Page created by Rhonda Griffin

Aims                     2   Drama                              8
Organisation             2   Music                             10
Communication            3   Visual Arts                       13
Commitment/Expectation   4   Wordsmiths (Oratory/Literary)     14
Events                   4   Innovation/Technical              15
Achievements             5   Theatre and Dance Academy (TDA)   17
Dance                    6
• To encourage maximum participation      Curriculum Leaders
  of students in a wide range of
                                          Dance             Music
  co-curricular activities.
                                          Candice Cain      Amanda Woods
• To promote teamwork and cohesion
                                          Senior Drama      Creative Technologies
  within groups and equity between
                                          Megan Herd        Trudy Keys
                                          Visual Art        Photography
• To ensure that all students are         Callum Arnold     Maria Buhrkuhl
  offered opportunities for
  development, achievement,
                                          Ruve Drummond
  performance and exhibition.
                                          Middle School Performing Arts
• To provide quality leadership with
                                          Sarena Harrison
  appropriate facilities and resources.
                                          Teacher in Charge of Debating
• To generate an environment of           Jenni McLaughlin
  enjoyment and satisfaction.
                                          Theatre Dance Academy
• To recognise commitment,                Alison Rossiter
  contribution, achievement and
                                          Speech and Drama Tutors
  excellence in the arts.
                                          Roz Spiers
    ORGANISATION                          Trish Minns
                                          Lucie Durkin
Staff in Charge
                                          Ruth Agnew
Head of Performing Arts Faculty           Dinie Bevers
Amanda Woods                              Ami Minns
Head of Visual Art Faculty                Itinerant Music Teachers
Callum Arnold                             School music groups are lead by a staff
Head of Creative Technologies             member or visiting itinerant teacher
Faculty                                   who will come in to the school regularly
Trudy Keys                                for rehearsals. Individual or group
Head of the Centre for Innovation         music lessons are taught by interant
Linda Chong                               music teachers.

for Arts Week and the Arts Soiree
Staff Arts Committee
                                            amongst other events. They are elected
The Arts Committee is comprised             by student vote, with staff input, and
of the curriculum leaders of Dance,         are lead by the Arts Prefects supported
Drama, Music, Technology and Visual         by the Arts staff. A Head and Deputy
Art and the Teacher in Charge               student from each arts area is also
of Debating, along with the Arts            elected as part of the Arts Council.
Facilitator. The Committee is
                                            Middle School Arts Committee
responsible for directing change and
implementing new initiatives in the         Year 9 and 10 girls can apply to be
arts, as well as overseeing all arts        selected as part of this committee to
processes including awards.                 promote and support the arts and
                                            develop new initiatives for the
Student Arts Council
                                            Middle School. Students can also work
This is a group of Year 12 and 13           towards leadership projects in the Arts
students who help with the organisation     such as organising arts events or
of the arts at school and are responsible   leading junior school groups.

COMMUNICATION                              IB Art Exhibitions, the Myers’ Cup
                                           Speech Competition, Cushion Cabarets
Information is conveyed to students
                                           and other events. House Day involves
through a variety of forms:
                                           House Plays, Wearable Arts, Grid
• Arts noticeboard located outside the     Portrait and short film competitions,
  Ngaio Marsh Theatre in the Winchester    and students perform each year for
  North second floor corridor              Open Day guests. Fundraisers such as
• Student Notices on emails                EGGs Factor also take pride of place
• Outside or just inside relevant arts     on our Arts agenda.
  departments or spaces e.g. Dance,        Musicals and Major Productions
  Drama, Music, Visual Art and English
  (for Debating and Public Speaking)       A school musical or major drama/
• Fortnightly school newsletter            performing arts production will be
• School website                           presented every year. There may or
• School assemblies and Chapel services    may not be involvement from students
• Personal emails to girls’ school email   and staff of other schools.
  addresses                                Combined Events with Christ’s College
• School App
                                           We have a Combined Orchestra and
COMMITMENT /                               choir with brother school Christ’s
EXPECTATION                                College, and our music groups perform
                                           every year at a combined concert,
Once a student signs up or is selected
                                           as well as the St Margaret’s-Christ’s
into a group, a commitment is made
                                           College Debate.
for the whole year or the duration of
that group, unless some unforeseen         Inter-School Events
circumstance occurs. Students may be       Our co-curricular arts groups
required to sign a contract.               participate annually at events such
EVENTS                                     as the Big Sing Choral Competition,
                                           Voices Contemporary Music Festival,
School Events
                                           YSIH Barbershop Competition,
The Arts are celebrated yearly at          Chamber Music Contest, Orchestra
school with Arts Week, the Arts            Festival, Jazzquest, Rockquest,
Soiree/Dinner, Twilight Concert,           Bandquest, Christchurch Schools’
Performing Arts Showcase, NCEA             Music Festival, Kids For Kids,
Dance & Drama evenings, NCEA and           Theatresports Competition, University

of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare          for any specific area. To be eligible for
Festival, Canterbury Schools Debating      a Middle School Arts award, the
Council, Robotics Cup and more.            student must have a considerable level
                                           of proven skill in her field, as well as
Community Events
                                           a minimum of two years’ contribution
Our groups also take part in events such   and service to the Arts at Middle
as the Ferndale Carnival, Outstanding      School level. A placing in a regional
Feet, SCAPE public art projects and        competition or a high level exam
other arts initiatives in the community,   qualification is also required for Colours.
and often perform for charity events.
                                           Achievement in the arts at Senior
Visiting Artists and Shows/Trips           School level is recognised with three
We have a number of visiting artists       types of awards for students in Years
                                           11-13: a Certificate of Recognition, an
and shows come to perform for our
                                           Arts Pocket and Honours in Arts.
girls annually including NZ Playhouse,
                                           Pockets are sewn onto the blazer and
NZ Opera, Royal NZ Ballet, CSO
                                           are represented by the first initial of
Outreach Education Programme and
                                           the arts area awarded. Honours are
international acts. We also take groups
                                           represented by the red blazer and
of students off site to see shows at The
                                           a gold braid. The following areas will
Court Theatre, the Isaac Theatre Royal,
                                           be considered: Dance, Drama
and other venues.
                                           (Theatre), Music, Oratory, Technical
ACHIEVEMENTS                               (Audio visual) and Visual Art. Awards
Achievement in the Arts at Middle          will be presented for each specific area.
School level is recognised with three      To be eligible for a Senior Arts Award,
types of awards for students in Years      the student must have an outstanding
7-10: a Certificate of Recognition, an     level of skill in her field, as well as
Arts Badge and Colours in Arts.            a consistent contribution and service
Colours take the form of a white braid     to the arts at school for at least two
to be sewn onto the sleeve of the          years (Pocket) or from Year 11
school blazer. The following areas will    (Honours). To achieve Honours, the
be considered: Dance, Drama, Music,        student must gain national recognition
Oratory, Technical, Creative Writing       in her chosen field. A Pocket is
and Visual Art. However, awards will       a prerequisite for the awarding of
be presented for “Arts” rather than        Honours (with some exceptions).


In addition to Dance being offered as      Senior Dance Company
a classroom subject, students have the
opportunity to participate in a wide       Year 11-13 students with at least three
range of co-curricular groups. These       years of dance experience in a wide
groups provide an avenue for students      range of dance styles are able to
interested or experienced in dance         audition for this group. The Company
to extend their dance technique, gain      will learn teacher-lead choreography
experience, learn fun performance          as well as being given the opportunity
pieces, and develop an understanding       to choreograph their own works. The
                                           students need to be confident in
of performance skills and practice.
                                           performance and be available to
Middle School Dance Company                perform throughout the year within
Students in Years 7-10 are able to         the school and the wider community.
audition for this performance-based        Students accepted into this group are
group. Students need to have prior         required to show commitment and
experience in a range of dance styles      toprioritise this specialist group which
and be confident in performance. A         rehearses twice a week.
high standard of discipline is required,   Senior Performance Dance Company
and students accepted into this group
                                           This group is open to any Senior girls
are expected to make it a priority. The
                                           from Years 11-13 who are interested in
company rehearses twice a week.            Dance and might have some experience.
Pop Company                                Choreography will explore a variety of
                                           dance genres and the group will work
This Dance Leaders’ initiative is open
                                           towards participating in all school
to all Middle School girls and requires
                                           Performing Arts events.
no previous dance experience. The
group will learn choreography based        Highland Dance Group
on pop songs, and will have the            This student led group is open to
opportunity to showcase their work         students in Years 7 - 13 who have
at Performing Arts events.                 previous experience in this dance style.

Opportunities to perform include school      Twilight Festival, Open Day and the
Performing Arts events and possibly          Performing Arts Showcase.
external Highland Dance competitions.
                                             Junior School Dance Group
Jazz Dance Group
                                             Where possible, older students will
Students in Year 9 - 11 are able to sign     have the opportunity to organise and
up for this student-led group. This is       run dance classes for girls in the Junior
a fun performance group that works           School through the Year 10 Leadership
towards performing in school                 Programme or from students’ own
Performing Arts events. Choreography         initiatives. Rehearsals are once a week.
is Jazz-based and students do not need
                                             Middle School Performance Dance
any prior dance experience to be involved.
Hip Hop Dance Group
                                             This is an audition group for students
This student led initiative is open to       (Yr 7 - 10) interested in extending their
any interested students from Year 7 -        dance skills. Choreography will explore
13. The group will meet once a week          a variety of dance genres and the group
and learn Hip Hop choreography.              will work towards participating in all
Performance opportunities include            school Performing Arts events.

St Margaret’s College offers students       Theatresports
the opportunity to become involved
                                            Students have the opportunity to
in a variety of exciting co-curricular
                                            participate in the St Margaret’s College
activities in Drama. Events include:
                                            Theatresports teams, both
The University of Otago Sheilah Winn
                                            recreationally and competitively. We
Shakespeare Festival. Preparation for
                                            have a junior team for Years 7 to 10 and
the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival
                                            a senior team for Years 11, 12 and 13.
is at the beginning of Term 1. Auditions
will be held early in Term 1 and are        Middle School Drama
open to students in Years 11, 12 and        Our student Head and Deputy Head of
13. Rehearsals will be during lunchtimes,   Drama will run inclusive drama groups
after school and on weekends.               which aim to ignite interest in Drama

in the Middle School and develop          may choose to work towards effective
confidence and teamwork.                  speaking and/ or speech and drama
Speech and Drama Tuition                  exams. The content of the course is
                                          designed to be stimulating, challenging
Speech and Drama tuition is available     and fun. It can also be adapted to suit
each term at St Margaret’s. This may      the particular needs of students.
be taken individually or in a small
group (not more than four). The aim       This programme runs in conjunction
of the lessons is to develop the mind,    with other Arts activities, and lessons
voice and body skills necessary to        are an ‘extra’. Student timetables for
communicate effectively in a wide         these lessons are rotated in school,
variety of situations. The lesson plans   lunch, study and after school times.
are based on the requirements of the      A full course description, fees and an
Trinity College and The New Zealand       enrolment form are available at the
Speech Board Syllabus, so students        School Office.

 Co-curricular Music is ever changing      guitar, trumpet, trombone, drums,
 and has grown a huge amount over the      harp, bagpipes and voice. Parents
 last few years. There are now a number    are invoiced directly by the itinerant
 of groups on offer, but we are always     teachers for these lessons.
 open to forming new groups,               Lesson times are on a rotating basis
 dependent on student demand. If there     although girls in Years 11 to 13 may
 is a group that you would like to be      negotiate with their teacher for a set
 involved in, but you don’t see it on      time if available. For the most part,
 offer, then please contact Ms Woods       girls must own their own instruments,
 or Dr Hickford. Co-curricular groups      although there are a few school
 all have opportunities to perform at      instruments available for hire. All
 different school events throughout the    enquiries should be directed to the
 year, and some groups also have the       Head of Performing Arts, Ms Woods, at
 opportunity to compete in regional
 and national competitions and events.
                                           Fun Choir
 Private Music Lessons
                                           This is a choir for all to be involved in.
 Private lessons are available in piano,   Rehearsals are once a week, open to
 keyboard, violin, viola, cello, double    students in Year 9-13 with no auditions.
 bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone,   There is a Pop music focus, and an
 acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass    emphasis on having lots of fun.

to make it a priority. There is one two
A Cappella
                                            hour rehearsal per week on Mondays
This is an unaccompanied 3-part choir,      from 3:45pm.
with a Gospel and Pop focus and no
                                            Middle School Choir
audition required. It is open to Years
7-13 with one rehearsal per week.           This choir is open to all Year 7-10 girls.
                                            The choir sings a variety of music, and
Barbershop Quartets
                                            throughout the year has many
and A Cappella Groups                       performance opportunities. There is
Barbershop groups and A Cappella            one lunchtime rehearsal per week.
groups can be arranged for more ex-         Year 13 Choir
perienced and competent singers who
                                            The name of this choir speaks for itself.
are easily able to sing a musical line on
                                            It is a fun Year 13 choir that rehearses
their own. Please see Ms Woods if you
                                            once per week.
are interested.
                                            Junior Choirs
Pop Choir
                                            Girls from Years 5-8 have the
This choir for Year 11-13 students has
                                            opportunity to participate in the
a total ‘Pop’ focus, and girls will have
                                            Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival.
a lot of fun performing some great
                                            The Junior and Year 7 and 8 choirs
arrangements of well-known songs.           participate at events such as Kids in
Girls are expected to be able to sing       Town and Kids 4 Kids, as well as
in harmony. There is one rehearsal          performing at various school assemblies,
per week.                                   Chapel services and concerts.
Chamber Choir                               Year 1-4 / 5/6 Choirs
Girls from Year 9-13 may audition for       These choirs are compulsory for girls
this choir, which consists of 24 – 30       in Years 1-6, and are part of their
students who sing a variety of music in     music programme. Rehearsals take
up to four parts. The Chamber Choir         place during school time.
accepts frequent invitations to perform
in the wider community. A high              Orchestras
standard of discipline is required in       1) SMC Orchestra – open to all year
presentation and performance. Girls         levels with one rehearsal per week. All
accepted for this choir are expected        students learning an instrument
at school are encouraged to play in          fun performing a variety of different
  this orchestra.                              music. There are many performance
                                               opportunities throughout the year
  2) SMC String Orchestra – open
                                               for this group. There is one rehearsal
  to all year levels with one rehearsal
                                               per week.
  per week.
                                               Jazz Band
  3) Combined Orchestra with Christ’s
  College – rehearses on Tuesdays from         Our jazz band is a great band to be
  4:00-5:00pm at Christ’s College or St        a part of. There are many performance
  Margaret’s College. This orchestra is        opportunities throughout the year
  open to competent instrumentalists in        for this group. There is one rehearsal
  Years 9-13. Girls who wish to play in        per week.
  this orchestra are expected to participate
                                               Rock Bands
  in either the St Margaret’s College
  Orchestra, String Orchestra or               Rock Bands are becoming more and
  Chamber Music groups.                        more popular. Bands are formed
                                               according to student demand. Mr
  Ukulele Orchestra
                                               Fowler is a great Rock Band Teacher
  This group is open to girls from Year        and these groups have lots of fun.
  7 up who enjoy ukulele or who would          Weekly rehearsals.
  like to learn. Beginners are welcome.
                                               Chamber Music
  Repertoire is based on student choice
  of songs, and rehearsals are weekly.         Chamber Music groups can be
  There will be at least two performance       arranged for more competent
  opportunities during the year.               instrumentalists from all year levels.
                                               Advanced groups are encouraged to
  Flute Choir
                                               enter the annual Chamber Music
  This choir is open to flautists of all       competition. Please see Dr Hickford
  levels. The emphasis is on having            or Ms Woods if you are interested.
                                           a range of projects to strengthen their
                                           photographic techniques and explore
There are opportunities for girls to       creative ideas.
display and organise artwork around
                                           Art Extension
the school, at Arts events, assemblies
and in exhibitions during the course of    The Art Extension Club is open to girls
the year. The IB Art Exhibition is held    from Year 7 to Year 10 and will develop
at the end of Term 3, and the NCEA         and extend their Art skills and increase
                                           familiarity with various disciplines.
Senior Exhibition early in Term 4.
                                           Extra Tuition
Art Club
                                           Workshops for senior students are
The Art Club is open to girls from Year
                                           usually held during weekends and
9 to Year 13 and will include a range of
                                           holiday time.
projects within the school and the
wider community.                           Competitions

Photography Club                           Students are advised of local and national
                                           art competitions for individuals and
The Photography Club is open to girls      groups through the Visual Arts Leaders,
from Year 9 to Year 13 and will include    Student Notices and the Arts noticeboard.

 Debating                                   coaching Middle School teams. Top
                                            Senior Debaters will represent the
 Our student Head and Deputy Head of
                                            College at the Summer and Winter
 Debating will run weekly Debate Club
                                            Quadrangular Tournaments and the
 sessions which aim to ignite interest
                                            annual showcase debate with Christ’s
 in Debating in the Middle School and
                                            College. Other one-off tournaments
 develop confidence and teamwork.
                                            include Senior Regionals, Junior
 Debate Club takes place on Wednesday       Regionals, Senior Impromptu and Nga
 lunchtimes and some Thursdays after        Kete for Canterbury girls in Years 9 and
 school, and the inter-school competition   10. These are mostly held on weekends.
 is Thursday evenings.
                                            Creative Writing
 Teams from Years 9-13 compete
 during the year against teams from         This will be for Middle and Senior girls
 other schools in the local CSDC            that runs fortnightly, enabling students
 debating competition, which runs           to explore a range of writing styles.
 Terms 1–3, averaging two debates           There will also be a Junior School
 per term. Senior students assist with      group run by Senior girls.

News and information about tech             from Year 6 and above are encouraged
clubs available at                          to join these clubs.          Coding Group
Technical Team                              This group operates after school.
The Technical Team is comprised of          Students have an opportunity to learn
a group of students who help with all       to code and extend their coding
technical aspects in relation to the arts   skills. We are supported by Code
                                            Club Aotearoa who provide volunteer
and school events such as Open Day,
                                            tutors to work with the girls. These
Drama and Dance productions, Arts
                                            clubs range from beginners who learn
showcases and concerts, sound board
                                            Scratch, the intermediate group work
operation at assemblies etc. This
                                            with HTML and Python and our
involves sound, lighting, filming,
                                            advanced group programme in C+ in
editing and live streaming. We have
                                            the group we call the “Maker Club”.
a range of up-to-date equipment, and        Students from Year 6 and above are
training is provided to further improve     welcome to join these clubs. Please
skills. Any student in Year 9 and above     see Ms Chong if you are interested in
who is interested in being involved         getting involved.
please contact the Head of Creative
                                            Construction Club
Technologies, Mrs Trudy Keys.
                                            This club is an engineering and
Robotics Group
                                            problem solving club. Students have
Students are able to develop their          an opportunity to:
robotic skills with a student-led group     • build large sized structures
during lunch time and an external           • solve practical problems
tutor runs the afterschool club. At St      • engineer using pulleys, motors,
Margaret’s College we use the Lego            gears, wheels and axles
Mindstorm EV3 robots to learn to
                                            • invent simple machines
code. Students have an opportunity to
                                            • construct electronic circuits
develop their problem-solving skills,
                                            • solve practical maths problems
team work, patience and perseverance.
There is also an opportunity to             During this club, students will build
compete in regional and national            using EPro8 equipment and have an
competitions for Robocup. Students          opportunity to compete in the EPr08
National competition (epro8challenge.     to enhance their creations and bring Please see Ms Campbell if you     them to life. As an extension, students
are interested in getting involved.       can use their agent (an assistant robot)
                                          and learn how to code it to work and
Minecraft Club
                                          build for them. Please see Ms Campbell
Minecraft is a virtual platform that      if you are interested in getting involved.
allows students to create and build
                                          Middle School Website Team
structures, individually or collaborate
as a group. Students have to be           The website team is a group of students
resourceful and use the surrounding       who actively create new material and
environment to gather building            capture ongoing successes to update
materials. They can build amazing         a website. This website celebrates all
structures and understand the concept     the great achievements within the
of how electricity works. They can        Middle School. Please see Ms
discover all the versatile ways dust      Campbell if you are interested in
from the Redstone ore can be used         getting involved.
The Theatre Dance Academy at St              AJDA – American Jazz Dance
Margaret’s College has been established      Affiliation. All levels – 3 years to adult
to provide opportunities for co-curricular   BBO – British Ballet syllabus. All
dance studies for students at St             levels – preschool to adult
Margaret’s and for the wider community.
Students are given outstanding               Glen Wood Tap Dance – levels
opportunities to achieve internationally     offered as appropriate
recognised qualifications in Jazz, Ballet,   Open Recreation Classes
Tap, Hip Hop and Contemporary
                                             Open recreation / performance based
Dance and to participate in open
                                             classes are also offered for students
recreation classes in many genres,
                                             three years to adult in the following
with a focus on developing repertoire
                                             genres: Hip Hop, Contemporary,
and performance pieces. Performance
                                             Commercial Industry Dance, Pointe
opportunities are offered throughout         Technique, Ballet Coaching, Jazz
the year both at St Margaret’s College       Technique, Yoga for dance, Jazz/Street
and in the wider community.                  Dance, Teens beginners dance, Work
Students benefit from tuition from           out and Stretch, Musical Theatre and
a team of accomplished dance teachers,       Tap Dance.
who are experienced in training              Open classes are fun, recreation
dancers with Versatility, Strength and       courses with a focus on developing
Passion. Classes are available for boys      repertoire and performance based
and girls, aged 3 through to adult. The      dance pieces. Opportunities for
aim for the Academy is to assist in          performance are offered during the
providing technical training for our         year and for the end of year showcase.
current students as well as a strong
                                             Enrolment forms for all classes, class
foundation for students wishing to
                                             information and the 2021 class timetable
continue dance at a tertiary level and
                                             are available on the St Margaret’s
attain internationally recognised
                                             College website, under Our School.
qualifications in a specific genre. The
following co-curricular examination           WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU
syllabus classes will be offered:                 JOIN US IN DANCE!

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