St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020

Page created by Erin Baker
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
January 2020
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020
PAGE 2        From the Pastor
                                     Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in
                                    everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
                                    let your requests be made known to God. And the peace
                                     of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
                                           your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Greetings Friends,

At Christmas, you probably opened some gifts. This month we open another one. Peace
is a gift that comes from God. It is not the absence of conflict or stress. It is trust in God’s
goodness at all times, even in the midst of conflict and stress.

Duke University did a study on "peace of mind." Factors found to contribute greatly to
emotional and mental stability are:

         1) The absence of suspicion and resentment. Nursing a grudge was a major
         factor in unhappiness.

         2) Not living in the past. An unwholesome preoccupation with old mistakes
         and failures leads to depression.

         3) Not wasting time and energy fighting conditions you cannot change.
         Cooperate with life, instead of trying to run away from it.

         4) Force yourself to stay involved with the living world. Resist the temptation
         to withdraw and become reclusive during periods of emotional stress.

         5) Refuse to indulge in self-pity when life hands you a raw deal. Accept the
         fact that nobody gets through life without some sorrow and misfortune.

         6) Cultivate the old-fashioned virtues--love, humor, compassion and loyalty.

         7) Do not expect too much of yourself. When there is too wide a gap between
         self-expectation and your ability to meet the goals you have set, feelings of in-
         adequacy are inevitable.

         8) Find something bigger than yourself to believe in. Self-centered egotistical
         people score lowest in any test for measuring happiness.

Let’s work on some of these this month, and the peace of
God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bill Hugo
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020

With grateful joy in their hearts, the 2019 Cantata Choir presented “Comfort and Joy” at both
services on Dec. 8. Thank you for attending the morning and celebrating the good news of
Jesus’ birth with us! And a huge thanks to the choirs and soloists for rehearsing for many
weeks to put this event together:
Cantata Choir: Craig Affeldt, Katie Aguado, Faustina Allen, Bruce Blase, Diane Breit,
Judie Colaianni, Phil Colaianni, Maria Davis, Cheryl Fristad, Jacqueline Hed, Jeannie Honl,
Ben Hugo, Will Hugo, Vi Keller, Lori Krueger, Kristen Landwehr, Kevin Lindee, Mack Martin,
Deb Santillo, Andrew Wagner, Michelle Wermerskirchen;
Children’s Choir: Aubree Allen, Sean Allen, Adahlia Eames, Robert Eames, Cecelia
Kikeh, Renata Kikeh, Ben Kretschman, Patty Kretschman, Parker Kyseth, Trinity Martin,
Grace Sonnenberg;
Accompanist/Keyboard Duet: Karrie Kikeh (with Charles Kikeh, page turner)
Percussion: Cheryl Fristad
Vocal Solos: Katie Aguado, Kristen Landwehr, Andrew Wagner, Renata Kikeh,
Cecelia Kikeh, Aubree Allen, Sean Allen
Choir Shepherd:
Sarai Kretschman
Kristen Landwehr,
Andrew Wagner
Saxophone Solo:
Andrew Wagner

And a special thank
you to all who
decorated the
worship center and
entry areas for the
Advent and
Christmas seasons
on Dec. 1; it is so lovely! Church undecorating will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 6:00 p.m.
Please speak with ElRoy & Jeannie Honl at 651-797-2241 if you have questions.

Choir members are reminded that there are no regular rehearsals on Wednesday,
Jan. 1. We resume the following Wednesday (Jan. 8) with Children’s Choir at 5:30 p.m. and
Adult and Youth Combined Choirs at 6:00 p.m. New members are always welcome to join us!

Finally, my family and I are grateful for your kind words,
presence, cards, and memorials at the death of my
father-in-law, Douglas Blase….yet one more time we                       To God be the glory!
have received the blessings of being a part of the
St. Matthew family!                                             Carol Blase, music coordinator
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020

 Peace        In our busy lives, peace is elusive.
                                     There are paying jobs that
                                     need to be done, groceries to
                                     buy, meals to cook, children to care for-be transporta-
                                     tion for-attend sports for-and be that homework cheer-
                                     leader. Maybe you care for a parent and have those
                                     added duties. And then we add the Christmas holidays:
                                     that extra grocery trip for the cookie ingredients, carve
                                     out time to make those cookies and treats, the extra
                                     concerts to attend, trips to squeeze in, decorating to do,
                                     gifts to buy – even if you on-line shop, you still need to
                                     carve out that time.
 Then, sigh…..we hit January, maybe have a physical ‘crash,’ and all that’s left are the extra
 bills to pay, and the more ‘normal,’ routine life schedule, maybe. Peace….Peace…..
 But let’s not confuse peace with business. You can be busy up to your eyeballs, and still
 have peace. Take that daily minute or two to talk to God. Take that hour or two on the
 weekend and worship Him, because the child in the manger came to earth with one
 purpose – so you can have eternity. No matter how busy you are, knowing that you are
 a loved, forgiven, redeemed child of God, can give you peace.

                  RISE! Readings – The next Fruit Basket Sunday (reading incentive for the
                 children) will be on January 26! Keep doing those readings with your family
                 and earn a fruit basket! (Even if you can’t attend the two holiday Sundays at
                 St. Matthew, keep doing the readings and catch up on your certificates when
                 you return.)

  SCHEDULE CHANGE!! Set 2 of our regular schedule of Wednesday
  afternoon/evening classes and activities will resume on Wednesday,
  Jan. 8 (through Feb. 19).
  The Hand in Hand class Stories may overlap with those in Sunday
  school, however they will be presented differently and will use alternate activities.

  Sunday School - December Lessons and Studies:
  In December, all SS children focused on the story of Jesus’ birth!
  Looking Ahead:
  Following the daily RISE! Bible reading themes, the Rotation SS children will study the stories
  of Jesus bringing PEACE to some scary situations (Jesus Calms the Sea and Walks on
  Water). The Sojourner class will continue reading in the Book of Matthew along with the Visual
  Bible DVD. They will cover chapters 11-14 and discuss where they find the fruit of PEACE in
  those readings. The Faith Play class continues to build relationships through simple stories
  and play for the children, discussion of the RISE! readings and support for the adults.
  Heads up for Grades 1-4 in February!! February marks our annual break out classes for
  these students. A parent or significant adult is asked to attend class with your child for the four
  Sundays in February. More details about these classes can be found in the Children’s
  Ministries Handbook mailed to families last August, and also on the St. Matthew website.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020

 Thanks for those who served in Children’s Ministries in December!
 Sundays: Teresa Anderson, Kristina Martin, Candy Nelson, Karrie
 Kikeh, Mike Alm and Makayla Feely
 ‘Before Christmas’ worship service: Sarai Kretschman, Lori Krueger
 and other volunteers
                                          Children’s Ministries Calendar:
                                           Sun., Dec. 22, SCHEDULE CHANGE – No early service.
                                                 SS (Holiday movie Sunday) remains at 9:30, 10:45 worship
                                           Sun., Dec. 29, SCHEDULE CHANGE – No early service.
                                                 SS (Holiday movie Sunday) remains at 9:30, 10:45 worship
                                           Sun., Jan. 5, regular Sunday school resumes
                                           Wed., Jan. 8, ‘Set 2’ of Wed. classes/activities begins

 Sunday School Mission Project: ‘Feed My Starving Children’
 Bring in quarters (to place into mini-M&M tubes) or purchase a tube of mini-M&M tubes to
 fill at home and bring to St. Matthew. All monies will be turned into FMSC. One tube of
 quarters feeds a meal to 63 children!
 (You may also volunteer to pack food via their website:

                                    The starter kit has arrived! Barring unforeseen circumstances,
                                                        we will be moving forward with planning for
                                                     VBS 2020 (currently set for June 28-July 2)!
                                 Watch January/February bulletin announcements and emails for
                                        information and initial volunteer sign-up opportunities from
                                                                        Group Publishers’ program,
                                                ‘Rocky Railway – Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through.’
                                  (If you would like to be involved in a volunteer position, and are
                                              not already on Brenda’s radar, please contact her at
                                   so you get all the info
                                                                                     and updates!)

               2020 Women's Bible Study - Book of Matthew starting Jan 9
                           A good way to start the New Year

"Lions, and tigers and bears, "OH MY!" from the Wizard of Oz doesn't even come close!
                   Births and angels, Magi and King,
                   Prophet, Pharisees, and Sadducee's,
                   Baptist, Baptism, Beatitudes,
                   Salt, Light, and a Ragamuffin Band of Followers,
                   Caring, Supporting, Encouraging and Prayers, "OH, MY!”

                   What an exciting year ahead for the Women's Bible Study as we study
                   Matthew, the first book of the New Testament. We'd love to share all this
                   and more with you starting on January 9.

                             THIS IS NEW!!! STARTING JANUARY 9:
            The morning lessons will continue at Columbia Grounds Coffee
The afternoon class will be held at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in the Willer Room.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020
PAGE 6                         Care Ministries
                                                                         Sarai Kretschman
                                                                      Pastoral Care Assistant
GriefShare Ministry
Our next GriefShare group will begin on January 8, 2020 and run weekly on Wednesday
evenings through April 1, 2020. Each session is self-contained, so they do not need to be
attended in order. Cost is free; pre-registration is requested by calling the church office at
763-788-9427 or emailing Sarai Kretschman, Pastoral Care Assistant, at
Please keep the facilitators and prospective participants in your prayers.
If you or someone you know would like to receive daily “A Season of Grief” emails that
provide encouragement and reminders of the recovery process, you can sign up at
                             Cancer Support Group
  This group is for those who have received a cancer diagnosis to provide hope
                        and encouragement for each other.
      We meet monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1-2:30 pm
         in the Lounge. The January meeting will be held on January 15 h.
           Please contact Sarai Kretschman, Pastoral Care Assistant,
            at 763-788-9427 or
                        with any questions or to RSVP.
BeFriender Ministry - A Listening Presence
               “Peace is Shalom – well-being of mind, heart, and body, individually and
               communally. It can exist in the midst of a war-torn world, even in the midst of
               unresolved problems and increasing human conflicts.” - Henri Nouwen
               The listening presence of a BeFriender can help bring peace to the person
               being BeFriended. If you would like to learn more about the BeFriender
               Ministry, please contact Sarai Kretschman.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from having a trained BeFriender make visits,
please contact Sarai Kretschman or another member of the BeFriender Leadership Team:
Pastor Bill Hugo, Louise Roberts, Kathy Rosenberg, and Jane Gergen.

                                                     Fiber Ministry
                The Fiber Ministry had our first meeting on December 4th. We have decided that our first
                project should be hats, mittens, and scarves that can either be placed in blessings bags or
                donated to a shelter.
                Please feel free to make some of these items at home to bring along to our next meeting
                on January 15th at 5:45 pm. We will grab a table in the corner of the Fellowship Hall to talk
                about our next steps and knit/crochet. If you would like to make and donate some hats/
                scarves/mittens but are not able to come to the meeting, you can drop items off in the
                church office for Sarai to collect.
                If you have any questions, email Andrew Wagner ( or Sarai
                Kretschman (
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020

                  Kathy Rosenberg, RN, Parish Nurse, continues to be available each week for 1:1
                  Parish Nurse Visits with you and your family, and mainly works now each
                  Tuesday from 9am to 5pm. Please call the church office if you wish to arrange
                  a Parish Nurse visit from Kathy.

Parish Nursing is a specialty practice of nursing meant to help carry out the caring and healing
ministry of the church, working in partnership with the Pastor, church staff, BeFrienders, and
resources in the community. The focus on Parish Nurse Ministry is on health promotion, wellness
and preventative care.

The role of the Parish Nurse blends our faith and our health by providing:
Personal Health Counseling: addresses health issues with members and makes 1:1 home,
hospital, senior living, nursing home, or phone visits as needed.
Referral Source/Advocacy: Uses knowledge of community services and agencies to help
people access resources and referrals.
Health Educator: Through a variety of formats, educates to promote self-care and improve the
understanding among lifestyle, personal habits, attitudes, faith, and wellness.
Coordinator of Groups and Volunteers: Recruits and coordinates volunteers to help carry out
the Health and Wellness ministries and other caring ministries of the church.
Relationship Builder between Faith and Health and Healing: In all activities, and through 1:1
Parish Nurse Visits, provides a spiritual dimension of care and fosters an understanding that even in
the presence of illness it is possible to experience a sense of healing and wholeness.

Give your loved ones a gift of “having the conversation” and
filling out your Health Care Directive: It is never too early to
plan and communicate your end of life wishes with your loved
ones, knowing there may be a time when you cannot speak for
yourself - it is a wonderful gift to give your family - to have your
end of life wishes made known ahead of a crisis and complete
your Health Care Directive.
If you are interested in learning more about this and discussing
your wishes and choices for starting or completing your health
care directive, Parish Nurse Kathy Rosenberg is a trained facili-
tator and has the resources to help you make your end of life
wishes known. She can help you understand what is needed as
you write out your Health Care Directive. Please call Kathy in the
church office or leave her a voicemail to set up a Tuesday after-
noon appointment in your home or at the church.

                      †   We have given away over 90 gas cards since January to our community
                          members in need
                      †   ‘Amen’ means “So be it! It is true!”
                      †   As a congregation in 2018, we received and gave away your contributions:
                             CALMS         $300           Camp Omega $715
                             FMSC            418          Hot Meals       715
                             Lutheran Hour 145            SACA            900
                             Trinity First   190
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020


               Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule*
Are you looking to ease into getting in shape? This 12-week walking schedule from the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute can start you on the path to better health. But
before starting this walking plan, talk with your doctor if you have serious health issues,
or if you're older than age 40 and you've been inactive recently.

Aim to walk at least five days a week. Start out warming up with a five-minute, slower
paced walk. Slow your pace to cool down during the last five minutes of your walk.

Start at a pace that's comfortable for you. Then gradually pick up speed until you're
walking briskly — generally about 3 to 4 miles an hour. You should be breathing hard,
but you should still be able to carry on a conversation. Each week, add about two
minutes to your walking time.

                  Week Warmup       Brisk walking      Cool-down
                     1     5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
                     2     5 minutes 7 minutes 5 minutes
                     3     5 minutes 9 minutes 5 minutes
                     4     5 minutes 11 minutes 5 minutes
                     5     5 minutes 13 minutes 5 minutes
                     6     5 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes
                     7     5 minutes 18 minutes 5 minutes
                     8     5 minutes 20 minutes 5 minutes
                     9     5 minutes 23 minutes 5 minutes
                     10    5 minutes 26 minutes 5 minutes
                     11    5 minutes 28 minutes 5 minutes
                     12    5 minutes 30 minutes 5 minutes
                 Based on National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

In addition to walking, add strength training exercises — such as pushups, planks and
squats — to your routine. For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human
Services recommends these exercise guidelines:

Aerobic activity: Get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or
75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, or an equal combination of moderate
and vigorous activity. The guidelines suggest that you spread out this exercise during
the course of a week. Even small amounts of physical activity are helpful, and
accumulated activity throughout the day adds up to provide health benefits.

Strength training: Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at
least two times a week. Aim to do a single set of each exercise, using a weight or
resistance level heavy enough to tire your muscles after about 12 to 15 repetitions.
                                                                 By Mayo Clinic Staff, Feb 15, 2019

         GROUP – CONTACT KATHY YOUR PARISH NURSE at 612-296-1812*
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020

Plans are formulating for a Diabetic Educator to provide a dynamic, educational session on
understanding diabetes, prevention, management and healthy eating, sometime early 2020.
If you have an interest to attend, please contact Kathy and the time and date will be arranged
to accommodate those who wish to attend.
If you’d like to be assessed for whether or not you have pre-diabetes and are at risk for
developing diabetes, there is a simple 5 minute questionnaire screen Kathy can do with you
over the phone or in person. Contact Kathy if interested in setting up a
Tuesday appointment
to discuss.
In January we study the fruit of PEACE. On January 12th, a healthy treat
alternative will be offered during coffee hour – You can look for:
Peace is equivalent to a cherry, because it is a proven fact that cherries
help calm your nervous system. They are rich in two important flavonoids that act as antioxi-
dants and work to eliminate byproducts of oxidative stress. They supposedly also help you
sleep, and sleep is just about the most peaceful activity there is. Enjoy the bowl of cherries and
feel the peace - compliments of the Health and Wellness/Parish Nurse Ministry.
     (If you’d like to assist in shopping for the specified treat each month, serving it in the
     fellowship hall between 9 to 10:30, or if you want to get involved in more health and
             wellness activities, education, and health promotion, let Kathy know!)

Will be taking a deep breath and pausing for now ……(due to low attendance)
Yogadevotion is the practice based on breath, prayer and movement led by trained yoga
instructors. Yogadevotion helps to encourage healthy living and a peaceful presence.
Classes are typically held in 5-8 week sessions, $9 per session, and usually held here on
Thursday evenings for one hour 6:30-7:30. All levels of skill and experience welcome!
Call Kathy if you have questions about community yogadevotion classes at other nearby
locations; or if interested in a DAYTIME CHAIR YOGADEVOTION CLASS in 2020!

GOLDEN AGERS: Support for all St. Matthew Seniors
All SENIORS - ages 55 to 105! - you are all strongly encouraged to join together four times a
year in the months of: October, January, April, July for a 12 noon meal, devotion, special
program, fellowship, and fun, led by Parish Nurse Kathy Rosenberg. We encourage you to
bring a friend along if you wish!
Our next gathering is Tuesday January 14th at 12 Noon in the Fellowship Hall. A pizza and
salad lunch will be provided and we will have some intergenerational fun with the children and
staff from DCLC - but let us know you are coming so we can have enough food for all!
For any questions contact Kathy at church or Kathy’s VM at 763-788-9427. If you would like a
1:1 Parish Nurse visit on the months we are not gathering, please contact Kathy.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church January 2020

Youth will be serving at SACA Food Shelf sorting
food donations on Wednesday Jan. 22nd 6-7:30pm.

                     Our upcoming Chili Bowl
                     Fundraiser for the Youth
                     Works Mission Trip to Leech
                     Lake will be Sunday Feb. 2nd. Many varieties of chili will be available
                     for you Sunday morning between services for you to purchase to take
                     home to have during the big game!

                                     SPRING MUSICAL AUDITIONS!
                                      Auditions for our 2020 spring musical, “42nd Street”, will be
                                                       Sunday, Jan. 12 – noon
                                                      Wednesday, Jan. 15 – 7 pm
                                                       Sunday, Jan. 19 – noon
                                     First read through/rehearsals weekend is Jan. 24 & 26th.
                                     Production dates are April 23-26 and April 30-May 3, 2020.

 Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your contributions of time, food dona-
 tions, and monetary donations for the 24th Annual Stuffed With The Spirit Community
 Thanksgiving dinner. We served 758 meals this year, our largest year to date. Everyone
 that entered our space or had a meal delivered was blessed, thanks to you! We can't do
 this without you. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
 ~ Turkey Task Force (Mary, Mike, Dan, Molly, Sarah and Sue)

   SPLASH! Christmas Party

 The Sunday school children and their families presented the
message of the Savior’s birth via “Before Christmas,” on Sun-
day, Dec. 15th. Here are some pictures from their presentation.

    The most current St. Matthew
   news and calendar are online at

                                                                                  Church Staff

                                                                                 Bill Hugo, Pastor

                                                                         Carol Blase, Music Coordinator

                                                                  Brenda Hugo, Director of Children’s Ministries

                                                                   Sarai Kretschman, Pastoral Care Assistant

                                                                         Kathy Rosenberg, Parish Nurse
         Discipleship Vision Board   Discipleship Vision Board
         Mike Alm                    Brian Maxwell (President)      Faustina Allen, Director of Teen Ministry
         Teresa Anderson
                                     Lisa Neaderhiser                    Ruth Petersen, Office Manager
         Brad Cornelius
                                     Jason Zemke                          Julie Sventek, DCLC Director
         Karrie Kikeh
                                     Pastor Bill Hugo
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