3 - Shenfield High School
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