INTERNSHIP MANUAL Washburn University School of Applied Studies Human Services Department

Page created by Frederick Parker
Washburn University
 School of Applied Studies
Human Services Department


        Effective Fall 2014
           (Revised September 2014)

Prepared by the Human Services Department Faculty
              Contact: Dr. Brian Ogawa
                Chair and Professor

            Human Services Department
               Washburn University
              Benton Hall, Room 311
                Topeka KS 66621
                 (785) 670-2116

INTRODUCTION                                                              3

TERMINOLOGY                                                               4

INTERNSHIP COURSES                                                        5
      Internship Course Requirements                                      6
      Internship Course Outcomes                                          6
      Supervision                                                         7
      Application Procedure                                               7-8

CHECKLIST FOR INTERNSHIP                                                  8-9

INTERNSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES                                               10
        The Agency                                                        10
        Washburn Faculty                                                  10
        Student                                                           10-11
Credit and Time Expectations                                              11
Orientation and Observation                                               11
Direct Services                                                           11
Student Written Assignments                                               12
Grading                                                                   12
Liability Insurance                                                       12
Physical Exams                                                            12
Criminal Background Checks                                                12
Student Appeal                                                            13
Second Internship at Same Agency                                          13
Agreements between Agencies and Washburn                                  13
Student Contact Information                                               13

POLICIES                                                                  13-14
       Confidentiality                                                    13-14
       Dress Code                                                         14
       Records                                                            14
       Problems with the Internship                                       14
       Request from Agency for Removal of a Student                       14
       Receiving a Failing Grade                                          14
       Attendance Policy                                                  15

DIRECTORY OF INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT AGENCIES                                15

FACULTY DIRECTORY                                                         16

FORMS: All forms are available online at
Select  under the WU Academic Links, then 


This manual has two functions:

First, it is designed to provide students and agencies with information regarding the internship
courses offered through the Human Services Department. The main objectives of the internships
are to provide students with a balanced education and prepare them for effective job performance
in their field.

Second, the manual is intended to clarify the expectations and roles of students, agency staff, and
the university with respect to internship.

This guide is not intended to add to the workload of agency staff, but rather to make the process
of supervision of interns beneficial for all concerned. It is our belief that all parties involved in an
internship can benefit.

The student can benefit through the experiential learning and the personal and professional
growth that may occur. Additionally, some students may acquire employment as a result of their

The agency can benefit through the energy and time which the student brings to them as well as
by having an opportunity to pre-screen possible job applicants. Additionally, the experience of
working with students may enhance the motivation and skills of agency staff as well as keep
them informed of current knowledge and new information. Lastly, the students’ contributions
may help the agency complete important tasks.

The university can benefit by being able to provide programs to its students which it would be
unable to offer without agency support and cooperation.

And ultimately, we believe that the community and the clients of community agencies will
benefit from these educational opportunities for human service practitioners.

If you have any further questions about the internships after reading this manual, please contact
your faculty advisor or Dr. Brian Ogawa, Chair of the Human Services Department, School
of Applied Studies, 1700 S.W. College Ave., Benton 311-B, Washburn University, Topeka
KS 66621, (785) 670-2116.


Agency: An organization in the community that delivers human services to clients/consumers.

Agency Contact Person: The staff member designated by an agency to be the contact person for
student placement(s). The agency contact person is frequently the agency staff member who
interviews potential interns.

Department Chair: A member of the Human Services faculty who has the responsibility for
managing the Human Services Department of the School of Applied Studies at Washburn

Concentration and Certificates:
The Human Services Department includes the concentrations of Addiction Counseling,
Gerontology, Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, Youth Services, and Victim/Survivor
Services leading to the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and Bachelor of Applied Science
(BAS) degrees. The department also offers Certificates of Completion in Addiction Counseling,
Morita Therapy, Victim/Survivor Services, and Non-Profit Management.

Faculty Advisor: A member of the Human Services faculty at Washburn University that has
been assigned to serve as an advisor to assist students with enrollment, academic concerns, and
internship placements.

Faculty Seminar Instructor: A member of the Human Services faculty at Washburn University
who is responsible for supervising internship students, monitoring student progress and
problems, and assigning final grades.

Intern: The student enrolled in an internship.

Internship: Student placement in a community agency or organization for purposes of simulated
“on-the-job” training in Human Services. Such placements are commonly called by a variety of
names including placement, field placement, field instruction, field experience, field study, field
work, internship, and practicum. Students earn academic credit for their work, and may or may
not be paid.

On-Site Supervisor: A staff member at an agency who has been assigned by the agency to
orient interns, coordinate their work assignments, give them feedback on their progress, answer
their questions on a regular and ongoing basis, and evaluate them. Ideally, the agency supervisor
should be a person who is familiar with the agency programs, clients and the field or profession
in which the student is doing an internship.


The following internship courses are offered through the Human Services Department, School of
Applied Studies:

       HS 280 – Internship I. This course is the beginning internship required of all majors in
       both the Associate and the Baccalaureate degree programs. The internship consists of a
       minimum of 180 clock-hours of experience in an agency in the community under the
       supervision of agency staff and university faculty. In addition, a weekly seminar is
       required to integrate learning in the field with classroom instruction. Emphasis will be
       given to basic competencies of human service delivery. (3 credit hours)

       Prerequisites: HS100, HS131, at least one course in area of emphasis, and faculty

       HS 281 – Internship II. This course is the second internship required of all majors in
       both the Associate and the Baccalaureate degree programs. The internship consists of a
       minimum of 180 clock-hours of experience in an agency in the community under the
       supervision of agency staff and university faculty. In addition, a weekly seminar is
       required to integrate learning in the field with classroom instruction. Emphasis will be
       given to basic helping relationship skills, communication skills, observation, reporting,
       recording and assessment. (3 credit hours)

       Prerequisites: HS250, HS280, at least two courses in emphasis area, and faculty consent.

       HS 380 – Internship III. This is the third required internship course for the
       Baccalaureate degree level majors within the Human Services Department. The
       internship consists of a minimum of 180 clock-hours of experience in an agency in the
       community specific to the student’s area of concentration, under the supervision of
       agency staff and university faculty as well as a weekly seminar to integrate learning in
       the field with classroom instruction. Students will be evaluated related to their mastery of
       specific competencies in their concentration. (3 credit hours)

       Prerequisites: HS281, HS300, HS302, and faculty consent.

       HS 481 – Internship IV. This is the fourth required internship course for the
       Baccalaureate degree level majors within the Human Services Department. The
       internship consists of a minimum of 180 clock-hours of experience in an agency in the
       community specific to the student’s area of concentration, under the supervision of
       agency staff and university faculty as well as a weekly seminar to integrate learning in
       the field with classroom instruction. Practice will focus on advanced-level skills specific
       to the individual area of concentration. (3 credit hours)

       Prerequisites: HS380, HS325, HS330, upper division level course in emphasis area, and
       faculty consent.

Students will:

1.     Complete a Learning Contract that includes internship course outcomes and at least two
       individualized learning outcomes that have been approved by the on-site and faculty

2.     Complete a minimum of 180 clock hours. (You may need to do additional clock hours
       dependent on certification requirements; please check with your faculty advisor).

3.     Regularly attend and actively participate in weekly seminar to reflect on the internship
       experience and synthesize knowledge being learned at the internship site.

4.     Regularly attend and actively participate in on-site internship activities, gaining a first-
       hand knowledge of the diverse problems encountered in the field through observation,
       practice, and discussion/reflection with agency staff.

5.     Complete writing assignments as required by the seminar instructor for the purpose of
       reflection and integration of classroom knowledge and on-site experience.

By the end of the semester, students will be able to:

1.     Describe the organizational structure of internship site.

2.     Describe procedures and practices of internship site.

3.     Describe the services available within the agency and within the community related to
       his/her internship site.

4.     Identify issues, concerns, needs and goals of constituents of internship site.

5.     Demonstrate competence in skills related to providing human services.

6.     Demonstrate ethical practices, following the Ethical Standards of Human Services

7.     Demonstrate a cooperative, professional working relationship with agency staff and

8.     Demonstrate increased self-awareness, insight, understanding of professional behaviors,
       and identification with human service professionals.


Washburn University has overall responsibilities for the educational experiences of each student.
Each student is expected to attend a weekly seminar and keep the Faculty Seminar Instructor
informed of any current or potential problems. It is essential, however, for each agency to
provide orientation, feedback, and appropriate work assignments to the interns. This requires that
each agency assign a staff member to serve as the student’s site supervisor to:

   1. Plan and arrange for the student’s orientation to the agency, its programs, procedures,
      staff, and personnel policies;

   2. Coordinate the student’s assignments and provide for regular supervision times;

   3. Provide consultation, communication, and feedback;

   4. Coordinate the student’s work and observational experiences with other staff members;

   5. Contact the Faculty Seminar Instructor at Washburn University to share information
      when needed; and

   6. Evaluate the student, in writing, at the end of the semester on the forms provided by the


Submit the appropriate Application for Internship online by the deadline (see Page 9).

Copies of all applications will be placed in the Human Services Faculty Advisor’s mailbox
following the application deadline. Faculty will review all applications at the next scheduled
faculty meeting – typically within one to weeks following the application deadline.

The Faculty will discuss potential placements for approved applicants to assure placements are
balanced within the community and to avoid excessive duplication. Human Services Faculty
Advisors will request the following information from the student, if there is not an Affiliation

Agreement with the agency on file:

       1)      Agency Name – Full legal name of the lead agency
       2)      Executive Director – Full name, and appropriate title
       3)      Mailing Address – Where the agreement is to be mailed for signature
       4)      Contact Person (s) – Name(s) of Site Supervisor(s)
       5)      Phone Number(s) – Main number, and any affiliate placements
       6)      E-mail Address(s) – Essential for distance placements
       7)      Emphasis Type(s) – Addictions Counseling (AO), Gerontology (GR), Mental
               Health (MH), Developmental Disabilities (DD), Victim/ Survivor Services (VS),
               Youth Services (CC), and/or Non-Profit Management (NP)

During the Washburn Advance Web-Registration period (November for the Spring semester;
April for the Summer/Fall semesters), Human Services Faculty Advisors will inform the student
of the section day/time and location of their assigned weekly internship seminar. Human
Services Faculty Advisors will discuss possible placement sites with their advisees. Faculty
members will work with their students to find an appropriate placement. Students should not
contact agencies without permission of their advisor.

If the Agency Contact Person and the student agree on an internship, they will complete the
Internship Learning Contract. It is the student’s responsibility to return the completed contract to
the Human Services Department as soon as possible. After the form is returned, an
enrollment/registration override will be done, allowing the student to enroll in the internship. No
student will be allowed to enroll in an internship until their Contract is completed, signed
by all parties, and on file.

If an agency does not agree on an internship, it is the student’s responsibility to notify their
Faculty Advisor promptly so an alternative placement can be identified. Students are encouraged
to take a current resume with them and approach the internship interview much as they would a
job interview.

                              CHECKLIST FOR INTERNSHIPS
                                 Human Services Department

Each student must complete each of the following before being placed in an internship:

        Degree-Seeking students: Complete all prerequisite courses required for
          a. HS280 Internship I – HS100, 131 and one course in emphasis area
          b. HS281 Internship II – HS250, 280 and two courses in emphasis area
          c. HS380 Internship III – HS281, 300 and 302
          d. HS381 Internship III – Plan 2+2 ONLY
          e. HS481 Internship IV – HS380/381, 325, 330 and upper division course in
              emphasis area

        Students seeking Certificates only will have different prerequisites. See your advisor.

        Review a copy of the Human Services Internship Manual available in PDF format
on by selecting  and the  links.

       Complete an Application for Internship online. Go to MyWashburn; select  under the WU Academic Links, then select the  link.
Submit the appropriate application online by the designated dates:

                     March 1 for Summer Graduates AND for Fall Semester
                              October 1 for the Spring Semester

Initial Application for Internship – All new, first-time internships (HS280 and/or
students seeking Certificates only). This requires a short essay and two references.

       Re-application for Internship – Any subsequent internship (i.e., HS281, 380, 381, 481)

        Contact your Faculty Advisor prior to Advance Registration concerning potential
       placement and proposed internship seminar. In consultation with your advisor, you will
       need to arrange an interview with the agency and thereafter submit your completed
       Internship Learning Contract. No student will be allowed to enroll in an internship
       until all paperwork is complete, including the Contract signed by all parties, and on
       file. (Please allow 48 hours for the registration override to be completed by the
       department before attempting to enroll.) Any violation of these procedures may result in
       loss of internship placement. Internship Learning Contracts are due to your advisor by
       these designated dates:

                       Third Monday in April for Summer Graduates AND for Fall Semester
                       Third Monday in November for the Spring Semester

Applications for Internship will be reviewed by the faculty and evaluated on the following

       1) Has successfully completed a full semester of Washburn University Human Services
           course work prior to application date;
       2) Has completed all prerequisite courses for the internship with a grade of “C” or better;
       3) Has completed application, forms, and other requirements by the deadlines;
       4) Has maintained a minimum 2.0 grade point average;
       5) Is recommended by faculty for placement in an agency; and
       6) Anticipated date of completion of program.

In the event that there are more applications for internship (received by the deadline for
application) than possible placements, students will be placed ONLY if they have met ALL
criteria. If there are still more on-time applications than possible placements, students will be
prioritized on the basis of their anticipated completion date for the program; that is, students who
are closest to completion will be given priority over students who are not as close to graduation.

The online internship seminars are reserved for students who are formally registered as
distance students. If there are more distance students than spaces in the online seminar, priority
will be given based upon application date and graduation/certificate dates of completion.
Distance students applying late for an internship will be placed on a waiting list and may not be
able to enroll in the online seminar despite graduation/certificate date of completion. If there are
available openings, students who are not formally registered as distance students will be
considered for the online seminar based on criteria such as distance from Washburn University,
work schedule, and graduation/certification date. However, to be considered for the on-line
seminar, students must indicate their desire for placement in this seminar on their internship



  1. Completes Affiliation Agreement with Washburn University;
  2. Designates an On-Site Supervisor to work with each student;
  3. Assists the student in completing the learning contract which describes the learning
     outcomes that s/he will perform and demonstrate;
  4. Provides the student with meaningful work experience which, when appropriate, will
     increase in difficulty and responsibility as the student demonstrates readiness;
  5. Permit the Faculty Seminar Instructor to make site visits;
  6. Contacts the Faculty Seminar Instructor promptly in the event of any problems, whether
     of omission or commission, regarding the student’s internship; and
  7. Completes an end-of-term evaluation of the student intern.


  1. The Department Chair oversees Affiliation Agreements with agencies accepting interns;
  2. The Department Chair orients the agency supervisor to the Human Services Department
     philosophy and expectations, as appropriate and necessary;
  3. The Faculty Advisor reviews application, checks to see that all prerequisites have been
     met, and makes a recommendation to the faculty regarding student readiness;
  4. The Faculty Advisor informs qualified students of potential placement sites;
  5. The Faculty Seminar Instructor makes site visits to each agency (or by email and/or
     phone for distance students and when face-to-face cannot be arranged) during the
     semester the student is in placement;
  6. The Faculty Seminar Instructor meets weekly with students in the campus or online
     seminar to monitor the student’s progress;
  7. The Faculty Seminar Instructor responds to agency or student needs for assistance, as
     appropriate; and
  8. The Faculty Seminar Instructor awards grades based on the evaluation by the On-Site
     Supervisor, the requirements completed by the student, and the instructor’s seminar


  1. Has completed all prerequisite course work for the internship;
  2. If not enrolled in classes for more than one semester, s/he is required to successfully
     complete a full semester of course work directly prior to being considered for an
  3. Maintains a minimum 2.0 grade point average;
  4. Completes all applications, forms, and other requirements of the school and the agency;
  5. Is admitted to the Human Services internship program;
  6. Is recommended by faculty for placement in the agency;
  7. Completes the pre-placement agency interview and is accepted by the agency;

8. Attends the concurrent seminar class and completes any related assignments required by
       the Faculty Seminar Instructor;
   9. Carries out the job functions as planned and coordinated by the On-Site Supervisor;
   10. Contacts On-Site Supervisor first in case of an illness or other unexpected absences or
       tardiness, and the Faculty Seminar Instructor immediately thereafter;
   11. Successfully completes the hours required for the internship;
   12. Complies with all applicable agency and professional policies, procedures, and standards
       of conduct;
   13. Keeps Faculty Seminar Instructor informed of all relevant information regarding the
       placement; and
   14. Accepts responsibility for his or her own learning and growth during the internship.


Although the required total hours may vary, a minimum of 180 clock hours will be spent in each
internship*, for a total of 3 credit hours. This total includes only each student’s attendance at the
agency and not the weekly seminar. Each student will plan her/his schedule with the On-Site
Supervisor and keep a time sheet to be signed by the On-Site Supervisor and turned in to the
Faculty Seminar Instructor at the end of the semester.

Internship hours and assignments will be arranged at the discretion of the On-Site Supervisor
with reasonable allowances for the student’s academic schedule and personal circumstances.
Students are expected to contact the On-Site Supervisor prior to their expected arrival time if
they are unable to attend the internship on any day they are scheduled. Problems with attendance
or punctuality may be grounds for involuntary withdrawal from the course. A passing grade
requires at a minimum that the student receive a passing evaluation from the On-Site Supervisor.

*200 hrs for the semester internship requirement for Addiction Counseling certification


During the semester, the student should be regarded as a part-time (though usually non-paid)
member of the staff. To conform with regulations of the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory
Board for addiction counseling licensure, students must identify themselves as being in training
and differentiate themselves from paid staff. As such, the student should participate in
orientation and observation activities similar to those provided for new employees. These may
include, but are not limited to:

   1. A tour of the agency and orientation to its services and programs;
   2. Becoming acquainted with agency policies, procedures, protocols, etc.; and
   3. Attending appropriate staff meetings and observing or assisting staff members in
      performing specific functions to help the student become acclimated to the agency.


A major objective of the internship is to enable the student to develop effective professional
skills and gain confidence in providing services. Students begin primarily as an observer, but will
progress with assignments that place increasing responsibility for meeting client and/or agency
needs. The On-Site Supervisor should increase the student’s responsibilities to the degree that the
student is ready to handle such duties.


1.      Written Assignments
2.      Reflection Paper

1)      Written Assignments

Students taking an internship are to complete weekly writing assignments as required by the
Faculty Seminar Instructor for the purpose of reflection and integration of classroom knowledge
and on-site experience.

2)      Reflection Paper

For each learning outcome that the student has identified as a focus for competency
development, the student will prepare a statement of activities s/he has performed in each
competency, a description of what was learned, and a self-evaluation of their competence in that


Internship grades are assigned by the Faculty Seminar Instructor. (Refer to your course
syllabus each semester for specifics regarding learning outcomes.) Your “evaluation” will be
based on the following criteria, with some flexibility in percentages based on your seminar:

     1. The agency evaluations– 40%
        (35% from on-site supervisor; 5% student agency evaluation)

     2. Your attendance and participation in seminar – 20%

     3. Your weekly Written Assignments – 20%

     4. Your Reflection Paper – 20%


Washburn University carries an umbrella liability insurance policy on all Washburn students in
approved internships.


Some agencies may require student interns to have a physical exam, or provide documentation
stating they are in good physical health and free of communicable disease prior to the start of
their internship.


Some agencies require criminal background checks of applicants for internships. These, unless
otherwise stated, will be conducted through the agency.


In the event a student is withdrawn from, or denied a placement pursuant to any provision of this
manual, the student has the right to appeal to the Chair of the Human Services Department.


As a general rule, it is the policy of the Human Services Department that all internships be done
at different agencies in order to maximize students’ learning opportunities. There are
circumstances where a two-semester placement can be arranged if it is in the best interest of the
agency and the student. Only under very special circumstances will a student complete more than
two semesters at the same agency.


Agencies hosting student interns are required to sign an Affiliation Agreement with Washburn
University. Each Agreement shall be in effect for five (5) years. A copy is kept on file in the
agency, with the original in the office of the Human Services Department.


All students at Washburn University are responsible for updating current address and phone
number information on their MyWashburn accounts.

Washburn University e-mail addresses are the official addresses used by the University for
relaying important messages regarding all academic and financial information. It may also be
used by instructors to provide specific course information. E-mail messages sent to Washburn
University e-mail addresses will be considered the students’ official notification for important
information. Students who fail to check their WU email may miss important information about
internships that could result in denial of or withdrawal from internship placement or a lower



Students in the Human Services Department will be working with clients or patients receiving
treatment and services in their internship placement site. Moreover, they may encounter medical
records of patients or clients as well as receive indirect information about current or former
patients from other agency employees, students, or faculty. It is essential that the confidentiality
of any such information be maintained.

Each student will observe, maintain, and protect current or former agency clients’ rights to
confidentiality at all times. Any student enrolled in a Human Services Department internship
who reveals confidential information about a current or former patient/client other than in an
authorized manner, place, or to an authorized person, shall be subject to dismissal from the
internship with a grade of “F” and, depending upon the circumstances, shall be reviewed for
continuation in the Human Services Program.

Information shared in seminar is also considered confidential. Students may not discuss issues
outside of the seminar. Failure to maintain this standard may result in the student being
withdrawn from the placement and receiving a grade of “F.” Withdrawal of a student for this
reason could be grounds to refuse to re-admit the student to any Human Services program.
Human Services faculty may consult with each other regarding issues that arise in seminar.


Students will comply with agency dress codes any time they are at their internship placements.
Inappropriately dressed students may be sent home at the discretion of the agency. Any time lost
for this reason will have to be made up. The Faculty Seminar Instructor should be informed as
soon as possible if a student is sent home under this provision.


The student will maintain accurate and timely records of clock hours spent at her/his internship
placement. Students must follow all policies and procedures of the agency related to records,
charts, or forms for which they are authorized to have access or make entries. Failure to maintain
this standard may result in the student being withdrawn from the placement and receiving a
grade of “F.”


Any problems which may develop relating to a student’s internship will be dealt with promptly.
Resolution of any such problems will require the cooperation of all involved. Therefore, it is
essential that the Faculty Seminar Instructor and/or Faculty Advisor are/is informed of any
developing problems at the earliest possible opportunity by the agency site supervisor and the
student her/himself.


If the designated Agency Contact Person requests that a student be removed from the agency,
that request must be accompanied by a written explanation documenting the problems which led
to the request. The Faculty Advisor and/or Department Chair will review all relevant information
from the agency and the student. Removal from internship may result in a student earning a
grade of “F.”


If a student receives a failing grade, a Departmental Internal Review occurs. The student will not
be placed into another internship until the Internship Review Board determines the student can
be readmitted to the internship program. The Review Board will consist of the Chair and the
Faculty of the Human Services Department, and the Associate Dean of the School of Applied


A minimum number of hours are required for each internship.

   1. Students are required and expected to attend all scheduled internship hours.

   2. Students are required to report all absences* at least one hour prior to the time they are
      schedule to be at the internship site. These absences must be reported to:

           a. The On-Site Supervisor or other designated contact person, AND
           b. The Faculty Seminar Instructor immediately thereafter.

   *All reported absences may or may not be considered excused absences.

   3. Students are required and expected to report to their internships punctually. Students
      should attempt to inform the On-Site Supervisor of any time they are going to be late,
      unless instructed to do otherwise. If a student misses 3 seminar meetings (or has 3
      absences from their agency), they may be placed on a behavioral contract, prepared by
      the Faculty Seminar Instructor, to ensure their success. Excessive absences may lead to a
      failing grade.

   4. Students are required to make up time missed to ensure that they have at least the
      minimum number of hours. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in a withdrawal
      from the internship.

   5. Any change in a student’s schedule must be approved by the On-Site Supervisor or other
      designated person.

   6. Students are not to leave the agency placement site during their assigned duty hours
      unless they have followed appropriate agency policy to arrange it (i.e., received
      permission from the On-Site Supervisor or other designated person).

   7. Students must keep a log of their time and attendance, as already outlined. Any time lost
      from the placement due to tardiness, sickness, family problems, emergencies, or other
      reasons shall be made up until the student has accumulated the required hours on the
      placement site. Excessive absences, tardiness, or unauthorized schedule changes on short
      notice may be grounds for withdrawal from the internship placement.


While agencies taking students will vary from semester to semester, the department maintains a list of
affiliated agencies. Students should consult with their department academic advisor.


                         HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT
                             WASHBURN UNIVERSTIY
                        1700 SW College, Ave., Benton Hall 311
                                 Topeka, KS 66621
                                  (785) 670-2116
                                Fax: (785) 670-1027

Brian Ogawa, D.Min.                           (785) 670-2215
Chair and Professor                           E-mail:
Benton Hall, Room 311-B

Deborah Altus, Ph.D.                          (785) 670-1951
Professor                                     E-mail:
Benton Hall, Room 311-D

Diane McMillen, Ph.D.                         (785) 670-1774
Professor                                     E-mail:
Benton Hall, Room 311-C

Iris Wilkinson, Ed.D.                         (785) 670-1536
Professor                                     E-mail:
Benton Hall, Room 311-B

Kayla Waters, Ph.D.                           (785) 670-2107
Associate Professor                           E-mail:
Benton Hall, Room 311-E

Nancy Bachman                                 (785) 670-2116
Department Secretary                          E-mail:
Benton Hall, Room 311

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