ICT Services for Schools - 2020/2021 Management Information System Courses - Coventry City ...

ICT Services for Schools - 2020/2021 Management Information System Courses - Coventry City ...
ICT Services for Schools

     Management Information System

     Coventry City Council in partnership with
          Warwickshire County Council

ICT Services for Schools - 2020/2021 Management Information System Courses - Coventry City ...
Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Dear colleague

It is a pleasure to be working together to deliver professional development to schools across
Coventry and Warwickshire. This brochure provides you with the latest and relevant Management
Information System courses to ensure the continued professional development of all staff using

Our program continues to offer stimulating opportunities to support the management of teaching
and learning in schools.

We are very fortunate to have a highly skilled team of trainers working at locations across
Coventry and Warwickshire.

Our courses are offered at two locations, at our centres in Coventry and in Warwick. Courses at
both venues are included as part of your SLA.

If you would like to book a course please contact:

For courses held at Coventry City Council

For courses held at Warwickshire County Council
ictdsservicedesk@warwickshire.gov.uk or call 01926 414100 or visit www.ictds.org

We look forward to working with you. If you require any additional professional development
or support, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Paul Ward                                        Emma Gelfs
Head of ICT & Digital                            MIS & Strategy Manager
Coventry City Council                            Warwickshire County Council

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ICT Services for Schools - 2020/2021 Management Information System Courses - Coventry City ...
Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Assessment Without Levels in                            Assessment Manager Essential
SIMS (AWOL)                                             Skills
For Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Senior
                                                        Course overview:
Management, Administrative Staff
                                                        Raising attainment across your school is key and
Course overview:                                        SIMS Assessment is an efficient way of keeping track
SIMS provides a ready-made assessment system for        of all your students' progress.
teachers to record both their summative and formative   Discover the potential of SIMS Assessment and how
assessments.                                            the software can be used to create a customised
                                                        tracking system to suit your school.
The Programme of Study Tracking Grid allows schools to
set their own targets and run attainment and progress  Learning outcomes:
                                                        •   Creating Grades and Aspects
Predefined reports and analyses can be run to           •
interrogate different student cohorts and KPI groups.
                                                        •   Creating and using Result Sets
Learning outcomes:                                      •
                                                        •   Creating Marksheets
•      Record formative assessments against             •
       National curriculum Programmes of Study          •   Adding formulae
•      Record summative assessments for all core        •   Measure progress against set targets
       and foundation subjects                          •
                                                        •   Term on term, year on year progress
•      Learn how to manage Early Years
       assessments, tracking grids and group            •
       analyses                                         •   Creating Individual Reports
•      Run attainment and progress reports for          •   Utilising System Utilities
       different KPI groups
•      Create Individual assessment reports             •   Bulk result/marksheet export
•      Create new school specific learning              •   Bulk result/marksheet import
•      Replace Sims grades with school defined          •   Bulk result change
•      Run Discover assessment graphs                   Venue:      Pound Lane Learning Centre
                                                        Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Course pre-requisites:                                  Date:       TBA
                                                        Price:      As per your SLA

Venue:      Pound Lane Learning Centre
Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Date:       TBA
Price:      As per your SLA

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Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Attendance                                            Attendance – Reporting
For Administrative Staff                              For Administrative Staff

Course overview:                                      Course overview:

Strong attendance has a direct impact on              This course is designed to ensure users make the
achievement. Learn how to make the best use of        most of the valuable management information that
SIMS attendance for effective attendance              has been collated as part of routine attendance
monitoring.                                           registration.

Learn how to use SIMS Attendance to meet the day Learning outcomes:
-to-day requirements for monitoring
attendance and ensuring statutory reporting      • Use the SIMS home page to monitor attendance
compliance.                                        and real time data

Learning outcomes:                                    • Appreciate the functionality afforded by the
                                                        predefined attendance reports and displays
• Know how to develop and implement
  successful strategies for managing                  • Simplify procedures to produce letters and
  attendance, data, reports and statistical             certificates directly from SIMS attendance
                                                      • Analyse data in Discover
• Develop a system for first day of absence, create
  letters, certificates and reports                   Course pre-requisites:

Course pre-requisites:                                None

None                                                  Venue:     One Friargate, Coventry
                                                      Time:      09:30 - 16:00
Venue:     One Friargate, Coventry                    Date:      10 November 2020
Time:      09:30 - 16:00                                         09 February 2021
Date:      15 October 2020                                       20 May 2021
           14 January 2021                            Price:     As per your SLA
           27 April 2021
Price:     As per your SLA

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ICT Services for Schools - 2020/2021 Management Information System Courses - Coventry City ...
Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Course Manager and Post-16                           Cover
Learning Aims
                                                     For Senior Management, Administrative Staff in
                                                     Secondary Schools
For Academic administrators, Exams Officers ,
Teachers in Secondary Schools
                                                     Course overview:
Course overview:
                                                     Covering staff absence can cause headaches for
Explore and learn how to link SIMS Course            senior leaders.
Manager functionality with other areas of SIMS
                                                     Understand how to implement Cover to manage all
such as NovaT6, Academic Management and              aspects of classroom staff absence and to explore
Examinations Organiser to support the                the dynamic links of the module to other areas of
maintenance of Post-16 Learning Aims.                SIMS such as SIMS Personnel.
Learning outcomes:
                                                     Learning outcomes
•How and when a course is created                    • The optional migration of Nova-T cover data

•      The relationship between Course Manager       • Global settings available to customise the module
       and other areas of SIMS
•      Student membership of Learning Aims           • Links to SIMS Personnel

•      An understanding of and the linking of        • Managing supply cover
       examination awards and courses of study
                                                     • Declaring teaching absence and arranging cover
•      Managing the Post-16 Learning Aims
       processes (incl. Programme of Study Hours,
                                                     • Printing of the cover arrangements
       Prior Attainment, Core Learning Aims)
Course pre-requisites:                               • Cover statistics and impact summaries

None                                                 Course pre-requisites:

Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry                  None
Time:       09:30 -16:00
Date:       TBA                                      Venue:     Pound Lane Learning Centre
Price:      As per your SLA                          Time:      09:30 -16:00
                                                     Date:      TBA
Venue:      Pound Lane Learning Centre               Price:     As per your SLA
Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Date:       TBA
Price:      As per your SLA

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Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Discover — Overview                                     Dinner Money
                                                        For Primary and Special School Administrators -
Course overview:                                        Starters and New Users of Sims Dinner Money

SIMS Discover helps you drill down into your data       Course overview:
so you can monitor at risk groups, assess
intervention strategies and see the whole picture of    This course covers how to maintain dinner money
your school. Learn how you can use it to its full       data in Sims. It will cover recording meals and pay-
potential.                                              ments for staff and pupils, default meals, banking,
For the Assessment functionality with Discover          additional transactions, letters, catering returns and
please see our other courses.                           how to run the banking routine and produce various
                                                        reports and letters to parents.
Learning outcomes:
                                                        Learning outcomes:
•      Familiarise yourself with the Discover
       interface                                        •      Effectively manage and maintain Dinner
•      Learn how to create your own graphs and
       filter them                                      •      Monitor pupil balances

•      Learn how to set up Discover Groups for use      •      Record all types of pupil, staff and visitor meal
       in SIMS                                                 arrangements including special meals

•      Learn how to use the configuration utility       •      Record all types of pupil, staff and visitor pay-
Course pre-requisites:
                                                        •      Produce a variety of reports for different re-
None                                                           quirements such as registers, the kitchen,
                                                               mid-day supervisors, pupil and staff state-
Venue:       Pound Lane Learning Centre                        ments
Time:        09:30 -16:00
Date:        TBA                                        •      Complete the regular financial transactions
Price:       As per your SLA
                                                        •      Produce a weekly catering return

                                                        •      Produce mail merge letters to parents

                                                        Course pre-requisites:


                                                        Venue:       One Friargate, Coventry
                                                        Time:        09:30 -16:00
                                                        Date:        01 December 2020
                                                                     26 January 2021
                                                                     18 May 2021
                                                        Price:       As per your SLA

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End of Academic Year Webinar                            End of Key Stage Workshop
For staff in schools with responsibility for the        For staff in schools with responsibility for the
setting up of SIMS for the new Academic year            Key Stage Processes

Course overview:                                        Course overview:

This webinar will be a demonstration on how to          This half day session will be a stage by stage
perform the SIMS End of Year process                    demonstration on how to perform the Key Stage
Learning outcomes:
                                                        Learning outcomes:
•     Understand how to complete the SIMS .net
                                                        •    Understand how to complete and send key
      end of year
                                                             stage returns
•     Understand how to complete the SIMS .net
                                                        Course pre-requisites:
      start of year including your new admission
                                                        Delegates should have experience of SIMS .net
Course pre-requisites:
                                                        Venue:     One Friargate, Coventry
Delegates should have experience of SIMS .net
                                                        Time:      09:30 - 12:30
                                                        Date:      10 June 2021
Venue: Online                                           Price:     As per your SLA
You will need access to a computer with an internet
link and a headset or access to a phone. Full details
of how to join the session will be sent out to you
before the session.

Time:       09:30 -11:30
Date:       08 June 2021
Price:      As per your SLA

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Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Exams Organiser (2 day course) Examination Organiser —
For Exams Officers, Teachers, Senior
                                     Managing Internal Exams
Management, Administrative Staff in
Secondary Schools                                   For Exams Officers, Teachers, Senior
                                                    Management, Administrative Staff in Secondary
Course overview:

Explore all aspects of managing external        Course overview:
examinations using SIMS Examinations Organiser.
                                                Investigate how Examinations Organiser can be used
This will enable you to streamline your         to manage domestic (internal/mock) examinations
examinations                                    and explore the links to SIMS Assessment
process, saving you administration time while
ensuring your data is accurate.                     Learning outcomes:

Learning outcomes:                                  •      Creating a domestic season and series
                                                    •      Creating basedata
• Setting up the Examinations Organiser module      •      Assigning candidates and issue examination
• Entering candidates for examinations and
  recording forecast grades and coursework          •      Making entries
                                                    •      Managing clashes and seating
• Submitting data to examination boards             •      Running Reports
                                                    •      Cloning a basedata series
• Using seating organiser
                                                    •      Understanding SIMS Assessment links
• Dealing with clashes
                                                    Course pre-requisites:
Course pre-requisites:
                                                    Venue:      Pound Lane Learning Centre
Venue:     Pound Lane Learning Centre               Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Time:      09:30 - 16:00                            Date:       TBA
Date:      TBA                                      Price:      As per your SLA
Price:     As per your SLA

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Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Examination Organiser —                             Post 16 workshop
Results Analysis
                                                    For Secondary Schools with 6th forms -
                                                    Examination Officers, Timetablers and Census
For Exams Officers, Teachers, Senior                Return Officers
Management, Administrative Staff in Secondary
Schools                                             Workshop overview:

                                                    This workshop will demonstrate how Post 16
Course overview:                                    learning aims data is returned to the DfE from the
                                                    SIMS school census software cover.
Uncover all aspects of the examination results
process including importing results into the software Learning outcomes:
and analysing them to produce headline analyses
on results day.                                       •   How to enter learning aims data

Learning outcomes:                                  •      How to check your return

•      Importing results files                      •      Using QANs

•      Calculating PI information                   •      Up to date feedback on funding implications
                                                           and data errors will be included
•      Running standard reports and analyses
                                                    Course pre-requisites:
•      Exporting results to Excel®
•      Creating and using results marksheets

•      Editing results
                                                    Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
                                                    Time:       09:30 - 16:00
                                                    Date:       TBA
Course pre-requisites:                              Price:      As per your SLA

                                                    Venue:      Pound Lane Learning Centre
Venue:       Pound Lane Learning Centre             Time:       09:30 -16:00
Time:        09:30 - 16:00                          Date:       TBA
Date:        TBA                                    Price:      As per your SLA
Price:       As per your SLA

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Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

FMS Accounts Payable                                    FMS Accounts Receivable
For Administration Staff who are starters and
new users of FMS Accounts Payable                       For Administration Staff who are starters and
                                                        new users of FMS Accounts Receivable
Course overview:
                                                        Course overview:
Accounts payable covers suppliers, purchase
orders, deliveries, invoices, credit notes, producing   Accounts receivable covers debtors, invoices, credit
cheques, petty cash and reports.                        notes, receipts, pay in slips, refunds, write offs, dif-
                                                        ferent types of income, journals, bank statements
Learning outcomes:                                      and reports.

                                                        Learning outcomes:
• Be able to effectively use all areas of FMS
  accounts payable
                                                        • Be able to effectively use all areas of FMS ac-
Course pre-requisites:                                     counts receivable and non invoiced income

None                                                    Course pre-requisites:

Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry                     None
Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Date:       19 January 2021                             Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
            11 May 2021                                 Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Price:      As per your SLA                             Date:       25 February 2021
                                                                    15 June 2021
                                                        Price:      As per your SLA

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FMS Financial Year End Webinar FMS Download and Personnel
For Administration Staff who require a more
detailed knowledge of the Year End Process
                                                       For Administrators and Business Managers
Course overview:                                       responsible for running the salary download and
                                                       managing salary projections
Preparing for the year end, accounts payable,
general ledger, accounts receivable, salary            Course overview:
commitments, year end system checks, CFR               The course covers accessing contractual
reports, running preliminary close and running final   information to calculate salary commitments for
close.                                                 budget management and planning; looking at the
                                                       links between personnel and finance including
Learning outcomes:                                     updating information, linking commitments to
                                                       appropriate cost centres (Service Term Mapping),
• Be able to effectively use all areas of FMS          using salary calculator, annual awards and
  accounts receivable and non invoiced income          apportionment. It also covers running the salary
                                                       download and dealing with items in suspense.
Course pre-requisites:
                                                       Learning outcomes:

Venue: Online                                             • Be able to effectively manage the links between
You will need access to a computer with an internet         Personnel 7 and FMS
link and a headset or access to a phone. Full details
of how to join the session will be sent out to you before • Know how to deal with salary items that go into
the session.                                                suspense

Time:      10:00 - 12:00                               • Know how to maintain personnel to avoid salary
Date:      23 February 2021                              items going into suspense
Price:     As per your SLA
                                                       Course pre-requisites:

                                                       A knowledge of FMS and Personnel 7 is an

                                                       Course requirements

                                                       This course requires some knowledge of staff
                                                       details with SIMS and functionality within FMS.

                                                       Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
                                                       Time:       09:30 - 16:00
                                                       Date:       23 March 2021
                                                       Price:      As per your SLA

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Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Interventions Webinar                                   Managing Student Curriculum
For Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Senior
Management, Assessment Co-ordinator,
Administrative Staff                                    For: Teachers, Administrative Staff in
                                                        Secondary Schools
Course overview:
                                                        Course overview:
Interventions are anything that schools are doing
above and beyond the national curriculum to help        To learn how to allocate students within the school
improve outcomes for their students. SIMS               curriculum and produce curriculum analysis reports
Interventions is a system to track underperforming
students, support and resources, and track how those    and timetables.
resources affect KPIs, as well as how much the
resources cost, so that outcomes can be tracked         The course is aimed at Staff with responsibility for
against cost.                                           student class memberships and who have an
                                                        understanding of the school’s curriculum structures
During the Webinars session, we will work through       and procedures.
the following agenda

•       Welcome                                         Learning outcomes:
•       What is Interventions
•       What does it do?                                •    Allocating students to Bands and Classes
•       Where is it?
•       Setting Interventions up                        •    The export and import of student
•       Planning Interventions                               memberships
•       Running Interventions
•       Reporting Interventions                         •    Student carousel rotations
•       Demonstration                                   •    Individual student curriculum
•       Questions
                                                        •    Whole curriculum assignment
Learning outcomes:
                                                        •    Printing class lists from SIMS
• Familiarise yourself with SIMS Interventions          •    Curriculum analysis routines in SIMS
                                                        •    Allocating students an alternative curriculum
Course pre-requisites:

Venue: Online                                           Venue:     Pound Lane Learning Centre
You will need access to a computer with an internet     Time:      09:30 - 16:00
link and a headset or access to a phone. Full details   Date:      TBA
of how to join the session will be sent out to you      Price:     As per your SLA
before the session.

Time:         10:30 - 11:30am
Date:         09 October 2020

Time:         10:00 - 11:00am
Date:         28 January 2021

Price: Attendance at the webinar is free and will not
use any of your SLA included training hours. Anyone
in your school you feel may benefit from this using
this functionality can attend.

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Nova-T6 – Good Practice                                  Nova-T6 – Maintaining The
Workshop                                                 Timetable
For Teachers, Administrative Staff in Secondary For Administrative Staff in Secondary Schools
                                                         Course overview:
Course overview:
                                                         Overview of curriculum structures and how to
This is a termly half day meeting of school staff        manage changes such as teacher rotation and room
responsible for planning and constructing the            changes.
                                                   The course is for staff responsible for the day to day
The agenda contains items of news, problem–        maintaining of the timetable.
solving, good advice and good practice to help
users of NovaT6 make the best use of the software. Learning outcomes:

Learning outcomes:                                       • Understand curriculum structures

• Better knowledge of the software to maximise           • Ability to make changes to Nova-T
  user effectiveness
                                                         • Understanding export to SIMS
• Sharing of best practise
                                                         Course pre-requisites:
• Networking
Course pre-requisites:
                                                         Venue:    Pound Lane Learning Centre
None                                                     Time:     09:30 - 16:00
                                                         Date:     TBA
Venue:      Pound Lane Learning Centre                   Price:    As per your SLA
Time:       09:30 - 12:30
Date:       26 November 2020
Price:      As per your SLA

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Nova-T6 – New Users (4 Day                           Nova-T6 - Principles of
Course)                                              timetabling
For Teachers, Administrative Staff in Secondary      For Teachers, Administrative Staff in Secondary
Schools                                              Schools

Course overview:
                                                     Course overview:
Nova-T is the SIMS curriculum planning and           A largely theory based course to help staff
timetabling software for secondary schools. This 4   understand the basic principles which are
day course covers all aspects of using the Nova-T
                                                     fundamental to school timetabling.
software in order to plan the curriculum model,
allocate resources to classes and construct and      This course will look at the timetable’s year, the
schedule the timetable.                              timetable cycle and major timetable decisions. It
                                                     will also focus on implications for staffing,
Learning outcomes:                                   curriculum planning, the options process,
                                                     scheduling and finance. Also included will be a
• To be able to fully use the Nova T6 software to    focus on analysing.
  design a successful timetable

• To practice creating a timetable from scratch      Learning outcomes:
  including designing the model, creating classes,
  scheduling, allocating rooms and the transfer to   •    Stages of the timetabling process
                                                     •    Timetable quality
Course pre-requisites:

None                                                 •    Curriculum and staffing analysis

Venue:     Pound Lane Learning Centre                •    Pre-scheduling feasibility
Time:      09:30 - 16:00
Date:      23 February 2021 (Day 1)                  •    The major issues involved in timetabling
           24 February 2021 (Day 2)
           04 May 2021 (Day 3)                       •    Who to involve in the process
           05 May 2021 (Day 4)
Price:     As per your SLA
                                                     •    What further training you require

                                                     Venue:     Pound Lane Learning Centre
                                                     Time:      09:30 - 16:00
                                                     Date:      TBA
                                                     Price:     As per your SLA

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Introduction to SIMS                                   SIMS in the Classroom
For Administrative Staff                               For Administrative and Teaching Staff

Course Overview:                                       Course overview:
This remote training session is designed as an
introduction for staff who are new to SIMS. The        Help classroom staff and registration tutors to
session will cover how SIMS works as a                 understand the power of SIMS and gain a better
comprehensive management information system            understanding of the system.
(MIS) and how the effective use of the software can
support the running of a school and contribute to      Explore key functionality to assist staff in getting the
school improvement.                                    most out of SIMS.

Learning outcomes:                                     This session can be configured to suit the needs of
                                                       the school in conjunction with school requirements.
•      What SIMS is used for
•      The purpose of each SIMS module and how         Learning outcomes:
       the module interact
                                                       •     Using and configuring the Home Page
•      Which roles within school use each module
•      Commonly used terms and their meanings          •     Accessing the Attendance Register
•      A greater understanding of the data held
       within the SIMS MIS                             •     Entering marks in the Attendance Register

Course pre-requisites:                                 •     Reviewing Attendance
                                                       •     Accessing pupil and contact information
Venue: Online
You will need access to a computer with an internet
link and a headset or access to a phone. Full details     Course pre-requisites:
of how to join the session will be sent out to you before
the session.                                              None

Time:       10:00 - 12:00
Date:       17 September 2020                          Venue:      On-Site only
Price:      As per your SLA                            Time:       To be arranged with school
                                                       Date:       To be arranged with school
                                                       Price:      Hourly rate minimum of 2 hours

                                                       Enquiries to SIMSCourseBooking@coventry.gov.uk

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Personnel – New Users                                  Personnel – Reporting
For Administrative Staff                               For Administrative Staff with Personnel
                                                       experience, Schools Business Manager
Course Overview:
                                                       Course overview:
This course covers the maintenance and
                                                       Explore the production of existing reports and
management of staff personal, professional and
                                                       design of custom reports to support the analysis of
contractual data.
                                                       personnel data.

Delegates will be shown how to deal with new           Learning outcomes:
appointments and leavers, promotions and other
data adjustments with a focus on data collected by     • Use and edit existing reports
the school workforce census, as well as links to the   • Design new reports
SIMS finance module.                                   • Create letters and labels using the mail-merge
Learning outcomes:                                     • Use the analysis tool to interpret data
• Be able to effectively manage and maintain           • Management of reports
  Personnel 7
                                                       Course pre-requisites:
• Be familiar with the range of personnel related
  data which can be held in SIMS                       Delegates should have previously attended the
                                                       Reporting introduction course.
• Be able to add new and edit existing personnel
  records                                              Venue:      Pound Lane Learning Centre
                                                       Time:       09:30 -16:00
                                                       Date:       TBA
• Be able to maintain pay and contract related data    Price:      As per your SLA

• Be able to maintain personnel data to support
  statutory returns including school workforce

• Be able to effectively manage and maintain
  Personnel 7

• Know how to record training and absences for

Course pre-requisites:

Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Date:       08 October 2020
            09 March 2021
Price:      As per your SLA

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Reporting – Introduction                              Reporting – Advanced
For Administrative Staff, SLT, Schools Business       For Teachers, Administrative Staff, School
Managers                                              Business Managers

Course overview:                                      Course overview:

This course introduces you to the report designing    This course covers all aspects of creating and edit-
process within SIMS.                                  ing more complex reports.

It allows interrogation of the SIMS database to       Each stage of the reporting process is covered with
extract data and produce appropriate reports to       particular focus on report templates which will facil-
allow informed decision making and aid school         itate outputs such as mail merge and photograph
improvement.                                          reports.

Learning outcomes:                                    You should have either attended the “Reporting:
                                                      Introduction” course or have a working knowledge
• Understand how to run and edit existing reports     of SIMS reporting techniques.
• Learn how to design new reports to run in Word,     Learning outcomes:
  Excel or to be web based                            • Design your own templates to meet the needs of
                                                        your school
• Use basic filters, sequences and sub reports
                                                      • Produce reports for classes, groups and individ-
• Create analysis reports - import and export           uals
                                                      • Construct complex filters for in depth data analy-
Course pre-requisites:                                  sis

Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry                   • Create mail merge reports for letters and labels
Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Date:       12 October 2020                           • Design individual and group photo reports
            18 January 2021
            05 May 2021                               Course pre-requisites:
Price:      As per your SLA                           Delegates should have previously attended the in-
                                                      troduction to reporting course or have experience
                                                      with writing basic reports in SIMS .net

                                                      Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
                                                      Time:       09:30 - 16:00
                                                      Date:       16 March 2021
                                                                  16 June 2021
                                                      Price:      As per your SLA

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SIMS Parent Webinar                                         SIMS Pay Webinar
For Administrative Staff                                    For Administrative Staff

                                                            Course overview:
Course Overview:
                                                            SIMS Pay – This will be a demonstration of the
SIMS Parent App Lite - provides a convenient and
                                                            functionality of SIMS Pay and show how schools
accessible solution for parents to electronically
                                                            can adopt this for on-line payments from parents for
review and request changes to the data held on
                                                            items that can be bought online such as school trips,
them and their children. Schools have the ability
                                                            dinner money, uniform, school events and more. It
to send notifications to parents, reminding them to
                                                            also reduces the need for cash handling in school.
update their details, reducing manual data entry and
eliminating paper-based data collection.
                                                            SIMS Pay is not included in Core SIMS and is an
SIMS Parent App Lite is included in Core SIMS
                                                            additional cost
and there is no additional cost
                                                            Suitable For:
SIMS Parent App - allow schools to easily
communicate with parents. Whether it’s sharing
information such as attendance, or school reports,          •     Schools who are considering purchasing SIMS
or sending reminders for homework tasks. All of the               Pay and want to see an overview of
information is easily accessible from the                         functionality
convenience of their phone, tablet or PC. SIMS
Activities is included in Parent App it lets schools        •     Existing users of SIMS Pay who would like a
efficiently manage extra-curricular activities such as            refresher on functionality
school trips, homework clubs and after school
activities. It helps to improve safeguarding and
drives parental engagement.                                 Venue: Online
SIMS Parent App is not included in Core SIMS and            You will need access to a computer with an internet
is an additional cost                                       link and a headset or access to a phone. Full details
                                                            of how to join the session will be sent out to you before
Learning outcomes:                                          the session.
During this session you will receive further guidance       Time:       10:00 - 11:00
on the use of Parent App Lite to obtain Data                Date:       30 September 2020
Collection from parents electronically. This webinar                    07 January 2021
will go through the set-up and use of Parent App            Price:      As per your SLA
At the end of the session, we will go through the
additional functionality that upgrading to the Full
Parent App can give you.

Venue: Online
You will need access to a computer with an internet
link and a headset or access to a phone. Full details
of how to join the session will be sent out to you before
the session.

Time:       10:00 - 11:00
Date:       24 September 2020

Time:       14:00 - 15:00
Date:       02 March 2021

Price:      As per your SLA
                                                  18                              https://bookwhen.com/coventryict
Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Schools Census (Pupil)                                      Schools Workforce Census
Webinar                                                     Webinar
                                                            For members of staff responsible for the
For members of staff responsible for the Pupil              School Workforce Census
                                                            Course overview:
Course overview:
                                                            Delegates will gain an understanding of the
Delegates will gain an understanding of the                 procedures and the data required to perform the
procedures and the data required to perform the             statutory workforce census.
statutory pupil census.
                                                            Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
                                                            • Understand the data entry required
•   Understand the data entry required
                                                            • Be familiar with the SIMS software used for
•   Be familiar with the SIMS software used for the            the census
                                                            • Have an understanding of some common er-
•   Have an understanding of some common errors                rors and problems
    and problems
                                                            • Understand how to produce the census file
•   Understand how to produce the census file and              and submit it to the local authority or depart-
    submit it to the local authority or department for         ment for education (depending on school
    education (depending on school type)                       type)
Course pre-requisites:                                      Course pre-requisites:
None                                                        None

                                                            Venue: Online
Venue: Online                                               You will need access to a computer with an inter-
You will need access to a computer with an internet         net link and a headset or access to a phone. Full
link and a headset or access to a phone. Full details       details of how to join the session will be sent out to
of how to join the session will be sent out to you before   you before the session.
the session.
                                                            Time:       14:00 – 15:30
Time:       10:00 - 12:00                                   Date:       13 October 2020
Date:       22 September 2020                               Price:      As per your SLA
            15 December 2020
Price:      As per your SLA

                                                  19                               https://bookwhen.com/coventryict
Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

SIMS Office User                                       SIMS Office User Further Skills
For Administrative Staff                               For Administrative Staff

Course overview:                                       Course overview:
                                                       The one-day SIMS Office User course explores the
Help your school to run like clockwork by learning     main functions of pupil and contact data in SIMS.
how to enter and maintain accurate data.               This course will demonstrate useful ways of
                                                       managing your school’s data, best practice
Explore the key functionality and features in SIMS     housekeeping and extends your awareness of
to enable your school to run efficiently through its   functionality within SIMS, all with the aim of
effective use of data.                                 improving your efficiency and accuracy.
Learning outcomes:
                                                       Learning outcomes:
• Gain a basic understanding of entering and           •   Contact management
  amending pupil data in SIMS                          •   Customising correspondence
                                                       •   User defined groups
• Learn how to enter pupil related data, such as
  contacts and agencies
                                                       •   User defined fields
                                                       •   Setting up the Pupil Teacher View
• Become familiar with navigating around the           •   Managing agents and agencies
  system                                               •   Student list reports
                                                       •   Changes to data — bulk update
• Learn basic housekeeping routines
                                                       Course pre-requisites:
Course pre-requisites:
                                                       A basic knowledge of SIMS is required, and it is
None                                                   recommended that those new to SIMS attend the
                                                       SIMS Office User course in advance.
Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
Time:       09:30 - 16:00                              Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
Date:       17 November 2020                           Time:       09:30 - 16:00
            12 January 2021                            Date:       04 March 2021
            29 April 2021                              Price:      As per your SLA
Price:      As per your SLA

                                                 20                         https://bookwhen.com/coventryict
Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

SIMS SEN                                             SIMS SEN Reporting
For Special Needs Staff, Administrative Staff        For Special Needs Staff, Administrative Staff,
                                                     SEN Coordinators
Course overview:
                                                     Course overview:
Explore the functionality of SIMS SEN to enable you
to use it effectively in relation to the SEN Code of Understand how to make the most effective use of
Practice.                                            SEN information collected in SIMS.

Learning outcomes:                                   Delegates will gain a knowledge of the reporting
                                                     engine within SIMS and the different ways in which
• Managing and recording details of reviews,         information can be extracted and presented.
  events and provision
                                                     Learning outcomes:
• Managing students with statements
                                                     • Using existing pre-defined reports
• Produce SEN reports provided in SIMS
                                                     • Create a simple list report
• Edit SEN related lookup tables to provide school
                                                     • Create an analysis report

• Adding linked adults, agents and agencies          • Modify and adapt reports to meet changing needs

• Configuring the SIMS Homepage to help monitor • Create standard letters using mail merge
  SEN processes
                                                     Course pre-requisites:
Course pre-requisites:
                                                     Have a working knowledge of the SIMS SEN
None                                                 module.

Venue:     One Friargate, Coventry                   Venue:      One Friargate, Coventry
Time:      09:30 - 16:00                             Time:       09:30 - 16:00
Date:      09 November 2020                          Date:       09 December 2020
           08 February 2021                                      10 March 2021
           17 May 2021                                           14 June 2021
Price:     As per your SLA                           Price:      As per your SLA

                                               21                           https://bookwhen.com/coventryict
Raising standards in learning, teaching and school management

Coventry City Council
One Friargate, Coventry, CV1 2GN
Telephone: 024 7678 6620

                                                                  ONE FRIARGATE
                                                                     CV1 2GN

Warwickshire County Council
Pound Lane Centre, Pound Lane, Lillington, Leamington Spa, CV32 7RT
Telephone: 01926 414100
web: www.ictds.org


                          POUND LANE
                          Pound Lane,
                        Leamington Spa,
                            CV32 7RT
                        Tel: 01926 738978

                  Heemstede Lane

Publication Date: August 2020               22                https://bookwhen.com/coventryict
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