Page created by Dana Christensen
              CAMPUS MAP INSIDE
Everyone, including visitors, are required to wear masks in indoor shared spaces. The policy applies
              to all classrooms, labs, shared offices and indoor hallways in buildings on William & Mary properties.
                      Visitors to residence halls during the fall move-in days will be expected to wear masks.
              Masks will not be required outdoors, but are recommended for large outdoor gatherings. Vaccinated
             or not, if you feel a mask would afford you greater protection or help protect those around you, please
             do not hesitate to “mask up.” There are any number of reasons students, faculty or staff members may
                         wear a mask over their nose and mouth some or all of the time on our campuses.

                     thursday August 26                                                MOVE-IN DAY
                     8 am–5 pm            Parent & Family Orientation Check-In | Alan B. Miller Hall, Atrium
                     This is an optional early check-in for families arriving early to Williamsburg. Another check-in
                     time is provided Friday from 8 am–5 pm.

                     6:45–8:45 pm         Parent & Family Reception | Alan B. Miller Hall
                     Mingle with other parents and meet W&M faculty and staff over heavy hors d’oeuvres. This
                     event is a parent and/or family member only event. Students will be engaged in orientation
                     activities during this time.

                     friday August 27 MOVE-IN DAY
                     8 am–5 pm           Parent & Family Orientation Check-In | Alan B. Miller Hall, Atrium

                     10 am–2 pm         W&M Auxiliary Services Fair | Sadler Center Terrace
                     Representatives from Parking & Transportation, W&M Dining, W&M Bookstore, Print Shop, and
                     McCormack-Nagelsen Tennis Center are available to provide information and answer questions.
                     Register your student’s bike on campus, sample dining options, load up on spirit wear, and
                     much more.

                     6:45–8:45 pm         Parent & Family Reception | Alan B. Miller Hall
                     Mingle with other parents and meet W&M faculty and staff over heavy hors d’oeuvres. This
                     event is a parent and/or family member only event. Students will be engaged in orientation
                     activities during this time.

                     Families should take time to say goodbye to their students following the completion
                     of their individual move-in appointment. Students and families will separate for the
                     remainder of Orientation programming

                                                  Join us September 24-26, 2021
                                                  for Family Weekend at William & Mary.
                                                  Visit our website to register for free
                                                  and shop the Family Weekend store.


Campus Map
                                                                                           on pages 5–6
saturday August 28
8:30–9:10 am       Welcome to the Family! Success at William & Mary | Kaplan Arena
A thoughtful and interactive program about your student’s experience, W&M expectations,
and parental support during the college transition.

9:10–9:45 am       The Liberal Arts Vision: A Look into Academic Success | Kaplan Arena
We will highlight what makes our liberal arts education distinctive and describe the course
planning and enrollment process.

9:45–9:55 am      Comfort Break

9:55–10:35 am A Commitment to Wellness & Flourishing | Kaplan Arena
W&M focuses on promoting health and wellness for all students. Join us to discuss how we
strive to accomplish this mission.

11 am–12 pm       Celebrating Your William & Mary | Kaplan Arena                Alma Mater
Together with your new students, parents and families will officially     James Southall Wilson, Class of 1904
be welcomed to the Tribe family by President Rowe, Vice President for
Student Affairs Ambler and others.
                                                                          Hark the students’ voices swelling,
                                                                              Strong and true and clear
                                                                           Alma Mater’s love they’re telling
12–2 pm            Lunch
                                                                                Ringing far and near.
Families who purchase the on-campus lunch buffet option will recieve
lunch access instructions during their Parent & Family Orientation                     CHORUS
check-in process.                                                           William and Mary loved of old
                                                                                 Hark, upon the gale,
                                                                            Hear the thunder of our chorus
                                                                                   Alma Mater, hail!

                                                                            God our Father, hear our voices
                                                                                    Listen to our cry
                                                                            Bless the college of our fathers
                                                                                   Let her never die.

                                                                                      CHORUS x 2

                            W&M Mobile for New Students & Families
                            Download William & Mary Mobile — available for iOS,
                            Android and mobile web.
                            Select the New Students & Families experience to find
                            Orientation schedules, move-in maps and other resources,
                            and to receive important updates and notifications.
                            Download on the App Store or Google Play by searching
                            “William & Mary Mobile” or visit www.wm.edu/app.

                                                                             PARENT & FAMILY ORIENTATION 2021 | 2
saturday August 28
         1:30–5 pm       William & Mary Family Connections Fair | Alan B. Miller Hall, Courtyard
         Family members may speak with representatives from a variety of campus services at this outdoor
         resource fair.

         Academic Advising: Faculty advising assignments, pre-major faculty advising program, peer advising
         program, academic advising services, and resources
         Campus Ministries United: Multi-faith coalition of spiritual leaders representing campus religious groups
         at William & Mary
         Campus Recreation: Intramurals, club sports, fitness and wellness, aquatics, outdoor recreation
         Center for Student Diversity: Diversity, peer mentorship programs, cultural organizations, programs and
         services for underrepresented students
         Cohen Career Center: Career development programs, services, connections, and resources, empowering
         students to achieve their career goals
         Facilities Management: Building maintenance, custodial services, work control, postal services
         Fraternity & Sorority Life: Council/community events, individual chapters, membership recruitment/intake info
         Global Education Office: Study abroad opportunities, planning, application process
         Health Promotion: Provides a wide-range of educational, referral and outreach services for students
         who are concerned about wellness, disease prevention, and other health-related issues
         Information Technology: Technology services, technical support
         Military Science (ROTC): Requirements for enrollment, career placement, Military Science & Leadership Minor
         Miller Entrepreneurship Center: Exists to educate, inspire, and support students in developing the skills and
         mindset of an entrepreneur
         Parent & Family Council: Student Affairs Advisory Board for Parents & Family Members
         Parent & Family Programs: Family Weekend, New Student Receptions, Family Orientation, network and
         relationship building, family outreach
         Parking Services: Campus parking, vehicle registration and decal sales, bus transportation, WATA,
         airport shuttles
         Residence Life: Room assignments, selection process, custodial/building issues, community development, hall
         council, hall activities, and Resident Assistants (RAs)
         Student Health Center: Immunizations/allergy shots, healthcare information
         Student Insurance: Insurance requirements, insurance waiver or enrollment requests
         Student Leadership Development: Leadership development programs, clubs and organizations,
         campus-wide programming and events
         Student Transition Engagement Programs (STEP): the student transition into W&M and throughout
         their university experience, New Student Orientation, Orientation Aides (OAs), Convocation
         Swem Library: Library resources, research services, student media production
         The TutorZone: Individualized assistance from trained peer-tutors, study skills, time management
         University Registrar: Academic calendar, undergraduate catalog and transcripts, in-state, out-of-state tuition,
         transfer credit, test credit
         William & Mary Bookstore: Required course materials including digital and rental textbooks, official campus
         source for W&M supplies, clothing and gifts, Student Laptop Program
         William & Mary Dining: Meal plan information


2–4:45 pm W&M Informational Sessions | Alan B. Miller Hall
Representatives from across campus present on a variety of topics related to your student’s success.
There are four blocks of concurrent sessions, each lasting 30 minutes. Rooms have limited space available and
close at capacity. Popular sessions are offered more than once.

Rooms will close at capacity. The BLOCK label indicates when sessions are offered. Popular sessions are offered more than once.
 2–2:30 pm                                   BLOCK 1
Accessibility Services | Room 1008                               The Study Abroad Experience | Brinkley Commons
BLOCK 1                                                          North
Learn how we support students regarding                          BLOCK 1 / 2 / 3
the registration process for accommodations,                     Discover W&M study abroad opportunities and how
documentation requirements, support services                     they may enhance your student’s experience
and important campus resources.                                  and career aspirations.
A Commitment to Wellness | Room 1082                             Transitions in Parenting: From Care to Coaching
BLOCK 1                                                          | Room 1078
W&M focuses on promoting health and wellness for all             BLOCK 1 / 2
students.                                                        As William & Mary diversifies in student enrollment,
Addressing Your Student’s Diet: Campus Dining                    we have committed to emphasizing the richness of
Options and Special Dining Needs | Room 1069                     diversity in our community. Learn how the Center
BLOCK 1 / 2                                                      for Student Diversity supports and creates inclusive
From special dietary information to how your student             environments for students of color and identities at a
can maintain healthy eating habits, our dietitian is here        predominantly white institution. This session begins
to show how your student can stay “Mindful.”                     the conversation of how you as a parent can empower
                                                                 you student to identify resources and advocate for
Building a Safe Community: Campus Safety                         their individual needs at W&M.
Resources | Room 1088
BLOCK 1 / 2                                                      Understanding W&M Finances | Room 1013
Discuss opportunities to increase safety and awareness           BLOCK 1 / 2
for your student.                                                Explore the financial and student employment
                                                                 resources available to students.
Helping Students Get the Help They Need: W&M
Counseling Center | Room 1027
BLOCK 1 / 2 / 3
Hear about the services available to your student’s
optimal mental health while at W&M.
Parent Panel: FAQs with Current W&M Parents |
Room 1077
BLOCK 1 / 2
Want another parent’s perspective? Join members of
the Parent & Family Council in a panel discussion and
learn how to stay involved with your student even
after they have left home.
The COLL Curriculum and Your Student | Brinkley
Commons South
BLOCK 1 / 2
                                                                                                      Informational Sessions
Discover the benefits of the education curriculum in                                                  schedule on page 10
place at William & Mary and the exciting opportunities
it offers for your student.

2:30–2:45 pm            Break

                                                                                       PARENT & FAMILY ORIENTATION 2021 | 4
                                                                                                                                                                               rg D
  MAP#    BUILDING                            GRID     MAP#   BUILDING                          GRID
                                                                                                         To School of Education,

          ACADEMIC                                            Center                              A1                                                                                    310
  100     Adair Hall                             B4    304    Busch Field                         A2     Dillard Complex                                                                                 St
  102     Andrews Hall                           C5    308    Dillard Practice Fields           Ins A    Discovery 1 & 2                                                                     Di
  103     Boswell Hall                           C5    310    Intramural Fields                   C1     Map Inset A & B
  104     Bozarth Garage                          F2   312    Kaplan Arena*                       B2                                                                                  582
  108     Ceramics Studio                         F4   314    Laycock Football Center             C2
                                                                                                                                                                                 578 580
  109     Chancellors Hall                        E3   316    Martin Family Stadium             Ins A
  110     Ewell Hall                              F4   318    Matoaka Boathouse                   A6
          Fine Arts Center*                      D4    320    McCormack-Nagelsen Tennis Ctr.    Ins C                                                                                  576               522
  112     Gabriel Galt                         Ins A   322    Millie West Tennis Facility*        A2                                                                             574
  113     Global Research Institute              G2    324    Montgomery Field                    C2
  114     Holmes House                            E4   326    Plumeri Park                      Ins A                       303
  116     Institute for Integrative                    328    Stimson Throwing Events Area        B1                                                                                                           594
          Conservation                           G2    332    Tennis Courts                       B3
  117     Integrated Science Center (ISC) D4           333    Tribe Field Hockey Center           A3
  122     James Blair Hall                        E3   334    Zable Stadium at Cary Field         D2                                               Kaplan Arena                             532
  124     Jones Hall                             C5
  126     Keck Env. Field Lab                    A3           ARTS & EVENTS                                                322                            312
  128     Law School                           Ins C   400                                        A6
  130     Matoaka Art Studio                     A5    401    Kimball Theatre                     G3
  132     McGlothlin-Street Hall                  E4   402    Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre     A6                                                                                                                 Ya
  134     Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School) B6     404    Muscarelle Museum of Art            C5
                                                       406    Plumeri House                       F4                                                                                   228                            57
  137     Patrick Galt                         Ins A                                                                                                                                              568
  138     Phi Beta Kappa Mem. Hall*              D5    408    President’s House                   F3
  139     Population Lab                       Ins C   410    President’s Guest House             F3                                                    Brooks St
                                                       412    Sadler Center*                      F4                  304                                                             566
  141     Scene Shop                           Ins A                                                                                                                                               636
  142     School of Education                  Ins B   414    Unity Hall                          D3
  144     Small Hall                             C4                                                                                                                              564
                                                              STUDENT HOUSING
  145     Stryker House                          G2                                                                                                227
                                                       500    Barrett                              E4
  146     Tucker Hall                             F3                                                            333                                                   562
                                                       502    Brown                                G3
  150     Washington Hall                         E4
                                                       504    Bryan                                E2
  152     Western Union Building                  F3
                                                       506    Cabell                               B3
  154     Wren Building                           F3
                                                       508    Camm                                 D2                                                                           608
  156     Wren Dependencies North                 F3
                                                       510    Chandler                             E4                                              332              618
  158     Wren Dependencies South                 F4                                                                                                                                  632
                                                       516    Dawson                               E2
          ADMIN & STUDENT SERVICES                     518    Dinwiddie                            A4                                                                 616
  200     Admission (undergraduate)       F4           520    DuPont                               B4                                                                                   506
  202     Alexander Galt                Ins A          522    Eagle F-J                            B1                                                               536
  204     Alumni House                    D1           524    Fauquier                             A4          126                           626
                                                       526    Giles                                B4                             524
  206     Bell Hall                       E5                                                                                                                                          526
  208     Blank House                     E5           528    Gooch                                A4                518
          Blow Memorial Hall              E2           530    Graduate Housing                  Ins C                                                                        620
  212     Brafferton                      F3           532                                         B2
  214     Brafferton Kitchen              F3           534    Hardy                                D4                610

                                                       536    Harrison                             B3

  216     Bridges House                   F4

  218     Bull House                      F2           538    House 1                              G3
  220     Campus Center                   F4           540    House 2                              F3
  222     Child Care Center               F4           542    House 3                              F3
  224     Cohen Career Center             D3           544    House 4                              F3
  227     Commons Dining Hall             A3           546    House 5                              F2
  228     Community Building              B2           548    House 6                              F3                                                                                             294
  230     Corner House                    E5           550    House 7                              F3
  232     Davis House                     G3           552    House 8                              F3
                                                       554    House 9                              F3                                                                                       100
  234     Environmental Health & Safety   G4
  236     Environmental Health & Safety                556    House 10                             F2
          Annex                           G4           558    House 11                             F2
  238     Facilities Management Admin     F4           560    House 12                             F2                                                                                       272
  240     Facilities Management Annex     F5           562    House 620                            B3
                                                       564    House 630                            B3                                                                                              278
  242     Facilities Management Shops     F5
  244     Facilities Supervisors          G5           566    House 640                            B2
  248     Griggs House                    E5           568    House 660                            B2       Lake
  250     Hoke House                      F4           570    House 670                            B2      Matoaka
  252     Hoke House Annex                F4           572    House 710                            B1
  256     Hornsby House                   E4           574    House 720                            B1

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ukrop Way
  257     King Health Center*             C3           576    House 730                            B1                       130
  258     Lambert House                   E4           578    House 740                            B1
  259     Lodge 2 (Daily Grind)           D3           580    House 750                            B1
  260     Main Power Plant                F4           582    House 760                            B1
  262     McLeod Tyler Wellness Center    D3           586    Hunt                                 G4
  264     Meridian Coffee House           G4           588    Jefferson                            F4
                                                       590    Landrum                              D4                            400
  266     Minson Galt                   Ins A                                                                                                                                               134
  268     Mount Vernon Complex          Ins B          592    Lemon                                D4
                                                              Lion K-M                             B1    402
  270     Murray House                    F4           594
  271     North Henry 332                 G1           596    Ludwell Apts. (100-700)           Ins D
  272     Parking Deck                    B5           600    Madison                              D2
  276     Patrick Galt Annex            Ins A          604    Monroe                               E3                                                                                   To Ludwell Ap
  278     Police and Parking Services     B5           608    Nicholas                             B3                             Raymond A. Mason                                      via Rolfe Rd
  280     Quonset Huts                    F5           610    Nicholson                            A4    318                      School of Business                                    Map Inset D
  282     Reves Center                    G4           612    Old Dominion                         E3
  284     Rowe House                      E4           614    One Tribe Place                      D1
  285     Samuel E. Jones House           G2           616    Page                                 B3                       A                                                B
  286     Shenkman Jewish Center          E5           618    Pleasants                            B3
  288     Stetson House                   F4           620    Preston                              B4
  290     Swem Library                    C4           622    Reves                                G4                                                               A
  292     W&M Bookstore                   F2           624    Richmond                           Ins E                                                              Dillard Complex
  294     West Utility Plant              B4           626    Spotswood                            A3                                             141               and Plumeri Park
  296     Young House                     E5           628    Stith                                E2                                       316
                                                       632    Tazewell                             B3                                                                202
          ATHLETICS & RECREATION                       634    Tribe Square                         E2                                                                          266 276
  300     Albert-Daly Field           Ins A            635    Willis                               F4                                                                      112
  302     Barksdale Field               D4             636    Yates                                B2                                                       308                       137
  303     (The) Bee McLeod Recreation

  *denotes under construction

campus map

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 N Boundary St

                                                                To Richmond Hall
                                                                                                                                                                             0                       250                 500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Harriett Tubman Dr                                        1,000
                                                                Map Inset E                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ft.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Arm istead Ave
    328                                                               t
                                                            B                                                          614



                                                            204                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  271


                                                                     Alumni Dr                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         113
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scotland St

                                               314                                                                                                                                                                     Pr
                                                                  Zable                                                                                                                                                  inc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               e G 292
                                                                 Stadium                                          508                                                                                                             eo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     rge                                                                                                                                              2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 N Boundary St
                                                                                                                        516                                                         634                                                  S                                                                                                 145
                                                                                             Stadium Dr

ates Dr
                                                                                                                                  504                                                                                                                                                                                 116
                                  324                                     334                                                                                                             Ri
                                                                                                                                                                                            ch                                                                     218
70                                                                                                            600       628                                                                      mo
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ro                       104                                560
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               556                          558      546
                                                                                                                                                                            210                               4                        554                          548 542 285                                        502

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     N Henry St
                                    och                                                224                                                                                                                                                                 552
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           540 232
                                257                                           412                                                                                                          James Blair Dr
                                                                                                                                                        122                                    109                 146                                                        538
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     156                                                                                                                                              3
                                                        262                                                                                                                                                                                             410
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           408                                   Duke of Gloucester St.
                                                                                259                                                                                                                                                                                                                              & Merchants Square
                                                                                                                                                                 Sunken Garden                                                                        154
                                                                                    Crim Dell                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           401
                                                                                                                                                        132                                                        110
                                                                                                    590                                                                                                                                                                                            282
                        290                                                                  Lan
                  Swem                                                                                    dru
                                                                                                              m                                                                                                                                                                                     622                                                      W Francis St
                  Library                                                                                         Dr
                                                                                                                                            510                                                                    8                                              635
                                                                                117                                                                                                                           58                250                                                                                                                                                   4
                                                                                                                       534                                                                                         288                           200                                                                                         Colonial
                                                                                                                                                                              500                        270                216       252                                  414                          586                                Williamsburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              108                                                                                P6
                                                                                                                                                                                     258          114                             222                                                             236
          144                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       238                           264
                                                                     111                                                                                                                                           406                                                      260
                                                2                                      302                                                              230 256 284                                                                          240
                                           10                                                                          59
                                                                                                                            2                                                                                                                                                                          234                                        Ireland St

                                                                                                                                            286                                     208                                                                                                                                                        To Law School,

                                                                                                                                                     248                                           Undergraduate
                                                                                                                                                                                                       l er Ct
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Grad Housing



                                                                                                                                                  206                                               Admission                                                     242                                                                          and Tennis Center

           124                                                                                                                                                                                                                       280

                                                                                                                                                                eL                                                                                                                                                                             Map Inset C


                                  404                                                                                                                        yth

                                                                                                                                                         W                                 296
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           S Boundary St

          103                                                             sto w                                                                                                           St
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Newport Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               S Boundary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Law School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Grad Housing                                                                              530
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tennis Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                S Henry St

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                                                                                                                                  rings Rd

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          B                                                                                                                                                                         D                                              E

                                                    268                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    e
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              h   e
          Education                                                                                                                                                                 Apartments                                     Hall                                                                                    yt



            Pedestrian path                                               142
            to main campus

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PARENT & FAMILY ORIENTATION 2021 | 6

  Rooms will close at capacity. The BLOCK label indicates when sessions are offered. Popular sessions are offered more than once.
   2:45–3:15 pm                                Informational Sessions | B L O C K 2
  Addressing Your Student’s Diet: Campus Dining                    The Study Abroad Experience | Brinkley Commons
  Options and Special Dining Needs | Room 1069                     North
  BLOCK 1 / 2                                                      BLOCK 1 / 2 / 3
  From special dietary information to how your student             Discover W&M study abroad opportunities and how
  can maintain healthy eating habits, our dietitian is here        they may enhance your student’s experience and
  to show how your student can stay “Mindful.”                     career aspirations.
  Building a Safe Community: Campus Safety                         Transitions in Parenting: From Care to Coaching
  Resources | Room 1088                                            | Room 1078
  BLOCK 1 / 2
                                                                   BLOCK 1 / 2
  Discuss opportunities to increase safety and awareness
                                                                   As William & Mary diversifies in student enrollment,
  for your student.
                                                                   we have committed to emphasizing the richness of
  Cultivating Authentic Excellence | Room 1082                     diversity in our community. Learn how the Center
  BLOCK 2 / 3                                                      for Student Diversity supports and creates inclusive
  Parents can help their students flourish at an individual        environments for students of color and identities at a
  and community level through W&M’s values-based                   predominantly white institution. This session begins
  model. All are welcome to learn more.                            the conversation of how you as a parent can empower
                                                                   you student to identify resources and advocate for
  Helping Students Get the Help They Need: W&M                     their individual needs at W&M.
  Counseling Center | Room 1027
  BLOCK 1 / 2 / 3                                                  Understanding W&M Finances | Room 1013
  Hear from our Counseling Center about services                   BLOCK 1 / 2
  available to support your student’s optimal mental               Explore the financial and student employment
  health while at W&M.                                             resources available to students.

  Parent Panel: FAQs with Current W&M Parents |
  Room 1077
  BLOCK 1 / 2
  Want another parent’s perspective? Join members of
  the Parent & Family Council in a panel discussion
  and learn how to stay involved with your student even
  after they have left home.
  Partners in Career Development: Strategies for
  Families | Room 1008
  BLOCK 2 / 3 / 4
  Find out how you can be a successful partner in your
  student’s career development process.
  The COLL Curriculum and Your Student | Brinkley
  Commons South
  BLOCK 1 / 2
  Discover the benefits of the education curriculum
  being implemented this fall and the exciting
  opportunities it offers for your student.

  3:15–3:30 pm            Break


Rooms will close at capacity. The BLOCK label indicates when sessions are offered. Popular sessions are offered more than once.
 3:30–4 pm                                   Informational Sessions | B L O C K 3
A Chat with the Dean of Students | Room 1013                     Student Panel: Engagement in the W&M
BLOCK 3 / 4                                                      Community | Executive Dining Room
The college journey can be an exciting and                       BLOCK 3 / 4
challenging time for students and families. Find out             Join our Parent & Family Orientation Aides (PFOAs) for
more about the support and opportunities available.              a panel discussion on their college experience.
                                                                 Their stories highlight college transition, campus
Cultivating Authentic Excellence | Room 1082                     involvement, and family engagement.
BLOCK 2 / 3
Parents can help their students flourish at an individual        Textbooks: Making the Smart Choice | Room
and community level through W&M’s values-based                   1078
model. All are welcome to learn more.                            BLOCK 3 / 4
                                                                 Learn about our campus bookstore to help your
Helping Students Get the Help They Need: W&M                     student make smart textbook decisions.
Counseling Center | Room 1027
BLOCK 1 / 2 / 3                                                  The College Experience: Opportunities for
Hear from our Counseling Center about services                   Involvement | Room 1069
available to support your student’s optimal mental               BLOCK 3 / 4
health while at W&M.                                             Explore strategies for involvement. Highlights include
                                                                 community engagement, leadership, fraternity
Helping Students Get the Help They Need: W&M                     and sorority life, and student activities.
Student Health Center | Room 1077
BLOCK 3 / 4                                                      The Study Abroad Experience | Brinkley Commons
Hear about the services available to your student at             North
the Student Health Center.                                       BLOCK 1 / 2 / 3
                                                                 Discover W&M study abroad opportunities and how
It’s Never Too Early to Plan: Resources for
                                                                 they may enhance your student’s experience and
Academic Success | Room 1018
                                                                 career aspirations.
BLOCK 3 / 4
Learn about the variety of resources available to your           Your Student’s Residential Experience | Brinkley
student through Academic Enrichment Programs. We                 Commons South
will give you an overview of academic intervention               BLOCK 3 / 4
programs, the TutorZone, our Academic Coaching                   Learn more about opportunities your student will have
program, and share tools for academic success. In                during the first year of college. Discuss how planning
addition, we will share insight into why W&M students            for a successful start to the school year can have
struggle academically, and how you can help your                 a positive impact on the remainder of the college
student find academic support should they need it.               journey.
My Student Wants to Join a Fraternity/Sorority…
What Do I Need to Know? | Room 1088
BLOCK 3 / 4
Come learn about what makes our Greek community
special, the intake/recruitment processes, and how to
support your student throughout their fraternity and
sorority experience.
Partners in Career Development: Strategies for
Families | Room 1008
BLOCK 2 / 3 / 4
Find out how you can be a successful partner in your
student’s career development process.

4–4:15 pm               Break

                                                                                       PARENT & FAMILY ORIENTATION 2021 | 8

  Rooms will close at capacity. The BLOCK label indicates when sessions are offered. Popular sessions are offered more than once.
   4:15–4:45 pm                                 Informational Sessions | B L O C K 4
  A Chat with the Dean of Students | Room 1013                     Textbooks: Making the Smart Choice | Room
  BLOCK 3 / 4                                                      1078
  The college journey can be an exciting and                       BLOCK 3 / 4
  challenging time for students and families. Find out             Learn about our campus bookstore to help your
  more about the support and opportunities available.              student make smart textbook decisions.
  Helping Students Get the Help They Need: W&M                     The College Experience: Opportunities for
  Student Health Center | Room 1077                                Involvement | Room 1069
  BLOCK 3 / 4                                                      BLOCK 3 / 4
  Hear about the services available to your student at             Explore strategies for involvement. Highlights include
  the Student Health Center.                                       community engagement, leadership, fraternity
  It’s Never Too Early to Plan: Resources for                      and sorority life, and student activities.
  Academic Success | Room 1018                                     My Student Wants to Join a Fraternity/Sorority…
  BLOCK 3 / 4                                                      What Do I Need to Know? | Room 1088
  Learn about the variety of resources available to your           BLOCK 3 / 4
  student through Academic Enrichment Programs. We                 Come learn about what makes our Greek community
  will give you an overview of academic intervention               special, the intake/recruitment processes,
  programs, the TutorZone, our Academic Coaching                   and how to support your student throughout their
  program, and share tools for academic success. In                fraternity and sorority experience.
  addition, we will share insight into why W&M students
  struggle academically, and how you can help your                 Your Student’s Residential Experience | Brinkley
  student find academic support should they need it.               Commons South
                                                                   BLOCK 3 / 4
  Partners in Career Development: Strategies for                   Learn more about opportunities your student will have
  Families | Room 1008                                             during the first year of college. Discuss how planning
  BLOCK 2 / 3 / 4                                                  for a successful start to the school year can have
  Find out how you can be a successful partner in your             a positive impact on the remainder of the college
  student’s career development process.                            journey.
  Student Panel: Engagement in the W&M
  Community | Executive Dining Room
  BLOCK 3 / 4
  Join our Parent & Family Orientation Aides (PFOAs) for
  a panel discussion on their college experience.
  Their stories highlight college transition, campus
  involvement, and family engagement.

                 Thank you for joining us for Family Orientation. Please travel home safely.

W&M Informational Sessions | Alan B. Miller Hall
                                                                                                                         Saturday, August 28, 2:00–4:45 pm
                                                                                                                       Session descriptions start on page four.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Brinkley          Brinkley
                                                     Room 1008        Room 1013      Room 1018         Room 1027        Room 1069         Room 1077      Room 1078        Room 1082        Room 1088         Commons           Commons          Executive
                                                      (60 max)         (60 max)       (45 max)          (45 max)         (45 max)          (45 max)       (45 max)         (60 max)         (60 max)       North (125 max)   South (200 max)   Dining Room

                                                                                                                      Addressing Your
                                                                                                       Students Get
                                        BLOCK 1                                                                        Student’s Diet:   Parent Panel:    Transitions                    Building a Safe
                                                                                                      the Help They                                                                                          The Study         The COLL
                                                     Accessibility   Understanding                                    Campus Dining       FAQs with      in Parenting:   A Commitment     Community:
                                                                                                          Need:                                                                                                Abroad        Curriculum and
                                                       Services      W&M Finances                                       Options and      Current W&M     From Care to      to Wellness   Campus Safety
                                                                                                          W&M                                                                                                Experience       Your Student
                                         2–2:30                                                                        Special Dining       Parents        Coaching                        Resources

                                                                                                                      Addressing Your
                                                       Partners                                        Students Get
                                        BLOCK 2                                                                        Student’s Diet:   Parent Panel:    Transitions                    Building a Safe
                                                      in Career                                       the Help They                                                       Cultivating                        The Study         The COLL
                                                                     Understanding                                    Campus Dining       FAQs with      in Parenting:                    Community:
                                                    Development:                                          Need:                                                           Authentic                            Abroad        Curriculum and
                                                                     W&M Finances                                       Options and      Current W&M     From Care to                    Campus Safety
                                                    Strategies for                                        W&M                                                             Excellence                         Experience       Your Student
                                        2:45–3:15                                                                      Special Dining       Parents        Coaching                        Resources
                                                       Families                                         Counseling

                                                                                                                                            Helping                                        My Student
                                                       Partners                      It’s Never Too    Students Get
                                        BLOCK 3                                                                         The College       Students Get                                    Wants to Join                                        Student Panel:
                                                      in Career       A Chat with    Early to Plan:   the Help They                                       Textbooks:      Cultivating                        The Study       Your Student’s
                                                                                                                        Experience:      the Help They                                     a Fraternity/                                        Engagement
                                                    Development:      the Dean of      Resources          Need:                                           Making the      Authentic                            Abroad         Residential
                                                                                                                       Opportunities         Need:                                       Sorority… What                                          in the W&M
                                                    Strategies for     Students      for Academic         W&M                                            Smart Choice     Excellence                         Experience       Experience
                                         3:30–4                                                                       for Involvement    W&M Student                                      Do I Need to                                          Community
                                                       Families                          Success        Counseling
                                                                                                                                         Health Center                                        Know?

                                                                                                                                            Helping                                        My Student
                                                       Partners                      It’s Never Too
                                        BLOCK 4                                                                         The College       Students Get                                    Wants to Join                                        Student Panel:
                                                      in Career       A Chat with    Early to Plan:                                                       Textbooks:                                                         Your Student’s
                                                                                                                        Experience:      the Help They                                     a Fraternity/                                        Engagement
                                                    Development:      the Dean of      Resources                                                          Making the                                                          Residential
                                                                                                                       Opportunities         Need:                                       Sorority… What                                          in the W&M
                                                    Strategies for     Students      for Academic                                                        Smart Choice                                                         Experience
                                        4:15–4:45                                                                     for Involvement    W&M Student                                      Do I Need to                                          Community
                                                       Families                          Success
                                                                                                                                         Health Center                                        Know?

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